def calibrate_ar (rgb1, depth1, rgb2, depth2):
    Create points for the AR transform and then find a transform such that
    Tfm * cam1 = cam2 
    ar_pos1 = get_ar_marker_poses (rgb1, depth1)
    ar_pos2 = get_ar_marker_poses (rgb2, depth2)
    points1 = conver_hmat_to_points(ar_pos1)
    points2 = conver_hmat_to_points(ar_pos2)
    return find_rigid_tfm(points1, points2)
def calibrate_click (rgb1, depth1, rgb2, depth2):
    Uses points clicked for each cam and then return a transform such that
    Tfm * cam1 = cam2.
    TODO: Maybe use red color or something to tack clicked point onto?
    points1 = get_click_points(rgb1, depth1)
    points2 = get_click_points(rgb2, depth2)
    return find_rigid_tfm(points1, points2)