Esempio n. 1
    def _entries_for_paths(self, paths, path_rewriter, fprogress, entries):
        entries_added = list()
        if path_rewriter:
            for path in paths:
                if os.path.isabs(path):
                    abspath = path
                    gitrelative_path = path[len(self.repo.working_tree_dir) +
                    gitrelative_path = path
                    abspath = os.path.join(self.repo.working_tree_dir,
                # end obtain relative and absolute paths

                blob = Blob(self.repo, Blob.NULL_BIN_SHA,
                # TODO: variable undefined
            # END for each path
            del (paths[:])
        # END rewrite paths

        # HANDLE PATHS
        assert len(entries_added) == 0
        for filepath in self._iter_expand_paths(paths):
            entries_added.append(self._store_path(filepath, fprogress))
        # END for each filepath
        # END path handling
        return entries_added
    def iter_blobs(self, predicate=lambda t: True):
		:return: Iterator yielding tuples of Blob objects and stages, tuple(stage, Blob)

		:param predicate:
			Function(t) returning True if tuple(stage, Blob) should be yielded by the
			iterator. A default filter, the BlobFilter, allows you to yield blobs
			only if they match a given list of paths. """
        for entry in self.entries.itervalues():
            # TODO: is it necessary to convert the mode ? We did that when adding
            # it to the index, right ?
            mode = self._stat_mode_to_index_mode(entry.mode)
            blob = Blob(self.repo, entry.binsha, mode, entry.path)
            blob.size = entry.size
            output = (entry.stage, blob)
            if predicate(output):
                yield output
	def iter_blobs(self, predicate = lambda t: True):
		:return: Iterator yielding tuples of Blob objects and stages, tuple(stage, Blob)

		:param predicate:
			Function(t) returning True if tuple(stage, Blob) should be yielded by the
			iterator. A default filter, the BlobFilter, allows you to yield blobs
			only if they match a given list of paths. """
		for entry in self.entries.itervalues():
			# TODO: is it necessary to convert the mode ? We did that when adding 
			# it to the index, right ?
			mode = self._stat_mode_to_index_mode(entry.mode)
			blob = Blob(self.repo, entry.binsha, mode, entry.path)
			blob.size = entry.size
			output = (entry.stage, blob)
			if predicate(output):
				yield output
Esempio n. 4
        def make_paths():
            # two existing ones, one new one
            yield 'CHANGES'
            yield ''
            yield index.entries[index.entry_key('README', 0)]
            yield index.entries[index.entry_key('.gitignore', 0)]

            for fid in range(3):
                fname = 'newfile%i' % fid
                open(fname, 'wb').write(b"abcd")
                yield Blob(rw_repo, Blob.NULL_BIN_SHA, 0o100644, fname)
Esempio n. 5
 def mixed_iterator():
     count = 0
     for entry in index.entries.values():
         type_id = count % 4
         if type_id == 0:  # path
             yield entry.path
         elif type_id == 1:  # blob
             yield Blob(rw_repo, entry.binsha, entry.mode, entry.path)
         elif type_id == 2:  # BaseIndexEntry
             yield BaseIndexEntry(entry[:4])
         elif type_id == 3:  # IndexEntry
             yield entry
             raise AssertionError("Invalid Type")
         count += 1
Esempio n. 6
 def to_blob(self, repo):
     """:return: Blob using the information of this index entry"""
     return Blob(repo, self.binsha, self.mode, self.path)
Esempio n. 7
 def add_bad_blob():
         [Blob(rw_repo, b'f' * 20, 'bad-permissions', 'foo')])
Esempio n. 8
    def add(self,
            fprogress=lambda *args: None,
        """Add files from the working tree, specific blobs or BaseIndexEntries
        to the index. 

        :param items:
            Multiple types of items are supported, types can be mixed within one call.
            Different types imply a different handling. File paths may generally be
            relative or absolute.

            - path string
                strings denote a relative or absolute path into the repository pointing to
                an existing file, i.e. CHANGES, lib/myfile.ext, '/home/gitrepo/lib/myfile.ext'.

                Paths provided like this must exist. When added, they will be written
                into the object database.

                PathStrings may contain globs, such as 'lib/__init__*' or can be directories
                like 'lib', the latter ones will add all the files within the dirctory and

                This equals a straight git-add.

                They are added at stage 0

            - Blob or Submodule object
                Blobs are added as they are assuming a valid mode is set.
                The file they refer to may or may not exist in the file system, but
                must be a path relative to our repository.

                If their sha is null ( 40*0 ), their path must exist in the file system
                relative to the git repository as an object will be created from 
                the data at the path.
                The handling now very much equals the way string paths are processed, except that
                the mode you have set will be kept. This allows you to create symlinks
                by settings the mode respectively and writing the target of the symlink
                directly into the file. This equals a default Linux-Symlink which
                is not dereferenced automatically, except that it can be created on
                filesystems not supporting it as well.

                Please note that globs or directories are not allowed in Blob objects.

                They are added at stage 0

            - BaseIndexEntry or type
                Handling equals the one of Blob objects, but the stage may be
                explicitly set. Please note that Index Entries require binary sha's.

        :param force:
            If True, otherwise ignored or excluded files will be
            added anyway.
            As opposed to the git-add command, we enable this flag by default
            as the API user usually wants the item to be added even though
            they might be excluded.

        :param fprogress:
            Function with signature f(path, done=False, item=item) called for each
            path to be added, one time once it is about to be added where done==False
            and once after it was added where done=True.
            item is set to the actual item we handle, either a Path or a BaseIndexEntry
            Please note that the processed path is not guaranteed to be present
            in the index already as the index is currently being processed.

        :param path_rewriter:
            Function with signature (string) func(BaseIndexEntry) function returning a path
            for each passed entry which is the path to be actually recorded for the
            object created from entry.path. This allows you to write an index which
            is not identical to the layout of the actual files on your hard-disk.
            If not None and ``items`` contain plain paths, these paths will be
            converted to Entries beforehand and passed to the path_rewriter.
            Please note that entry.path is relative to the git repository.

        :param write:
                If True, the index will be written once it was altered. Otherwise
                the changes only exist in memory and are not available to git commands.
            List(BaseIndexEntries) representing the entries just actually added.

        :raise OSError:
            if a supplied Path did not exist. Please note that BaseIndexEntry
            Objects that do not have a null sha will be added even if their paths
            do not exist.
        # sort the entries into strings and Entries, Blobs are converted to entries
        # automatically
        # paths can be git-added, for everything else we use git-update-index
        entries_added = list()
        paths, entries = self._preprocess_add_items(items)
        if paths and path_rewriter:
            for path in paths:
                abspath = os.path.abspath(path)
                gitrelative_path = abspath[len(self.repo.working_tree_dir) +
                blob = Blob(self.repo, Blob.NULL_BIN_SHA,
            # END for each path
            del (paths[:])
        # END rewrite paths

        def store_path(filepath):
            """Store file at filepath in the database and return the base index entry"""
            st = os.lstat(filepath)  # handles non-symlinks as well
            stream = None
            if S_ISLNK(st.st_mode):
                stream = StringIO(os.readlink(filepath))
                stream = open(filepath, 'rb')
            # END handle stream
            fprogress(filepath, False, filepath)
            istream =
                IStream(Blob.type, st.st_size, stream))
            fprogress(filepath, True, filepath)
            return BaseIndexEntry(
                (stat_mode_to_index_mode(st.st_mode), istream.binsha, 0,

        # END utility method

        # HANDLE PATHS
        if paths:
            assert len(entries_added) == 0
            added_files = list()
            for filepath in self._iter_expand_paths(paths):
            # END for each filepath
        # END path handling

        if entries:
            null_mode_entries = [e for e in entries if e.mode == 0]
            if null_mode_entries:
                raise ValueError(
                    "At least one Entry has a null-mode - please use index.remove to remove files for clarity"
            # END null mode should be remove

            # create objects if required, otherwise go with the existing shas
            null_entries_indices = [
                i for i, e in enumerate(entries)
                if e.binsha == Object.NULL_BIN_SHA
            if null_entries_indices:
                for ei in null_entries_indices:
                    null_entry = entries[ei]
                    new_entry = store_path(null_entry.path)

                    # update null entry
                    entries[ei] = BaseIndexEntry(
                        (null_entry.mode, new_entry.binsha, null_entry.stage,
                # END for each entry index
            # END null_entry handling

            # REWRITE PATHS
            # If we have to rewrite the entries, do so now, after we have generated
            # all object sha's
            if path_rewriter:
                for i, e in enumerate(entries):
                    entries[i] = BaseIndexEntry(
                        (e.mode, e.binsha, e.stage, path_rewriter(e)))
                # END for each entry
            # END handle path rewriting

            # just go through the remaining entries and provide progress info
            for i, entry in enumerate(entries):
                progress_sent = i in null_entries_indices
                if not progress_sent:
                    fprogress(entry.path, False, entry)
                    fprogress(entry.path, True, entry)
                # END handle progress
            # END for each enty
        # END if there are base entries

        # FINALIZE
        # add the new entries to this instance
        for entry in entries_added:
            self.entries[(entry.path, 0)] = IndexEntry.from_base(entry)

        if write:
        # END handle write

        return entries_added