Esempio n. 1
def generate_random_feed_dict(batch_size, seq_length, shape, frame_num,
    ## not working yet

    # simulations
    runs = glb(FLAGS.data_dir + '/' + dir_name + '/*')
    nr_runs = len(runs)

    em_state = np.zeros([batch_size, seq_length] + shape + [frame_num])
    em_state = np.float32(em_state)
    em_boundary = np.zeros([batch_size, 1] + shape + [1])
    em_boundary = np.float32(em_boundary)
    for b in xrange(batch_size):
        selected_run = randint(0, nr_runs - 1)
        run = runs[selected_run]

        # pick start index
        states = glb(run + '/*.h5')
        nr_states = len(states)
        selected_state = randint(0, nr_states - seq_length - 1)

        # generate boundry
        em_boundary[b, 0] = load_boundary(
            states[selected_state], shape,
            frame_num)  # doesnt mater what boundary is loaded

        # generate em state
        for i in xrange(seq_length):
            em_state[b, i] = load_em(states[selected_state + i], shape,

    return em_state, em_boundary
Esempio n. 2
def generate_tfrecords(seq_length, num_runs, shape, frame_num, dir_name):

  if not tf.gfile.Exists(FLAGS.tf_data_dir + '/tfrecords/' + dir_name):
    tf.gfile.MakeDirs(FLAGS.tf_data_dir + '/tfrecords/' + dir_name)

  for run in tqdm(xrange(num_runs)):
    filename = FLAGS.tf_data_dir + '/tfrecords/' + dir_name + '/run_' + str(run) + '_seq_length_' + str(seq_length) + '.tfrecords'
    tfrecord_filename = glb(FLAGS.tf_data_dir + '/tfrecords/' + dir_name + '/*')  

    if filename not in tfrecord_filename:
      writer = tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(filename)
      h5_filenames = glb(FLAGS.data_dir + '/' + dir_name + '/sample_' + str(run) + '/*.h5')
      num_samples = len(h5_filenames)
      # first calc boundary (from first sample)
      boundary_cond = load_boundary(FLAGS.data_dir + '/' + dir_name + '/sample_' + str(run) + '/fluid_flow_0000.h5', shape, frame_num)
      boundary_cond = np.float32(boundary_cond)
      #boundary_flat = boundary_cond.reshape([1,])
      boundary_flat = boundary_cond.reshape([])
      #boundary_raw = boundary_flat.tostring()
      boundary_raw = boundary_flat.astype(np.float)

      # save tf records
      ind_dat = 0
      while ind_dat < (num_samples - seq_length - 1):
        seq_frames = np.zeros([seq_length] + shape + [frame_num])
        for i in xrange(seq_length):
          t = time.time()
          flow_state = load_flow(FLAGS.data_dir + '/' + dir_name + '/sample_' + str(run) + '/fluid_flow_' + str(i+ind_dat).zfill(4) + '.h5', shape, frame_num)
          elapsed = time.time() - t
          #print("time per read is " + str(elapsed))
          flow_state = np.float32(flow_state)
          seq_frames[i] = flow_state 
        if seq_length > 2:
          ind_dat = ind_dat + (seq_length+1)/2 # this can be made much more efficent but for now this is how it works
        elif seq_length == 2:
          ind_dat += 2
        elif seq_length == 1:
          ind_dat += 1

        # make feature map
        feature = make_feature_from_seq(seq_frames, seq_length, shape, frame_num)
        feature['boundary'] = _float_feature(boundary_raw)

        # create example and write it
        example = tf.train.Example(features=tf.train.Features(feature=feature))

Esempio n. 3
def generate_tfrecords(seq_length, num_runs, shape, frame_num, dir_name):

    if not tf.gfile.Exists(FLAGS.tf_data_dir + '/tfrecords/' + dir_name):
        tf.gfile.MakeDirs(FLAGS.tf_data_dir + '/tfrecords/' + dir_name)

    for run in tqdm(xrange(num_runs)):
        filename = FLAGS.tf_data_dir + '/tfrecords/' + dir_name + '/run_' + str(
            run) + '_seq_length_' + str(seq_length) + '.tfrecords'

        tfrecord_filename = glb(FLAGS.tf_data_dir + '/tfrecords/' + dir_name +

        if filename not in tfrecord_filename:

            writer = tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(filename)

            h5_filenames = glb(FLAGS.data_dir + '/' + dir_name + '/sample_' +
                               str(run) + '/*.h5')
            num_samples = len(h5_filenames)

            # first calc boundary (from first sample)
            boundary_cond = load_boundary(
                FLAGS.data_dir + '/' + dir_name + '/sample_' + str(run) +
                '/fluid_flow_0000.h5', shape, frame_num)
            boundary_cond = np.float32(boundary_cond)
            boundary_flat = boundary_cond.reshape([])
            boundary_raw = boundary_flat.astype(np.float)

            # save tf records
            ind_dat = 0
            while ind_dat < (num_samples - seq_length - 1):
                seq_frames = np.zeros([seq_length] + shape + [frame_num])
                for i in xrange(seq_length):
                    flow_state = load_flow(
                        FLAGS.data_dir + '/' + dir_name + '/sample_' +
                        str(run) + '/fluid_flow_' + str(i + ind_dat).zfill(4) +
                        '.h5', shape, frame_num)

                    flow_state = np.float32(flow_state)
                    seq_frames[i] = flow_state
                overlap = min(4, seq_length)
                ind_dat += seq_length - overlap  # overlap between frames

                # make feature map
                feature = make_feature_from_seq(seq_frames, seq_length, shape,
                feature['boundary'] = _float_feature(boundary_raw)

                # create example and write it
                example = tf.train.Example(features=tf.train.Features(

Esempio n. 4
def video_inputs(batch_size, seq_length):
  """Construct video input for ring net. given a video_dir that contains videos this will check to see if there already exists tf recods and makes them. Then returns batchs
    batch_size: Number of images per batch.
    seq_length: seq of inputs.
    images: Images. 4D tensor. Possible of size [batch_size, 84x84x4].

  # get list of video file names
  video_filename = glb('../data/videos/'+FLAGS.video_dir+'/*') 

  if FLAGS.model == "fully_connected_84x84x4" or FLAGS.model == "lstm_84x84x4":
    shape = (84,84)
    num_frames = 4
    color = False
  if FLAGS.model in ("fully_connected_84x84x12", "lstm_84x84x12", "lstm_large_84x84x12"):
    shape = (84,84)
    num_frames = 4 
    color = True 
  if FLAGS.model in ("lstm_84x84x3"):
    shape = (84, 84)
    num_frames = 1 
    color = True

  print("begining to generate tf records")
  for f in video_filename:
    createTFRecords.generate_tfrecords(f, seq_length, shape, num_frames, color)
  # get list of tfrecords 
  tfrecord_filename = glb('../data/tfrecords/'+FLAGS.video_dir+'/*seq_' + str(seq_length) + '_size_' + str(shape[0]) + 'x' + str(shape[1]) + 'x' + str(num_frames) + '_color_' + str(color) + '.tfrecords') 
  filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer(tfrecord_filename) 

  image = read_data(filename_queue, seq_length, shape, num_frames, color)
  if color:
    display_image = tf.split(3, 3, image)
    tf.image_summary('images', display_image[0])
    tf.image_summary('images', image)

  image = tf.div(image, 255.0) 

  frames = _generate_image_label_batch(image, batch_size)
  return frames 
def generate_tfrecords(num_samples, seq_length):

  shape = (28,28)
  frame_num = 4

  filename = '../data/tfrecords/cannon/cannon_num_samples_' + str(num_samples) + '_seq_length_' + str(seq_length) + '.tfrecords'

  tfrecord_filename = glb('../data/tfrecords/cannon/*')  
  if filename in tfrecord_filename:
    print('already a tfrecord there! I will skip this one')

  writer = tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(filename)

  k = cn.Cannon()
  seq_frames = np.zeros((seq_length, shape[0], shape[1], frame_num))

  ind = 0 
  print('now generating tfrecords ' + filename)
  for i in xrange(num_samples):
    seq_frames = k.generate_28x28x4(seq_length, frame_num)
    seq_frames = np.uint8(seq_frames)
    seq_frames_flat = seq_frames.reshape([1,seq_length*28*28*4])
    seq_frame_raw = seq_frames_flat.tostring()
    # create example and write it
    example = tf.train.Example(features=tf.train.Features(feature={
      'image': _bytes_feature(seq_frame_raw)})) 

    # print status
    ind = ind + 1
    if ind%10000 == 0:
      print('percent converted = ', str(100.0 * float(ind) / num_samples))
Esempio n. 6
def em_inputs(batch_size, seq_length, shape, num_frames, train=True):
    # number of train simulations
    run_num = 50

    # make dir name based on shape of simulation
    dir_name = 'em_' + str(shape[0]) + 'x' + str(shape[1])
    if len(shape) > 2:
        dir_name = dir_name + 'x' + str(shape[2])
    dir_name = dir_name + '_'

    print("begining to generate tf records")
    em_createTFRecords.generate_tfrecords(FLAGS.tf_seq_length, run_num, shape,
                                          num_frames, dir_name)

    # get tfrecord files
    tfrecord_filename = glb(FLAGS.tf_data_dir + '/tfrecords/' + str(dir_name) +
                            '/*_seq_length_' + str(FLAGS.tf_seq_length) +

    # make filename que
    filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer(tfrecord_filename)

    # read tfrecords
    seq_of_em, seq_of_boundary = read_data_em(filename_queue, seq_length,
                                              shape, num_frames)

    # flip flow as a distortion
    distortions = tf.random_uniform([1], 0, 1.0, dtype=tf.float32)
    seq_of_em = lat_distortions(seq_of_em, distortions)
    seq_of_boundary = lat_distortions(seq_of_boundary, distortions)

    # construct batch of em
    ems, boundarys = _generate_em_batch(seq_of_em, seq_of_boundary, batch_size)

    return ems, boundarys
Esempio n. 7
def nerve_inputs(batch_size):
  """ Construct nerve input net.
    batch_size: Number of images per batch.
    images: Images. 4D tensor. Possible of size [batch_size, 84x84x4].
    mask: Images. 4D tensor. Possible of size [batch_size, 84x84x4].

  shape = (420,580)

  tfrecord_filename = glb('data/tfrecords/*') 
  filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer(tfrecord_filename) 

  image, mask = read_data(filename_queue, shape)

  images, masks = _generate_image_label_batch(image, mask, batch_size)
  # display in tf summary page 
  tf.summary.image('images', images)
  tf.summary.image('mask', masks)

  return images, masks 
Esempio n. 8
def evaluate():
    """Run Eval once.
    # get a list of image filenames
    filenames = glb('/data/fluid_flow_steady_state_128x128_test/*')
    filename_len = len(filenames)
    shape = [128, 256]

    with tf.Graph().as_default():
        # Make image placeholder
        boundary_op = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [1, shape[0], shape[1], 1])

        # Build a Graph that computes the logits predictions from the
        # inference model.
        sflow_p = flow_net.inference(boundary_op, 1.0)

        # Restore the moving average version of the learned variables for eval.
        variables_to_restore = tf.all_variables()
        saver = tf.train.Saver(variables_to_restore)

        sess = tf.Session()

        ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(TEST_DIR)

        saver.restore(sess, ckpt.model_checkpoint_path)
        global_step = 1

        graph_def = tf.get_default_graph().as_graph_def(add_shapes=True)

        for run in filenames:
            # read in boundary
            flow_name = run + '/fluid_flow_0002.h5'
            boundary_np = load_boundary(flow_name, shape).reshape(
                [1, shape[0], shape[1], 1])
            sflow_true = load_flow(flow_name, shape)

            # calc logits
            sflow_generated =,
                                       feed_dict={boundary_op: boundary_np})[0]

            if FLAGS.display_test:
                # convert to display
                sflow_plot = np.concatenate([
                    sflow_true, sflow_generated, sflow_true - sflow_generated
                boundary_concat = np.concatenate(3 * [boundary_np], axis=2)
                sflow_plot = np.sqrt(
                    np.square(sflow_plot[:, :, 0]) +
                    np.square(sflow_plot[:, :, 1])
                ) - .05 * boundary_concat[0, :, :, 0]

                # display it

        print("the percent error on " + FLAGS.test_set + " is")
def nerve_inputs(batch_size):
  """ Construct nerve input net.
    batch_size: Number of images per batch.
    images: Images. 4D tensor. Possible of size [batch_size, 84x84x4].
    mask: Images. 4D tensor. Possible of size [batch_size, 84x84x4].

  shape = (420,580)

  tfrecord_filename = glb('../data/tfrecords/*') 
  filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer(tfrecord_filename) 

  image, mask = read_data(filename_queue, shape)

  images, masks = _generate_image_label_batch(image, mask, batch_size)
  # display in tf summary page 
  tf.image_summary('images', images)
  tf.image_summary('mask', masks)

  return images, masks 
Esempio n. 10
def optimize_deal():
    for test in glb('../dce-tests/spec/dealII/*.bc'):
        name = test[25:-3]

        for opt in flags:
            output = '../dce-tests/spec/dealII/' + outdir + opt + '_' + name + '.opt.ll'
            print 'Optmization {0} | File {1}'.format(opt, name)
            my_cmd = command + opt + ' ' + test + ' > ' + output
Esempio n. 11
def optimize_minijava():
    for test in glb('../dce-tests/minijava/*.ll'):
        name = test[22:-3]

        for opt in flags:
            output = '../dce-tests/minijava/' + outdir + opt + '_' + name + '.opt.ll'
            print 'Optmization {0} | File {1}'.format(opt, name)
            my_cmd = command + opt + ' ' + test + ' > ' + output
            print my_cmd
Esempio n. 12
    def __init__(self,
        if basedir == "home":
            basestr = "/Volumes/mplitt/VR/" + exp + "/" + mouse + "/"
            #basestr = "/Users/mplitt/Dropbox/tmpVRDat/" +mouse + "/"
        elif basedir == "work":
            basestr = "Y:/VR/" + exp + "/" + mouse + "\\"
        elif basedir == "rig":
            basestr = "Z://VR/" + exp + "/" + mouse + "/"
            raise Exception("Invalid basedir!..options are 'home' or 'work' ")

        self.basestr = basestr

        if len(list(sessions)
               ) == 0:  # if no sessions are specified, find all of them

            data_files = glb(basestr + scene + "*_Licks.txt")

            sessions = [(i.split(basestr)[1]).split("_Licks.txt")[0]
                        for i in data_files]

            overwritten_files = glb(basestr + scene + "*_Licks_copy*.txt")
            if len(overwritten_files) > 0:
                raise Exception("Files appear to have been double saved ")
            for s in list(sessions):
                    open(basestr + s + "_Licks_copy*.txt")
                    print("WARNING!!!! multiple copies of session %s" % s)

        self.sessions = sessions
        self.mouse = mouse = {}
Esempio n. 13
def flow_inputs(batch_size):
    shape = (128, 256)

    tfrecord_filename = glb('./data/*.tfrecords')

    filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer(tfrecord_filename)

    boundary, sflow, vmax = read_data(filename_queue, shape)

    boundarys, sflows, vmax = _generate_image_label_batch(
        boundary, sflow, vmax, batch_size)

    return boundarys, sflows, vmax
Esempio n. 14
def generate_random_feed_dict(seq_length, shape, frame_num, dir_name, num_runs):

  # pick simulation
  runs = glb(flags.data_dir + '/' + dir_name + '/*')
  nr_runs = len(runs)
  selected_run = randint(0, nr_runs)
  run = runs[selected_run]

  # pick start index
  states = glb(run + '/*.h5')
  nr_states = len(states)
  selected_state = randint(0, nr_runs-seq_length)

  # generate boundry
  boundary_cond = load_boundary(states[selected_state], shape, frame_num) # doesnt mater what boundary is loaded

  # generate flow state
  flow_state = np.zeros([seq_length] + shape + [frame_num])
  for i in xrange(seq_length):
    flow_state[i] = load_flow(states[selected_state+i], shape, frame_num)

  return flow_state, boundary_cond
Esempio n. 15
def inputs_mineral(batch_size, train=True):
    if train:
        tfrecord_filename = glb('./tfrecords/*train.tfrecord')
        tfrecord_filename = glb('./tfrecords/*test.tfrecord')
    filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer(tfrecord_filename)

    image, label = read_data_mineral(filename_queue)

    # data augmentation
    image = tf.image.random_flip_left_right(image)
    image = tf.image.random_brightness(image, max_delta=15)
    image = tf.image.random_contrast(image, 0.9, 1.1)
    image = tf.random_crop(image, [250, 250, 3])
    image = tf.reshape(image, [1, 250, 250, 3])
    image = tf.image.resize_bicubic(image, [299, 299])
    image = tf.reshape(image, [299, 299, 3])
    #image = tf.image.per_image_standardization(image)

    # display in tf summary page
    images, labels = _generate_image_label_batch_mineral(
        image, label, batch_size)
    tf.summary.image('mineral image', images)
    return images, labels
Esempio n. 16
def merge_input(ifile, ofile, options):
    """Function for putting out filenames correctly for CDO."""
    if isinstance(ifile, list) and len(ifile) > 1:
        tmpfile = os.path.basename(ofile)
        ifile = Cdo().mergetime(input=ifile,
                                output='/tmp/' + tmpfile,

    inputs = glb(ifile)

    if isinstance(ifile, str) and len(inputs) > 1:
        tmpfile = os.path.basename(ofile)
        ifile = Cdo().mergetime(input=inputs,
                                output='/tmp/' + tmpfile,
    return ifile
def flow_inputs(batch_size):
  shape = (128,256)

  tfrecord_filename = glb('../data/*.tfrecords') 
  filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer(tfrecord_filename) 

  boundary, sflow = read_data(filename_queue, shape)

  boundarys, sflows = _generate_image_label_batch(boundary, sflow, batch_size)
  # display in tf summary page 
  tf.summary.image('boundarys', boundarys)
  tf.summary.image('sflows_x', sflows[:,:,:,1:2])
  tf.summary.image('sflows_y', sflows[:,:,:,0:1])

  return boundarys, sflows 
def atari_inputs(batch_size, seq_length):
    """Construct video input for ring net. given a video_dir that contains videos this will check to see if there already exists tf recods and makes them. Then returns batchs
    batch_size: Number of images per batch.
    seq_length: seq of inputs.
    images: Images. 4D tensor. Possible of size [batch_size, 84x84x4].

    # get list of video file names
    if FLAGS.model in ("lstm_84x84x1"):
        shape = (84, 84)
        num_frames = 4
        color = False
    elif FLAGS.model in ("lstm_210x160x3"):
        shape = (210, 160)
        num_frames = 1
        color = True

    print("begining to generate tf records")
    num_actions = createTFRecords.generate_tfrecords(seq_length, shape,
                                                     num_frames, color)

    # get list of tfrecords
    tfrecord_filename = glb(FLAGS.data_path + '/tfrecords/' +
                            FLAGS.atari_game[:-4] + '/*seq_' +
                            str(seq_length) + '_size_' + str(shape[0]) + 'x' +
                            str(shape[1]) + 'x' + str(num_frames) + '_color_' +
                            str(color) + '.tfrecords')

    filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer(tfrecord_filename)

    state, reward, action = read_data(filename_queue, seq_length, shape,
                                      num_frames, color, num_actions)

    states, rewards, actions, = _generate_image_label_batch(
        state, reward, action, batch_size)

    if color:
        tf.image_summary('state', states[:, 0, :, :, 0:3])
        tf.image_summary('state', states[:, 0, :, :, :])

    return states, rewards, actions
Esempio n. 19
def Read_raster_by_window(arg_window):
    block_array_set = []
    for i, year in enumerate(list(x_var_time)):
        f_raster = glb(dir_rasters + os.sep + "*" + str(year) + "*." +
        with as src:
            if i == 0:
                profile = src.profile
                windows = [window for ij, window in src.block_windows()]
            block_array =
        data = np.array(block_array_set)
        result = fun_myfun(data)
        with, 'w', **profile) as dst1:
            dst1.write(result[0], window=arg_window)
        with, 'w', **profile) as dst2:
            dst2.write(result[1], window=arg_windoww)
        with, 'w', **profile) as dst3:
            dst3.write(result[2], window=arg_windoww)
Esempio n. 20
def fluid_inputs(batch_size, seq_length, shape, num_frames, train=True):
    """Construct cannon input for ring net. just a 28x28 frame video of a bouncing ball 
    batch_size: Number of images per batch.
    seq_length: seq of inputs.
    images: Images. 4D tensor. Possible of size [batch_size, 28x28x4].
    # num tf records
    if train:
        #run_num = 100
        #run_num = 5
        run_num = 35
        run_num = 1

    # make dir name based on shape of simulation
    dir_name = 'fluid_flow_' + str(shape[0]) + 'x' + str(shape[1])
    if len(shape) > 2:
        dir_name = dir_name + 'x' + str(shape[2])

    dir_name = dir_name + '_'

    if not train:
        dir_name = dir_name + '_test'

    print("begining to generate tf records")
    fluid_createTFRecords.generate_tfrecords(seq_length, run_num, shape,
                                             num_frames, dir_name)

    tfrecord_filename = glb(FLAGS.tf_data_dir + '/tfrecords/' + str(dir_name) +
                            '/*_seq_length_' + str(seq_length) + '.tfrecords')

    filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer(tfrecord_filename)

    flow, boundary = read_data_fluid(filename_queue, seq_length, shape,
                                     num_frames, False)

    flows, boundarys = _generate_image_label_batch_fluid(
        flow, boundary, batch_size)

    return flows, boundarys
Esempio n. 21
def test_gcc():
    for test in glb('../dce-tests/spec/gcc/*.bc'):
        name = test[22:-3]
        output = name + '.opt.ll'

        liveness = subp.Popen([llicommand, './dce-liveness_' + output],
        ssa = subp.Popen([llicommand, './dce-ssa_' + output],
        outlive, err = liveness.communicate()
        outssa, err = ssa.communicate()

        check(outlive, outssa, name)

        diff = subp.Popen(['diff', './dce-ssa_' + output, 'dce-ssa_' + output],
        outdiff, err = diff.communicate()
        check(outdiff, '', 'diff')
Esempio n. 22
def cannon_inputs(batch_size, seq_length):
  """Construct cannon input for ring net. just a 28x28 frame video of a bouncing ball 
    batch_size: Number of images per batch.
    seq_length: seq of inputs.
    images: Images. 4D tensor. Possible of size [batch_size, 28x28x4].
  num_samples = 1000000
  cannon_createTFRecords.generate_tfrecords(num_samples, seq_length)
  tfrecord_filename = glb('../data/tfrecords_system/cannon/*num_samples_' + str(num_samples) + '_seq_length_' + str(seq_length) + '.tfrecords') 
  filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer(tfrecord_filename) 

  image = read_data(filename_queue, seq_length, (28, 28), 4, False)
  tf.image_summary('images', image)
  frames = _generate_image_label_batch(image, batch_size)

  return frames
Esempio n. 23
    def __init__(self, mouse, sessions, basedir="home", exp="2AFC_V2"):
        if basedir == "home":
            basestr = "/Volumes/mplitt/VR/" + exp + "/" + mouse + "/"
            #basestr = "/Users/mplitt/Dropbox/tmpVRDat/" +mouse + "/"
        elif basedir == "work":
            basestr = "Z://VR/" + exp + "/" + mouse + "/"
            raise Exception("Invalid basedir!..options are 'home' or 'work' ")

        self.basestr = basestr

        if len(list(sessions)
               ) == 0:  # if no sessions are specified, find all of them
            data_files = glb(basestr + "*_Licks.txt")
            sessions = [(i.split(basestr)[1]).split("_Licks.txt")[0]
                        for i in data_files]

        self.sessions = sessions
        self.mouse = mouse = {}
Esempio n. 24
                    _keep = False
                _i += 1

##### FIN DE CLASSE #####

from operator import attrgetter
from os import system, rename
from glob import glob as glb

fch = glb("Results/*")

if not "Results\\To be sorted.txt" in fch :
    with open("Results/To be sorted.txt", "w") as fichier:
        print ("- File successfully created -")

print("\n\nPaste your text into the file named \"To be sorted.txt\" in the folder \"Results\"")
print("Then choose the language that the program will sort : 'fr' (French) or 'ge' (German)")
print("Finally, press enter. If the program closes, something wrong happened.\n")
chtrl = input("Select your language :")

fichier = open("Results/To be sorted.txt", "r")
fichier_txt =
lt = fichier_txt.split("\n")
def evaluate():
  """Run Eval once.

    saver: Saver.
    summary_writer: Summary writer.
    top_k_op: Top K op.
    summary_op: Summary op.
  # get a list of image filenames
  filenames = glb('../data/test/*')
  # sort the file names but this is probably not ness
  #num_files = len(filename)

  with tf.Graph().as_default():
    # Make image placeholder
    images_op = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [1, 420, 580, 1])

    # Build a Graph that computes the logits predictions from the
    # inference model.
    mask = nerve_net.inference(images_op,1.0)

    # Restore the moving average version of the learned variables for eval.
    variables_to_restore = tf.all_variables()
    saver = tf.train.Saver(variables_to_restore)

    # Build the summary operation based on the TF collection of Summaries.
    summary_op = tf.merge_all_summaries()
    sess = tf.Session()

    ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(TEST_DIR)

    saver.restore(sess, ckpt.model_checkpoint_path)
    global_step = 1
    graph_def = tf.get_default_graph().as_graph_def(add_shapes=True)
    #summary_writer = tf.train.SummaryWriter(FLAGS.eval_dir,
    #                                        graph_def=graph_def)

    # make csv file
    csvfile = open('test.csv', 'wb') 
    writer = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='|', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)
    writer.writerow(['img', 'pixels'])

    for f in filenames:
      # name to save 
      prediction_path = '../data/prediction/'
      name = f[13:-4]
      # read in image
      img = cv2.imread(f, 0)
      img = img - np.mean(img)
      # format image for network
      img = np.expand_dims(img, axis=0)
      img = np.expand_dims(img, axis=3)
      # calc logits 
      generated_mask =[mask],feed_dict={images_op: img})
      generated_mask = generated_mask[0]
      generated_mask = generated_mask[0, :, :, :]
      # bin for converting to row format
      threshold = .5
      run_length_encoding = RLenc(generated_mask)
      writer.writerow([name, run_length_encoding])

      # convert to display 
      generated_mask = np.uint8(generated_mask * 255)
      # display image
      cv2.imshow('img', img[0,:,:,0])
      cv2.imshow('mask', generated_mask[:,:,0])
      if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):
      generated_mask = np.uint8(generated_mask)

      if False: 
        # display image
        cv2.imshow('img', np.uint8(img[0,:,:,0]*255.0))
        cv2.imshow('mask', generated_mask[:,:,0]*255)
        if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):
# helper function
def _bytes_feature(value):
    return tf.train.Feature(bytes_list=tf.train.BytesList(value=[value]))

# create tf writer
record_filename = '../data/tfrecords/train.tfrecords'

writer = tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(record_filename)

# the stored frames
shape = (420, 580)
frames = np.zeros((shape[0], shape[1], 1))

# list of files
train_filename = glb('../data/train/*')
mask_filename = [s for s in train_filename if "mask" in s]
image_filename = [s for s in train_filename if "mask" not in s]

pair_filename = []

for image in image_filename:
    key = image[:-4]
    mask = [s for s in mask_filename if key in s][0]
    pair_filename.append((image, mask))

for pair in pair_filename:
    # read in images
    image = cv2.imread(pair[0], 0)
    mask = cv2.imread(pair[1], 0)
x_var_time = np.arange(year_set[0], year_set[1] + 1)  # 时间轴

N = len(x_var_time)  # time series for N years

# def read_raster(raster_f):
#     raster_type = raster_f.split('.')[-1]
#     if raster_type == 'flt':
#         raster_arr = np.fromfile(raster_f)
#     else:
#         ds = gdal.Open(raster_f)
#         raster_arr = ds.ReadAsArray()
#     return raster_arr

for i, year in enumerate(list(x_var_time)):
    file = glb(dir_rasters + os.sep + "*" + str(year) + "*." + raster_type)[0]
    ds = gdal.Open(file)
    img_data = ds.ReadAsArray()  # 读取整幅图像转化为数组
    img_data = img_data.reshape(1, -1)  # 将数组转化为1行,自定义列的数组
    if i == 0:
        # 影像数据基本情况 波段数、行、列等
        im_width = ds.RasterXSize  # 行
        im_height = ds.RasterYSize  # 列
        im_bands = ds.RasterCount  # 波段数
        band1 = ds.GetRasterBand(1)  # 波段的indice起始为1,不为0
        img_datatype = band1.DataType  # 数据类型
        data_y = np.zeros((N, im_height * im_width), dtype=float)  # 建立数组 N * P
        # continue
    data_y[i] = img_data

Esempio n. 28
def optimize_gcc(opt):
    for test in glb('../dce-tests/spec/gcc/*.bc'):
        name = test[22:-3]
        my_cmd = command + opt + ' ' + test + ' > ' + output
Esempio n. 29
        dest_dir_name_1 = dest_dir_name[0]
        dest_dir_name_1 = dest_dir_name[1]
    dest_dir_name_1 = unicode(dest_dir_name_1, 'utf-8')
    for r2 in region_list2:
        temp_path = os.path.join(fpath, r1, r2)
        county_list = os.listdir(temp_path)
            os.path.join(temp_path, county, dest_dir_name_1)
            for county in county_list

for list_dir in shp_dirs:
    for shp_dir in list_dir:
        f_raster = glb(shp_dir + os.sep + '*.tif')[0]
        fname = f_raster.split(os.sep)[3]
        region = f_raster.split(os.sep)[1]
        raster_f = arcpy.Raster(f_raster)
        desc = arcpy.Describe(raster_f)
        # data_extent = [desc.extent.XMin, desc.extent.XMax, desc.extent.YMin, desc.extent.YMax]
        if desc.height > desc.width:
            fmxd = fmxd1
            fmxd = fmxd2
        # =============================== 重分类 ===========================
        out_fmxd = mxds_dir + os.sep + fname + ".mxd"  # 绝对路径+文件名+后缀
        outReclassTif = qinshi_raster_dir + os.sep + fname + ".tif"
        if region == u"国家级监测区域":
            raster_tmp = raster_f - 10
def generate_tfrecords(video_file, seq_length, shape, frame_num, color):
  # make video cap
  cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_file) 

  # calc number of frames in video
  total_num_frames = cap.get(
  # create tf writer
  video_file_name = video_file.split('/')[-1]
  record_filename = '../data/tfrecords/' + FLAGS.video_dir + '/' + video_file_name.replace('.', '_') + '_seq_' + str(seq_length) + '_size_' + str(shape[0]) + 'x' + str(shape[1]) + 'x' + str(frame_num) + '_color_' + str(color) + '.tfrecords'
  # check to see if file alreay exists 
  tfrecord_filename = glb('../data/tfrecords/'+FLAGS.video_dir+'/*')
  if record_filename in tfrecord_filename:
    print('already a tfrecord there! I will skip this one')
  writer = tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(record_filename)

  # the stored frames
  if color:
    frames = np.zeros((shape[0], shape[1], frame_num*3))
    seq_frames = np.zeros((seq_length, shape[0], shape[1], frame_num*3))
    frames = np.zeros((shape[0], shape[1], frame_num))
    seq_frames = np.zeros((seq_length, shape[0], shape[1], frame_num))

  # num frames
  ind = 0
  converted_frames = 0

  # end of file
  end = False 
  print('now generating tfrecords for ' + video_file + ' and saving to ' + record_filename)

  while (converted_frames < total_num_frames - FLAGS.video_frames_per_train_frame):
    # create frames
    if ind == 0:
      for s in xrange(seq_length):
        if ind == 0:
          for i in xrange(frame_num):
            if color:
              frames[:,:,i*3:(i+1)*3] = get_converted_frame(cap, shape, color)
              converted_frames = converted_frames + FLAGS.video_frames_per_train_frame
              frames[:,:,i] = get_converted_frame(cap, shape, color)
              converted_frames = converted_frames + FLAGS.video_frames_per_train_frame

          ind = ind + 1
          if color:
            frames[:,:,0:frame_num*3-3] = frames[:,:,3:frame_num*3]
            frames[:,:,(frame_num-1)*3:frame_num*3] = get_converted_frame(cap, shape, color)
            converted_frames = converted_frames + FLAGS.video_frames_per_train_frame

            frames[:,:,0:frame_num-1] = frames[:,:,1:frame_num]
            frames[:,:,frame_num-1] = get_converted_frame(cap, shape, color)
            converted_frames = converted_frames + FLAGS.video_frames_per_train_frame

        seq_frames[s, :, :, :] = frames[:,:,:]
      if color:
        frames[:,:,0:frame_num*3-3] = frames[:,:,3:frame_num*3]
        frames[:,:,(frame_num-1)*3:frame_num*3] = get_converted_frame(cap, shape, color)
        converted_frames = converted_frames + FLAGS.video_frames_per_train_frame

        frames[:,:,0:frame_num-1] = frames[:,:,1:frame_num]
        frames[:,:,frame_num-1] = get_converted_frame(cap, shape, color)
        converted_frames = converted_frames + FLAGS.video_frames_per_train_frame

      seq_frames[0:seq_length-1,:,:,:] = seq_frames[1:seq_length,:,:,:]
      seq_frames[seq_length-1, :, :, :] = frames[:,:,:]


    # process frame for saving
    seq_frames = np.uint8(seq_frames)
    if color:
      seq_frames_flat = seq_frames.reshape([1,seq_length*shape[0]*shape[1]*frame_num*3])
      seq_frames_flat = seq_frames.reshape([1,seq_length*shape[0]*shape[1]*frame_num])
    seq_frame_raw = seq_frames_flat.tostring()
    # create example and write it
    example = tf.train.Example(features=tf.train.Features(feature={
      'image': _bytes_feature(seq_frame_raw)})) 

    # Display the resulting frame
    #if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):
    #    break
    # print status
    ind = ind + 1
    if ind%1000 == 0:
      print('percent converted = ' + str(100.0 * float(converted_frames) / float(total_num_frames)))

  # When everything done, release the capture
# helper function
def _bytes_feature(value):
  return tf.train.Feature(bytes_list=tf.train.BytesList(value=[value]))

# create tf writer
record_filename = '../data/tfrecords/train.tfrecords'

writer = tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(record_filename)

# the stored frames
shape = (420, 580)
frames = np.zeros((shape[0], shape[1], 1))

# list of files
train_filename = glb('../data/train/*') 
mask_filename = [s for s in train_filename if "mask" in s]
image_filename = [s for s in train_filename if "mask" not in s]

pair_filename = []

for image in image_filename:
  key = image[:-4] 
  mask = [s for s in mask_filename if key in s][0]
  pair_filename.append((image, mask))

for pair in pair_filename:
  # read in images
  image = cv2.imread(pair[0], 0) 
  mask = cv2.imread(pair[1], 0) 
Esempio n. 32
# helper function
def _bytes_feature(value):
    return tf.train.Feature(bytes_list=tf.train.BytesList(value=[value]))

# create tf writer
record_filename = '../data/train.tfrecords'

writer = tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(record_filename)

# the stored frames
shape = [128, 256]
frames = np.zeros((shape[0], shape[1], 1))

# list of files
train_filename = glb('/data/fluid_flow_steady_state_128x128_/*')

for run in tqdm(train_filename):
    # read in images
    flow_name = run + '/fluid_flow_0002.h5'
    boundary = load_boundary(flow_name, shape)
    sflow = load_state(flow_name, shape)

    # Display the resulting frame
    if FLAGS.debug == True:
        cv2.imshow('boundary', boundary)
        cv2.imshow('sflow', sflow[:, :, 0])

    # process frame for saving
Esempio n. 33
dest_dir_name = unicode(dest_dir_name, 'utf-8')

fmxd1 = dir_mxd + os.sep + u'九江_shp_v.mxd'
fmxd2 = dir_mxd + os.sep + u'九江_shp_h.mxd'

shp_dirs = []
for r1 in region_list1:
    for r2 in region_list2:
        temp_path = os.path.join(fpath, r1, r2)
        county_list = os.listdir(temp_path)
        shp_dirs.append([os.path.join(temp_path, county, dest_dir_name) for county in county_list])

for list_dir in shp_dirs:
    for shp_dir in list_dir:
        f_shp = glb(shp_dir + os.sep + '*.shp')[0]
        fstrs = os.path.basename(f_shp).split('.')[0]
        fname = f_shp.split(os.sep)[3]
        region = f_shp.split(os.sep)[1]
        # raster_f = arcpy.Raster(f_raster)
        desc = arcpy.Describe(f_shp)
        data_extent = [desc.extent.XMin, desc.extent.XMax, desc.extent.YMin, desc.extent.YMax]
        if (data_extent[1] - data_extent[0]) > (data_extent[3] - data_extent[2]):
            fmxd = fmxd1
            fmxd = fmxd2
        # =============================== 重分类 ===========================
        out_fmxd = mxds_dir + os.sep + fname + ".mxd"  # 绝对路径+文件名+后缀
        # outReclassTif = shp_dir + os.sep + fname + ".tif"
        # read standard mxd file ======----------------------
Esempio n. 34
import matplotlib.font_manager as fm
from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator, FormatStrFormatter
from matplotlib.font_manager import FontManager, FontProperties
from mpl_toolkits.axisartist.parasite_axes import HostAxes, ParasiteAxes
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.feature_selection import f_regression
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf 

plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False  #显示负号
# plt.rcParams[''] = 'sans-serif'
# plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = 'SimHei'
# plt.rcParams['font.size'] = '7.5' # 设置字体大小
fpath = r'F:\文件\工作\NDVI_Zonal'
flist = glb(fpath+os.sep+'JX*Mean.xlsx')
#-----------------plot setting-------------------------------------------------
#title setting
title_name = "土地利用现状一级分类面积"
title_fontsz = 8
##tick and tick label setting
#font_prop = fm.FontProperties(fname=r'C:\Windows\Fonts\times.ttf')   # 设置字体

#other setting
#lwidth = 3.0    # axis width
#lw_spines = 1.0   # x,y spines width
lwidth = 2.0    # axis width
lw_spines = 1.0   # x,y spines width
marksize = 3.8
linestyle = '-'  # bar linestyle
c1 = (255/255,24/255,0/255)        #颜色1
def generate_tfrecords(seq_length, shape, frame_num, color):
  # make atari game
  print("starting to generate data for game " + FLAGS.atari_game)
  print('../game/' + FLAGS.atari_game)
  atari = Atari('../game/' + FLAGS.atari_game) 
  num_actions = len(atari.legal_actions)
  # create tf writer 
  record_filename = FLAGS.data_path + '/tfrecords/' + FLAGS.atari_game[:-4] + '/' + FLAGS.atari_game.replace('.', '_') + '_seq_' + str(seq_length) + '_size_' + str(shape[0]) + 'x' + str(shape[1]) + 'x' + str(frame_num) + '_color_' + str(color) + '.tfrecords'
  # check to see if file alreay exists 
  tfrecord_filename = glb(FLAGS.data_path + '/tfrecords/'+FLAGS.atari_game[:-4]+'/*')
  if record_filename in tfrecord_filename:
    print('already a tfrecord there! I will skip this one')
    return num_actions
  writer = tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(record_filename)

  # the stored frames
  if color:
    frames = np.zeros((shape[0], shape[1], frame_num*3))
    seq_frames = np.zeros((seq_length, shape[0], shape[1], frame_num*3))
    frames = np.zeros((shape[0], shape[1], frame_num))
    seq_frames = np.zeros((seq_length, shape[0], shape[1], frame_num))

  # other things
  reward = np.zeros((1))
  seq_reward = np.zeros((seq_length, 1))
  action = np.zeros((num_actions))
  seq_action = np.zeros((seq_length, num_actions))

  # num frames
  ind = 0
  converted_frames = 0

  # end of file
  end = False 
  print('now generating tfrecords for ' + FLAGS.atari_game + ' and saving to ' + record_filename)

  for _ in tqdm(xrange(FLAGS.num_training_frames)):
    # create frames
    if ind == 0:
      for s in xrange(seq_length):
        if ind == 0:
          for i in xrange(frame_num):
            if color:
              frames[:,:,i*3:(i+1)*3], reward, action = get_converted_frame(atari, shape, color)
              frames[:,:,i], reward, action = get_converted_frame(atari, shape, color)

          ind = ind + 1
          if color:
            frames[:,:,0:frame_num*3-3] = frames[:,:,3:frame_num*3]
            frames[:,:,(frame_num-1)*3:frame_num*3], reward, action = get_converted_frame(atari, shape, color)

            frames[:,:,0:frame_num-1] = frames[:,:,1:frame_num]
            frames[:,:,frame_num-1], reward, action = get_converted_frame(atari, shape, color)

        seq_frames[s, :, :, :] = frames[:,:,:]
        if reward > 0:
          seq_reward[s, :] = 1
          seq_reward[s, :] = 0
        seq_action[s, :] = action[:]
      if color:
        frames[:,:,0:frame_num*3-3] = frames[:,:,3:frame_num*3]
        frames[:,:,(frame_num-1)*3:frame_num*3], reward, action = get_converted_frame(atari, shape, color)

        frames[:,:,0:frame_num-1] = frames[:,:,1:frame_num]
        frames[:,:,frame_num-1], reward, action = get_converted_frame(atari, shape, color)

      seq_frames[0:seq_length-1,:,:,:] = seq_frames[1:seq_length,:,:,:]
      seq_reward[0:seq_length-1,:] = seq_reward[1:seq_length,:]
      seq_action[0:seq_length-1,:] = seq_action[1:seq_length,:]
      seq_frames[seq_length-1, :, :, :] = frames[:,:,:]
      if reward > 0:
        seq_reward[s, :] = 1
        seq_reward[s, :] = 0
      seq_action[seq_length-1,:] = action[:]

    # process frame for saving
    seq_frames = np.uint8(seq_frames)
    seq_reward = np.uint8(seq_reward)
    seq_action = np.uint8(seq_action)
    if color:
      seq_frames_flat = seq_frames.reshape([1,seq_length*shape[0]*shape[1]*frame_num*3])
      seq_frames_flat = seq_frames.reshape([1,seq_length*shape[0]*shape[1]*frame_num])
    seq_reward_flat = seq_reward.reshape([1,seq_length])
    seq_action_flat = seq_action.reshape([1,seq_length*num_actions])
    seq_frame_raw = seq_frames_flat.tostring()
    seq_reward_raw = seq_reward_flat.tostring()
    seq_action_raw = seq_action_flat.tostring()
    # create example and write it
    example = tf.train.Example(features=tf.train.Features(feature={
      'state': _bytes_feature(seq_frame_raw),
      'reward': _bytes_feature(seq_reward_raw), 
      'action': _bytes_feature(seq_action_raw)})) 

  # When everything done, return num of actions. This is durpy
  return num_actions
# helper function
def _bytes_feature(value):
    return tf.train.Feature(bytes_list=tf.train.BytesList(value=[value]))

# create tf writer
record_filename = 'data/tfrecords/train.tfrecords'

writer = tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(record_filename)

# the stored frames
shape = (420, 580)
frames = np.zeros((shape[0], shape[1], 1))

# list of files
train_filename = glb('data/train/*')
mask_filename = [s for s in train_filename if "mask" in s]
image_filename = [s for s in train_filename if "mask" not in s]

pair_filename = []

for image in image_filename:
    key = image[:-4]
    mask = [s for s in mask_filename if key in s][0]
    pair_filename.append((image, mask))

for pair in pair_filename:
    # read in images
    image = cv2.imread(pair[0], 0)
    mask = cv2.imread(pair[1], 0)
def generate_tfrecords(seq_length, shape, frame_num, color):
    # make atari game
    print("starting to generate data for game " + FLAGS.atari_game)
    print('../game/' + FLAGS.atari_game)
    atari = Atari('../game/' + FLAGS.atari_game)
    num_actions = len(atari.legal_actions)

    # create tf writer
    record_filename = FLAGS.data_path + '/tfrecords/' + FLAGS.atari_game[:-4] + '/' + FLAGS.atari_game.replace(
        '.', '_') + '_seq_' + str(seq_length) + '_size_' + str(
            shape[0]) + 'x' + str(shape[1]) + 'x' + str(
                frame_num) + '_color_' + str(color) + '.tfrecords'

    # check to see if file alreay exists
    tfrecord_filename = glb(FLAGS.data_path + '/tfrecords/' +
                            FLAGS.atari_game[:-4] + '/*')
    if record_filename in tfrecord_filename:
        print('already a tfrecord there! I will skip this one')
        return num_actions

    writer = tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(record_filename)

    # the stored frames
    if color:
        frames = np.zeros((shape[0], shape[1], frame_num * 3))
        seq_frames = np.zeros((seq_length, shape[0], shape[1], frame_num * 3))
        frames = np.zeros((shape[0], shape[1], frame_num))
        seq_frames = np.zeros((seq_length, shape[0], shape[1], frame_num))

    # other things
    reward = np.zeros((1))
    seq_reward = np.zeros((seq_length, 1))
    action = np.zeros((num_actions))
    seq_action = np.zeros((seq_length, num_actions))

    # num frames
    ind = 0
    converted_frames = 0

    # end of file
    end = False

    print('now generating tfrecords for ' + FLAGS.atari_game +
          ' and saving to ' + record_filename)

    for _ in tqdm(xrange(FLAGS.num_training_frames)):
        # create frames
        if ind == 0:
            for s in xrange(seq_length):
                if ind == 0:
                    for i in xrange(frame_num):
                        if color:
                            frames[:, :, i * 3:(i + 1) *
                                   3], reward, action = get_converted_frame(
                                       atari, shape, color)
                            frames[:, :,
                                   i], reward, action = get_converted_frame(
                                       atari, shape, color)

                    ind = ind + 1
                    if color:
                        frames[:, :,
                               0:frame_num * 3 - 3] = frames[:, :,
                                                             3:frame_num * 3]
                        frames[:, :, (frame_num - 1) * 3:frame_num *
                               3], reward, action = get_converted_frame(
                                   atari, shape, color)

                        frames[:, :, 0:frame_num - 1] = frames[:, :,
                        frames[:, :, frame_num -
                               1], reward, action = get_converted_frame(
                                   atari, shape, color)

                seq_frames[s, :, :, :] = frames[:, :, :]
                if reward > 0:
                    seq_reward[s, :] = 1
                    seq_reward[s, :] = 0
                seq_action[s, :] = action[:]
            if color:
                frames[:, :, 0:frame_num * 3 - 3] = frames[:, :,
                                                           3:frame_num * 3]
                frames[:, :, (frame_num - 1) * 3:frame_num *
                       3], reward, action = get_converted_frame(
                           atari, shape, color)

                frames[:, :, 0:frame_num - 1] = frames[:, :, 1:frame_num]
                frames[:, :,
                       frame_num - 1], reward, action = get_converted_frame(
                           atari, shape, color)

            seq_frames[0:seq_length -
                       1, :, :, :] = seq_frames[1:seq_length, :, :, :]
            seq_reward[0:seq_length - 1, :] = seq_reward[1:seq_length, :]
            seq_action[0:seq_length - 1, :] = seq_action[1:seq_length, :]
            seq_frames[seq_length - 1, :, :, :] = frames[:, :, :]
            if reward > 0:
                seq_reward[s, :] = 1
                seq_reward[s, :] = 0
            seq_action[seq_length - 1, :] = action[:]

        # process frame for saving
        seq_frames = np.uint8(seq_frames)
        seq_reward = np.uint8(seq_reward)
        seq_action = np.uint8(seq_action)
        if color:
            seq_frames_flat = seq_frames.reshape(
                [1, seq_length * shape[0] * shape[1] * frame_num * 3])
            seq_frames_flat = seq_frames.reshape(
                [1, seq_length * shape[0] * shape[1] * frame_num])
        seq_reward_flat = seq_reward.reshape([1, seq_length])
        seq_action_flat = seq_action.reshape([1, seq_length * num_actions])

        seq_frame_raw = seq_frames_flat.tostring()
        seq_reward_raw = seq_reward_flat.tostring()
        seq_action_raw = seq_action_flat.tostring()
        # create example and write it
        example = tf.train.Example(features=tf.train.Features(
                'state': _bytes_feature(seq_frame_raw),
                'reward': _bytes_feature(seq_reward_raw),
                'action': _bytes_feature(seq_action_raw)

    # When everything done, return num of actions. This is durpy
    return num_actions