Esempio n. 1
def get_program_stations_by_geoindex(program, longitude, latitude, max_count=0,
    """Returns stations for the given program. Uses a max count or max distance to
    search from the given location.
    stations = mongo_dao.get_program_stations_by_geoindex(program, longitude, latitude,
                                                          max_count, max_distance)
    return stations
Esempio n. 2
def get_random_program_stations(program, max_count=150, min_count=0,
                                random_count=False, max_distance=None):
    """Generates a random coordinate and uses this coordinate to create a random
    set of stations that are near that coordinate. Options include:
    change max_count (default 150), use random_count=True and specify a max_count
    and min_count to get a random number of stations between the two values, and
    specify a max search distance.
    coordinate = utils.get_random_coordinate()
    longitude = coordinate["longitude"]
    latitude = coordinate["latitude"]
    if random_count:
        max_count = utils.get_random_integer(min_count, max_count)
    stations = mongo_dao.get_program_stations_by_geoindex(program, longitude, latitude,
                                                          max_count, max_distance)
    stations = utils.sort_dictionary_list_on_key(stations, 'id')
    return stations