def get_screen_shape(): """Screen height and width in pixels.""" return _gl.glutGet(_gl.GLUT_SCREEN_HEIGHT, _gl.GLUT_SCREEN_WIDTH)
def position(self): with self: return _gl.glutGet(_gl.GLUT_WINDOW_Y), _gl.glutGet( _gl.GLUT_WINDOW_X)
def position(self): with self: return _gl.glutGet(_gl.GLUT_WINDOW_Y), _gl.glutGet(_gl.GLUT_WINDOW_X)
def num_children(self): with self: return _gl.glutGet(_gl.GLUT_WINDOW_NUM_CHILDREN)
def shape(self): with self: return _gl.glutGet(_gl.GLUT_WINDOW_HEIGHT), _gl.glutGet( _gl.GLUT_WINDOW_WIDTH)
def cursor(self): with self: return GlutWindow.cursors[_gl.glutGet(_gl.GLUT_WINDOW_CURSOR)]
def __init__(self, version=(3, 2), compatibility_profile=False, debug=False, forward_compatible=True, shape=(300, 300), position=(-1, -1), index=False, double=False, accum=False, alpha=False, depth=False, stencil=False, multisample=False, stereo=False, luminance=False, name="", hide=False): """Create a new GLUT window. `version` is the OpenGL version to use. It can be either an integer or a (major, minor) tuple. If `compatibility_profile` is `True`, the compatibility profile will be used instead of the core profile. `debug` enables OpenGL debug mode, `forward_compatible` the forward compatibility mode. `shape` and `position` control the initial (height, width) shape and (y, x) position of the window. `index` enables color index mode instead of RGBA. `double` enables double buffering. `accum`, `alpha`, `depth`, and `stencil` enable the corresponding buffers. `multisample` enables multisampling. `stereo` enables stereo buffers. `luminance` enables luminance rendering instead of true RGBA. `name` is the name of the window and its initial title. If `hide` is `True`, the window will initially be hidden. """ self._stack = [] self._idle_func = None self._display_func = None self._reshape_func = None self._mouse_func = None self._motion_func = None self._keyboard_func = None self._timer_funcs = {} def timer_func(value): self._timer_funcs.pop(value)() self._timer_func = _gl.glutTimerFunc.argtypes[1](timer_func) self._name = self._window_title = self._icon_title = name if hasattr(version, "__iter__") and not isinstance(version, str): _gl.glutInitContextVersion(*version) else: _gl.glutInitContextVersion(version, 0) _gl.glutInitContextProfile( _gl.GLUT_COMPATIBILITY_PROFILE if compatibility_profile else _gl. GLUT_CORE_PROFILE) _gl.glutInitContextFlags((_gl.GLUT_DEBUG if debug else 0) | ( _gl.GLUT_FORWARD_COMPATIBLE if forward_compatible else 0)) height, width = shape _gl.glutInitWindowSize(width, height) y, x = position _gl.glutInitWindowPosition(x, y) _gl.glutInitDisplayMode( (_gl.GLUT_INDEX if index else _gl.GLUT_RGBA) | (_gl.GLUT_DOUBLE if double else _gl.GLUT_SINGLE) | (_gl.GLUT_ACCUM if accum else 0) | (_gl.GLUT_ALPHA if alpha else 0) | (_gl.GLUT_DEPTH if depth else 0) | (_gl.GLUT_STENCIL if stencil else 0) | (_gl.GLUT_MULTISAMPLE if multisample else 0) | (_gl.GLUT_STEREO if stereo else 0) | (_gl.GLUT_LUMINANCE if luminance else 0)) _gl.glutSetOption(_gl.GLUT_ACTION_ON_WINDOW_CLOSE, _gl.GLUT_ACTION_CONTINUE_EXECUTION) if not _gl.glutGet(_gl.GLUT_DISPLAY_MODE_POSSIBLE): raise RuntimeError("display mode not possible") old_binding = context_manager.current_context self._id = _gl.glutCreateWindow( self._name.encode("utf8") ) # creating a window changes the current context without the context manager's knowledge if old_binding: old_binding._bind( ) # rebind the previous context circumventing any caching performed by the context else: context_manager.current_context = self # tell the context manager about the changed binding super(GlutWindow, self).__init__() if hide: self.hide() else:
def get_elapsed_time(): """Time in seconds since GLUT was initialized.""" return _gl.glutGet(_gl.GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME) / 1000.0
def get_screen_shape_mm(): """Screen height and width in millimeters.""" return _gl.glutGet(_gl.GLUT_SCREEN_HEIGHT_MM, _gl.GLUT_SCREEN_WIDTH_MM)