Esempio n. 1
def _getnative():
    args = parser.parse_args()

    if args.use:
        source_filter = get_attr(core, args.use)
        if not source_filter:
            raise GetnativeException(f"{args.use} is not available.")
        print(f"Using {args.use} as source filter")
        source_filter = get_source_filter(core, imwri, args)

    src = source_filter(args.input_file)

    mode = [None]  # default
    if args.mode == "bilinear":
        mode = [common_scaler["bilinear"][0]]
    elif args.mode == "bicubic":
        mode = [scaler for scaler in common_scaler["bicubic"]]
    elif args.mode == "bl-bc":
        mode = [scaler for scaler in common_scaler["bicubic"]]
    elif args.mode == "all":
        mode = [s for scaler in common_scaler.values() for s in scaler]

    for i, scaler in enumerate(mode):
        if scaler is not None and scaler.plugin is None:
            print(f"Warning: No correct descale version found for {scaler}, continuing with next scaler when available.")
        getnative(args, src, scaler, first_time=True if i == 0 else False)
Esempio n. 2
 def check_input(self):
     if self.descaler is None and self.kernel == "spline64":
         raise GetnativeException(f'descale: spline64 support is missing, update descale (>r3).')
     elif self.descaler is None:
         raise GetnativeException(f'descale: {self.kernel} is not a supported kernel.')
Esempio n. 3
def getnative(args: Union[List, argparse.Namespace], src: vapoursynth.VideoNode, scaler: Union[_DefineScaler, None],
              first_time: bool = True) -> Tuple[List, pyplot.plot]:
    Process your VideoNode with the getnative algorithm and return the result and a plot object

    :param args: List of all arguments for argparse or Namespace object from argparse
    :param src: VideoNode from vapoursynth
    :param scaler: DefineScaler object or None
    :param first_time: prevents posting warnings multiple times
    :return: best resolutions list and plot matplotlib.pyplot
    if type(args) == list:
        args = parser.parse_args(args)

    output_dir = Path(args.dir).resolve()
    if not os.access(output_dir, os.W_OK):
        raise PermissionError(f"Missing write permissions: {output_dir}")
    output_dir = output_dir.joinpath("results")

    if (args.img or args.mask_out) and imwri is None:
        raise GetnativeException("imwri not found.")

    if scaler is None:
        scaler = _DefineScaler(args.kernel, b=args.b, c=args.c, taps=args.taps)
        scaler = scaler

    if scaler.plugin is None:
        if "toggaf.asi.xe" in core.get_plugins():
            print("Error: descale_getnative support ended, pls use")
        raise GetnativeException('No descale found!')

    if args.steps != 1 and first_time:
            "Warning for -steps/--stepping: "
            "If you are not completely sure what this parameter does, use the default step size.\n"

    if args.frame is None:
        args.frame = src.num_frames // 3
    elif args.frame < 0:
        args.frame = src.num_frames // -args.frame
    elif args.frame > src.num_frames - 1:
        raise GetnativeException(f"Last frame is {src.num_frames - 1}, but you want {args.frame}")

    if == 0: = src.width / src.height

    if args.min_h >= src.height:
        raise GetnativeException(f"Input image {src.height} is smaller min_h {args.min_h}")
    elif args.min_h >= args.max_h:
        raise GetnativeException(f"min_h {args.min_h} > max_h {args.max_h}? Not processable")
    elif args.max_h > src.height:
        print(f"The image height is {src.height}, going higher is stupid! New max_h {src.height}")
        args.max_h = src.height

    getn = GetNative(src, scaler,, args.min_h, args.max_h, args.frame, args.mask_out, args.plot_scaling,
                     args.plot_format, args.show_plot, args.no_save, args.steps, output_dir)
        loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
        best_value, plot, resolutions = loop.run_until_complete(
    except ValueError as err:
        raise GetnativeException(f"Error in getnative: {err}")

        f"\n{scaler} AR: {} Steps: {args.steps}\n"

    return resolutions, plot
Esempio n. 4
 def check_input(self):
     if self.descaler is None:
         raise GetnativeException(
             f'descale: {self.kernel} is not a supported kernel.')