Esempio n. 1
    def modifyRegGivenChrom(self):
        """Modifiy self.reg based on self.regChrom
        # Loop through self.reg and update 'newState'
        for r, regData in self.reg.items():
            for phase, phaseData in regData['phases'].items():
                # Extract the binary representation of tap position.
                tapBin = \
                # Convert the binary to an integer
                posInt = helper.bin2int(tapBin)

                # Get the tap position.
                tap = gld.translateTaps(lowerTaps=self.reg[r]['lower_taps'],

                # Fix the tap position if it's out of bounds.
                if tap < -self.reg[r]['lower_taps']:
                    tap = -self.reg[r]['lower_taps']
                elif tap > self.reg[r]['raise_taps']:
                    tap = self.reg[r]['raise_taps']
                # Convert integer to tap position and assign to new position
                self.reg[r]['phases'][phase]['newState'] = tap

                # Increment the tap change counter (previous pos - this pos)
                self.tapChangeCount += \
                        - self.reg[r]['phases'][phase]['newState'])
Esempio n. 2
    def genRegChrom(self, flag):
        """Method to randomly generate an individual's regulator chromosome
            flag: dictates how regulator tap positions are created.
                0: All regulator taps set to their minimum tap position
                1: All regulator taps set to their maximum tap position
                2: Regulator tap positions will be biased (via a Gaussian 
                    distribution and the TAPSIGMAPCT constant) toward the
                    previous tap positions
                3: Regulator state unchanged - simply reflects what's in the 
                    reg input's 'prevState'
                4: Regulator state given in reg input's 'newState' - just need
                    to generate chromosome and count tap changes
                5: Regulator tap positions will be determined randomly
        NOTE: the individual's controlFlag will be used to determine whether or
            not the individual's tapChangeCount should be updated.
        # Initialize chromosome for regulator and dict to store list indices.
        self.regChrom = ()

        # Intialize index counters.
        s = 0
        e = 0

        # Loop through the regs and create binary representation of taps.
        for r, v in self.reg.items():

            # Define the upper tap bound (tb).
            tb = v['raise_taps'] + v['lower_taps']

            # Compute the needed field width to represent the upper tap bound
            # Use + 1 to account for 2^0
            width = helper.binaryWidth(tb)

            # Define variables as needed based on the flag. I started to try to
            # make micro-optimizations for code factoring, but let's go for
            # readable instead.
            if flag == 0:
                newState = 0
            elif flag == 1:
                newState = tb
            elif flag == 2:
                # If we're biasing from the previous position, get a sigma for
                # the Gaussian distribution.
                tapSigma = round(TAPSIGMAPCT * (tb + 1))
            elif flag == 3:
                state = 'prevState'
            elif flag == 4:
                state = 'newState'

            # Loop through the phases
            for phase, phaseData in v['phases'].items():

                # If we're biasing new positions based on previous positions:
                if flag == 2:
                    # Randomly draw tap position from gaussian distribution.

                    # Translate previous position to integer on interval [0,tb]
                    prevState = \

                    # Initialize the newState for while loop.
                    newState = -1

                    # The standard distribution runs from (-inf, +inf) - draw
                    # until position is valid. Recall valid positions are
                    # [0, tb]
                    while (newState < 0) or (newState > tb):
                        # Draw the tap position from the normal distribution.
                        # Here oure 'mu' is the previous value
                        newState = round(random.gauss(prevState, tapSigma))

                elif (flag == 3) or (flag == 4):
                    # Translate position to integer on interval [0, tb]
                    newState = \

                elif flag == 5:
                    # Randomly draw.
                    newState = random.randint(0, tb)

                # Express tap setting as binary list with consistent width.
                binTuple = tuple([
                    for x in "{0:0{width}b}".format(newState, width=width)

                # Extend the regulator chromosome.
                self.regChrom += binTuple

                # Increment end index.
                e += len(binTuple)

                # Translate newState for GridLAB-D.
                self.reg[r]['phases'][phase]['newState'] = \
                    gld.translateTaps(lowerTaps=v['lower_taps'], pos=newState)

                # Increment the tap change counter (previous pos - this pos) if
                # this individual is using MANUAL control. Otherwise, tap
                # changes must be computed after the model run.
                if self.controlFlag == 0:
                    self.tapChangeCount += \
                            - self.reg[r]['phases'][phase]['newState'])

                # Ensure the indices for this phase match what was originally
                # built.
                if self.reg[r]['phases'][phase]['chromInd'] != (s, e):
                    raise UserWarning(('The original regulator chromosome '
                                       'indices do not match what individual '

                # Increment start index.
                s += len(binTuple)
Esempio n. 3
 def test_translateTaps(self):
     """translateTaps translates tap position on [0, t + t] to [-t, t]"""
         with self.subTest(tapList=el):
             out = gld.translateTaps(el[0], el[1])
             self.assertEqual(el[2], out)