Esempio n. 1
        class AddThree(specs.Task):
            __inputs__ = specs.PortList([
                {'name': 'a', 'type': 'number', 'format': 'number'}
            __outputs__ = specs.PortList([
                {'name': 'b', 'type': 'number', 'format': 'number'}

            def __init__(self, spec=None, **kw):
                super(AddThree, self).__init__(spec, **kw)
                self.mode = 'python'
                self.script = 'b = a + 3'
Esempio n. 2
        class Multiply(specs.Task):
            __inputs__ = specs.PortList([
                {'name': 'in1', 'type': 'number', 'format': 'number'},
                {'name': 'in2', 'type': 'number', 'format': 'number'}
            __outputs__ = specs.PortList([
                {'name': 'out', 'type': 'number', 'format': 'number'}

            def __init__(self, spec=None, **kw):
                super(Multiply, self).__init__(spec, **kw)
                self.mode = 'python'
                self.script = 'out = in1 * in2'
Esempio n. 3
    def test_class_level_set_of_inputs_outputs(self):

        """Test task input/output attributes are set from class vars"""

        class TempTask(specs.Task):
            __inputs__ = specs.PortList(self.inputs)
            __outputs__ = specs.PortList(self.outputs)

        t = specs.Task(self.spec)
            set(t.keys()), {'inputs', 'outputs', 'mode', 'script'})

        self.assertEquals(t['inputs'], specs.PortList())
        self.assertEquals(t['outputs'], specs.PortList())

        t2 = TempTask(self.spec)
        self.assertEquals(t2['inputs'], self.inputs)
        self.assertEquals(t2['outputs'], self.outputs)
Esempio n. 4
    def test_read_only_attributes(self):

        """Raise exception if task input/output are assigned"""

        class TempTask(specs.Task):
            __inputs__ = specs.PortList(self.inputs)
            __outputs__ = specs.PortList(self.outputs)

        # Test if passed in in spec dict
        with self.assertRaises(specs.ReadOnlyAttributeException):
            spec = self.spec.copy()
            spec['inputs'] = specs.PortList()

        with self.assertRaises(specs.ReadOnlyAttributeException):
            spec = self.spec.copy()
            spec['outputs'] = specs.PortList()

        # Test if assigned after instatiation
        t = TempTask(self.spec)

        with self.assertRaises(specs.ReadOnlyAttributeException):
            t['inputs'] = specs.PortList()

        with self.assertRaises(specs.ReadOnlyAttributeException):
            t['outputs'] = specs.PortList()

        with self.assertRaises(specs.ReadOnlyAttributeException):
            t.inputs = specs.PortList()

        with self.assertRaises(specs.ReadOnlyAttributeException):
            t.outputs = specs.PortList()
Esempio n. 5
def spec_class_generator(class_type, spec):

    """Generate a generic Task style class from a Spec style dict.
    For example:

    >>> from girder_worker.core.specs.utils import spec_class_generator
    >>> spec = {
    ...             "inputs": [
    ...                 {"name": "a",
    ...                  "type": "number",
    ...                  "format": "number"}],
    ...             "outputs": [
    ...                 {"name": "b",
    ...                  "type": "number",
    ...                  "format": "number"}],
    ...             "mode": "python",
    ...             "script": "b = a + 3"}

    # Define the class
    >>> spec_class_generator("addThree", spec)
    <class 'abc.addThree'>

    # Set a variable to hold the class
    >>> addThree = spec_class_generator("addThree", spec)

    # Instantiate the class
    >>> dict(addThree()) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
    {'inputs': [{"format": "number", "name": "a", "type": "number"}],
     'script': 'b = a + 3',
     'mode': 'python',
     'outputs': [{"format": "number", "name": "b", "type": "number"}]}

    # Decorator that adds 'script' and 'mode' keywords from
    # the spec to the kw argument passed to the decorated function
    def add_spec_to_kw(func):
        def wrapped_f(self, _spec=None, **kwargs):
            for k in ['script', 'mode', 'steps', 'connections']:
                if k not in kwargs.keys():
                        kwargs[k] = spec[k]
                    except KeyError:
            func(self, _spec, **kwargs)
        return wrapped_f

    # __init__ function used for the class
    def __init__(self, spec, **kw):
        specs.Task.__init__(self, spec, **kw)
        for k, v in kw.items():
            self[k] = v

        return __init__

    # Define __inputs__ and __outputs__ variables on the class.
    cls_vars = {
        '__inputs__': specs.PortList(spec['inputs']),
        '__outputs__': specs.PortList(spec['outputs']),
        '__init__': __init__}

    return type(class_type, (specs.Task,), cls_vars)
Esempio n. 6
 class TempTask(specs.Task):
     __inputs__ = specs.PortList(self.inputs)
     __outputs__ = specs.PortList(self.outputs)