Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, mongrel2_pair=None, handler_tuples=None, pool=None,
                 no_handler=None, base_handler=None, template_loader=None,
                 log_level=logging.INFO, login_url=None, db_conn=None,
                 *args, **kwargs):
        """Brubeck is a class for managing connections to Mongrel2 servers
        while providing an asynchronous system for managing message handling.

        mongrel2_pair should be a 2-tuple consisting of the pull socket address
        and the pub socket address for communicating with Mongrel2. Brubeck
        creates and manages a Mongrel2Connection instance from there.

        handler_tuples is a list of two-tuples. The first item is a regex
        for matching the URL requested. The second is the class instantiated
        to handle the message.
        # All output is sent via logging
        # (while i figure out how to do a good abstraction via zmq)

        # Log whether we're using eventlet or gevent.'Using coroutine library: %s' % CORO_LIBRARY)

        # A Mongrel2Connection is currently just a way to manage
        # the sockets we need to open with a Mongrel2 instance and
        # identify this particular Brubeck instance as the sender
        if mongrel2_pair is not None:
            (pull_addr, pub_addr) = mongrel2_pair
            self.m2conn = Mongrel2Connection(pull_addr, pub_addr)
            raise ValueError('No mongrel2 connection possible.')

        # Class based route lists should be handled this way.
        # It is also possible to use `add_route`, a decorator provided by a
        # brubeck instance, that can extend routing tables.
        self.handler_tuples = handler_tuples
        if self.handler_tuples is not None:

        # We can accept an existing pool or initialize a new pool
        if pool is None:
            self.pool = coro_pool()
        elif callable(pool):
            self.pool = pool()
            raise ValueError('Unable to initialize coroutine pool')

        # Set a base_handler for handling errors (eg. 404 handler)
        self.base_handler = base_handler
        if self.base_handler is None:
            self.base_handler = WebMessageHandler

        # A database connection is optional. The var name is now in place
        self.db_conn = db_conn

        # Login url is optional
        self.login_url = login_url

        # This must be set to use secure cookies
        self.cookie_secret = cookie_secret

        # Any template engine can be used. Brubeck just needs a function that
        # loads the environment without arguments.
        if callable(template_loader):
            loaded_env = template_loader()
            if loaded_env:
                self.template_env = loaded_env
                raise ValueError('template_env failed to load.')
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self, msg_conn=None, handler_tuples=None, pool=None,
                 no_handler=None, base_handler=None, template_loader=None,
                 log_level=logging.INFO, login_url=None, db_conn=None,
                 cookie_secret=None, api_base_url=None,
                 *args, **kwargs):
        """Brubeck is a class for managing connections to webservers. It
        supports Mongrel2 and WSGI while providing an asynchronous system for
        managing message handling.

        `msg_conn` should be a `connections.Connection` instance.

        `handler_tuples` is a list of two-tuples. The first item is a regex
        for matching the URL requested. The second is the class instantiated
        to handle the message.

        `pool` can be an existing coroutine pool, but one will be generated if
        one isn't provided.

        `base_handler` is a class that Brubeck can rely on for implementing
        error handling functions.

        `template_loader` is a function that builds the template loading

        `log_level` is a log level mapping to Python's `logging` module's

        `login_url` is the default URL for a login screen.

        `db_conn` is a database connection to be shared in this process

        `cookie_secret` is a string to use for signing secure cookies.
        # All output is sent via logging
        # (while i figure out how to do a good abstraction via zmq)

        # Log whether we're using eventlet or gevent.'Using coroutine library: %s' % CORO_LIBRARY)

        # Attach the web server connection
        if msg_conn is not None:
            self.msg_conn = msg_conn
            raise ValueError('No web server connection provided.')

        # Class based route lists should be handled this way.
        # It is also possible to use `add_route`, a decorator provided by a
        # brubeck instance, that can extend routing tables.
        self.handler_tuples = handler_tuples
        if self.handler_tuples is not None:

        # We can accept an existing pool or initialize a new pool
        if pool is None:
            self.pool = coro_pool()
        elif callable(pool):
            self.pool = pool()
            raise ValueError('Unable to initialize coroutine pool')

        # Set a base_handler for handling errors (eg. 404 handler)
        self.base_handler = base_handler
        if self.base_handler is None:
            self.base_handler = WebMessageHandler

        # A database connection is optional. The var name is now in place
        self.db_conn = db_conn

        # Login url is optional
        self.login_url = login_url

        # API base url is optional
        if api_base_url is None:
            self.api_base_url = '/'
            self.api_base_url = api_base_url

        # This must be set to use secure cookies
        self.cookie_secret = cookie_secret

        # Any template engine can be used. Brubeck just needs a function that
        # loads the environment without arguments.
        # It then creates a function that renders templates with the given
        # environment and attaches it to self.
        if callable(template_loader):
            loaded_env = template_loader()
            if loaded_env:
                self.template_env = loaded_env

                # Create template rendering function
                def render_template(template_file, **context):
                    """Renders template using provided template environment.
                    if hasattr(self, 'template_env'):
                        t_env = self.template_env
                        template = t_env.get_template(template_file)
                        body = template.render(**context or {})
                    return body

                # Attach it to brubeck app (self)
                setattr(self, 'render_template', render_template)
                raise ValueError('template_env failed to load.')
Esempio n. 3
    def __init__(self, msg_conn=None, handler_tuples=None, pool=None,
                 no_handler=None, base_handler=None, template_loader=None,
                 log_level=logging.INFO, login_url=None, db_conn=None,
                 cookie_secret=None, api_base_url=None,
                 *args, **kwargs):
        """Brubeck is a class for managing connections to webservers. It
        supports Mongrel2 and WSGI while providing an asynchronous system for
        managing message handling.

        `msg_conn` should be a `connections.Connection` instance.

        `handler_tuples` is a list of two-tuples. The first item is a regex
        for matching the URL requested. The second is the class instantiated
        to handle the message.

        `pool` can be an existing coroutine pool, but one will be generated if
        one isn't provided.

        `base_handler` is a class that Brubeck can rely on for implementing
        error handling functions.

        `template_loader` is a function that builds the template loading

        `log_level` is a log level mapping to Python's `logging` module's

        `login_url` is the default URL for a login screen.

        `db_conn` is a database connection to be shared in this process

        `cookie_secret` is a string to use for signing secure cookies.
        # All output is sent via logging
        # (while i figure out how to do a good abstraction via zmq)

        # Log whether we're using eventlet or gevent.'Using coroutine library: %s' % CORO_LIBRARY)

        # Attach the web server connection
        if msg_conn is not None:
            self.msg_conn = msg_conn
            raise ValueError('No web server connection provided.')

        # Class based route lists should be handled this way.
        # It is also possible to use `add_route`, a decorator provided by a
        # brubeck instance, that can extend routing tables.
        self.handler_tuples = handler_tuples
        if self.handler_tuples is not None:

        # We can accept an existing pool or initialize a new pool
        if pool is None:
            self.pool = coro_pool()
        elif callable(pool):
            self.pool = pool()
            raise ValueError('Unable to initialize coroutine pool')

        # Set a base_handler for handling errors (eg. 404 handler)
        self.base_handler = base_handler
        if self.base_handler is None:
            self.base_handler = WebMessageHandler

        # A database connection is optional. The var name is now in place
        self.db_conn = db_conn

        # Login url is optional
        self.login_url = login_url

        # API base url is optional
        if api_base_url is None:
            self.api_base_url = '/'
            self.api_base_url = api_base_url

        # This must be set to use secure cookies
        self.cookie_secret = cookie_secret

        # Any template engine can be used. Brubeck just needs a function that
        # loads the environment without arguments.
        # It then creates a function that renders templates with the given
        # environment and attaches it to self.
        if callable(template_loader):
            loaded_env = template_loader()
            if loaded_env:
                self.template_env = loaded_env

                # Create template rendering function
                def render_template(template_file, **context):
                    """Renders template using provided template environment.
                    if hasattr(self, 'template_env'):
                        t_env = self.template_env
                        template = t_env.get_template(template_file)
                        body = template.render(**context or {})
                    return body

                # Attach it to brubeck app (self)
                setattr(self, 'render_template', render_template)
                raise ValueError('template_env failed to load.')
Esempio n. 4
    def __init__(self,
        """Brubeck is a class for managing connections to Mongrel2 servers
        while providing an asynchronous system for managing message handling.

        mongrel2_pair should be a 2-tuple consisting of the pull socket address
        and the pub socket address for communicating with Mongrel2. Brubeck
        creates and manages a Mongrel2Connection instance from there.

        handler_tuples is a list of two-tuples. The first item is a regex
        for matching the URL requested. The second is the class instantiated
        to handle the message.
        # All output is sent via logging
        # (while i figure out how to do a good abstraction via zmq)

        # Log whether we're using eventlet or gevent.'Using coroutine library: %s' % CORO_LIBRARY)

        # A Mongrel2Connection is currently just a way to manage
        # the sockets we need to open with a Mongrel2 instance and
        # identify this particular Brubeck instance as the sender
        if mongrel2_pair is not None:
            (pull_addr, pub_addr) = mongrel2_pair
            self.m2conn = Mongrel2Connection(pull_addr, pub_addr)
            raise ValueError('No mongrel2 connection possible.')

        # Class based route lists should be handled this way.
        # It is also possible to use `add_route`, a decorator provided by a
        # brubeck instance, that can extend routing tables.
        self.handler_tuples = handler_tuples
        if self.handler_tuples is not None:

        # We can accept an existing pool or initialize a new pool
        if pool is None:
            self.pool = coro_pool()
        elif callable(pool):
            self.pool = pool()
            raise ValueError('Unable to initialize coroutine pool')

        # Set a base_handler for handling errors (eg. 404 handler)
        self.base_handler = base_handler
        if self.base_handler is None:
            self.base_handler = WebMessageHandler

        # A database connection is optional. The var name is now in place
        self.db_conn = db_conn

        # Login url is optional
        self.login_url = login_url

        # This must be set to use secure cookies
        self.cookie_secret = cookie_secret

        # Any template engine can be used. Brubeck just needs a function that
        # loads the environment without arguments.
        if callable(template_loader):
            loaded_env = template_loader()
            if loaded_env:
                self.template_env = loaded_env
                raise ValueError('template_env failed to load.')