Esempio n. 1
 def CreateSquare( self, vector, colour ):
     # Create the geometry and collision
     self.square = Square( 0.2, 0.2, Vec3(0, 1, 0), origin=Point3(0.1, 0.1, 0) )
     collSphere = CollisionSphere( 0, 0.125 )
     # Create the axis, add the geometry and collision
     axis = Axis(, CAMERA_VECTOR, colour, planar=True, default=True )
     axis.AddGeometry( self.square, sizeStyle=NONE )
     axis.AddCollisionSolid( collSphere, sizeStyle=NONE )
     axis.reparentTo( self )
     return axis
Esempio n. 2
class Translation( Base ):
    def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs ):
        Base.__init__( self, *args, **kwargs )
        # Create x, y, z and camera normal axes
        self.axes.append( self.CreateArrow( Vec3(1, 0, 0), RED ) )
        self.axes.append( self.CreateArrow( Vec3(0, 1, 0), GREEN ) )
        self.axes.append( self.CreateArrow( Vec3(0, 0, 1), BLUE ) )
        self.axes.append( self.CreateSquare( Vec3(0, 0, 0), TEAL ) )
    def CreateArrow( self, vector, colour ):
        # Create the geometry and collision
        line = Line( (0, 0, 0), vector )
        cone = Cone( 0.05, 0.25, axis=vector, origin=vector * 0.25 )
        collTube = CollisionTube( (0,0,0), Point3( vector ) * 0.95, 0.05 )
        # Create the axis, add the geometry and collision
        axis = Axis(, vector, colour )
        axis.AddGeometry( line, sizeStyle=SCALE )
        axis.AddGeometry( cone, vector, colour )
        axis.AddCollisionSolid( collTube, sizeStyle=TRANSLATE_POINT_B )
        axis.reparentTo( self )
        return axis
    def CreateSquare( self, vector, colour ):
        # Create the geometry and collision
        self.square = Square( 0.2, 0.2, Vec3(0, 1, 0), origin=Point3(0.1, 0.1, 0) )
        collSphere = CollisionSphere( 0, 0.125 )
        # Create the axis, add the geometry and collision
        axis = Axis(, CAMERA_VECTOR, colour, planar=True, default=True )
        axis.AddGeometry( self.square, sizeStyle=NONE )
        axis.AddCollisionSolid( collSphere, sizeStyle=NONE )
        axis.reparentTo( self )
        return axis
    def Transform( self ):
        # Get the point where the mouse clicked the axis
        axis = self.GetSelectedAxis()
        axisPoint = self.GetAxisPoint( axis )
        # Get the gizmo's translation matrix and transform it
        newTransMat = Mat4().translateMat( self.initXform.getPos() - self.getPos() + axisPoint - self.initMousePoint )
        self.setMat( self.getMat() * newTransMat )
        # Get the attached node path's translation matrix
        transVec = axisPoint - self.initMousePoint
        if axis.vector != CAMERA_VECTOR:
            transVec = self.getRelativeVector( render, transVec ) * self.getScale()[0]
        newTransMat = Mat4().translateMat( transVec )
        # Transform attached node paths
        for i, np in enumerate( self.attachedNps ):
            # Perform transforms in local or world space
            if self.local and axis.vector != CAMERA_VECTOR:
                transMat, rotMat, scaleMat = commonUtils.GetTrsMatrices( self.initNpXforms[i] )
                np.setMat( scaleMat * newTransMat * rotMat * transMat )
                np.setMat( self.initNpXforms[i].getMat() * newTransMat )
    def OnNodeMouse1Down( self, planar, collEntry ):
        Base.OnNodeMouse1Down( self, planar, collEntry )
        # Store the gizmo's initial transform
        self.initXform = self.getTransform()
        # If in planar mode, clear the billboard effect on the center square
        # and make it face the selected axis
        axis = self.GetSelectedAxis()
        if self.planar and not axis.planar:
            self.square.lookAt( self, Point3( axis.vector ) )
            self.square.setHpr( Vec3(0, 0, 0) )
    def OnMouse2Down( self ):
        Base.OnMouse2Down( self )
        # Store the gizmo's initial transform
        self.initXform = self.getTransform()