def run(self): # initializer timer glfw.glfwSetTime(0) t = 0.0 while not glfw.glfwWindowShouldClose( and not self.exitNow: # update every x seconds currT = glfw.glfwGetTime() if currT - t > 0.01: # update time t = currT # clear glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) # render pMatrix = glutils.perspective(100.0, self.aspect, 0.1, 100.0) # modelview matrix mvMatrix = glutils.lookAt(,, # draw non-transparent object first, mvMatrix) # render self.psys.render(pMatrix, mvMatrix, # step self.step() glfw.glfwSwapBuffers( # Poll for and process events glfw.glfwPollEvents() # end glfw.glfwTerminate()
def run(self): # initializer timer glfw.glfwSetTime(0) t = 0.0 while not glfw.glfwWindowShouldClose( and not self.exitNow: # update every x seconds currT = glfw.glfwGetTime() if currT - t > 0.1: # update time t = currT # clear glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) # build projection matrix pMatrix = glutils.perspective(45.0, self.aspect, 0.1, 100.0) mvMatrix = glutils.lookAt([0.0, 0.0, -2.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]) # render self.scene.render(pMatrix, mvMatrix) # step self.scene.step() glfw.glfwSwapBuffers( # Poll for and process events glfw.glfwPollEvents() # end glfw.glfwTerminate()
def main(): glfw.init() glfw.window_hint(glfw.CONTEXT_VERSION_MAJOR, 3) glfw.window_hint(glfw.CONTEXT_VERSION_MINOR, 3) glfw.window_hint(glfw.OPENGL_PROFILE, glfw.OPENGL_CORE_PROFILE) window = glfw.create_window(WIN_WIDTH, WIN_HEIGHT, "Hello OpenGL", None, None) if window == 0: print("failed to create window") glfw.glfwTerminate() glfw.make_context_current(window) glfw.set_framebuffer_size_callback(window, framebuffer_size_callback) vertexShader = gl.glCreateShader(gl.GL_VERTEX_SHADER) gl.glShaderSource(vertexShader, vertexShaderSource) gl.glCompileShader(vertexShader) fragmentShader = gl.glCreateShader(gl.GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER) gl.glShaderSource(fragmentShader, fragmentShaderSource) gl.glCompileShader(fragmentShader) shaderProgram = gl.glCreateProgram() gl.glAttachShader(shaderProgram, vertexShader) gl.glAttachShader(shaderProgram, fragmentShader) gl.glLinkProgram(shaderProgram) gl.glDeleteShader(vertexShader) gl.glDeleteShader(fragmentShader) VAO = gl.glGenVertexArrays(1) VBO = gl.glGenBuffers(1) gl.glBindVertexArray(VAO) gl.glBindBuffer(gl.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, VBO) gl.glBufferData(gl.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sys.getsizeof(vertices), vertices, gl.GL_STATIC_DRAW) gl.glVertexAttribPointer(gl.glGetAttribLocation(shaderProgram, 'aPos'), 3, gl.GL_FLOAT, gl.GL_FALSE, 12, None) gl.glEnableVertexAttribArray(0) gl.glBindBuffer(gl.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0) gl.glBindVertexArray(0) while not glfw.window_should_close(window): processInput(window) gl.glClearColor(0.2, 0.3, 0.3, 1.0) gl.glClear(gl.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) gl.glUseProgram(shaderProgram) gl.glBindVertexArray(VAO) gl.glDrawArrays(gl.GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 3) gl.glBindVertexArray(0) glfw.swap_buffers(window) glfw.poll_events() glfw.terminate()
def run(self): # start loop while not glfw.glfwWindowShouldClose( and not self.exitNow: # render self.renderer.draw() # swap buffers glfw.glfwSwapBuffers( # wait for events glfw.glfwWaitEvents() # end glfw.glfwTerminate()
def cleanup(self): glfw.glfwRestoreWindow(self.g_pool.main_window) del self.g_pool.menubar[:] self.g_pool.gui.remove(self.g_pool.menubar) self.g_pool.gui.terminate() glfw.glfwDestroyWindow(self.g_pool.main_window) glfw.glfwTerminate() del self.g_pool.gui del self.g_pool.main_window del self.texture
def run(self): glfw.glfwSetTime(0) t = 0.0 while not glfw.glfwWindowShouldClose( and not self.exitNow: currT = glfw.glfwGetTime() #每隔0.1s绘一次图 if currT - t > 0.1: t = currT #清除深度和颜色缓冲区 glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) #计算投影矩阵,45度视场,近/远裁剪平面的距离为0.1/100.0 pMatrix = glutils.perspective(45.0, self.aspect, 0.1, 100.0) #设置模型视图矩阵,眼睛位置设置在(0,0,-2),用一个向上的矢量(0,1,0)看向原点(0,0,0) mvMatirx = glutils.lookAt([0.0, 0.0, -2.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]) self.scene.render(pMatrix, mvMatirx) self.scene.step() #交换前后缓冲区, 显示更新的三维图像(双缓冲,更加流畅的视觉效果) glfw.glfwSwapBuffers( #调用检查所有UI事件,将控制返回给while循环 glfw.glfwPollEvents() glfw.glfwTerminate()
def run(self): while 1: shouldClose = glfw.glfwWindowShouldClose(self.glfwWindow) if shouldClose: if self.okToExit(): break else: glfw.glfwSetWindowShouldClose(self.glfwWindow, 0) if self._drawNeeded: if self._isFull: glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(self.glfwFullscreenWindow) else: glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(self.glfwWindow) self.__draw() if self._isFull: glfw.glfwSwapBuffers(self.glfwFullscreenWindow) else: glfw.glfwSwapBuffers(self.glfwWindow) self._drawNeeded = False glfw.glfwPollEvents() self.__idle() glfw.glfwTerminate()
def main(): # Initialize the library if not glfw.glfwInit(): return # Create a windowed mode window and its OpenGL context window = glfw.glfwCreateWindow(640, 480, "Hello World", None, None) if not window: glfw.glfwTerminate() return # Make the window's context current glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(window) # Loop until the user closes the window while not glfw.glfwWindowShouldClose(window): # Render here, e.g. using pyOpenGL # Swap front and back buffers glfw.glfwSwapBuffers(window) # Poll for and process events glfw.glfwPollEvents() glfw.glfwTerminate()
def main(): # verify input if len(sys.argv) == 1: # check if the standard input is a tty (not a pipe) if sys.stdin.isatty(): print("Incorrect syntax, use:") print(' > ' + sys.argv[0] + " image.png") # show a default image if exists sys.argv.append('/Users/facciolo/uiskentuie_standing_stone.png') try: from os import stat stat(sys.argv[1]) except OSError: sys.exit(1) # otherwise use stdin as input (because it should be a pipe) else: sys.argv.append('-') # pick the first image I1 = sys.argv[1] # globals global D,V,DD,current_image_idx tic() # read the image # Usually this is done with change_image, but this is a special case # as we must find out the image size before creating the window D.imageBitmapTiles,D.w,D.h,D.nch,D.v_min,D.v_max = load_image(I1) D.filename = I1 from os import stat, path if I1 != '-' and path.exists(I1): D.mtime = (stat(I1).st_mtime) V.data_min, V.data_max= D.v_min,D.v_max V.reset_scale_bias() toc('loadImage+data->RGBbitmap') ## image list current_image_idx = 0 DD[current_image_idx] = D tic() # Initialize the library # for some reason glfwInit changes the current dir, so I change it back! from os import getcwd,chdir savepath = getcwd() if not glfw.glfwInit(): sys.exit(1) chdir(savepath) # TODO REMOVE : needed for the text import OpenGL.GLUT as glut glut.glutInit() # Create a windowed mode window and its OpenGL context window = glfw.glfwCreateWindow(D.w, D.h, "Vflip! (reloaded)", None, None) if not window: glfw.glfwTerminate() sys.exit(1) # Make the window's context current glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(window) # event handlers glfw.glfwSetKeyCallback(window, keyboard_callback) glfw.glfwSetMouseButtonCallback(window, mouseButtons_callback) glfw.glfwSetScrollCallback(window, mouseWheel_callback) glfw.glfwSetCursorPosCallback(window, mouseMotion_callback) glfw.glfwSetFramebufferSizeCallback(window, resize_callback) glfw.glfwSetWindowRefreshCallback(window,display) # glfw.glfwSetCharCallback (window, unicode_char_callback) toc('glfw init') # setup texture tic() setupTexturesFromImageTiles(D.imageBitmapTiles,D.w,D.h,D.nch) glFinish() # Flush and wait toc('texture setup') print (0,D.filename, (D.w,D.h,D.nch), (D.v_min,D.v_max)) ########## ######## SETUP FRAGMENT SHADER FOR CONTRAST CHANGE ########## # # # # global program, SHADERS, SHADER_PROGRAMS for s in SHADERS.keys(): SHADER_PROGRAMS[s] = compileProgram( compileShader(SHADERS[s], GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER), ); glLinkProgram( SHADER_PROGRAMS[s] ) program = SHADER_PROGRAMS['rgba'] #global program # try to activate/enable shader program # handle errors wisely try: glUseProgram(program) except OpenGL.error.GLError: print(glGetProgramInfoLog(program)) raise # set the values of the shader uniform variables (global) shader_a= glGetUniformLocation(program, "shader_a") glUniform1f(shader_a,V.scale_param) shader_b= glGetUniformLocation(program, "shader_b") glUniform1f(shader_b,V.bias_param) shader_c= glGetUniformLocation(program, "shader_c") glUniform1i(shader_c,V.inv_param) # # first display # display(window) ## glFlush() # Loop until the user closes the window while not glfw.glfwWindowShouldClose(window): # Render here if V.redisp: # Try to resize the window if needed # this process the window resize requests generated by the application # the user window resize requests requests go directly to resize_callback if V.resize and not (D.w,D.h) == glfw.glfwGetFramebufferSize(window) and not V.window_has_been_resized_by_the_user: glfw.glfwSetWindowSize(window,D.w,D.h) # I know it's not been the user so I reset the variable to 0 V.window_has_been_resized_by_the_user=0 V.resize = 0 if V.TOGGLE_FIT_TO_WINDOW_SIZE: V.update_zoom_position_to_fit_window() V.redisp = display(window) # Swap front and back buffers glfw.glfwSwapBuffers(window) V.mute_wheel=0 V.mute_sweep=0 V.mute_keyboard=0 # Poll for and process events #glfw.glfwPollEvents() glfw.glfwWaitEvents() glfw.glfwTerminate()
import sys import glfw import OpenGL.GL as gl def on_key(window, key, scancode, action, mods): if key == glfw.GLFW_KEY_ESCAPE and action == glfw.GLFW_PRESS: glfw.glfwSetWindowShouldClose(window,1) # Initialize the library if not glfw.glfwInit(): sys.exit() # Create a windowed mode window and its OpenGL context window = glfw.glfwCreateWindow(640, 480, "Hello World", None, None) if not window: glfw.glfwTerminate() sys.exit() # Make the window's context current glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(window) # Install a key handler glfw.glfwSetKeyCallback(window, on_key) # Loop until the user closes the window while not glfw.glfwWindowShouldClose(window): # Render here width, height = glfw.glfwGetFramebufferSize(window) ratio = width / float(height) gl.glViewport(0, 0, width, height) gl.glClear(gl.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT)
def world(timebase,eyes_are_alive,ipc_pub_url,ipc_sub_url,ipc_push_url,user_dir,version,cap_src): """Reads world video and runs plugins. Creates a window, gl context. Grabs images from a capture. Maps pupil to gaze data Can run various plug-ins. Reacts to notifications: ``set_detection_mapping_mode`` ``eye_process.started`` ``start_plugin`` Emits notifications: ``eye_process.should_start`` ``eye_process.should_stop`` ``set_detection_mapping_mode`` ``world_process.started`` ``world_process.stopped`` ``recording.should_stop``: Emits on camera failure ``launcher_process.should_stop`` Emits data: ``gaze``: Gaze data from current gaze mapping plugin.`` ``*``: any other plugin generated data in the events that it not [dt,pupil,gaze]. """ # We defer the imports because of multiprocessing. # Otherwise the world process each process also loads the other imports. # This is not harmful but unnecessary. #general imports from time import time,sleep import numpy as np import logging import zmq import zmq_tools #zmq ipc setup zmq_ctx = zmq.Context() ipc_pub = zmq_tools.Msg_Dispatcher(zmq_ctx,ipc_push_url) gaze_pub = zmq_tools.Msg_Streamer(zmq_ctx,ipc_pub_url) pupil_sub = zmq_tools.Msg_Receiver(zmq_ctx,ipc_sub_url,topics=('pupil',)) notify_sub = zmq_tools.Msg_Receiver(zmq_ctx,ipc_sub_url,topics=('notify',)) #log setup logging.getLogger("OpenGL").setLevel(logging.ERROR) logger = logging.getLogger() logger.handlers = [] logger.addHandler(zmq_tools.ZMQ_handler(zmq_ctx,ipc_push_url)) # create logger for the context of this function logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) #display import glfw from pyglui import ui,graph,cygl from pyglui.cygl.utils import Named_Texture from gl_utils import basic_gl_setup,adjust_gl_view, clear_gl_screen,make_coord_system_pixel_based,make_coord_system_norm_based,glFlush #check versions for our own depedencies as they are fast-changing from pyglui import __version__ as pyglui_version assert pyglui_version >= '0.8' #monitoring import psutil # helpers/utils from file_methods import Persistent_Dict from methods import normalize, denormalize, delta_t, get_system_info from video_capture import autoCreateCapture, FileCaptureError, EndofVideoFileError, CameraCaptureError from version_utils import VersionFormat import audio from uvc import get_time_monotonic #trigger pupil detector cpp build: import pupil_detectors del pupil_detectors # Plug-ins from plugin import Plugin,Plugin_List,import_runtime_plugins from calibration_routines import calibration_plugins, gaze_mapping_plugins from recorder import Recorder from show_calibration import Show_Calibration from display_recent_gaze import Display_Recent_Gaze from pupil_sync import Pupil_Sync from pupil_remote import Pupil_Remote from surface_tracker import Surface_Tracker from log_display import Log_Display from annotations import Annotation_Capture from log_history import Log_History'Application Version: %s'%version)'System Info: %s'%get_system_info()) #UI Platform tweaks if platform.system() == 'Linux': scroll_factor = 10.0 window_position_default = (0,0) elif platform.system() == 'Windows': scroll_factor = 1.0 window_position_default = (8,31) else: scroll_factor = 1.0 window_position_default = (0,0) #g_pool holds variables for this process they are accesible to all plugins g_pool = Global_Container() = 'capture' g_pool.user_dir = user_dir g_pool.version = version g_pool.timebase = timebase g_pool.zmq_ctx = zmq_ctx g_pool.ipc_pub = ipc_pub g_pool.ipc_pub_url = ipc_pub_url g_pool.ipc_sub_url = ipc_sub_url g_pool.ipc_push_url = ipc_push_url g_pool.eyes_are_alive = eyes_are_alive def get_timestamp(): return get_time_monotonic()-g_pool.timebase.value g_pool.get_timestamp = get_timestamp g_pool.get_now = get_time_monotonic #manage plugins runtime_plugins = import_runtime_plugins(os.path.join(g_pool.user_dir,'plugins')) user_launchable_plugins = [Show_Calibration,Pupil_Remote,Pupil_Sync,Surface_Tracker,Annotation_Capture,Log_History]+runtime_plugins system_plugins = [Log_Display,Display_Recent_Gaze,Recorder] plugin_by_index = system_plugins+user_launchable_plugins+calibration_plugins+gaze_mapping_plugins name_by_index = [p.__name__ for p in plugin_by_index] plugin_by_name = dict(zip(name_by_index,plugin_by_index)) default_plugins = [('Log_Display',{}),('Dummy_Gaze_Mapper',{}),('Display_Recent_Gaze',{}), ('Screen_Marker_Calibration',{}),('Recorder',{}),('Pupil_Remote',{})] # Callback functions def on_resize(window,w, h): if not g_pool.iconified: g_pool.gui.update_window(w,h) g_pool.gui.collect_menus() graph.adjust_size(w,h) adjust_gl_view(w,h) for p in g_pool.plugins: p.on_window_resize(window,w,h) def on_iconify(window,iconified): g_pool.iconified = iconified def on_key(window, key, scancode, action, mods): g_pool.gui.update_key(key,scancode,action,mods) def on_char(window,char): g_pool.gui.update_char(char) def on_button(window,button, action, mods): g_pool.gui.update_button(button,action,mods) pos = glfw.glfwGetCursorPos(window) pos = normalize(pos,glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(main_window)) pos = denormalize(pos,(frame.img.shape[1],frame.img.shape[0]) ) # Position in img pixels for p in g_pool.plugins: p.on_click(pos,button,action) def on_pos(window,x, y): hdpi_factor = float(glfw.glfwGetFramebufferSize(window)[0]/glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(window)[0]) x,y = x*hdpi_factor,y*hdpi_factor g_pool.gui.update_mouse(x,y) def on_scroll(window,x,y): g_pool.gui.update_scroll(x,y*scroll_factor) tick = delta_t() def get_dt(): return next(tick) # load session persistent settings session_settings = Persistent_Dict(os.path.join(g_pool.user_dir,'user_settings_world')) if session_settings.get("version",VersionFormat('0.0')) < g_pool.version:"Session setting are from older version of this app. I will not use those.") session_settings.clear() # Initialize capture cap = autoCreateCapture(cap_src, timebase=g_pool.timebase) default_settings = {'frame_size':(1280,720),'frame_rate':30} previous_settings = session_settings.get('capture_settings',None) if previous_settings and previous_settings['name'] == cap.settings = previous_settings else: cap.settings = default_settings g_pool.iconified = False g_pool.capture = cap g_pool.detection_mapping_mode = session_settings.get('detection_mapping_mode','2d') g_pool.active_calibration_plugin = None g_pool.active_gaze_mapping_plugin = None audio.audio_mode = session_settings.get('audio_mode',audio.default_audio_mode) def open_plugin(plugin): if plugin == "Select to load": return g_pool.plugins.add(plugin) def set_scale(new_scale): g_pool.gui.scale = new_scale g_pool.gui.collect_menus() def launch_eye_process(eye_id,delay=0): n = {'subject':'eye_process.should_start.%s'%eye_id,'eye_id':eye_id,'delay':delay} ipc_pub.notify(n) def stop_eye_process(eye_id): n = {'subject':'eye_process.should_stop','eye_id':eye_id} ipc_pub.notify(n) def start_stop_eye(eye_id,make_alive): if make_alive: launch_eye_process(eye_id) else: stop_eye_process(eye_id) def set_detection_mapping_mode(new_mode): n = {'subject':'set_detection_mapping_mode','mode':new_mode} ipc_pub.notify(n) def handle_notifications(n): subject = n['subject'] if subject == 'set_detection_mapping_mode': if n['mode'] == '2d': if "Vector_Gaze_Mapper" in g_pool.active_gaze_mapping_plugin.class_name: logger.warning("The gaze mapper is not supported in 2d mode. Please recalibrate.") g_pool.plugins.add(plugin_by_name['Dummy_Gaze_Mapper']) g_pool.detection_mapping_mode = n['mode'] elif subject == 'start_plugin': g_pool.plugins.add(plugin_by_name[n['name']],args=n.get('args',{}) ) elif subject == 'eye_process.started': n = {'subject':'set_detection_mapping_mode','mode':g_pool.detection_mapping_mode} ipc_pub.notify(n) elif subject.startswith('meta.should_doc'): ipc_pub.notify({ 'subject':'meta.doc', 'actor', 'doc':world.__doc__}) for p in g_pool.plugins: if p.on_notify.__doc__ and p.__class__.on_notify != Plugin.on_notify: ipc_pub.notify({ 'subject':'meta.doc', 'actor': p.class_name, 'doc':p.on_notify.__doc__}) #window and gl setup glfw.glfwInit() width,height = session_settings.get('window_size',cap.frame_size) main_window = glfw.glfwCreateWindow(width,height, "World") window_pos = session_settings.get('window_position',window_position_default) glfw.glfwSetWindowPos(main_window,window_pos[0],window_pos[1]) glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(main_window) cygl.utils.init() g_pool.main_window = main_window #setup GUI g_pool.gui = ui.UI() g_pool.gui.scale = session_settings.get('gui_scale',1) g_pool.sidebar = ui.Scrolling_Menu("Settings",pos=(-350,0),size=(0,0),header_pos='left') general_settings = ui.Growing_Menu('General') general_settings.append(ui.Slider('scale',g_pool.gui, setter=set_scale,step = .05,min=1.,max=2.5,label='Interface size')) general_settings.append(ui.Button('Reset window size',lambda: glfw.glfwSetWindowSize(main_window,frame.width,frame.height)) ) general_settings.append(ui.Selector('audio_mode',audio,selection=audio.audio_modes)) general_settings.append(ui.Selector('detection_mapping_mode',g_pool,label='detection & mapping mode',setter=set_detection_mapping_mode,selection=['2d','3d'])) general_settings.append(ui.Switch('eye0_process',label='Detect eye 0',setter=lambda alive: start_stop_eye(0,alive),getter=lambda: eyes_are_alive[0].value )) general_settings.append(ui.Switch('eye1_process',label='Detect eye 1',setter=lambda alive: start_stop_eye(1,alive),getter=lambda: eyes_are_alive[1].value )) general_settings.append(ui.Selector('Open plugin', selection = user_launchable_plugins, labels = [p.__name__.replace('_',' ') for p in user_launchable_plugins], setter= open_plugin, getter=lambda: "Select to load")) general_settings.append(ui.Info_Text('Capture Version: %s'%g_pool.version)) g_pool.sidebar.append(general_settings) g_pool.calibration_menu = ui.Growing_Menu('Calibration') g_pool.sidebar.append(g_pool.calibration_menu) g_pool.gui.append(g_pool.sidebar) g_pool.quickbar = ui.Stretching_Menu('Quick Bar',(0,100),(120,-100)) g_pool.gui.append(g_pool.quickbar) g_pool.capture.init_gui(g_pool.sidebar) #plugins that are loaded based on user settings from previous session g_pool.plugins = Plugin_List(g_pool,plugin_by_name,session_settings.get('loaded_plugins',default_plugins)) #We add the calibration menu selector, after a calibration has been added: g_pool.calibration_menu.insert(0,ui.Selector('active_calibration_plugin',getter=lambda: g_pool.active_calibration_plugin.__class__, selection = calibration_plugins, labels = [p.__name__.replace('_',' ') for p in calibration_plugins], setter= open_plugin,label='Method')) # Register callbacks main_window glfw.glfwSetFramebufferSizeCallback(main_window,on_resize) glfw.glfwSetWindowIconifyCallback(main_window,on_iconify) glfw.glfwSetKeyCallback(main_window,on_key) glfw.glfwSetCharCallback(main_window,on_char) glfw.glfwSetMouseButtonCallback(main_window,on_button) glfw.glfwSetCursorPosCallback(main_window,on_pos) glfw.glfwSetScrollCallback(main_window,on_scroll) # gl_state settings basic_gl_setup() g_pool.image_tex = Named_Texture() # refresh speed settings glfw.glfwSwapInterval(0) #trigger setup of window and gl sizes on_resize(main_window, *glfw.glfwGetFramebufferSize(main_window)) #now the we have aproper window we can load the last gui configuration g_pool.gui.configuration = session_settings.get('ui_config',{}) #set up performace graphs: pid = os.getpid() ps = psutil.Process(pid) ts = cap.get_timestamp() cpu_graph = graph.Bar_Graph() cpu_graph.pos = (20,130) cpu_graph.update_fn = ps.cpu_percent cpu_graph.update_rate = 5 cpu_graph.label = 'CPU %0.1f' fps_graph = graph.Bar_Graph() fps_graph.pos = (140,130) fps_graph.update_rate = 5 fps_graph.label = "%0.0f FPS" pupil0_graph = graph.Bar_Graph(max_val=1.0) pupil0_graph.pos = (260,130) pupil0_graph.update_rate = 5 pupil0_graph.label = "id0 conf: %0.2f" pupil1_graph = graph.Bar_Graph(max_val=1.0) pupil1_graph.pos = (380,130) pupil1_graph.update_rate = 5 pupil1_graph.label = "id1 conf: %0.2f" pupil_graphs = pupil0_graph,pupil1_graph if session_settings.get('eye1_process_alive',False): launch_eye_process(1,delay=0.6) if session_settings.get('eye0_process_alive',True): launch_eye_process(0,delay=0.3) ipc_pub.notify({'subject':'world_process.started'}) logger.warning('Process started.') # Event loop while not glfw.glfwWindowShouldClose(main_window): # Get an image from the grabber try: frame = g_pool.capture.get_frame() except CameraCaptureError: logger.error("Capture from camera failed. Starting Fake Capture.") settings = g_pool.capture.settings g_pool.capture.close() g_pool.capture = autoCreateCapture(None, timebase=g_pool.timebase) g_pool.capture.init_gui(g_pool.sidebar) g_pool.capture.settings = settings ipc_pub.notify({'subject':'recording.should_stop'}) continue except EndofVideoFileError: logger.warning("Video file is done. Stopping") break #update performace graphs t = frame.timestamp dt,ts = t-ts,t try: fps_graph.add(1./dt) except ZeroDivisionError: pass cpu_graph.update() #a dictionary that allows plugins to post and read events events = {} #report time between now and the last loop interation events['dt'] = get_dt() recent_pupil_data = [] recent_gaze_data = [] new_notifications = [] while pupil_sub.new_data: t,p = pupil_sub.recv() pupil_graphs[p['id']].add(p['confidence']) recent_pupil_data.append(p) new_gaze_data = g_pool.active_gaze_mapping_plugin.on_pupil_datum(p) for g in new_gaze_data: gaze_pub.send('gaze',g) recent_gaze_data += new_gaze_data while notify_sub.new_data: t,n = notify_sub.recv() new_notifications.append(n) events['pupil_positions'] = recent_pupil_data events['gaze_positions'] = recent_gaze_data # notify each plugin if there are new notifications: for n in new_notifications: handle_notifications(n) for p in g_pool.plugins: p.on_notify(n) # allow each Plugin to do its work. for p in g_pool.plugins: p.update(frame,events) #check if a plugin need to be destroyed g_pool.plugins.clean() #send new events to ipc: del events['pupil_positions'] #already on the wire del events['gaze_positions'] #send earlier in this loop del events['dt'] #no need to send this for topic,data in events.iteritems(): for d in data: ipc_pub.send(topic, d) # render camera image glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(main_window) if g_pool.iconified: pass else: g_pool.image_tex.update_from_frame(frame) glFlush() make_coord_system_norm_based() g_pool.image_tex.draw() make_coord_system_pixel_based((frame.height,frame.width,3)) # render visual feedback from loaded plugins for p in g_pool.plugins: p.gl_display() if not g_pool.iconified: graph.push_view() fps_graph.draw() cpu_graph.draw() pupil0_graph.draw() pupil1_graph.draw() graph.pop_view() g_pool.gui.update() glfw.glfwSwapBuffers(main_window) glfw.glfwPollEvents() glfw.glfwRestoreWindow(main_window) #need to do this for windows os session_settings['loaded_plugins'] = g_pool.plugins.get_initializers() session_settings['gui_scale'] = g_pool.gui.scale session_settings['ui_config'] = g_pool.gui.configuration session_settings['capture_settings'] = g_pool.capture.settings session_settings['window_size'] = glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(main_window) session_settings['window_position'] = glfw.glfwGetWindowPos(main_window) session_settings['version'] = g_pool.version session_settings['eye0_process_alive'] = eyes_are_alive[0].value session_settings['eye1_process_alive'] = eyes_are_alive[1].value session_settings['detection_mapping_mode'] = g_pool.detection_mapping_mode session_settings['audio_mode'] = audio.audio_mode session_settings.close() # de-init all running plugins for p in g_pool.plugins: p.alive = False g_pool.plugins.clean() g_pool.gui.terminate() glfw.glfwDestroyWindow(main_window) glfw.glfwTerminate() g_pool.capture.close() #shut down eye processes: stop_eye_process(0) stop_eye_process(1)"Process shutting down.") ipc_pub.notify({'subject':'world_process.stopped'}) #shut down launcher n = {'subject':'launcher_process.should_stop'} ipc_pub.notify(n) zmq_ctx.destroy()
def world(pupil_queue, timebase, lauchner_pipe, eye_pipes, eyes_are_alive, user_dir, version, cap_src): """world Creates a window, gl context. Grabs images from a capture. Receives Pupil coordinates from eye process[es] Can run various plug-ins. """ import logging # Set up root logger for this process before doing imports of logged modules. logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # create file handler which logs even debug messages fh = logging.FileHandler(os.path.join(user_dir, 'world.log'), mode='w') fh.setLevel(logger.level) # create console handler with a higher log level ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setLevel(logger.level + 10) # create formatter and add it to the handlers formatter = logging.Formatter( 'World Process: %(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') fh.setFormatter(formatter) formatter = logging.Formatter( 'WORLD Process [%(levelname)s] %(name)s : %(message)s') ch.setFormatter(formatter) # add the handlers to the logger logger.addHandler(fh) logger.addHandler(ch) #silence noisy modules logging.getLogger("OpenGL").setLevel(logging.ERROR) logging.getLogger("libav").setLevel(logging.ERROR) # create logger for the context of this function logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # We deferr the imports becasue of multiprocessing. # Otherwise the world process each process also loads the other imports. # This is not harmfull but unnessasary. #general imports from time import time import numpy as np #display import glfw from pyglui import ui, graph, cygl from pyglui.cygl.utils import Named_Texture from gl_utils import basic_gl_setup, adjust_gl_view, clear_gl_screen, make_coord_system_pixel_based, make_coord_system_norm_based #check versions for our own depedencies as they are fast-changing from pyglui import __version__ as pyglui_version assert pyglui_version >= '0.8' #monitoring import psutil # helpers/utils from file_methods import Persistent_Dict from methods import normalize, denormalize, delta_t from video_capture import autoCreateCapture, FileCaptureError, EndofVideoFileError, CameraCaptureError from version_utils import VersionFormat import audio # Plug-ins from plugin import Plugin_List, import_runtime_plugins from calibration_routines import calibration_plugins, gaze_mapping_plugins from recorder import Recorder from show_calibration import Show_Calibration from display_recent_gaze import Display_Recent_Gaze from pupil_server import Pupil_Server from pupil_sync import Pupil_Sync from marker_detector import Marker_Detector from log_display import Log_Display from annotations import Annotation_Capture # create logger for the context of this function #UI Platform tweaks if platform.system() == 'Linux': scroll_factor = 10.0 window_position_default = (0, 0) elif platform.system() == 'Windows': scroll_factor = 1.0 window_position_default = (8, 31) else: scroll_factor = 1.0 window_position_default = (0, 0) #g_pool holds variables for this process g_pool = Global_Container() # make some constants avaiable g_pool.user_dir = user_dir g_pool.version = version = 'capture' g_pool.pupil_queue = pupil_queue g_pool.timebase = timebase # g_pool.lauchner_pipe = lauchner_pipe g_pool.eye_pipes = eye_pipes g_pool.eyes_are_alive = eyes_are_alive #manage plugins runtime_plugins = import_runtime_plugins( os.path.join(g_pool.user_dir, 'plugins')) user_launchable_plugins = [ Show_Calibration, Pupil_Server, Pupil_Sync, Marker_Detector, Annotation_Capture ] + runtime_plugins system_plugins = [Log_Display, Display_Recent_Gaze, Recorder] plugin_by_index = system_plugins + user_launchable_plugins + calibration_plugins + gaze_mapping_plugins name_by_index = [p.__name__ for p in plugin_by_index] plugin_by_name = dict(zip(name_by_index, plugin_by_index)) default_plugins = [('Log_Display', {}), ('Dummy_Gaze_Mapper', {}), ('Display_Recent_Gaze', {}), ('Screen_Marker_Calibration', {}), ('Recorder', {})] # Callback functions def on_resize(window, w, h): if not g_pool.iconified: g_pool.gui.update_window(w, h) g_pool.gui.collect_menus() graph.adjust_size(w, h) adjust_gl_view(w, h) for p in g_pool.plugins: p.on_window_resize(window, w, h) def on_iconify(window, iconified): g_pool.iconified = iconified def on_key(window, key, scancode, action, mods): g_pool.gui.update_key(key, scancode, action, mods) def on_char(window, char): g_pool.gui.update_char(char) def on_button(window, button, action, mods): g_pool.gui.update_button(button, action, mods) pos = glfw.glfwGetCursorPos(window) pos = normalize(pos, glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(main_window)) pos = denormalize( pos, (frame.img.shape[1], frame.img.shape[0])) # Position in img pixels for p in g_pool.plugins: p.on_click(pos, button, action) def on_pos(window, x, y): hdpi_factor = float( glfw.glfwGetFramebufferSize(window)[0] / glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(window)[0]) x, y = x * hdpi_factor, y * hdpi_factor g_pool.gui.update_mouse(x, y) def on_scroll(window, x, y): g_pool.gui.update_scroll(x, y * scroll_factor) tick = delta_t() def get_dt(): return next(tick) # load session persistent settings session_settings = Persistent_Dict( os.path.join(g_pool.user_dir, 'user_settings_world')) if session_settings.get("version", VersionFormat('0.0')) < g_pool.version: "Session setting are from older version of this app. I will not use those." ) session_settings.clear() # Initialize capture cap = autoCreateCapture(cap_src, timebase=g_pool.timebase) default_settings = {'frame_size': (1280, 720), 'frame_rate': 30} previous_settings = session_settings.get('capture_settings', None) if previous_settings and previous_settings['name'] == cap.settings = previous_settings else: cap.settings = default_settings # Test capture try: frame = cap.get_frame() except CameraCaptureError: logger.error("Could not retrieve image from capture") cap.close() lauchner_pipe.send("Exit") return g_pool.iconified = False g_pool.capture = cap g_pool.pupil_confidence_threshold = session_settings.get( 'pupil_confidence_threshold', .6) g_pool.detection_mapping_mode = session_settings.get( 'detection_mapping_mode', '2d') g_pool.active_calibration_plugin = None audio.audio_mode = session_settings.get('audio_mode', audio.default_audio_mode) def open_plugin(plugin): if plugin == "Select to load": return g_pool.plugins.add(plugin) def set_scale(new_scale): g_pool.gui.scale = new_scale g_pool.gui.collect_menus() def launch_eye_process(eye_id, blocking=False): if eyes_are_alive[eye_id].value: logger.error("Eye%s process already running." % eye_id) return lauchner_pipe.send(eye_id) eye_pipes[eye_id].send( ('Set_Detection_Mapping_Mode', g_pool.detection_mapping_mode)) if blocking: #wait for ready message from eye to sequentialize startup eye_pipes[eye_id].send('Ping') eye_pipes[eye_id].recv() logger.warning('Eye %s process started.' % eye_id) def stop_eye_process(eye_id, blocking=False): if eyes_are_alive[eye_id].value: eye_pipes[eye_id].send('Exit') if blocking: raise NotImplementedError() def start_stop_eye(eye_id, make_alive): if make_alive: launch_eye_process(eye_id) else: stop_eye_process(eye_id) def set_detection_mapping_mode(new_mode): if new_mode == '2d': for p in g_pool.plugins: if "Vector_Gaze_Mapper" in p.class_name: logger.warning( "The gaze mapper is not supported in 2d mode. Please recalibrate." ) p.alive = False g_pool.plugins.clean() for alive, pipe in zip(g_pool.eyes_are_alive, g_pool.eye_pipes): if alive.value: pipe.send(('Set_Detection_Mapping_Mode', new_mode)) g_pool.detection_mapping_mode = new_mode #window and gl setup glfw.glfwInit() width, height = session_settings.get('window_size', (frame.width, frame.height)) main_window = glfw.glfwCreateWindow(width, height, "World") window_pos = session_settings.get('window_position', window_position_default) glfw.glfwSetWindowPos(main_window, window_pos[0], window_pos[1]) glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(main_window) cygl.utils.init() g_pool.main_window = main_window #setup GUI g_pool.gui = ui.UI() g_pool.gui.scale = session_settings.get('gui_scale', 1) g_pool.sidebar = ui.Scrolling_Menu("Settings", pos=(-350, 0), size=(0, 0), header_pos='left') general_settings = ui.Growing_Menu('General') general_settings.append( ui.Slider('scale', g_pool.gui, setter=set_scale, step=.05, min=1., max=2.5, label='Interface size')) general_settings.append( ui.Button( 'Reset window size', lambda: glfw.glfwSetWindowSize( main_window, frame.width, frame.height))) general_settings.append( ui.Selector('audio_mode', audio, selection=audio.audio_modes)) general_settings.append( ui.Selector('detection_mapping_mode', g_pool, label='detection & mapping mode', setter=set_detection_mapping_mode, selection=['2d', '3d'])) general_settings.append( ui.Switch('eye0_process', label='Detect eye 0', setter=lambda alive: start_stop_eye(0, alive), getter=lambda: eyes_are_alive[0].value)) general_settings.append( ui.Switch('eye1_process', label='Detect eye 1', setter=lambda alive: start_stop_eye(1, alive), getter=lambda: eyes_are_alive[1].value)) general_settings.append( ui.Selector('Open plugin', selection=user_launchable_plugins, labels=[ p.__name__.replace('_', ' ') for p in user_launchable_plugins ], setter=open_plugin, getter=lambda: "Select to load")) general_settings.append( ui.Slider('pupil_confidence_threshold', g_pool, step=.01, min=0., max=1., label='Minimum pupil confidence')) general_settings.append( ui.Info_Text('Capture Version: %s' % g_pool.version)) g_pool.sidebar.append(general_settings) g_pool.calibration_menu = ui.Growing_Menu('Calibration') g_pool.sidebar.append(g_pool.calibration_menu) g_pool.gui.append(g_pool.sidebar) g_pool.quickbar = ui.Stretching_Menu('Quick Bar', (0, 100), (120, -100)) g_pool.gui.append(g_pool.quickbar) g_pool.capture.init_gui(g_pool.sidebar) #plugins that are loaded based on user settings from previous session g_pool.notifications = [] g_pool.delayed_notifications = {} g_pool.plugins = Plugin_List( g_pool, plugin_by_name, session_settings.get('loaded_plugins', default_plugins)) #We add the calibration menu selector, after a calibration has been added: g_pool.calibration_menu.insert( 0, ui.Selector( 'active_calibration_plugin', getter=lambda: g_pool.active_calibration_plugin.__class__, selection=calibration_plugins, labels=[p.__name__.replace('_', ' ') for p in calibration_plugins], setter=open_plugin, label='Method')) # Register callbacks main_window glfw.glfwSetFramebufferSizeCallback(main_window, on_resize) glfw.glfwSetWindowIconifyCallback(main_window, on_iconify) glfw.glfwSetKeyCallback(main_window, on_key) glfw.glfwSetCharCallback(main_window, on_char) glfw.glfwSetMouseButtonCallback(main_window, on_button) glfw.glfwSetCursorPosCallback(main_window, on_pos) glfw.glfwSetScrollCallback(main_window, on_scroll) # gl_state settings basic_gl_setup() g_pool.image_tex = Named_Texture() g_pool.image_tex.update_from_frame(frame) # refresh speed settings glfw.glfwSwapInterval(0) #trigger setup of window and gl sizes on_resize(main_window, *glfw.glfwGetFramebufferSize(main_window)) #now the we have aproper window we can load the last gui configuration g_pool.gui.configuration = session_settings.get('ui_config', {}) #set up performace graphs: pid = os.getpid() ps = psutil.Process(pid) ts = frame.timestamp cpu_graph = graph.Bar_Graph() cpu_graph.pos = (20, 130) cpu_graph.update_fn = ps.cpu_percent cpu_graph.update_rate = 5 cpu_graph.label = 'CPU %0.1f' fps_graph = graph.Bar_Graph() fps_graph.pos = (140, 130) fps_graph.update_rate = 5 fps_graph.label = "%0.0f FPS" pupil_graph = graph.Bar_Graph(max_val=1.0) pupil_graph.pos = (260, 130) pupil_graph.update_rate = 5 pupil_graph.label = "Confidence: %0.2f" if session_settings.get('eye1_process_alive', False): launch_eye_process(1, blocking=True) if session_settings.get('eye0_process_alive', True): launch_eye_process(0, blocking=False) # Event loop while not glfw.glfwWindowShouldClose(main_window): # Get an image from the grabber try: frame = cap.get_frame() except CameraCaptureError: logger.error("Capture from camera failed. Stopping.") break except EndofVideoFileError: logger.warning("Video file is done. Stopping") break #update performace graphs t = frame.timestamp dt, ts = t - ts, t try: fps_graph.add(1. / dt) except ZeroDivisionError: pass cpu_graph.update() #a dictionary that allows plugins to post and read events events = {} #report time between now and the last loop interation events['dt'] = get_dt() #receive and map pupil positions recent_pupil_positions = [] while not g_pool.pupil_queue.empty(): p = g_pool.pupil_queue.get() recent_pupil_positions.append(p) pupil_graph.add(p['confidence']) events['pupil_positions'] = recent_pupil_positions # publish delayed notifiactions when their time has come. for n in g_pool.delayed_notifications.values(): if n['_notify_time_'] < time(): del n['_notify_time_'] del g_pool.delayed_notifications[n['subject']] g_pool.notifications.append(n) # notify each plugin if there are new notifications: while g_pool.notifications: n = g_pool.notifications.pop(0) for p in g_pool.plugins: p.on_notify(n) # allow each Plugin to do its work. for p in g_pool.plugins: p.update(frame, events) #check if a plugin need to be destroyed g_pool.plugins.clean() # render camera image glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(main_window) if g_pool.iconified: pass else: g_pool.image_tex.update_from_frame(frame) make_coord_system_norm_based() g_pool.image_tex.draw() make_coord_system_pixel_based((frame.height, frame.width, 3)) # render visual feedback from loaded plugins for p in g_pool.plugins: p.gl_display() if not g_pool.iconified: graph.push_view() fps_graph.draw() cpu_graph.draw() pupil_graph.draw() graph.pop_view() g_pool.gui.update() glfw.glfwSwapBuffers(main_window) glfw.glfwPollEvents() glfw.glfwRestoreWindow(main_window) #need to do this for windows os session_settings['loaded_plugins'] = g_pool.plugins.get_initializers() session_settings[ 'pupil_confidence_threshold'] = g_pool.pupil_confidence_threshold session_settings['gui_scale'] = g_pool.gui.scale session_settings['ui_config'] = g_pool.gui.configuration session_settings['capture_settings'] = g_pool.capture.settings session_settings['window_size'] = glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(main_window) session_settings['window_position'] = glfw.glfwGetWindowPos(main_window) session_settings['version'] = g_pool.version session_settings['eye0_process_alive'] = eyes_are_alive[0].value session_settings['eye1_process_alive'] = eyes_are_alive[1].value session_settings['detection_mapping_mode'] = g_pool.detection_mapping_mode session_settings['audio_mode'] = audio.audio_mode session_settings.close() # de-init all running plugins for p in g_pool.plugins: p.alive = False g_pool.plugins.clean() g_pool.gui.terminate() glfw.glfwDestroyWindow(main_window) glfw.glfwTerminate() cap.close() #shut down eye processes: stop_eye_process(0) stop_eye_process(1) #shut down laucher lauchner_pipe.send("Exit") logger.debug("world process done")
def main(): # initialize glfw if not glfw.glfwInit(): return window = glfw.glfwCreateWindow(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, "My OpenGL window", None, None) if not window: glfw.glfwTerminate() return glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(window) vertex_shader = """ #version 330 in layout(location = 0) vec3 position; in layout(location = 1) vec3 colors; in layout(location = 2) vec2 textureCoords; out vec2 newTexture; uniform float xDiff; vec3 newPosition; vec2 tmpTexture; void main() { =; tmpTexture.xy = textureCoords.xy; if (xDiff == 1.0){ tmpTexture.y = 1.0 - tmpTexture.y; newTexture = vec2(tmpTexture); }else{ tmpTexture.y = tmpTexture.y; //newTexture = textureCoords; } newTexture = vec2(tmpTexture); gl_Position = vec4(newPosition, 1.0f); } """ fragment_shader = """ #version 330 in vec2 newTexture; out vec4 outColor; uniform sampler2D samplerTexture; void main() { outColor = texture(samplerTexture, newTexture); } """ setup_resource() global shader shader = OpenGL.GL.shaders.compileProgram( OpenGL.GL.shaders.compileShader(vertex_shader, GL_VERTEX_SHADER), OpenGL.GL.shaders.compileShader(fragment_shader, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER)) status = glCheckFramebufferStatus(GL_FRAMEBUFFER) if status != GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE: print('error {}'.format(status)) VBO = glGenBuffers(1) glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, VBO) glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vex.itemsize * len(vex), vex, GL_STATIC_DRAW) #position glVertexAttribPointer(0, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, vex.itemsize * 8, ctypes.c_void_p(0)) glEnableVertexAttribArray(0) #color glVertexAttribPointer(1, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, vex.itemsize * 8, ctypes.c_void_p(12)) glEnableVertexAttribArray(1) #texture glVertexAttribPointer(2, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, vex.itemsize * 8, ctypes.c_void_p(24)) glEnableVertexAttribArray(2) glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D) glUseProgram(shader) glClearColor(0.2, 0.3, 0.2, 1.0) glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) #glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE) while not glfw.glfwWindowShouldClose(window): glfw.glfwPollEvents() glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) # EBO = glGenBuffers(1) # glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, EBO) # glBufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, main_indices.itemsize * len(main_indices), main_indices, GL_STATIC_DRAW) # # glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, len(main_indices), GL_UNSIGNED_INT, None) # fbo_render() glfw.glfwSwapBuffers(window) glfw.glfwTerminate()
def cleanUp(self): ### shutdown glfw and CEGUI PyCEGUIOpenGLRenderer.OpenGLRenderer.destroySystem() glfw.glfwTerminate()
def eye( timebase, is_alive_flag, ipc_pub_url, ipc_sub_url, ipc_push_url, user_dir, version, eye_id, overwrite_cap_settings=None, hide_ui=False, debug=False, pub_socket_hwm=None, ): """reads eye video and detects the pupil. Creates a window, gl context. Grabs images from a capture. Streams Pupil coordinates. Reacts to notifications: ``eye_process.should_stop``: Stops the eye process ``recording.started``: Starts recording eye video ``recording.stopped``: Stops recording eye video ``frame_publishing.started``: Starts frame publishing ``frame_publishing.stopped``: Stops frame publishing ``start_eye_plugin``: Start plugins in eye process Emits notifications: ``eye_process.started``: Eye process started ``eye_process.stopped``: Eye process stopped Emits data: ``pupil.<eye id>``: Pupil data for eye with id ``<eye id>`` ``frame.eye.<eye id>``: Eye frames with id ``<eye id>`` """ # We deferr the imports becasue of multiprocessing. # Otherwise the world process each process also loads the other imports. import zmq import zmq_tools zmq_ctx = zmq.Context() ipc_socket = zmq_tools.Msg_Dispatcher(zmq_ctx, ipc_push_url) pupil_socket = zmq_tools.Msg_Streamer(zmq_ctx, ipc_pub_url, pub_socket_hwm) notify_sub = zmq_tools.Msg_Receiver(zmq_ctx, ipc_sub_url, topics=("notify",)) # logging setup import logging logging.getLogger("OpenGL").setLevel(logging.ERROR) logger = logging.getLogger() logger.handlers = [] logger.setLevel(logging.NOTSET) logger.addHandler(zmq_tools.ZMQ_handler(zmq_ctx, ipc_push_url)) # create logger for the context of this function logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if is_alive_flag.value: # indicates eye process that this is a duplicated startup logger.warning("Aborting redundant eye process startup") return with Is_Alive_Manager(is_alive_flag, ipc_socket, eye_id, logger): # general imports import traceback import numpy as np import cv2 # display import glfw from pyglui import ui, graph, cygl from pyglui.cygl.utils import draw_points, RGBA, draw_polyline from pyglui.cygl.utils import Named_Texture import gl_utils from gl_utils import basic_gl_setup, adjust_gl_view, clear_gl_screen from gl_utils import make_coord_system_pixel_based from gl_utils import make_coord_system_norm_based from gl_utils import is_window_visible, glViewport # monitoring import psutil # Plug-ins from plugin import Plugin_List # helpers/utils from uvc import get_time_monotonic from file_methods import Persistent_Dict from version_utils import parse_version from methods import normalize, denormalize, timer from av_writer import JPEG_Writer, MPEG_Writer, NonMonotonicTimestampError from ndsi import H264Writer from video_capture import source_classes, manager_classes from roi import Roi from background_helper import IPC_Logging_Task_Proxy from pupil_detector_plugins import available_detector_plugins, EVENT_KEY IPC_Logging_Task_Proxy.push_url = ipc_push_url def interrupt_handler(sig, frame): import traceback trace = traceback.format_stack(f=frame) logger.debug(f"Caught signal {sig} in:\n" + "".join(trace)) # NOTE: Interrupt is handled in world/service/player which are responsible for # shutting down the eye process properly signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, interrupt_handler) # UI Platform tweaks if platform.system() == "Linux": scroll_factor = 10.0 window_position_default = (600, 300 * eye_id + 30) elif platform.system() == "Windows": scroll_factor = 10.0 window_position_default = (600, 90 + 300 * eye_id) else: scroll_factor = 1.0 window_position_default = (600, 300 * eye_id) icon_bar_width = 50 window_size = None content_scale = 1.0 # g_pool holds variables for this process g_pool = SimpleNamespace() # make some constants avaiable g_pool.debug = debug g_pool.user_dir = user_dir g_pool.version = version = "capture" g_pool.eye_id = eye_id g_pool.process = f"eye{eye_id}" g_pool.timebase = timebase g_pool.camera_render_size = None g_pool.ipc_pub = ipc_socket def get_timestamp(): return get_time_monotonic() - g_pool.timebase.value g_pool.get_timestamp = get_timestamp g_pool.get_now = get_time_monotonic g_pool.ritnet_2d = False default_2d, default_3d, available_detectors = available_detector_plugins() plugins = manager_classes + source_classes + available_detectors + [Roi] g_pool.plugin_by_name = {p.__name__: p for p in plugins} preferred_names = [ f"Pupil Cam3 ID{eye_id}", f"Pupil Cam2 ID{eye_id}", f"Pupil Cam1 ID{eye_id}", ] if eye_id == 0: preferred_names += ["HD-6000"] default_capture_name = "UVC_Source" default_capture_settings = { "preferred_names": preferred_names, "frame_size": (192, 192), "frame_rate": 120, } default_plugins = [ # TODO: extend with plugins (default_capture_name, default_capture_settings), ("UVC_Manager", {}), # Detectors needs to be loaded first to set `g_pool.pupil_detector` (default_2d.__name__, {}), (default_3d.__name__, {}), ("NDSI_Manager", {}), ("HMD_Streaming_Manager", {}), ("File_Manager", {}), ("PupilDetectorManager", {}), ("Roi", {}), ] def consume_events_and_render_buffer(): glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(main_window) clear_gl_screen() if all(c > 0 for c in g_pool.camera_render_size): glViewport(0, 0, *g_pool.camera_render_size) for p in g_pool.plugins: p.gl_display() glViewport(0, 0, *window_size) # render graphs fps_graph.draw() cpu_graph.draw() # render GUI try: clipboard = glfw.glfwGetClipboardString(main_window).decode() except AttributeError: # clipboard is None, might happen on startup clipboard = "" g_pool.gui.update_clipboard(clipboard) user_input = g_pool.gui.update() if user_input.clipboard != clipboard: # only write to clipboard if content changed glfw.glfwSetClipboardString(main_window, user_input.clipboard.encode()) for button, action, mods in user_input.buttons: x, y = glfw.glfwGetCursorPos(main_window) pos = glfw.window_coordinate_to_framebuffer_coordinate( main_window, x, y, cached_scale=None ) pos = normalize(pos, g_pool.camera_render_size) if g_pool.flip: pos = 1 - pos[0], 1 - pos[1] # Position in img pixels pos = denormalize(pos, g_pool.capture.frame_size) for plugin in g_pool.plugins: if plugin.on_click(pos, button, action): break for key, scancode, action, mods in user_input.keys: for plugin in g_pool.plugins: if plugin.on_key(key, scancode, action, mods): break for char_ in user_input.chars: for plugin in g_pool.plugins: if plugin.on_char(char_): break # update screen glfw.glfwSwapBuffers(main_window) # Callback functions def on_resize(window, w, h): nonlocal window_size nonlocal content_scale is_minimized = bool(glfw.glfwGetWindowAttrib(window, glfw.GLFW_ICONIFIED)) if is_minimized: return # Always clear buffers on resize to make sure that there are no overlapping # artifacts from previous frames. gl_utils.glClear(gl_utils.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) gl_utils.glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 1) active_window = glfw.glfwGetCurrentContext() glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(window) content_scale = glfw.get_content_scale(window) framebuffer_scale = glfw.get_framebuffer_scale(window) g_pool.gui.scale = content_scale window_size = w, h g_pool.camera_render_size = w - int(icon_bar_width * g_pool.gui.scale), h g_pool.gui.update_window(w, h) g_pool.gui.collect_menus() for g in g_pool.graphs: g.scale = content_scale g.adjust_window_size(w, h) adjust_gl_view(w, h) glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(active_window) # Minimum window size required, otherwise parts of the UI can cause openGL # issues with permanent effects. Depends on the content scale, which can # potentially be dynamically modified, so we re-adjust the size limits every # time here. min_size = int(2 * icon_bar_width * g_pool.gui.scale / framebuffer_scale) glfw.glfwSetWindowSizeLimits( window, min_size, min_size, glfw.GLFW_DONT_CARE, glfw.GLFW_DONT_CARE ) # Needed, to update the window buffer while resizing consume_events_and_render_buffer() def on_window_key(window, key, scancode, action, mods): g_pool.gui.update_key(key, scancode, action, mods) def on_window_char(window, char): g_pool.gui.update_char(char) def on_iconify(window, iconified): g_pool.iconified = iconified def on_window_mouse_button(window, button, action, mods): g_pool.gui.update_button(button, action, mods) def on_pos(window, x, y): x, y = glfw.window_coordinate_to_framebuffer_coordinate( window, x, y, cached_scale=None ) g_pool.gui.update_mouse(x, y) pos = x, y pos = normalize(pos, g_pool.camera_render_size) if g_pool.flip: pos = 1 - pos[0], 1 - pos[1] # Position in img pixels pos = denormalize(pos, g_pool.capture.frame_size) for p in g_pool.plugins: p.on_pos(pos) def on_scroll(window, x, y): g_pool.gui.update_scroll(x, y * scroll_factor) def on_drop(window, count, paths): paths = [paths[x].decode("utf-8") for x in range(count)] for plugin in g_pool.plugins: if plugin.on_drop(paths): break # load session persistent settings session_settings = Persistent_Dict( os.path.join(g_pool.user_dir, "user_settings_eye{}".format(eye_id)) ) if parse_version(session_settings.get("version", "0.0")) != g_pool.version: "Session setting are from a different version of this app. I will not use those." ) session_settings.clear() camera_is_physically_flipped = eye_id == 0 g_pool.iconified = False g_pool.capture = None g_pool.flip = session_settings.get("flip", camera_is_physically_flipped) g_pool.display_mode = session_settings.get("display_mode", "camera_image") g_pool.display_mode_info_text = { "camera_image": "Raw eye camera image. This uses the least amount of CPU power", "roi": "Click and drag on the blue circles to adjust the region of interest. The region should be as small as possible, but large enough to capture all pupil movements.", "algorithm": "Algorithm display mode overlays a visualization of the pupil detection parameters on top of the eye video. Adjust parameters within the Pupil Detection menu below.", } def set_display_mode_info(val): g_pool.display_mode = val g_pool.display_mode_info.text = g_pool.display_mode_info_text[val] def toggle_general_settings(collapsed): # this is the menu toggle logic. # Only one menu can be open. # If no menu is open the menubar should collapse. g_pool.menubar.collapsed = collapsed for m in g_pool.menubar.elements: m.collapsed = True general_settings.collapsed = collapsed # Initialize glfw glfw.glfwInit() glfw.glfwWindowHint(glfw.GLFW_SCALE_TO_MONITOR, glfw.GLFW_TRUE) if hide_ui: glfw.glfwWindowHint(glfw.GLFW_VISIBLE, 0) # hide window title = "Pupil Capture - eye {}".format(eye_id) # Pupil Cam1 uses 4:3 resolutions. Pupil Cam2 and Cam3 use 1:1 resolutions. # As all Pupil Core and VR/AR add-ons are shipped with Pupil Cam2 and Cam3 # cameras, we adjust the default eye window size to a 1:1 content aspect ratio. # The size of 500 was chosen s.t. the menu still fits. default_window_size = 500 + icon_bar_width, 500 width, height = session_settings.get("window_size", default_window_size) main_window = glfw.glfwCreateWindow(width, height, title, None, None) window_position_manager = gl_utils.WindowPositionManager() window_pos = window_position_manager.new_window_position( window=main_window, default_position=window_position_default, previous_position=session_settings.get("window_position", None), ) glfw.glfwSetWindowPos(main_window, window_pos[0], window_pos[1]) glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(main_window) cygl.utils.init() # gl_state settings basic_gl_setup() g_pool.image_tex = Named_Texture() g_pool.image_tex.update_from_ndarray(np.ones((1, 1), dtype=np.uint8) + 125) # setup GUI g_pool.gui = ui.UI() g_pool.menubar = ui.Scrolling_Menu( "Settings", pos=(-500, 0), size=(-icon_bar_width, 0), header_pos="left" ) g_pool.iconbar = ui.Scrolling_Menu( "Icons", pos=(-icon_bar_width, 0), size=(0, 0), header_pos="hidden" ) g_pool.gui.append(g_pool.menubar) g_pool.gui.append(g_pool.iconbar) general_settings = ui.Growing_Menu("General", header_pos="headline") def set_window_size(): # Get current capture frame size f_width, f_height = g_pool.capture.frame_size # Eye camera resolutions are too small to be used as default window sizes. # We use double their size instead. frame_scale_factor = 2 f_width *= frame_scale_factor f_height *= frame_scale_factor # Get current display scale factor content_scale = glfw.get_content_scale(main_window) framebuffer_scale = glfw.get_framebuffer_scale(main_window) display_scale_factor = content_scale / framebuffer_scale # Scale the capture frame size by display scale factor f_width *= display_scale_factor f_height *= display_scale_factor # Increas the width to account for the added scaled icon bar width f_width += icon_bar_width * display_scale_factor # Set the newly calculated size (scaled capture frame size + scaled icon bar width) glfw.glfwSetWindowSize(main_window, int(f_width), int(f_height)) general_settings.append(ui.Button("Reset window size", set_window_size)) general_settings.append(ui.Switch("flip", g_pool, label="Flip image display")) general_settings.append( ui.Selector( "display_mode", g_pool, setter=set_display_mode_info, selection=["camera_image", "roi", "algorithm"], labels=["Camera Image", "ROI", "Algorithm"], label="Mode", ) ) g_pool.display_mode_info = ui.Info_Text( g_pool.display_mode_info_text[g_pool.display_mode] ) general_settings.append(g_pool.display_mode_info) g_pool.menubar.append(general_settings) icon = ui.Icon( "collapsed", general_settings, label=chr(0xE8B8), on_val=False, off_val=True, setter=toggle_general_settings, label_font="pupil_icons", ) icon.tooltip = "General Settings" g_pool.iconbar.append(icon) plugins_to_load = session_settings.get("loaded_plugins", default_plugins) if overwrite_cap_settings: # Ensure that overwrite_cap_settings takes preference over source plugins # with incorrect settings that were loaded from session settings. plugins_to_load.append(overwrite_cap_settings) g_pool.plugins = Plugin_List(g_pool, plugins_to_load) if not g_pool.capture: # Make sure we always have a capture running. Important if there was no # capture stored in session settings. g_pool.plugins.add( g_pool.plugin_by_name[default_capture_name], default_capture_settings ) toggle_general_settings(True) g_pool.writer = None g_pool.rec_path = None # Register callbacks main_window glfw.glfwSetFramebufferSizeCallback(main_window, on_resize) glfw.glfwSetWindowIconifyCallback(main_window, on_iconify) glfw.glfwSetKeyCallback(main_window, on_window_key) glfw.glfwSetCharCallback(main_window, on_window_char) glfw.glfwSetMouseButtonCallback(main_window, on_window_mouse_button) glfw.glfwSetCursorPosCallback(main_window, on_pos) glfw.glfwSetScrollCallback(main_window, on_scroll) glfw.glfwSetDropCallback(main_window, on_drop) # load last gui configuration g_pool.gui.configuration = session_settings.get("ui_config", {}) # If previously selected plugin was not loaded this time, we will have an # expanded menubar without any menu selected. We need to ensure the menubar is # collapsed in this case. if all(submenu.collapsed for submenu in g_pool.menubar.elements): g_pool.menubar.collapsed = True # set up performance graphs pid = os.getpid() ps = psutil.Process(pid) ts = g_pool.get_timestamp() cpu_graph = graph.Bar_Graph() cpu_graph.pos = (20, 50) cpu_graph.update_fn = ps.cpu_percent cpu_graph.update_rate = 5 cpu_graph.label = "CPU %0.1f" fps_graph = graph.Bar_Graph() fps_graph.pos = (140, 50) fps_graph.update_rate = 5 fps_graph.label = "%0.0f FPS" g_pool.graphs = [cpu_graph, fps_graph] # set the last saved window size on_resize(main_window, *glfw.glfwGetFramebufferSize(main_window)) should_publish_frames = False frame_publish_format = "jpeg" frame_publish_format_recent_warning = False # create a timer to control window update frequency window_update_timer = timer(1 / 60) def window_should_update(): return next(window_update_timer) logger.warning("Process started.") frame = None # Event loop while not glfw.glfwWindowShouldClose(main_window): if notify_sub.new_data: t, notification = notify_sub.recv() subject = notification["subject"] if subject.startswith("eye_process.should_stop"): if notification["eye_id"] == eye_id: break elif subject == "recording.started": if notification["record_eye"] and g_pool.rec_path = notification["rec_path"] raw_mode = notification["compression"] start_time_synced = notification["start_time_synced"]"Will save eye video to: {g_pool.rec_path}") video_path = os.path.join( g_pool.rec_path, "eye{}.mp4".format(eye_id) ) if raw_mode and frame and g_pool.capture.jpeg_support: g_pool.writer = JPEG_Writer(video_path, start_time_synced) elif hasattr(g_pool.capture._recent_frame, "h264_buffer"): g_pool.writer = H264Writer( video_path, g_pool.capture.frame_size[0], g_pool.capture.frame_size[1], g_pool.capture.frame_rate, ) else: g_pool.writer = MPEG_Writer(video_path, start_time_synced) elif subject == "recording.stopped": if g_pool.writer:"Done recording.") try: g_pool.writer.release() except RuntimeError: logger.error("No eye video recorded") else: # TODO: wrap recording logic into plugin g_pool.rec_path, custom_name=f"eye{eye_id}" ) finally: g_pool.writer = None elif subject.startswith("meta.should_doc"): ipc_socket.notify( { "subject": "meta.doc", "actor": "eye{}".format(eye_id), "doc": eye.__doc__, } ) elif subject.startswith("frame_publishing.started"): should_publish_frames = True frame_publish_format = notification.get("format", "jpeg") elif subject.startswith("frame_publishing.stopped"): should_publish_frames = False frame_publish_format = "jpeg" elif ( subject.startswith("start_eye_plugin") and notification["target"] == g_pool.process ): try: g_pool.plugins.add( g_pool.plugin_by_name[notification["name"]], notification.get("args", {}), ) except KeyError as err: logger.error(f"Attempt to load unknown plugin: {err}") for plugin in g_pool.plugins: plugin.on_notify(notification) event = {} for plugin in g_pool.plugins: plugin.recent_events(event) frame = event.get("frame") if frame: if should_publish_frames: try: if frame_publish_format == "jpeg": data = frame.jpeg_buffer elif frame_publish_format == "yuv": data = frame.yuv_buffer elif frame_publish_format == "bgr": data = frame.bgr elif frame_publish_format == "gray": data = frame.gray assert data is not None except (AttributeError, AssertionError, NameError): if not frame_publish_format_recent_warning: frame_publish_format_recent_warning = True logger.warning( '{}s are not compatible with format "{}"'.format( type(frame), frame_publish_format ) ) else: frame_publish_format_recent_warning = False pupil_socket.send( { "topic": "frame.eye.{}".format(eye_id), "width": frame.width, "height": frame.height, "index": frame.index, "timestamp": frame.timestamp, "format": frame_publish_format, "__raw_data__": [data], } ) t = frame.timestamp dt, ts = t - ts, t try: fps_graph.add(1.0 / dt) except ZeroDivisionError: pass if g_pool.writer: try: g_pool.writer.write_video_frame(frame) except NonMonotonicTimestampError as e: logger.error( "Recorder received non-monotonic timestamp!" " Stopping the recording!" ) logger.debug(str(e)) ipc_socket.notify({"subject": "recording.should_stop"}) ipc_socket.notify( {"subject": "recording.should_stop", "remote_notify": "all"} ) for result in event.get(EVENT_KEY, ()): pupil_socket.send(result) cpu_graph.update() # GL drawing if window_should_update(): if is_window_visible(main_window): consume_events_and_render_buffer() glfw.glfwPollEvents() # END while running # in case eye recording was still runnnig: Save&close if g_pool.writer:"Done recording eye.") g_pool.writer.release() g_pool.writer = None session_settings["loaded_plugins"] = g_pool.plugins.get_initializers() # save session persistent settings session_settings["flip"] = g_pool.flip session_settings["display_mode"] = g_pool.display_mode session_settings["ui_config"] = g_pool.gui.configuration session_settings["version"] = str(g_pool.version) if not hide_ui: glfw.glfwRestoreWindow(main_window) # need to do this for windows os session_settings["window_position"] = glfw.glfwGetWindowPos(main_window) session_window_size = glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(main_window) if 0 not in session_window_size: f_width, f_height = session_window_size if platform.system() in ("Windows", "Linux"): # Store unscaled window size as the operating system will scale the # windows appropriately during launch on Windows and Linux. f_width, f_height = ( f_width / content_scale, f_height / content_scale, ) session_settings["window_size"] = int(f_width), int(f_height) session_settings.close() for plugin in g_pool.plugins: plugin.alive = False g_pool.plugins.clean() glfw.glfwDestroyWindow(main_window) g_pool.gui.terminate() glfw.glfwTerminate()"Process shutting down.")
def main(): # initialize glfw if not glfw.glfwInit(): return window = glfw.glfwCreateWindow(800, 600, "My OpenGL window", None, None) if not window: glfw.glfwTerminate() return glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(window) # positions colors texture coords quad = [ -0.5, -0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, -0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 ] quad = numpy.array(quad, dtype=numpy.float32) indices = [0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0] indices = numpy.array(indices, dtype=numpy.uint32) print(quad.itemsize * len(quad)) print(indices.itemsize * len(indices)) print(quad.itemsize * 8) vertex_shader = """ #version 330 in layout(location = 0) vec3 position; in layout(location = 1) vec3 color; in layout(location = 2) vec2 inTexCoords; out vec3 newColor; out vec2 outTexCoords; void main() { gl_Position = vec4(position, 1.0f); newColor = color; outTexCoords = inTexCoords; } """ fragment_shader = """ #version 330 in vec3 newColor; in vec2 outTexCoords; out vec4 outColor; uniform sampler2D samplerTex; void main() { outColor = texture(samplerTex, outTexCoords) * vec4(newColor, 1.0f); } """ shader = OpenGL.GL.shaders.compileProgram( OpenGL.GL.shaders.compileShader(vertex_shader, GL_VERTEX_SHADER), OpenGL.GL.shaders.compileShader(fragment_shader, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER)) VBO = glGenBuffers(1) glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, VBO) glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, quad.itemsize * len(quad), quad, GL_STATIC_DRAW) EBO = glGenBuffers(1) glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, EBO) glBufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, indices.itemsize * len(indices), indices, GL_STATIC_DRAW) #position = glGetAttribLocation(shader, "position") glVertexAttribPointer(0, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, quad.itemsize * 8, ctypes.c_void_p(0)) glEnableVertexAttribArray(0) #color = glGetAttribLocation(shader, "color") glVertexAttribPointer(1, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, quad.itemsize * 8, ctypes.c_void_p(12)) glEnableVertexAttribArray(1) #texture_coords = glGetAttribLocation(shader, "inTexCoords") glVertexAttribPointer(2, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, quad.itemsize * 8, ctypes.c_void_p(24)) glEnableVertexAttribArray(2) texture = glGenTextures(1) glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture) #texture wrapping params glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_REPEAT) glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_REPEAT) #texture filtering params glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR) glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR) # image ="res/smiley.png") image ="res/egg.png") #img_data = numpy.array(list(image.getdata()), numpy.uint8) img_data = image.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM).convert("RGBA").tobytes() # img_data= flipped_image.convert("RGBA").tobytes() glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, image.width, image.height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, img_data) #print(image.width, image.height) glUseProgram(shader) glClearColor(0.2, 0.3, 0.2, 1.0) while not glfw.glfwWindowShouldClose(window): glfw.glfwPollEvents() glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, 6, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, None) glfw.glfwSwapBuffers(window) glfw.glfwTerminate()
def eye(timebase, is_alive_flag, ipc_pub_url, ipc_sub_url, ipc_push_url, user_dir, version, eye_id, cap_src): """reads eye video and detects the pupil. Creates a window, gl context. Grabs images from a capture. Streams Pupil coordinates. Reacts to notifications: ``set_detection_mapping_mode``: Sets detection method ``eye_process.should_stop``: Stops the eye process ``recording.started``: Starts recording eye video ``recording.stopped``: Stops recording eye video Emits notifications: ``eye_process.started``: Eye process started ``eye_process.stopped``: Eye process stopped Emits data: ``pupil.<eye id>``: Pupil data for eye with id ``<eye id>`` """ # We deferr the imports becasue of multiprocessing. # Otherwise the world process each process also loads the other imports. import zmq import zmq_tools zmq_ctx = zmq.Context() ipc_socket = zmq_tools.Msg_Dispatcher(zmq_ctx, ipc_push_url) pupil_socket = zmq_tools.Msg_Streamer(zmq_ctx, ipc_pub_url) notify_sub = zmq_tools.Msg_Receiver(zmq_ctx, ipc_sub_url, topics=("notify", )) with Is_Alive_Manager(is_alive_flag, ipc_socket, eye_id): #logging setup import logging logging.getLogger("OpenGL").setLevel(logging.ERROR) logger = logging.getLogger() logger.handlers = [] logger.addHandler(zmq_tools.ZMQ_handler(zmq_ctx, ipc_push_url)) # create logger for the context of this function logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) #general imports import numpy as np import cv2 #display import glfw from pyglui import ui, graph, cygl from pyglui.cygl.utils import draw_points, RGBA, draw_polyline, Named_Texture, Sphere import OpenGL.GL as gl from gl_utils import basic_gl_setup, adjust_gl_view, clear_gl_screen, make_coord_system_pixel_based, make_coord_system_norm_based, make_coord_system_eye_camera_based from ui_roi import UIRoi #monitoring import psutil import math # helpers/utils from file_methods import Persistent_Dict from version_utils import VersionFormat from methods import normalize, denormalize, Roi, timer from video_capture import autoCreateCapture, FileCaptureError, EndofVideoFileError, CameraCaptureError from av_writer import JPEG_Writer, AV_Writer # Pupil detectors from pupil_detectors import Detector_2D, Detector_3D pupil_detectors = { Detector_2D.__name__: Detector_2D, Detector_3D.__name__: Detector_3D } #UI Platform tweaks if platform.system() == 'Linux': scroll_factor = 10.0 window_position_default = (600, 300 * eye_id) elif platform.system() == 'Windows': scroll_factor = 1.0 window_position_default = (600, 31 + 300 * eye_id) else: scroll_factor = 1.0 window_position_default = (600, 300 * eye_id) #g_pool holds variables for this process g_pool = Global_Container() # make some constants avaiable g_pool.user_dir = user_dir g_pool.version = version = 'capture' g_pool.timebase = timebase # Callback functions def on_resize(window, w, h): if not g_pool.iconified: active_window = glfw.glfwGetCurrentContext() glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(window) g_pool.gui.update_window(w, h) graph.adjust_size(w, h) adjust_gl_view(w, h) glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(active_window) def on_key(window, key, scancode, action, mods): g_pool.gui.update_key(key, scancode, action, mods) def on_char(window, char): g_pool.gui.update_char(char) def on_iconify(window, iconified): g_pool.iconified = iconified def on_button(window, button, action, mods): if g_pool.display_mode == 'roi': if action == glfw.GLFW_RELEASE and g_pool.u_r.active_edit_pt: g_pool.u_r.active_edit_pt = False return # if the roi interacts we dont what the gui to interact as well elif action == glfw.GLFW_PRESS: pos = glfw.glfwGetCursorPos(window) pos = normalize(pos, glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(main_window)) if g_pool.flip: pos = 1 - pos[0], 1 - pos[1] pos = denormalize( pos, (frame.width, frame.height)) # Position in img pixels if g_pool.u_r.mouse_over_edit_pt( pos, g_pool.u_r.handle_size + 40, g_pool.u_r.handle_size + 40): return # if the roi interacts we dont what the gui to interact as well g_pool.gui.update_button(button, action, mods) def on_pos(window, x, y): hdpi_factor = float( glfw.glfwGetFramebufferSize(window)[0] / glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(window)[0]) g_pool.gui.update_mouse(x * hdpi_factor, y * hdpi_factor) if g_pool.u_r.active_edit_pt: pos = normalize((x, y), glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(main_window)) if g_pool.flip: pos = 1 - pos[0], 1 - pos[1] pos = denormalize(pos, (frame.width, frame.height)) g_pool.u_r.move_vertex(g_pool.u_r.active_pt_idx, pos) def on_scroll(window, x, y): g_pool.gui.update_scroll(x, y * scroll_factor) # load session persistent settings session_settings = Persistent_Dict( os.path.join(g_pool.user_dir, 'user_settings_eye%s' % eye_id)) if session_settings.get("version", VersionFormat('0.0')) < g_pool.version: "Session setting are from older version of this app. I will not use those." ) session_settings.clear() # Initialize capture cap = autoCreateCapture(cap_src, timebase=g_pool.timebase) default_settings = {'frame_size': (640, 480), 'frame_rate': 60} previous_settings = session_settings.get('capture_settings', None) if previous_settings and previous_settings['name'] == cap.settings = previous_settings else: cap.settings = default_settings g_pool.iconified = False g_pool.capture = cap g_pool.flip = session_settings.get('flip', False) g_pool.display_mode = session_settings.get('display_mode', 'camera_image') g_pool.display_mode_info_text = { 'camera_image': "Raw eye camera image. This uses the least amount of CPU power", 'roi': "Click and drag on the blue circles to adjust the region of interest. The region should be as small as possible, but large enough to capture all pupil movements.", 'algorithm': "Algorithm display mode overlays a visualization of the pupil detection parameters on top of the eye video. Adjust parameters within the Pupil Detection menu below." } g_pool.u_r = UIRoi((cap.frame_size[1], cap.frame_size[0])) g_pool.u_r.set(session_settings.get('roi', g_pool.u_r.get())) def on_frame_size_change(new_size): g_pool.u_r = UIRoi((new_size[1], new_size[0])) cap.on_frame_size_change = on_frame_size_change writer = None pupil_detector_settings = session_settings.get( 'pupil_detector_settings', None) last_pupil_detector = pupil_detectors[session_settings.get( 'last_pupil_detector', Detector_2D.__name__)] g_pool.pupil_detector = last_pupil_detector(g_pool, pupil_detector_settings) # UI callback functions def set_scale(new_scale): g_pool.gui.scale = new_scale g_pool.gui.collect_menus() def set_display_mode_info(val): g_pool.display_mode = val g_pool.display_mode_info.text = g_pool.display_mode_info_text[val] def set_detector(new_detector): g_pool.pupil_detector.cleanup() g_pool.pupil_detector = new_detector(g_pool) g_pool.pupil_detector.init_gui(g_pool.sidebar) # Initialize glfw glfw.glfwInit() title = "eye %s" % eye_id width, height = session_settings.get('window_size', cap.frame_size) main_window = glfw.glfwCreateWindow(width, height, title, None, None) window_pos = session_settings.get('window_position', window_position_default) glfw.glfwSetWindowPos(main_window, window_pos[0], window_pos[1]) glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(main_window) cygl.utils.init() # gl_state settings basic_gl_setup() g_pool.image_tex = Named_Texture() glfw.glfwSwapInterval(0) #setup GUI g_pool.gui = ui.UI() g_pool.gui.scale = session_settings.get('gui_scale', 1) g_pool.sidebar = ui.Scrolling_Menu("Settings", pos=(-300, 0), size=(0, 0), header_pos='left') general_settings = ui.Growing_Menu('General') general_settings.append( ui.Slider('scale', g_pool.gui, setter=set_scale, step=.05, min=1., max=2.5, label='Interface Size')) general_settings.append( ui.Button( 'Reset window size', lambda: glfw.glfwSetWindowSize( main_window, frame.width, frame.height))) general_settings.append( ui.Switch('flip', g_pool, label='Flip image display')) general_settings.append( ui.Selector('display_mode', g_pool, setter=set_display_mode_info, selection=['camera_image', 'roi', 'algorithm'], labels=['Camera Image', 'ROI', 'Algorithm'], label="Mode")) g_pool.display_mode_info = ui.Info_Text( g_pool.display_mode_info_text[g_pool.display_mode]) general_settings.append(g_pool.display_mode_info) g_pool.sidebar.append(general_settings) g_pool.gui.append(g_pool.sidebar) detector_selector = ui.Selector( 'pupil_detector', getter=lambda: g_pool.pupil_detector.__class__, setter=set_detector, selection=[Detector_2D, Detector_3D], labels=['C++ 2d detector', 'C++ 3d detector'], label="Detection method") general_settings.append(detector_selector) # let detector add its GUI g_pool.pupil_detector.init_gui(g_pool.sidebar) # let the camera add its GUI g_pool.capture.init_gui(g_pool.sidebar) # Register callbacks main_window glfw.glfwSetFramebufferSizeCallback(main_window, on_resize) glfw.glfwSetWindowIconifyCallback(main_window, on_iconify) glfw.glfwSetKeyCallback(main_window, on_key) glfw.glfwSetCharCallback(main_window, on_char) glfw.glfwSetMouseButtonCallback(main_window, on_button) glfw.glfwSetCursorPosCallback(main_window, on_pos) glfw.glfwSetScrollCallback(main_window, on_scroll) #set the last saved window size on_resize(main_window, *glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(main_window)) # load last gui configuration g_pool.gui.configuration = session_settings.get('ui_config', {}) #set up performance graphs pid = os.getpid() ps = psutil.Process(pid) ts = cap.get_timestamp() cpu_graph = graph.Bar_Graph() cpu_graph.pos = (20, 130) cpu_graph.update_fn = ps.cpu_percent cpu_graph.update_rate = 5 cpu_graph.label = 'CPU %0.1f' fps_graph = graph.Bar_Graph() fps_graph.pos = (140, 130) fps_graph.update_rate = 5 fps_graph.label = "%0.0f FPS" #create a timer to control window update frequency window_update_timer = timer(1 / 60.) def window_should_update(): return next(window_update_timer) logger.warning('Process started.') # Event loop while not glfw.glfwWindowShouldClose(main_window): if notify_sub.new_data: t, notification = notify_sub.recv() subject = notification['subject'] if subject == 'eye_process.should_stop': if notification['eye_id'] == eye_id: break elif subject == 'set_detection_mapping_mode': if notification['mode'] == '3d': if not isinstance(g_pool.pupil_detector, Detector_3D): set_detector(Detector_3D) detector_selector.read_only = True else: if not isinstance(g_pool.pupil_detector, Detector_2D): set_detector(Detector_2D) detector_selector.read_only = False elif subject == 'recording.started': if notification['record_eye']: record_path = notification['rec_path'] raw_mode = notification['compression']"Will save eye video to: %s" % record_path) timestamps_path = os.path.join( record_path, "eye%s_timestamps.npy" % eye_id) if raw_mode and frame.jpeg_buffer: video_path = os.path.join(record_path, "eye%s.mp4" % eye_id) writer = JPEG_Writer(video_path, cap.frame_rate) else: video_path = os.path.join(record_path, "eye%s.mp4" % eye_id) writer = AV_Writer(video_path, cap.frame_rate) timestamps = [] elif subject == 'recording.stopped': if writer:"Done recording.") writer.release() writer = None, np.asarray(timestamps)) del timestamps elif subject.startswith('meta.should_doc'): ipc_socket.notify({ 'subject': 'meta.doc', 'actor': 'eye%i' % eye_id, 'doc': eye.__doc__ }) # Get an image from the grabber try: frame = cap.get_frame() except CameraCaptureError: logger.error("Capture from Camera Failed. Stopping.") break except EndofVideoFileError: logger.warning("Video File is done. Stopping") cap.seek_to_frame(0) frame = cap.get_frame() #update performace graphs t = frame.timestamp dt, ts = t - ts, t try: fps_graph.add(1. / dt) except ZeroDivisionError: pass cpu_graph.update() if writer: writer.write_video_frame(frame) timestamps.append(frame.timestamp) # pupil ellipse detection result = g_pool.pupil_detector.detect( frame, g_pool.u_r, g_pool.display_mode == 'algorithm') result['id'] = eye_id # stream the result pupil_socket.send('pupil.%s' % eye_id, result) # GL drawing if window_should_update(): if not g_pool.iconified: glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(main_window) clear_gl_screen() # switch to work in normalized coordinate space if g_pool.display_mode == 'algorithm': g_pool.image_tex.update_from_ndarray(frame.img) elif g_pool.display_mode in ('camera_image', 'roi'): g_pool.image_tex.update_from_ndarray(frame.gray) else: pass make_coord_system_norm_based(g_pool.flip) g_pool.image_tex.draw() window_size = glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(main_window) make_coord_system_pixel_based( (frame.height, frame.width, 3), g_pool.flip) if result['method'] == '3d c++': eye_ball = result['projected_sphere'] try: pts = cv2.ellipse2Poly( (int(eye_ball['center'][0]), int(eye_ball['center'][1])), (int(eye_ball['axes'][0] / 2), int(eye_ball['axes'][1] / 2)), int(eye_ball['angle']), 0, 360, 8) except ValueError as e: pass else: draw_polyline( pts, 2, RGBA(0., .9, .1, result['model_confidence'])) if result['confidence'] > 0: if result.has_key('ellipse'): pts = cv2.ellipse2Poly( (int(result['ellipse']['center'][0]), int(result['ellipse']['center'][1])), (int(result['ellipse']['axes'][0] / 2), int(result['ellipse']['axes'][1] / 2)), int(result['ellipse']['angle']), 0, 360, 15) confidence = result[ 'confidence'] * 0.7 #scale it a little draw_polyline(pts, 1, RGBA(1., 0, 0, confidence)) draw_points([result['ellipse']['center']], size=20, color=RGBA(1., 0., 0., confidence), sharpness=1.) # render graphs graph.push_view() fps_graph.draw() cpu_graph.draw() graph.pop_view() # render GUI g_pool.gui.update() #render the ROI g_pool.u_r.draw(g_pool.gui.scale) if g_pool.display_mode == 'roi': g_pool.u_r.draw_points(g_pool.gui.scale) #update screen glfw.glfwSwapBuffers(main_window) glfw.glfwPollEvents() g_pool.pupil_detector.visualize( ) #detector decides if we visualize or not # END while running # in case eye recording was still runnnig: Save&close if writer:"Done recording eye.") writer = None, np.asarray(timestamps)) glfw.glfwRestoreWindow(main_window) #need to do this for windows os # save session persistent settings session_settings['gui_scale'] = g_pool.gui.scale session_settings['roi'] = g_pool.u_r.get() session_settings['flip'] = g_pool.flip session_settings['display_mode'] = g_pool.display_mode session_settings['ui_config'] = g_pool.gui.configuration session_settings['capture_settings'] = g_pool.capture.settings session_settings['window_size'] = glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(main_window) session_settings['window_position'] = glfw.glfwGetWindowPos( main_window) session_settings['version'] = g_pool.version session_settings[ 'last_pupil_detector'] = g_pool.pupil_detector.__class__.__name__ session_settings[ 'pupil_detector_settings'] = g_pool.pupil_detector.get_settings() session_settings.close() g_pool.pupil_detector.cleanup() g_pool.gui.terminate() glfw.glfwDestroyWindow(main_window) glfw.glfwTerminate() cap.close()"Process shutting down.")
def world(timebase, eyes_are_alive, ipc_pub_url, ipc_sub_url, ipc_push_url, user_dir, version, glint_queue, glint_vector_queue): """Reads world video and runs plugins. Creates a window, gl context. Grabs images from a capture. Maps pupil to gaze data Can run various plug-ins. Reacts to notifications: ``set_detection_mapping_mode`` ``eye_process.started`` ``start_plugin`` Emits notifications: ``eye_process.should_start`` ``eye_process.should_stop`` ``set_detection_mapping_mode`` ``world_process.started`` ``world_process.stopped`` ``recording.should_stop``: Emits on camera failure ``launcher_process.should_stop`` Emits data: ``gaze``: Gaze data from current gaze mapping plugin.`` ``*``: any other plugin generated data in the events that it not [dt,pupil,gaze]. """ # We defer the imports because of multiprocessing. # Otherwise the world process each process also loads the other imports. # This is not harmful but unnecessary. # general imports import logging # networking import zmq import zmq_tools # zmq ipc setup zmq_ctx = zmq.Context() ipc_pub = zmq_tools.Msg_Dispatcher(zmq_ctx, ipc_push_url) notify_sub = zmq_tools.Msg_Receiver(zmq_ctx, ipc_sub_url, topics=('notify',)) # log setup logging.getLogger("OpenGL").setLevel(logging.ERROR) logger = logging.getLogger() logger.handlers = [] logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) logger.addHandler(zmq_tools.ZMQ_handler(zmq_ctx, ipc_push_url)) # create logger for the context of this function logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # display import glfw from pyglui import ui, graph, cygl, __version__ as pyglui_version assert pyglui_version >= '1.3' from pyglui.cygl.utils import Named_Texture import gl_utils # monitoring import psutil # helpers/utils from version_utils import VersionFormat from file_methods import Persistent_Dict,load_object from methods import normalize, denormalize, delta_t, get_system_info, timer from uvc import get_time_monotonic from time import time import json'Application Version: {}'.format(version))'System Info: {}'.format(get_system_info())) import audio # trigger pupil detector cpp build: import pupil_detectors del pupil_detectors # Plug-ins from plugin import Plugin, Plugin_List, import_runtime_plugins from calibration_routines import calibration_plugins, gaze_mapping_plugins, Calibration_Plugin from fixation_detector import Fixation_Detector_3D from recorder import Recorder from display_recent_gaze import Display_Recent_Gaze from time_sync import Time_Sync from pupil_remote import Pupil_Remote from pupil_groups import Pupil_Groups from surface_tracker import Surface_Tracker from log_display import Log_Display from annotations import Annotation_Capture from log_history import Log_History from frame_publisher import Frame_Publisher from blink_detection import Blink_Detection from video_capture import source_classes, manager_classes,Base_Manager from pupil_data_relay import Pupil_Data_Relay from remote_recorder import Remote_Recorder from audio_capture import Audio_Capture # UI Platform tweaks if platform.system() == 'Linux': scroll_factor = 10.0 window_position_default = (0, 0) elif platform.system() == 'Windows': scroll_factor = 10.0 window_position_default = (8, 31) else: scroll_factor = 1.0 window_position_default = (0, 0) # g_pool holds variables for this process they are accesible to all plugins g_pool = Global_Container() = 'capture' g_pool.process = 'world' g_pool.user_dir = user_dir g_pool.version = version g_pool.timebase = timebase g_pool.glints = glint_queue g_pool.glint_pupil_vectors = glint_vector_queue g_pool.zmq_ctx = zmq_ctx g_pool.ipc_pub = ipc_pub g_pool.ipc_pub_url = ipc_pub_url g_pool.ipc_sub_url = ipc_sub_url g_pool.ipc_push_url = ipc_push_url g_pool.eyes_are_alive = eyes_are_alive def get_timestamp(): return get_time_monotonic() - g_pool.timebase.value g_pool.get_timestamp = get_timestamp g_pool.get_now = get_time_monotonic # manage plugins runtime_plugins = import_runtime_plugins(os.path.join(g_pool.user_dir, 'plugins')) calibration_plugins += [p for p in runtime_plugins if issubclass(p,Calibration_Plugin)] runtime_plugins = [p for p in runtime_plugins if not issubclass(p,Calibration_Plugin)] manager_classes += [p for p in runtime_plugins if issubclass(p,Base_Manager)] runtime_plugins = [p for p in runtime_plugins if not issubclass(p,Base_Manager)] user_launchable_plugins = [Audio_Capture, Pupil_Groups, Frame_Publisher, Pupil_Remote, Time_Sync, Surface_Tracker, Annotation_Capture, Log_History, Fixation_Detector_3D, Blink_Detection, Remote_Recorder] + runtime_plugins system_plugins = [Log_Display, Display_Recent_Gaze, Recorder, Pupil_Data_Relay] plugin_by_index = (system_plugins + user_launchable_plugins + calibration_plugins + gaze_mapping_plugins + manager_classes + source_classes) name_by_index = [p.__name__ for p in plugin_by_index] plugin_by_name = dict(zip(name_by_index, plugin_by_index)) default_capture_settings = { 'preferred_names': ["Pupil Cam1 ID2", "Logitech Camera", "(046d:081d)", "C510", "B525", "C525", "C615", "C920", "C930e"], 'frame_size': (1280, 720), 'frame_rate': 30 } default_plugins = [("UVC_Source", default_capture_settings), ('Pupil_Data_Relay', {}), ('UVC_Manager', {}), ('Log_Display', {}), ('Dummy_Gaze_Mapper', {}), ('Display_Recent_Gaze', {}), ('Screen_Marker_Calibration', {}), ('Recorder', {}), ('Pupil_Remote', {})] # Callback functions def on_resize(window, w, h): if gl_utils.is_window_visible(window): hdpi_factor = float(glfw.glfwGetFramebufferSize(window)[0] / glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(window)[0]) g_pool.gui.scale = g_pool.gui_user_scale * hdpi_factor g_pool.gui.update_window(w, h) g_pool.gui.collect_menus() for g in g_pool.graphs: g.scale = hdpi_factor g.adjust_window_size(w, h) gl_utils.adjust_gl_view(w, h) for p in g_pool.plugins: p.on_window_resize(window, w, h) def on_iconify(window, iconified): g_pool.iconified = iconified def on_key(window, key, scancode, action, mods): g_pool.gui.update_key(key, scancode, action, mods) def on_char(window, char): g_pool.gui.update_char(char) def on_button(window, button, action, mods): g_pool.gui.update_button(button, action, mods) pos = glfw.glfwGetCursorPos(window) pos = normalize(pos, glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(main_window)) # Position in img pixels pos = denormalize(pos, g_pool.capture.frame_size) for p in g_pool.plugins: p.on_click(pos, button, action) def on_pos(window, x, y): hdpi_factor = float(glfw.glfwGetFramebufferSize( window)[0] / glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(window)[0]) x, y = x * hdpi_factor, y * hdpi_factor g_pool.gui.update_mouse(x, y) def on_scroll(window, x, y): g_pool.gui.update_scroll(x, y * scroll_factor) tick = delta_t() def get_dt(): return next(tick) # load session persistent settings session_settings = Persistent_Dict(os.path.join(g_pool.user_dir, 'user_settings_world')) if VersionFormat(session_settings.get("version", '0.0')) != g_pool.version:"Session setting are from a different version of this app. I will not use those.") session_settings.clear() g_pool.iconified = False g_pool.detection_mapping_mode = session_settings.get('detection_mapping_mode', '3d') g_pool.active_calibration_plugin = None g_pool.calGlint = session_settings.get('calibrate_glint', False) g_pool.active_gaze_mapping_plugin = None g_pool.capture_manager = None audio.audio_mode = session_settings.get('audio_mode', audio.default_audio_mode) def open_plugin(plugin): if plugin == "Select to load": return g_pool.plugins.add(plugin) def launch_eye_process(eye_id, delay=0): n = {'subject': 'eye_process.should_start.{}'.format(eye_id), 'eye_id': eye_id, 'delay': delay} ipc_pub.notify(n) def stop_eye_process(eye_id): n = {'subject': 'eye_process.should_stop', 'eye_id': eye_id} ipc_pub.notify(n) def start_stop_eye(eye_id, make_alive): if make_alive: launch_eye_process(eye_id) else: stop_eye_process(eye_id) def set_detection_mapping_mode(new_mode): n = {'subject': 'set_detection_mapping_mode', 'mode': new_mode} ipc_pub.notify(n) def handle_notifications(n): subject = n['subject'] if subject == 'set_detection_mapping_mode': if n['mode'] == '2d': if ("Vector_Gaze_Mapper" in g_pool.active_gaze_mapping_plugin.class_name): logger.warning("The gaze mapper is not supported in 2d mode. Please recalibrate.") g_pool.plugins.add(plugin_by_name['Dummy_Gaze_Mapper']) g_pool.detection_mapping_mode = n['mode'] elif subject == 'start_plugin': g_pool.plugins.add( plugin_by_name[n['name']], args=n.get('args', {})) elif subject == 'eye_process.started': n = {'subject': 'set_detection_mapping_mode', 'mode': g_pool.detection_mapping_mode} ipc_pub.notify(n) elif subject.startswith('meta.should_doc'): ipc_pub.notify({'subject': 'meta.doc', 'actor':, 'doc': world.__doc__}) for p in g_pool.plugins: if (p.on_notify.__doc__ and p.__class__.on_notify != Plugin.on_notify): ipc_pub.notify({'subject': 'meta.doc', 'actor': p.class_name, 'doc': p.on_notify.__doc__}) # window and gl setup glfw.glfwInit() width, height = session_settings.get('window_size', (1280, 720)) main_window = glfw.glfwCreateWindow(width, height, "Pupil Capture - World") window_pos = session_settings.get('window_position', window_position_default) glfw.glfwSetWindowPos(main_window, window_pos[0], window_pos[1]) glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(main_window) cygl.utils.init() g_pool.main_window = main_window g_pool.world_settings = "default" def convert_keys_to_string(dictionary): """Recursively converts dictionary keys to strings.""" if not isinstance(dictionary, dict): return dictionary return dict((str(k.decode('utf8')), convert_keys_to_string(v)) for k, v in dictionary.items()) def set_world_settings(new_settings): g_pool.world_settings = new_settings if not new_settings == "default": try: path = os.path.join(g_pool.user_dir,'world_settings_' + new_settings + '.json') with open(path, 'r') as fp: json_str = world_settings_new = json.loads(json_str) except: logger.error("Settings don't exist") return #world_settings_new = convert_keys_to_string(world_settings_new) controls = g_pool.capture.uvc_capture.controls controls_dict = dict([(c.display_name,c) for c in controls]) try: g_pool.capture.frame_rate = world_settings_new['frame_rate'] g_pool.capture.frame_size = world_settings_new['frame_size'] except:"no frame rate and frame size in camera settings") for key in controls_dict: try: controls_dict[key].value = world_settings_new[key] except:"no key with the name '%s' in camera settings" %key) def set_scale(new_scale): g_pool.gui_user_scale = new_scale on_resize(main_window, *glfw.glfwGetFramebufferSize(main_window)) # setup GUI g_pool.gui = ui.UI() g_pool.gui_user_scale = session_settings.get('gui_scale', 1.) g_pool.sidebar = ui.Scrolling_Menu("Settings", pos=(-350, 0), size=(0, 0), header_pos='left') general_settings = ui.Growing_Menu('General') general_settings.append(ui.Selector('world_settings',g_pool,setter=set_world_settings,selection=['default','outdoors'], labels=['Default', 'Outdoors'], label="World settings") ) general_settings.append(ui.Selector('gui_user_scale', g_pool, setter=set_scale, selection=[.8, .9, 1., 1.1, 1.2], label='Interface size')) general_settings.append(ui.Button('Reset window size',lambda: glfw.glfwSetWindowSize(main_window,g_pool.capture.frame_size[0],g_pool.capture.frame_size[1])) ) general_settings.append(ui.Selector('audio_mode',audio,selection=audio.audio_modes)) general_settings.append(ui.Selector('detection_mapping_mode', g_pool, label='detection & mapping mode', setter=set_detection_mapping_mode, selection=['2d','3d'] )) general_settings.append(ui.Switch('eye0_process', label='Detect eye 0', setter=lambda alive: start_stop_eye(0,alive), getter=lambda: eyes_are_alive[0].value )) general_settings.append(ui.Switch('eye1_process', label='Detect eye 1', setter=lambda alive: start_stop_eye(1,alive), getter=lambda: eyes_are_alive[1].value )) selector_label = "Select to load" labels = [p.__name__.replace('_', ' ') for p in user_launchable_plugins] user_launchable_plugins.insert(0, selector_label) labels.insert(0, selector_label) general_settings.append(ui.Selector('Open plugin', selection=user_launchable_plugins, labels=labels, setter=open_plugin, getter=lambda: selector_label)) general_settings.append(ui.Info_Text('Capture Version: {}'.format(g_pool.version))) g_pool.quickbar = ui.Stretching_Menu('Quick Bar', (0, 100), (120, -100)) g_pool.capture_source_menu = ui.Growing_Menu('Capture Source') g_pool.capture_source_menu.collapsed = True g_pool.calibration_menu = ui.Growing_Menu('Calibration') #g_pool.calibration_menu.append(ui.Switch('calGlint', g_pool,on_val=True,off_val=False,label='Calibrate with glint')) g_pool.calibration_menu.collapsed = True g_pool.capture_selector_menu = ui.Growing_Menu('Capture Selection') g_pool.sidebar.append(general_settings) g_pool.sidebar.append(g_pool.capture_selector_menu) g_pool.sidebar.append(g_pool.capture_source_menu) g_pool.sidebar.append(g_pool.calibration_menu) g_pool.gui.append(g_pool.sidebar) g_pool.gui.append(g_pool.quickbar) # plugins that are loaded based on user settings from previous session g_pool.plugins = Plugin_List(g_pool, plugin_by_name, session_settings.get('loaded_plugins', default_plugins)) #We add the calibration menu selector, after a calibration has been added: g_pool.calibration_menu.insert(0,ui.Selector( 'active_calibration_plugin', getter=lambda: g_pool.active_calibration_plugin.__class__, selection = calibration_plugins, labels = [p.__name__.replace('_',' ') for p in calibration_plugins], setter= open_plugin,label='Method' )) #We add the capture selection menu, after a manager has been added: g_pool.capture_selector_menu.insert(0,ui.Selector( 'capture_manager', setter = open_plugin, getter = lambda: g_pool.capture_manager.__class__, selection = manager_classes, labels = [b.gui_name for b in manager_classes], label = 'Manager' )) # Register callbacks main_window glfw.glfwSetFramebufferSizeCallback(main_window, on_resize) glfw.glfwSetWindowIconifyCallback(main_window, on_iconify) glfw.glfwSetKeyCallback(main_window, on_key) glfw.glfwSetCharCallback(main_window, on_char) glfw.glfwSetMouseButtonCallback(main_window, on_button) glfw.glfwSetCursorPosCallback(main_window, on_pos) glfw.glfwSetScrollCallback(main_window, on_scroll) # gl_state settings gl_utils.basic_gl_setup() g_pool.image_tex = Named_Texture() # now the we have aproper window we can load the last gui configuration g_pool.gui.configuration = session_settings.get('ui_config', {}) # create a timer to control window update frequency window_update_timer = timer(1 / 60) def window_should_update(): return next(window_update_timer) # set up performace graphs: pid = os.getpid() ps = psutil.Process(pid) ts = g_pool.get_timestamp() cpu_graph = graph.Bar_Graph() cpu_graph.pos = (20, 130) cpu_graph.update_fn = ps.cpu_percent cpu_graph.update_rate = 5 cpu_graph.label = 'CPU %0.1f' fps_graph = graph.Bar_Graph() fps_graph.pos = (140, 130) fps_graph.update_rate = 5 fps_graph.label = "%0.0f FPS" pupil0_graph = graph.Bar_Graph(max_val=1.0) pupil0_graph.pos = (260, 130) pupil0_graph.update_rate = 5 pupil0_graph.label = "id0 conf: %0.2f" pupil1_graph = graph.Bar_Graph(max_val=1.0) pupil1_graph.pos = (380, 130) pupil1_graph.update_rate = 5 pupil1_graph.label = "id1 conf: %0.2f" pupil_graphs = pupil0_graph, pupil1_graph g_pool.graphs = [cpu_graph, fps_graph, pupil0_graph, pupil1_graph] # trigger setup of window and gl sizes on_resize(main_window, *glfw.glfwGetFramebufferSize(main_window)) if session_settings.get('eye1_process_alive', False): launch_eye_process(1, delay=0.6) if session_settings.get('eye0_process_alive', True): launch_eye_process(0, delay=0.3) ipc_pub.notify({'subject': 'world_process.started'}) logger.warning('Process started.') # Event loop while not glfw.glfwWindowShouldClose(main_window): tUnix = time() # fetch newest notifications new_notifications = [] while notify_sub.new_data: t, n = notify_sub.recv() new_notifications.append(n) # notify each plugin if there are new notifications: for n in new_notifications: handle_notifications(n) for p in g_pool.plugins: p.on_notify(n) #a dictionary that allows plugins to post and read events events = {} events['timestamp_unix'] = tUnix # report time between now and the last loop interation events['dt'] = get_dt() recent_glint_positions = [] while not g_pool.glints.empty(): g = g_pool.glints.get() recent_glint_positions.append(g) events['glint_positions'] = recent_glint_positions recent_glint_pupil_vectors = [] while not g_pool.glint_pupil_vectors.empty(): v = g_pool.glint_pupil_vectors.get() recent_glint_pupil_vectors.append(v) events['glint_pupil_vectors'] = recent_glint_pupil_vectors # allow each Plugin to do its work. for p in g_pool.plugins: p.recent_events(events) # check if a plugin need to be destroyed g_pool.plugins.clean() # update performace graphs if 'frame' in events: t = events["frame"].timestamp dt, ts = t-ts, t try: fps_graph.add(1./dt) except ZeroDivisionError: pass for p in events["pupil_positions"]: pupil_graphs[p['id']].add(p['confidence']) cpu_graph.update() # send new events to ipc: del events['glint_pupil_vectors'] del events['glint_positions'] del events['timestamp_unix'] del events['pupil_positions'] # already on the wire del events['gaze_positions'] # sent earlier if 'frame' in events: del events['frame'] # send explicity with frame publisher if 'audio_packets' in events: del events['audio_packets'] del events['dt'] # no need to send this for topic, data in events.items(): assert(isinstance(data, (list, tuple))) for d in data: ipc_pub.send(topic, d) glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(main_window) # render visual feedback from loaded plugins if window_should_update() and gl_utils.is_window_visible(main_window): g_pool.capture.gl_display() for p in g_pool.plugins: p.gl_display() for g in g_pool.graphs: g.draw() g_pool.gui.update() glfw.glfwSwapBuffers(main_window) glfw.glfwPollEvents() glfw.glfwRestoreWindow(main_window) # need to do this for windows os session_settings['loaded_plugins'] = g_pool.plugins.get_initializers() session_settings['calibrate_glint'] = g_pool.calGlint session_settings['gui_scale'] = g_pool.gui_user_scale session_settings['ui_config'] = g_pool.gui.configuration session_settings['window_size'] = glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(main_window) session_settings['window_position'] = glfw.glfwGetWindowPos(main_window) session_settings['version'] = str(g_pool.version) session_settings['eye0_process_alive'] = eyes_are_alive[0].value session_settings['eye1_process_alive'] = eyes_are_alive[1].value session_settings['detection_mapping_mode'] = g_pool.detection_mapping_mode session_settings['audio_mode'] = audio.audio_mode session_settings.close() # de-init all running plugins for p in g_pool.plugins: p.alive = False g_pool.plugins.clean() g_pool.gui.terminate() glfw.glfwDestroyWindow(main_window) glfw.glfwTerminate() g_pool.capture.deinit_gui() # shut down eye processes: stop_eye_process(0) stop_eye_process(1)"Process shutting down.") ipc_pub.notify({'subject': 'world_process.stopped'}) # shut down launcher n = {'subject': 'launcher_process.should_stop'} ipc_pub.notify(n) zmq_ctx.destroy()
def main(): # initialize glfw if not glfw.glfwInit(): return window = glfw.glfwCreateWindow(800, 600, "My OpenGL window", None, None) if not window: glfw.glfwTerminate() return glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(window) # positions colors cube = [ -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, -0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ] cube = numpy.array(cube, dtype=numpy.float32) indices = [ 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 4, 4, 5, 1, 1, 0, 4, 6, 7, 3, 3, 2, 6, 5, 6, 2, 2, 1, 5, 7, 4, 0, 0, 3, 7 ] indices = numpy.array(indices, dtype=numpy.uint32) vertex_shader = """ #version 330 in vec3 position; in vec3 color; uniform mat4 transform; out vec3 newColor; void main() { gl_Position = transform * vec4(position, 1.0f); newColor = color; } """ fragment_shader = """ #version 330 in vec3 newColor; out vec4 outColor; void main() { outColor = vec4(newColor, 1.0f); } """ shader = OpenGL.GL.shaders.compileProgram( OpenGL.GL.shaders.compileShader(vertex_shader, GL_VERTEX_SHADER), OpenGL.GL.shaders.compileShader(fragment_shader, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER)) VBO = glGenBuffers(1) glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, VBO) glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 192, cube, GL_STATIC_DRAW) EBO = glGenBuffers(1) glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, EBO) glBufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 144, indices, GL_STATIC_DRAW) position = glGetAttribLocation(shader, "position") glVertexAttribPointer(position, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 24, ctypes.c_void_p(0)) glEnableVertexAttribArray(position) color = glGetAttribLocation(shader, "color") glVertexAttribPointer(color, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 24, ctypes.c_void_p(12)) glEnableVertexAttribArray(color) glUseProgram(shader) glClearColor(0.2, 0.3, 0.2, 1.0) glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) #glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE) while not glfw.glfwWindowShouldClose(window): glfw.glfwPollEvents() glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) rot_x = pyrr.Matrix44.from_x_rotation(0.5 * glfw.glfwGetTime()) rot_y = pyrr.Matrix44.from_y_rotation(0.8 * glfw.glfwGetTime()) # 向顶点shader中传入mvp 矩阵,控制顶点变换 transformLoc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "transform") glUniformMatrix4fv(transformLoc, 1, GL_FALSE, rot_x * rot_y) glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, 36, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, None) glfw.glfwSwapBuffers(window) glfw.glfwTerminate()
def main(): # initialize glfw if not glfw.glfwInit(): return w_width, w_height = 800, 600 #glfw.window_hint(glfw.RESIZABLE, GL_FALSE) window = glfw.glfwCreateWindow(w_width, w_height, "My OpenGL window", None, None) if not window: glfw.glfwTerminate() return glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(window) # glfw.set_window_size_callback(window, window_resize) # positions colors texture coords cube = [ -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, -0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 ] cube = numpy.array(cube, dtype=numpy.float32) indices = [ 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 4, 8, 9, 10, 10, 11, 8, 12, 13, 14, 14, 15, 12, 16, 17, 18, 18, 19, 16, 20, 21, 22, 22, 23, 20 ] indices = numpy.array(indices, dtype=numpy.uint32) shader = ShaderLoader.compile_shader("shaders/video_14_vert.vs", "shaders/video_14_frag.fs") VBO = glGenBuffers(1) glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, VBO) glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, cube.itemsize * len(cube), cube, GL_STATIC_DRAW) EBO = glGenBuffers(1) glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, EBO) glBufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, indices.itemsize * len(indices), indices, GL_STATIC_DRAW) #position glVertexAttribPointer(0, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, cube.itemsize * 8, ctypes.c_void_p(0)) glEnableVertexAttribArray(0) #color glVertexAttribPointer(1, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, cube.itemsize * 8, ctypes.c_void_p(12)) glEnableVertexAttribArray(1) #texture glVertexAttribPointer(2, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, cube.itemsize * 8, ctypes.c_void_p(24)) glEnableVertexAttribArray(2) texture = glGenTextures(1) glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture) # Set the texture wrapping parameters glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_REPEAT) glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_REPEAT) # Set texture filtering parameters glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR) glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR) # load image image ="res/egg.jpg") img_data = numpy.array(list(image.getdata()), numpy.uint8) glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGB, image.width, image.height, 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, img_data) glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D) glUseProgram(shader) glClearColor(0.2, 0.3, 0.2, 1.0) glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) #glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE) view = pyrr.matrix44.create_from_translation(pyrr.Vector3([0.0, 0.0, -3.0])) projection = pyrr.matrix44.create_perspective_projection_matrix( 45.0, w_width / w_height, 0.1, 100.0) model = pyrr.matrix44.create_from_translation(pyrr.Vector3([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])) view_loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "view") proj_loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "projection") model_loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "model") glUniformMatrix4fv(view_loc, 1, GL_FALSE, view) glUniformMatrix4fv(proj_loc, 1, GL_FALSE, projection) glUniformMatrix4fv(model_loc, 1, GL_FALSE, model) while not glfw.glfwWindowShouldClose(window): glfw.glfwPollEvents() glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) rot_x = pyrr.Matrix44.from_x_rotation(0.5 * glfw.glfwGetTime()) rot_y = pyrr.Matrix44.from_y_rotation(0.8 * glfw.glfwGetTime()) transformLoc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "transform") glUniformMatrix4fv(transformLoc, 1, GL_FALSE, rot_x * rot_y) glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, len(indices), GL_UNSIGNED_INT, None) glfw.glfwSwapBuffers(window) glfw.glfwTerminate()
def world(pupil_queue, timebase, lauchner_pipe, eye_pipes, eyes_are_alive, user_dir, version, cap_src): """world Creates a window, gl context. Grabs images from a capture. Receives Pupil coordinates from eye process[es] Can run various plug-ins. """ import logging # Set up root logger for this process before doing imports of logged modules. logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # create file handler which logs even debug messages fh = logging.FileHandler(os.path.join(user_dir, "world.log"), mode="w") fh.setLevel(logger.level) # create console handler with a higher log level ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setLevel(logger.level + 10) # create formatter and add it to the handlers formatter = logging.Formatter("World Process: %(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s") fh.setFormatter(formatter) formatter = logging.Formatter("WORLD Process [%(levelname)s] %(name)s : %(message)s") ch.setFormatter(formatter) # add the handlers to the logger logger.addHandler(fh) logger.addHandler(ch) # silence noisy modules logging.getLogger("OpenGL").setLevel(logging.ERROR) logging.getLogger("libav").setLevel(logging.ERROR) # create logger for the context of this function logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # We deferr the imports becasue of multiprocessing. # Otherwise the world process each process also loads the other imports. # This is not harmfull but unnessasary. # general imports from time import time import numpy as np # display import glfw from pyglui import ui, graph, cygl from pyglui.cygl.utils import Named_Texture from gl_utils import ( basic_gl_setup, adjust_gl_view, clear_gl_screen, make_coord_system_pixel_based, make_coord_system_norm_based, ) # check versions for our own depedencies as they are fast-changing from pyglui import __version__ as pyglui_version assert pyglui_version >= "0.7" # monitoring import psutil # helpers/utils from file_methods import Persistent_Dict from methods import normalize, denormalize, delta_t from video_capture import autoCreateCapture, FileCaptureError, EndofVideoFileError, CameraCaptureError from version_utils import VersionFormat # Plug-ins from plugin import Plugin_List, import_runtime_plugins from calibration_routines import calibration_plugins, gaze_mapping_plugins from recorder import Recorder from show_calibration import Show_Calibration from display_recent_gaze import Display_Recent_Gaze from pupil_server import Pupil_Server from pupil_sync import Pupil_Sync from marker_detector import Marker_Detector from log_display import Log_Display from annotations import Annotation_Capture # create logger for the context of this function # UI Platform tweaks if platform.system() == "Linux": scroll_factor = 10.0 window_position_default = (0, 0) elif platform.system() == "Windows": scroll_factor = 1.0 window_position_default = (8, 31) else: scroll_factor = 1.0 window_position_default = (0, 0) # g_pool holds variables for this process g_pool = Global_Container() # make some constants avaiable g_pool.user_dir = user_dir g_pool.version = version = "capture" g_pool.pupil_queue = pupil_queue g_pool.timebase = timebase # g_pool.lauchner_pipe = lauchner_pipe g_pool.eye_pipes = eye_pipes g_pool.eyes_are_alive = eyes_are_alive # manage plugins runtime_plugins = import_runtime_plugins(os.path.join(g_pool.user_dir, "plugins")) user_launchable_plugins = [ Show_Calibration, Pupil_Server, Pupil_Sync, Marker_Detector, Annotation_Capture, ] + runtime_plugins system_plugins = [Log_Display, Display_Recent_Gaze, Recorder] plugin_by_index = system_plugins + user_launchable_plugins + calibration_plugins + gaze_mapping_plugins name_by_index = [p.__name__ for p in plugin_by_index] plugin_by_name = dict(zip(name_by_index, plugin_by_index)) default_plugins = [ ("Log_Display", {}), ("Dummy_Gaze_Mapper", {}), ("Display_Recent_Gaze", {}), ("Screen_Marker_Calibration", {}), ("Recorder", {}), ] # Callback functions def on_resize(window, w, h): if not g_pool.iconified: g_pool.gui.update_window(w, h) g_pool.gui.collect_menus() graph.adjust_size(w, h) adjust_gl_view(w, h) for p in g_pool.plugins: p.on_window_resize(window, w, h) def on_iconify(window, iconified): g_pool.iconified = iconified def on_key(window, key, scancode, action, mods): g_pool.gui.update_key(key, scancode, action, mods) def on_char(window, char): g_pool.gui.update_char(char) def on_button(window, button, action, mods): g_pool.gui.update_button(button, action, mods) pos = glfw.glfwGetCursorPos(window) pos = normalize(pos, glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(main_window)) pos = denormalize(pos, (frame.img.shape[1], frame.img.shape[0])) # Position in img pixels for p in g_pool.plugins: p.on_click(pos, button, action) def on_pos(window, x, y): hdpi_factor = float(glfw.glfwGetFramebufferSize(window)[0] / glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(window)[0]) x, y = x * hdpi_factor, y * hdpi_factor g_pool.gui.update_mouse(x, y) def on_scroll(window, x, y): g_pool.gui.update_scroll(x, y * scroll_factor) tick = delta_t() def get_dt(): return next(tick) # load session persistent settings session_settings = Persistent_Dict(os.path.join(g_pool.user_dir, "user_settings_world")) if session_settings.get("version", VersionFormat("0.0")) < g_pool.version:"Session setting are from older version of this app. I will not use those.") session_settings.clear() # Initialize capture cap = autoCreateCapture(cap_src, timebase=g_pool.timebase) default_settings = {"frame_size": (1280, 720), "frame_rate": 30} previous_settings = session_settings.get("capture_settings", None) if previous_settings and previous_settings["name"] == cap.settings = previous_settings else: cap.settings = default_settings # Test capture try: frame = cap.get_frame() except CameraCaptureError: logger.error("Could not retrieve image from capture") cap.close() lauchner_pipe.send("Exit") return g_pool.iconified = False g_pool.capture = cap g_pool.pupil_confidence_threshold = session_settings.get("pupil_confidence_threshold", 0.6) g_pool.detection_mapping_mode = session_settings.get("detection_mapping_mode", "2d") g_pool.active_calibration_plugin = None def open_plugin(plugin): if plugin == "Select to load": return g_pool.plugins.add(plugin) def set_scale(new_scale): g_pool.gui.scale = new_scale g_pool.gui.collect_menus() def launch_eye_process(eye_id, blocking=False): if eyes_are_alive[eye_id].value: logger.error("Eye%s process already running." % eye_id) return lauchner_pipe.send(eye_id) eye_pipes[eye_id].send(("Set_Detection_Mapping_Mode", g_pool.detection_mapping_mode)) if blocking: # wait for ready message from eye to sequentialize startup eye_pipes[eye_id].send("Ping") eye_pipes[eye_id].recv() logger.warning("Eye %s process started." % eye_id) def stop_eye_process(eye_id, blocking=False): if eyes_are_alive[eye_id].value: eye_pipes[eye_id].send("Exit") if blocking: raise NotImplementedError() def start_stop_eye(eye_id, make_alive): if make_alive: launch_eye_process(eye_id) else: stop_eye_process(eye_id) def set_detection_mapping_mode(new_mode): if new_mode == "2d": for p in g_pool.plugins: if "Vector_Gaze_Mapper" in p.class_name: logger.warning("The gaze mapper is not supported in 2d mode. Please recalibrate.") p.alive = False g_pool.plugins.clean() for alive, pipe in zip(g_pool.eyes_are_alive, g_pool.eye_pipes): if alive.value: pipe.send(("Set_Detection_Mapping_Mode", new_mode)) g_pool.detection_mapping_mode = new_mode # window and gl setup glfw.glfwInit() width, height = session_settings.get("window_size", (frame.width, frame.height)) main_window = glfw.glfwCreateWindow(width, height, "World") window_pos = session_settings.get("window_position", window_position_default) glfw.glfwSetWindowPos(main_window, window_pos[0], window_pos[1]) glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(main_window) cygl.utils.init() g_pool.main_window = main_window # setup GUI g_pool.gui = ui.UI() g_pool.gui.scale = session_settings.get("gui_scale", 1) g_pool.sidebar = ui.Scrolling_Menu("Settings", pos=(-350, 0), size=(0, 0), header_pos="left") general_settings = ui.Growing_Menu("General") general_settings.append( ui.Slider("scale", g_pool.gui, setter=set_scale, step=0.05, min=1.0, max=2.5, label="Interface size") ) general_settings.append( ui.Button("Reset window size", lambda: glfw.glfwSetWindowSize(main_window, frame.width, frame.height)) ) general_settings.append( ui.Selector( "detection_mapping_mode", g_pool, label="detection & mapping mode", setter=set_detection_mapping_mode, selection=["2d", "3d"], ) ) general_settings.append( ui.Switch( "eye0_process", label="detect eye 0", setter=lambda alive: start_stop_eye(0, alive), getter=lambda: eyes_are_alive[0].value, ) ) general_settings.append( ui.Switch( "eye1_process", label="detect eye 1", setter=lambda alive: start_stop_eye(1, alive), getter=lambda: eyes_are_alive[1].value, ) ) general_settings.append( ui.Selector( "Open plugin", selection=user_launchable_plugins, labels=[p.__name__.replace("_", " ") for p in user_launchable_plugins], setter=open_plugin, getter=lambda: "Select to load", ) ) general_settings.append( ui.Slider("pupil_confidence_threshold", g_pool, step=0.01, min=0.0, max=1.0, label="Minimum pupil confidence") ) general_settings.append(ui.Info_Text("Capture Version: %s" % g_pool.version)) g_pool.sidebar.append(general_settings) g_pool.calibration_menu = ui.Growing_Menu("Calibration") g_pool.sidebar.append(g_pool.calibration_menu) g_pool.gui.append(g_pool.sidebar) g_pool.quickbar = ui.Stretching_Menu("Quick Bar", (0, 100), (120, -100)) g_pool.gui.append(g_pool.quickbar) g_pool.capture.init_gui(g_pool.sidebar) # plugins that are loaded based on user settings from previous session g_pool.notifications = [] g_pool.delayed_notifications = {} g_pool.plugins = Plugin_List(g_pool, plugin_by_name, session_settings.get("loaded_plugins", default_plugins)) # We add the calibration menu selector, after a calibration has been added: g_pool.calibration_menu.insert( 0, ui.Selector( "active_calibration_plugin", getter=lambda: g_pool.active_calibration_plugin.__class__, selection=calibration_plugins, labels=[p.__name__.replace("_", " ") for p in calibration_plugins], setter=open_plugin, label="Method", ), ) # Register callbacks main_window glfw.glfwSetFramebufferSizeCallback(main_window, on_resize) glfw.glfwSetWindowIconifyCallback(main_window, on_iconify) glfw.glfwSetKeyCallback(main_window, on_key) glfw.glfwSetCharCallback(main_window, on_char) glfw.glfwSetMouseButtonCallback(main_window, on_button) glfw.glfwSetCursorPosCallback(main_window, on_pos) glfw.glfwSetScrollCallback(main_window, on_scroll) # gl_state settings basic_gl_setup() g_pool.image_tex = Named_Texture() g_pool.image_tex.update_from_frame(frame) # refresh speed settings glfw.glfwSwapInterval(0) # trigger setup of window and gl sizes on_resize(main_window, *glfw.glfwGetFramebufferSize(main_window)) # now the we have aproper window we can load the last gui configuration g_pool.gui.configuration = session_settings.get("ui_config", {}) # set up performace graphs: pid = os.getpid() ps = psutil.Process(pid) ts = frame.timestamp cpu_graph = graph.Bar_Graph() cpu_graph.pos = (20, 130) cpu_graph.update_fn = ps.cpu_percent cpu_graph.update_rate = 5 cpu_graph.label = "CPU %0.1f" fps_graph = graph.Bar_Graph() fps_graph.pos = (140, 130) fps_graph.update_rate = 5 fps_graph.label = "%0.0f FPS" pupil_graph = graph.Bar_Graph(max_val=1.0) pupil_graph.pos = (260, 130) pupil_graph.update_rate = 5 pupil_graph.label = "Confidence: %0.2f" if session_settings.get("eye1_process_alive", False): launch_eye_process(1, blocking=True) if session_settings.get("eye0_process_alive", True): launch_eye_process(0, blocking=False) # Event loop while not glfw.glfwWindowShouldClose(main_window): # Get an image from the grabber try: frame = cap.get_frame() except CameraCaptureError: logger.error("Capture from camera failed. Stopping.") break except EndofVideoFileError: logger.warning("Video file is done. Stopping") break # update performace graphs t = frame.timestamp dt, ts = t - ts, t try: fps_graph.add(1.0 / dt) except ZeroDivisionError: pass cpu_graph.update() # a dictionary that allows plugins to post and read events events = {} # report time between now and the last loop interation events["dt"] = get_dt() # receive and map pupil positions recent_pupil_positions = [] while not g_pool.pupil_queue.empty(): p = g_pool.pupil_queue.get() recent_pupil_positions.append(p) pupil_graph.add(p["confidence"]) events["pupil_positions"] = recent_pupil_positions # publish delayed notifiactions when their time has come. for n in g_pool.delayed_notifications.values(): if n["_notify_time_"] < time(): del n["_notify_time_"] del g_pool.delayed_notifications[n["subject"]] g_pool.notifications.append(n) # notify each plugin if there are new notifications: while g_pool.notifications: n = g_pool.notifications.pop(0) for p in g_pool.plugins: p.on_notify(n) # allow each Plugin to do its work. for p in g_pool.plugins: p.update(frame, events) # check if a plugin need to be destroyed g_pool.plugins.clean() # render camera image glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(main_window) if g_pool.iconified: pass else: g_pool.image_tex.update_from_frame(frame) make_coord_system_norm_based() g_pool.image_tex.draw() make_coord_system_pixel_based((frame.height, frame.width, 3)) # render visual feedback from loaded plugins for p in g_pool.plugins: p.gl_display() if not g_pool.iconified: graph.push_view() fps_graph.draw() cpu_graph.draw() pupil_graph.draw() graph.pop_view() g_pool.gui.update() glfw.glfwSwapBuffers(main_window) glfw.glfwPollEvents() glfw.glfwRestoreWindow(main_window) # need to do this for windows os session_settings["loaded_plugins"] = g_pool.plugins.get_initializers() session_settings["pupil_confidence_threshold"] = g_pool.pupil_confidence_threshold session_settings["gui_scale"] = g_pool.gui.scale session_settings["ui_config"] = g_pool.gui.configuration session_settings["capture_settings"] = g_pool.capture.settings session_settings["window_size"] = glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(main_window) session_settings["window_position"] = glfw.glfwGetWindowPos(main_window) session_settings["version"] = g_pool.version session_settings["eye0_process_alive"] = eyes_are_alive[0].value session_settings["eye1_process_alive"] = eyes_are_alive[1].value session_settings["detection_mapping_mode"] = g_pool.detection_mapping_mode session_settings.close() # de-init all running plugins for p in g_pool.plugins: p.alive = False g_pool.plugins.clean() g_pool.gui.terminate() glfw.glfwDestroyWindow(main_window) glfw.glfwTerminate() cap.close() # shut down eye processes: stop_eye_process(0) stop_eye_process(1) # shut down laucher lauchner_pipe.send("Exit") logger.debug("world process done")
def main(): # initialize glfw if not glfw.glfwInit(): return window = glfw.glfwCreateWindow(800, 600, "My OpenGL window", None, None) if not window: glfw.glfwTerminate() return glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(window) # positions colors quad = [ -0.5, -0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, -0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, -0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ] quad = numpy.array(quad, dtype=numpy.float32) indices = [0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0] indices = numpy.array(indices, dtype=numpy.uint32) vertex_shader = """ #version 330 in vec3 position; in vec3 color; out vec3 newColor; void main() { gl_Position = vec4(position, 1.0f); newColor = color; } """ fragment_shader = """ #version 330 in vec3 newColor; out vec4 outColor; void main() { outColor = vec4(newColor, 1.0f); } """ shader = OpenGL.GL.shaders.compileProgram( OpenGL.GL.shaders.compileShader(vertex_shader, GL_VERTEX_SHADER), OpenGL.GL.shaders.compileShader(fragment_shader, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER)) VBO = glGenBuffers(1) glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, VBO) glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 96, quad, GL_STATIC_DRAW) EBO = glGenBuffers(1) glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, EBO) glBufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 24, indices, GL_STATIC_DRAW) position = glGetAttribLocation(shader, "position") glVertexAttribPointer(position, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 24, ctypes.c_void_p(0)) glEnableVertexAttribArray(position) color = glGetAttribLocation(shader, "color") glVertexAttribPointer(color, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 24, ctypes.c_void_p(12)) glEnableVertexAttribArray(color) glUseProgram(shader) # 用于替换背景色,否则是黑色的背景 glClearColor(0.2, 0.3, 0.2, 1.0) while not glfw.glfwWindowShouldClose(window): glfw.glfwPollEvents() glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) # 这里的6代表索引的个数,决定画三角形的多少,如果为3则只画一个三角形 glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, 6, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, None) glfw.glfwSwapBuffers(window) glfw.glfwTerminate()
def world( timebase, eye_procs_alive, ipc_pub_url, ipc_sub_url, ipc_push_url, user_dir, version, preferred_remote_port, hide_ui, ): """Reads world video and runs plugins. Creates a window, gl context. Grabs images from a capture. Maps pupil to gaze data Can run various plug-ins. Reacts to notifications: ``set_detection_mapping_mode`` ``eye_process.started`` ``start_plugin`` Emits notifications: ``eye_process.should_start`` ``eye_process.should_stop`` ``set_detection_mapping_mode`` ``world_process.started`` ``world_process.stopped`` ``recording.should_stop``: Emits on camera failure ``launcher_process.should_stop`` Emits data: ``gaze``: Gaze data from current gaze mapping plugin.`` ``*``: any other plugin generated data in the events that it not [dt,pupil,gaze]. """ # We defer the imports because of multiprocessing. # Otherwise the world process each process also loads the other imports. # This is not harmful but unnecessary. # general imports from time import sleep import logging # networking import zmq import zmq_tools # zmq ipc setup zmq_ctx = zmq.Context() ipc_pub = zmq_tools.Msg_Dispatcher(zmq_ctx, ipc_push_url) notify_sub = zmq_tools.Msg_Receiver(zmq_ctx, ipc_sub_url, topics=("notify", )) # log setup logging.getLogger("OpenGL").setLevel(logging.ERROR) logger = logging.getLogger() logger.handlers = [] logger.setLevel(logging.NOTSET) logger.addHandler(zmq_tools.ZMQ_handler(zmq_ctx, ipc_push_url)) # create logger for the context of this function logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def launch_eye_process(eye_id, delay=0): n = { "subject": "eye_process.should_start.{}".format(eye_id), "eye_id": eye_id, "delay": delay, } ipc_pub.notify(n) def stop_eye_process(eye_id): n = { "subject": "eye_process.should_stop.{}".format(eye_id), "eye_id": eye_id, "delay": 0.2, } ipc_pub.notify(n) def start_stop_eye(eye_id, make_alive): if make_alive: launch_eye_process(eye_id) else: stop_eye_process(eye_id) def set_detection_mapping_mode(new_mode): n = {"subject": "set_detection_mapping_mode", "mode": new_mode} ipc_pub.notify(n) try: from background_helper import IPC_Logging_Task_Proxy IPC_Logging_Task_Proxy.push_url = ipc_push_url from tasklib.background.patches import IPCLoggingPatch IPCLoggingPatch.ipc_push_url = ipc_push_url # display import glfw from version_utils import VersionFormat from pyglui import ui, cygl, __version__ as pyglui_version assert VersionFormat(pyglui_version) >= VersionFormat( "1.24"), "pyglui out of date, please upgrade to newest version" from pyglui.cygl.utils import Named_Texture import gl_utils # helpers/utils from file_methods import Persistent_Dict from methods import normalize, denormalize, delta_t, get_system_info, timer from uvc import get_time_monotonic"Application Version: {}".format(version))"System Info: {}".format(get_system_info())) import audio # trigger pupil detector cpp build: import pupil_detectors del pupil_detectors # Plug-ins from plugin import ( Plugin, System_Plugin_Base, Plugin_List, import_runtime_plugins, ) from plugin_manager import Plugin_Manager from calibration_routines import ( calibration_plugins, gaze_mapping_plugins, Calibration_Plugin, Gaze_Mapping_Plugin, ) from fixation_detector import Fixation_Detector from recorder import Recorder from display_recent_gaze import Display_Recent_Gaze from time_sync import Time_Sync from pupil_remote import Pupil_Remote from pupil_groups import Pupil_Groups from surface_tracker import Surface_Tracker_Online from log_display import Log_Display from annotations import Annotation_Capture from log_history import Log_History from frame_publisher import Frame_Publisher from blink_detection import Blink_Detection from video_capture import ( source_classes, manager_classes, Base_Manager, Base_Source, ) from pupil_data_relay import Pupil_Data_Relay from remote_recorder import Remote_Recorder from audio_capture import Audio_Capture from accuracy_visualizer import Accuracy_Visualizer # from saccade_detector import Saccade_Detector from system_graphs import System_Graphs from camera_intrinsics_estimation import Camera_Intrinsics_Estimation from hololens_relay import Hololens_Relay from head_pose_tracker.online_head_pose_tracker import Online_Head_Pose_Tracker # UI Platform tweaks if platform.system() == "Linux": scroll_factor = 10.0 window_position_default = (30, 30) elif platform.system() == "Windows": scroll_factor = 10.0 window_position_default = (8, 90) else: scroll_factor = 1.0 window_position_default = (0, 0) process_was_interrupted = False def interrupt_handler(sig, frame): import traceback trace = traceback.format_stack(f=frame) logger.debug(f"Caught signal {sig} in:\n" + "".join(trace)) nonlocal process_was_interrupted process_was_interrupted = True signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, interrupt_handler) icon_bar_width = 50 window_size = None camera_render_size = None hdpi_factor = 1.0 # g_pool holds variables for this process they are accessible to all plugins g_pool = SimpleNamespace() = "capture" g_pool.process = "world" g_pool.user_dir = user_dir g_pool.version = version g_pool.timebase = timebase g_pool.zmq_ctx = zmq_ctx g_pool.ipc_pub = ipc_pub g_pool.ipc_pub_url = ipc_pub_url g_pool.ipc_sub_url = ipc_sub_url g_pool.ipc_push_url = ipc_push_url g_pool.eye_procs_alive = eye_procs_alive g_pool.preferred_remote_port = preferred_remote_port def get_timestamp(): return get_time_monotonic() - g_pool.timebase.value g_pool.get_timestamp = get_timestamp g_pool.get_now = get_time_monotonic # manage plugins runtime_plugins = import_runtime_plugins( os.path.join(g_pool.user_dir, "plugins")) user_plugins = [ Audio_Capture, Pupil_Groups, Frame_Publisher, Pupil_Remote, Time_Sync, Surface_Tracker_Online, Annotation_Capture, Log_History, Fixation_Detector, Blink_Detection, Remote_Recorder, Accuracy_Visualizer, Camera_Intrinsics_Estimation, Hololens_Relay, Online_Head_Pose_Tracker, ] system_plugins = ([ Log_Display, Display_Recent_Gaze, Recorder, Pupil_Data_Relay, Plugin_Manager, System_Graphs, ] + manager_classes + source_classes) plugins = (system_plugins + user_plugins + runtime_plugins + calibration_plugins + gaze_mapping_plugins) user_plugins += [ p for p in runtime_plugins if not isinstance( p, ( Base_Manager, Base_Source, System_Plugin_Base, Calibration_Plugin, Gaze_Mapping_Plugin, ), ) ] g_pool.plugin_by_name = {p.__name__: p for p in plugins} default_capture_settings = { "preferred_names": [ "Pupil Cam1 ID2", "Logitech Camera", "(046d:081d)", "C510", "B525", "C525", "C615", "C920", "C930e", ], "frame_size": (1280, 720), "frame_rate": 30, } default_plugins = [ ("UVC_Source", default_capture_settings), ("Pupil_Data_Relay", {}), ("UVC_Manager", {}), ("Log_Display", {}), ("Dummy_Gaze_Mapper", {}), ("Display_Recent_Gaze", {}), ("Screen_Marker_Calibration", {}), ("Recorder", {}), ("Pupil_Remote", {}), ("Accuracy_Visualizer", {}), ("Plugin_Manager", {}), ("System_Graphs", {}), ] # Callback functions def on_resize(window, w, h): nonlocal window_size nonlocal camera_render_size nonlocal hdpi_factor if w == 0 or h == 0: return hdpi_factor = glfw.getHDPIFactor(window) g_pool.gui.scale = g_pool.gui_user_scale * hdpi_factor window_size = w, h camera_render_size = w - int(icon_bar_width * g_pool.gui.scale), h g_pool.gui.update_window(*window_size) g_pool.gui.collect_menus() for p in g_pool.plugins: p.on_window_resize(window, *camera_render_size) def on_window_key(window, key, scancode, action, mods): g_pool.gui.update_key(key, scancode, action, mods) def on_window_char(window, char): g_pool.gui.update_char(char) def on_window_mouse_button(window, button, action, mods): g_pool.gui.update_button(button, action, mods) def on_pos(window, x, y): x, y = x * hdpi_factor, y * hdpi_factor g_pool.gui.update_mouse(x, y) pos = x, y pos = normalize(pos, camera_render_size) # Position in img pixels pos = denormalize(pos, g_pool.capture.frame_size) for p in g_pool.plugins: p.on_pos(pos) def on_scroll(window, x, y): g_pool.gui.update_scroll(x, y * scroll_factor) def on_drop(window, count, paths): paths = [paths[x].decode("utf-8") for x in range(count)] for plugin in g_pool.plugins: if plugin.on_drop(paths): break tick = delta_t() def get_dt(): return next(tick) # load session persistent settings session_settings = Persistent_Dict( os.path.join(g_pool.user_dir, "user_settings_world")) if VersionFormat(session_settings.get("version", "0.0")) != g_pool.version: "Session setting are from a different version of this app. I will not use those." ) session_settings.clear() g_pool.min_calibration_confidence = session_settings.get( "min_calibration_confidence", 0.8) g_pool.detection_mapping_mode = session_settings.get( "detection_mapping_mode", "3d") g_pool.active_calibration_plugin = None g_pool.active_gaze_mapping_plugin = None g_pool.capture = None audio.audio_mode = session_settings.get("audio_mode", audio.default_audio_mode) def handle_notifications(noti): subject = noti["subject"] if subject == "set_detection_mapping_mode": if noti["mode"] == "2d": if ("Vector_Gaze_Mapper" in g_pool.active_gaze_mapping_plugin.class_name): logger.warning( "The gaze mapper is not supported in 2d mode. Please recalibrate." ) g_pool.plugins.add( g_pool.plugin_by_name["Dummy_Gaze_Mapper"]) g_pool.detection_mapping_mode = noti["mode"] elif subject == "start_plugin": try: g_pool.plugins.add(g_pool.plugin_by_name[noti["name"]], args=noti.get("args", {})) except KeyError as err: logger.error(f"Attempt to load unknown plugin: {err}") elif subject == "stop_plugin": for p in g_pool.plugins: if p.class_name == noti["name"]: p.alive = False g_pool.plugins.clean() elif subject == "eye_process.started": noti = { "subject": "set_detection_mapping_mode", "mode": g_pool.detection_mapping_mode, } ipc_pub.notify(noti) elif subject == "set_min_calibration_confidence": g_pool.min_calibration_confidence = noti["value"] elif subject.startswith("meta.should_doc"): ipc_pub.notify({ "subject": "meta.doc", "actor":, "doc": world.__doc__ }) for p in g_pool.plugins: if (p.on_notify.__doc__ and p.__class__.on_notify != Plugin.on_notify): ipc_pub.notify({ "subject": "meta.doc", "actor": p.class_name, "doc": p.on_notify.__doc__, }) elif subject == "world_process.adapt_window_size": set_window_size() width, height = session_settings.get("window_size", (1280 + icon_bar_width, 720)) # window and gl setup glfw.glfwInit() if hide_ui: glfw.glfwWindowHint(glfw.GLFW_VISIBLE, 0) # hide window main_window = glfw.glfwCreateWindow(width, height, "Pupil Capture - World") window_pos = session_settings.get("window_position", window_position_default) glfw.glfwSetWindowPos(main_window, window_pos[0], window_pos[1]) glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(main_window) cygl.utils.init() g_pool.main_window = main_window def set_scale(new_scale): g_pool.gui_user_scale = new_scale window_size = ( camera_render_size[0] + int(icon_bar_width * g_pool.gui_user_scale * hdpi_factor), glfw.glfwGetFramebufferSize(main_window)[1], ) logger.warning(icon_bar_width * g_pool.gui_user_scale * hdpi_factor) glfw.glfwSetWindowSize(main_window, *window_size) def reset_restart(): logger.warning("Resetting all settings and restarting Capture.") glfw.glfwSetWindowShouldClose(main_window, True) ipc_pub.notify({"subject": "clear_settings_process.should_start"}) ipc_pub.notify({ "subject": "world_process.should_start", "delay": 2.0 }) def toggle_general_settings(collapsed): # this is the menu toggle logic. # Only one menu can be open. # If no menu is opened, the menubar should collapse. g_pool.menubar.collapsed = collapsed for m in g_pool.menubar.elements: m.collapsed = True general_settings.collapsed = collapsed # setup GUI g_pool.gui = ui.UI() g_pool.gui_user_scale = session_settings.get("gui_scale", 1.0) g_pool.menubar = ui.Scrolling_Menu("Settings", pos=(-400, 0), size=(-icon_bar_width, 0), header_pos="left") g_pool.iconbar = ui.Scrolling_Menu("Icons", pos=(-icon_bar_width, 0), size=(0, 0), header_pos="hidden") g_pool.quickbar = ui.Stretching_Menu("Quick Bar", (0, 100), (120, -100)) g_pool.gui.append(g_pool.menubar) g_pool.gui.append(g_pool.iconbar) g_pool.gui.append(g_pool.quickbar) general_settings = ui.Growing_Menu("General", header_pos="headline") general_settings.append( ui.Selector( "gui_user_scale", g_pool, setter=set_scale, selection=[0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2, 1.4], label="Interface size", )) def set_window_size(): f_width, f_height = g_pool.capture.frame_size f_width += int(icon_bar_width * g_pool.gui.scale) glfw.glfwSetWindowSize(main_window, f_width, f_height) on_resize(main_window, f_width, f_height) general_settings.append(ui.Button("Reset window size", set_window_size)) general_settings.append( ui.Selector("audio_mode", audio, selection=audio.audio_modes)) general_settings.append( ui.Selector( "detection_mapping_mode", g_pool, label="detection & mapping mode", setter=set_detection_mapping_mode, selection=["disabled", "2d", "3d"], )) general_settings.append( ui.Switch( "eye0_process", label="Detect eye 0", setter=lambda alive: start_stop_eye(0, alive), getter=lambda: eye_procs_alive[0].value, )) general_settings.append( ui.Switch( "eye1_process", label="Detect eye 1", setter=lambda alive: start_stop_eye(1, alive), getter=lambda: eye_procs_alive[1].value, )) general_settings.append( ui.Info_Text("Capture Version: {}".format(g_pool.version))) general_settings.append( ui.Button("Restart with default settings", reset_restart)) g_pool.menubar.append(general_settings) icon = ui.Icon( "collapsed", general_settings, label=chr(0xE8B8), on_val=False, off_val=True, setter=toggle_general_settings, label_font="pupil_icons", ) icon.tooltip = "General Settings" g_pool.iconbar.append(icon) user_plugin_separator = ui.Separator() user_plugin_separator.order = 0.35 g_pool.iconbar.append(user_plugin_separator) # plugins that are loaded based on user settings from previous session g_pool.plugins = Plugin_List( g_pool, session_settings.get("loaded_plugins", default_plugins)) # Register callbacks main_window glfw.glfwSetFramebufferSizeCallback(main_window, on_resize) glfw.glfwSetKeyCallback(main_window, on_window_key) glfw.glfwSetCharCallback(main_window, on_window_char) glfw.glfwSetMouseButtonCallback(main_window, on_window_mouse_button) glfw.glfwSetCursorPosCallback(main_window, on_pos) glfw.glfwSetScrollCallback(main_window, on_scroll) glfw.glfwSetDropCallback(main_window, on_drop) # gl_state settings gl_utils.basic_gl_setup() g_pool.image_tex = Named_Texture() toggle_general_settings(True) # now that we have a proper window we can load the last gui configuration g_pool.gui.configuration = session_settings.get("ui_config", {}) # create a timer to control window update frequency window_update_timer = timer(1 / 60) def window_should_update(): return next(window_update_timer) # trigger setup of window and gl sizes on_resize(main_window, *glfw.glfwGetFramebufferSize(main_window)) if session_settings.get("eye1_process_alive", True): launch_eye_process(1, delay=0.6) if session_settings.get("eye0_process_alive", True): launch_eye_process(0, delay=0.3) ipc_pub.notify({"subject": "world_process.started"}) logger.warning("Process started.") # Event loop while (not glfw.glfwWindowShouldClose(main_window) and not process_was_interrupted): # fetch newest notifications new_notifications = [] while notify_sub.new_data: t, n = notify_sub.recv() new_notifications.append(n) # notify each plugin if there are new notifications: for n in new_notifications: handle_notifications(n) for p in g_pool.plugins: p.on_notify(n) # a dictionary that allows plugins to post and read events events = {} # report time between now and the last loop interation events["dt"] = get_dt() # allow each Plugin to do its work. for p in g_pool.plugins: p.recent_events(events) # check if a plugin need to be destroyed g_pool.plugins.clean() # "blacklisted" events that were already sent del events["pupil"] del events["gaze"] # delete if exists. More expensive than del, so only use it when key might not exist events.pop("annotation", None) # send new events to ipc: if "frame" in events: del events["frame"] # send explicitly with frame publisher if "depth_frame" in events: del events["depth_frame"] if "audio_packets" in events: del events["audio_packets"] del events["dt"] # no need to send this for data in events.values(): assert isinstance(data, (list, tuple)) for d in data: ipc_pub.send(d) glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(main_window) # render visual feedback from loaded plugins glfw.glfwPollEvents() if window_should_update() and gl_utils.is_window_visible( main_window): gl_utils.glViewport(0, 0, *camera_render_size) for p in g_pool.plugins: p.gl_display() gl_utils.glViewport(0, 0, *window_size) try: clipboard = glfw.glfwGetClipboardString( main_window).decode() except AttributeError: # clipboard is None, might happen on startup clipboard = "" g_pool.gui.update_clipboard(clipboard) user_input = g_pool.gui.update() if user_input.clipboard != clipboard: # only write to clipboard if content changed glfw.glfwSetClipboardString(main_window, user_input.clipboard.encode()) for button, action, mods in user_input.buttons: x, y = glfw.glfwGetCursorPos(main_window) pos = x * hdpi_factor, y * hdpi_factor pos = normalize(pos, camera_render_size) # Position in img pixels pos = denormalize(pos, g_pool.capture.frame_size) for plugin in g_pool.plugins: if plugin.on_click(pos, button, action): break for key, scancode, action, mods in user_input.keys: for plugin in g_pool.plugins: if plugin.on_key(key, scancode, action, mods): break for char_ in user_input.chars: for plugin in g_pool.plugins: if plugin.on_char(char_): break glfw.glfwSwapBuffers(main_window) session_settings["loaded_plugins"] = g_pool.plugins.get_initializers() session_settings["gui_scale"] = g_pool.gui_user_scale session_settings["ui_config"] = g_pool.gui.configuration session_settings["version"] = str(g_pool.version) session_settings["eye0_process_alive"] = eye_procs_alive[0].value session_settings["eye1_process_alive"] = eye_procs_alive[1].value session_settings[ "min_calibration_confidence"] = g_pool.min_calibration_confidence session_settings[ "detection_mapping_mode"] = g_pool.detection_mapping_mode session_settings["audio_mode"] = audio.audio_mode if not hide_ui: glfw.glfwRestoreWindow( main_window) # need to do this for windows os session_settings["window_position"] = glfw.glfwGetWindowPos( main_window) session_window_size = glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(main_window) if 0 not in session_window_size: session_settings["window_size"] = session_window_size session_settings.close() # de-init all running plugins for p in g_pool.plugins: p.alive = False g_pool.plugins.clean() g_pool.gui.terminate() glfw.glfwDestroyWindow(main_window) glfw.glfwTerminate() except Exception: import traceback trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error("Process Capture crashed with trace:\n{}".format(trace)) finally: # shut down eye processes: stop_eye_process(0) stop_eye_process(1)"Process shutting down.") ipc_pub.notify({"subject": "world_process.stopped"}) sleep(1.0)
def __init__(self): # Initialize glfw if not glfw.glfwInit(): print (" Error : glfw failed to initialize") sys.exit (glfw.EXIT_FAILURE) ceguiGL3Renderer = True if ceguiGL3Renderer: glfw.glfwWindowHint(glfw.GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MAJOR, 3) glfw.glfwWindowHint(glfw.GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MINOR, 2) glfw.glfwWindowHint(glfw.GLFW_OPENGL_FORWARD_COMPAT, PyGL.GL_TRUE) glfw.glfwWindowHint(glfw.GLFW_OPENGL_PROFILE, glfw.GLFW_OPENGL_CORE_PROFILE) else: glfw.glfwWindowHint(glfw.GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MAJOR, 2) glfw.glfwWindowHint(glfw.GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MINOR, 1) glfw.glfwWindowHint(glfw.GLFW_OPENGL_PROFILE, glfw.GLFW_OPENGL_ANY_PROFILE) # our window hints ## ## set our framebuffer related hints glfw.glfwWindowHint(glfw.GLFW_DEPTH_BITS, 24) glfw.glfwWindowHint(glfw.GLFW_STENCIL_BITS, 8) glfw.glfwWindowHint(glfw.GLFW_FOCUSED, True) fullScreen = False # create window if (not fullScreen): glfw_window = glfw.glfwCreateWindow(1024, 768, "PyCEGUI glfw3 Demo", None, None) else: glfw_window = glfw.glfwCreateWindow(1024, 768, "PyCEGUI glfw3 Demo", glfw.glfwGetPrimaryMonitor(), None) # check window created if not glfw_window: print (" Error : glfw failed to create a window") glfw.glfwTerminate() sys.exit() self.glfw_window = glfw_window glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(glfw_window) self.showglfwInfo() ## this does nothing on linux glfw.glfwSwapInterval(0) glfw.glfwSetInputMode(glfw_window, glfw.GLFW_CURSOR, glfw.GLFW_CURSOR_HIDDEN) # call backs glfw.glfwSetKeyCallback( glfw_window, self.on_key) glfw.glfwSetMouseButtonCallback( glfw_window, self.on_mouse) glfw.glfwSetCursorPosCallback( glfw_window, self.on_move) glfw.glfwSetWindowSizeCallback( glfw_window, self.on_resize) glfw.glfwSetCharCallback( glfw_window, self.on_char_callback) glfw.glfwSetFramebufferSizeCallback( glfw_window, self.on_framebuffer_size_callback) # initialise our CEGUI renderer ctx_major = glfw.glfwGetWindowAttrib(glfw_window, glfw.GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MAJOR) ctx_minor = glfw.glfwGetWindowAttrib(glfw_window, glfw.GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MINOR) forward_compat = glfw.glfwGetWindowAttrib(glfw_window, glfw.GLFW_OPENGL_FORWARD_COMPAT) if (not ceguiGL3Renderer): PyCEGUIOpenGLRenderer.OpenGLRenderer.bootstrapSystem() else : PyCEGUIOpenGLRenderer.OpenGL3Renderer.bootstrapSystem() # initialise PyCEGUI and resources rp = PyCEGUI.System.getSingleton().getResourceProvider() rp.setResourceGroupDirectory("schemes", CEGUI_PATH + "schemes") rp.setResourceGroupDirectory("imagesets", CEGUI_PATH + "imagesets") rp.setResourceGroupDirectory("fonts", CEGUI_PATH + "fonts") rp.setResourceGroupDirectory("layouts", CEGUI_PATH + "layouts") rp.setResourceGroupDirectory("looknfeels", CEGUI_PATH + "looknfeel") rp.setResourceGroupDirectory("schemas", CEGUI_PATH + "xml_schemas") PyCEGUI.ImageManager.setImagesetDefaultResourceGroup("imagesets") PyCEGUI.Font.setDefaultResourceGroup("fonts") PyCEGUI.Scheme.setDefaultResourceGroup("schemes") PyCEGUI.WidgetLookManager.setDefaultResourceGroup("looknfeels") PyCEGUI.WindowManager.setDefaultResourceGroup("layouts") parser = PyCEGUI.System.getSingleton().getXMLParser() if parser.isPropertyPresent("SchemaDefaultResourceGroup"): parser.setProperty("SchemaDefaultResourceGroup", "schemas") # Load schemes PyCEGUI.SchemeManager.getSingleton().createFromFile("TaharezLook.scheme") PyCEGUI.SchemeManager.getSingleton().createFromFile("WindowsLook.scheme") PyCEGUI.System.getSingleton().getDefaultGUIContext().getMouseCursor().setDefaultImage("TaharezLook/MouseArrow") # set root window root = PyCEGUI.WindowManager.getSingleton().createWindow("DefaultWindow", "background_wnd"); root.setArea( PyCEGUI.UVector2(PyCEGUI.UDim(0.0, 0),PyCEGUI.UDim(0.0, 0)) ,PyCEGUI.USize(PyCEGUI.UDim(1.0, 0),PyCEGUI.UDim(1.0, 0))) PyCEGUI.System.getSingleton().getDefaultGUIContext().setRootWindow(root) # load a layout layout = PyCEGUI.WindowManager.getSingleton().loadLayoutFromFile("TextDemo.layout") root.addChild(layout.getChild('TextDemo')) self.edit = root.getChild('TextDemo/MultiLineGroup/editMulti') # create label for our FPS self.labelFPS = PyCEGUI.WindowManager.getSingleton().createWindow("TaharezLook/Label", "FPSLabel") root.addChild(self.labelFPS) # create hello button button = PyCEGUI.WindowManager.getSingleton().createWindow("TaharezLook/Button", "HelloButton") button.setArea( PyCEGUI.UVector2(PyCEGUI.UDim(.50, 0),PyCEGUI.UDim(.92, 0)) ,PyCEGUI.USize(PyCEGUI.UDim(0.3, 0),PyCEGUI.UDim(0.05, 0))) button.setText("Hello") root.addChild(button) button.subscribeEvent(PyCEGUI.PushButton.EventClicked, self.OnbuttonClicked) # init simple timing self.previous_time = glfw.glfwGetTime() self.current_time = self.previous_time
import sys import glfw import OpenGL.GL as gl def on_key(window, key, scancode, action, mods): if key == glfw.GLFW_KEY_ESCAPE and action == glfw.GLFW_PRESS: glfw.glfwSetWindowShouldClose(window,1) # Initialize the library if not glfw.glfwInit(): sys.exit() # Create a windowed mode window and its OpenGL context window = glfw.glfwCreateWindow(640, 480, str.encode("Hello World"), None, None) if not window: glfw.glfwTerminate() sys.exit() # Make the window's context current glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(window) # Install a key handler glfw.glfwSetKeyCallback(window, on_key) # Loop until the user closes the window while not glfw.glfwWindowShouldClose(window): # Render here width, height = glfw.glfwGetFramebufferSize(window) ratio = width / float(height) gl.glViewport(0, 0, width, height) gl.glClear(gl.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT)
def world(timebase, eyes_are_alive, ipc_pub_url, ipc_sub_url, ipc_push_url, user_dir, version): """Reads world video and runs plugins. Creates a window, gl context. Grabs images from a capture. Maps pupil to gaze data Can run various plug-ins. Reacts to notifications: ``set_detection_mapping_mode`` ``eye_process.started`` ``start_plugin`` Emits notifications: ``eye_process.should_start`` ``eye_process.should_stop`` ``set_detection_mapping_mode`` ``world_process.started`` ``world_process.stopped`` ``recording.should_stop``: Emits on camera failure ``launcher_process.should_stop`` Emits data: ``gaze``: Gaze data from current gaze mapping plugin.`` ``*``: any other plugin generated data in the events that it not [dt,pupil,gaze]. """ # We defer the imports because of multiprocessing. # Otherwise the world process each process also loads the other imports. # This is not harmful but unnecessary. # general imports import logging # networking import zmq import zmq_tools # zmq ipc setup zmq_ctx = zmq.Context() ipc_pub = zmq_tools.Msg_Dispatcher(zmq_ctx, ipc_push_url) notify_sub = zmq_tools.Msg_Receiver(zmq_ctx, ipc_sub_url, topics=('notify',)) # log setup logging.getLogger("OpenGL").setLevel(logging.ERROR) logger = logging.getLogger() logger.handlers = [] logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) logger.addHandler(zmq_tools.ZMQ_handler(zmq_ctx, ipc_push_url)) # create logger for the context of this function logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # display import glfw from pyglui import ui, graph, cygl, __version__ as pyglui_version assert pyglui_version >= '1.7' from pyglui.cygl.utils import Named_Texture import gl_utils # monitoring import psutil # helpers/utils from version_utils import VersionFormat from file_methods import Persistent_Dict from methods import normalize, denormalize, delta_t, get_system_info, timer from uvc import get_time_monotonic'Application Version: {}'.format(version))'System Info: {}'.format(get_system_info())) import audio # trigger pupil detector cpp build: import pupil_detectors del pupil_detectors # Plug-ins from plugin import Plugin, Plugin_List, import_runtime_plugins from calibration_routines import calibration_plugins, gaze_mapping_plugins, Calibration_Plugin from fixation_detector import Fixation_Detector from recorder import Recorder from display_recent_gaze import Display_Recent_Gaze from time_sync import Time_Sync from pupil_remote import Pupil_Remote from pupil_groups import Pupil_Groups from surface_tracker import Surface_Tracker from log_display import Log_Display from annotations import Annotation_Capture from log_history import Log_History from frame_publisher import Frame_Publisher from blink_detection import Blink_Detection from video_capture import source_classes, manager_classes, Base_Manager from pupil_data_relay import Pupil_Data_Relay from remote_recorder import Remote_Recorder from audio_capture import Audio_Capture from accuracy_visualizer import Accuracy_Visualizer # UI Platform tweaks if platform.system() == 'Linux': scroll_factor = 10.0 window_position_default = (0, 0) elif platform.system() == 'Windows': scroll_factor = 10.0 window_position_default = (8, 31) else: scroll_factor = 1.0 window_position_default = (0, 0) # g_pool holds variables for this process they are accesible to all plugins g_pool = Global_Container() = 'capture' g_pool.process = 'world' g_pool.user_dir = user_dir g_pool.version = version g_pool.timebase = timebase g_pool.zmq_ctx = zmq_ctx g_pool.ipc_pub = ipc_pub g_pool.ipc_pub_url = ipc_pub_url g_pool.ipc_sub_url = ipc_sub_url g_pool.ipc_push_url = ipc_push_url g_pool.eyes_are_alive = eyes_are_alive def get_timestamp(): return get_time_monotonic() - g_pool.timebase.value g_pool.get_timestamp = get_timestamp g_pool.get_now = get_time_monotonic # manage plugins runtime_plugins = import_runtime_plugins(os.path.join(g_pool.user_dir, 'plugins')) calibration_plugins += [p for p in runtime_plugins if issubclass(p, Calibration_Plugin)] runtime_plugins = [p for p in runtime_plugins if not issubclass(p, Calibration_Plugin)] manager_classes += [p for p in runtime_plugins if issubclass(p, Base_Manager)] runtime_plugins = [p for p in runtime_plugins if not issubclass(p, Base_Manager)] user_launchable_plugins = [Audio_Capture, Pupil_Groups, Frame_Publisher, Pupil_Remote, Time_Sync, Surface_Tracker, Annotation_Capture, Log_History, Fixation_Detector, Blink_Detection, Remote_Recorder, Accuracy_Visualizer] + runtime_plugins system_plugins = [Log_Display, Display_Recent_Gaze, Recorder, Pupil_Data_Relay] plugin_by_index = (system_plugins + user_launchable_plugins + calibration_plugins + gaze_mapping_plugins + manager_classes + source_classes) name_by_index = [p.__name__ for p in plugin_by_index] plugin_by_name = dict(zip(name_by_index, plugin_by_index)) default_capture_settings = { 'preferred_names': ["Pupil Cam1 ID2", "Logitech Camera", "(046d:081d)", "C510", "B525", "C525", "C615", "C920", "C930e"], 'frame_size': (1280, 720), 'frame_rate': 30 } default_plugins = [("UVC_Source", default_capture_settings), ('Pupil_Data_Relay', {}), ('UVC_Manager', {}), ('Log_Display', {}), ('Dummy_Gaze_Mapper', {}), ('Display_Recent_Gaze', {}), ('Screen_Marker_Calibration', {}), ('Recorder', {}), ('Pupil_Remote', {})] # Callback functions def on_resize(window, w, h): if gl_utils.is_window_visible(window): hdpi_factor = float(glfw.glfwGetFramebufferSize(window)[0] / glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(window)[0]) g_pool.gui.scale = g_pool.gui_user_scale * hdpi_factor g_pool.gui.update_window(w, h) g_pool.gui.collect_menus() for g in g_pool.graphs: g.scale = hdpi_factor g.adjust_window_size(w, h) gl_utils.adjust_gl_view(w, h) for p in g_pool.plugins: p.on_window_resize(window, w, h) def on_iconify(window, iconified): g_pool.iconified = iconified def on_window_key(window, key, scancode, action, mods): g_pool.gui.update_key(key, scancode, action, mods) def on_window_char(window, char): g_pool.gui.update_char(char) def on_window_mouse_button(window, button, action, mods): g_pool.gui.update_button(button, action, mods) def on_pos(window, x, y): hdpi_factor = float(glfw.glfwGetFramebufferSize( window)[0] / glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(window)[0]) x, y = x * hdpi_factor, y * hdpi_factor g_pool.gui.update_mouse(x, y) def on_scroll(window, x, y): g_pool.gui.update_scroll(x, y * scroll_factor) def on_drop(window, count, paths): paths = [paths[x].decode('utf-8') for x in range(count)] for p in g_pool.plugins: p.on_drop(paths) tick = delta_t() def get_dt(): return next(tick) # load session persistent settings session_settings = Persistent_Dict(os.path.join(g_pool.user_dir, 'user_settings_world')) if VersionFormat(session_settings.get("version", '0.0')) != g_pool.version:"Session setting are from a different version of this app. I will not use those.") session_settings.clear() g_pool.iconified = False g_pool.detection_mapping_mode = session_settings.get('detection_mapping_mode', '3d') g_pool.active_calibration_plugin = None g_pool.active_gaze_mapping_plugin = None g_pool.capture_manager = None audio.audio_mode = session_settings.get('audio_mode', audio.default_audio_mode) def open_plugin(plugin): if plugin == "Select to load": return g_pool.plugins.add(plugin) def launch_eye_process(eye_id, delay=0): n = {'subject': 'eye_process.should_start.{}'.format(eye_id), 'eye_id': eye_id, 'delay': delay} ipc_pub.notify(n) def stop_eye_process(eye_id): n = {'subject': 'eye_process.should_stop.{}'.format(eye_id), 'eye_id': eye_id,'delay':0.2} ipc_pub.notify(n) def start_stop_eye(eye_id, make_alive): if make_alive: launch_eye_process(eye_id) else: stop_eye_process(eye_id) def set_detection_mapping_mode(new_mode): n = {'subject': 'set_detection_mapping_mode', 'mode': new_mode} ipc_pub.notify(n) def handle_notifications(n): subject = n['subject'] if subject == 'set_detection_mapping_mode': if n['mode'] == '2d': if ("Vector_Gaze_Mapper" in g_pool.active_gaze_mapping_plugin.class_name): logger.warning("The gaze mapper is not supported in 2d mode. Please recalibrate.") g_pool.plugins.add(plugin_by_name['Dummy_Gaze_Mapper']) g_pool.detection_mapping_mode = n['mode'] elif subject == 'start_plugin': g_pool.plugins.add(plugin_by_name[n['name']], args=n.get('args', {})) elif subject == 'stop_plugin': for p in g_pool.plugins: if p.class_name == n['name']: p.alive = False g_pool.plugins.clean() elif subject == 'eye_process.started': n = {'subject': 'set_detection_mapping_mode', 'mode': g_pool.detection_mapping_mode} ipc_pub.notify(n) elif subject.startswith('meta.should_doc'): ipc_pub.notify({'subject': 'meta.doc', 'actor':, 'doc': world.__doc__}) for p in g_pool.plugins: if (p.on_notify.__doc__ and p.__class__.on_notify != Plugin.on_notify): ipc_pub.notify({'subject': 'meta.doc', 'actor': p.class_name, 'doc': p.on_notify.__doc__}) # window and gl setup glfw.glfwInit() width, height = session_settings.get('window_size', (1280, 720)) main_window = glfw.glfwCreateWindow(width, height, "Pupil Capture - World") window_pos = session_settings.get('window_position', window_position_default) glfw.glfwSetWindowPos(main_window, window_pos[0], window_pos[1]) glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(main_window) cygl.utils.init() g_pool.main_window = main_window def set_scale(new_scale): g_pool.gui_user_scale = new_scale on_resize(main_window, *glfw.glfwGetFramebufferSize(main_window)) def reset_restart(): logger.warning("Resetting all settings and restarting Capture.") glfw.glfwSetWindowShouldClose(main_window, True) ipc_pub.notify({'subject': 'reset_restart_process.should_start'}) # setup GUI g_pool.gui = ui.UI() g_pool.gui_user_scale = session_settings.get('gui_scale', 1.) g_pool.sidebar = ui.Scrolling_Menu("Settings", pos=(-350, 0), size=(0, 0), header_pos='left') general_settings = ui.Growing_Menu('General') general_settings.append(ui.Button('Reset to default settings',reset_restart)) general_settings.append(ui.Selector('gui_user_scale', g_pool, setter=set_scale, selection=[.8, .9, 1., 1.1, 1.2], label='Interface size')) general_settings.append(ui.Button('Reset window size', lambda: glfw.glfwSetWindowSize(main_window,g_pool.capture.frame_size[0],g_pool.capture.frame_size[1])) ) general_settings.append(ui.Selector('audio_mode', audio, selection=audio.audio_modes)) general_settings.append(ui.Selector('detection_mapping_mode', g_pool, label='detection & mapping mode', setter=set_detection_mapping_mode, selection=['2d','3d'] )) general_settings.append(ui.Switch('eye0_process', label='Detect eye 0', setter=lambda alive: start_stop_eye(0,alive), getter=lambda: eyes_are_alive[0].value )) general_settings.append(ui.Switch('eye1_process', label='Detect eye 1', setter=lambda alive: start_stop_eye(1,alive), getter=lambda: eyes_are_alive[1].value )) selector_label = "Select to load" labels = [p.__name__.replace('_', ' ') for p in user_launchable_plugins] user_launchable_plugins.insert(0, selector_label) labels.insert(0, selector_label) general_settings.append(ui.Selector('Open plugin', selection=user_launchable_plugins, labels=labels, setter=open_plugin, getter=lambda: selector_label)) general_settings.append(ui.Info_Text('Capture Version: {}'.format(g_pool.version))) g_pool.quickbar = ui.Stretching_Menu('Quick Bar', (0, 100), (120, -100)) g_pool.capture_source_menu = ui.Growing_Menu('Capture Source') g_pool.capture_source_menu.collapsed = True g_pool.calibration_menu = ui.Growing_Menu('Calibration') g_pool.calibration_menu.collapsed = True g_pool.capture_selector_menu = ui.Growing_Menu('Capture Selection') g_pool.sidebar.append(general_settings) g_pool.sidebar.append(g_pool.capture_selector_menu) g_pool.sidebar.append(g_pool.capture_source_menu) g_pool.sidebar.append(g_pool.calibration_menu) g_pool.gui.append(g_pool.sidebar) g_pool.gui.append(g_pool.quickbar) # plugins that are loaded based on user settings from previous session g_pool.plugins = Plugin_List(g_pool, plugin_by_name, session_settings.get('loaded_plugins', default_plugins)) #We add the calibration menu selector, after a calibration has been added: g_pool.calibration_menu.insert(0,ui.Selector( 'active_calibration_plugin', getter=lambda: g_pool.active_calibration_plugin.__class__, selection = calibration_plugins, labels = [p.__name__.replace('_',' ') for p in calibration_plugins], setter= open_plugin,label='Method' )) #We add the capture selection menu, after a manager has been added: g_pool.capture_selector_menu.insert(0,ui.Selector( 'capture_manager', setter = open_plugin, getter = lambda: g_pool.capture_manager.__class__, selection = manager_classes, labels = [b.gui_name for b in manager_classes], label = 'Manager' )) # Register callbacks main_window glfw.glfwSetFramebufferSizeCallback(main_window, on_resize) glfw.glfwSetWindowIconifyCallback(main_window, on_iconify) glfw.glfwSetKeyCallback(main_window, on_window_key) glfw.glfwSetCharCallback(main_window, on_window_char) glfw.glfwSetMouseButtonCallback(main_window, on_window_mouse_button) glfw.glfwSetCursorPosCallback(main_window, on_pos) glfw.glfwSetScrollCallback(main_window, on_scroll) glfw.glfwSetDropCallback(main_window, on_drop) # gl_state settings gl_utils.basic_gl_setup() g_pool.image_tex = Named_Texture() # now the we have aproper window we can load the last gui configuration g_pool.gui.configuration = session_settings.get('ui_config', {}) # create a timer to control window update frequency window_update_timer = timer(1 / 60) def window_should_update(): return next(window_update_timer) # set up performace graphs: pid = os.getpid() ps = psutil.Process(pid) ts = g_pool.get_timestamp() cpu_graph = graph.Bar_Graph() cpu_graph.pos = (20, 130) cpu_graph.update_fn = ps.cpu_percent cpu_graph.update_rate = 5 cpu_graph.label = 'CPU %0.1f' fps_graph = graph.Bar_Graph() fps_graph.pos = (140, 130) fps_graph.update_rate = 5 fps_graph.label = "%0.0f FPS" pupil0_graph = graph.Bar_Graph(max_val=1.0) pupil0_graph.pos = (260, 130) pupil0_graph.update_rate = 5 pupil0_graph.label = "id0 conf: %0.2f" pupil1_graph = graph.Bar_Graph(max_val=1.0) pupil1_graph.pos = (380, 130) pupil1_graph.update_rate = 5 pupil1_graph.label = "id1 conf: %0.2f" pupil_graphs = pupil0_graph, pupil1_graph g_pool.graphs = [cpu_graph, fps_graph, pupil0_graph, pupil1_graph] # trigger setup of window and gl sizes on_resize(main_window, *glfw.glfwGetFramebufferSize(main_window)) if session_settings.get('eye1_process_alive', False): launch_eye_process(1, delay=0.6) if session_settings.get('eye0_process_alive', True): launch_eye_process(0, delay=0.3) ipc_pub.notify({'subject': 'world_process.started'}) logger.warning('Process started.') # Event loop while not glfw.glfwWindowShouldClose(main_window): # fetch newest notifications new_notifications = [] while notify_sub.new_data: t, n = notify_sub.recv() new_notifications.append(n) # notify each plugin if there are new notifications: for n in new_notifications: handle_notifications(n) for p in g_pool.plugins: p.on_notify(n) #a dictionary that allows plugins to post and read events events = {} # report time between now and the last loop interation events['dt'] = get_dt() # allow each Plugin to do its work. for p in g_pool.plugins: p.recent_events(events) # check if a plugin need to be destroyed g_pool.plugins.clean() # update performace graphs if 'frame' in events: t = events["frame"].timestamp dt, ts = t-ts, t try: fps_graph.add(1./dt) except ZeroDivisionError: pass for p in events["pupil_positions"]: pupil_graphs[p['id']].add(p['confidence']) cpu_graph.update() # send new events to ipc: del events['pupil_positions'] # already on the wire del events['gaze_positions'] # sent earlier if 'frame' in events: del events['frame'] # send explicity with frame publisher if 'depth_frame' in events: del events['depth_frame'] if 'audio_packets' in events: del events['audio_packets'] del events['dt'] # no need to send this for topic, data in events.items(): assert(isinstance(data, (list, tuple))) for d in data: ipc_pub.send(topic, d) glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(main_window) # render visual feedback from loaded plugins if window_should_update() and gl_utils.is_window_visible(main_window): for p in g_pool.plugins: p.gl_display() for g in g_pool.graphs: g.draw() unused_elements = g_pool.gui.update() for button, action, mods in unused_elements.buttons: pos = glfw.glfwGetCursorPos(main_window) pos = normalize(pos, glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(main_window)) # Position in img pixels pos = denormalize(pos, g_pool.capture.frame_size) for p in g_pool.plugins: p.on_click(pos, button, action) for key, scancode, action, mods in unused_elements.keys: for p in g_pool.plugins: p.on_key(key, scancode, action, mods) for char_ in unused_elements.chars: for p in g_pool.plugins: p.on_char(char_) glfw.glfwSwapBuffers(main_window) glfw.glfwPollEvents() glfw.glfwRestoreWindow(main_window) # need to do this for windows os session_settings['loaded_plugins'] = g_pool.plugins.get_initializers() session_settings['gui_scale'] = g_pool.gui_user_scale session_settings['ui_config'] = g_pool.gui.configuration session_settings['window_size'] = glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(main_window) session_settings['window_position'] = glfw.glfwGetWindowPos(main_window) session_settings['version'] = str(g_pool.version) session_settings['eye0_process_alive'] = eyes_are_alive[0].value session_settings['eye1_process_alive'] = eyes_are_alive[1].value session_settings['detection_mapping_mode'] = g_pool.detection_mapping_mode session_settings['audio_mode'] = audio.audio_mode session_settings.close() # de-init all running plugins for p in g_pool.plugins: p.alive = False g_pool.plugins.clean() g_pool.gui.terminate() glfw.glfwDestroyWindow(main_window) glfw.glfwTerminate() # shut down eye processes: stop_eye_process(0) stop_eye_process(1)"Process shutting down.") ipc_pub.notify({'subject': 'world_process.stopped'})
def world(timebase, eyes_are_alive, ipc_pub_url, ipc_sub_url, ipc_push_url, user_dir, version): """Reads world video and runs plugins. Creates a window, gl context. Grabs images from a capture. Maps pupil to gaze data Can run various plug-ins. Reacts to notifications: ``set_detection_mapping_mode`` ``eye_process.started`` ``start_plugin`` Emits notifications: ``eye_process.should_start`` ``eye_process.should_stop`` ``set_detection_mapping_mode`` ``world_process.started`` ``world_process.stopped`` ``recording.should_stop``: Emits on camera failure ``launcher_process.should_stop`` Emits data: ``gaze``: Gaze data from current gaze mapping plugin.`` ``*``: any other plugin generated data in the events that it not [dt,pupil,gaze]. """ # We defer the imports because of multiprocessing. # Otherwise the world process each process also loads the other imports. # This is not harmful but unnecessary. # general imports from time import sleep import logging # networking import zmq import zmq_tools # zmq ipc setup zmq_ctx = zmq.Context() ipc_pub = zmq_tools.Msg_Dispatcher(zmq_ctx, ipc_push_url) notify_sub = zmq_tools.Msg_Receiver(zmq_ctx, ipc_sub_url, topics=('notify', )) # log setup logging.getLogger("OpenGL").setLevel(logging.ERROR) logger = logging.getLogger() logger.handlers = [] # logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger.addHandler(zmq_tools.ZMQ_handler(zmq_ctx, ipc_push_url)) # create logger for the context of this function logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def launch_eye_process(eye_id, delay=0): n = { 'subject': 'eye_process.should_start.{}'.format(eye_id), 'eye_id': eye_id, 'delay': delay } ipc_pub.notify(n) def stop_eye_process(eye_id): n = { 'subject': 'eye_process.should_stop.{}'.format(eye_id), 'eye_id': eye_id, 'delay': 0.2 } ipc_pub.notify(n) def start_stop_eye(eye_id, make_alive): if make_alive: launch_eye_process(eye_id) else: stop_eye_process(eye_id) def set_detection_mapping_mode(new_mode): n = {'subject': 'set_detection_mapping_mode', 'mode': new_mode} ipc_pub.notify(n) try: # display import glfw from version_utils import VersionFormat from pyglui import ui, cygl, __version__ as pyglui_version assert VersionFormat(pyglui_version) >= VersionFormat( '1.9'), 'pyglui out of date, please upgrade to newest version' from pyglui.cygl.utils import Named_Texture import gl_utils # helpers/utils from file_methods import Persistent_Dict from methods import normalize, denormalize, delta_t, get_system_info, timer from uvc import get_time_monotonic'Application Version: {}'.format(version))'System Info: {}'.format(get_system_info())) import audio # trigger pupil detector cpp build: import pupil_detectors del pupil_detectors # Plug-ins from plugin import Plugin, System_Plugin_Base, Plugin_List, import_runtime_plugins from plugin_manager import Plugin_Manager from calibration_routines import calibration_plugins, gaze_mapping_plugins, Calibration_Plugin, Gaze_Mapping_Plugin from fixation_detector import Fixation_Detector from recorder import Recorder from display_recent_gaze import Display_Recent_Gaze from time_sync import Time_Sync from pupil_remote import Pupil_Remote from pupil_groups import Pupil_Groups from surface_tracker import Surface_Tracker from log_display import Log_Display from annotations import Annotation_Capture from log_history import Log_History from frame_publisher import Frame_Publisher from blink_detection import Blink_Detection from video_capture import source_classes, manager_classes, Base_Manager, Base_Source from pupil_data_relay import Pupil_Data_Relay from remote_recorder import Remote_Recorder from audio_capture import Audio_Capture from accuracy_visualizer import Accuracy_Visualizer # from saccade_detector import Saccade_Detector from system_graphs import System_Graphs from camera_intrinsics_estimation import Camera_Intrinsics_Estimation from hololens_relay import Hololens_Relay # UI Platform tweaks if platform.system() == 'Linux': scroll_factor = 10.0 window_position_default = (30, 30) elif platform.system() == 'Windows': scroll_factor = 10.0 window_position_default = (8, 31) else: scroll_factor = 1.0 window_position_default = (0, 0) icon_bar_width = 50 window_size = None camera_render_size = None hdpi_factor = 1.0 # g_pool holds variables for this process they are accesible to all plugins g_pool = Global_Container() = 'capture' g_pool.process = 'world' g_pool.user_dir = user_dir g_pool.version = version g_pool.timebase = timebase g_pool.zmq_ctx = zmq_ctx g_pool.ipc_pub = ipc_pub g_pool.ipc_pub_url = ipc_pub_url g_pool.ipc_sub_url = ipc_sub_url g_pool.ipc_push_url = ipc_push_url g_pool.eyes_are_alive = eyes_are_alive def get_timestamp(): return get_time_monotonic() - g_pool.timebase.value g_pool.get_timestamp = get_timestamp g_pool.get_now = get_time_monotonic # manage plugins runtime_plugins = import_runtime_plugins( os.path.join(g_pool.user_dir, 'plugins')) user_plugins = [ Audio_Capture, Pupil_Groups, Frame_Publisher, Pupil_Remote, Time_Sync, Surface_Tracker, Annotation_Capture, Log_History, Fixation_Detector, Blink_Detection, Remote_Recorder, Accuracy_Visualizer, Camera_Intrinsics_Estimation, Hololens_Relay ] system_plugins = [ Log_Display, Display_Recent_Gaze, Recorder, Pupil_Data_Relay, Plugin_Manager, System_Graphs ] + manager_classes + source_classes plugins = system_plugins + user_plugins + runtime_plugins + calibration_plugins + gaze_mapping_plugins user_plugins += [ p for p in runtime_plugins if not isinstance(p, (Base_Manager, Base_Source, System_Plugin_Base, Calibration_Plugin, Gaze_Mapping_Plugin)) ] g_pool.plugin_by_name = {p.__name__: p for p in plugins} default_capture_settings = { 'preferred_names': [ "Pupil Cam1 ID2", "Logitech Camera", "(046d:081d)", "C510", "B525", "C525", "C615", "C920", "C930e" ], 'frame_size': (1280, 720), 'frame_rate': 30 } default_plugins = [("UVC_Source", default_capture_settings), ('Pupil_Data_Relay', {}), ('UVC_Manager', {}), ('Log_Display', {}), ('Dummy_Gaze_Mapper', {}), ('Display_Recent_Gaze', {}), ('Screen_Marker_Calibration', {}), ('Recorder', {}), ('Pupil_Remote', {}), ('Plugin_Manager', {}), ('System_Graphs', {})] # Callback functions def on_resize(window, w, h): nonlocal window_size nonlocal camera_render_size nonlocal hdpi_factor hdpi_factor = float( glfw.glfwGetFramebufferSize(window)[0] / glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(window)[0]) g_pool.gui.scale = g_pool.gui_user_scale * hdpi_factor window_size = w, h camera_render_size = w - int(icon_bar_width * g_pool.gui.scale), h g_pool.gui.update_window(*window_size) g_pool.gui.collect_menus() for p in g_pool.plugins: p.on_window_resize(window, *camera_render_size) def on_window_key(window, key, scancode, action, mods): g_pool.gui.update_key(key, scancode, action, mods) def on_window_char(window, char): g_pool.gui.update_char(char) def on_window_mouse_button(window, button, action, mods): g_pool.gui.update_button(button, action, mods) def on_pos(window, x, y): x, y = x * hdpi_factor, y * hdpi_factor g_pool.gui.update_mouse(x, y) pos = x, y pos = normalize(pos, camera_render_size) # Position in img pixels pos = denormalize(pos, g_pool.capture.frame_size) for p in g_pool.plugins: p.on_pos(pos) def on_scroll(window, x, y): g_pool.gui.update_scroll(x, y * scroll_factor) def on_drop(window, count, paths): paths = [paths[x].decode('utf-8') for x in range(count)] for p in g_pool.plugins: p.on_drop(paths) tick = delta_t() def get_dt(): return next(tick) # load session persistent settings session_settings = Persistent_Dict( os.path.join(g_pool.user_dir, 'user_settings_world')) if VersionFormat(session_settings.get("version", '0.0')) != g_pool.version: "Session setting are from a different version of this app. I will not use those." ) session_settings.clear() g_pool.detection_mapping_mode = session_settings.get( 'detection_mapping_mode', '3d') g_pool.active_calibration_plugin = None g_pool.active_gaze_mapping_plugin = None g_pool.capture = None audio.audio_mode = session_settings.get('audio_mode', audio.default_audio_mode) def handle_notifications(n): subject = n['subject'] if subject == 'set_detection_mapping_mode': if n['mode'] == '2d': if ("Vector_Gaze_Mapper" in g_pool.active_gaze_mapping_plugin.class_name): logger.warning( "The gaze mapper is not supported in 2d mode. Please recalibrate." ) g_pool.plugins.add( g_pool.plugin_by_name['Dummy_Gaze_Mapper']) g_pool.detection_mapping_mode = n['mode'] elif subject == 'start_plugin': g_pool.plugins.add(g_pool.plugin_by_name[n['name']], args=n.get('args', {})) elif subject == 'stop_plugin': for p in g_pool.plugins: if p.class_name == n['name']: p.alive = False g_pool.plugins.clean() elif subject == 'eye_process.started': n = { 'subject': 'set_detection_mapping_mode', 'mode': g_pool.detection_mapping_mode } ipc_pub.notify(n) elif subject.startswith('meta.should_doc'): ipc_pub.notify({ 'subject': 'meta.doc', 'actor':, 'doc': world.__doc__ }) for p in g_pool.plugins: if (p.on_notify.__doc__ and p.__class__.on_notify != Plugin.on_notify): ipc_pub.notify({ 'subject': 'meta.doc', 'actor': p.class_name, 'doc': p.on_notify.__doc__ }) # window and gl setup glfw.glfwInit() width, height = session_settings.get('window_size', (1280 + icon_bar_width, 720)) main_window = glfw.glfwCreateWindow(width, height, "Pupil Capture - World") window_pos = session_settings.get('window_position', window_position_default) glfw.glfwSetWindowPos(main_window, window_pos[0], window_pos[1]) glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(main_window) cygl.utils.init() g_pool.main_window = main_window def set_scale(new_scale): g_pool.gui_user_scale = new_scale window_size = camera_render_size[0] + \ int(icon_bar_width * g_pool.gui_user_scale * hdpi_factor), \ glfw.glfwGetFramebufferSize(main_window)[1] logger.warning(icon_bar_width * g_pool.gui_user_scale * hdpi_factor) glfw.glfwSetWindowSize(main_window, *window_size) def reset_restart(): logger.warning("Resetting all settings and restarting Capture.") glfw.glfwSetWindowShouldClose(main_window, True) ipc_pub.notify({'subject': 'clear_settings_process.should_start'}) ipc_pub.notify({ 'subject': 'world_process.should_start', 'delay': 2. }) def toggle_general_settings(collapsed): # this is the menu toggle logic. # Only one menu can be open. # If no menu is open the menubar should collapse. g_pool.menubar.collapsed = collapsed for m in g_pool.menubar.elements: m.collapsed = True general_settings.collapsed = collapsed # setup GUI g_pool.gui = ui.UI() g_pool.gui_user_scale = session_settings.get('gui_scale', 1.) g_pool.menubar = ui.Scrolling_Menu("Settings", pos=(-400, 0), size=(-icon_bar_width, 0), header_pos='left') g_pool.iconbar = ui.Scrolling_Menu("Icons", pos=(-icon_bar_width, 0), size=(0, 0), header_pos='hidden') g_pool.quickbar = ui.Stretching_Menu('Quick Bar', (0, 100), (120, -100)) g_pool.gui.append(g_pool.menubar) g_pool.gui.append(g_pool.iconbar) g_pool.gui.append(g_pool.quickbar) general_settings = ui.Growing_Menu('General', header_pos='headline') general_settings.append( ui.Selector('gui_user_scale', g_pool, setter=set_scale, selection=[.6, .8, 1., 1.2, 1.4], label='Interface size')) def set_window_size(): f_width, f_height = g_pool.capture.frame_size f_width += int(icon_bar_width * g_pool.gui.scale) glfw.glfwSetWindowSize(main_window, f_width, f_height) general_settings.append(ui.Button('Reset window size', set_window_size)) general_settings.append( ui.Selector('audio_mode', audio, selection=audio.audio_modes)) general_settings.append( ui.Selector('detection_mapping_mode', g_pool, label='detection & mapping mode', setter=set_detection_mapping_mode, selection=['2d', '3d'])) general_settings.append( ui.Switch('eye0_process', label='Detect eye 0', setter=lambda alive: start_stop_eye(0, alive), getter=lambda: eyes_are_alive[0].value)) general_settings.append( ui.Switch('eye1_process', label='Detect eye 1', setter=lambda alive: start_stop_eye(1, alive), getter=lambda: eyes_are_alive[1].value)) general_settings.append( ui.Info_Text('Capture Version: {}'.format(g_pool.version))) general_settings.append( ui.Button('Restart with default settings', reset_restart)) g_pool.menubar.append(general_settings) icon = ui.Icon('collapsed', general_settings, label=chr(0xe8b8), on_val=False, off_val=True, setter=toggle_general_settings, label_font='pupil_icons') icon.tooltip = 'General Settings' g_pool.iconbar.append(icon) user_plugin_separator = ui.Separator() user_plugin_separator.order = 0.35 g_pool.iconbar.append(user_plugin_separator) # plugins that are loaded based on user settings from previous session g_pool.plugins = Plugin_List( g_pool, session_settings.get('loaded_plugins', default_plugins)) # Register callbacks main_window glfw.glfwSetFramebufferSizeCallback(main_window, on_resize) glfw.glfwSetKeyCallback(main_window, on_window_key) glfw.glfwSetCharCallback(main_window, on_window_char) glfw.glfwSetMouseButtonCallback(main_window, on_window_mouse_button) glfw.glfwSetCursorPosCallback(main_window, on_pos) glfw.glfwSetScrollCallback(main_window, on_scroll) glfw.glfwSetDropCallback(main_window, on_drop) # gl_state settings gl_utils.basic_gl_setup() g_pool.image_tex = Named_Texture() toggle_general_settings(False) # now the we have aproper window we can load the last gui configuration g_pool.gui.configuration = session_settings.get('ui_config', {}) # create a timer to control window update frequency window_update_timer = timer(1 / 60) def window_should_update(): return next(window_update_timer) # trigger setup of window and gl sizes on_resize(main_window, *glfw.glfwGetFramebufferSize(main_window)) if session_settings.get('eye1_process_alive', False): launch_eye_process(1, delay=0.6) if session_settings.get('eye0_process_alive', True): launch_eye_process(0, delay=0.3) ipc_pub.notify({'subject': 'world_process.started'}) logger.warning('Process started.') # Event loop while not glfw.glfwWindowShouldClose(main_window): # fetch newest notifications new_notifications = [] while notify_sub.new_data: t, n = notify_sub.recv() new_notifications.append(n) # notify each plugin if there are new notifications: for n in new_notifications: handle_notifications(n) for p in g_pool.plugins: p.on_notify(n) #a dictionary that allows plugins to post and read events events = {} # report time between now and the last loop interation events['dt'] = get_dt() # allow each Plugin to do its work. for p in g_pool.plugins: p.recent_events(events) # check if a plugin need to be destroyed g_pool.plugins.clean() # send new events to ipc: del events['pupil_positions'] # already on the wire del events['gaze_positions'] # sent earlier if 'frame' in events: del events['frame'] # send explicity with frame publisher if 'depth_frame' in events: del events['depth_frame'] if 'audio_packets' in events: del events['audio_packets'] del events['dt'] # no need to send this for topic, data in events.items(): assert (isinstance(data, (list, tuple))) for d in data: ipc_pub.send(topic, d) glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(main_window) # render visual feedback from loaded plugins if window_should_update() and gl_utils.is_window_visible( main_window): gl_utils.glViewport(0, 0, *camera_render_size) for p in g_pool.plugins: p.gl_display() gl_utils.glViewport(0, 0, *window_size) unused_elements = g_pool.gui.update() for button, action, mods in unused_elements.buttons: x, y = glfw.glfwGetCursorPos(main_window) pos = x * hdpi_factor, y * hdpi_factor pos = normalize(pos, camera_render_size) # Position in img pixels pos = denormalize(pos, g_pool.capture.frame_size) for p in g_pool.plugins: p.on_click(pos, button, action) for key, scancode, action, mods in unused_elements.keys: for p in g_pool.plugins: p.on_key(key, scancode, action, mods) for char_ in unused_elements.chars: for p in g_pool.plugins: p.on_char(char_) glfw.glfwSwapBuffers(main_window) glfw.glfwPollEvents() glfw.glfwRestoreWindow(main_window) # need to do this for windows os session_settings['loaded_plugins'] = g_pool.plugins.get_initializers() session_settings['gui_scale'] = g_pool.gui_user_scale session_settings['ui_config'] = g_pool.gui.configuration session_settings['window_size'] = glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(main_window) session_settings['window_position'] = glfw.glfwGetWindowPos( main_window) session_settings['version'] = str(g_pool.version) session_settings['eye0_process_alive'] = eyes_are_alive[0].value session_settings['eye1_process_alive'] = eyes_are_alive[1].value session_settings[ 'detection_mapping_mode'] = g_pool.detection_mapping_mode session_settings['audio_mode'] = audio.audio_mode session_settings.close() # de-init all running plugins for p in g_pool.plugins: p.alive = False g_pool.plugins.clean() g_pool.gui.terminate() glfw.glfwDestroyWindow(main_window) glfw.glfwTerminate() except: import traceback trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('Process Capture crashed with trace:\n{}'.format(trace)) finally: # shut down eye processes: stop_eye_process(0) stop_eye_process(1)"Process shutting down.") ipc_pub.notify({'subject': 'world_process.stopped'}) sleep(1.0)
def eye( timebase, is_alive_flag, ipc_pub_url, ipc_sub_url, ipc_push_url, user_dir, version, eye_id, overwrite_cap_settings=None, ): """reads eye video and detects the pupil. Creates a window, gl context. Grabs images from a capture. Streams Pupil coordinates. Reacts to notifications: ``set_detection_mapping_mode``: Sets detection method ``eye_process.should_stop``: Stops the eye process ``recording.started``: Starts recording eye video ``recording.stopped``: Stops recording eye video ``frame_publishing.started``: Starts frame publishing ``frame_publishing.stopped``: Stops frame publishing Emits notifications: ``eye_process.started``: Eye process started ``eye_process.stopped``: Eye process stopped Emits data: ``pupil.<eye id>``: Pupil data for eye with id ``<eye id>`` ``frame.eye.<eye id>``: Eye frames with id ``<eye id>`` """ # We deferr the imports becasue of multiprocessing. # Otherwise the world process each process also loads the other imports. import zmq import zmq_tools zmq_ctx = zmq.Context() ipc_socket = zmq_tools.Msg_Dispatcher(zmq_ctx, ipc_push_url) pupil_socket = zmq_tools.Msg_Streamer(zmq_ctx, ipc_pub_url) notify_sub = zmq_tools.Msg_Receiver(zmq_ctx, ipc_sub_url, topics=("notify",)) # logging setup import logging logging.getLogger("OpenGL").setLevel(logging.ERROR) logger = logging.getLogger() logger.handlers = [] logger.setLevel(logging.NOTSET) logger.addHandler(zmq_tools.ZMQ_handler(zmq_ctx, ipc_push_url)) # create logger for the context of this function logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if is_alive_flag.value: # indicates eye process that this is a duplicated startup logger.warning("Aborting redundant eye process startup") return with Is_Alive_Manager(is_alive_flag, ipc_socket, eye_id, logger): # general imports import traceback import numpy as np import cv2 # display import glfw from pyglui import ui, graph, cygl from pyglui.cygl.utils import draw_points, RGBA, draw_polyline from pyglui.cygl.utils import Named_Texture from gl_utils import basic_gl_setup, adjust_gl_view, clear_gl_screen from gl_utils import make_coord_system_pixel_based from gl_utils import make_coord_system_norm_based from gl_utils import is_window_visible, glViewport from ui_roi import UIRoi # monitoring import psutil # helpers/utils from uvc import get_time_monotonic from file_methods import Persistent_Dict from version_utils import VersionFormat from methods import normalize, denormalize, timer from av_writer import JPEG_Writer, AV_Writer from ndsi import H264Writer from video_capture import source_classes from video_capture import manager_classes from background_helper import IPC_Logging_Task_Proxy IPC_Logging_Task_Proxy.push_url = ipc_push_url # Pupil detectors from pupil_detectors import Detector_2D, Detector_3D, Detector_Dummy pupil_detectors = { Detector_2D.__name__: Detector_2D, Detector_3D.__name__: Detector_3D, Detector_Dummy.__name__: Detector_Dummy, } # UI Platform tweaks if platform.system() == "Linux": scroll_factor = 10.0 window_position_default = (600, 300 * eye_id + 30) elif platform.system() == "Windows": scroll_factor = 10.0 window_position_default = (600, 90 + 300 * eye_id) else: scroll_factor = 1.0 window_position_default = (600, 300 * eye_id) icon_bar_width = 50 window_size = None camera_render_size = None hdpi_factor = 1.0 # g_pool holds variables for this process g_pool = SimpleNamespace() # make some constants avaiable g_pool.user_dir = user_dir g_pool.version = version = "capture" g_pool.process = "eye{}".format(eye_id) g_pool.timebase = timebase g_pool.ipc_pub = ipc_socket def get_timestamp(): return get_time_monotonic() - g_pool.timebase.value g_pool.get_timestamp = get_timestamp g_pool.get_now = get_time_monotonic # Callback functions def on_resize(window, w, h): nonlocal window_size nonlocal camera_render_size nonlocal hdpi_factor active_window = glfw.glfwGetCurrentContext() glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(window) hdpi_factor = glfw.getHDPIFactor(window) g_pool.gui.scale = g_pool.gui_user_scale * hdpi_factor window_size = w, h camera_render_size = w - int(icon_bar_width * g_pool.gui.scale), h g_pool.gui.update_window(w, h) g_pool.gui.collect_menus() for g in g_pool.graphs: g.scale = hdpi_factor g.adjust_window_size(w, h) adjust_gl_view(w, h) glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(active_window) def on_window_key(window, key, scancode, action, mods): g_pool.gui.update_key(key, scancode, action, mods) def on_window_char(window, char): g_pool.gui.update_char(char) def on_iconify(window, iconified): g_pool.iconified = iconified def on_window_mouse_button(window, button, action, mods): g_pool.gui.update_button(button, action, mods) def on_pos(window, x, y): x *= hdpi_factor y *= hdpi_factor g_pool.gui.update_mouse(x, y) if g_pool.u_r.active_edit_pt: pos = normalize((x, y), camera_render_size) if g_pool.flip: pos = 1 - pos[0], 1 - pos[1] pos = denormalize(pos, g_pool.capture.frame_size) g_pool.u_r.move_vertex(g_pool.u_r.active_pt_idx, pos) def on_scroll(window, x, y): g_pool.gui.update_scroll(x, y * scroll_factor) def on_drop(window, count, paths): paths = [paths[x].decode("utf-8") for x in range(count)] plugins = (g_pool.capture_manager, g_pool.capture) # call `on_drop` callbacks until a plugin indicates # that it has consumed the event (by returning True) any(p.on_drop(paths) for p in plugins) # load session persistent settings session_settings = Persistent_Dict( os.path.join(g_pool.user_dir, "user_settings_eye{}".format(eye_id)) ) if VersionFormat(session_settings.get("version", "0.0")) != g_pool.version: "Session setting are from a different version of this app. I will not use those." ) session_settings.clear() g_pool.iconified = False g_pool.capture = None g_pool.capture_manager = None g_pool.flip = session_settings.get("flip", False) g_pool.display_mode = session_settings.get("display_mode", "camera_image") g_pool.display_mode_info_text = { "camera_image": "Raw eye camera image. This uses the least amount of CPU power", "roi": "Click and drag on the blue circles to adjust the region of interest. The region should be as small as possible, but large enough to capture all pupil movements.", "algorithm": "Algorithm display mode overlays a visualization of the pupil detection parameters on top of the eye video. Adjust parameters within the Pupil Detection menu below.", } capture_manager_settings = session_settings.get( "capture_manager_settings", ("UVC_Manager", {}) ) manager_class_name, manager_settings = capture_manager_settings manager_class_by_name = {c.__name__: c for c in manager_classes} g_pool.capture_manager = manager_class_by_name[manager_class_name]( g_pool, **manager_settings ) if eye_id == 0: cap_src = ["Pupil Cam3 ID0", "Pupil Cam2 ID0", "Pupil Cam1 ID0", "HD-6000"] else: cap_src = ["Pupil Cam3 ID1", "Pupil Cam2 ID1", "Pupil Cam1 ID1"] # Initialize capture default_settings = ( "UVC_Source", {"preferred_names": cap_src, "frame_size": (320, 240), "frame_rate": 120}, ) capture_source_settings = overwrite_cap_settings or session_settings.get( "capture_settings", default_settings ) source_class_name, source_settings = capture_source_settings source_class_by_name = {c.__name__: c for c in source_classes} g_pool.capture = source_class_by_name[source_class_name]( g_pool, **source_settings ) assert g_pool.capture g_pool.u_r = UIRoi((g_pool.capture.frame_size[1], g_pool.capture.frame_size[0])) roi_user_settings = session_settings.get("roi") if roi_user_settings and tuple(roi_user_settings[-1]) == g_pool.u_r.get()[-1]: g_pool.u_r.set(roi_user_settings) pupil_detector_settings = session_settings.get("pupil_detector_settings", None) last_pupil_detector = pupil_detectors[ session_settings.get("last_pupil_detector", Detector_2D.__name__) ] g_pool.pupil_detector = last_pupil_detector(g_pool, pupil_detector_settings) def set_display_mode_info(val): g_pool.display_mode = val g_pool.display_mode_info.text = g_pool.display_mode_info_text[val] def set_detector(new_detector): g_pool.pupil_detector.deinit_ui() g_pool.pupil_detector.cleanup() g_pool.pupil_detector = new_detector(g_pool) g_pool.pupil_detector.init_ui() def toggle_general_settings(collapsed): # this is the menu toggle logic. # Only one menu can be open. # If no menu is open the menubar should collapse. g_pool.menubar.collapsed = collapsed for m in g_pool.menubar.elements: m.collapsed = True general_settings.collapsed = collapsed # Initialize glfw glfw.glfwInit() title = "Pupil Capture - eye {}".format(eye_id) width, height = g_pool.capture.frame_size width *= 2 height *= 2 width += icon_bar_width width, height = session_settings.get("window_size", (width, height)) main_window = glfw.glfwCreateWindow(width, height, title, None, None) window_pos = session_settings.get("window_position", window_position_default) glfw.glfwSetWindowPos(main_window, window_pos[0], window_pos[1]) glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(main_window) cygl.utils.init() # UI callback functions def set_scale(new_scale): g_pool.gui_user_scale = new_scale on_resize(main_window, *glfw.glfwGetFramebufferSize(main_window)) # gl_state settings basic_gl_setup() g_pool.image_tex = Named_Texture() g_pool.image_tex.update_from_ndarray(np.ones((1, 1), dtype=np.uint8) + 125) # setup GUI g_pool.gui = ui.UI() g_pool.gui_user_scale = session_settings.get("gui_scale", 1.0) g_pool.menubar = ui.Scrolling_Menu( "Settings", pos=(-500, 0), size=(-icon_bar_width, 0), header_pos="left" ) g_pool.iconbar = ui.Scrolling_Menu( "Icons", pos=(-icon_bar_width, 0), size=(0, 0), header_pos="hidden" ) g_pool.gui.append(g_pool.menubar) g_pool.gui.append(g_pool.iconbar) general_settings = ui.Growing_Menu("General", header_pos="headline") general_settings.append( ui.Selector( "gui_user_scale", g_pool, setter=set_scale, selection=[0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2], label="Interface Size", ) ) def set_window_size(): f_width, f_height = g_pool.capture.frame_size f_width *= 2 f_height *= 2 f_width += int(icon_bar_width * g_pool.gui.scale) glfw.glfwSetWindowSize(main_window, f_width, f_height) def uroi_on_mouse_button(button, action, mods): if g_pool.display_mode == "roi": if action == glfw.GLFW_RELEASE and g_pool.u_r.active_edit_pt: g_pool.u_r.active_edit_pt = False # if the roi interacts we dont want # the gui to interact as well return elif action == glfw.GLFW_PRESS: x, y = glfw.glfwGetCursorPos(main_window) # pos = normalize(pos, glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(main_window)) x *= hdpi_factor y *= hdpi_factor pos = normalize((x, y), camera_render_size) if g_pool.flip: pos = 1 - pos[0], 1 - pos[1] # Position in img pixels pos = denormalize( pos, g_pool.capture.frame_size ) # Position in img pixels if g_pool.u_r.mouse_over_edit_pt( pos, g_pool.u_r.handle_size, g_pool.u_r.handle_size ): # if the roi interacts we dont want # the gui to interact as well return general_settings.append(ui.Button("Reset window size", set_window_size)) general_settings.append(ui.Switch("flip", g_pool, label="Flip image display")) general_settings.append( ui.Selector( "display_mode", g_pool, setter=set_display_mode_info, selection=["camera_image", "roi", "algorithm"], labels=["Camera Image", "ROI", "Algorithm"], label="Mode", ) ) g_pool.display_mode_info = ui.Info_Text( g_pool.display_mode_info_text[g_pool.display_mode] ) general_settings.append(g_pool.display_mode_info) detector_selector = ui.Selector( "pupil_detector", getter=lambda: g_pool.pupil_detector.__class__, setter=set_detector, selection=[Detector_Dummy, Detector_2D, Detector_3D], labels=["disabled", "C++ 2d detector", "C++ 3d detector"], label="Detection method", ) general_settings.append(detector_selector) g_pool.menubar.append(general_settings) icon = ui.Icon( "collapsed", general_settings, label=chr(0xE8B8), on_val=False, off_val=True, setter=toggle_general_settings, label_font="pupil_icons", ) icon.tooltip = "General Settings" g_pool.iconbar.append(icon) toggle_general_settings(False) g_pool.pupil_detector.init_ui() g_pool.capture.init_ui() g_pool.capture_manager.init_ui() g_pool.writer = None def replace_source(source_class_name, source_settings): g_pool.capture.deinit_ui() g_pool.capture.cleanup() g_pool.capture = source_class_by_name[source_class_name]( g_pool, **source_settings ) g_pool.capture.init_ui() if g_pool.writer:"Done recording.") try: g_pool.writer.release() except RuntimeError: logger.error("No eye video recorded") g_pool.writer = None g_pool.replace_source = replace_source # for ndsi capture # Register callbacks main_window glfw.glfwSetFramebufferSizeCallback(main_window, on_resize) glfw.glfwSetWindowIconifyCallback(main_window, on_iconify) glfw.glfwSetKeyCallback(main_window, on_window_key) glfw.glfwSetCharCallback(main_window, on_window_char) glfw.glfwSetMouseButtonCallback(main_window, on_window_mouse_button) glfw.glfwSetCursorPosCallback(main_window, on_pos) glfw.glfwSetScrollCallback(main_window, on_scroll) glfw.glfwSetDropCallback(main_window, on_drop) # load last gui configuration g_pool.gui.configuration = session_settings.get("ui_config", {}) # set up performance graphs pid = os.getpid() ps = psutil.Process(pid) ts = g_pool.get_timestamp() cpu_graph = graph.Bar_Graph() cpu_graph.pos = (20, 50) cpu_graph.update_fn = ps.cpu_percent cpu_graph.update_rate = 5 cpu_graph.label = "CPU %0.1f" fps_graph = graph.Bar_Graph() fps_graph.pos = (140, 50) fps_graph.update_rate = 5 fps_graph.label = "%0.0f FPS" g_pool.graphs = [cpu_graph, fps_graph] # set the last saved window size on_resize(main_window, *glfw.glfwGetFramebufferSize(main_window)) should_publish_frames = False frame_publish_format = "jpeg" frame_publish_format_recent_warning = False # create a timer to control window update frequency window_update_timer = timer(1 / 60) def window_should_update(): return next(window_update_timer) logger.warning("Process started.") frame = None # Event loop while not glfw.glfwWindowShouldClose(main_window): if notify_sub.new_data: t, notification = notify_sub.recv() subject = notification["subject"] if subject.startswith("eye_process.should_stop"): if notification["eye_id"] == eye_id: break elif subject == "set_detection_mapping_mode": if notification["mode"] == "3d": if not isinstance(g_pool.pupil_detector, Detector_3D): set_detector(Detector_3D) detector_selector.read_only = True elif notification["mode"] == "2d": if not isinstance(g_pool.pupil_detector, Detector_2D): set_detector(Detector_2D) detector_selector.read_only = False else: if not isinstance(g_pool.pupil_detector, Detector_Dummy): set_detector(Detector_Dummy) detector_selector.read_only = True elif subject == "recording.started": if notification["record_eye"] and record_path = notification["rec_path"] raw_mode = notification["compression"]"Will save eye video to: {}".format(record_path)) video_path = os.path.join( record_path, "eye{}.mp4".format(eye_id) ) if raw_mode and frame and g_pool.capture.jpeg_support: g_pool.writer = JPEG_Writer( video_path, g_pool.capture.frame_rate ) elif hasattr(g_pool.capture._recent_frame, "h264_buffer"): g_pool.writer = H264Writer( video_path, g_pool.capture.frame_size[0], g_pool.capture.frame_size[1], g_pool.capture.frame_rate, ) else: g_pool.writer = AV_Writer( video_path, g_pool.capture.frame_rate ) elif subject == "recording.stopped": if g_pool.writer:"Done recording.") try: g_pool.writer.release() except RuntimeError: logger.error("No eye video recorded") g_pool.writer = None elif subject.startswith("meta.should_doc"): ipc_socket.notify( { "subject": "meta.doc", "actor": "eye{}".format(eye_id), "doc": eye.__doc__, } ) elif subject.startswith("frame_publishing.started"): should_publish_frames = True frame_publish_format = notification.get("format", "jpeg") elif subject.startswith("frame_publishing.stopped"): should_publish_frames = False frame_publish_format = "jpeg" elif ( subject.startswith("start_eye_capture") and notification["target"] == g_pool.process ): replace_source(notification["name"], notification["args"]) elif notification["subject"].startswith("pupil_detector.set_property"): target_process = notification.get("target", g_pool.process) should_apply = target_process == g_pool.process if should_apply: try: property_name = notification["name"] property_value = notification["value"] if "2d" in notification["subject"]: g_pool.pupil_detector.set_2d_detector_property( property_name, property_value ) elif "3d" in notification["subject"]: if not isinstance(g_pool.pupil_detector, Detector_3D): raise ValueError( "3d properties are only available" " if 3d detector is active" ) g_pool.pupil_detector.set_3d_detector_property( property_name, property_value ) else: raise KeyError( "Notification subject does not " "specifiy detector type." ) logger.debug( "`{}` property set to {}".format( property_name, property_value ) ) except KeyError: logger.error("Malformed notification received") logger.debug(traceback.format_exc()) except (ValueError, TypeError): logger.error("Invalid property or value") logger.debug(traceback.format_exc()) elif notification["subject"].startswith( "pupil_detector.broadcast_properties" ): target_process = notification.get("target", g_pool.process) should_respond = target_process == g_pool.process if should_respond: props = g_pool.pupil_detector.get_detector_properties() properties_broadcast = { "subject": "{}".format(eye_id), **props, # add properties to broadcast } ipc_socket.notify(properties_broadcast) g_pool.capture.on_notify(notification) g_pool.capture_manager.on_notify(notification) # Get an image from the grabber event = {} g_pool.capture.recent_events(event) frame = event.get("frame") g_pool.capture_manager.recent_events(event) if frame: f_width, f_height = g_pool.capture.frame_size if (g_pool.u_r.array_shape[0], g_pool.u_r.array_shape[1]) != ( f_height, f_width, ): g_pool.pupil_detector.on_resolution_change( (g_pool.u_r.array_shape[1], g_pool.u_r.array_shape[0]), g_pool.capture.frame_size, ) g_pool.u_r = UIRoi((f_height, f_width)) if should_publish_frames: try: if frame_publish_format == "jpeg": data = frame.jpeg_buffer elif frame_publish_format == "yuv": data = frame.yuv_buffer elif frame_publish_format == "bgr": data = frame.bgr elif frame_publish_format == "gray": data = frame.gray assert data is not None except (AttributeError, AssertionError, NameError): if not frame_publish_format_recent_warning: frame_publish_format_recent_warning = True logger.warning( '{}s are not compatible with format "{}"'.format( type(frame), frame_publish_format ) ) else: frame_publish_format_recent_warning = False pupil_socket.send( { "topic": "frame.eye.{}".format(eye_id), "width": frame.width, "height": frame.height, "index": frame.index, "timestamp": frame.timestamp, "format": frame_publish_format, "__raw_data__": [data], } ) t = frame.timestamp dt, ts = t - ts, t try: fps_graph.add(1.0 / dt) except ZeroDivisionError: pass if g_pool.writer: g_pool.writer.write_video_frame(frame) # pupil ellipse detection result = g_pool.pupil_detector.detect( frame, g_pool.u_r, g_pool.display_mode == "algorithm" ) if result is not None: result["id"] = eye_id result["topic"] = "pupil.{}".format(eye_id) pupil_socket.send(result) cpu_graph.update() # GL drawing if window_should_update(): if is_window_visible(main_window): glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(main_window) clear_gl_screen() if frame: # switch to work in normalized coordinate space if g_pool.display_mode == "algorithm": g_pool.image_tex.update_from_ndarray(frame.img) elif g_pool.display_mode in ("camera_image", "roi"): g_pool.image_tex.update_from_ndarray(frame.gray) else: pass glViewport(0, 0, *camera_render_size) make_coord_system_norm_based(g_pool.flip) g_pool.image_tex.draw() f_width, f_height = g_pool.capture.frame_size make_coord_system_pixel_based((f_height, f_width, 3), g_pool.flip) if frame and result: if result["method"] == "3d c++": eye_ball = result["projected_sphere"] try: pts = cv2.ellipse2Poly( ( int(eye_ball["center"][0]), int(eye_ball["center"][1]), ), ( int(eye_ball["axes"][0] / 2), int(eye_ball["axes"][1] / 2), ), int(eye_ball["angle"]), 0, 360, 8, ) except ValueError as e: pass else: draw_polyline( pts, 2, RGBA(0.0, 0.9, 0.1, result["model_confidence"]), ) if result["confidence"] > 0: if "ellipse" in result: pts = cv2.ellipse2Poly( ( int(result["ellipse"]["center"][0]), int(result["ellipse"]["center"][1]), ), ( int(result["ellipse"]["axes"][0] / 2), int(result["ellipse"]["axes"][1] / 2), ), int(result["ellipse"]["angle"]), 0, 360, 15, ) confidence = result["confidence"] * 0.7 draw_polyline(pts, 1, RGBA(1.0, 0, 0, confidence)) draw_points( [result["ellipse"]["center"]], size=20, color=RGBA(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, confidence), sharpness=1.0, ) glViewport(0, 0, *camera_render_size) make_coord_system_pixel_based((f_height, f_width, 3), g_pool.flip) # render the ROI g_pool.u_r.draw(g_pool.gui.scale) if g_pool.display_mode == "roi": g_pool.u_r.draw_points(g_pool.gui.scale) glViewport(0, 0, *window_size) make_coord_system_pixel_based((*window_size[::-1], 3), g_pool.flip) # render graphs fps_graph.draw() cpu_graph.draw() # render GUI unused_elements = g_pool.gui.update() for butt in unused_elements.buttons: uroi_on_mouse_button(*butt) make_coord_system_pixel_based((*window_size[::-1], 3), g_pool.flip) g_pool.pupil_detector.visualize() # detector decides if we visualize or not # update screen glfw.glfwSwapBuffers(main_window) glfw.glfwPollEvents() # END while running # in case eye recording was still runnnig: Save&close if g_pool.writer:"Done recording eye.") g_pool.writer = None glfw.glfwRestoreWindow(main_window) # need to do this for windows os # save session persistent settings session_settings["gui_scale"] = g_pool.gui_user_scale session_settings["roi"] = g_pool.u_r.get() session_settings["flip"] = g_pool.flip session_settings["display_mode"] = g_pool.display_mode session_settings["ui_config"] = g_pool.gui.configuration session_settings["capture_settings"] = ( g_pool.capture.class_name, g_pool.capture.get_init_dict(), ) session_settings["capture_manager_settings"] = ( g_pool.capture_manager.class_name, g_pool.capture_manager.get_init_dict(), ) session_settings["window_position"] = glfw.glfwGetWindowPos(main_window) session_settings["version"] = str(g_pool.version) session_settings[ "last_pupil_detector" ] = g_pool.pupil_detector.__class__.__name__ session_settings[ "pupil_detector_settings" ] = g_pool.pupil_detector.get_settings() session_window_size = glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(main_window) if 0 not in session_window_size: session_settings["window_size"] = session_window_size session_settings.close() g_pool.capture.deinit_ui() g_pool.capture_manager.deinit_ui() g_pool.pupil_detector.deinit_ui() g_pool.pupil_detector.cleanup() g_pool.capture_manager.cleanup() g_pool.capture.cleanup() glfw.glfwDestroyWindow(main_window) g_pool.gui.terminate() glfw.glfwTerminate()"Process shutting down.")
def world( timebase, eye_procs_alive, ipc_pub_url, ipc_sub_url, ipc_push_url, user_dir, version, preferred_remote_port, ): """Reads world video and runs plugins. Creates a window, gl context. Grabs images from a capture. Maps pupil to gaze data Can run various plug-ins. Reacts to notifications: ``set_detection_mapping_mode`` ``eye_process.started`` ``start_plugin`` Emits notifications: ``eye_process.should_start`` ``eye_process.should_stop`` ``set_detection_mapping_mode`` ``world_process.started`` ``world_process.stopped`` ``recording.should_stop``: Emits on camera failure ``launcher_process.should_stop`` Emits data: ``gaze``: Gaze data from current gaze mapping plugin.`` ``*``: any other plugin generated data in the events that it not [dt,pupil,gaze]. """ # We defer the imports because of multiprocessing. # Otherwise the world process each process also loads the other imports. # This is not harmful but unnecessary. # general imports from time import sleep import logging # networking import zmq import zmq_tools # zmq ipc setup zmq_ctx = zmq.Context() ipc_pub = zmq_tools.Msg_Dispatcher(zmq_ctx, ipc_push_url) notify_sub = zmq_tools.Msg_Receiver(zmq_ctx, ipc_sub_url, topics=("notify",)) # log setup logging.getLogger("OpenGL").setLevel(logging.ERROR) logger = logging.getLogger() logger.handlers = [] logger.setLevel(logging.NOTSET) logger.addHandler(zmq_tools.ZMQ_handler(zmq_ctx, ipc_push_url)) # create logger for the context of this function logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def launch_eye_process(eye_id, delay=0): n = { "subject": "eye_process.should_start.{}".format(eye_id), "eye_id": eye_id, "delay": delay, } ipc_pub.notify(n) def stop_eye_process(eye_id): n = { "subject": "eye_process.should_stop.{}".format(eye_id), "eye_id": eye_id, "delay": 0.2, } ipc_pub.notify(n) def start_stop_eye(eye_id, make_alive): if make_alive: launch_eye_process(eye_id) else: stop_eye_process(eye_id) def set_detection_mapping_mode(new_mode): n = {"subject": "set_detection_mapping_mode", "mode": new_mode} ipc_pub.notify(n) try: from background_helper import IPC_Logging_Task_Proxy IPC_Logging_Task_Proxy.push_url = ipc_push_url from tasklib.background.patches import IPCLoggingPatch IPCLoggingPatch.ipc_push_url = ipc_push_url # display import glfw from version_utils import VersionFormat from pyglui import ui, cygl, __version__ as pyglui_version assert VersionFormat(pyglui_version) >= VersionFormat( "1.23" ), "pyglui out of date, please upgrade to newest version" from pyglui.cygl.utils import Named_Texture import gl_utils # helpers/utils from file_methods import Persistent_Dict from methods import normalize, denormalize, delta_t, get_system_info, timer from uvc import get_time_monotonic"Application Version: {}".format(version))"System Info: {}".format(get_system_info())) import audio # trigger pupil detector cpp build: import pupil_detectors del pupil_detectors # Plug-ins from plugin import ( Plugin, System_Plugin_Base, Plugin_List, import_runtime_plugins, ) from plugin_manager import Plugin_Manager from calibration_routines import ( calibration_plugins, gaze_mapping_plugins, Calibration_Plugin, Gaze_Mapping_Plugin, ) from fixation_detector import Fixation_Detector from eye_movement import Eye_Movement_Detector_Real_Time from recorder import Recorder from display_recent_gaze import Display_Recent_Gaze from time_sync import Time_Sync from pupil_remote import Pupil_Remote from pupil_groups import Pupil_Groups from surface_tracker import Surface_Tracker_Online from log_display import Log_Display from annotations import Annotation_Capture from log_history import Log_History from frame_publisher import Frame_Publisher from blink_detection import Blink_Detection from video_capture import ( source_classes, manager_classes, Base_Manager, Base_Source, ) from pupil_data_relay import Pupil_Data_Relay from remote_recorder import Remote_Recorder from audio_capture import Audio_Capture from accuracy_visualizer import Accuracy_Visualizer # from saccade_detector import Saccade_Detector from system_graphs import System_Graphs from camera_intrinsics_estimation import Camera_Intrinsics_Estimation from hololens_relay import Hololens_Relay # UI Platform tweaks if platform.system() == "Linux": scroll_factor = 10.0 window_position_default = (30, 30) elif platform.system() == "Windows": scroll_factor = 10.0 window_position_default = (8, 90) else: scroll_factor = 1.0 window_position_default = (0, 0) icon_bar_width = 50 window_size = None camera_render_size = None hdpi_factor = 1.0 # g_pool holds variables for this process they are accessible to all plugins g_pool = SimpleNamespace() = "capture" g_pool.process = "world" g_pool.user_dir = user_dir g_pool.version = version g_pool.timebase = timebase g_pool.zmq_ctx = zmq_ctx g_pool.ipc_pub = ipc_pub g_pool.ipc_pub_url = ipc_pub_url g_pool.ipc_sub_url = ipc_sub_url g_pool.ipc_push_url = ipc_push_url g_pool.eye_procs_alive = eye_procs_alive g_pool.preferred_remote_port = preferred_remote_port def get_timestamp(): return get_time_monotonic() - g_pool.timebase.value g_pool.get_timestamp = get_timestamp g_pool.get_now = get_time_monotonic # manage plugins runtime_plugins = import_runtime_plugins( os.path.join(g_pool.user_dir, "plugins") ) user_plugins = [ Audio_Capture, Pupil_Groups, Frame_Publisher, Pupil_Remote, Time_Sync, Surface_Tracker_Online, Annotation_Capture, Log_History, Fixation_Detector, Eye_Movement_Detector_Real_Time, Blink_Detection, Remote_Recorder, Accuracy_Visualizer, Camera_Intrinsics_Estimation, Hololens_Relay, ] if platform.system() != "Windows": # Head pose tracking is currently not available on Windows from head_pose_tracker.online_head_pose_tracker import ( Online_Head_Pose_Tracker, ) user_plugins.append(Online_Head_Pose_Tracker) system_plugins = ( [ Log_Display, Display_Recent_Gaze, Recorder, Pupil_Data_Relay, Plugin_Manager, System_Graphs, ] + manager_classes + source_classes ) plugins = ( system_plugins + user_plugins + runtime_plugins + calibration_plugins + gaze_mapping_plugins ) user_plugins += [ p for p in runtime_plugins if not isinstance( p, ( Base_Manager, Base_Source, System_Plugin_Base, Calibration_Plugin, Gaze_Mapping_Plugin, ), ) ] g_pool.plugin_by_name = {p.__name__: p for p in plugins} default_capture_settings = { "preferred_names": [ "Pupil Cam1 ID2", "Logitech Camera", "(046d:081d)", "C510", "B525", "C525", "C615", "C920", "C930e", ], "frame_size": (1280, 720), "frame_rate": 30, } default_plugins = [ ("UVC_Source", default_capture_settings), ("Pupil_Data_Relay", {}), ("UVC_Manager", {}), ("Log_Display", {}), ("Dummy_Gaze_Mapper", {}), ("Display_Recent_Gaze", {}), ("Screen_Marker_Calibration", {}), ("Recorder", {}), ("Pupil_Remote", {}), ("Accuracy_Visualizer", {}), ("Plugin_Manager", {}), ("System_Graphs", {}), ] # Callback functions def on_resize(window, w, h): nonlocal window_size nonlocal camera_render_size nonlocal hdpi_factor if w == 0 or h == 0: return hdpi_factor = glfw.getHDPIFactor(window) g_pool.gui.scale = g_pool.gui_user_scale * hdpi_factor window_size = w, h camera_render_size = w - int(icon_bar_width * g_pool.gui.scale), h g_pool.gui.update_window(*window_size) g_pool.gui.collect_menus() for p in g_pool.plugins: p.on_window_resize(window, *camera_render_size) def on_window_key(window, key, scancode, action, mods): g_pool.gui.update_key(key, scancode, action, mods) def on_window_char(window, char): g_pool.gui.update_char(char) def on_window_mouse_button(window, button, action, mods): g_pool.gui.update_button(button, action, mods) def on_pos(window, x, y): x, y = x * hdpi_factor, y * hdpi_factor g_pool.gui.update_mouse(x, y) pos = x, y pos = normalize(pos, camera_render_size) # Position in img pixels pos = denormalize(pos, g_pool.capture.frame_size) for p in g_pool.plugins: p.on_pos(pos) def on_scroll(window, x, y): g_pool.gui.update_scroll(x, y * scroll_factor) def on_drop(window, count, paths): paths = [paths[x].decode("utf-8") for x in range(count)] # call `on_drop` callbacks until a plugin indicates # that it has consumed the event (by returning True) any(p.on_drop(paths) for p in g_pool.plugins) tick = delta_t() def get_dt(): return next(tick) # load session persistent settings session_settings = Persistent_Dict( os.path.join(g_pool.user_dir, "user_settings_world") ) if VersionFormat(session_settings.get("version", "0.0")) != g_pool.version: "Session setting are from a different version of this app. I will not use those." ) session_settings.clear() g_pool.min_calibration_confidence = session_settings.get( "min_calibration_confidence", 0.8 ) g_pool.detection_mapping_mode = session_settings.get( "detection_mapping_mode", "3d" ) g_pool.active_calibration_plugin = None g_pool.active_gaze_mapping_plugin = None g_pool.capture = None audio.audio_mode = session_settings.get("audio_mode", audio.default_audio_mode) def handle_notifications(noti): subject = noti["subject"] if subject == "set_detection_mapping_mode": if noti["mode"] == "2d": if ( "Vector_Gaze_Mapper" in g_pool.active_gaze_mapping_plugin.class_name ): logger.warning( "The gaze mapper is not supported in 2d mode. Please recalibrate." ) g_pool.plugins.add(g_pool.plugin_by_name["Dummy_Gaze_Mapper"]) g_pool.detection_mapping_mode = noti["mode"] elif subject == "start_plugin": g_pool.plugins.add( g_pool.plugin_by_name[noti["name"]], args=noti.get("args", {}) ) elif subject == "stop_plugin": for p in g_pool.plugins: if p.class_name == noti["name"]: p.alive = False g_pool.plugins.clean() elif subject == "eye_process.started": noti = { "subject": "set_detection_mapping_mode", "mode": g_pool.detection_mapping_mode, } ipc_pub.notify(noti) elif subject == "set_min_calibration_confidence": g_pool.min_calibration_confidence = noti["value"] elif subject.startswith("meta.should_doc"): ipc_pub.notify( {"subject": "meta.doc", "actor":, "doc": world.__doc__} ) for p in g_pool.plugins: if ( p.on_notify.__doc__ and p.__class__.on_notify != Plugin.on_notify ): ipc_pub.notify( { "subject": "meta.doc", "actor": p.class_name, "doc": p.on_notify.__doc__, } ) width, height = session_settings.get( "window_size", (1280 + icon_bar_width, 720) ) # window and gl setup glfw.glfwInit() main_window = glfw.glfwCreateWindow(width, height, "Pupil Capture - World") window_pos = session_settings.get("window_position", window_position_default) glfw.glfwSetWindowPos(main_window, window_pos[0], window_pos[1]) glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(main_window) cygl.utils.init() g_pool.main_window = main_window def set_scale(new_scale): g_pool.gui_user_scale = new_scale window_size = ( camera_render_size[0] + int(icon_bar_width * g_pool.gui_user_scale * hdpi_factor), glfw.glfwGetFramebufferSize(main_window)[1], ) logger.warning(icon_bar_width * g_pool.gui_user_scale * hdpi_factor) glfw.glfwSetWindowSize(main_window, *window_size) def reset_restart(): logger.warning("Resetting all settings and restarting Capture.") glfw.glfwSetWindowShouldClose(main_window, True) ipc_pub.notify({"subject": "clear_settings_process.should_start"}) ipc_pub.notify({"subject": "world_process.should_start", "delay": 2.0}) def toggle_general_settings(collapsed): # this is the menu toggle logic. # Only one menu can be open. # If no menu is opened, the menubar should collapse. g_pool.menubar.collapsed = collapsed for m in g_pool.menubar.elements: m.collapsed = True general_settings.collapsed = collapsed # setup GUI g_pool.gui = ui.UI() g_pool.gui_user_scale = session_settings.get("gui_scale", 1.0) g_pool.menubar = ui.Scrolling_Menu( "Settings", pos=(-400, 0), size=(-icon_bar_width, 0), header_pos="left" ) g_pool.iconbar = ui.Scrolling_Menu( "Icons", pos=(-icon_bar_width, 0), size=(0, 0), header_pos="hidden" ) g_pool.quickbar = ui.Stretching_Menu("Quick Bar", (0, 100), (120, -100)) g_pool.gui.append(g_pool.menubar) g_pool.gui.append(g_pool.iconbar) g_pool.gui.append(g_pool.quickbar) general_settings = ui.Growing_Menu("General", header_pos="headline") general_settings.append( ui.Selector( "gui_user_scale", g_pool, setter=set_scale, selection=[0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2, 1.4], label="Interface size", ) ) def set_window_size(): f_width, f_height = g_pool.capture.frame_size f_width += int(icon_bar_width * g_pool.gui.scale) glfw.glfwSetWindowSize(main_window, f_width, f_height) general_settings.append(ui.Button("Reset window size", set_window_size)) general_settings.append( ui.Selector("audio_mode", audio, selection=audio.audio_modes) ) general_settings.append( ui.Selector( "detection_mapping_mode", g_pool, label="detection & mapping mode", setter=set_detection_mapping_mode, selection=["disabled", "2d", "3d"], ) ) general_settings.append( ui.Switch( "eye0_process", label="Detect eye 0", setter=lambda alive: start_stop_eye(0, alive), getter=lambda: eye_procs_alive[0].value, ) ) general_settings.append( ui.Switch( "eye1_process", label="Detect eye 1", setter=lambda alive: start_stop_eye(1, alive), getter=lambda: eye_procs_alive[1].value, ) ) general_settings.append( ui.Info_Text("Capture Version: {}".format(g_pool.version)) ) general_settings.append( ui.Button("Restart with default settings", reset_restart) ) g_pool.menubar.append(general_settings) icon = ui.Icon( "collapsed", general_settings, label=chr(0xE8B8), on_val=False, off_val=True, setter=toggle_general_settings, label_font="pupil_icons", ) icon.tooltip = "General Settings" g_pool.iconbar.append(icon) user_plugin_separator = ui.Separator() user_plugin_separator.order = 0.35 g_pool.iconbar.append(user_plugin_separator) # plugins that are loaded based on user settings from previous session g_pool.plugins = Plugin_List( g_pool, session_settings.get("loaded_plugins", default_plugins) ) # Register callbacks main_window glfw.glfwSetFramebufferSizeCallback(main_window, on_resize) glfw.glfwSetKeyCallback(main_window, on_window_key) glfw.glfwSetCharCallback(main_window, on_window_char) glfw.glfwSetMouseButtonCallback(main_window, on_window_mouse_button) glfw.glfwSetCursorPosCallback(main_window, on_pos) glfw.glfwSetScrollCallback(main_window, on_scroll) glfw.glfwSetDropCallback(main_window, on_drop) # gl_state settings gl_utils.basic_gl_setup() g_pool.image_tex = Named_Texture() toggle_general_settings(True) # now that we have a proper window we can load the last gui configuration g_pool.gui.configuration = session_settings.get("ui_config", {}) # create a timer to control window update frequency window_update_timer = timer(1 / 60) def window_should_update(): return next(window_update_timer) # trigger setup of window and gl sizes on_resize(main_window, *glfw.glfwGetFramebufferSize(main_window)) if session_settings.get("eye1_process_alive", True): launch_eye_process(1, delay=0.6) if session_settings.get("eye0_process_alive", True): launch_eye_process(0, delay=0.3) ipc_pub.notify({"subject": "world_process.started"}) logger.warning("Process started.") # Event loop while not glfw.glfwWindowShouldClose(main_window): # fetch newest notifications new_notifications = [] while notify_sub.new_data: t, n = notify_sub.recv() new_notifications.append(n) # notify each plugin if there are new notifications: for n in new_notifications: handle_notifications(n) for p in g_pool.plugins: p.on_notify(n) # a dictionary that allows plugins to post and read events events = {} # report time between now and the last loop interation events["dt"] = get_dt() # allow each Plugin to do its work. for p in g_pool.plugins: p.recent_events(events) # check if a plugin need to be destroyed g_pool.plugins.clean() # "blacklisted" events that were already sent del events["pupil"] del events["gaze"] # delete if exists. More expensive than del, so only use it when key might not exist events.pop("annotation", None) # send new events to ipc: if "frame" in events: del events["frame"] # send explicitly with frame publisher if "depth_frame" in events: del events["depth_frame"] if "audio_packets" in events: del events["audio_packets"] del events["dt"] # no need to send this for data in events.values(): assert isinstance(data, (list, tuple)) for d in data: ipc_pub.send(d) glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(main_window) # render visual feedback from loaded plugins if window_should_update() and gl_utils.is_window_visible(main_window): gl_utils.glViewport(0, 0, *camera_render_size) for p in g_pool.plugins: p.gl_display() gl_utils.glViewport(0, 0, *window_size) try: clipboard = glfw.glfwGetClipboardString(main_window).decode() except AttributeError: # clipboard is None, might happen on startup clipboard = "" g_pool.gui.update_clipboard(clipboard) user_input = g_pool.gui.update() if user_input.clipboard != clipboard: # only write to clipboard if content changed glfw.glfwSetClipboardString( main_window, user_input.clipboard.encode() ) for button, action, mods in user_input.buttons: x, y = glfw.glfwGetCursorPos(main_window) pos = x * hdpi_factor, y * hdpi_factor pos = normalize(pos, camera_render_size) # Position in img pixels pos = denormalize(pos, g_pool.capture.frame_size) # call `on_click` callbacks until a plugin indicates # that it has consumed the event (by returning True) any(p.on_click(pos, button, action) for p in g_pool.plugins) for key, scancode, action, mods in user_input.keys: # call `on_key` callbacks until a plugin indicates # that it has consumed the event (by returning True) any(p.on_key(key, scancode, action, mods) for p in g_pool.plugins) for char_ in user_input.chars: # call `char_` callbacks until a plugin indicates # that it has consumed the event (by returning True) any(p.on_char(char_) for p in g_pool.plugins) glfw.glfwSwapBuffers(main_window) glfw.glfwPollEvents() glfw.glfwRestoreWindow(main_window) # need to do this for windows os session_settings["loaded_plugins"] = g_pool.plugins.get_initializers() session_settings["gui_scale"] = g_pool.gui_user_scale session_settings["ui_config"] = g_pool.gui.configuration session_settings["window_position"] = glfw.glfwGetWindowPos(main_window) session_settings["version"] = str(g_pool.version) session_settings["eye0_process_alive"] = eye_procs_alive[0].value session_settings["eye1_process_alive"] = eye_procs_alive[1].value session_settings[ "min_calibration_confidence" ] = g_pool.min_calibration_confidence session_settings["detection_mapping_mode"] = g_pool.detection_mapping_mode session_settings["audio_mode"] = audio.audio_mode session_window_size = glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(main_window) if 0 not in session_window_size: session_settings["window_size"] = session_window_size session_settings.close() # de-init all running plugins for p in g_pool.plugins: p.alive = False g_pool.plugins.clean() g_pool.gui.terminate() glfw.glfwDestroyWindow(main_window) glfw.glfwTerminate() except: import traceback trace = traceback.format_exc() logger.error("Process Capture crashed with trace:\n{}".format(trace)) finally: # shut down eye processes: stop_eye_process(0) stop_eye_process(1)"Process shutting down.") ipc_pub.notify({"subject": "world_process.stopped"}) sleep(1.0)
def eye(pupil_queue, timebase, pipe_to_world, is_alive_flag, user_dir, version, eye_id, cap_src): """ Creates a window, gl context. Grabs images from a capture. Streams Pupil coordinates into g_pool.pupil_queue """ is_alive = Is_Alive_Manager(is_alive_flag) with is_alive: import logging # Set up root logger for this process before doing imports of logged modules. logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # remove inherited handlers logger.handlers = [] # create file handler which logs even debug messages fh = logging.FileHandler(os.path.join(user_dir, 'eye%s.log' % eye_id), mode='w') # fh.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # create console handler with a higher log level ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setLevel(logger.level + 10) # create formatter and add it to the handlers formatter = logging.Formatter( 'Eye' + str(eye_id) + ' Process: %(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') fh.setFormatter(formatter) formatter = logging.Formatter( 'EYE' + str(eye_id) + ' Process [%(levelname)s] %(name)s : %(message)s') ch.setFormatter(formatter) # add the handlers to the logger logger.addHandler(fh) logger.addHandler(ch) #silence noisy modules logging.getLogger("OpenGL").setLevel(logging.ERROR) logging.getLogger("libav").setLevel(logging.ERROR) # create logger for the context of this function logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # We deferr the imports becasue of multiprocessing. # Otherwise the world process each process also loads the other imports. #general imports import numpy as np import cv2 #display import glfw from pyglui import ui, graph, cygl from pyglui.cygl.utils import draw_points, RGBA, draw_polyline, Named_Texture from OpenGL.GL import GL_LINE_LOOP from gl_utils import basic_gl_setup, adjust_gl_view, clear_gl_screen, make_coord_system_pixel_based, make_coord_system_norm_based from ui_roi import UIRoi #monitoring import psutil # helpers/utils from file_methods import Persistent_Dict from version_utils import VersionFormat from methods import normalize, denormalize, Roi, timer from video_capture import autoCreateCapture, FileCaptureError, EndofVideoFileError, CameraCaptureError from av_writer import JPEG_Writer, AV_Writer # Pupil detectors from pupil_detectors import Canny_Detector, Detector_2D, Detector_3D pupil_detectors = { Canny_Detector.__name__: Canny_Detector, Detector_2D.__name__: Detector_2D, Detector_3D.__name__: Detector_3D } #UI Platform tweaks if platform.system() == 'Linux': scroll_factor = 10.0 window_position_default = (600, 300 * eye_id) elif platform.system() == 'Windows': scroll_factor = 1.0 window_position_default = (600, 31 + 300 * eye_id) else: scroll_factor = 1.0 window_position_default = (600, 300 * eye_id) #g_pool holds variables for this process g_pool = Global_Container() # make some constants avaiable g_pool.user_dir = user_dir g_pool.version = version = 'capture' g_pool.pupil_queue = pupil_queue g_pool.timebase = timebase # Callback functions def on_resize(window, w, h): if not g_pool.iconified: active_window = glfw.glfwGetCurrentContext() glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(window) g_pool.gui.update_window(w, h) graph.adjust_size(w, h) adjust_gl_view(w, h) glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(active_window) def on_key(window, key, scancode, action, mods): g_pool.gui.update_key(key, scancode, action, mods) def on_char(window, char): g_pool.gui.update_char(char) def on_iconify(window, iconified): g_pool.iconified = iconified def on_button(window, button, action, mods): if g_pool.display_mode == 'roi': if action == glfw.GLFW_RELEASE and g_pool.u_r.active_edit_pt: g_pool.u_r.active_edit_pt = False return # if the roi interacts we dont what the gui to interact as well elif action == glfw.GLFW_PRESS: pos = glfw.glfwGetCursorPos(window) pos = normalize(pos, glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(main_window)) if g_pool.flip: pos = 1 - pos[0], 1 - pos[1] pos = denormalize( pos, (frame.width, frame.height)) # Position in img pixels if g_pool.u_r.mouse_over_edit_pt( pos, g_pool.u_r.handle_size + 40, g_pool.u_r.handle_size + 40): return # if the roi interacts we dont what the gui to interact as well g_pool.gui.update_button(button, action, mods) def on_pos(window, x, y): hdpi_factor = float( glfw.glfwGetFramebufferSize(window)[0] / glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(window)[0]) g_pool.gui.update_mouse(x * hdpi_factor, y * hdpi_factor) if g_pool.u_r.active_edit_pt: pos = normalize((x, y), glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(main_window)) if g_pool.flip: pos = 1 - pos[0], 1 - pos[1] pos = denormalize(pos, (frame.width, frame.height)) g_pool.u_r.move_vertex(g_pool.u_r.active_pt_idx, pos) def on_scroll(window, x, y): g_pool.gui.update_scroll(x, y * scroll_factor) # load session persistent settings session_settings = Persistent_Dict( os.path.join(g_pool.user_dir, 'user_settings_eye%s' % eye_id)) if session_settings.get("version", VersionFormat('0.0')) < g_pool.version: "Session setting are from older version of this app. I will not use those." ) session_settings.clear() # Initialize capture cap = autoCreateCapture(cap_src, timebase=g_pool.timebase) default_settings = {'frame_size': (640, 480), 'frame_rate': 60} previous_settings = session_settings.get('capture_settings', None) if previous_settings and previous_settings['name'] == cap.settings = previous_settings else: cap.settings = default_settings # Test capture try: frame = cap.get_frame() except CameraCaptureError: logger.error("Could not retrieve image from capture") cap.close() return #signal world that we are ready to go # pipe_to_world.send('eye%s process ready'%eye_id) # any object we attach to the g_pool object *from now on* will only be visible to this process! # vars should be declared here to make them visible to the code reader. g_pool.iconified = False g_pool.capture = cap g_pool.flip = session_settings.get('flip', False) g_pool.display_mode = session_settings.get('display_mode', 'camera_image') g_pool.display_mode_info_text = { 'camera_image': "Raw eye camera image. This uses the least amount of CPU power", 'roi': "Click and drag on the blue circles to adjust the region of interest. The region should be a small as possible but big enough to capture to pupil in its movements", 'algorithm': "Algorithm display mode overlays a visualization of the pupil detection parameters on top of the eye video. Adjust parameters with in the Pupil Detection menu below." } g_pool.u_r = UIRoi(frame.img.shape) g_pool.u_r.set(session_settings.get('roi', g_pool.u_r.get())) def on_frame_size_change(new_size): g_pool.u_r = UIRoi((new_size[1], new_size[0])) cap.on_frame_size_change = on_frame_size_change writer = None pupil_detector_settings = session_settings.get( 'pupil_detector_settings', None) last_pupil_detector = pupil_detectors[session_settings.get( 'last_pupil_detector', Detector_2D.__name__)] g_pool.pupil_detector = last_pupil_detector(g_pool, pupil_detector_settings) # UI callback functions def set_scale(new_scale): g_pool.gui.scale = new_scale g_pool.gui.collect_menus() def set_display_mode_info(val): g_pool.display_mode = val g_pool.display_mode_info.text = g_pool.display_mode_info_text[val] def set_detector(new_detector): g_pool.pupil_detector.cleanup() g_pool.pupil_detector = new_detector(g_pool) g_pool.pupil_detector.init_gui(g_pool.sidebar) # Initialize glfw glfw.glfwInit() title = "eye %s" % eye_id width, height = session_settings.get('window_size', (frame.width, frame.height)) main_window = glfw.glfwCreateWindow(width, height, title, None, None) window_pos = session_settings.get('window_position', window_position_default) glfw.glfwSetWindowPos(main_window, window_pos[0], window_pos[1]) glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(main_window) cygl.utils.init() # gl_state settings basic_gl_setup() g_pool.image_tex = Named_Texture() g_pool.image_tex.update_from_frame(frame) glfw.glfwSwapInterval(0) #setup GUI g_pool.gui = ui.UI() g_pool.gui.scale = session_settings.get('gui_scale', 1) g_pool.sidebar = ui.Scrolling_Menu("Settings", pos=(-300, 0), size=(0, 0), header_pos='left') general_settings = ui.Growing_Menu('General') general_settings.append( ui.Slider('scale', g_pool.gui, setter=set_scale, step=.05, min=1., max=2.5, label='Interface Size')) general_settings.append( ui.Button( 'Reset window size', lambda: glfw.glfwSetWindowSize( main_window, frame.width, frame.height))) general_settings.append( ui.Switch('flip', g_pool, label='Flip image display')) general_settings.append( ui.Selector('display_mode', g_pool, setter=set_display_mode_info, selection=['camera_image', 'roi', 'algorithm'], labels=['Camera Image', 'ROI', 'Algorithm'], label="Mode")) g_pool.display_mode_info = ui.Info_Text( g_pool.display_mode_info_text[g_pool.display_mode]) general_settings.append(g_pool.display_mode_info) g_pool.sidebar.append(general_settings) g_pool.gui.append(g_pool.sidebar) detector_selector = ui.Selector( 'pupil_detector', getter=lambda: g_pool.pupil_detector.__class__, setter=set_detector, selection=[Canny_Detector, Detector_2D, Detector_3D], labels=[ 'Python 2D detector', 'C++ 2d detector', 'C++ 3d detector' ], label="Detection method") general_settings.append(detector_selector) # let detector add its GUI g_pool.pupil_detector.init_gui(g_pool.sidebar) # let the camera add its GUI g_pool.capture.init_gui(g_pool.sidebar) # Register callbacks main_window glfw.glfwSetFramebufferSizeCallback(main_window, on_resize) glfw.glfwSetWindowIconifyCallback(main_window, on_iconify) glfw.glfwSetKeyCallback(main_window, on_key) glfw.glfwSetCharCallback(main_window, on_char) glfw.glfwSetMouseButtonCallback(main_window, on_button) glfw.glfwSetCursorPosCallback(main_window, on_pos) glfw.glfwSetScrollCallback(main_window, on_scroll) #set the last saved window size on_resize(main_window, *glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(main_window)) # load last gui configuration g_pool.gui.configuration = session_settings.get('ui_config', {}) #set up performance graphs pid = os.getpid() ps = psutil.Process(pid) ts = frame.timestamp cpu_graph = graph.Bar_Graph() cpu_graph.pos = (20, 130) cpu_graph.update_fn = ps.cpu_percent cpu_graph.update_rate = 5 cpu_graph.label = 'CPU %0.1f' fps_graph = graph.Bar_Graph() fps_graph.pos = (140, 130) fps_graph.update_rate = 5 fps_graph.label = "%0.0f FPS" #create a timer to control window update frequency window_update_timer = timer(1 / 60.) def window_should_update(): return next(window_update_timer) # Event loop while not glfw.glfwWindowShouldClose(main_window): if pipe_to_world.poll(): cmd = pipe_to_world.recv() if cmd == 'Exit': break elif cmd == "Ping": pipe_to_world.send("Pong") command = None else: command, payload = cmd if command == 'Set_Detection_Mapping_Mode': if payload == '3d': if not isinstance(g_pool.pupil_detector, Detector_3D): set_detector(Detector_3D) detector_selector.read_only = True else: set_detector(Detector_2D) detector_selector.read_only = False else: command = None # Get an image from the grabber try: frame = cap.get_frame() except CameraCaptureError: logger.error("Capture from Camera Failed. Stopping.") break except EndofVideoFileError: logger.warning("Video File is done. Stopping") cap.seek_to_frame(0) frame = cap.get_frame() #update performace graphs t = frame.timestamp dt, ts = t - ts, t try: fps_graph.add(1. / dt) except ZeroDivisionError: pass cpu_graph.update() ### RECORDING of Eye Video (on demand) ### # Setup variables and lists for recording if 'Rec_Start' == command: record_path, raw_mode = payload"Will save eye video to: %s" % record_path) timestamps_path = os.path.join(record_path, "eye%s_timestamps.npy" % eye_id) if raw_mode and frame.jpeg_buffer: video_path = os.path.join(record_path, "eye%s.mp4" % eye_id) writer = JPEG_Writer(video_path, cap.frame_rate) else: video_path = os.path.join(record_path, "eye%s.mp4" % eye_id) writer = AV_Writer(video_path, cap.frame_rate) timestamps = [] elif 'Rec_Stop' == command:"Done recording.") writer.release() writer = None, np.asarray(timestamps)) del timestamps if writer: writer.write_video_frame(frame) timestamps.append(frame.timestamp) # pupil ellipse detection result = g_pool.pupil_detector.detect( frame, g_pool.u_r, g_pool.display_mode == 'algorithm') result['id'] = eye_id # stream the result g_pool.pupil_queue.put(result) # GL drawing if window_should_update(): if not g_pool.iconified: glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(main_window) clear_gl_screen() # switch to work in normalized coordinate space if g_pool.display_mode == 'algorithm': g_pool.image_tex.update_from_ndarray(frame.img) elif g_pool.display_mode in ('camera_image', 'roi'): g_pool.image_tex.update_from_ndarray(frame.gray) else: pass make_coord_system_norm_based(g_pool.flip) g_pool.image_tex.draw() # switch to work in pixel space make_coord_system_pixel_based( (frame.height, frame.width, 3), g_pool.flip) if result['confidence'] > 0: if result.has_key('ellipse'): pts = cv2.ellipse2Poly( (int(result['ellipse']['center'][0]), int(result['ellipse']['center'][1])), (int(result['ellipse']['axes'][0] / 2), int(result['ellipse']['axes'][1] / 2)), int(result['ellipse']['angle']), 0, 360, 15) draw_polyline(pts, 1, RGBA(1., 0, 0, .5)) draw_points([result['ellipse']['center']], size=20, color=RGBA(1., 0., 0., .5), sharpness=1.) # render graphs graph.push_view() fps_graph.draw() cpu_graph.draw() graph.pop_view() # render GUI g_pool.gui.update() #render the ROI if g_pool.display_mode == 'roi': g_pool.u_r.draw(g_pool.gui.scale) #update screen glfw.glfwSwapBuffers(main_window) glfw.glfwPollEvents() g_pool.pupil_detector.visualize( ) #detector decides if we visualize or not # END while running # in case eye recording was still runnnig: Save&close if writer:"Done recording eye.") writer = None, np.asarray(timestamps)) glfw.glfwRestoreWindow(main_window) #need to do this for windows os # save session persistent settings session_settings['gui_scale'] = g_pool.gui.scale session_settings['roi'] = g_pool.u_r.get() session_settings['flip'] = g_pool.flip session_settings['display_mode'] = g_pool.display_mode session_settings['ui_config'] = g_pool.gui.configuration session_settings['capture_settings'] = g_pool.capture.settings session_settings['window_size'] = glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(main_window) session_settings['window_position'] = glfw.glfwGetWindowPos( main_window) session_settings['version'] = g_pool.version session_settings[ 'last_pupil_detector'] = g_pool.pupil_detector.__class__.__name__ session_settings[ 'pupil_detector_settings'] = g_pool.pupil_detector.get_settings() session_settings.close() g_pool.pupil_detector.cleanup() g_pool.gui.terminate() glfw.glfwDestroyWindow(main_window) glfw.glfwTerminate() cap.close() logger.debug("Process done")
def eye(pupil_queue, timebase, pipe_to_world, is_alive_flag, user_dir, version, eye_id, cap_src): """ Creates a window, gl context. Grabs images from a capture. Streams Pupil coordinates into g_pool.pupil_queue """ is_alive = Is_Alive_Manager(is_alive_flag) with is_alive: import logging # Set up root logger for this process before doing imports of logged modules. logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # remove inherited handlers logger.handlers = [] # create file handler which logs even debug messages fh = logging.FileHandler(os.path.join(user_dir,'eye%s.log'%eye_id),mode='w') # fh.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # create console handler with a higher log level ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setLevel(logger.level+10) # create formatter and add it to the handlers formatter = logging.Formatter('Eye'+str(eye_id)+' Process: %(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') fh.setFormatter(formatter) formatter = logging.Formatter('EYE'+str(eye_id)+' Process [%(levelname)s] %(name)s : %(message)s') ch.setFormatter(formatter) # add the handlers to the logger logger.addHandler(fh) logger.addHandler(ch) #silence noisy modules logging.getLogger("OpenGL").setLevel(logging.ERROR) # create logger for the context of this function logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # We deferr the imports becasue of multiprocessing. # Otherwise the world process each process also loads the other imports. #general imports import numpy as np import cv2 #display import glfw from pyglui import ui,graph,cygl from pyglui.cygl.utils import draw_points, RGBA, draw_polyline, Named_Texture, Sphere import OpenGL.GL as gl from gl_utils import basic_gl_setup,adjust_gl_view, clear_gl_screen ,make_coord_system_pixel_based,make_coord_system_norm_based, make_coord_system_eye_camera_based from ui_roi import UIRoi #monitoring import psutil import math # helpers/utils from file_methods import Persistent_Dict from version_utils import VersionFormat from methods import normalize, denormalize, Roi, timer from video_capture import autoCreateCapture, FileCaptureError, EndofVideoFileError, CameraCaptureError from av_writer import JPEG_Writer,AV_Writer # Pupil detectors from pupil_detectors import Detector_2D, Detector_3D pupil_detectors = {Detector_2D.__name__:Detector_2D,Detector_3D.__name__:Detector_3D} #UI Platform tweaks if platform.system() == 'Linux': scroll_factor = 10.0 window_position_default = (600,300*eye_id) elif platform.system() == 'Windows': scroll_factor = 1.0 window_position_default = (600,31+300*eye_id) else: scroll_factor = 1.0 window_position_default = (600,300*eye_id) #g_pool holds variables for this process g_pool = Global_Container() # make some constants avaiable g_pool.user_dir = user_dir g_pool.version = version = 'capture' g_pool.pupil_queue = pupil_queue g_pool.timebase = timebase # Callback functions def on_resize(window,w, h): if not g_pool.iconified: active_window = glfw.glfwGetCurrentContext() glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(window) g_pool.gui.update_window(w,h) graph.adjust_size(w,h) adjust_gl_view(w,h) glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(active_window) def on_key(window, key, scancode, action, mods): g_pool.gui.update_key(key,scancode,action,mods) def on_char(window,char): g_pool.gui.update_char(char) def on_iconify(window,iconified): g_pool.iconified = iconified def on_button(window,button, action, mods): if g_pool.display_mode == 'roi': if action == glfw.GLFW_RELEASE and g_pool.u_r.active_edit_pt: g_pool.u_r.active_edit_pt = False return # if the roi interacts we dont what the gui to interact as well elif action == glfw.GLFW_PRESS: pos = glfw.glfwGetCursorPos(window) pos = normalize(pos,glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(main_window)) if g_pool.flip: pos = 1-pos[0],1-pos[1] pos = denormalize(pos,(frame.width,frame.height)) # Position in img pixels if g_pool.u_r.mouse_over_edit_pt(pos,g_pool.u_r.handle_size+40,g_pool.u_r.handle_size+40): return # if the roi interacts we dont what the gui to interact as well g_pool.gui.update_button(button,action,mods) def on_pos(window,x, y): hdpi_factor = float(glfw.glfwGetFramebufferSize(window)[0]/glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(window)[0]) g_pool.gui.update_mouse(x*hdpi_factor,y*hdpi_factor) if g_pool.u_r.active_edit_pt: pos = normalize((x,y),glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(main_window)) if g_pool.flip: pos = 1-pos[0],1-pos[1] pos = denormalize(pos,(frame.width,frame.height) ) g_pool.u_r.move_vertex(g_pool.u_r.active_pt_idx,pos) def on_scroll(window,x,y): g_pool.gui.update_scroll(x,y*scroll_factor) # load session persistent settings session_settings = Persistent_Dict(os.path.join(g_pool.user_dir,'user_settings_eye%s'%eye_id)) if session_settings.get("version",VersionFormat('0.0')) < g_pool.version:"Session setting are from older version of this app. I will not use those.") session_settings.clear() # Initialize capture cap = autoCreateCapture(cap_src, timebase=g_pool.timebase) default_settings = {'frame_size':(640,480),'frame_rate':60} previous_settings = session_settings.get('capture_settings',None) if previous_settings and previous_settings['name'] == cap.settings = previous_settings else: cap.settings = default_settings # Test capture try: frame = cap.get_frame() except CameraCaptureError: logger.error("Could not retrieve image from capture") cap.close() return #signal world that we are ready to go # pipe_to_world.send('eye%s process ready'%eye_id) # any object we attach to the g_pool object *from now on* will only be visible to this process! # vars should be declared here to make them visible to the code reader. g_pool.iconified = False g_pool.capture = cap g_pool.flip = session_settings.get('flip',False) g_pool.display_mode = session_settings.get('display_mode','camera_image') g_pool.display_mode_info_text = {'camera_image': "Raw eye camera image. This uses the least amount of CPU power", 'roi': "Click and drag on the blue circles to adjust the region of interest. The region should be as small as possible, but large enough to capture all pupil movements.", 'algorithm': "Algorithm display mode overlays a visualization of the pupil detection parameters on top of the eye video. Adjust parameters within the Pupil Detection menu below."} g_pool.u_r = UIRoi(frame.img.shape) g_pool.u_r.set(session_settings.get('roi',g_pool.u_r.get())) def on_frame_size_change(new_size): g_pool.u_r = UIRoi((new_size[1],new_size[0])) cap.on_frame_size_change = on_frame_size_change writer = None pupil_detector_settings = session_settings.get('pupil_detector_settings',None) last_pupil_detector = pupil_detectors[session_settings.get('last_pupil_detector',Detector_2D.__name__)] g_pool.pupil_detector = last_pupil_detector(g_pool,pupil_detector_settings) # UI callback functions def set_scale(new_scale): g_pool.gui.scale = new_scale g_pool.gui.collect_menus() def set_display_mode_info(val): g_pool.display_mode = val g_pool.display_mode_info.text = g_pool.display_mode_info_text[val] def set_detector(new_detector): g_pool.pupil_detector.cleanup() g_pool.pupil_detector = new_detector(g_pool) g_pool.pupil_detector.init_gui(g_pool.sidebar) # Initialize glfw glfw.glfwInit() title = "eye %s"%eye_id width,height = session_settings.get('window_size',(frame.width, frame.height)) main_window = glfw.glfwCreateWindow(width,height, title, None, None) window_pos = session_settings.get('window_position',window_position_default) glfw.glfwSetWindowPos(main_window,window_pos[0],window_pos[1]) glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(main_window) cygl.utils.init() # gl_state settings basic_gl_setup() g_pool.image_tex = Named_Texture() g_pool.image_tex.update_from_frame(frame) glfw.glfwSwapInterval(0) sphere = Sphere(20) #setup GUI g_pool.gui = ui.UI() g_pool.gui.scale = session_settings.get('gui_scale',1) g_pool.sidebar = ui.Scrolling_Menu("Settings",pos=(-300,0),size=(0,0),header_pos='left') general_settings = ui.Growing_Menu('General') general_settings.append(ui.Slider('scale',g_pool.gui, setter=set_scale,step = .05,min=1.,max=2.5,label='Interface Size')) general_settings.append(ui.Button('Reset window size',lambda: glfw.glfwSetWindowSize(main_window,frame.width,frame.height)) ) general_settings.append(ui.Switch('flip',g_pool,label='Flip image display')) general_settings.append(ui.Selector('display_mode',g_pool,setter=set_display_mode_info,selection=['camera_image','roi','algorithm'], labels=['Camera Image', 'ROI', 'Algorithm'], label="Mode") ) g_pool.display_mode_info = ui.Info_Text(g_pool.display_mode_info_text[g_pool.display_mode]) general_settings.append(g_pool.display_mode_info) g_pool.sidebar.append(general_settings) g_pool.gui.append(g_pool.sidebar) detector_selector = ui.Selector('pupil_detector',getter = lambda: g_pool.pupil_detector.__class__ ,setter=set_detector,selection=[Detector_2D, Detector_3D],labels=['C++ 2d detector', 'C++ 3d detector'], label="Detection method") general_settings.append(detector_selector) # let detector add its GUI g_pool.pupil_detector.init_gui(g_pool.sidebar) # let the camera add its GUI g_pool.capture.init_gui(g_pool.sidebar) # Register callbacks main_window glfw.glfwSetFramebufferSizeCallback(main_window,on_resize) glfw.glfwSetWindowIconifyCallback(main_window,on_iconify) glfw.glfwSetKeyCallback(main_window,on_key) glfw.glfwSetCharCallback(main_window,on_char) glfw.glfwSetMouseButtonCallback(main_window,on_button) glfw.glfwSetCursorPosCallback(main_window,on_pos) glfw.glfwSetScrollCallback(main_window,on_scroll) #set the last saved window size on_resize(main_window, *glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(main_window)) # load last gui configuration g_pool.gui.configuration = session_settings.get('ui_config',{}) #set up performance graphs pid = os.getpid() ps = psutil.Process(pid) ts = frame.timestamp cpu_graph = graph.Bar_Graph() cpu_graph.pos = (20,130) cpu_graph.update_fn = ps.cpu_percent cpu_graph.update_rate = 5 cpu_graph.label = 'CPU %0.1f' fps_graph = graph.Bar_Graph() fps_graph.pos = (140,130) fps_graph.update_rate = 5 fps_graph.label = "%0.0f FPS" #create a timer to control window update frequency window_update_timer = timer(1/60.) def window_should_update(): return next(window_update_timer) # Event loop while not glfw.glfwWindowShouldClose(main_window): if pipe_to_world.poll(): cmd = pipe_to_world.recv() if cmd == 'Exit': break elif cmd == "Ping": pipe_to_world.send("Pong") command = None else: command,payload = cmd if command == 'Set_Detection_Mapping_Mode': if payload == '3d': if not isinstance(g_pool.pupil_detector,Detector_3D): set_detector(Detector_3D) detector_selector.read_only = True else: set_detector(Detector_2D) detector_selector.read_only = False else: command = None # Get an image from the grabber try: frame = cap.get_frame() except CameraCaptureError: logger.error("Capture from Camera Failed. Stopping.") break except EndofVideoFileError: logger.warning("Video File is done. Stopping") cap.seek_to_frame(0) frame = cap.get_frame() #update performace graphs t = frame.timestamp dt,ts = t-ts,t try: fps_graph.add(1./dt) except ZeroDivisionError: pass cpu_graph.update() ### RECORDING of Eye Video (on demand) ### # Setup variables and lists for recording if 'Rec_Start' == command: record_path,raw_mode = payload"Will save eye video to: %s"%record_path) timestamps_path = os.path.join(record_path, "eye%s_timestamps.npy"%eye_id) if raw_mode and frame.jpeg_buffer: video_path = os.path.join(record_path, "eye%s.mp4"%eye_id) writer = JPEG_Writer(video_path,cap.frame_rate) else: video_path = os.path.join(record_path, "eye%s.mp4"%eye_id) writer = AV_Writer(video_path,cap.frame_rate) timestamps = [] elif 'Rec_Stop' == command:"Done recording.") writer.release() writer = None,np.asarray(timestamps)) del timestamps if writer: writer.write_video_frame(frame) timestamps.append(frame.timestamp) # pupil ellipse detection result = g_pool.pupil_detector.detect(frame, g_pool.u_r, g_pool.display_mode == 'algorithm') result['id'] = eye_id # stream the result g_pool.pupil_queue.put(result) # GL drawing if window_should_update(): if not g_pool.iconified: glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(main_window) clear_gl_screen() # switch to work in normalized coordinate space if g_pool.display_mode == 'algorithm': g_pool.image_tex.update_from_ndarray(frame.img) elif g_pool.display_mode in ('camera_image','roi'): g_pool.image_tex.update_from_ndarray(frame.gray) else: pass make_coord_system_norm_based(g_pool.flip) g_pool.image_tex.draw() window_size = glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(main_window) make_coord_system_pixel_based((frame.height,frame.width,3),g_pool.flip) if result['method'] == '3d c++': eye_ball = result['projected_sphere'] try: pts = cv2.ellipse2Poly( (int(eye_ball['center'][0]),int(eye_ball['center'][1])), (int(eye_ball['axes'][0]/2),int(eye_ball['axes'][1]/2)), int(eye_ball['angle']),0,360,8) except ValueError as e: pass else: draw_polyline(pts,2,RGBA(0.,.9,.1,result['model_confidence']) ) if result['confidence'] >0: if result.has_key('ellipse'): pts = cv2.ellipse2Poly( (int(result['ellipse']['center'][0]),int(result['ellipse']['center'][1])), (int(result['ellipse']['axes'][0]/2),int(result['ellipse']['axes'][1]/2)), int(result['ellipse']['angle']),0,360,15) confidence = result['confidence'] * 0.7 #scale it a little draw_polyline(pts,1,RGBA(1.,0,0,confidence)) draw_points([result['ellipse']['center']],size=20,color=RGBA(1.,0.,0.,confidence),sharpness=1.) # render graphs graph.push_view() fps_graph.draw() cpu_graph.draw() graph.pop_view() # render GUI g_pool.gui.update() #render the ROI if g_pool.display_mode == 'roi': g_pool.u_r.draw(g_pool.gui.scale) #update screen glfw.glfwSwapBuffers(main_window) glfw.glfwPollEvents() g_pool.pupil_detector.visualize() #detector decides if we visualize or not # END while running # in case eye recording was still runnnig: Save&close if writer:"Done recording eye.") writer = None,np.asarray(timestamps)) glfw.glfwRestoreWindow(main_window) #need to do this for windows os # save session persistent settings session_settings['gui_scale'] = g_pool.gui.scale session_settings['roi'] = g_pool.u_r.get() session_settings['flip'] = g_pool.flip session_settings['display_mode'] = g_pool.display_mode session_settings['ui_config'] = g_pool.gui.configuration session_settings['capture_settings'] = g_pool.capture.settings session_settings['window_size'] = glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(main_window) session_settings['window_position'] = glfw.glfwGetWindowPos(main_window) session_settings['version'] = g_pool.version session_settings['last_pupil_detector'] = g_pool.pupil_detector.__class__.__name__ session_settings['pupil_detector_settings'] = g_pool.pupil_detector.get_settings() session_settings.close() g_pool.pupil_detector.cleanup() g_pool.gui.terminate() glfw.glfwDestroyWindow(main_window) glfw.glfwTerminate() cap.close() logger.debug("Process done")
def world(pupil_queue,timebase,launcher_pipe,eye_pipes,eyes_are_alive,user_dir,version,cap_src): """world Creates a window, gl context. Grabs images from a capture. Receives Pupil coordinates from eye process[es] Can run various plug-ins. """ import logging # Set up root logger for this process before doing imports of logged modules. logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) #silence noisy modules logging.getLogger("OpenGL").setLevel(logging.ERROR) # create formatter formatter = logging.Formatter('%(processName)s - [%(levelname)s] %(name)s : %(message)s') # create file handler which logs even debug messages fh = logging.FileHandler(os.path.join(user_dir,'capture.log'),mode='w') fh.setLevel(logger.level) fh.setFormatter(formatter) # create console handler with a higher log level ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setLevel(logger.level+10) ch.setFormatter(formatter) # add the handlers to the logger logger.addHandler(fh) logger.addHandler(ch) #setup thread to recv log recrods from other processes. def log_loop(logging): import zmq ctx = zmq.Context() sub = ctx.socket(zmq.SUB) sub.bind('tcp://') sub.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, "") while True: record = sub.recv_pyobj() logger = logging.getLogger( logger.handle(record) import threading log_thread = threading.Thread(target=log_loop, args=(logging,)) log_thread.setDaemon(True) log_thread.start() # create logger for the context of this function logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # We defer the imports because of multiprocessing. # Otherwise the world process each process also loads the other imports. # This is not harmful but unnecessary. #general imports from time import time,sleep import numpy as np #display import glfw from pyglui import ui,graph,cygl from pyglui.cygl.utils import Named_Texture from gl_utils import basic_gl_setup,adjust_gl_view, clear_gl_screen,make_coord_system_pixel_based,make_coord_system_norm_based #check versions for our own depedencies as they are fast-changing from pyglui import __version__ as pyglui_version assert pyglui_version >= '0.8' #monitoring import psutil # helpers/utils from file_methods import Persistent_Dict from methods import normalize, denormalize, delta_t, get_system_info from video_capture import autoCreateCapture, FileCaptureError, EndofVideoFileError, CameraCaptureError from version_utils import VersionFormat import audio # Plug-ins from plugin import Plugin_List,import_runtime_plugins from calibration_routines import calibration_plugins, gaze_mapping_plugins from recorder import Recorder from show_calibration import Show_Calibration from display_recent_gaze import Display_Recent_Gaze from pupil_server import Pupil_Server from pupil_sync import Pupil_Sync from surface_tracker import Surface_Tracker from log_display import Log_Display from annotations import Annotation_Capture from pupil_remote import Pupil_Remote from log_history import Log_History from game_controller import GameController'Application Version: %s'%version)'System Info: %s'%get_system_info()) #UI Platform tweaks if platform.system() == 'Linux': scroll_factor = 10.0 window_position_default = (0,0) elif platform.system() == 'Windows': scroll_factor = 1.0 window_position_default = (8,31) else: scroll_factor = 1.0 window_position_default = (0,0) #g_pool holds variables for this process g_pool = Global_Container() # make some constants avaiable g_pool.user_dir = user_dir g_pool.version = version = 'capture' g_pool.pupil_queue = pupil_queue g_pool.timebase = timebase # g_pool.launcher_pipe = launcher_pipe g_pool.eye_pipes = eye_pipes g_pool.eyes_are_alive = eyes_are_alive #manage plugins runtime_plugins = import_runtime_plugins(os.path.join(g_pool.user_dir,'plugins')) user_launchable_plugins = [GameController, Show_Calibration,Pupil_Remote,Pupil_Server,Pupil_Sync,Surface_Tracker,Annotation_Capture,Log_History]+runtime_plugins system_plugins = [Log_Display,Display_Recent_Gaze,Recorder] plugin_by_index = system_plugins+user_launchable_plugins+calibration_plugins+gaze_mapping_plugins name_by_index = [p.__name__ for p in plugin_by_index] plugin_by_name = dict(zip(name_by_index,plugin_by_index)) default_plugins = [('Log_Display',{}),('Dummy_Gaze_Mapper',{}),('Display_Recent_Gaze',{}), ('Screen_Marker_Calibration',{}),('Recorder',{})] # Callback functions def on_resize(window,w, h): if not g_pool.iconified: g_pool.gui.update_window(w,h) g_pool.gui.collect_menus() graph.adjust_size(w,h) adjust_gl_view(w,h) for p in g_pool.plugins: p.on_window_resize(window,w,h) def on_iconify(window,iconified): g_pool.iconified = iconified def on_key(window, key, scancode, action, mods): g_pool.gui.update_key(key,scancode,action,mods) def on_char(window,char): g_pool.gui.update_char(char) def on_button(window,button, action, mods): g_pool.gui.update_button(button,action,mods) pos = glfw.glfwGetCursorPos(window) pos = normalize(pos,glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(main_window)) pos = denormalize(pos,(frame.img.shape[1],frame.img.shape[0]) ) # Position in img pixels for p in g_pool.plugins: p.on_click(pos,button,action) def on_pos(window,x, y): hdpi_factor = float(glfw.glfwGetFramebufferSize(window)[0]/glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(window)[0]) x,y = x*hdpi_factor,y*hdpi_factor g_pool.gui.update_mouse(x,y) def on_scroll(window,x,y): g_pool.gui.update_scroll(x,y*scroll_factor) tick = delta_t() def get_dt(): return next(tick) # load session persistent settings session_settings = Persistent_Dict(os.path.join(g_pool.user_dir,'user_settings_world')) if session_settings.get("version",VersionFormat('0.0')) < g_pool.version:"Session setting are from older version of this app. I will not use those.") session_settings.clear() # Initialize capture cap = autoCreateCapture(cap_src, timebase=g_pool.timebase) default_settings = {'frame_size':(1280,720),'frame_rate':30} previous_settings = session_settings.get('capture_settings',None) if previous_settings and previous_settings['name'] == cap.settings = previous_settings else: cap.settings = default_settings # Test capture try: frame = cap.get_frame() except CameraCaptureError: logger.error("Could not retrieve image from capture") cap.close() launcher_pipe.send("Exit") return g_pool.iconified = False g_pool.capture = cap g_pool.pupil_confidence_threshold = session_settings.get('pupil_confidence_threshold',.6) g_pool.detection_mapping_mode = session_settings.get('detection_mapping_mode','2d') g_pool.active_calibration_plugin = None audio.audio_mode = session_settings.get('audio_mode',audio.default_audio_mode) def open_plugin(plugin): if plugin == "Select to load": return g_pool.plugins.add(plugin) def set_scale(new_scale): g_pool.gui.scale = new_scale g_pool.gui.collect_menus() def launch_eye_process(eye_id,blocking=False): if eyes_are_alive[eye_id].value: logger.error("Eye%s process already running."%eye_id) return launcher_pipe.send(eye_id) eye_pipes[eye_id].send( ('Set_Detection_Mapping_Mode',g_pool.detection_mapping_mode) ) if blocking: #wait for ready message from eye to sequentialize startup eye_pipes[eye_id].send('Ping') eye_pipes[eye_id].recv() logger.warning('Eye %s process started.'%eye_id) def stop_eye_process(eye_id,blocking=False): if eyes_are_alive[eye_id].value: eye_pipes[eye_id].send('Exit') if blocking: while eyes_are_alive[eye_id].value: sleep(.1) def start_stop_eye(eye_id,make_alive): if make_alive: launch_eye_process(eye_id) else: stop_eye_process(eye_id) def set_detection_mapping_mode(new_mode): if new_mode == '2d': for p in g_pool.plugins: if "Vector_Gaze_Mapper" in p.class_name: logger.warning("The gaze mapper is not supported in 2d mode. Please recalibrate.") p.alive = False g_pool.plugins.clean() for alive, pipe in zip(g_pool.eyes_are_alive,g_pool.eye_pipes): if alive.value: pipe.send( ('Set_Detection_Mapping_Mode',new_mode) ) g_pool.detection_mapping_mode = new_mode #window and gl setup glfw.glfwInit() width,height = session_settings.get('window_size',(frame.width, frame.height)) main_window = glfw.glfwCreateWindow(width,height, "World") window_pos = session_settings.get('window_position',window_position_default) glfw.glfwSetWindowPos(main_window,window_pos[0],window_pos[1]) glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(main_window) cygl.utils.init() g_pool.main_window = main_window #setup GUI g_pool.gui = ui.UI() g_pool.gui.scale = session_settings.get('gui_scale',1) g_pool.sidebar = ui.Scrolling_Menu("Settings",pos=(-350,0),size=(0,0),header_pos='left') general_settings = ui.Growing_Menu('General') general_settings.append(ui.Slider('scale',g_pool.gui, setter=set_scale,step = .05,min=1.,max=2.5,label='Interface size')) general_settings.append(ui.Button('Reset window size',lambda: glfw.glfwSetWindowSize(main_window,frame.width,frame.height)) ) general_settings.append(ui.Selector('audio_mode',audio,selection=audio.audio_modes)) general_settings.append(ui.Selector('detection_mapping_mode',g_pool,label='detection & mapping mode',setter=set_detection_mapping_mode,selection=['2d','3d'])) general_settings.append(ui.Switch('eye0_process',label='Detect eye 0',setter=lambda alive: start_stop_eye(0,alive),getter=lambda: eyes_are_alive[0].value )) general_settings.append(ui.Switch('eye1_process',label='Detect eye 1',setter=lambda alive: start_stop_eye(1,alive),getter=lambda: eyes_are_alive[1].value )) general_settings.append(ui.Selector('Open plugin', selection = user_launchable_plugins, labels = [p.__name__.replace('_',' ') for p in user_launchable_plugins], setter= open_plugin, getter=lambda: "Select to load")) general_settings.append(ui.Slider('pupil_confidence_threshold', g_pool,step = .01,min=0.,max=1.,label='Minimum pupil confidence')) general_settings.append(ui.Info_Text('Capture Version: %s'%g_pool.version)) g_pool.sidebar.append(general_settings) g_pool.calibration_menu = ui.Growing_Menu('Calibration') g_pool.sidebar.append(g_pool.calibration_menu) g_pool.gui.append(g_pool.sidebar) g_pool.quickbar = ui.Stretching_Menu('Quick Bar',(0,100),(120,-100)) g_pool.gui.append(g_pool.quickbar) g_pool.capture.init_gui(g_pool.sidebar) #plugins that are loaded based on user settings from previous session g_pool.notifications = [] g_pool.delayed_notifications = {} g_pool.plugins = Plugin_List(g_pool,plugin_by_name,session_settings.get('loaded_plugins',default_plugins)) #We add the calibration menu selector, after a calibration has been added: g_pool.calibration_menu.insert(0,ui.Selector('active_calibration_plugin',getter=lambda: g_pool.active_calibration_plugin.__class__, selection = calibration_plugins, labels = [p.__name__.replace('_',' ') for p in calibration_plugins], setter= open_plugin,label='Method')) # Register callbacks main_window glfw.glfwSetFramebufferSizeCallback(main_window,on_resize) glfw.glfwSetWindowIconifyCallback(main_window,on_iconify) glfw.glfwSetKeyCallback(main_window,on_key) glfw.glfwSetCharCallback(main_window,on_char) glfw.glfwSetMouseButtonCallback(main_window,on_button) glfw.glfwSetCursorPosCallback(main_window,on_pos) glfw.glfwSetScrollCallback(main_window,on_scroll) # gl_state settings basic_gl_setup() g_pool.image_tex = Named_Texture() g_pool.image_tex.update_from_frame(frame) # refresh speed settings glfw.glfwSwapInterval(0) #trigger setup of window and gl sizes on_resize(main_window, *glfw.glfwGetFramebufferSize(main_window)) #now the we have aproper window we can load the last gui configuration g_pool.gui.configuration = session_settings.get('ui_config',{}) #set up performace graphs: pid = os.getpid() ps = psutil.Process(pid) ts = frame.timestamp cpu_graph = graph.Bar_Graph() cpu_graph.pos = (20,130) cpu_graph.update_fn = ps.cpu_percent cpu_graph.update_rate = 5 cpu_graph.label = 'CPU %0.1f' fps_graph = graph.Bar_Graph() fps_graph.pos = (140,130) fps_graph.update_rate = 5 fps_graph.label = "%0.0f FPS" pupil_graph = graph.Bar_Graph(max_val=1.0) pupil_graph.pos = (260,130) pupil_graph.update_rate = 5 pupil_graph.label = "Confidence: %0.2f" if session_settings.get('eye1_process_alive',False): launch_eye_process(1,blocking=True) if session_settings.get('eye0_process_alive',True): launch_eye_process(0,blocking=False) # Event loop while not glfw.glfwWindowShouldClose(main_window): # Get an image from the grabber try: frame = g_pool.capture.get_frame() except CameraCaptureError: logger.error("Capture from camera failed. Starting Fake Capture.") settings = g_pool.capture.settings g_pool.capture.close() g_pool.capture = autoCreateCapture(None, timebase=g_pool.timebase) g_pool.capture.init_gui(g_pool.sidebar) g_pool.capture.settings = settings g_pool.notifications.append({'subject':'should_stop_recording'}) continue except EndofVideoFileError: logger.warning("Video file is done. Stopping") break #update performace graphs t = frame.timestamp dt,ts = t-ts,t try: fps_graph.add(1./dt) except ZeroDivisionError: pass cpu_graph.update() #a dictionary that allows plugins to post and read events events = {} #report time between now and the last loop interation events['dt'] = get_dt() #receive and map pupil positions recent_pupil_positions = [] while not g_pool.pupil_queue.empty(): p = g_pool.pupil_queue.get() recent_pupil_positions.append(p) pupil_graph.add(p['confidence']) events['pupil_positions'] = recent_pupil_positions # publish delayed notifiactions when their time has come. for n in g_pool.delayed_notifications.values(): if n['_notify_time_'] < time(): del n['_notify_time_'] del g_pool.delayed_notifications[n['subject']] g_pool.notifications.append(n) # notify each plugin if there are new notifications: while g_pool.notifications: n = g_pool.notifications.pop(0) for p in g_pool.plugins: p.on_notify(n) # allow each Plugin to do its work. for p in g_pool.plugins: p.update(frame,events) #check if a plugin need to be destroyed g_pool.plugins.clean() # render camera image glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(main_window) if g_pool.iconified: pass else: g_pool.image_tex.update_from_frame(frame) make_coord_system_norm_based() g_pool.image_tex.draw() make_coord_system_pixel_based((frame.height,frame.width,3)) # render visual feedback from loaded plugins for p in g_pool.plugins: p.gl_display() if not g_pool.iconified: graph.push_view() fps_graph.draw() cpu_graph.draw() pupil_graph.draw() graph.pop_view() g_pool.gui.update() glfw.glfwSwapBuffers(main_window) glfw.glfwPollEvents() glfw.glfwRestoreWindow(main_window) #need to do this for windows os session_settings['loaded_plugins'] = g_pool.plugins.get_initializers() session_settings['pupil_confidence_threshold'] = g_pool.pupil_confidence_threshold session_settings['gui_scale'] = g_pool.gui.scale session_settings['ui_config'] = g_pool.gui.configuration session_settings['capture_settings'] = g_pool.capture.settings session_settings['window_size'] = glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(main_window) session_settings['window_position'] = glfw.glfwGetWindowPos(main_window) session_settings['version'] = g_pool.version session_settings['eye0_process_alive'] = eyes_are_alive[0].value session_settings['eye1_process_alive'] = eyes_are_alive[1].value session_settings['detection_mapping_mode'] = g_pool.detection_mapping_mode session_settings['audio_mode'] = audio.audio_mode session_settings.close() # de-init all running plugins for p in g_pool.plugins: p.alive = False g_pool.plugins.clean() g_pool.gui.terminate() glfw.glfwDestroyWindow(main_window) glfw.glfwTerminate() g_pool.capture.close() #shut down eye processes: stop_eye_process(0,blocking = True) stop_eye_process(1,blocking = True) #shut down laucher launcher_pipe.send("Exit")"Process Shutting down.")
class RenderWindow: """GLFW Window Rendering Window Class""" # version hints glfw.glfwWindowHint(glfw.GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MAJOR, 3) glfw.glfwWindowHint(glfw.GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MINOR, 3) glfw.glfwWindowHint(glfw.GLFW_OPENGL_FORWARD_COMPAT, GL_TRUE) glfw.glfwWindowHint(glfw.GLFW_OPENGL_PROFILE, glfw.GLFW_OPENGL_CORE_PROFILE) def __init__(self, str_vs, str_fs): cwd = os.getcwd() # get current working directory glfw.glfwInit() # glfw initialization os.chdir(cwd) # restore current directory # make a window self.width, self.height = 640, 480 self.aspect = self.width / float(self.height) = glfw.glfwCreateWindow(self.width, self.height, b'simpleglfw') glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent( # current context # initialize GL glViewport(0, 0, self.width, self.height) glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) glClearColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0) # set window callbacks glfw.glfwSetMouseButtonCallback(, self.on_mouse_button) glfw.glfwSetKeyCallback(, self.on_keyboard) glfw.glfwSetWindowSizeCallback(, self.on_size) self.scene = Scene(str_vs, str_fs) # create 3D self.exit_now = False # exit flag def on_keyboard(self, win, key, scancode, action, mods): # print("keyboard button: ", win, key, scancode, action, mods) if action == glfw.GLFW_PRESS: if key == glfw.GLFW_KEY_ESCAPE: # ESC to exit self.exit_now = True else: self.scene.showCircle = not self.scene.showCircle def on_mouse_button(self, win, button, action, mods): # print('mouse button: ', win, button, action, mods) pass def on_size(self, win, width, height): self.width = width self.height = height self.aspect = width / float(height) glViewport(0, 0, self.width, self.height) def run(self): glfw.glfwSetTime(0) # timer initialization t = 0.0 while not glfw.glfwWindowShouldClose( and not self.exit_now: current_t = glfw.glfwGetTime() if current_t -t > 0.1: t = current_t # time updated glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) # | = bitwise or # build projection matrix p_matrix = glutils.perspective(45.0, self.aspect, 0.1, 100.0) mv_matrix = glutils.lookAt([0.0, 0.0, -2.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]) # model-view matrix: [[eye pos], [look at {origin in this case)], [direction vector]] self.scene.render(p_matrix, mv_matrix) # render self.scene.step() # step glfw.glfwSwapBuffers( glfw.glfwPollEvents() glfw.glfwTerminate() # end def step(self): glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) # clear p_matrix = glutils.perspective(45.0, self.aspect, 0.1, 100.0) mv_matrix = glutils.lookAt([0.0, 0.0, -2.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]) self.scene.render(p_matrix, mv_matrix) # render self.scene.step() # step glfw.glfwSwapBuffers( glfw.glfwPollEvents()
def main(): # initialize glfw if not glfw.glfwInit(): return w_width, w_height = 800, 600 #glfw.window_hint(glfw.RESIZABLE, GL_FALSE) window = glfw.glfwCreateWindow(w_width, w_height, "My OpenGL window", None, None) if not window: glfw.glfwTerminate() return glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(window) # glfw.set_window_size_callback(window, window_resize) obj = ObjLoader() obj.load_model("res/monkey/monkey_smooth.obj") texture_offset = len(obj.vertex_index)*12 normal_offset = (texture_offset + len(obj.texture_index)*8) shader = ShaderLoader.compile_shader("shaders/video_18_vert.vs", "shaders/video_18_frag.fs") VBO = glGenBuffers(1) glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, VBO) glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, obj.model.itemsize * len(obj.model), obj.model, GL_STATIC_DRAW) #positions glVertexAttribPointer(0, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, obj.model.itemsize * 3, ctypes.c_void_p(0)) glEnableVertexAttribArray(0) #textures glVertexAttribPointer(1, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, obj.model.itemsize * 2, ctypes.c_void_p(texture_offset)) glEnableVertexAttribArray(1) #normals glVertexAttribPointer(2, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, obj.model.itemsize * 3, ctypes.c_void_p(normal_offset)) glEnableVertexAttribArray(2) texture = glGenTextures(1) glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture) # Set the texture wrapping parameters glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_REPEAT) glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_REPEAT) # Set texture filtering parameters glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR) glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR) # load image image ="res/monkey/monkey.jpg") flipped_image = image.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM) img_data = numpy.array(list(flipped_image.getdata()), numpy.uint8) glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGB, image.width, image.height, 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, img_data) glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D) glUseProgram(shader) glClearColor(0.2, 0.3, 0.2, 1.0) glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) #glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE) view = pyrr.matrix44.create_from_translation(pyrr.Vector3([0.0, 0.0, -3.0])) projection = pyrr.matrix44.create_perspective_projection_matrix(65.0, w_width / w_height, 0.1, 100.0) model = pyrr.matrix44.create_from_translation(pyrr.Vector3([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])) view_loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "view") proj_loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "projection") model_loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "model") transform_loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "transform") light_loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "light") glUniformMatrix4fv(view_loc, 1, GL_FALSE, view) glUniformMatrix4fv(proj_loc, 1, GL_FALSE, projection) glUniformMatrix4fv(model_loc, 1, GL_FALSE, model) while not glfw.glfwWindowShouldClose(window): glfw.glfwPollEvents() glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) #rot_x = pyrr.Matrix44.from_x_rotation(0.5 * glfw.get_time() ) rot_y = pyrr.Matrix44.from_y_rotation(0.8 * glfw.glfwGetTime() ) glUniformMatrix4fv(transform_loc, 1, GL_FALSE, rot_y) glUniformMatrix4fv(light_loc, 1, GL_FALSE, rot_y) glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, len(obj.vertex_index)) glfw.glfwSwapBuffers(window) glfw.glfwTerminate()
def main(): # initialize glfw if not glfw.glfwInit(): return glfw.glfwCreateWindow() window = glfw.glfwCreateWindow(800, 600, "My OpenGL window", None, None) if not window: glfw.glfwTerminate() return glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(window) # positions colors triangle = [ -0.5, -0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, -0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ] triangle = numpy.array(triangle, dtype=numpy.float32) vertex_shader = """ #version 330 in vec3 position; in vec3 color; out vec3 newColor; void main() { gl_Position = vec4(position, 1.0f); newColor = color; } """ fragment_shader = """ #version 330 in vec3 newColor; out vec4 outColor; void main() { outColor = vec4(newColor, 1.0f); } """ shader = OpenGL.GL.shaders.compileProgram( OpenGL.GL.shaders.compileShader(vertex_shader, GL_VERTEX_SHADER), OpenGL.GL.shaders.compileShader(fragment_shader, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER)) VBO = glGenBuffers(1) glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, VBO) glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 72, triangle, GL_STATIC_DRAW) position = glGetAttribLocation(shader, "position") glVertexAttribPointer(position, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 24, ctypes.c_void_p(0)) glEnableVertexAttribArray(position) color = glGetAttribLocation(shader, "color") glVertexAttribPointer(color, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 24, ctypes.c_void_p(12)) glEnableVertexAttribArray(color) glUseProgram(shader) glClearColor(0.2, 0.3, 0.2, 1.0) while not glfw.glfwWindowShouldClose(window): glfw.glfwPollEvents() glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 3) glfw.glfwSwapBuffers(window) glfw.glfwTerminate()
def main(): # initialize glfw if not glfw.glfwInit(): return w_width, w_height = 800, 600 #glfw.window_hint(glfw.RESIZABLE, GL_FALSE) window = glfw.glfwCreateWindow(w_width, w_height, "My OpenGL window", None, None) if not window: glfw.glfwTerminate() return glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(window) # glfw.glfwSetWindowSizeCallBack(window, window_resize) # positions colors texture coords cube = [ -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, -0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 ] cube = numpy.array(cube, dtype=numpy.float32) indices = [ 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 4, 8, 9, 10, 10, 11, 8, 12, 13, 14, 14, 15, 12, 16, 17, 18, 18, 19, 16, 20, 21, 22, 22, 23, 20 ] indices = numpy.array(indices, dtype=numpy.uint32) vertex_shader = """ #version 330 in layout(location = 0) vec3 position; in layout(location = 1) vec3 color; in layout(location = 2) vec2 textureCoords; uniform mat4 transform; out vec3 newColor; out vec2 newTexture; void main() { gl_Position = transform * vec4(position, 1.0f); newColor = color; newTexture = textureCoords; } """ fragment_shader = """ #version 330 in vec3 newColor; in vec2 newTexture; out vec4 outColor; uniform sampler2D samplerTexture; void main() { outColor = texture(samplerTexture, newTexture) * vec4(newColor, 1.0f); } """ shader = OpenGL.GL.shaders.compileProgram( OpenGL.GL.shaders.compileShader(vertex_shader, GL_VERTEX_SHADER), OpenGL.GL.shaders.compileShader(fragment_shader, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER)) VBO = glGenBuffers(1) glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, VBO) glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, cube.itemsize * len(cube), cube, GL_STATIC_DRAW) EBO = glGenBuffers(1) glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, EBO) glBufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, indices.itemsize * len(indices), indices, GL_STATIC_DRAW) #position glVertexAttribPointer(0, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, cube.itemsize * 8, ctypes.c_void_p(0)) glEnableVertexAttribArray(0) #color glVertexAttribPointer(1, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, cube.itemsize * 8, ctypes.c_void_p(12)) glEnableVertexAttribArray(1) #texture glVertexAttribPointer(2, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, cube.itemsize * 8, ctypes.c_void_p(24)) glEnableVertexAttribArray(2) texture = glGenTextures(1) glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture) # Set the texture wrapping parameters glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_REPEAT) glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_REPEAT) # Set texture filtering parameters glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR) glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR) # load image # image ="res/crate.jpg") image ="res/egg.jpg") img_data = numpy.array(list(image.getdata()), numpy.uint8) glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGB, image.width, image.height, 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, img_data) glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D) glUseProgram(shader) glClearColor(0.2, 0.3, 0.2, 1.0) glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) #glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE) while not glfw.glfwWindowShouldClose(window): glfw.glfwPollEvents() glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) rot_x = pyrr.Matrix44.from_x_rotation(0.5 * glfw.glfwGetTime()) rot_y = pyrr.Matrix44.from_y_rotation(0.8 * glfw.glfwGetTime()) transformLoc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "transform") glUniformMatrix4fv(transformLoc, 1, GL_FALSE, rot_x * rot_y) glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, len(indices), GL_UNSIGNED_INT, None) glfw.glfwSwapBuffers(window) glfw.glfwTerminate()
def eye(timebase, is_alive_flag, ipc_pub_url, ipc_sub_url,ipc_push_url, user_dir, version, eye_id,overwrite_cap_settings=None): """reads eye video and detects the pupil. Creates a window, gl context. Grabs images from a capture. Streams Pupil coordinates. Reacts to notifications: ``set_detection_mapping_mode``: Sets detection method ``eye_process.should_stop``: Stops the eye process ``recording.started``: Starts recording eye video ``recording.stopped``: Stops recording eye video ``frame_publishing.started``: Starts frame publishing ``frame_publishing.stopped``: Stops frame publishing Emits notifications: ``eye_process.started``: Eye process started ``eye_process.stopped``: Eye process stopped Emits data: ``pupil.<eye id>``: Pupil data for eye with id ``<eye id>`` ``frame.eye.<eye id>``: Eye frames with id ``<eye id>`` """ # We deferr the imports becasue of multiprocessing. # Otherwise the world process each process also loads the other imports. import zmq import zmq_tools zmq_ctx = zmq.Context() ipc_socket = zmq_tools.Msg_Dispatcher(zmq_ctx,ipc_push_url) pupil_socket = zmq_tools.Msg_Streamer(zmq_ctx,ipc_pub_url) notify_sub = zmq_tools.Msg_Receiver(zmq_ctx,ipc_sub_url,topics=("notify",)) with Is_Alive_Manager(is_alive_flag,ipc_socket,eye_id): #logging setup import logging logging.getLogger("OpenGL").setLevel(logging.ERROR) logger = logging.getLogger() logger.handlers = [] logger.addHandler(zmq_tools.ZMQ_handler(zmq_ctx,ipc_push_url)) # create logger for the context of this function logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) #general imports import numpy as np import cv2 #display import glfw from pyglui import ui,graph,cygl from pyglui.cygl.utils import draw_points, RGBA, draw_polyline, Named_Texture, Sphere import OpenGL.GL as gl from gl_utils import basic_gl_setup,adjust_gl_view, clear_gl_screen ,make_coord_system_pixel_based,make_coord_system_norm_based, make_coord_system_eye_camera_based,is_window_visible from ui_roi import UIRoi #monitoring import psutil import math # helpers/utils from uvc import get_time_monotonic, StreamError from file_methods import Persistent_Dict from version_utils import VersionFormat from methods import normalize, denormalize, Roi, timer from av_writer import JPEG_Writer,AV_Writer from video_capture import InitialisationError,StreamError, Fake_Source,EndofVideoFileError, source_classes, manager_classes source_by_name = {src.class_name():src for src in source_classes} # Pupil detectors from pupil_detectors import Detector_2D, Detector_3D pupil_detectors = {Detector_2D.__name__:Detector_2D,Detector_3D.__name__:Detector_3D} #UI Platform tweaks if platform.system() == 'Linux': scroll_factor = 10.0 window_position_default = (600,300*eye_id) elif platform.system() == 'Windows': scroll_factor = 1.0 window_position_default = (600,31+300*eye_id) else: scroll_factor = 1.0 window_position_default = (600,300*eye_id) #g_pool holds variables for this process g_pool = Global_Container() # make some constants avaiable g_pool.user_dir = user_dir g_pool.version = version = 'capture' g_pool.timebase = timebase g_pool.ipc_pub = ipc_socket def get_timestamp(): return get_time_monotonic()-g_pool.timebase.value g_pool.get_timestamp = get_timestamp g_pool.get_now = get_time_monotonic # Callback functions def on_resize(window,w, h): if is_window_visible(window): active_window = glfw.glfwGetCurrentContext() glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(window) g_pool.gui.update_window(w,h) graph.adjust_size(w,h) adjust_gl_view(w,h) glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(active_window) def on_key(window, key, scancode, action, mods): g_pool.gui.update_key(key,scancode,action,mods) def on_char(window,char): g_pool.gui.update_char(char) def on_iconify(window,iconified): g_pool.iconified = iconified def on_button(window,button, action, mods): if g_pool.display_mode == 'roi': if action == glfw.GLFW_RELEASE and g_pool.u_r.active_edit_pt: g_pool.u_r.active_edit_pt = False return # if the roi interacts we dont what the gui to interact as well elif action == glfw.GLFW_PRESS: pos = glfw.glfwGetCursorPos(window) pos = normalize(pos,glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(main_window)) if g_pool.flip: pos = 1-pos[0],1-pos[1] pos = denormalize(pos,(frame.width,frame.height)) # Position in img pixels if g_pool.u_r.mouse_over_edit_pt(pos,g_pool.u_r.handle_size+40,g_pool.u_r.handle_size+40): return # if the roi interacts we dont what the gui to interact as well g_pool.gui.update_button(button,action,mods) def on_pos(window,x, y): hdpi_factor = float(glfw.glfwGetFramebufferSize(window)[0]/glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(window)[0]) g_pool.gui.update_mouse(x*hdpi_factor,y*hdpi_factor) if g_pool.u_r.active_edit_pt: pos = normalize((x,y),glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(main_window)) if g_pool.flip: pos = 1-pos[0],1-pos[1] pos = denormalize(pos,(frame.width,frame.height) ) g_pool.u_r.move_vertex(g_pool.u_r.active_pt_idx,pos) def on_scroll(window,x,y): g_pool.gui.update_scroll(x,y*scroll_factor) # load session persistent settings session_settings = Persistent_Dict(os.path.join(g_pool.user_dir,'user_settings_eye%s'%eye_id)) if session_settings.get("version",VersionFormat('0.0')) < g_pool.version:"Session setting are from older version of this app. I will not use those.") session_settings.clear() capture_manager_settings = session_settings.get( 'capture_manager_settings', ('UVC_Manager',{})) if eye_id == 0: cap_src = ["Pupil Cam1 ID0","HD-6000","Integrated Camera","HD USB Camera","USB 2.0 Camera"] else: cap_src = ["Pupil Cam1 ID1","HD-6000","Integrated Camera"] # Initialize capture default_settings = { 'source_class_name': 'UVC_Source', 'preferred_names' : cap_src, 'frame_size': (640,480), 'frame_rate': 90 } settings = overwrite_cap_settings or session_settings.get('capture_settings', default_settings) try: cap = source_by_name[settings['source_class_name']](g_pool, **settings) except (KeyError,InitialisationError) as e: if isinstance(e,KeyError): logger.warning('Incompatible capture setting encountered. Falling back to fake source.') cap = Fake_Source(g_pool, **settings) g_pool.iconified = False g_pool.capture = cap g_pool.capture_manager = None g_pool.flip = session_settings.get('flip',False) g_pool.display_mode = session_settings.get('display_mode','camera_image') g_pool.display_mode_info_text = {'camera_image': "Raw eye camera image. This uses the least amount of CPU power", 'roi': "Click and drag on the blue circles to adjust the region of interest. The region should be as small as possible, but large enough to capture all pupil movements.", 'algorithm': "Algorithm display mode overlays a visualization of the pupil detection parameters on top of the eye video. Adjust parameters within the Pupil Detection menu below."} g_pool.u_r = UIRoi((g_pool.capture.frame_size[1],g_pool.capture.frame_size[0])) roi_user_settings = session_settings.get('roi') if roi_user_settings and roi_user_settings[-1] == g_pool.u_r.get()[-1]: g_pool.u_r.set(roi_user_settings) writer = None pupil_detector_settings = session_settings.get('pupil_detector_settings',None) last_pupil_detector = pupil_detectors[session_settings.get('last_pupil_detector',Detector_2D.__name__)] g_pool.pupil_detector = last_pupil_detector(g_pool,pupil_detector_settings) # UI callback functions def set_scale(new_scale): g_pool.gui.scale = new_scale g_pool.gui.collect_menus() def set_display_mode_info(val): g_pool.display_mode = val g_pool.display_mode_info.text = g_pool.display_mode_info_text[val] def set_detector(new_detector): g_pool.pupil_detector.cleanup() g_pool.pupil_detector = new_detector(g_pool) g_pool.pupil_detector.init_gui(g_pool.sidebar) # Initialize glfw glfw.glfwInit() title = "eye %s"%eye_id width,height = session_settings.get('window_size',g_pool.capture.frame_size) main_window = glfw.glfwCreateWindow(width,height, title, None, None) window_pos = session_settings.get('window_position',window_position_default) glfw.glfwSetWindowPos(main_window,window_pos[0],window_pos[1]) glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(main_window) cygl.utils.init() # gl_state settings basic_gl_setup() g_pool.image_tex = Named_Texture() glfw.glfwSwapInterval(0) #setup GUI g_pool.gui = ui.UI() g_pool.gui.scale = session_settings.get('gui_scale',1) g_pool.sidebar = ui.Scrolling_Menu("Settings",pos=(-300,0),size=(0,0),header_pos='left') general_settings = ui.Growing_Menu('General') general_settings.append(ui.Slider('scale',g_pool.gui, setter=set_scale,step = .05,min=1.,max=2.5,label='Interface Size')) general_settings.append(ui.Button('Reset window size',lambda: glfw.glfwSetWindowSize(main_window,frame.width,frame.height)) ) general_settings.append(ui.Switch('flip',g_pool,label='Flip image display')) general_settings.append(ui.Selector('display_mode',g_pool,setter=set_display_mode_info,selection=['camera_image','roi','algorithm'], labels=['Camera Image', 'ROI', 'Algorithm'], label="Mode") ) g_pool.display_mode_info = ui.Info_Text(g_pool.display_mode_info_text[g_pool.display_mode]) general_settings.append(g_pool.display_mode_info) g_pool.gui.append(g_pool.sidebar) detector_selector = ui.Selector('pupil_detector',getter = lambda: g_pool.pupil_detector.__class__ ,setter=set_detector,selection=[Detector_2D, Detector_3D],labels=['C++ 2d detector', 'C++ 3d detector'], label="Detection method") general_settings.append(detector_selector) g_pool.capture_selector_menu = ui.Growing_Menu('Capture Selection') g_pool.capture_source_menu = ui.Growing_Menu('Capture Source') g_pool.capture.init_gui() g_pool.sidebar.append(general_settings) g_pool.sidebar.append(g_pool.capture_selector_menu) g_pool.sidebar.append(g_pool.capture_source_menu) g_pool.pupil_detector.init_gui(g_pool.sidebar) manager_class_name, manager_settings = capture_manager_settings manager_class_by_name = {c.__name__:c for c in manager_classes} g_pool.capture_manager = manager_class_by_name[manager_class_name](g_pool,**manager_settings) g_pool.capture_manager.init_gui() def open_manager(manager_class): g_pool.capture_manager.cleanup() g_pool.capture_manager = manager_class(g_pool) g_pool.capture_manager.init_gui() #We add the capture selection menu, after a manager has been added: g_pool.capture_selector_menu.insert(0,ui.Selector( 'capture_manager',g_pool, setter = open_manager, getter = lambda: g_pool.capture_manager.__class__, selection = manager_classes, labels = [b.gui_name for b in manager_classes], label = 'Manager' )) # Register callbacks main_window glfw.glfwSetFramebufferSizeCallback(main_window,on_resize) glfw.glfwSetWindowIconifyCallback(main_window,on_iconify) glfw.glfwSetKeyCallback(main_window,on_key) glfw.glfwSetCharCallback(main_window,on_char) glfw.glfwSetMouseButtonCallback(main_window,on_button) glfw.glfwSetCursorPosCallback(main_window,on_pos) glfw.glfwSetScrollCallback(main_window,on_scroll) #set the last saved window size on_resize(main_window, *glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(main_window)) # load last gui configuration g_pool.gui.configuration = session_settings.get('ui_config',{}) #set up performance graphs pid = os.getpid() ps = psutil.Process(pid) ts = g_pool.get_timestamp() cpu_graph = graph.Bar_Graph() cpu_graph.pos = (20,130) cpu_graph.update_fn = ps.cpu_percent cpu_graph.update_rate = 5 cpu_graph.label = 'CPU %0.1f' fps_graph = graph.Bar_Graph() fps_graph.pos = (140,130) fps_graph.update_rate = 5 fps_graph.label = "%0.0f FPS" should_publish_frames = False frame_publish_format = 'jpeg' #create a timer to control window update frequency window_update_timer = timer(1/60.) def window_should_update(): return next(window_update_timer) logger.warning('Process started.') # Event loop while not glfw.glfwWindowShouldClose(main_window): if notify_sub.new_data: t,notification = notify_sub.recv() subject = notification['subject'] if subject == 'eye_process.should_stop': if notification['eye_id'] == eye_id: break elif subject == 'set_detection_mapping_mode': if notification['mode'] == '3d': if not isinstance(g_pool.pupil_detector,Detector_3D): set_detector(Detector_3D) detector_selector.read_only = True else: if not isinstance(g_pool.pupil_detector,Detector_2D): set_detector(Detector_2D) detector_selector.read_only = False elif subject == 'recording.started': if notification['record_eye']: record_path = notification['rec_path'] raw_mode = notification['compression']"Will save eye video to: %s"%record_path) timestamps_path = os.path.join(record_path, "eye%s_timestamps.npy"%eye_id) if raw_mode and frame.jpeg_buffer: video_path = os.path.join(record_path, "eye%s.mp4"%eye_id) writer = JPEG_Writer(video_path,g_pool.capture.frame_rate) else: video_path = os.path.join(record_path, "eye%s.mp4"%eye_id) writer = AV_Writer(video_path,g_pool.capture.frame_rate) timestamps = [] elif subject == 'recording.stopped': if writer:"Done recording.") writer.release() writer = None,np.asarray(timestamps)) del timestamps elif subject.startswith('meta.should_doc'): ipc_socket.notify({ 'subject':'meta.doc', 'actor':'eye%i'%eye_id, 'doc':eye.__doc__ }) elif subject.startswith('frame_publishing.started'): should_publish_frames = True frame_publish_format = notification.get('format','jpeg') elif subject.startswith('frame_publishing.stopped'): should_publish_frames = False frame_publish_format = 'jpeg' else: g_pool.capture_manager.on_notify(notification) # Get an image from the grabber try: frame = g_pool.capture.get_frame() except StreamError as e: logger.error("Error getting frame. Stopping eye process.") logger.debug("Caught error: %s"%e) break except EndofVideoFileError: logger.warning("Video File is done. Stopping") g_pool.capture.seek_to_frame(0) frame = g_pool.capture.get_frame() g_pool.u_r = UIRoi((frame.height,frame.width)) g_pool.capture_manager.update(frame, {}) if should_publish_frames and frame.jpeg_buffer: if frame_publish_format == "jpeg": data = frame.jpeg_buffer elif frame_publish_format == "yuv": data = frame.yuv_buffer elif frame_publish_format == "bgr": data = frame.bgr elif frame_publish_format == "gray": data = frame.gray pupil_socket.send('frame.eye.%s'%eye_id,{ 'width': frame.width, 'height': frame.width, 'index': frame.index, 'timestamp': frame.timestamp, 'format': frame_publish_format, '__raw_data__': [data] }) #update performace graphs t = frame.timestamp dt,ts = t-ts,t try: fps_graph.add(1./dt) except ZeroDivisionError: pass cpu_graph.update() if writer: writer.write_video_frame(frame) timestamps.append(frame.timestamp) # pupil ellipse detection result = g_pool.pupil_detector.detect(frame, g_pool.u_r, g_pool.display_mode == 'algorithm') result['id'] = eye_id # stream the result pupil_socket.send('pupil.%s'%eye_id,result) # GL drawing if window_should_update(): if is_window_visible(main_window): glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(main_window) clear_gl_screen() # switch to work in normalized coordinate space if g_pool.display_mode == 'algorithm': g_pool.image_tex.update_from_ndarray(frame.img) elif g_pool.display_mode in ('camera_image','roi'): g_pool.image_tex.update_from_ndarray(frame.gray) else: pass make_coord_system_norm_based(g_pool.flip) g_pool.image_tex.draw() window_size = glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(main_window) make_coord_system_pixel_based((frame.height,frame.width,3),g_pool.flip) g_pool.capture.gl_display() if result['method'] == '3d c++': eye_ball = result['projected_sphere'] try: pts = cv2.ellipse2Poly( (int(eye_ball['center'][0]),int(eye_ball['center'][1])), (int(eye_ball['axes'][0]/2),int(eye_ball['axes'][1]/2)), int(eye_ball['angle']),0,360,8) except ValueError as e: pass else: draw_polyline(pts,2,RGBA(0.,.9,.1,result['model_confidence']) ) if result['confidence'] >0: if result.has_key('ellipse'): pts = cv2.ellipse2Poly( (int(result['ellipse']['center'][0]),int(result['ellipse']['center'][1])), (int(result['ellipse']['axes'][0]/2),int(result['ellipse']['axes'][1]/2)), int(result['ellipse']['angle']),0,360,15) confidence = result['confidence'] * 0.7 #scale it a little draw_polyline(pts,1,RGBA(1.,0,0,confidence)) draw_points([result['ellipse']['center']],size=20,color=RGBA(1.,0.,0.,confidence),sharpness=1.) # render graphs graph.push_view() fps_graph.draw() cpu_graph.draw() graph.pop_view() # render GUI g_pool.gui.update() #render the ROI g_pool.u_r.draw(g_pool.gui.scale) if g_pool.display_mode == 'roi': g_pool.u_r.draw_points(g_pool.gui.scale) #update screen glfw.glfwSwapBuffers(main_window) glfw.glfwPollEvents() g_pool.pupil_detector.visualize() #detector decides if we visualize or not # END while running # in case eye recording was still runnnig: Save&close if writer:"Done recording eye.") writer = None,np.asarray(timestamps)) glfw.glfwRestoreWindow(main_window) #need to do this for windows os # save session persistent settings session_settings['gui_scale'] = g_pool.gui.scale session_settings['roi'] = g_pool.u_r.get() session_settings['flip'] = g_pool.flip session_settings['display_mode'] = g_pool.display_mode session_settings['ui_config'] = g_pool.gui.configuration session_settings['capture_settings'] = g_pool.capture.settings session_settings['capture_manager_settings'] = g_pool.capture_manager.class_name, g_pool.capture_manager.get_init_dict() session_settings['window_size'] = glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(main_window) session_settings['window_position'] = glfw.glfwGetWindowPos(main_window) session_settings['version'] = g_pool.version session_settings['last_pupil_detector'] = g_pool.pupil_detector.__class__.__name__ session_settings['pupil_detector_settings'] = g_pool.pupil_detector.get_settings() session_settings.close() g_pool.capture.deinit_gui() g_pool.pupil_detector.cleanup() g_pool.gui.terminate() glfw.glfwDestroyWindow(main_window) glfw.glfwTerminate() g_pool.capture_manager.cleanup() g_pool.capture.cleanup()"Process shutting down.")
def eye(timebase, is_alive_flag, ipc_pub_url, ipc_sub_url, ipc_push_url, user_dir, version, eye_id, overwrite_cap_settings=None): """reads eye video and detects the pupil. Creates a window, gl context. Grabs images from a capture. Streams Pupil coordinates. Reacts to notifications: ``set_detection_mapping_mode``: Sets detection method ``eye_process.should_stop``: Stops the eye process ``recording.started``: Starts recording eye video ``recording.stopped``: Stops recording eye video ``frame_publishing.started``: Starts frame publishing ``frame_publishing.stopped``: Stops frame publishing Emits notifications: ``eye_process.started``: Eye process started ``eye_process.stopped``: Eye process stopped Emits data: ``pupil.<eye id>``: Pupil data for eye with id ``<eye id>`` ``frame.eye.<eye id>``: Eye frames with id ``<eye id>`` """ # We deferr the imports becasue of multiprocessing. # Otherwise the world process each process also loads the other imports. import zmq import zmq_tools zmq_ctx = zmq.Context() ipc_socket = zmq_tools.Msg_Dispatcher(zmq_ctx, ipc_push_url) pupil_socket = zmq_tools.Msg_Streamer(zmq_ctx, ipc_pub_url) notify_sub = zmq_tools.Msg_Receiver(zmq_ctx, ipc_sub_url, topics=("notify",)) with Is_Alive_Manager(is_alive_flag, ipc_socket, eye_id): # logging setup import logging logging.getLogger("OpenGL").setLevel(logging.ERROR) logger = logging.getLogger() logger.handlers = [] logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) logger.addHandler(zmq_tools.ZMQ_handler(zmq_ctx, ipc_push_url)) # create logger for the context of this function logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # general imports import numpy as np import cv2 # display import glfw from pyglui import ui, graph, cygl from pyglui.cygl.utils import draw_points, RGBA, draw_polyline from pyglui.cygl.utils import Named_Texture from gl_utils import basic_gl_setup, adjust_gl_view, clear_gl_screen from gl_utils import make_coord_system_pixel_based from gl_utils import make_coord_system_norm_based from gl_utils import is_window_visible from ui_roi import UIRoi # monitoring import psutil # helpers/utils from uvc import get_time_monotonic from file_methods import Persistent_Dict from version_utils import VersionFormat from methods import normalize, denormalize, timer from av_writer import JPEG_Writer, AV_Writer from ndsi import H264Writer from video_capture import source_classes from video_capture import manager_classes # Pupil detectors from pupil_detectors import Detector_2D, Detector_3D pupil_detectors = {Detector_2D.__name__: Detector_2D, Detector_3D.__name__: Detector_3D} # UI Platform tweaks if platform.system() == 'Linux': scroll_factor = 10.0 window_position_default = (600, 300 * eye_id) elif platform.system() == 'Windows': scroll_factor = 10.0 window_position_default = (600,31+ 300 * eye_id) else: scroll_factor = 1.0 window_position_default = (600, 300 * eye_id) # g_pool holds variables for this process g_pool = Global_Container() # make some constants avaiable g_pool.user_dir = user_dir g_pool.version = version = 'capture' g_pool.process = 'eye{}'.format(eye_id) g_pool.timebase = timebase g_pool.ipc_pub = ipc_socket def get_timestamp(): return get_time_monotonic() - g_pool.timebase.value g_pool.get_timestamp = get_timestamp g_pool.get_now = get_time_monotonic # Callback functions def on_resize(window, w, h): if is_window_visible(window): active_window = glfw.glfwGetCurrentContext() glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(window) hdpi_factor = float(glfw.glfwGetFramebufferSize(window)[0] / glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(window)[0]) g_pool.gui.scale = g_pool.gui_user_scale * hdpi_factor g_pool.gui.update_window(w, h) g_pool.gui.collect_menus() for g in g_pool.graphs: g.scale = hdpi_factor g.adjust_window_size(w, h) adjust_gl_view(w, h) glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(active_window) def on_window_key(window, key, scancode, action, mods): g_pool.gui.update_key(key, scancode, action, mods) def on_window_char(window, char): g_pool.gui.update_char(char) def on_iconify(window, iconified): g_pool.iconified = iconified def on_window_mouse_button(window, button, action, mods): if g_pool.display_mode == 'roi': if action == glfw.GLFW_RELEASE and g_pool.u_r.active_edit_pt: g_pool.u_r.active_edit_pt = False # if the roi interacts we dont want # the gui to interact as well return elif action == glfw.GLFW_PRESS: pos = glfw.glfwGetCursorPos(window) pos = normalize(pos, glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(main_window)) if g_pool.flip: pos = 1 - pos[0], 1 - pos[1] # Position in img pixels pos = denormalize(pos,g_pool.capture.frame_size) # Position in img pixels if g_pool.u_r.mouse_over_edit_pt(pos, g_pool.u_r.handle_size + 40,g_pool.u_r.handle_size + 40): # if the roi interacts we dont want # the gui to interact as well return g_pool.gui.update_button(button, action, mods) def on_pos(window, x, y): hdpi_factor = glfw.glfwGetFramebufferSize( window)[0] / glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(window)[0] g_pool.gui.update_mouse(x * hdpi_factor, y * hdpi_factor) if g_pool.u_r.active_edit_pt: pos = normalize((x, y), glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(main_window)) if g_pool.flip: pos = 1-pos[0],1-pos[1] pos = denormalize(pos,g_pool.capture.frame_size ) g_pool.u_r.move_vertex(g_pool.u_r.active_pt_idx,pos) def on_scroll(window, x, y): g_pool.gui.update_scroll(x, y * scroll_factor) def on_drop(window, count, paths): paths = [paths[x].decode('utf-8') for x in range(count)] g_pool.capture_manager.on_drop(paths) g_pool.capture.on_drop(paths) # load session persistent settings session_settings = Persistent_Dict(os.path.join(g_pool.user_dir, 'user_settings_eye{}'.format(eye_id))) if VersionFormat(session_settings.get("version", '0.0')) != g_pool.version:"Session setting are from a different version of this app. I will not use those.") session_settings.clear() g_pool.iconified = False g_pool.capture = None g_pool.capture_manager = None g_pool.flip = session_settings.get('flip', False) g_pool.display_mode = session_settings.get( 'display_mode', 'camera_image') g_pool.display_mode_info_text = {'camera_image': "Raw eye camera image. This uses the least amount of CPU power", 'roi': "Click and drag on the blue circles to adjust the region of interest. The region should be as small as possible, but large enough to capture all pupil movements.", 'algorithm': "Algorithm display mode overlays a visualization of the pupil detection parameters on top of the eye video. Adjust parameters within the Pupil Detection menu below."} capture_manager_settings = session_settings.get( 'capture_manager_settings', ('UVC_Manager',{})) manager_class_name, manager_settings = capture_manager_settings manager_class_by_name = {c.__name__:c for c in manager_classes} g_pool.capture_manager = manager_class_by_name[manager_class_name](g_pool,**manager_settings) if eye_id == 0: cap_src = ["Pupil Cam1 ID0","HD-6000","Integrated Camera","HD USB Camera","USB 2.0 Camera"] else: cap_src = ["Pupil Cam1 ID1","HD-6000","Integrated Camera"] # Initialize capture default_settings = ('UVC_Source',{ 'preferred_names' : cap_src, 'frame_size': (640,480), 'frame_rate': 90 }) capture_source_settings = overwrite_cap_settings or session_settings.get('capture_settings', default_settings) source_class_name, source_settings = capture_source_settings source_class_by_name = {c.__name__:c for c in source_classes} g_pool.capture = source_class_by_name[source_class_name](g_pool,**source_settings) assert g_pool.capture g_pool.u_r = UIRoi((g_pool.capture.frame_size[1],g_pool.capture.frame_size[0])) roi_user_settings = session_settings.get('roi') if roi_user_settings and tuple(roi_user_settings[-1]) == g_pool.u_r.get()[-1]: g_pool.u_r.set(roi_user_settings) pupil_detector_settings = session_settings.get( 'pupil_detector_settings', None) last_pupil_detector = pupil_detectors[session_settings.get( 'last_pupil_detector', Detector_2D.__name__)] g_pool.pupil_detector = last_pupil_detector( g_pool, pupil_detector_settings) def set_display_mode_info(val): g_pool.display_mode = val g_pool.display_mode_info.text = g_pool.display_mode_info_text[val] def set_detector(new_detector): g_pool.pupil_detector.cleanup() g_pool.pupil_detector = new_detector(g_pool) g_pool.pupil_detector.init_gui(g_pool.sidebar) # Initialize glfw glfw.glfwInit() title = "Pupil Capture - eye {}".format(eye_id) width, height = session_settings.get( 'window_size', g_pool.capture.frame_size) main_window = glfw.glfwCreateWindow(width, height, title, None, None) window_pos = session_settings.get( 'window_position', window_position_default) glfw.glfwSetWindowPos(main_window, window_pos[0], window_pos[1]) glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(main_window) cygl.utils.init() # UI callback functions def set_scale(new_scale): g_pool.gui_user_scale = new_scale on_resize(main_window, *glfw.glfwGetFramebufferSize(main_window)) # gl_state settings basic_gl_setup() g_pool.image_tex = Named_Texture() g_pool.image_tex.update_from_ndarray(np.ones((1,1),dtype=np.uint8)+125) # setup GUI g_pool.gui = ui.UI() g_pool.gui_user_scale = session_settings.get('gui_scale', 1.) g_pool.sidebar = ui.Scrolling_Menu("Settings", pos=(-300, 0), size=(0, 0), header_pos='left') general_settings = ui.Growing_Menu('General') general_settings.append(ui.Selector('gui_user_scale', g_pool, setter=set_scale, selection=[.8, .9, 1., 1.1, 1.2], label='Interface Size')) general_settings.append(ui.Button('Reset window size',lambda: glfw.glfwSetWindowSize(main_window,*g_pool.capture.frame_size)) ) general_settings.append(ui.Switch('flip',g_pool,label='Flip image display')) general_settings.append(ui.Selector('display_mode', g_pool, setter=set_display_mode_info, selection=['camera_image','roi','algorithm'], labels=['Camera Image', 'ROI', 'Algorithm'], label="Mode") ) g_pool.display_mode_info = ui.Info_Text(g_pool.display_mode_info_text[g_pool.display_mode]) general_settings.append(g_pool.display_mode_info) g_pool.gui.append(g_pool.sidebar) detector_selector = ui.Selector('pupil_detector', getter=lambda: g_pool.pupil_detector.__class__, setter=set_detector, selection=[ Detector_2D, Detector_3D], labels=['C++ 2d detector', 'C++ 3d detector'], label="Detection method") general_settings.append(detector_selector) g_pool.capture_selector_menu = ui.Growing_Menu('Capture Selection') g_pool.capture_source_menu = ui.Growing_Menu('Capture Source') g_pool.capture_source_menu.collapsed = True g_pool.capture.init_gui() g_pool.sidebar.append(general_settings) g_pool.sidebar.append(g_pool.capture_selector_menu) g_pool.sidebar.append(g_pool.capture_source_menu) g_pool.pupil_detector.init_gui(g_pool.sidebar) g_pool.capture_manager.init_gui() g_pool.writer = None def replace_source(source_class_name,source_settings): g_pool.capture.cleanup() g_pool.capture = source_class_by_name[source_class_name](g_pool,**source_settings) g_pool.capture.init_gui() if g_pool.writer:"Done recording.") g_pool.writer.release() g_pool.writer = None g_pool.replace_source = replace_source # for ndsi capture def replace_manager(manager_class): g_pool.capture_manager.cleanup() g_pool.capture_manager = manager_class(g_pool) g_pool.capture_manager.init_gui() #We add the capture selection menu, after a manager has been added: g_pool.capture_selector_menu.insert(0,ui.Selector( 'capture_manager',g_pool, setter = replace_manager, getter = lambda: g_pool.capture_manager.__class__, selection = manager_classes, labels = [b.gui_name for b in manager_classes], label = 'Manager' )) # Register callbacks main_window glfw.glfwSetFramebufferSizeCallback(main_window, on_resize) glfw.glfwSetWindowIconifyCallback(main_window, on_iconify) glfw.glfwSetKeyCallback(main_window, on_window_key) glfw.glfwSetCharCallback(main_window, on_window_char) glfw.glfwSetMouseButtonCallback(main_window, on_window_mouse_button) glfw.glfwSetCursorPosCallback(main_window, on_pos) glfw.glfwSetScrollCallback(main_window, on_scroll) glfw.glfwSetDropCallback(main_window, on_drop) # load last gui configuration g_pool.gui.configuration = session_settings.get('ui_config', {}) # set up performance graphs pid = os.getpid() ps = psutil.Process(pid) ts = g_pool.get_timestamp() cpu_graph = graph.Bar_Graph() cpu_graph.pos = (20, 130) cpu_graph.update_fn = ps.cpu_percent cpu_graph.update_rate = 5 cpu_graph.label = 'CPU %0.1f' fps_graph = graph.Bar_Graph() fps_graph.pos = (140, 130) fps_graph.update_rate = 5 fps_graph.label = "%0.0f FPS" g_pool.graphs = [cpu_graph, fps_graph] # set the last saved window size on_resize(main_window, *glfw.glfwGetFramebufferSize(main_window)) should_publish_frames = False frame_publish_format = 'jpeg' # create a timer to control window update frequency window_update_timer = timer(1 / 60) def window_should_update(): return next(window_update_timer) logger.warning('Process started.') frame = None # Event loop while not glfw.glfwWindowShouldClose(main_window): if notify_sub.new_data: t, notification = notify_sub.recv() subject = notification['subject'] if subject.startswith('eye_process.should_stop'): if notification['eye_id'] == eye_id: break elif subject == 'set_detection_mapping_mode': if notification['mode'] == '3d': if not isinstance(g_pool.pupil_detector, Detector_3D): set_detector(Detector_3D) detector_selector.read_only = True else: if not isinstance(g_pool.pupil_detector, Detector_2D): set_detector(Detector_2D) detector_selector.read_only = False elif subject == 'recording.started': if notification['record_eye'] and record_path = notification['rec_path'] raw_mode = notification['compression']"Will save eye video to: {}".format(record_path)) video_path = os.path.join(record_path, "eye{}.mp4".format(eye_id)) if raw_mode and frame and g_pool.capture.jpeg_support: g_pool.writer = JPEG_Writer(video_path, g_pool.capture.frame_rate) elif hasattr(g_pool.capture._recent_frame, 'h264_buffer'): g_pool.writer = H264Writer(video_path, g_pool.capture.frame_size[0], g_pool.capture.frame_size[1], g_pool.capture.frame_rate) else: g_pool.writer = AV_Writer(video_path, g_pool.capture.frame_rate) elif subject == 'recording.stopped': if g_pool.writer:"Done recording.") g_pool.writer.release() g_pool.writer = None elif subject.startswith('meta.should_doc'): ipc_socket.notify({ 'subject': 'meta.doc', 'actor': 'eye{}'.format(eye_id), 'doc': eye.__doc__ }) elif subject.startswith('frame_publishing.started'): should_publish_frames = True frame_publish_format = notification.get('format', 'jpeg') elif subject.startswith('frame_publishing.stopped'): should_publish_frames = False frame_publish_format = 'jpeg' elif subject.startswith('start_eye_capture') and notification['target'] == g_pool.process: replace_source(notification['name'],notification['args']) g_pool.capture.on_notify(notification) # Get an image from the grabber event = {} g_pool.capture.recent_events(event) frame = event.get('frame') g_pool.capture_manager.recent_events(event) if frame: f_width, f_height = g_pool.capture.frame_size if (g_pool.u_r.array_shape[0], g_pool.u_r.array_shape[1]) != (f_height, f_width): g_pool.pupil_detector.on_resolution_change((g_pool.u_r.array_shape[1], g_pool.u_r.array_shape[0]), g_pool.capture.frame_size) g_pool.u_r = UIRoi((f_height, f_width)) if should_publish_frames: try: if frame_publish_format == "jpeg": data = frame.jpeg_buffer elif frame_publish_format == "yuv": data = frame.yuv_buffer elif frame_publish_format == "bgr": data = frame.bgr elif frame_publish_format == "gray": data = frame.gray else: raise AttributeError() except AttributeError: pass else: pupil_socket.send('frame.eye.%s'%eye_id,{ 'width': frame.width, 'height': frame.height, 'index': frame.index, 'timestamp': frame.timestamp, 'format': frame_publish_format, '__raw_data__': [data] }) t = frame.timestamp dt, ts = t - ts, t try: fps_graph.add(1./dt) except ZeroDivisionError: pass if g_pool.writer: g_pool.writer.write_video_frame(frame) # pupil ellipse detection result = g_pool.pupil_detector.detect(frame, g_pool.u_r, g_pool.display_mode == 'algorithm') result['id'] = eye_id # stream the result pupil_socket.send('pupil.%s'%eye_id,result) cpu_graph.update() # GL drawing if window_should_update(): if is_window_visible(main_window): glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(main_window) clear_gl_screen() if frame: # switch to work in normalized coordinate space if g_pool.display_mode == 'algorithm': g_pool.image_tex.update_from_ndarray(frame.img) elif g_pool.display_mode in ('camera_image', 'roi'): g_pool.image_tex.update_from_ndarray(frame.gray) else: pass make_coord_system_norm_based(g_pool.flip) g_pool.image_tex.draw() f_width, f_height = g_pool.capture.frame_size make_coord_system_pixel_based((f_height, f_width, 3), g_pool.flip) if frame: if result['method'] == '3d c++': eye_ball = result['projected_sphere'] try: pts = cv2.ellipse2Poly( (int(eye_ball['center'][0]), int(eye_ball['center'][1])), (int(eye_ball['axes'][0] / 2), int(eye_ball['axes'][1] / 2)), int(eye_ball['angle']), 0, 360, 8) except ValueError as e: pass else: draw_polyline(pts, 2, RGBA(0., .9, .1, result['model_confidence'])) if result['confidence'] > 0: if 'ellipse' in result: pts = cv2.ellipse2Poly( (int(result['ellipse']['center'][0]), int(result['ellipse']['center'][1])), (int(result['ellipse']['axes'][0] / 2), int(result['ellipse']['axes'][1] / 2)), int(result['ellipse']['angle']), 0, 360, 15) confidence = result['confidence'] * 0.7 draw_polyline(pts, 1, RGBA(1., 0, 0, confidence)) draw_points([result['ellipse']['center']], size=20, color=RGBA(1., 0., 0., confidence), sharpness=1.) # render graphs fps_graph.draw() cpu_graph.draw() # render GUI g_pool.gui.update() # render the ROI g_pool.u_r.draw(g_pool.gui.scale) if g_pool.display_mode == 'roi': g_pool.u_r.draw_points(g_pool.gui.scale) # update screen glfw.glfwSwapBuffers(main_window) glfw.glfwPollEvents() g_pool.pupil_detector.visualize() # detector decides if we visualize or not # END while running # in case eye recording was still runnnig: Save&close if g_pool.writer:"Done recording eye.") g_pool.writer = None glfw.glfwRestoreWindow(main_window) # need to do this for windows os # save session persistent settings session_settings['gui_scale'] = g_pool.gui_user_scale session_settings['roi'] = g_pool.u_r.get() session_settings['flip'] = g_pool.flip session_settings['display_mode'] = g_pool.display_mode session_settings['ui_config'] = g_pool.gui.configuration session_settings['capture_settings'] = g_pool.capture.class_name, g_pool.capture.get_init_dict() session_settings['capture_manager_settings'] = g_pool.capture_manager.class_name, g_pool.capture_manager.get_init_dict() session_settings['window_size'] = glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(main_window) session_settings['window_position'] = glfw.glfwGetWindowPos(main_window) session_settings['version'] = str(g_pool.version) session_settings['last_pupil_detector'] = g_pool.pupil_detector.__class__.__name__ session_settings['pupil_detector_settings'] = g_pool.pupil_detector.get_settings() session_settings.close() g_pool.capture.deinit_gui() g_pool.pupil_detector.cleanup() g_pool.gui.terminate() glfw.glfwDestroyWindow(main_window) glfw.glfwTerminate() g_pool.capture_manager.cleanup() g_pool.capture.cleanup()"Process shutting down.")
def eye( timebase, is_alive_flag, ipc_pub_url, ipc_sub_url, ipc_push_url, user_dir, version, eye_id, overwrite_cap_settings=None, hide_ui=False, ): """reads eye video and detects the pupil. Creates a window, gl context. Grabs images from a capture. Streams Pupil coordinates. Reacts to notifications: ``set_detection_mapping_mode``: Sets detection method ``eye_process.should_stop``: Stops the eye process ``recording.started``: Starts recording eye video ``recording.stopped``: Stops recording eye video ``frame_publishing.started``: Starts frame publishing ``frame_publishing.stopped``: Stops frame publishing ``start_eye_plugin``: Start plugins in eye process Emits notifications: ``eye_process.started``: Eye process started ``eye_process.stopped``: Eye process stopped Emits data: ``pupil.<eye id>``: Pupil data for eye with id ``<eye id>`` ``frame.eye.<eye id>``: Eye frames with id ``<eye id>`` """ # We deferr the imports becasue of multiprocessing. # Otherwise the world process each process also loads the other imports. import zmq import zmq_tools zmq_ctx = zmq.Context() ipc_socket = zmq_tools.Msg_Dispatcher(zmq_ctx, ipc_push_url) pupil_socket = zmq_tools.Msg_Streamer(zmq_ctx, ipc_pub_url) notify_sub = zmq_tools.Msg_Receiver(zmq_ctx, ipc_sub_url, topics=("notify", )) # logging setup import logging logging.getLogger("OpenGL").setLevel(logging.ERROR) logger = logging.getLogger() logger.handlers = [] logger.setLevel(logging.NOTSET) logger.addHandler(zmq_tools.ZMQ_handler(zmq_ctx, ipc_push_url)) # create logger for the context of this function logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if is_alive_flag.value: # indicates eye process that this is a duplicated startup logger.warning("Aborting redundant eye process startup") return with Is_Alive_Manager(is_alive_flag, ipc_socket, eye_id, logger): # general imports import traceback import numpy as np import cv2 # display import glfw from pyglui import ui, graph, cygl from pyglui.cygl.utils import draw_points, RGBA, draw_polyline from pyglui.cygl.utils import Named_Texture from gl_utils import basic_gl_setup, adjust_gl_view, clear_gl_screen from gl_utils import make_coord_system_pixel_based from gl_utils import make_coord_system_norm_based from gl_utils import is_window_visible, glViewport from ui_roi import UIRoi # monitoring import psutil # Plug-ins from plugin import Plugin_List # helpers/utils from uvc import get_time_monotonic from file_methods import Persistent_Dict from version_utils import VersionFormat from methods import normalize, denormalize, timer from av_writer import JPEG_Writer, MPEG_Writer from ndsi import H264Writer from video_capture import source_classes, manager_classes from background_helper import IPC_Logging_Task_Proxy from pupil_detector_plugins import available_detector_plugins from pupil_detector_plugins.manager import PupilDetectorManager IPC_Logging_Task_Proxy.push_url = ipc_push_url def interrupt_handler(sig, frame): import traceback trace = traceback.format_stack(f=frame) logger.debug(f"Caught signal {sig} in:\n" + "".join(trace)) # NOTE: Interrupt is handled in world/service/player which are responsible for # shutting down the eye process properly signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, interrupt_handler) # UI Platform tweaks if platform.system() == "Linux": scroll_factor = 10.0 window_position_default = (600, 300 * eye_id + 30) elif platform.system() == "Windows": scroll_factor = 10.0 window_position_default = (600, 90 + 300 * eye_id) else: scroll_factor = 1.0 window_position_default = (600, 300 * eye_id) icon_bar_width = 50 window_size = None camera_render_size = None hdpi_factor = 1.0 # g_pool holds variables for this process g_pool = SimpleNamespace() # make some constants avaiable g_pool.user_dir = user_dir g_pool.version = version = "capture" g_pool.eye_id = eye_id g_pool.process = f"eye{eye_id}" g_pool.timebase = timebase g_pool.ipc_pub = ipc_socket def get_timestamp(): return get_time_monotonic() - g_pool.timebase.value g_pool.get_timestamp = get_timestamp g_pool.get_now = get_time_monotonic default_detector_cls, available_detectors = available_detector_plugins( ) plugins = (manager_classes + source_classes + available_detectors + [PupilDetectorManager]) g_pool.plugin_by_name = {p.__name__: p for p in plugins} preferred_names = [ f"Pupil Cam3 ID{eye_id}", f"Pupil Cam2 ID{eye_id}", f"Pupil Cam1 ID{eye_id}", ] if eye_id == 0: preferred_names += ["HD-6000"] default_capture_settings = ( "UVC_Source", { "preferred_names": preferred_names, "frame_size": (320, 240), "frame_rate": 120, }, ) default_plugins = [ # TODO: extend with plugins default_capture_settings, ("UVC_Manager", {}), # Detector needs to be loaded first to set `g_pool.pupil_detector` (default_detector_cls.__name__, {}), ("PupilDetectorManager", {}), ] # Callback functions def on_resize(window, w, h): nonlocal window_size nonlocal camera_render_size nonlocal hdpi_factor active_window = glfw.glfwGetCurrentContext() glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(window) hdpi_factor = glfw.getHDPIFactor(window) g_pool.gui.scale = g_pool.gui_user_scale * hdpi_factor window_size = w, h camera_render_size = w - int(icon_bar_width * g_pool.gui.scale), h g_pool.gui.update_window(w, h) g_pool.gui.collect_menus() for g in g_pool.graphs: g.scale = hdpi_factor g.adjust_window_size(w, h) adjust_gl_view(w, h) glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(active_window) def on_window_key(window, key, scancode, action, mods): g_pool.gui.update_key(key, scancode, action, mods) def on_window_char(window, char): g_pool.gui.update_char(char) def on_iconify(window, iconified): g_pool.iconified = iconified def on_window_mouse_button(window, button, action, mods): g_pool.gui.update_button(button, action, mods) def on_pos(window, x, y): x *= hdpi_factor y *= hdpi_factor g_pool.gui.update_mouse(x, y) if g_pool.u_r.active_edit_pt: pos = normalize((x, y), camera_render_size) if g_pool.flip: pos = 1 - pos[0], 1 - pos[1] pos = denormalize(pos, g_pool.capture.frame_size) g_pool.u_r.move_vertex(g_pool.u_r.active_pt_idx, pos) def on_scroll(window, x, y): g_pool.gui.update_scroll(x, y * scroll_factor) def on_drop(window, count, paths): paths = [paths[x].decode("utf-8") for x in range(count)] for plugin in g_pool.plugins: if plugin.on_drop(paths): break # load session persistent settings session_settings = Persistent_Dict( os.path.join(g_pool.user_dir, "user_settings_eye{}".format(eye_id))) if VersionFormat(session_settings.get("version", "0.0")) != g_pool.version: "Session setting are from a different version of this app. I will not use those." ) session_settings.clear() g_pool.iconified = False g_pool.capture = None g_pool.flip = session_settings.get("flip", False) g_pool.display_mode = session_settings.get("display_mode", "camera_image") g_pool.display_mode_info_text = { "camera_image": "Raw eye camera image. This uses the least amount of CPU power", "roi": "Click and drag on the blue circles to adjust the region of interest. The region should be as small as possible, but large enough to capture all pupil movements.", "algorithm": "Algorithm display mode overlays a visualization of the pupil detection parameters on top of the eye video. Adjust parameters within the Pupil Detection menu below.", } def set_display_mode_info(val): g_pool.display_mode = val g_pool.display_mode_info.text = g_pool.display_mode_info_text[val] def toggle_general_settings(collapsed): # this is the menu toggle logic. # Only one menu can be open. # If no menu is open the menubar should collapse. g_pool.menubar.collapsed = collapsed for m in g_pool.menubar.elements: m.collapsed = True general_settings.collapsed = collapsed # Initialize glfw glfw.glfwInit() if hide_ui: glfw.glfwWindowHint(glfw.GLFW_VISIBLE, 0) # hide window title = "Pupil Capture - eye {}".format(eye_id) width, height = session_settings.get("window_size", (640 + icon_bar_width, 480)) main_window = glfw.glfwCreateWindow(width, height, title, None, None) window_pos = session_settings.get("window_position", window_position_default) glfw.glfwSetWindowPos(main_window, window_pos[0], window_pos[1]) glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(main_window) cygl.utils.init() # UI callback functions def set_scale(new_scale): g_pool.gui_user_scale = new_scale on_resize(main_window, *glfw.glfwGetFramebufferSize(main_window)) # gl_state settings basic_gl_setup() g_pool.image_tex = Named_Texture() g_pool.image_tex.update_from_ndarray( np.ones((1, 1), dtype=np.uint8) + 125) # setup GUI g_pool.gui = ui.UI() g_pool.gui_user_scale = session_settings.get("gui_scale", 1.0) g_pool.menubar = ui.Scrolling_Menu("Settings", pos=(-500, 0), size=(-icon_bar_width, 0), header_pos="left") g_pool.iconbar = ui.Scrolling_Menu("Icons", pos=(-icon_bar_width, 0), size=(0, 0), header_pos="hidden") g_pool.gui.append(g_pool.menubar) g_pool.gui.append(g_pool.iconbar) general_settings = ui.Growing_Menu("General", header_pos="headline") general_settings.append( ui.Selector( "gui_user_scale", g_pool, setter=set_scale, selection=[0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2], label="Interface Size", )) def set_window_size(): f_width, f_height = g_pool.capture.frame_size f_width *= 2 f_height *= 2 f_width += int(icon_bar_width * g_pool.gui.scale) glfw.glfwSetWindowSize(main_window, f_width, f_height) def uroi_on_mouse_button(button, action, mods): if g_pool.display_mode == "roi": if action == glfw.GLFW_RELEASE and g_pool.u_r.active_edit_pt: g_pool.u_r.active_edit_pt = False # if the roi interacts we dont want # the gui to interact as well return elif action == glfw.GLFW_PRESS: x, y = glfw.glfwGetCursorPos(main_window) # pos = normalize(pos, glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(main_window)) x *= hdpi_factor y *= hdpi_factor pos = normalize((x, y), camera_render_size) if g_pool.flip: pos = 1 - pos[0], 1 - pos[1] # Position in img pixels pos = denormalize( pos, g_pool.capture.frame_size) # Position in img pixels if g_pool.u_r.mouse_over_edit_pt(pos, g_pool.u_r.handle_size, g_pool.u_r.handle_size): # if the roi interacts we dont want # the gui to interact as well return general_settings.append(ui.Button("Reset window size", set_window_size)) general_settings.append( ui.Switch("flip", g_pool, label="Flip image display")) general_settings.append( ui.Selector( "display_mode", g_pool, setter=set_display_mode_info, selection=["camera_image", "roi", "algorithm"], labels=["Camera Image", "ROI", "Algorithm"], label="Mode", )) g_pool.display_mode_info = ui.Info_Text( g_pool.display_mode_info_text[g_pool.display_mode]) general_settings.append(g_pool.display_mode_info) g_pool.menubar.append(general_settings) icon = ui.Icon( "collapsed", general_settings, label=chr(0xE8B8), on_val=False, off_val=True, setter=toggle_general_settings, label_font="pupil_icons", ) icon.tooltip = "General Settings" g_pool.iconbar.append(icon) toggle_general_settings(False) plugins_to_load = session_settings.get("loaded_plugins", default_plugins) if overwrite_cap_settings: # Ensure that overwrite_cap_settings takes preference over source plugins # with incorrect settings that were loaded from session settings. plugins_to_load.append(overwrite_cap_settings) g_pool.plugins = Plugin_List(g_pool, plugins_to_load) g_pool.writer = None g_pool.u_r = UIRoi( (g_pool.capture.frame_size[1], g_pool.capture.frame_size[0])) roi_user_settings = session_settings.get("roi") if roi_user_settings and tuple( roi_user_settings[-1]) == g_pool.u_r.get()[-1]: g_pool.u_r.set(roi_user_settings) # Register callbacks main_window glfw.glfwSetFramebufferSizeCallback(main_window, on_resize) glfw.glfwSetWindowIconifyCallback(main_window, on_iconify) glfw.glfwSetKeyCallback(main_window, on_window_key) glfw.glfwSetCharCallback(main_window, on_window_char) glfw.glfwSetMouseButtonCallback(main_window, on_window_mouse_button) glfw.glfwSetCursorPosCallback(main_window, on_pos) glfw.glfwSetScrollCallback(main_window, on_scroll) glfw.glfwSetDropCallback(main_window, on_drop) # load last gui configuration g_pool.gui.configuration = session_settings.get("ui_config", {}) # set up performance graphs pid = os.getpid() ps = psutil.Process(pid) ts = g_pool.get_timestamp() cpu_graph = graph.Bar_Graph() cpu_graph.pos = (20, 50) cpu_graph.update_fn = ps.cpu_percent cpu_graph.update_rate = 5 cpu_graph.label = "CPU %0.1f" fps_graph = graph.Bar_Graph() fps_graph.pos = (140, 50) fps_graph.update_rate = 5 fps_graph.label = "%0.0f FPS" g_pool.graphs = [cpu_graph, fps_graph] # set the last saved window size on_resize(main_window, *glfw.glfwGetFramebufferSize(main_window)) should_publish_frames = False frame_publish_format = "jpeg" frame_publish_format_recent_warning = False # create a timer to control window update frequency window_update_timer = timer(1 / 60) def window_should_update(): return next(window_update_timer) logger.warning("Process started.") frame = None # Event loop while not glfw.glfwWindowShouldClose(main_window): if notify_sub.new_data: t, notification = notify_sub.recv() subject = notification["subject"] if subject.startswith("eye_process.should_stop"): if notification["eye_id"] == eye_id: break elif subject == "recording.started": if notification["record_eye"] and record_path = notification["rec_path"] raw_mode = notification["compression"] start_time_synced = notification["start_time_synced"] "Will save eye video to: {}".format(record_path)) video_path = os.path.join(record_path, "eye{}.mp4".format(eye_id)) if raw_mode and frame and g_pool.capture.jpeg_support: g_pool.writer = JPEG_Writer( video_path, start_time_synced) elif hasattr(g_pool.capture._recent_frame, "h264_buffer"): g_pool.writer = H264Writer( video_path, g_pool.capture.frame_size[0], g_pool.capture.frame_size[1], g_pool.capture.frame_rate, ) else: g_pool.writer = MPEG_Writer( video_path, start_time_synced) elif subject == "recording.stopped": if g_pool.writer:"Done recording.") try: g_pool.writer.release() except RuntimeError: logger.error("No eye video recorded") g_pool.writer = None elif subject.startswith("meta.should_doc"): ipc_socket.notify({ "subject": "meta.doc", "actor": "eye{}".format(eye_id), "doc": eye.__doc__, }) elif subject.startswith("frame_publishing.started"): should_publish_frames = True frame_publish_format = notification.get("format", "jpeg") elif subject.startswith("frame_publishing.stopped"): should_publish_frames = False frame_publish_format = "jpeg" elif (subject.startswith("start_eye_plugin") and notification["target"] == g_pool.process): try: g_pool.plugins.add( g_pool.plugin_by_name[notification["name"]], notification.get("args", {}), ) except KeyError as err: logger.error(f"Attempt to load unknown plugin: {err}") for plugin in g_pool.plugins: plugin.on_notify(notification) event = {} for plugin in g_pool.plugins: plugin.recent_events(event) frame = event.get("frame") if frame: f_width, f_height = g_pool.capture.frame_size if (g_pool.u_r.array_shape[0], g_pool.u_r.array_shape[1]) != ( f_height, f_width, ): g_pool.pupil_detector.on_resolution_change( (g_pool.u_r.array_shape[1], g_pool.u_r.array_shape[0]), g_pool.capture.frame_size, ) g_pool.u_r = UIRoi((f_height, f_width)) if should_publish_frames: try: if frame_publish_format == "jpeg": data = frame.jpeg_buffer elif frame_publish_format == "yuv": data = frame.yuv_buffer elif frame_publish_format == "bgr": data = frame.bgr elif frame_publish_format == "gray": data = frame.gray assert data is not None except (AttributeError, AssertionError, NameError): if not frame_publish_format_recent_warning: frame_publish_format_recent_warning = True logger.warning( '{}s are not compatible with format "{}"'. format(type(frame), frame_publish_format)) else: frame_publish_format_recent_warning = False pupil_socket.send({ "topic": "frame.eye.{}".format(eye_id), "width": frame.width, "height": frame.height, "index": frame.index, "timestamp": frame.timestamp, "format": frame_publish_format, "__raw_data__": [data], }) t = frame.timestamp dt, ts = t - ts, t try: fps_graph.add(1.0 / dt) except ZeroDivisionError: pass if g_pool.writer: g_pool.writer.write_video_frame(frame) result = event.get("pupil_detection_result", None) if result is not None: pupil_socket.send(result) cpu_graph.update() # GL drawing if window_should_update(): if is_window_visible(main_window): glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(main_window) clear_gl_screen() glViewport(0, 0, *camera_render_size) for p in g_pool.plugins: p.gl_display() glViewport(0, 0, *camera_render_size) # render the ROI g_pool.u_r.draw(g_pool.gui.scale) if g_pool.display_mode == "roi": g_pool.u_r.draw_points(g_pool.gui.scale) glViewport(0, 0, *window_size) # render graphs fps_graph.draw() cpu_graph.draw() # render GUI try: clipboard = glfw.glfwGetClipboardString( main_window).decode() except AttributeError: # clipboard is None, might happen on startup clipboard = "" g_pool.gui.update_clipboard(clipboard) user_input = g_pool.gui.update() if user_input.clipboard != clipboard: # only write to clipboard if content changed glfw.glfwSetClipboardString( main_window, user_input.clipboard.encode()) for button, action, mods in user_input.buttons: x, y = glfw.glfwGetCursorPos(main_window) pos = x * hdpi_factor, y * hdpi_factor pos = normalize(pos, camera_render_size) # Position in img pixels pos = denormalize(pos, g_pool.capture.frame_size) for plugin in g_pool.plugins: if plugin.on_click(pos, button, action): break for key, scancode, action, mods in user_input.keys: for plugin in g_pool.plugins: if plugin.on_key(key, scancode, action, mods): break for char_ in user_input.chars: for plugin in g_pool.plugins: if plugin.on_char(char_): break # update screen glfw.glfwSwapBuffers(main_window) glfw.glfwPollEvents() # END while running # in case eye recording was still runnnig: Save&close if g_pool.writer:"Done recording eye.") g_pool.writer.release() g_pool.writer = None session_settings["loaded_plugins"] = g_pool.plugins.get_initializers() # save session persistent settings session_settings["gui_scale"] = g_pool.gui_user_scale session_settings["roi"] = g_pool.u_r.get() session_settings["flip"] = g_pool.flip session_settings["display_mode"] = g_pool.display_mode session_settings["ui_config"] = g_pool.gui.configuration session_settings["version"] = str(g_pool.version) if not hide_ui: glfw.glfwRestoreWindow( main_window) # need to do this for windows os session_settings["window_position"] = glfw.glfwGetWindowPos( main_window) session_window_size = glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(main_window) if 0 not in session_window_size: session_settings["window_size"] = session_window_size session_settings.close() for plugin in g_pool.plugins: plugin.alive = False g_pool.plugins.clean() glfw.glfwDestroyWindow(main_window) g_pool.gui.terminate() glfw.glfwTerminate()"Process shutting down.")
def world(timebase, eyes_are_alive, ipc_pub_url, ipc_sub_url, ipc_push_url, user_dir, version): """Reads world video and runs plugins. Creates a window, gl context. Grabs images from a capture. Maps pupil to gaze data Can run various plug-ins. Reacts to notifications: ``set_detection_mapping_mode`` ``eye_process.started`` ``start_plugin`` Emits notifications: ``eye_process.should_start`` ``eye_process.should_stop`` ``set_detection_mapping_mode`` ``world_process.started`` ``world_process.stopped`` ``recording.should_stop``: Emits on camera failure ``launcher_process.should_stop`` Emits data: ``gaze``: Gaze data from current gaze mapping plugin.`` ``*``: any other plugin generated data in the events that it not [dt,pupil,gaze]. """ # We defer the imports because of multiprocessing. # Otherwise the world process each process also loads the other imports. # This is not harmful but unnecessary. #general imports from time import time, sleep import numpy as np import logging #networking import zmq import zmq_tools #zmq ipc setup zmq_ctx = zmq.Context() ipc_pub = zmq_tools.Msg_Dispatcher(zmq_ctx, ipc_push_url) gaze_pub = zmq_tools.Msg_Streamer(zmq_ctx, ipc_pub_url) pupil_sub = zmq_tools.Msg_Receiver(zmq_ctx, ipc_sub_url, topics=('pupil', )) notify_sub = zmq_tools.Msg_Receiver(zmq_ctx, ipc_sub_url, topics=('notify', )) #log setup logging.getLogger("OpenGL").setLevel(logging.ERROR) logger = logging.getLogger() logger.handlers = [] logger.addHandler(zmq_tools.ZMQ_handler(zmq_ctx, ipc_push_url)) # create logger for the context of this function logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) #display import glfw from pyglui import ui, graph, cygl, __version__ as pyglui_version assert pyglui_version >= '1.0' from pyglui.cygl.utils import Named_Texture from gl_utils import basic_gl_setup, adjust_gl_view, clear_gl_screen, make_coord_system_pixel_based, make_coord_system_norm_based, glFlush, is_window_visible #monitoring import psutil # helpers/utils from version_utils import VersionFormat from file_methods import Persistent_Dict from methods import normalize, denormalize, delta_t, get_system_info from uvc import get_time_monotonic'Application Version: %s' % version)'System Info: %s' % get_system_info()) # video sources from video_capture import InitialisationError, StreamError, Fake_Source, EndofVideoFileError, source_classes, manager_classes source_by_name = {src.class_name(): src for src in source_classes} import audio #trigger pupil detector cpp build: import pupil_detectors del pupil_detectors # Plug-ins from plugin import Plugin, Plugin_List, import_runtime_plugins from calibration_routines import calibration_plugins, gaze_mapping_plugins from fixation_detector import Fixation_Detector_3D from recorder import Recorder from show_calibration import Show_Calibration from display_recent_gaze import Display_Recent_Gaze from time_sync import Time_Sync from pupil_remote import Pupil_Remote from pupil_groups import Pupil_Groups from surface_tracker import Surface_Tracker from log_display import Log_Display from annotations import Annotation_Capture from log_history import Log_History from frame_publisher import Frame_Publisher #UI Platform tweaks if platform.system() == 'Linux': scroll_factor = 10.0 window_position_default = (0, 0) elif platform.system() == 'Windows': scroll_factor = 1.0 window_position_default = (8, 31) else: scroll_factor = 1.0 window_position_default = (0, 0) #g_pool holds variables for this process they are accesible to all plugins g_pool = Global_Container() = 'capture' g_pool.user_dir = user_dir g_pool.version = version g_pool.timebase = timebase g_pool.zmq_ctx = zmq_ctx g_pool.ipc_pub = ipc_pub g_pool.ipc_pub_url = ipc_pub_url g_pool.ipc_sub_url = ipc_sub_url g_pool.ipc_push_url = ipc_push_url g_pool.eyes_are_alive = eyes_are_alive def get_timestamp(): return get_time_monotonic() - g_pool.timebase.value g_pool.get_timestamp = get_timestamp g_pool.get_now = get_time_monotonic #manage plugins runtime_plugins = import_runtime_plugins( os.path.join(g_pool.user_dir, 'plugins')) user_launchable_plugins = [ Pupil_Groups, Frame_Publisher, Show_Calibration, Pupil_Remote, Time_Sync, Surface_Tracker, Annotation_Capture, Log_History, Fixation_Detector_3D ] + runtime_plugins system_plugins = [Log_Display, Display_Recent_Gaze, Recorder] plugin_by_index = system_plugins + user_launchable_plugins + calibration_plugins + gaze_mapping_plugins + manager_classes name_by_index = [p.__name__ for p in plugin_by_index] plugin_by_name = dict(zip(name_by_index, plugin_by_index)) default_plugins = [('UVC_Manager', {}), ('Log_Display', {}), ('Dummy_Gaze_Mapper', {}), ('Display_Recent_Gaze', {}), ('Screen_Marker_Calibration', {}), ('Recorder', {}), ('Pupil_Remote', {}), ('Fixation_Detector_3D', {})] # Callback functions def on_resize(window, w, h): if is_window_visible(window): g_pool.gui.update_window(w, h) g_pool.gui.collect_menus() graph.adjust_size(w, h) adjust_gl_view(w, h) for p in g_pool.plugins: p.on_window_resize(window, w, h) def on_iconify(window, iconified): g_pool.iconified = iconified def on_key(window, key, scancode, action, mods): g_pool.gui.update_key(key, scancode, action, mods) def on_char(window, char): g_pool.gui.update_char(char) def on_button(window, button, action, mods): g_pool.gui.update_button(button, action, mods) pos = glfw.glfwGetCursorPos(window) pos = normalize(pos, glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(main_window)) pos = denormalize( pos, (frame.img.shape[1], frame.img.shape[0])) # Position in img pixels for p in g_pool.plugins: p.on_click(pos, button, action) def on_pos(window, x, y): hdpi_factor = float( glfw.glfwGetFramebufferSize(window)[0] / glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(window)[0]) x, y = x * hdpi_factor, y * hdpi_factor g_pool.gui.update_mouse(x, y) def on_scroll(window, x, y): g_pool.gui.update_scroll(x, y * scroll_factor) tick = delta_t() def get_dt(): return next(tick) g_pool.on_frame_size_change = lambda new_size: None # load session persistent settings session_settings = Persistent_Dict( os.path.join(g_pool.user_dir, 'user_settings_world')) if session_settings.get("version", VersionFormat('0.0')) < g_pool.version: "Session setting are from older version of this app. I will not use those." ) session_settings.clear() # Initialize capture default_settings = { 'source_class_name': 'UVC_Source', 'preferred_names': [ "Pupil Cam1 ID2", "Logitech Camera", "(046d:081d)", "C510", "B525", "C525", "C615", "C920", "C930e" ], 'frame_size': (1280, 720), 'frame_rate': 30 } settings = session_settings.get('capture_settings', default_settings) try: cap = source_by_name[settings['source_class_name']](g_pool, **settings) except (KeyError, InitialisationError) as e: if isinstance(e, KeyError): logger.warning( 'Incompatible capture setting encountered. Falling back to fake source.' ) cap = Fake_Source(g_pool, **settings) g_pool.iconified = False g_pool.detection_mapping_mode = session_settings.get( 'detection_mapping_mode', '3d') g_pool.active_calibration_plugin = None g_pool.active_gaze_mapping_plugin = None g_pool.capture = cap g_pool.capture_manager = None audio.audio_mode = session_settings.get('audio_mode', audio.default_audio_mode) def open_plugin(plugin): if plugin == "Select to load": return g_pool.plugins.add(plugin) def set_scale(new_scale): g_pool.gui.scale = new_scale g_pool.gui.collect_menus() def launch_eye_process(eye_id, delay=0): n = { 'subject': 'eye_process.should_start.%s' % eye_id, 'eye_id': eye_id, 'delay': delay } ipc_pub.notify(n) def stop_eye_process(eye_id): n = {'subject': 'eye_process.should_stop', 'eye_id': eye_id} ipc_pub.notify(n) def start_stop_eye(eye_id, make_alive): if make_alive: launch_eye_process(eye_id) else: stop_eye_process(eye_id) def set_detection_mapping_mode(new_mode): n = {'subject': 'set_detection_mapping_mode', 'mode': new_mode} ipc_pub.notify(n) def handle_notifications(n): subject = n['subject'] if subject == 'set_detection_mapping_mode': if n['mode'] == '2d': if "Vector_Gaze_Mapper" in g_pool.active_gaze_mapping_plugin.class_name: logger.warning( "The gaze mapper is not supported in 2d mode. Please recalibrate." ) g_pool.plugins.add(plugin_by_name['Dummy_Gaze_Mapper']) g_pool.detection_mapping_mode = n['mode'] elif subject == 'start_plugin': g_pool.plugins.add(plugin_by_name[n['name']], args=n.get('args', {})) elif subject == 'eye_process.started': n = { 'subject': 'set_detection_mapping_mode', 'mode': g_pool.detection_mapping_mode } ipc_pub.notify(n) elif subject.startswith('meta.should_doc'): ipc_pub.notify({ 'subject': 'meta.doc', 'actor':, 'doc': world.__doc__ }) for p in g_pool.plugins: if p.on_notify.__doc__ and p.__class__.on_notify != Plugin.on_notify: ipc_pub.notify({ 'subject': 'meta.doc', 'actor': p.class_name, 'doc': p.on_notify.__doc__ }) #window and gl setup glfw.glfwInit() width, height = session_settings.get('window_size', cap.frame_size) main_window = glfw.glfwCreateWindow(width, height, "World") window_pos = session_settings.get('window_position', window_position_default) glfw.glfwSetWindowPos(main_window, window_pos[0], window_pos[1]) glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(main_window) cygl.utils.init() g_pool.main_window = main_window #setup GUI g_pool.gui = ui.UI() g_pool.gui.scale = session_settings.get('gui_scale', 1) g_pool.sidebar = ui.Scrolling_Menu("Settings", pos=(-350, 0), size=(0, 0), header_pos='left') general_settings = ui.Growing_Menu('General') general_settings.append( ui.Slider('scale', g_pool.gui, setter=set_scale, step=.05, min=1., max=2.5, label='Interface size')) general_settings.append( ui.Button( 'Reset window size', lambda: glfw.glfwSetWindowSize( main_window, frame.width, frame.height))) general_settings.append( ui.Selector('audio_mode', audio, selection=audio.audio_modes)) general_settings.append( ui.Selector('detection_mapping_mode', g_pool, label='detection & mapping mode', setter=set_detection_mapping_mode, selection=['2d', '3d'])) general_settings.append( ui.Switch('eye0_process', label='Detect eye 0', setter=lambda alive: start_stop_eye(0, alive), getter=lambda: eyes_are_alive[0].value)) general_settings.append( ui.Switch('eye1_process', label='Detect eye 1', setter=lambda alive: start_stop_eye(1, alive), getter=lambda: eyes_are_alive[1].value)) selector_label = "Select to load" labels = [p.__name__.replace('_', ' ') for p in user_launchable_plugins] user_launchable_plugins.insert(0, selector_label) labels.insert(0, selector_label) general_settings.append( ui.Selector('Open plugin', selection=user_launchable_plugins, labels=labels, setter=open_plugin, getter=lambda: selector_label)) general_settings.append( ui.Info_Text('Capture Version: %s' % g_pool.version)) g_pool.quickbar = ui.Stretching_Menu('Quick Bar', (0, 100), (120, -100)) g_pool.capture_source_menu = ui.Growing_Menu('Capture Source') g_pool.capture.init_gui() g_pool.calibration_menu = ui.Growing_Menu('Calibration') g_pool.capture_selector_menu = ui.Growing_Menu('Capture Selection') g_pool.sidebar.append(general_settings) g_pool.sidebar.append(g_pool.capture_selector_menu) g_pool.sidebar.append(g_pool.capture_source_menu) g_pool.sidebar.append(g_pool.calibration_menu) g_pool.gui.append(g_pool.sidebar) g_pool.gui.append(g_pool.quickbar) #plugins that are loaded based on user settings from previous session g_pool.plugins = Plugin_List( g_pool, plugin_by_name, session_settings.get('loaded_plugins', default_plugins)) #We add the calibration menu selector, after a calibration has been added: g_pool.calibration_menu.insert( 0, ui.Selector( 'active_calibration_plugin', getter=lambda: g_pool.active_calibration_plugin.__class__, selection=calibration_plugins, labels=[p.__name__.replace('_', ' ') for p in calibration_plugins], setter=open_plugin, label='Method')) #We add the capture selection menu, after a manager has been added: g_pool.capture_selector_menu.insert( 0, ui.Selector('capture_manager', setter=open_plugin, getter=lambda: g_pool.capture_manager.__class__, selection=manager_classes, labels=[b.gui_name for b in manager_classes], label='Manager')) # Register callbacks main_window glfw.glfwSetFramebufferSizeCallback(main_window, on_resize) glfw.glfwSetWindowIconifyCallback(main_window, on_iconify) glfw.glfwSetKeyCallback(main_window, on_key) glfw.glfwSetCharCallback(main_window, on_char) glfw.glfwSetMouseButtonCallback(main_window, on_button) glfw.glfwSetCursorPosCallback(main_window, on_pos) glfw.glfwSetScrollCallback(main_window, on_scroll) # gl_state settings basic_gl_setup() g_pool.image_tex = Named_Texture() # refresh speed settings glfw.glfwSwapInterval(0) #trigger setup of window and gl sizes on_resize(main_window, *glfw.glfwGetFramebufferSize(main_window)) #now the we have aproper window we can load the last gui configuration g_pool.gui.configuration = session_settings.get('ui_config', {}) #set up performace graphs: pid = os.getpid() ps = psutil.Process(pid) ts = g_pool.get_timestamp() cpu_graph = graph.Bar_Graph() cpu_graph.pos = (20, 130) cpu_graph.update_fn = ps.cpu_percent cpu_graph.update_rate = 5 cpu_graph.label = 'CPU %0.1f' fps_graph = graph.Bar_Graph() fps_graph.pos = (140, 130) fps_graph.update_rate = 5 fps_graph.label = "%0.0f FPS" pupil0_graph = graph.Bar_Graph(max_val=1.0) pupil0_graph.pos = (260, 130) pupil0_graph.update_rate = 5 pupil0_graph.label = "id0 conf: %0.2f" pupil1_graph = graph.Bar_Graph(max_val=1.0) pupil1_graph.pos = (380, 130) pupil1_graph.update_rate = 5 pupil1_graph.label = "id1 conf: %0.2f" pupil_graphs = pupil0_graph, pupil1_graph if session_settings.get('eye1_process_alive', False): launch_eye_process(1, delay=0.6) if session_settings.get('eye0_process_alive', True): launch_eye_process(0, delay=0.3) ipc_pub.notify({'subject': 'world_process.started'}) logger.warning('Process started.') # Event loop while not glfw.glfwWindowShouldClose(main_window): # fetch newest notifications new_notifications = [] while notify_sub.new_data: t, n = notify_sub.recv() new_notifications.append(n) # notify each plugin if there are new notifications: for n in new_notifications: handle_notifications(n) g_pool.capture.on_notify(n) for p in g_pool.plugins: p.on_notify(n) # Get an image from the grabber try: frame = g_pool.capture.get_frame() except StreamError as e: prev_settings = g_pool.capture.settings g_pool.capture.deinit_gui() g_pool.capture.cleanup() g_pool.capture = None prev_settings[ 'info_text'] = "'%s' disconnected." % prev_settings['name'] g_pool.capture = Fake_Source(g_pool, **prev_settings) g_pool.capture.init_gui() ipc_pub.notify({'subject': 'recording.should_stop'}) logger.error("Error getting frame. Falling back to Fake source.") logger.debug("Caught error: %s" % e) sleep(.2) continue except EndofVideoFileError: logger.warning("Video file is done. Rewinding") g_pool.capture.seek_to_frame(0) continue #update performace graphs t = frame.timestamp dt, ts = t - ts, t try: fps_graph.add(1. / dt) except ZeroDivisionError: pass cpu_graph.update() #a dictionary that allows plugins to post and read events events = {} #report time between now and the last loop interation events['dt'] = get_dt() recent_pupil_data = [] recent_gaze_data = [] while pupil_sub.new_data: t, p = pupil_sub.recv() pupil_graphs[p['id']].add(p['confidence']) recent_pupil_data.append(p) new_gaze_data = g_pool.active_gaze_mapping_plugin.on_pupil_datum(p) for g in new_gaze_data: gaze_pub.send('gaze', g) recent_gaze_data += new_gaze_data events['pupil_positions'] = recent_pupil_data events['gaze_positions'] = recent_gaze_data # allow each Plugin to do its work. for p in g_pool.plugins: p.update(frame, events) #check if a plugin need to be destroyed g_pool.plugins.clean() #send new events to ipc: del events['pupil_positions'] #already on the wire del events['gaze_positions'] #send earlier in this loop del events['dt'] #no need to send this for topic, data in events.iteritems(): assert (isinstance(data, (list, tuple))) for d in data: ipc_pub.send(topic, d) # render camera image glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(main_window) if is_window_visible(main_window): g_pool.image_tex.update_from_frame(frame) glFlush() make_coord_system_norm_based() g_pool.image_tex.draw() make_coord_system_pixel_based((frame.height, frame.width, 3)) # render visual feedback from loaded plugins if is_window_visible(main_window): g_pool.capture.gl_display() for p in g_pool.plugins: p.gl_display() graph.push_view() fps_graph.draw() cpu_graph.draw() pupil0_graph.draw() pupil1_graph.draw() graph.pop_view() g_pool.gui.update() glfw.glfwSwapBuffers(main_window) glfw.glfwPollEvents() glfw.glfwRestoreWindow(main_window) #need to do this for windows os session_settings['loaded_plugins'] = g_pool.plugins.get_initializers() session_settings['gui_scale'] = g_pool.gui.scale session_settings['ui_config'] = g_pool.gui.configuration session_settings['capture_settings'] = g_pool.capture.settings session_settings['window_size'] = glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(main_window) session_settings['window_position'] = glfw.glfwGetWindowPos(main_window) session_settings['version'] = g_pool.version session_settings['eye0_process_alive'] = eyes_are_alive[0].value session_settings['eye1_process_alive'] = eyes_are_alive[1].value session_settings['detection_mapping_mode'] = g_pool.detection_mapping_mode session_settings['audio_mode'] = audio.audio_mode session_settings.close() # de-init all running plugins for p in g_pool.plugins: p.alive = False g_pool.plugins.clean() g_pool.gui.terminate() glfw.glfwDestroyWindow(main_window) glfw.glfwTerminate() g_pool.capture.deinit_gui() g_pool.capture.cleanup() #shut down eye processes: stop_eye_process(0) stop_eye_process(1)"Process shutting down.") ipc_pub.notify({'subject': 'world_process.stopped'}) #shut down launcher n = {'subject': 'launcher_process.should_stop'} ipc_pub.notify(n) zmq_ctx.destroy()
def eye(timebase, is_alive_flag, ipc_pub_url, ipc_sub_url, ipc_push_url, user_dir, version, eye_id, glint_queue, glint_vector_queue, overwrite_cap_settings=None): """reads eye video and detects the pupil. Creates a window, gl context. Grabs images from a capture. Streams Pupil coordinates. Reacts to notifications: ``set_detection_mapping_mode``: Sets detection method ``eye_process.should_stop``: Stops the eye process ``recording.started``: Starts recording eye video ``recording.stopped``: Stops recording eye video ``frame_publishing.started``: Starts frame publishing ``frame_publishing.stopped``: Stops frame publishing Emits notifications: ``eye_process.started``: Eye process started ``eye_process.stopped``: Eye process stopped Emits data: ``pupil.<eye id>``: Pupil data for eye with id ``<eye id>`` ``frame.eye.<eye id>``: Eye frames with id ``<eye id>`` """ # We deferr the imports becasue of multiprocessing. # Otherwise the world process each process also loads the other imports. import zmq import zmq_tools zmq_ctx = zmq.Context() ipc_socket = zmq_tools.Msg_Dispatcher(zmq_ctx, ipc_push_url) pupil_socket = zmq_tools.Msg_Streamer(zmq_ctx, ipc_pub_url) notify_sub = zmq_tools.Msg_Receiver(zmq_ctx, ipc_sub_url, topics=("notify",)) with Is_Alive_Manager(is_alive_flag, ipc_socket, eye_id): # logging setup import logging logging.getLogger("OpenGL").setLevel(logging.ERROR) logger = logging.getLogger() logger.handlers = [] logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) logger.addHandler(zmq_tools.ZMQ_handler(zmq_ctx, ipc_push_url)) # create logger for the context of this function logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # general imports import numpy as np import cv2 # display import glfw from pyglui import ui, graph, cygl from pyglui.cygl.utils import draw_points, RGBA, draw_polyline from pyglui.cygl.utils import Named_Texture from gl_utils import basic_gl_setup, adjust_gl_view, clear_gl_screen from gl_utils import make_coord_system_pixel_based from gl_utils import make_coord_system_norm_based from gl_utils import is_window_visible from ui_roi import UIRoi # monitoring import psutil import math from time import time import json # helpers/utils from file_methods import Persistent_Dict, load_object # helpers/utils from uvc import get_time_monotonic from file_methods import Persistent_Dict from version_utils import VersionFormat from methods import normalize, denormalize, timer from av_writer import JPEG_Writer, AV_Writer from ndsi import H264Writer from video_capture import source_classes from video_capture import manager_classes # Pupil detectors from pupil_detectors import Detector_2D, Detector_3D pupil_detectors = {Detector_2D.__name__: Detector_2D, Detector_3D.__name__: Detector_3D} # UI Platform tweaks if platform.system() == 'Linux': scroll_factor = 10.0 window_position_default = (600, 300 * eye_id) elif platform.system() == 'Windows': scroll_factor = 10.0 window_position_default = (600,31+ 300 * eye_id) else: scroll_factor = 1.0 window_position_default = (600, 300 * eye_id) # g_pool holds variables for this process g_pool = Global_Container() # make some constants avaiable g_pool.user_dir = user_dir g_pool.version = version = 'capture' g_pool.process = 'eye{}'.format(eye_id) g_pool.timebase = timebase g_pool.glints = glint_queue g_pool.glint_pupil_vectors = glint_vector_queue glint_detector = Glint_Detector(g_pool) g_pool.ipc_pub = ipc_socket def get_timestamp(): return get_time_monotonic() - g_pool.timebase.value g_pool.get_timestamp = get_timestamp g_pool.get_now = get_time_monotonic # Callback functions def on_resize(window, w, h): if is_window_visible(window): active_window = glfw.glfwGetCurrentContext() glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(window) hdpi_factor = float(glfw.glfwGetFramebufferSize(window)[0] / glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(window)[0]) g_pool.gui.scale = g_pool.gui_user_scale * hdpi_factor g_pool.gui.update_window(w, h) g_pool.gui.collect_menus() for g in g_pool.graphs: g.scale = hdpi_factor g.adjust_window_size(w, h) adjust_gl_view(w, h) glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(active_window) def on_key(window, key, scancode, action, mods): g_pool.gui.update_key(key, scancode, action, mods) def on_char(window, char): g_pool.gui.update_char(char) def on_iconify(window, iconified): g_pool.iconified = iconified def on_button(window, button, action, mods): if g_pool.display_mode == 'roi': if action == glfw.GLFW_RELEASE and g_pool.u_r.active_edit_pt: g_pool.u_r.active_edit_pt = False # if the roi interacts we dont want # the gui to interact as well return elif action == glfw.GLFW_PRESS: pos = glfw.glfwGetCursorPos(window) pos = normalize(pos, glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(main_window)) if g_pool.flip: pos = 1 - pos[0], 1 - pos[1] # Position in img pixels pos = denormalize(pos,g_pool.capture.frame_size) # Position in img pixels if g_pool.u_r.mouse_over_edit_pt(pos, g_pool.u_r.handle_size + 40,g_pool.u_r.handle_size + 40): # if the roi interacts we dont want # the gui to interact as well return g_pool.gui.update_button(button, action, mods) def on_pos(window, x, y): hdpi_factor = glfw.glfwGetFramebufferSize( window)[0] / glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(window)[0] g_pool.gui.update_mouse(x * hdpi_factor, y * hdpi_factor) if g_pool.u_r.active_edit_pt: pos = normalize((x, y), glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(main_window)) if g_pool.flip: pos = 1-pos[0],1-pos[1] pos = denormalize(pos,g_pool.capture.frame_size ) g_pool.u_r.move_vertex(g_pool.u_r.active_pt_idx,pos) def on_scroll(window, x, y): g_pool.gui.update_scroll(x, y * scroll_factor) # load session persistent settings session_settings = Persistent_Dict(os.path.join(g_pool.user_dir, 'user_settings_eye{}'.format(eye_id))) if VersionFormat(session_settings.get("version", '0.0')) != g_pool.version:"Session setting are from a different version of this app. I will not use those.") session_settings.clear() g_pool.iconified = False g_pool.capture = None g_pool.capture_manager = None g_pool.flip = session_settings.get('flip', False) g_pool.display_mode = session_settings.get( 'display_mode', 'camera_image') g_pool.display_mode_info_text = {'camera_image': "Raw eye camera image. This uses the least amount of CPU power", 'roi': "Click and drag on the blue circles to adjust the region of interest. The region should be as small as possible, but large enough to capture all pupil movements.", 'algorithm': "Algorithm display mode overlays a visualization of the pupil detection parameters on top of the eye video. Adjust parameters within the Pupil Detection menu below."} capture_manager_settings = session_settings.get( 'capture_manager_settings', ('UVC_Manager',{})) manager_class_name, manager_settings = capture_manager_settings manager_class_by_name = {c.__name__:c for c in manager_classes} g_pool.capture_manager = manager_class_by_name[manager_class_name](g_pool,**manager_settings) pupil_detector_settings = session_settings.get('pupil_detector_settings',None) last_pupil_detector = pupil_detectors[session_settings.get('last_pupil_detector',Detector_2D.__name__)] g_pool.pupil_detector = last_pupil_detector(g_pool,pupil_detector_settings) g_pool.pupil_settings = "default" if eye_id == 0: cap_src = ["Pupil Cam1 ID0","HD-6000","Integrated Camera","HD USB Camera","USB 2.0 Camera"] else: cap_src = ["Pupil Cam1 ID1","HD-6000","Integrated Camera"] # Initialize capture default_settings = ('UVC_Source',{ 'preferred_names' : cap_src, 'frame_size': (640,480), 'frame_rate': 90 }) capture_source_settings = overwrite_cap_settings or session_settings.get('capture_settings', default_settings) source_class_name, source_settings = capture_source_settings source_class_by_name = {c.__name__:c for c in source_classes} g_pool.capture = source_class_by_name[source_class_name](g_pool,**source_settings) assert g_pool.capture g_pool.u_r = UIRoi((g_pool.capture.frame_size[1],g_pool.capture.frame_size[0])) roi_user_settings = session_settings.get('roi') if roi_user_settings and roi_user_settings[-1] == g_pool.u_r.get()[-1]: g_pool.u_r.set(roi_user_settings) pupil_detector_settings = session_settings.get( 'pupil_detector_settings', None) last_pupil_detector = pupil_detectors[session_settings.get( 'last_pupil_detector', Detector_2D.__name__)] g_pool.pupil_detector = last_pupil_detector( g_pool, pupil_detector_settings) def set_display_mode_info(val): g_pool.display_mode = val g_pool.display_mode_info.text = g_pool.display_mode_info_text[val] def set_detector(new_detector): g_pool.pupil_detector.cleanup() g_pool.pupil_detector = new_detector(g_pool) g_pool.pupil_detector.init_gui(g_pool.sidebar) def convert_keys_to_string(dictionary): """Recursively converts dictionary keys to strings.""" if not isinstance(dictionary, dict): return dictionary return dict((str(k.decode('utf8')), convert_keys_to_string(v)) for k, v in dictionary.items()) def set_pupil_settings(new_settings): g_pool.pupil_settings = new_settings if not new_settings == "default": try: path = os.path.join(g_pool.user_dir,'pupil_settings_' + new_settings + '.json') with open(path, 'r') as fp: json_str = pupil_settings_new = json.loads(json_str) except: logger.error("Settings don't exist") #pupil_settings_new = convert_keys_to_string(pupil_settings_new) pupil_settings_new['2D_Settings'] = dict(pupil_settings_new) pupil_settings = g_pool.pupil_detector.get_settings() controls = g_pool.capture.uvc_capture.controls controls_dict = dict([(c.display_name,c) for c in controls]) try: g_pool.capture.frame_rate = pupil_settings_new['frame_rate'] g_pool.capture.frame_size = pupil_settings_new['frame_size'] except:"no frame rate and frame size in camera settings") for key in controls_dict: print(key) try: controls_dict[key].value = pupil_settings_new[key] except:"no key with the name '%s' in camera settings" %key) for key in pupil_settings.keys(): print(key) try: if type(pupil_settings[key]) == dict: for sec_key in pupil_settings[key].keys(): pupil_settings[key][sec_key] = pupil_settings_new[key][sec_key] else: pupil_settings[key] = pupil_settings_new[key] except:"no key with the name '%s' in pupil settings" %key) # Initialize glfw glfw.glfwInit() title = "Pupil Capture - eye {}".format(eye_id) width, height = session_settings.get( 'window_size', g_pool.capture.frame_size) main_window = glfw.glfwCreateWindow(width, height, title, None, None) window_pos = session_settings.get( 'window_position', window_position_default) glfw.glfwSetWindowPos(main_window, window_pos[0], window_pos[1]) glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(main_window) cygl.utils.init() # UI callback functions def set_scale(new_scale): g_pool.gui_user_scale = new_scale on_resize(main_window, *glfw.glfwGetFramebufferSize(main_window)) # gl_state settings basic_gl_setup() g_pool.image_tex = Named_Texture() g_pool.image_tex.update_from_ndarray(np.ones((1,1),dtype=np.uint8)+125) # setup GUI g_pool.gui = ui.UI() g_pool.gui_user_scale = session_settings.get('gui_scale', 1.) g_pool.sidebar = ui.Scrolling_Menu("Settings", pos=(-300, 0), size=(0, 0), header_pos='left') general_settings = ui.Growing_Menu('General') general_settings.append(ui.Selector('pupil_settings',g_pool,setter=set_pupil_settings,selection=['default','indoors','outdoors_sunny', 'outdoors_cloudy', 'vanilla'], labels=['Default', 'Indoors', 'Outdoors Sunny', 'Outdoors Cloudy', 'Vanilla'], label="Pupil settings") ) general_settings.append(ui.Selector('gui_user_scale', g_pool, setter=set_scale, selection=[.8, .9, 1., 1.1, 1.2], label='Interface Size')) general_settings.append(ui.Button('Reset window size',lambda: glfw.glfwSetWindowSize(main_window,*g_pool.capture.frame_size)) ) general_settings.append(ui.Switch('flip',g_pool,label='Flip image display')) general_settings.append(ui.Selector('display_mode', g_pool, setter=set_display_mode_info, selection=['camera_image','roi','algorithm'], labels=['Camera Image', 'ROI', 'Algorithm'], label="Mode") ) g_pool.display_mode_info = ui.Info_Text(g_pool.display_mode_info_text[g_pool.display_mode]) general_settings.append(g_pool.display_mode_info) g_pool.gui.append(g_pool.sidebar) detector_selector = ui.Selector('pupil_detector', getter=lambda: g_pool.pupil_detector.__class__, setter=set_detector, selection=[ Detector_2D, Detector_3D], labels=['C++ 2d detector', 'C++ 3d detector'], label="Detection method") general_settings.append(detector_selector) g_pool.capture_selector_menu = ui.Growing_Menu('Capture Selection') g_pool.capture_source_menu = ui.Growing_Menu('Capture Source') g_pool.capture_source_menu.collapsed = True g_pool.capture.init_gui() g_pool.sidebar.append(general_settings) g_pool.sidebar.append(g_pool.capture_selector_menu) g_pool.sidebar.append(g_pool.capture_source_menu) g_pool.pupil_detector.init_gui(g_pool.sidebar) g_pool.capture_manager.init_gui() g_pool.writer = None def replace_source(source_class_name,source_settings): g_pool.capture.cleanup() g_pool.capture = source_class_by_name[source_class_name](g_pool,**source_settings) g_pool.capture.init_gui() if g_pool.writer:"Done recording.") g_pool.writer.release() g_pool.writer = None g_pool.replace_source = replace_source # for ndsi capture def replace_manager(manager_class): g_pool.capture_manager.cleanup() g_pool.capture_manager = manager_class(g_pool) g_pool.capture_manager.init_gui() #We add the capture selection menu, after a manager has been added: g_pool.capture_selector_menu.insert(0,ui.Selector( 'capture_manager',g_pool, setter = replace_manager, getter = lambda: g_pool.capture_manager.__class__, selection = manager_classes, labels = [b.gui_name for b in manager_classes], label = 'Manager' )) # Register callbacks main_window glfw.glfwSetFramebufferSizeCallback(main_window, on_resize) glfw.glfwSetWindowIconifyCallback(main_window, on_iconify) glfw.glfwSetKeyCallback(main_window, on_key) glfw.glfwSetCharCallback(main_window, on_char) glfw.glfwSetMouseButtonCallback(main_window, on_button) glfw.glfwSetCursorPosCallback(main_window, on_pos) glfw.glfwSetScrollCallback(main_window, on_scroll) # load last gui configuration g_pool.gui.configuration = session_settings.get('ui_config', {}) # set up performance graphs pid = os.getpid() ps = psutil.Process(pid) ts = g_pool.get_timestamp() cpu_graph = graph.Bar_Graph() cpu_graph.pos = (20, 130) cpu_graph.update_fn = ps.cpu_percent cpu_graph.update_rate = 5 cpu_graph.label = 'CPU %0.1f' fps_graph = graph.Bar_Graph() fps_graph.pos = (140, 130) fps_graph.update_rate = 5 fps_graph.label = "%0.0f FPS" g_pool.graphs = [cpu_graph, fps_graph] # set the last saved window size on_resize(main_window, *glfw.glfwGetFramebufferSize(main_window)) should_publish_frames = False frame_publish_format = 'jpeg' # create a timer to control window update frequency window_update_timer = timer(1 / 60) def window_should_update(): return next(window_update_timer) logger.warning('Process started.') frame = None # Event loop while not glfw.glfwWindowShouldClose(main_window): if notify_sub.new_data: t, notification = notify_sub.recv() subject = notification['subject'] if subject == 'eye_process.should_stop': if notification['eye_id'] == eye_id: break elif subject == 'set_detection_mapping_mode': if notification['mode'] == '3d': if not isinstance(g_pool.pupil_detector, Detector_3D): set_detector(Detector_3D) detector_selector.read_only = True else: if not isinstance(g_pool.pupil_detector, Detector_2D): set_detector(Detector_2D) detector_selector.read_only = False elif subject == 'recording.started': if notification['record_eye'] and record_path = notification['rec_path'] raw_mode = notification['compression']"Will save eye video to: {}".format(record_path)) video_path = os.path.join(record_path, "eye{}.mp4".format(eye_id)) if raw_mode and frame and g_pool.capture.jpeg_support: g_pool.writer = JPEG_Writer(video_path, g_pool.capture.frame_rate) elif hasattr(g_pool.capture._recent_frame, 'h264_buffer'): g_pool.writer = H264Writer(video_path, g_pool.capture.frame_size[0], g_pool.capture.frame_size[1], g_pool.capture.frame_rate) else: g_pool.writer = AV_Writer(video_path, g_pool.capture.frame_rate) elif subject == 'recording.stopped': if g_pool.writer:"Done recording.") g_pool.writer.release() g_pool.writer = None elif subject.startswith('meta.should_doc'): ipc_socket.notify({ 'subject': 'meta.doc', 'actor': 'eye{}'.format(eye_id), 'doc': eye.__doc__ }) elif subject.startswith('frame_publishing.started'): should_publish_frames = True frame_publish_format = notification.get('format', 'jpeg') elif subject.startswith('frame_publishing.stopped'): should_publish_frames = False frame_publish_format = 'jpeg' elif subject.startswith('start_eye_capture') and notification['target'] == g_pool.process: replace_source(notification['name'],notification['args']) g_pool.capture.on_notify(notification) # Get an image from the grabber event = {} g_pool.capture.recent_events(event) frame = event.get('frame') g_pool.capture_manager.recent_events(event) if frame: f_width, f_height = g_pool.capture.frame_size if (g_pool.u_r.array_shape[0], g_pool.u_r.array_shape[1]) != (f_height, f_width): g_pool.u_r = UIRoi((f_height, f_width)) if should_publish_frames and frame.jpeg_buffer: if frame_publish_format == "jpeg": data = frame.jpeg_buffer elif frame_publish_format == "yuv": data = frame.yuv_buffer elif frame_publish_format == "bgr": data = frame.bgr elif frame_publish_format == "gray": data = frame.gray pupil_socket.send('frame.eye.%s'%eye_id,{ 'width': frame.width, 'height': frame.width, 'index': frame.index, 'timestamp': frame.timestamp, 'format': frame_publish_format, '__raw_data__': [data] }) t = frame.timestamp tUnix = time() dt, ts = t - ts, t try: fps_graph.add(1./dt) except ZeroDivisionError: pass if g_pool.writer: g_pool.writer.write_video_frame(frame) # pupil ellipse detection result, roi = g_pool.pupil_detector.detect(frame, g_pool.u_r, g_pool.display_mode == 'algorithm') result['id'] = eye_id result['unix_ts'] = tUnix #glint detection #glints = [[0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,1]] #glint_detector.glint(frame, eye_id, u_roi=g_pool.u_r, pupil=result, roi=roi) #result['glints'] = glints #g_pool.glints.put(glints) #save glint-pupil vector results #if glints[0][3]: # glint_pupil_vector = {'timestamp': glints[0][0], 'x': result['norm_pos'][0]-glints[0][3], 'y': result['norm_pos'][1]-glints[0][4], 'pupil_confidence': result['confidence'], 'glint_found': True, 'id': eye_id, 'x2': result['norm_pos'][0]-glints[1][3], 'y2': result['norm_pos'][1]-glints[1][4]} #else: # glint_pupil_vector = {'timestamp': glints[0][0], 'x': result['norm_pos'][0]-glints[0][3], 'y': result['norm_pos'][1]-glints[0][4], 'pupil_confidence': result['confidence'], 'glint_found': False, 'id': eye_id, 'x2': result['norm_pos'][0]-glints[1][3], 'y2': result['norm_pos'][1]-glints[1][4]} #g_pool.glint_pupil_vectors.put(glint_pupil_vector) # stream the result pupil_socket.send('pupil.%s'%eye_id,result) cpu_graph.update() # GL drawing if window_should_update(): if is_window_visible(main_window): glfw.glfwMakeContextCurrent(main_window) clear_gl_screen() if frame: # switch to work in normalized coordinate space if g_pool.display_mode == 'algorithm': g_pool.image_tex.update_from_ndarray(frame.img) elif g_pool.display_mode in ('camera_image', 'roi'): g_pool.image_tex.update_from_ndarray(frame.gray) else: pass make_coord_system_norm_based(g_pool.flip) g_pool.image_tex.draw() #if frame: # glints = np.array(result['glints']) # if len(glints)>0 and glints[0][3]: # if glints[1][3]: # cygl_draw_points(glints[:,1:3], size=20,color=cygl_rgba(0.,0.,1.,.5),sharpness=1.) # elif result['confidence'] > 0.75: # cygl_draw_points(glints[:,1:3], size=20,color=cygl_rgba(0.,0.,1.,.5),sharpness=1.) f_width, f_height = g_pool.capture.frame_size make_coord_system_pixel_based((f_height, f_width, 3), g_pool.flip) if frame: if result['method'] == '3d c++': eye_ball = result['projected_sphere'] try: pts = cv2.ellipse2Poly( (int(eye_ball['center'][0]), int(eye_ball['center'][1])), (int(eye_ball['axes'][0] / 2), int(eye_ball['axes'][1] / 2)), int(eye_ball['angle']), 0, 360, 8) except ValueError as e: pass else: draw_polyline(pts, 2, RGBA(0., .9, .1, result['model_confidence'])) if result['confidence'] > 0: if 'ellipse' in result: pts = cv2.ellipse2Poly( (int(result['ellipse']['center'][0]), int(result['ellipse']['center'][1])), (int(result['ellipse']['axes'][0] / 2), int(result['ellipse']['axes'][1] / 2)), int(result['ellipse']['angle']), 0, 360, 15) confidence = result['confidence'] * 0.7 draw_polyline(pts, 1, RGBA(1., 0, 0, confidence)) draw_points([result['ellipse']['center']], size=20, color=RGBA(1., 0., 0., confidence), sharpness=1.) # render graphs fps_graph.draw() cpu_graph.draw() # render GUI g_pool.gui.update() # render the ROI g_pool.u_r.draw(g_pool.gui.scale) if g_pool.display_mode == 'roi': g_pool.u_r.draw_points(g_pool.gui.scale) # update screen glfw.glfwSwapBuffers(main_window) glfw.glfwPollEvents() g_pool.pupil_detector.visualize() # detector decides if we visualize or not # END while running # in case eye recording was still runnnig: Save&close if g_pool.writer:"Done recording eye.") g_pool.writer = None glfw.glfwRestoreWindow(main_window) # need to do this for windows os # save session persistent settings session_settings['gui_scale'] = g_pool.gui_user_scale session_settings['roi'] = g_pool.u_r.get() session_settings['flip'] = g_pool.flip session_settings['display_mode'] = g_pool.display_mode session_settings['ui_config'] = g_pool.gui.configuration session_settings['capture_settings'] = g_pool.capture.class_name, g_pool.capture.get_init_dict() session_settings['capture_manager_settings'] = g_pool.capture_manager.class_name, g_pool.capture_manager.get_init_dict() session_settings['window_size'] = glfw.glfwGetWindowSize(main_window) session_settings['window_position'] = glfw.glfwGetWindowPos(main_window) session_settings['version'] = str(g_pool.version) session_settings['last_pupil_detector'] = g_pool.pupil_detector.__class__.__name__ session_settings['pupil_detector_settings'] = g_pool.pupil_detector.get_settings() session_settings.close() g_pool.capture.deinit_gui() g_pool.pupil_detector.cleanup() glint_detector.cleanup() g_pool.gui.terminate() glfw.glfwDestroyWindow(main_window) glfw.glfwTerminate() g_pool.capture_manager.cleanup() g_pool.capture.cleanup()"Process shutting down.")