def __printInformationImpl(filePath, targetString):
    mylist = []  
    today =
    #append the Date into a list, so it can be printed 
     #represents your git repository path
    repo = __Repo(filePath)
    print( 'Information about ' + targetString )
    print( '============================================================' )
    print( "Date: " +  str(mylist[0])  )
    print( 'Python Version: ' + __sys.version )
    print( 'Git directory: ' + __findGitRepo(filePath) )
    print( 'Current git SHA: ' +  repo.commit().hexsha )
    print( 'Current remote: ' + str( repo.remote() ) )
    print( 'Current branch: ' + str(repo.active_branch)  )
def __currentRemoteImpl(filePath):
    repo = __Repo(filePath)
    print( 'Current remote: ' + str( repo.remote() ) ) 
def __currentGitSHAImpl(filePath):
     repo = __Repo(filePath)
     print( 'Current git SHA: ' +  repo.commit().hexsha ) 
def __currentBranchImpl(filePath):
    repo = __Repo(filePath)
    print( 'Current branch: ' + str(repo.active_branch)  )