Esempio n. 1
def binspace(lot, q=1):
    if q != 1:
        lot = roundst(lot, q)
    w = int(trange(lot)[1]) + 1
    r = np.zeros((len(lot), w))
    for i, t in enumerate(lot):
        for e in t:
            r[i, e] += 1
    return r
Esempio n. 2
def intlen(lot):
    Estimate a recording interval for the set of responses in lot (a list of
    tuples of integers). Return the estimate (a tuple of 2 floats, starttime,
    stoptime). The estimate is made by first estimating the expected value of the
    interspike interval, ISI, and then returning the minimum event time minus
    ISI/2 as the interval start, and the maximum plus ISI/2 as the stop.

    miv, mav = trange(lot)
    isi = intervals(lot).mean()
    return (miv - isi / 2.0, mav + isi / 2.0)
Esempio n. 3
def describe(d, detail=True):
    ntr = 0
    attr = {}
    mipr = np.inf
    mapr = -np.inf
    misp = np.inf
    masp = -np.inf
    fstsp = np.inf
    lstsp = -np.inf
    for k in d.keys():
        tr = d[k]
        if not type(tr) == gd.Doc:
        ntr += 1
        for sk in tr:
            if sk == 'evts':
                ts = tshape(tr[sk])[0]
                ran = trange(tr[sk])
                fstsp = min(fstsp, ran[0])
                lstsp = max(lstsp, ran[1])
                mipr = min(mipr, ts[0])
                mapr = max(mapr, ts[0])
                if type(ts[1]) == tuple:
                    misp = min(misp, ts[1][0])
                    masp = max(masp, ts[1][1])
                    misp = min(misp, ts[1])
                    masp = max(masp, ts[1])
                if not sk in attr:
                    attr[sk] = set()
    s = ["%i traces" % (ntr,)]
    s.append("%i to %i presentations giving %i to %i spikes on [%i, %i]" % (mipr, mapr, misp, masp, fstsp, lstsp))
    for k in sorted(attr):
        s.append('%s in %s' % (k, _tupstr(attr[k])))
    if detail:
        for cond in allv(d, 'condition'):
            for sa in allv(d, 'stim_atten'):
                pres = cases(d, condition=[cond], stim_atten=[sa])
                s.append('condition %i, attenuation %.3g : %.2g spks/presentation' % (cond, sa, _rpp(pres)))
    print '\n'.join(s)
Esempio n. 4
def jitter(cond, sdev, insert=0, n=30):
    add noise to all the spike trains in cond['evts'] (cond is a condition
    document). Each spike train is duplicated n times, and each duplicate is
    modified by adding random values from a normal distribution with mean 0 and
    std dev sdev. If insert is > 0, then it acts as a probability that a spike is
    added to the train as well (up to 3 spikes can be added, with probability
    insert, insert**2 insert**3)

    newc =
    srange = trange(cond['evts'])
    st = []
    ev = []
    for i, t in enumerate(cond['evts']):
        stim = cond['stims'][i]
        l = len(t)
        for j in range(n):
            nt = tuple([int(x) for x in t])
            if l and sdev:
                jit = (np.random.randn(l) * sdev).astype(np.int32)
                nt = tuple(np.array(nt) + jit)
            if insert:
                ads = np.random.random()
                nns = 0
                if ads < insert:
                    nns += 1
                    if ads < insert ** 2:
                        nns += 1
                        if ads < insert ** 3:
                            nns += 1
                if nns:
                    new = np.random.randint(srange[0], srange[1], nns)
                    nt = tuple(sorted(nt + tuple(new)))
    newc['evts'] = tuple(ev)
    newc['stims'] = tuple(st)
    return newc
Esempio n. 5
def wherediff(q, c1, c2=(), fold=100, sum=True):
    calculate the vdV histograms for each distance in class c1 and (optionally)
    between c1 and class c2, with inverse cost q, l auto, and the specified fold.
    ran = trange(c1 + c2)
    l = ran[1] + 1
    nw, lo = divmod(l, fold)
    if lo:
        l = (nw + 1) * fold
    dvs = []
    if c2:
        #cross class difference
        for s1 in c1:
            for s2 in c2:
                dvs.append(vdV(s1, s2, q, l, fold))
        for i in range(len(c1) - 1):
            for s2 in c1[i + 1:]:
                dvs.append(vdV(c1[i], s2, q, l, fold))
    if sum:
        dvs = np.array(dvs).sum(0)
    return dvs