def join_dfs(df_a, df_b, colA, colB, onlyCombinations=True): """ Join two Pandas Dataframes """ from glass.pys import obj_to_lst _HOW_ = 'inner' if onlyCombinations else 'outer' if colA == 'index' and colB == 'index': newDf = df_a.merge(df_b, how=_HOW_, left_index=True, right_index=True) elif colA == 'index' and colB != 'index': newDf = df_a.merge(df_b, how=_HOW_, left_index=True, right_on=obj_to_lst(colB)) elif colA != 'index' and colB == 'index': newDf = df_a.merge(df_b, how=_HOW_, left_on=obj_to_lst(colA), right_index=True) else: newDf = df_a.merge(df_b, how=_HOW_, left_on=obj_to_lst(colA), right_on=obj_to_lst(colB)) return newDf
def del_cols_notin_ref(df, flds, geomCol=None): """ Delete columns not in flds """ from glass.pys import obj_to_lst cols = df.columns.values F_GEOM = None if not geomCol: for c in cols: if c == 'geometry' or c == 'geom': F_GEOM = c break else: F_GEOM = geomCol if not flds and not F_GEOM: return df elif not flds and F_GEOM: Icols = [F_GEOM] elif flds and F_GEOM: Icols = obj_to_lst(flds) + [F_GEOM] else: Icols = obj_to_lst(flds) DEL_COLS = [c for c in cols if c not in Icols] df.drop(DEL_COLS, axis=1, inplace=True) return df
def st_buffer(db, inTbl, bfDist, geomCol, outTbl, bufferField="geometry", whrClause=None, dissolve=None, cols_select=None, outTblIsFile=None): """ Using Buffer on PostGIS Data """ from glass.pys import obj_to_lst dissolve = obj_to_lst(dissolve) if dissolve != "ALL" else "ALL" SEL_COLS = "" if not cols_select else ", ".join(obj_to_lst(cols_select)) DISS_COLS = "" if not dissolve or dissolve == "ALL" else ", ".join( dissolve) GRP_BY = "" if not dissolve else "{}, {}".format(SEL_COLS, DISS_COLS) if \ SEL_COLS != "" and DISS_COLS != "" else SEL_COLS \ if SEL_COLS != "" else DISS_COLS if DISS_COLS != "" else "" Q = ( "SELECT{sel}{spFunc}{geom}, {_dist}{endFunc} AS {bf} " "FROM {t}{whr}{grpBy}" ).format( sel = " " if not cols_select else " {}, ".format(SEL_COLS), spFunc="ST_Buffer(" if not dissolve else \ "ST_UnaryUnion(ST_Collect(ST_Buffer(", geom=geomCol, _dist=bfDist, endFunc=")" if not dissolve else ")))", t=inTbl, grpBy=" GROUP BY {}".format(GRP_BY) if GRP_BY != "" else "", whr="" if not whrClause else " WHERE {}".format(whrClause), bf=bufferField ) if not outTblIsFile: from import q_to_ntbl outTbl = q_to_ntbl(db, outTbl, Q, api='psql') else: from import dbtbl_to_shp dbtbl_to_shp(db, Q, bufferField, outTbl, api='pgsql2shp', tableIsQuery=True) return outTbl
def rst_resampling(inRst, outRst, outCell, template=None, technique=None): """ Change the spatial resolution of your raster dataset and set rules for aggregating or interpolating values across the new pixel sizes. technique options: * NEAREST * MAJORITY * BILINEAR * CUBIC """ import os from glass.pys import obj_to_lst inRst = obj_to_lst(inRst) # Get outputs outRst = obj_to_lst(outRst) if len(inRst) != len(outRst): from glass.pys.oss import get_filename OUT_FOLDER = outRst[0] if os.path.isdir(outRst[0]) else \ os.path.dirname(outRst[0]) if os.path.isfile(outRst[0]) else \ None if not OUT_FOLDER: raise ValueError('outRst value is not valid') outRst = [ os.path.join(OUT_FOLDER, get_filename(i) + '.tif') for i in inRst ] for i in range(len(inRst)): if inRst[i] == outRst[i]: outRst[i] = os.path.join( OUT_FOLDER, "res_{}.tif".format(get_filename(outRst[i]))) if template: tempEnvironment0 = arcpy.env.extent arcpy.env.extent = template technique = "NEAREST" if not technique else technique CELLSIZE = "{a} {a}".format(a=str(outCell)) for i in range(len(inRst)): arcpy.Resample_management(inRst[i], outRst[i], CELLSIZE, technique) if template: arcpy.env.extent = tempEnvironment0 return outRst
def splite_buffer(db, table, dist, geomField, outTbl, cols_select=None, bufferField="geometry", whrClause=None, outTblIsFile=None, dissolve=None): """ Run ST_Buffer if not dissolve, no generalization will be applied; if dissolve == to str or list, a generalization will be accomplish using the fields referenced by this object; if dissolve == 'ALL', all features will be dissolved. """ from glass.pys import obj_to_lst dissolve = obj_to_lst(dissolve) if dissolve != "ALL" else "ALL" sql = ( "SELECT{sel}{spFunc}{geom}, {_dist}{endFunc} AS {bf} " "FROM {tbl}{whr}{grpBy}" ).format( sel = " " if not cols_select else " {}, ".format( ", ".join(obj_to_lst(cols_select)) ), tbl=table, geom=geomField, _dist=str(dist), bf=bufferField, whr="" if not whrClause else " WHERE {}".format(whrClause), spFunc="ST_Buffer(" if not dissolve else \ "ST_UnaryUnion(ST_Collect(ST_Buffer(", endFunc = ")" if not dissolve else ")))", grpBy="" if not dissolve or dissolve == "ALL" else " GROUP BY {}".format( ", ".join(dissolve) ) ) if outTblIsFile: from glass.g.tbl.filter import sel_by_attr sel_by_attr(db, sql, outTbl, api_gis='ogr') else: from import q_to_ntbl q_to_ntbl(db, outTbl, sql, api='ogr2ogr') return outTbl
def lst_ff(w, file_format=None, filename=None, rfilename=None): """ List the abs path of all files with a specific extension on a folder """ from glass.pys import obj_to_lst # Prepare file format list if file_format: formats = obj_to_lst(file_format) for f in range(len(formats)): if formats[f][0] != '.': formats[f] = '.' + formats[f] # List files r = [] for (d, _d_, f) in os.walk(w): r.extend(f) break # Filter files by format or not if not file_format: if not rfilename: t = [os.path.join(w, i) for i in r] else: t = [i for i in r] else: if not rfilename: t = [ os.path.join(w, i) for i in r if os.path.splitext(i)[1] in formats ] else: t = [i for i in r if os.path.splitext(i)[1] in formats] # Filter by filename if not filename: return t else: filename = obj_to_lst(filename) _t = [] for i in t: fn = fprop(i, 'fn') if not rfilename else i if fn in filename: _t.append(i) return _t
def rst_stats_by_feat(vec, rst, ncol, method, as_cmd=True): """ DESCRIPTION v.rast.stats calculates basic univariate statistics from a raster map only for the parts covered by the specified vector map. The vector map will be rasterized according to the raster map resolution. Then univariate statistics are calculated per vector category (cat) from the raster map and the results uploaded to the vector map attribute table. A new column is generated in the attribute table for each statistic requested in method (if not already present). The univariate statistics include the number of raster cells counted, the number of raster NULL cells counted, minimum and maximum cell values, range, average, standard deviation, variance, coefficient of variation, sum, first quartile, median, third quartile, and percentile. method options: number, null_cells, minimum, maximum, range, average, stddev, variance, coeff_var, sum, first_quartile, median, third_quartile, percentile """ from glass.pys import obj_to_lst ncol = obj_to_lst(ncol) method = obj_to_lst(method) if as_cmd: from glass.pys import execmd rcmd = execmd( ("v.rast.stats map={} raster={} column_prefix={} " " method={} -c --quiet").format(vec, rst, ",".join(ncol), ",".join(method))) else: from grass.pygrass.modules import Module m = Module('v.rst.stats', map=vec, raster=rst, column_prefix=ncol, method=method, flags='c', quiet=True, run_=False) m() return vec
def del_cols(lyr, cols, api='grass', lyrn=1): """ Remove Columns from Tables """ from glass.pys import obj_to_lst cols = obj_to_lst(cols) if api == 'grass': from glass.pys import execmd rcmd = execmd(("v.db.dropcolumn map={} layer={} columns={} " "--quiet").format(lyr, str(lyrn), ','.join(cols))) elif api == 'pygrass': from grass.pygrass.modules import Module m = Module("v.db.dropcolumn", map=lyr, layer=lyrn, columns=cols, quiet=True, run_=True) else: raise ValueError("API {} is not available".format(api)) return lyr
def lst_dataframe(mxdObj, dfNames=None): """ List Dataframes in a MXD Project """ from glass.pys import obj_to_lst dfNames = obj_to_lst(dfNames) dfs = arcpy.mapping.ListDataFrames(mxdObj) if dfNames: dfObjs = [df for df in dfs if str( in dfNames] else: dfObjs = dfs if len(dfObjs) == 0: return None elif len(dfObjs) == 1: return dfObjs[0] else: return dfObjs
def join_table_with_tables(table, idTable, join_tables, join_fields=None): """ Join table with all tables referred in join_tables join_tables = { table_name : join_field_name ... } join_fields specify the fields from the join table to add in table join_fields = { table_name : field, table_name : [field_1, field_2, ...] } """ from glass.pys import obj_to_lst for tbl in join_tables: if join_fields: if tbl in join_fields: fld_to_join = obj_to_lst(join_fields[tbl]) else: fld_to_join = "" else: fld_to_join = "" join_table(table, idTable, tbl, join_tables[tbl], fld_to_f_tbl=fld_to_join)
def del_topoerror_shps(db, shps, epsg, outfolder): """ Remove topological errors from Feature Class data using PostGIS """ import os from glass.pys import obj_to_lst from import cols_name from import q_to_ntbl from import shp_to_psql from import dbtbl_to_shp shps = obj_to_lst(shps) TABLES = shp_to_psql(db, shps, srsEpsgCode=epsg, api="shp2pgsql") NTABLE = [q_to_ntbl( db, "nt_{}".format(t), "SELECT {cols}, ST_MakeValid({tbl}.geom) AS geom FROM {tbl}".format( cols = ", ".join(["{}.{}".format(TABLES[t], x) for x in cols_name( db, TABLES[t], sanitizeSpecialWords=None ) if x != 'geom']), tbl=TABLES[t] ), api='psql' ) for t in range(len(TABLES))] for t in range(len(NTABLE)): dbtbl_to_shp(db, NTABLE[t], "geom", os.path.join( outfolder, TABLES[t]), tableIsQuery=None, api='pgsql2shp')
def restore_tbls(dbn, sql, tablenames=None, dbset='default'): """ Restore tables from a sql Script TODO: add mysql option """ from glass.pys import execmd from glass.cons.psql import con_psql from glass.pys import obj_to_lst condb = con_psql(db_set=dbset) tbls = obj_to_lst(tablenames) tblStr = "" if not tablenames else " {}".format(" ".join([ "-t {}".format(t) for t in tbls])) outcmd = execmd(( "pg_restore -U {user} -h {host} -p {port} " "-w{tbl} -d {db} {sqls}" ).format( user=condb["USER"], host=condb["HOST"], port=condb["PORT"], db=dbn, sqls=sql, tbl=tblStr )) return tablenames
def del_rst(rstname, ascmd=True): """ Delete Raster map of GRASS GIS """ from glass.pys import obj_to_lst rstname = obj_to_lst(rstname) if not ascmd: from grass.pygrass.modules import Module add = Module("g.remove", type='raster', name=rstname, quiet=True, run_=False, flags='f') add() else: from glass.pys import execmd rcmd = execmd(("g.remove -f type=raster name={} --quiet").format( ",".join(rstname))) return 1
def unsecure(pdfs, out_res): """ Unsecure PDF's using qpdf Requirements: qpdf must be installed """ import os from glass.pys import execmd if os.path.isdir(pdfs): from glass.pys .oss import lst_ff pdfs = lst_ff(pdfs, file_format='.pdf') else: from glass.pys import obj_to_lst pdfs = obj_to_lst(pdfs) for pdf in pdfs: execmd("qpdf --decrypt {} {}".format(pdf, os.path.join( out_res, os.path.basename(pdf) ))) return out_res
def rows_notin_q(db, tblA, tblB, joinCols, newTable, cols_to_mantain=None, tblAisQuery=None, tblBisQuery=None): """ Get rows from tblA that are not present in tblB joinCols = {colTblA : colTblB} """ from glass.pys import obj_to_lst from import q_to_ntbl cols_to_mantain = obj_to_lst(cols_to_mantain) q = ("SELECT {cls} FROM {ta} LEFT JOIN {tb} ON " "{rel} WHERE {tblB}.{fldB} IS NULL").format( cls=cols_to_mantain if cols_to_mantain else "{}.*".format(tblA), ta=tblA if not tblAisQuery else tblAisQuery, tb=tblB if not tblBisQuery else tblBisQuery, rel=" AND ".join([ "{ta}.{ca} = {tb}.{cb}".format(ta=tblA, tb=tblB, ca=k, cb=joinCols[k]) for k in joinCols ])) newTable = q_to_ntbl(db, newTable, q, api='psql') return newTable
def distinct_to_table(db, pgtable, outable, cols=None): """ Distinct values of one column to a new table """ from glass.pys import obj_to_lst from import sqlcon cols = obj_to_lst(cols) if not cols: from import cols_name cols = cols_name(db, pgtable, api='psql') con = sqlcon(db) cs = con.cursor() cs.execute( ("CREATE TABLE {nt} AS " "SELECT {cls} FROM {t} GROUP BY {cls}").format(nt=outable, cls=', '.join(cols), t=pgtable)) con.commit() cs.close() con.close() return outable
def search_words(group=None): """ Get Search Words """ from glass.pys import obj_to_lst from import q_to_obj db = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'ecgiwords.db' ) group = obj_to_lst(group) Q = "SELECT words.fid, words.word FROM words ORDER BY words.fid" if not group else ( "SELECT words.fid, words.word FROM words " "INNER JOIN groups ON words.grpid = groups.fid " "WHERE {} " "ORDER BY words.fid" ).format(" OR ".join([" = '{}'".format(x) for x in group])) words = q_to_obj(db, Q, db_api='sqlite') return words
def change_field_type(db, table, fields, outable, cols=None): """ Imagine a table with numeric data saved as text. This method convert that numeric data to a numeric field. fields = {'field_name' : 'field_type'} """ from import cols_name if not cols: cols = cols_name(db, table) else: from glass.pys import obj_to_lst cols = obj_to_lst(cols) select_fields = [f for f in cols if f not in fields] con = sqlcon(db) # Create new table with the new field with converted values cursor = con.cursor() cursor.execute(('CREATE TABLE {} AS SELECT {}, {} FROM {}').format( outable, ', '.join(select_fields), ', '.join([ 'CAST({f_} AS {t}) AS {f_}'.format(f_=f, t=fields[f]) for f in fields ]), table)) con.commit() cursor.close() con.close()
def fix_geom(db, table, geom, out_tbl, colsSelect=None, whr=None): """ Remove some topological incorrections on the PostGIS data """ from import q_to_ntbl if not colsSelect: from import cols_name cols_tbl = [ '{}.{}'.format(table, x) for x in cols_name(db, table, sanitizeSpecialWords=None) if x != geom ] else: from glass.pys import obj_to_lst cols_tbl = [ '{}.{}'.format(table, x) for x in obj_to_lst(colsSelect) if x != geom ] Q = "SELECT {c}, ST_MakeValid({g}) AS {g} FROM {t}{w}".format( c=", ".join(cols_tbl), g=geom, t=table, w="" if not whr else " WHERE {}".format(whr)) ntbl = q_to_ntbl(db, out_tbl, Q, api='psql') return ntbl
def intersect_in_same_table(db_name, table, geomA, geomB, outtable, intersectField='intersects', intersectGeom=None, colsSel=None): """ Intersect two Geometries in the same table """ from glass.pys import obj_to_lst from import q_to_ntbl COLS = obj_to_lst(colsSel) return q_to_ntbl(db_name, outtable, ( "SELECT {cls}, CASE WHEN interse IS TRUE THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS {intF} " "{intgeomF}FROM (" "SELECT {cls}, ST_Intersects({gA}, {gB}) AS interse " "{intgeom}FROM {t}" ") AS tst" ).format( gA=geomA, gB=geomB, t=table, intF=intersectField, cls="*" if not COLS else ", ".join(COLS), intgeom= "" if not intersectGeom else \ ", ST_Intersection({}, {}) AS intersect_geom".format( geomA, geomB ), intgeomF = "" if not intersectGeom else ", intersect_geom" ), api='psql')
def del_field(tbl, drop_fields, table_format=None): """ This tool deletes one or more fields from a table, feature class, feature layer, or raster dataset. Use table_format if tbl is a dir """ import os from glass.pys import obj_to_lst try: if os.path.isdir(tbl): from glass.pys.oss import lst_ff tables = lst_ff(tbl, file_format=table_format) else: tables = [tbl] except: tables = [tbl] drop_fields = obj_to_lst(drop_fields) if not drop_fields: raise ValueError('drop_fields should be a string or a list of strings') for tbl in tables: arcpy.DeleteField_management(tbl, drop_fields)
def geom_to_points(db, table, geomCol, outTable, selCols=None, newGeomCol=None): """ Convert a Polygon/Polyline Geometry to Points Equivalent to feature to point tool """ from glass.pys import obj_to_lst from import q_to_ntbl selCols = obj_to_lst(selCols) Q = ("SELECT {cols}(ST_DumpPoints({geom})).geom AS {newCol} " "FROM {tbl}").format( cols="" if not selCols else "{}, ".format(", ".join(selCols)), geom=geomCol, newCol="geom" if not newGeomCol else newGeomCol, tbl=table) return q_to_ntbl(db, outTable, Q, api='psql')
def raster_report(rst, rel, _units=None, ascmd=None): """ Units options: * Options: mi, me, k, a, h, c, p ** mi: area in square miles ** me: area in square meters ** k: area in square kilometers ** a: area in acres ** h: area in hectares ** c: number of cells ** p: percent cover """ if not ascmd: from grass.pygrass.modules import Module report = Module("", map=rst, flags="h", output=rel, units=_units, run_=False, quiet=True) report() else: from glass.pys import obj_to_lst, execmd rcmd = execmd(" map={} output={}{} -h".format( rst, rel, " units={}".format(",".join(obj_to_lst(_units))) if _units else "")) return rel
def by_query(search_type, keyword=None, x_center=None, y_center=None, dist=None, limit='100', face_fields=None): """ Search data on facebook based on: - Keyword; - search type (user, page, event, place, placetopic); - location (center and distance from center); - limit (maximum number of users/pages/etc. to be returned)*. * Our default is 100, but the Facebook default is 60. Returns an array with the id of the data in facebook """ import pandas from glass.pys import obj_to_lst from glass.pys.web import http_to_json # Deal with spaces in the keyword expression and with special characters keyword = keyword.replace(' ', '%20') if keyword and ' ' in keyword \ else keyword face_fields = obj_to_lst(face_fields) URL = ('{graph}search?access_token={_id}|{scrt}' '{_q}{typ}{cnt}{dst}{lmt}{flds}').format( graph=FACEBOOK_GRAPH_URL, _id=FACEBOOK_TOKEN['APP_ID'], scrt=FACEBOOK_TOKEN['APP_SECRET'], _q='' if not keyword else '&q={}'.format(keyword), typ='&type={}'.format(search_type), cnt='' if not x_center and not y_center else '¢er={},{}'.format(y_center, x_center), dst='' if not dist else '&distance={}'.format(dist), lmt='' if not limit else '&limit={}'.format(str(limit)), flds='' if not face_fields else '&fields={}'.format( ','.join(face_fields))) face_table = pandas.DataFrame(http_to_json(URL)['data']) if not face_table.shape[0]: return None face_table["url"] = "" + face_table["id"] if face_fields: if "location" in face_fields: face_table = pandas.concat([ face_table.drop(["location"], axis=1), face_table["location"].apply(pandas.Series) ], axis=1) return face_table
def st_dissolve(db, table, geomColumn, outTable, whrClause=None, diss_cols=None, outTblIsFile=None, api='sqlite'): """ Dissolve a Polygon table API options: * sqlite * psql """ from glass.pys import obj_to_lst diss_cols = obj_to_lst(diss_cols) if diss_cols else None geomcol = "geometry" if api == 'sqlite' else 'geom' sql = ("SELECT{selCols} ST_UnaryUnion(ST_Collect({geom})) AS {gout} " "FROM {tbl}{whr}{grpBy}").format( selCols="" if not diss_cols else " {},".format(", ".join(diss_cols)), geom=geomColumn, tbl=table, whr="" if not whrClause else " WHERE {}".format(whrClause), grpBy="" if not diss_cols else " GROUP BY {}".format( ", ".join(diss_cols)), gout=geomcol) if outTblIsFile: if api == 'sqlite': from glass.g.tbl.filter import sel_by_attr sel_by_attr(db, sql, outTable, api_gis='ogr') elif api == 'psql': from import dbtbl_to_shp dbtbl_to_shp(db, table, geomColumn, outTable, api='pgsql2shp', tableIsQuery=True) else: from import q_to_ntbl q_to_ntbl(db, outTable, sql, api='ogr2ogr' if api == 'sqlite' else 'psql') return outTable
def q_to_obj(dbname, query, db_api='psql', geomCol=None, epsg=None, of='df', cols=None, dbset='default'): """ Query database and convert data to Pandas Dataframe/GeoDataFrame API's Available: * psql; * sqlite; * mysql; output format options ("of" parameter): * df (Pandas Dataframe); * dict (Python Dict); """ if not query.startswith('SELECT '): # Assuming query is a table name from glass.pys import obj_to_lst from import cols_name cols = cols_name(dbname, query) if not cols else \ obj_to_lst(cols) query = "SELECT {} FROM {}".format( ", ".join(["{t}.{c} AS {c}".format(t=query, c=i) for i in cols]), query) if not geomCol: import pandas from import alchemy_engine pgengine = alchemy_engine(dbname, api=db_api, dbset=dbset) df = pandas.read_sql(query, pgengine, columns=None) else: from geopandas import GeoDataFrame from import sqlcon con = sqlcon(dbname, sqlAPI='psql', dbset=dbset) df = GeoDataFrame.from_postgis( query, con, geom_col=geomCol, crs="EPSG:{}".format(str(epsg)) if epsg else None) if of == 'dict': df = df.to_dict(orient="records") return df
def xlstimedelta_to_pddf(inXls, timecol, sheet_name=None, sheet_index=None, columnsToMantain=None): """ Convert a table with a column with timedelta values to a valid Pandas DataFrame """ import datetime; import xlrd; from xlrd import xldate_as_tuple from glass.pys import obj_to_lst from import get_sheet_obj from import col_name, get_columns_position __xls = xlrd.open_workbook(inXls) sheet = get_sheet_obj(__xls, name=sheet_name, index=sheet_index) # Get Cols name COLS_NAME = col_name(sheet) if not columnsToMantain else \ obj_to_lst(columnsToMantain) if type(timecol) != int: if timecol not in COLS_NAME: COLS_NAME.append(timecol) # Get Cols position COLS_POS = get_columns_position(sheet, COLS_NAME) POS_COLS = COLS_POS.values() if type(timecol) == int: COL_TIME_POSITION = timecol else: COL_TIME_POSITION = COLS_POS[timecol] data = [] for row in range(1, sheet.nrows): l_col = [] for col in range(sheet.ncols): if col not in POS_COLS: continue if col == COL_TIME_POSITION: tt = xldate_as_tuple( sheet.cell(row, col).value, __xls.datemode) l_col.append(datetime.timedelta( weeks=tt[1], days=tt[2], hours=tt[3], minutes=tt[4], seconds=tt[5] )) else: l_col.append(sheet.cell(row, col).value) data.append(l_col) df = pandas.DataFrame(data, columns=COLS_NAME) return df
def del_file(_file): """ Delete files if exists """ from glass.pys import obj_to_lst for ff in obj_to_lst(_file): if os.path.isfile(ff) and os.path.exists(ff): os.remove(ff)
def warp_rst(rst, outrst, srcpnt, tgpnt, rst_format='.tif'): """ Warp Raster srcpnt example: srcpnt = ( "'16.2409649994254 48.0598321302268';'16.3212880027982 48.1005354388663';" "'16.2409649994254 48.1005354388663';'16.3212880027982 48.0598321302268'" ) tgpnt = ( "'16.240965 48.0633562';'16.3212877 48.0963069';" "'16.240965 48.0963069';'16.3212877 48.0633562'" ) """ rst_format = '.tif' if not rst_format else rst_format if os.path.isdir(rst): from glass.pys.oss import lst_ff rsts = lst_ff(rst, file_format=rst_format) else: from glass.pys import obj_to_lst rsts = obj_to_lst(rst) if os.path.isdir(outrst): outrsts = [ os.path.join(outrst, 'warp_{}'.format(os.path.basename(r))) for r in rsts ] else: if type(outrst) != list: if len(rsts) > 1: outrsts = [ os.path.join(os.path.dirname(outrst), 'warp_{}'.format(os.path.basename(r))) for r in rsts ] else: outrsts = [outrst] else: outrsts = outrst for r in range(len(rsts)): arcpy.Warp_management(rsts[r], srcpnt, tgpnt, outrsts[r], "POLYORDER1", "BILINEAR") return outrst
def shape_to_rst_wShapeCheck(inShp, maxCellNumber, desiredCellsizes, outRst, inEPSG): """ Convert one Feature Class to Raster using the cellsizes included in desiredCellsizes. For each cellsize, check if the number of cells exceeds maxCellNumber. The raster with lower cellsize but lower than maxCellNumber will be the returned raster """ import os from glass.pys import obj_to_lst from glass.g.prop.rst import rst_shape desiredCellsizes = obj_to_lst(desiredCellsizes) if not desiredCellsizes: raise ValueError('desiredCellsizes does not have a valid value') workspace = os.path.dirname(outRst) RASTERS = [ shp_to_rst(inShp, None, cellsize, -1, os.path.join(workspace, f'tst_cell_{str(cellsize)}.tif'), inEPSG) for cellsize in desiredCellsizes ] tstShape = rst_shape(RASTERS) for rst in tstShape: NCELLS = tstShape[rst][0] * tstShape[rst][1] tstShape[rst] = NCELLS NICE_RASTER = None for i in range(len(desiredCellsizes)): if tstShape[RASTERS[i]] <= maxCellNumber: NICE_RASTER = RASTERS[i] break else: continue if not NICE_RASTER: return None else: os.rename(NICE_RASTER, outRst) for rst in RASTERS: if os.path.isfile(rst) and os.path.exists(rst): os.remove(rst) return outRst