Esempio n. 1
def db(request):
    Require a Mongo test database.

    Provides a Mongo test database named after the requesting test function. Mongo databases are
    created/destroyed based on the URI provided with the --mongo-uri option and tear-down
    behavior is modified by the --keep-db option.
    from girder.models import _dbClients, getDbConnection, pymongo
    from girder.models import model_base
    from girder.models.user import User
    from girder.external import mongodb_proxy

    mockDb = request.config.getoption('--mock-db')
    dbUri = request.config.getoption('--mongo-uri')
    dbName = 'girder_test_%s' % hashlib.md5(_uid(
    keepDb = request.config.getoption('--keep-db')
    executable_methods = mongodb_proxy.EXECUTABLE_MONGO_METHODS
    realMongoClient = pymongo.MongoClient

    if mockDb:
        mongodb_proxy.EXECUTABLE_MONGO_METHODS = set()
        pymongo.MongoClient = mongomock.MongoClient

    connection = getDbConnection(uri='%s/%s' % (dbUri, dbName), quiet=False)

    # Force getDbConnection from models to return our connection
    _dbClients[(None, None)] = connection


    # Since models store a local reference to the current database, we need to force them all to
    # reconnect
    for model in model_base._modelSingletons:

    # Use faster password hashing to avoid unnecessary testing bottlenecks. Any test case
    # that creates a user goes through the password hashing process, so we avoid actual bcrypt.
    originalCryptContext = User()._cryptContext
    User()._cryptContext = originalCryptContext.copy(schemes=['plaintext'])

    yield connection

    User()._cryptContext = originalCryptContext

    if not keepDb:


    # Clear connection cache and model singletons
    for model in model_base._modelSingletons:
        model.__class__._instance = None

    if mockDb:
        mongodb_proxy.EXECUTABLE_MONGO_METHODS = executable_methods
        pymongo.MongoClient = realMongoClient
Esempio n. 2
def fastCrypt():
    Use faster password hashing to avoid unnecessary testing bottlenecks.
    from girder.models.user import User

    # CryptContext.update could be used to mutate the existing instance, but if this fixture's scope
    # is ever made more limited (so that the teardown matters), this approach is more maintainable
    originalCryptContext = User()._cryptContext
    User()._cryptContext = originalCryptContext.copy(schemes=['plaintext'])
    User()._cryptContext = originalCryptContext
Esempio n. 3
def fastCrypt():
    Use faster password hashing to avoid unnecessary testing bottlenecks.
    from girder.models.user import User

    # CryptContext.update could be used to mutate the existing instance, but if this fixture's scope
    # is ever made more limited (so that the teardown matters), this approach is more maintainable
    originalCryptContext = User()._cryptContext
    User()._cryptContext = originalCryptContext.copy(schemes=['plaintext'])
    User()._cryptContext = originalCryptContext