Esempio n. 1
 def source(self):
     with self._context:
         _shader_source_length = _gl.GLint()
         _gl.glGetShaderiv(self._id, _gl.GL_SHADER_SOURCE_LENGTH,
         _source = _gl.create_string_buffer(_shader_source_length.value)
         _gl.glGetShaderSource(self._id, _shader_source_length,
                               _gl.POINTER(_gl.GLint)(), _source)
         return _source.value
Esempio n. 2
 def _log(self):
     with self._context:
         _info_log_length = _gl.GLint()
         _gl.glGetShaderiv(self._id, _gl.GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH,
         _info_log = _gl.create_string_buffer(_info_log_length.value)
         _gl.glGetShaderInfoLog(self._id, _info_log_length,
                                _gl.POINTER(_gl.GLint)(), _info_log)
         return _info_log.value
Esempio n. 3
    def _log(self):
        """The current shader info log.

        @rtype: C{string}

        _info_log = _gl.create_string_buffer(self._info_log_length)
        with self._context:
            _gl.glGetProgramInfoLog(self._id, self._info_log_length,
                                    _gl.POINTER(_gl.GLint)(), _info_log)
        return _info_log.value
Esempio n. 4
    def set_data(self, data=None, shape=None, dtype=None, level=0, depth=False, stencil=False, mipmap=False, set_default_interpolation=False):
        if data is None:
            if shape is None:
                raise ValueError("must specify either data or shape")
            if dtype is None:
                dtype = float32
            data = coerce_array(data, dtype)
            if shape is not None:
                data = data.reshape(shape)
            shape = data.shape
            dtype = Datatype.from_numpy(data.dtype)

        if len(shape) != self._ndim:
            raise TypeError("shape must be %d-dimensional" % self._ndim)

        _iformat = dtype_to_gl_iformat[dtype, shape[-1]]
        _format = dtype_to_gl_format[dtype, shape[-1]]
        _type = dtype._as_gl()

        if depth and stencil:
            raise NotImplementedError("depth-and-stencil textures are currently not supported")
        elif depth:
            _iformat = _format = None
            for (nptype, colors), ifmt, (gltype, fmt) in texture_formats: # @UnusedVariable
                if nptype == dtype and colors == shape[-1] and fmt == _gl.GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT:
                    _iformat, _format = ifmt, fmt
            if _iformat is None or _format is None:
                raise TypeError("no matching depth texture format for %d %s colors" % (shape[-1], dtype))
        elif stencil:
            raise NotImplementedError("stencil textures are currently not supported")

        _data = data.ctypes if data is not None else _gl.POINTER(_gl.GLvoid)()
        _gl.glPixelStorei(_gl.GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1)
        with self:
            args = [self._target, level, _iformat] + list(reversed(shape[:-1])) + [0, _format, _type, _data]

        if not dtype.is_float(): # NEAREST is the only possible options for non-floats.
            self.min_filter = self.min_filters.NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST if mipmap else self.min_filters.NEAREST # mipmap untested, use at own risk!
            self.mag_filter = self.mag_filters.NEAREST
        elif set_default_interpolation:
            self.min_filter = self.min_filters.LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR if mipmap else self.min_filters.LINEAR
            self.mag_filter = self.mag_filters.LINEAR

        # No unambiguous way to determine depth component from dtype,
        # so we have to save it separately.
        self._depth = depth
        self._stencil = stencil

        if mipmap:
Esempio n. 5
 def __setitem__(self, index, value):
     if value is None:
         with self:
             _gl.glVertexAttribPointer(index, 4, _gl.GL_FLOAT, _gl.GL_FALSE,
         if not isinstance(value, ArrayBuffer):
             value = ArrayBuffer(value, context=self._context)
         with self:
             with value:
     self._attributes[index] = value
Esempio n. 6
    def set_data(self, data=None, shape=None, dtype=None, usage=None):
        if data is None:
            if shape is None or dtype is None:
                raise ValueError("must specify either data or both shape and dtype")
            self._shape = shape
            self._dtype = dtype.coerced(force_gl=True)
            data = coerce_array(data, dtype, force_gl=True)
            if shape is not None:
                data = data.reshape(shape)
            self._shape = data.shape
            self._dtype = Datatype.from_numpy(data.dtype)

        if usage is None:
            usage = self.usage

        _nbytes = * self._dtype.nbytes
        _data = data.ctypes if data is not None else _gl.POINTER(_gl.GLvoid)()
        with self:
            _gl.glBufferData(self._target, _nbytes, _data, usage._value)
Esempio n. 7
 def source(self, source):
     with self._context:
             self._id, 1, _gl.pointer(_gl.c_char_p(source.encode("ascii"))),