async def newraid(ctx): # initialize priority table and unlock soft reserves # TODO: reinit channel state = GlobalState() # Save the ID of the user initiating the newraid. Only they will be able to set it up state.new_raid_user_id = user = user_dm = user.dm_channel if user_dm is None: await user.create_dm() user_dm = user.dm_channel s = NEW_RAID_SPLIT_TOKEN c = NEW_RAID_CANCEL_TRIGGER msg = ( f"To initialize the new raid reply to me here with the extra info in the format below or '{c}' to cancel.\n" f"`<raid name> {s} <raid description> {s} <raid date> {s} <raid time>`\n\n" "Date and time should be formatted as: dd/mm/yyyy and hh:mm\n" "All times are assumed to be in 24h format and being server time.\n" "For example:\n" f"`Molten Core Full Clear {s} Lets clear MC again! {s} 13/02/2069 {s} 19:30`" ) await user_dm.send(msg) await ctx.message.delete()
async def help(ctx): state = GlobalState() # get pleb and admin help messages embed_tuple = write_help() channel = ctx change = True if state.last_help is not None: delta = - state.last_help # spam filter of 1 hour if delta.days == 0 and delta.seconds < 3600: # get user private message channel, or create if doesn't exist user = dm_channel = user.dm_channel if dm_channel is None: await user.create_dm() dm_channel = user.dm_channel channel = dm_channel change = False await ctx.send( "Sliding into your DMs to give you some _personal_ help. :kissing_heart:" ) if change: state.last_help = await channel.send(embed=embed_tuple[0]) await channel.send(embed=embed_tuple[1])
async def on_message(message): # Ignore messages that we sent if == return state = GlobalState() while not state.initialized: await asyncio.sleep(1) channel = # New raid is being set up if channel.type == discord.ChannelType.private: if state.new_raid_user_id == await process_new_raid(message) # We only care for our 3 channels, rest can be ignored elif in AUTHORIZED_CHANNELS: # Only request commands are allowed in the request channel if == REQUEST_CHANNEL_NAME: if message.content.startswith(f"{PREFIX}request"): await bot.process_commands(message) else: await message.delete() user = user_dm = user.dm_channel if user_dm is None: await user.create_dm() user_dm = user.dm_channel await user_dm.send( f"Only requests allowed in the `{REQUEST_CHANNEL_NAME}` channel" ) else: await bot.process_commands(message)
async def itemwin(ctx, *, character_name): character_name = character_name.strip() state = GlobalState() try: state.priority_table[character_name.casefold()].received_item = True await ctx.send(f"Congrats, {character_name}!") except KeyError: await ctx.send("I don't know this person. :frowning:")
async def winners(ctx): state = GlobalState() if state.priority_table != {}: WINNERS = {} for player_name, request in state.priority_table.items(): if request.received_item: WINNERS[player_name] = state.priority_table[player_name] table_list = build_update_table(WINNERS) for table in table_list: await ctx.send(table)
def write_info(): state = GlobalState() embed = discord.Embed( title="Loot Priority Bot", description= "Waaaaay better than writing everything by hand, wouldn't you agree?") embed.add_field(name="Authors", value=AUTHOR) embed.add_field(name="Source", value=SOURCE) embed.add_field(name="Invite", value=INVITE) embed.add_field(name="Last Booted", value=f"{state.boot_time}") return embed
async def boss(ctx, *, boss_id): boss_id = boss_id.strip() # boss_id is either: 1 or majordomo executus if not boss_id: await ctx.send("Am I supposed to guess? What boss do you want?") return potential_loot = None boss_name = None if boss_id.isdigit(): # Boss identified by his number boss_number = int(boss_id) - 1 if boss_number not in range(len(MC_BOSS_NAMES)): await ctx.send( "Not a real number. Do I have to spell everything out?") return else: boss_name = MC_BOSS_NAMES[boss_number] potential_loot = MC_BOSS_LOOT[boss_name] else: if len(boss_id) < 3: await ctx.send("Wtf kinda name is that?") return # Boss identified by name for name in MC_BOSS_NAMES: if boss_id.casefold() in name: boss_name = name potential_loot = MC_BOSS_LOOT[boss_name] break else: await ctx.send("No boss with that name found. Type better.") return assert boss_name is not None assert potential_loot is not None state = GlobalState() RELEVANT_TABLE = {} for item_num in potential_loot.keys(): item_name = potential_loot[item_num] for character_name in state.priority_table.keys(): if state.priority_table[character_name].item.casefold( ) == item_name.casefold(): RELEVANT_TABLE[character_name] = state.priority_table[ character_name] table_list = build_update_table(RELEVANT_TABLE) await ctx.send("**" + boss_name.title() + "**") for table in table_list: await ctx.send(table)
async def update_table(): state = GlobalState() if state.priority_table: table_list = build_update_table() for table, message in zip(table_list, state.table_messages): await message.edit(content=table) for i in range(len(table_list), NUM_MESSAGES_FOR_TABLE): await state.table_messages[i].edit(content=RESERVED_MESSAGE_TEXT) else: msg = ("Nothing to see here... yet.") await state.table_messages[0].edit(content=msg) for i in range(1, NUM_MESSAGES_FOR_TABLE): await state.table_messages[i].edit(content=RESERVED_MESSAGE_TEXT)
async def update_status(): state = GlobalState() if state.created: embed = discord.Embed(title=f"{}", description=f"{state.description}") embed.add_field(name="Raid Time", value=f"{state.when}", inline=False) embed.add_field(name="Player Requests", value=f"{len(state.priority_table)}") embed.add_field(name="Request Status", value=f"{'LOCKED' if state.lock_flag else 'OPEN'}") else: embed = discord.Embed( title="Nope", description="No raid is being tracked at the moment.") await state.status_message.edit(embed=embed, content="")
async def on_ready():"Successfully logged in as {}")"Looking for info channel") info_channel = None for channel in bot.get_all_channels(): if == INFO_CHANNEL_NAME: info_channel = channel break if info_channel is None: logger.error( f"Could not find info channel, options were: {bot.get_all_channels()} " ) exit() state = GlobalState() state.info_channel = channel # Loading/Initializing references to the auto-updating messages"Initializing updating messages") f"Status_message is: |{state.status_message}|\nTable_message is: |{state.table_messages}|" ) if state.status_message is None or len( state.table_messages) != NUM_MESSAGES_FOR_TABLE: await init_update_messages(channel) else: try: state.status_message = await channel.fetch_message( state.status_message) for i in range(NUM_MESSAGES_FOR_TABLE): state.table_messages[i] = await channel.fetch_message( state.table_messages[i]) except discord.NotFound: logger.warning( "Could not find info/status messages by their saved id. Reiniting" ) await init_update_messages(channel) await update_status() await update_table() state.initialized = True state.save_current_state()
async def show(ctx, *, sort_by): sort_by = sort_by.strip() state = GlobalState() # print table of requests in private message if state.priority_table != {}: # get user private message channel, or create if doesn't exist user = dm_channel = user.dm_channel if dm_channel is None: await user.create_dm() dm_channel = user.dm_channel await ctx.send("Sliding into your DMs. :wink:") table_list = build_update_table(state.priority_table, sort_by) for table in table_list: await dm_channel.send(table) else: await ctx.send("I got nothing to show you, my dude.")
async def decorated(*args, **kwargs): await func(*args, **kwargs) state = GlobalState() state.save_current_state() await update_status() await update_table()
def build_update_table(loot_table=None, sort_by=None): HEADERS = ["Name", "Role", "Class", "Item"] if loot_table is None: state = GlobalState() loot_table = state.priority_table table = [] table_list = [] max_name_size = max(len(name) for name in loot_table.keys()) max_item_size = max(len(request.item) for request in loot_table.values()) max_role_size = max(len(request.role) for request in loot_table.values()) max_class_size = max( len(request.wow_class) for request in loot_table.values()) max_item_size = max(len(request.item) for request in loot_table.values()) for key in loot_table.keys(): request = loot_table[key].as_presentable() row = [ key.title().ljust(max_name_size, " "), request.role.ljust(max_role_size, " "), request.wow_class.ljust(max_class_size, " "), request.item.ljust(max_item_size, " "), ] table.append(row) if sort_by is not None and sort_by.title() in HEADERS: sort_column = HEADERS.index(sort_by.title()) ordered_table = sorted(table, key=lambda x: (x[sort_column])) else: # By default we sort by (item, name) ordered_table = sorted(table, key=lambda x: (x[3], x[0])) row_count = len(ordered_table) rows_per_msg = 10 i = 0 if row_count > rows_per_msg: table_list.append("```" + tb.tabulate( ordered_table[(rows_per_msg * i):(rows_per_msg * (i + 1))], headers=HEADERS, tablefmt="fancy_grid", ) + "```") row_count -= rows_per_msg i += 1 else: table_list.append("```" + tb.tabulate( ordered_table[(rows_per_msg * i):], headers=HEADERS, tablefmt="fancy_grid", ) + "```") return table_list while row_count > rows_per_msg: table_list.append("```" + tb.tabulate( ordered_table[(rows_per_msg * i):(rows_per_msg * (i + 1))], tablefmt="fancy_grid", ) + "```") row_count -= rows_per_msg i += 1 table_list.append("```" + tb.tabulate( ordered_table[(rows_per_msg * i):], tablefmt="fancy_grid", ) + "```") return table_list
async def unlock(ctx): # lower flag for more soft reserves GlobalState().lock_flag = False await ctx.send("Raid priority is open once more!")
async def lock(ctx): # raise flag for no more soft reserves GlobalState().lock_flag = True await ctx.send("Raid priority is now locked!")
async def init_update_messages(channel): state = GlobalState() state.table_messages = [] state.status_message = await channel.send("I'm bootin' baby!") for i in range(NUM_MESSAGES_FOR_TABLE): state.table_messages.append(await channel.send(RESERVED_MESSAGE_TEXT))
async def request(ctx, *, request): request = request.strip() if != REQUEST_CHANNEL_NAME: await ctx.send( f"Requests can only be done in the `{REQUEST_CHANNEL_NAME}` channel. Now begone." ) return state = GlobalState() if state.created is None: await ctx.send( f"There is no raid currently being tracked. Complain to an {ADMIN_ROLE} until something happens." ) return if state.lock_flag: await ctx.send("Raid loot reservation is currently locked.") return user = user_dm = user.dm_channel user_message = ctx.message if user_dm is None: await user.create_dm() user_dm = user.dm_channel if request.count("/") != 3: logger.warning( (f"Failed loot request from |{}|. " f"Messaged: |{user_message.content}|. " "Reason: / count")) await user_dm.send(( f"You sent: `{user_message.content}`\n\n" "It looks like you forgot something.:thinking:\n" f"Fix your command (and your life) and message me again in the `{REQUEST_CHANNEL_NAME}` channel!\n" )) await user_message.delete() return name, role, wow_class, item = [ info.strip().casefold() for info in request.split("/") ] if min(len(role), len(wow_class), len(item), len(name)) < 3: logger.warning( (f"Failed loot request from |{}|. " f"Messaged: |{user_message.content}|. " "Reason: len check")) await user_dm.send(( f"You sent: `{user_message.content}`\n\n" "I don't speak whatever this is. Write things out properly - and spell them right ffs.\n" f"Fix your command (and your life) and message me again in the `{REQUEST_CHANNEL_NAME}` channel!" )) await user_message.delete() return for existing_role in WOW_ROLES: if existing_role.startswith(role): role = existing_role break else: logger.warning( (f"Failed loot request from |{}|. " f"Messaged: |{user_message.content}|. " "Reason: role check")) await user_dm.send(( f"You sent: `{user_message.content}`\n\n" "Couldn't understand your declared role.\n" "Format is: `>request <name>/<role>/<class>/<item>`\n" f"Your role choices are: {' | '.join(WOW_ROLES)}\n" f"Fix your command (and your life) and message me again in the `{REQUEST_CHANNEL_NAME}` channel!" )) await user_message.delete() return for existing_class in WOW_CLASSES: if existing_class.startswith(wow_class): wow_class = existing_class break else: logger.warning( (f"Failed loot request from |{}|. " f"Messaged: |{user_message.content}|. " "Reason: class check")) await user_dm.send(( f"You sent: `{user_message.content}`\n\n" "Couldn't understand your declared class.\n" "Format is: `>request <name>/<role>/<class>/<item>`\n" f"Your classes choices are: {' | '.join(WOW_CLASSES)}\n" f"Fix your command (and your life) and message me again in the `{REQUEST_CHANNEL_NAME}` channel!" )) await user_message.delete() return try: search = OpenSearch('item', item) except OpenSearchError as e: logger.warning(e) logger.warning( (f"Failed loot request from |{}|. " f"Messaged: |{user_message.content}|. " "Reason: item exists check")) await user_dm.send(( f"You sent: `{user_message.content}`\n\n" "Could not find any matching items.\n" f"Figure your shit out and message me again in the `{REQUEST_CHANNEL_NAME}` channel!" )) await user_message.delete() return except JSONDecodeError: logger.warning( (f"Failed loot request from |{}|. " f"Messaged: |{user_message.content}|. " "Reason: wowhead is being a dick")) await user_dm.send(( f"You sent: `{user_message.content}`\n\n" "Could not properly fetch data from wowhead.\n" "Wowhead is probably just feeling like being a dick at the moment - try the request again in a little while.\n" "If problems continue then give Frawni or Malzo a poke!")) await user_message.delete() return # Valid item is one that we found on WoWhead and that is also part of our loot table valid_item = None for item in search.results: for boss in MC_BOSS_LOOT: if in MC_BOSS_LOOT[boss]: valid_item = item break else: # If we didnt break out of inner loop, continue with outer continue # If we did break out of inner loop, break out of the outer too break if valid_item is None: logger.warning( (f"Failed loot request from |{}|. " f"Messaged: |{user_message.content}|. " "Reason: valid item check")) await user_dm.send(( f"You sent: `{user_message.content}`\n\n" "Look, I agree, that is an item. You also have _zero_ chance of getting it doing this raid.\n" f"Figure your shit out and message me again in the `{REQUEST_CHANNEL_NAME}` channel!" )) await user_message.delete() return request = Request(role=role, wow_class=wow_class,,, received_item=False) state.priority_table[name] = request request = request.as_presentable() await ctx.send((f"Noting down [{}] for {name.title()}.\n" f"Class: {request.wow_class} \t Role: {request.role}\n")) try: item.get_tooltip_data() except SearchObjectError: logger.warning( (f"Failed loot request from |{}|. " f"Messaged: |{user_message.content}|. " "Reason: tooltip broke")) logger.exception("Failed to get tooltip data") await user_dm.send( "Well, the tooltip generation f****d up. There's a limit to how much I can fix someone else's code." ) else: with BytesIO() as image_file:, format="png") await user_dm.send( file=discord.File(image_file, filename="reserved.png"))
async def process_new_raid(message): state = GlobalState() user_dm = raid_info = message.content if raid_info.strip().lower() == "cancel": state.new_raid_user_id = None await user_dm.send("Cancelling new raid. No changes have been made.") return if message.content.count(NEW_RAID_SPLIT_TOKEN) != 3: await user_dm.send( f"Not enough information supplied. You need to give 4 things split by 3 {NEW_RAID_SPLIT_TOKEN}" ) return raid_name, raid_desc, raid_date, raid_time = [ info.strip() for info in message.content.split(NEW_RAID_SPLIT_TOKEN) ] if raid_time.count(":") != 1 or raid_date.count("/") != 2: await user_dm.send( "Your date and/or time is not formatted properly. Are you sure you are using '/' and ':'?" ) return # Make sure both inputs are 0-padded digits for the datetime parser raid_date = "/".join([ part.strip().rjust( 2, "0") # All digits must be 2 chars for datetime parse if idx != 2 else part.strip().rjust( 4, "0") # Year needs to be padded to 4 for idx, part in enumerate(raid_date.split("/")) ]) raid_time = ":".join( [part.strip().rjust(2, "0") for part in raid_time.split(":")]) try: raid_datetime = datetime.strptime(f"{raid_date} {raid_time}", "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M") except ValueError as e: print(e) await user_dm.send( "Your date and/or time is completely f****d. What did you do?") return await user_dm.send("All good! Initializing new raid.") state.new_raid(name=raid_name.strip(), description=raid_desc.strip(), when=raid_datetime) await user_dm.send("Saving new state.") state.save_current_state() await user_dm.send(f"Wiping `{INFO_CHANNEL_NAME}` channel.") bots_messages = [ for msg in state.table_messages ] + [] async for message in state.info_channel.history(limit=None): if not in bots_messages: await message.delete() await user_dm.send( f"Updating banners in the `{INFO_CHANNEL_NAME}` channel.") await update_table() await update_status() await user_dm.send( f"Announcing new raid in `{REQUEST_CHANNEL_NAME}` channel.")"Looking for request channel for new raid announcement") request_channel = None for channel in bot.get_all_channels(): if == REQUEST_CHANNEL_NAME: request_channel = channel break if request_channel: await request_channel.send("New raid is now live!") else: await user_dm.send( "Could not find the request channel so continuing with no announcement." ) await user_dm.send("New raid ready to go!")
await ctx.send(table) if __name__ == "__main__": logging.basicConfig( filename=f"{path.dirname(path.abspath(__file__))}/lootbot.log", level=logging.INFO, filemode='a', format="%(levelname)s:%(name)s:[%(asctime)s] %(message)s", datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")" ")"-" * 50)" ") GlobalState().load_current_saved_state() GlobalState().boot_time = try:"Starting the endless loop") boot_count = 0 while True: boot_count += 1"!!! Running the bot - {boot_count} !!!")"Bot returned - rerunning in loop") except RuntimeError: logger.exception(f"Exiting messily. Boot count: {boot_count}") except Exception: logger.exception(f"Lets see what hides here! Boot count: {boot_count}")