async def main():
    start = giambio.clock()
        async with giambio.create_pool() as pool:
            # This pool will run until completion of its
            # tasks and then propagate the exception. This is
            # because exception in nested pools are propagated
            # all the way down first, then the pools above the
            # one that raised the error first wait for their
            # children to complete and only then re-raise the original exception
            await pool.spawn(child)
            await pool.spawn(child)
            print("[main] First 2 children spawned, awaiting completion")
            async with giambio.create_pool() as a_pool:
                await a_pool.spawn(child1)
                    "[main] Third children spawned, prepare for trouble in 2 seconds"
                async with giambio.create_pool() as new_pool:
                    # This pool will be cancelled by the exception
                    # in the outer pool
                    await new_pool.spawn(child2)
                    await new_pool.spawn(child3)
                    print("[main] Fourth and fifth children spawned")
    except Exception as error:
        # Because exceptions just *work*!
        print(f"[main] Exception from child caught! {repr(error)}")
        f"[main] Children execution complete in {giambio.clock() - start:.2f} seconds"
Esempio n. 2
async def main():
    start = giambio.clock()
    async with giambio.create_pool() as pool:
        await pool.spawn(child, 1)
        await pool.spawn(child, 2)
        async with giambio.create_pool() as a_pool:
            await a_pool.spawn(child, 3)
            await a_pool.spawn(child, 4)
            # This executes after spawning all 4 tasks
            print("[main] Children spawned, awaiting completion")
    # This will *only* execute when everything inside the async with block
    # has ran, including any other pool
        f"[main] Children execution complete in {giambio.clock() - start:.2f} seconds"
Esempio n. 3
async def serve(bind_address: tuple):
    Serves asynchronously forever

    :param bind_address: The address to bind the server to represented as a tuple
    (address, port) where address is a string and port is an integer

    sock = giambio.socket.socket()
    await sock.bind(bind_address)
    await sock.listen(5)
        f"Serving asynchronously at {bind_address[0]}:{bind_address[1]}")
    async with giambio.create_pool() as pool:
        async with sock:
            while True:
                    conn, address_tuple = await sock.accept()
                        f"{address_tuple[0]}:{address_tuple[1]} connected")
                    await pool.spawn(handler, conn, address_tuple)
                except Exception as err:
                    # Because exceptions just *work*
                        f"{address_tuple[0]}:{address_tuple[1]} has raised {type(err).__name__}: {err}"
Esempio n. 4
async def main():
    start = giambio.clock()
        async with giambio.create_pool() as pool:
            await pool.spawn(child)
            await pool.spawn(child1)
            print("[main] First 2 children spawned, awaiting completion")
            async with giambio.create_pool() as new_pool:
                # This pool will be cancelled by the exception
                # in the outer pool
                await new_pool.spawn(child2)
                await new_pool.spawn(child3)
                print("[main] Third and fourth children spawned")
    except Exception as error:
        # Because exceptions just *work*!
        print(f"[main] Exception from child caught! {repr(error)}")
    print(f"[main] Children execution complete in {giambio.clock() - start:.2f} seconds")
Esempio n. 5
async def proxy_two_way(a: giambio.socket.AsyncSocket,
                        b: giambio.socket.AsyncSocket):
    Sets up a two-way proxy from a to b and from b to a

    async with giambio.create_pool() as pool:
        await pool.spawn(proxy_one_way, a, b)
        await pool.spawn(proxy_one_way, b, a)
Esempio n. 6
async def main():
    start = giambio.clock()
    async with giambio.create_pool() as pool:
        await pool.spawn(child)
        await pool.spawn(child1)
        print("[main] Children spawned, awaiting completion")
        f"[main] Children execution complete in {giambio.clock() - start:.2f} seconds"
Esempio n. 7
async def main():
    queue = giambio.Queue()
    lock = giambio.Lock()
    async with giambio.create_pool() as pool:
        await pool.spawn(child, 1, 5, queue, lock)
        await pool.spawn(child, 6, 10, queue, lock)
        await pool.spawn(other, 10)
        await pool.spawn(other, 5)
    print(f"Result: {queue}")  # Queue is ordered!
    print("[main] Done")
Esempio n. 8
async def main():
    start = giambio.clock()
    async with giambio.create_pool() as pool:
        # await pool.spawn(child, 1)  # If you comment this line, the pool will exit immediately!
        task = await pool.spawn(child, 2)
        print("[main] Children spawned, awaiting completion")
        await task.cancel()
        print("[main] Second child cancelled")
        f"[main] Children execution complete in {giambio.clock() - start:.2f} seconds"
Esempio n. 9
async def main():
    start = giambio.clock()
        async with giambio.create_pool() as pool:
            await pool.spawn(child)
            await pool.spawn(child1)
            print("[main] Children spawned, awaiting completion")
    except Exception as error:
        # Because exceptions just *work*!
        print(f"[main] Exception from child caught! {repr(error)}")
    print(f"[main] Children execution complete in {giambio.clock() - start:.2f} seconds")
Esempio n. 10
async def parent(pause: int = 1):
    async with giambio.create_pool() as pool:
        event = giambio.Event()
        print("[parent] Spawning child task")
        await pool.spawn(child, event, pause + 2)
        start = giambio.clock()
        print(f"[parent] Sleeping {pause} second(s) before setting the event")
        await giambio.sleep(pause)
        await event.trigger(True)
        print("[parent] Event set, awaiting child completion")
    end = giambio.clock() - start
    print(f"[parent] Child exited in {end:.2f} seconds")
Esempio n. 11
async def main(host: Tuple[str, int]):
    Main client entry point

    queue = giambio.Queue()
    async with giambio.create_pool() as pool:
        async with giambio.socket.socket() as sock:
            await sock.connect(host)
            await pool.spawn(sender, sock, queue)
            await pool.spawn(receiver, sock, queue)
            while True:
                op, data = await queue.get()
                if op == 0:
                    print(f"Received: {data}")
Esempio n. 12
async def main(q: giambio.Queue, n: int):
    async with giambio.create_pool() as pool:
        await pool.spawn(producer, q, n)
        await pool.spawn(consumer, q)
Esempio n. 13
async def main(channel: giambio.MemoryChannel, n: int):
    async with giambio.create_pool() as pool:
        await pool.spawn(sender, channel, n)
        await pool.spawn(receiver, channel)