Esempio n. 1
def newModel(states, randomize = True, startAtFirstState = False, \
            feedForward = True):
    """newModel(states, obs, sigma)
    Make a new random model.
    pi = [1.0 / states] * states

    if startAtFirstState:
        pi = [0] * states
        pi[0] = 1

    aMat = numpy.zeros((states, states), float)
    bMat = numpy.zeros((states, 2), float)

    if randomize:
        for i in range(states):
            for j in range(states):
                aMat[i][j] = random.random()
                if feedForward and (j != i + 1):
                    aMat[i][j] = 0
                if feedForward and (j == i + 1):
                    aMat[i][j] = 1

            for j in range(2):
                bMat[i][j] = random.random()

    aMat += 0.01
    bMat += 0.01

    m = ghmm.HMMFromMatrices(ghmm.Float(), \
                                ghmm.GaussianDistribution(ghmm.Float()), \
                                aMat, bMat, pi)
    return m
Esempio n. 2
def _includeOutliers(models, trainData, outliers):

    means = []
    stds = []

    for i in range(len(models)):

        mean = 0
        variance = 0

        #Calculate model mean
        for tmp in trainData[i]:
            eSeq = ghmm.EmissionSequence(ghmm.Float(), tmp)
            a = abs(models[i].loglikelihood(eSeq))
            #print a
            mean += a

        mean /= (len(trainData[i]) * 1.0)


        #Calculate the model variance
        for tmp in trainData[i]:
            eSeq = ghmm.EmissionSequence(ghmm.Float(), tmp)
            v = abs(models[i].loglikelihood(eSeq))
            variance += (mean - v)**2

        variance /= (len(trainData[i]) * 1.0)
        std = variance**0.5


    #For each data element in outliers, check for the model that it most
    #fits.  If the outlier fits the model within one standard deviation
    #include it back into the data.
    for tmp in outliers:
        eSeq = ghmm.EmissionSequence(ghmm.Float(), tmp)
        best = -1
        bestModel = -1
        for j in range(len(models)):
            val = abs(models[j].loglikelihood(eSeq))

            if val < best or best == -1:
                best = val
                bestModel = j

        #Determine if the best fit is "good" enough.
        #If it is, add the outlier back into the model
        if (best - means[bestModel]) < 1 * (stds[bestModel]):

    return trainData, outliers
Esempio n. 3
    def forecast(self, data, future = 1):
        """Forecast for a model the probability of each observation.

        equation is:
        p(o_t+1) = sum_j(p(o_t+1|s_t+1^j)p(s_t+1^j)
        p(s_t+1^j) is found through forward algorithm
        state = self.model.asMatrices()[0]
        observe = self.model.asMatrices()[1]
        ps1 = [0.0] * len(state[0])
        po1 = [0.0] * len(observe[0])

        tmp = ghmm.EmissionSequence(ghmm.Float(), data)

        ps = self.model.forward(tmp)[0][-1]

        for j in range(len(ps1)):
            for i in range(len(ps)):
                ps1[j] += state[i][j] * ps[i]

        for k in range(len(po1)):
            for j in range(len(ps1)):
                po1[k] += observe[j][k]*ps1[j]

        return po1[0]
Esempio n. 4
    def __init__(self, preprocess_args, metric, graph_structure_type, A, B, pi,
                 win_len, thresh, min_peak_dist):
            graph_structure_type: "predefined", "fully", "left_to_right"
            A: initial hidden states graph
            B: initial hidden states distribution
            pi: initial hidden states probabilities
            win_len: windows lengths of the sliding window offline
            thresh: in the peak detection, detect peaks that are greater than
            min_peak_dist: in the peak detection, detect peaks that are at
                           least separated by minimum peak distance


        self.preprocess_args = preprocess_args
        self.metric = metric

        self.graph_structure_type = graph_structure_type
        self.A = A
        self.B = B
        self.pi = pi
        self.win_len = win_len
        self.thresh = thresh
        self.min_peak_dist = min_peak_dist

        self.emission_domain = ghmm.Float()
        self.emission_distr = ghmm.GaussianDistribution(self.emission_domain)
    def __init__(self, nState, nEmissionDim=1, check_method='progress', anomaly_offset=0.0, \
                 cluster_type='time', verbose=False): = None

        ## Tunable parameters
        self.nState = nState  # the number of hidden states
        self.nGaussian = nState
        self.nEmissionDim = nEmissionDim
        self.verbose = verbose

        ## Un-tunable parameters
        self.trans_type = 'left_right'  # 'left_right' 'full'
        self.A = None  # transition matrix
        self.B = None  # emission matrix
        self.pi = None  # Initial probabilities per state
        self.check_method = check_method  # ['global', 'progress']
        self.cluster_type = cluster_type

        self.l_statePosterior = None
        self.ll_mu = None
        self.ll_std = None
        self.l_mean_delta = None
        self.l_std_delta = None
        self.l_mu = None
        self.l_std = None
        self.std_coff = None

        self.anomaly_offset = anomaly_offset

        # emission domain of this model
        self.F = ghmm.Float()
 def __init__(self, Fmat_train, Fmat_test, categories, train_per_category, test_per_category):
     self.F = ghmm.Float() # emission domain of HMM model
     self.Fmat_train = Fmat_train
     self.Fmat_test = Fmat_test
     self.categories = categories
     self.train_trials_per_category = train_per_category
     self.test_trials_per_category  = test_per_category
Esempio n. 7
    def __init__(self,
                 check_method='progress'): = None

        ## Tunable parameters
        self.nState = nState  # the number of hidden states
        self.nGaussian = nState
        self.nFutureStep = nFutureStep
        self.nCurrentStep = nCurrentStep
        self.nEmissionDim = nEmissionDim

        ## Un-tunable parameters
        self.trans_type = 'left_right'  # 'left_right' 'full'
        self.A = None  # transition matrix
        self.B = None  # emission matrix
        self.pi = None  # Initial probabilities per state
        self.check_method = check_method  # ['global', 'progress']

        self.l_statePosterior = None
        self.ll_mu = None
        self.ll_std = None
        self.l_mean_delta = None
        self.l_std_delta = None
        self.l_mu = None
        self.l_std = None
        self.std_coff = None

        # emission domain of this model
        self.F = ghmm.Float()

        print 'HMM initialized for', self.check_method
Esempio n. 8
    def __init__(self, aXData, nState, nMaxStep, nFutureStep=5, nCurrentStep=10, step_size_list=None, trans_type="left_right"):

        learning_base.__init__(self, aXData, trans_type)
        ## Tunable parameters                
        self.nState= nState # the number of hidden states
        self.nFutureStep = nFutureStep
        self.nCurrentStep = nCurrentStep
        self.step_size_list = step_size_list
        ## Un-tunable parameters
        ## self.trans_type = trans_type #"left_right" #"full"
        self.nMaxStep = nMaxStep  # the length of profile
        self.obsrv_range = [np.min(aXData), np.max(aXData)]
        self.A = None # transition matrix        
        self.B = None # emission matrix        
        # emission domain of this model        
        self.F = ghmm.Float()  
        # Assign local functions
        learning_base.__dict__['fit'] =        
        learning_base.__dict__['predict'] = self.predict
        learning_base.__dict__['score'] = self.score                
Esempio n. 9
def get_hidden_markov_model(mixture_model, guess_t_matrix):
    """Get an (unoptomized) hidden markov model from the mixture model and
    a guess at the transition matrix.

    The guess transition matrix is typically created by summing over the
    outer product of time-pairs of membership vectors.

    # Emission  probabilities for HMM, using their very silly
    # matrix arrangement
    emissions = [[mixture_model.means_[j], mixture_model.covars_[j].flatten()]
                 for j in xrange(mixture_model.n_components)]

    # Initial transition matrix
    if isinstance(guess_t_matrix, scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix):
        guess_t_matrix = guess_t_matrix.todense()
        guess_t_matrix = guess_t_matrix.tolist()

    # Initial occupancy
    # Todo: figure out if initial occupancy matters
    initial_occupancy = ([1.0 / mixture_model.n_components] *

    # Set up distribution
    g_float = ghmm.Float()
    g_distribution = ghmm.MultivariateGaussianDistribution(g_float)

    # Put it all together
    model = ghmm.HMMFromMatrices(g_float, g_distribution, guess_t_matrix,
                                 emissions, initial_occupancy)
    return model
Esempio n. 10
def _sequence_from_matrix(m):
    # Conversion happens as follows: data is a n x m matrix, where n is the number of
    # samples and m is the number of features per sample. Multivariate data in ghmm is
    # represented as a single list, where the samples are unrolled. Hence the resulting
    # data has the following structure: [x_11, x_12, x_13, x21, x22, x23, ...] where m = 3.
    # Source:
    unrolled = m.ravel().tolist()
    seq = impl.EmissionSequence(impl.Float(), unrolled)
    return seq
Esempio n. 11
    def test_ghmm(self):
        # this is being extended to also support mixtures of multivariate gaussians
        # Interpretation of B matrix for the multivariate gaussian case
        # (Example with three states and two mixture components with two dimensions):
        #  B = [
        #       [["mu111","mu112"],["sig1111","sig1112","sig1121","sig1122"],
        #        ["mu121","mu122"],["sig1211","sig1212","sig1221","sig1222"],
        #        ["w11","w12"] ],
        #       [["mu211","mu212"],["sig2111","sig2112","sig2121","sig2122"],
        #        ["mu221","mu222"],["sig2211","sig2212","sig2221","sig2222"],
        #        ["w21","w22"] ],
        #       [["mu311","mu312"],["sig3111","sig3112","sig3121","sig3122"],
        #        ["mu321","mu322"],["sig3211","sig3212","sig3221","sig3222"],
        #        ["w31","w32"] ],
        #      ]
        # ["mu311","mu312"] is the mean vector of the two dimensional
        # gaussian in state 3, mixture component 1
        # ["sig1211","sig1212","sig1221","sig1222"] is the covariance
        # matrix of the two dimensional gaussian in state 1, mixture component 2
        # ["w21","w22"] are the weights of the mixture components
        # in state 2
        # For states with only one mixture component, a implicit weight
        # of 1.0 is assumed

        import ghmm
        F = ghmm.Float()

        Abig = [[0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 0.0]]
        Bbig = [[[1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
                 [0.9, 0.4, 0.2, 0.4, 2.2, 0.5, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0]],
                [[10.0, 10.0, 10.0],
                 [1.0, 0.2, 0.8, 0.2, 2.0, 0.6, 0.8, 0.6, 0.9]]]
        piBig = [0.5, 0.5]
        modelBig = ghmm.HMMFromMatrices(
            F, ghmm.MultivariateGaussianDistribution(F), Abig, Bbig, piBig)
        modelBig.sample(10, 100, seed=3586662)

        e = modelBig.sampleSingle(1)
        print[x for x in e]

        # get log P(seq | model)
        logp = model.loglikelihood(seq)
        print logp

        # cacluate viterbi path
        path = model.viterbi(seq)
        print path

        # train model parameters
        model.baumWelch(seq_set, 500, 0.0001)
Esempio n. 12
def _removeOutliers(models, trainData, outliers):
    needTrain = False

    for i in range(len(models)):

        mean = 0
        variance = 0

        #Calculate model mean
        for tmp in trainData[i]:
            eSeq = ghmm.EmissionSequence(ghmm.Float(), tmp)
            a = abs(models[i].loglikelihood(eSeq))
            mean += a

            mean /= (len(trainData[i]) * 1.0)

        #Calculate the model variance
        for tmp in trainData[i]:
            eSeq = ghmm.EmissionSequence(ghmm.Float(), tmp)
            v = abs(models[i].loglikelihood(eSeq))
            variance += (mean - v)**2

        variance /= (len(trainData[i]) * 1.0)
        std = variance**0.5

        for tmp in trainData[i]:
            eSeq = ghmm.EmissionSequence(ghmm.Float(), tmp)
            v = abs(models[i].loglikelihood(eSeq))
            if (v - mean) > (2 * std):
                needTrain = True

    if needTrain:
        models = _trainModels(trainData, models)
    def finalize(self):
        cmodel = self.HMM.finalize()

        if (self.modeltype & ghmmwrapper.kContinuousHMM):
            return ghmm.ContinuousMixtureHMM(
                ghmm.Float(), ghmm.ContinuousMixtureDistribution(ghmm.Float()),

        elif ((self.modeltype & ghmmwrapper.kDiscreteHMM)
              and not (self.modeltype & ghmmwrapper.kTransitionClasses)
              and not (self.modeltype & ghmmwrapper.kPairHMM)):
            emission_domain = ghmm.Alphabet([], cmodel.alphabet)
            if (self.modeltype & ghmmwrapper.kLabeledStates):
                labelDomain = ghmm.LabelDomain([], cmodel.label_alphabet)
                return ghmm.StateLabelHMM(
                    ghmm.DiscreteDistribution(emission_domain), labelDomain,

                return ghmm.DiscreteEmissionHMM(
                    ghmm.DiscreteDistribution(emission_domain), cmodel)
Esempio n. 14
def _trainModels(tdata, models):
    """Train models using every data element designated from the _assign
    Note: this function is independent from the type of data split used.
    for i in range(len(models)):

        #Create a sequence set used for training from the multiple observations
        seqSet = ghmm.SequenceSet(ghmm.Float(), [])
        for tmpData in tdata[i]:
            seqSet.merge(ghmm.EmissionSequence(ghmm.Float(), tmpData))

        #Make average sequence
        s = numpy.array(tdata[i])
        nm = hmmsup.obsToModel(s.mean(axis=0), max(s.std(axis=0)))
        models[i] = nm
        #models[i].baumWelch(seqSet)#, loglikelihoodCutoff = 0.000001)
    return models
Esempio n. 15
def ghmm_from_gaussian_hmm(hmm):
    hmm = deepcopy(hmm)
    domain = ghmm.Float()
    trans = hmm.transitionMatrix.tolist()
    init = hmm.initialProbabilities.tolist()
    emissions = [map(float, [d.mean, d.variance]) for d in hmm.emissionDistributions]
    # print init
    # print trans
    # print emissions
    return ghmm.HMMFromMatrices(emissionDomain=domain,
Esempio n. 16
def ghmm_from_multivariate_continuous_hmm(hmm):
    hmm = deepcopy(hmm)
    domain = ghmm.Float()
    trans = hmm.transitionMatrix.tolist()
    init = hmm.initialProbabilities.tolist()
    emissions = [[d.mean.tolist(), d.variance.flatten().tolist()] for d in hmm.emissionDistributions]
    # print init
    # print trans
    # print emissions
    return ghmm.HMMFromMatrices(emissionDomain=domain,
Esempio n. 17
def _new_model(n_features, n_states, means, covars, topology):
    # Generate emissions
    emissions = []
    for i in range(n_states):
        emission = [means[i].tolist(), covars[i].ravel().tolist()]

    # Create model
    domain = impl.Float()
    transitions = transition_matrix(n_states, topology).tolist()
    pi = start_probabilities(n_states, topology)
    distribution = impl.MultivariateGaussianDistribution(domain)
    model = impl.HMMFromMatrices(domain, distribution, transitions, emissions, pi)
    return model
Esempio n. 18
def obsToModel(observation, std=0.1):
    """Makes a model from a single observation vector.

    aMat = numpy.zeros((len(observation), len(observation)), float)
    bMat = numpy.zeros((len(observation), 2), float)
    pi = [0.05] * len(observation)
    pi[0] = 1.0

    for i in range(len(observation)):
        bMat[i][0] = observation[i]
        bMat[i][1] = std

        for j in range(len(observation)):
            aMat[i][j] = random.random() * 0.3
            if j == i + 1:
                aMat[i][j] = 0.9

    m = ghmm.HMMFromMatrices(ghmm.Float(), \
                                ghmm.GaussianDistribution(ghmm.Float()), \
                                aMat, bMat, pi)

    return m
Esempio n. 19
    def dist(self, data):

        Calculate the distance between piece of data and the model.
        This is an absurd distance function as the closest distance is 
        the greatest value of this function.  Also the function can be 
        greater than or less than zero.
        eSeq = ghmm.EmissionSequence(ghmm.Float(), data)
        tmp = self.model.loglikelihood(eSeq)

        except Exception, e:
            print "In exception"
            tmp = -1000
Esempio n. 20
def hmmDist(pattern, model):
    """hmmDist(pattern, cluster, sigma)
    Calculate the distance between a single pattern and the given cluster.
    This is an odd distance metric, because the greater the number the 
    close two elements are together.  I should fix this.
    eSeq = ghmm.EmissionSequence(ghmm.Float(), pattern)
    tmp = model.loglikelihood(eSeq)

        tmp / 1
    except Exception, e:
        print "In exception"
        tmp = -1000
Esempio n. 21
def _randomModels(k, states):
    """Make a set of k random models.  These models are untrained with 
    initial random values for all model matricies.
    f = ghmm.Float()
    pi = [0.1] * states

    aMat = numpy.zeros((states, states), float)
    bMat = numpy.zeros((states, 2), float)
    #TODO Change above for multivariate Gaussians

    models = []

    for n in range(k):
        for i in range(states):
            for j in range(states):
                aMat[i][j] = random.random()
            for j in range(2):
                bMat[i][j] = random.random()
        m = ghmm.HMMFromMatrices(f, ghmm.GaussianDistribution(f), \
                                aMat, bMat, pi)

    return models
    def __init__(self, nState=10, nEmissionDim=4, verbose=False):
        This class follows the policy of sklearn as much as possible.        
        TODO: score function. NEED TO THINK WHAT WILL BE CRITERIA.

        # parent class that provides sklearn related interfaces.
        learning_base.__init__(self) = None
        self.verbose = verbose

        ## Tunable parameters
        self.nState = nState  # the number of hidden states
        self.nEmissionDim = nEmissionDim

        ## Un-tunable parameters
        self.trans_type = 'left_right'  # 'left_right' 'full'
        self.A = None  # transition matrix
        self.B = None  # emission matrix
        self.pi = None  # Initial probabilities per state

        # emission domain of this model
        self.F = ghmm.Float()
 def __init__(self, Fmat_train, Fmat_test, categories):
     self.F = ghmm.Float() # emission domain of HMM model
     self.Fmat_train = Fmat_train
     self.Fmat_test = Fmat_test
     self.train_trials_per_category = np.size(Fmat_train,0)/np.size(categories)
     self.test_trials_per_category  = np.size(Fmat_test,0)/np.size(categories)
Esempio n. 24
def _kMeans(data, k, states, iterations = 20, stopThreshold = 0.01, \
            rOutliers = True, printBest = True, verbose = True, \
            iType = "kmeans++"):

    bestScore = -100
    bestModels = None
    bestData = None
    oldScore = -100
    models = []

    tdata = _randomAssign(data, k)
    if iType == "random":
        models = _randomModels(k, states)
        models = _trainModels(tdata, models)
    if iType == "kmeans++":
        models = _initializeGoodModels(data, k, states)
    tdata = _optimalAssign(tdata, models)
    outliers = []

    for i in range(iterations):
        models = _trainModels(tdata, models)
        score = _fitness(tdata, models)
        if verbose:
            print "  " + str(i) + ":  " + str(score)

        if (score > bestScore) or (bestScore == -100):
            bestScore = score
            bestModels = list(ghmm.HMMFromMatrices(ghmm.Float(), \
                                ghmm.GaussianDistribution(ghmm.Float()), \
                                m.asMatrices()[0], \
                                m.asMatrices()[1], \
                                m.asMatrices()[2]) for m in models)
            bestData = list(list(v) for v in tdata)
            bestOutliers = list(outliers)

        if (oldScore == -100) or (score - oldScore) > stopThreshold:
            tdata = _optimalAssign(tdata, models)
            oldScore = score

            if rOutliers:
                _removeOutliers(models, tdata)
            if verbose:
                print "Resetting all"
            tdata = _randomAssign(data, k)
            if iType == "random":
                models = _randomModels(k, states)
                models = _trainModels(tdata, models)
            if iType == "kmeans++":
                models = _initializeGoodModels(data, k, states)
            tdata = _optimalAssign(tdata, models)

            oldScore = -100

    if printBest or verbose:
        print "Average inter-cluster distance:" + str(bestScore)

    if rOutliers:
        if verbose:
            print "Number outliers found:" + str(len(bestOutliers))

        #For the best set of models and train data try to include any outliers
        #again.  Then return the models, data and outliers.
        bestData, bestOutliers = _includeOutliers(bestModels, bestData,
        bestModels = _trainModels(bestData, bestModels)
        bestData = _optimalAssign(bestData, bestModels)
        score = _fitness(bestData, bestModels)

        if printBest or verbose:
            print "Score with additional outliers:" + str(score)
        if verbose:
            print "New number of outliers:" + str(len(bestOutliers))

    import pybb.model.hmm
    bm = []
    for m in bestModels:

    return bm, bestData, bestOutliers
Esempio n. 25
del c[3]
# delete transition from state 1 to state 2
del c[(1, 2)]
hmm = c.finalize()
print c

c = HMMEditingContext("test.xml")
hmm = c.finalize()
print "\n###############################\n"
print c
#print hmm.verbose_str()
print "\n###############################\n"


c = HMMEditingContext(ghmm.Float())
c = HMMEditingContext(GaussianDistribution)

c.addState((0.0, 1.0))
c.addState((0.1, 0.3), initial=0.3)
c.addState()  # uniform
c.addTransition('1', '2')
c.addTransition('3', '2', p=0.1)

print c
print c

c = HMMEditingContext(ghmm.Float())
c.addState(GaussianDistribution(0.0, 1.0))
Esempio n. 26
 def loglikelihood(self, data):
     tmp = ghmm.EmissionSequence(ghmm.Float(), data)
     return self.model.loglikelihood(tmp)
 def F(self):
     return ghmm.Float()
Esempio n. 28
                    # normalize so that the sum of probabilities
                    # always equals 1.0
                    for j in range(n_states):
                        trans_mat[i][j] /= sum_

                assert_almost_equals(sum(trans_mat[i]), 1.0)

            hmm.pi = pi
            hmm.A = trans_mat
            hmm.B = opdfs

    import ghmm

    DOMAIN = ghmm.Float()

    class _GhmmBase(object):
        def _get_hmm(self, hmm):
            return ghmm.HMMFromMatrices(
                DOMAIN, ghmm.MultivariateGaussianDistribution(DOMAIN), hmm.A,
                hmm.B, hmm.pi)

    class GhmmBaumWelchTrainer(_GhmmBase):
        def train(self, hmm, sset):
            sset = [array_flatten(s) for s in sset]
            hmm_ = self._get_hmm(hmm)
            hmm_.baumWelch(ghmm.SequenceSet(DOMAIN, sset))
            hmm.A, hmm.B, hmm.pi = hmm_.asMatrices()

    class GhmmViterbiCalculator(_GhmmBase):
Esempio n. 29
# output files
output_all = open(prefix + 'all_tails.txt', 'w')  # tail lengths of all tags
output_states = open(prefix + 'hmm_states.txt', 'w')  # HMM states of all tags
output_median = open(prefix + 'median_tails_tags.txt',
                     'w')  # median tail lengths, aggregated by genes
output_mean = open(prefix + 'mean_tails_tags.txt',
                   'w')  # mean tail lengths, aggregated by genes
out_hmm = prefix + 'HMM_model.txt'  # HMM model

# initializes a gaussian hidden markov model and defines
# the tranisition, emission, and starting probabilities
print('\nTraining data with hmm...' + timer())
F = ghmm.Float()

pi = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]  # initial state

if params['allow_back'] == True:
    # The following matrix allows T states going back to non=T states.
    Transitionmatrix = [[0.04, 0.93, 0.02, 0.01, 0.0],
                        [0.0, 0.87, 0.1, 0.02, 0.01],
                        [0.0, 0.05, 0.6, 0.3, 0.05],
                        [0.0, 0.01, 0.3, 0.6, 0.09],
                        [0.0, 0.01, 0.01, 0.1, 0.88]]
    # The following matrix does not allow states going backwards.
    Transitionmatrix = [[0.04, 0.93, 0.02, 0.01, 0.0],
                        [0.0, 0.94, 0.03, 0.02, 0.01],
                        [0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.4, 0.1], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.6, 0.4],
Esempio n. 30
def _sequence_set_from_list(l):
    # Conversion is similar to _sequence_from_data but here data is a list.
    unrolled = [matrix.ravel().tolist() for matrix in l]
    seq = impl.SequenceSet(impl.Float(), unrolled)
    return seq