def normalized_sample(self, W):
        """ Normalized sampling without division.

          W: a set of weights from which to sample.

        Returns: an integer in [0,len(W)] corresponding to the index sampled.
        t = gmpy2.fsum(W)  # compute total weight
        C = [gmpy2.fsum(W[0:i + 1])
             for i in range(0, len(W))]  # compute cumulative weights

        # Determine the maximum power of two for sampling
        i_max = 0
        while gmpy2.exp2(i_max) > t:
            i_max -= 1
        while gmpy2.exp2(i_max) <= t:
            i_max += 1
        # sample a random number
        s = gmpy2.exp2(i_max + 1)
        while s > t:
            s = self.get_random_value(i_max, self.context.precision)
        # return the element that matches the sampled index
        for i in range(0, len(W)):
            if C[i] >= s:
                return i
 def get_random_value(self, start_pow, p=None):
     """ Sample a random value based on self.rng of p bits between [0,2^(start_pow+1)). """
     if p == None:
         p = self.context.precision
     s = mpfr(0)
     nextbit = gmpy2.exp2(start_pow)
     for i in range(1, p):
         s = gmpy2.add(s, gmpy2.mul(nextbit, mpfr(self.rng())))
         nextbit = gmpy2.exp2(start_pow - i)
     return s
Esempio n. 3
def aby_prng(Len):
    """Generates a random mpz with bitlength Len."""
    global global_random_state
    if global_random_state is None:
        global_random_state = gmpy2.random_state(int(time.time()))
    result = mpz(0)
    for i in range(Len):
        if gmpy2.mpz_random(global_random_state, 2) == 1:
            result += gmpy2.exp2(i)
    return mpz(result)
Esempio n. 4
def powers_of_two_spacing():
    with gmpy2.local_context(gmpy2.context(), round=gmpy2.RoundToNearest, precision=mpfr_proxy_precision) as ctx:
        while abs(exponent)<discretization_points:
            exp_spacing.insert(0, round_number_nearest_to_digits(value, digits_for_input_discretization))
        exp_spacing.insert(0, "0.0")
    for index, value in enumerate(exp_spacing[:-1]):
        if value==exp_spacing[index+1]:
            print("Problem with digits in powers of 2")
    return exp_spacing
    def optimized_normalized_sample(self, W):
        """ Optimized Normalized sampling without division.

          W: a set of weights from which to sample.

        Returns: an integer in [0,len(W)] corresponding to the index sampled.
        WARNING: introduces a timing channel for differing weight distributions.
        t = gmpy2.fsum(W)  # compute total weight
        C = [gmpy2.fsum(W[0:i + 1])
             for i in range(0, len(W))]  # compute cumulative weights
        s = 0
        log2t = 0
        while gmpy2.exp2(log2t) > t:
            log2t -= 1
        while gmpy2.exp2(log2t) <= t:
            log2t += 1
        j = log2t - 1
        remaining = [i for i in range(0, len(W))]
        if t < gmpy2.exp2(log2t):
            remaining.append(len(W))  # add a dummy value
        while len(remaining) > 1:
            r = self.rng()
            s = s + r * gmpy2.exp2(j)

            to_remove = []
            for i in remaining:  # check if each remaining index is still reachable
                if C[i] <= s:
                if i > 0:
                    if C[i - 1] >= s + gmpy2.exp2(j):
            for i in to_remove:
            if len(remaining) == 1 and remaining[0] == len(W):
                s = 0
                j = log2t  # don't subtract 1, it's going to be decremented
                remaining = [i for i in range(0, len(W))]
                if t < gmpy2.exp2(log2t):
                    remaining.append(len(W))  # add a dummy value

            j -= 1
        return remaining[0]
Esempio n. 6
    def check_precision(self):
        """ Performs test computations at the current precision intended to capture the
        workload of the exponential mechanism and catch if the current precision is
        sufficient. """
        # 1. Compute base = 2^(-eta)
        self.base = mpfr(pow(self.eta_x, self.eta_z))
        self.base *= mpfr(gmpy2.exp2(-gmpy2.mul(self.eta_y, self.eta_z)))

        # 2. Compute (base)^u_max
        max_weight = mpfr(pow(self.base, self.u_min))

        # 3. Compute Combinations
        for u in range(self.u_min, self.u_max):
            u_weight = pow(self.base, u)
            ceil_max_weight = gmpy2.rint_ceil(max_weight)
            combination = ceil_max_weight + u_weight
Esempio n. 7
def powers_of_two_error(precision):
    with gmpy2.local_context(gmpy2.context(), round=gmpy2.RoundToNearest, precision=mpfr_proxy_precision) as ctx:
        while counter<discretization_points//2:
            exp_spacing.insert(0, round_number_nearest_to_digits(value, digits_for_input_discretization))
    exp_spacing_reverse=["-"+s for s in exp_spacing_reverse]
    for index, value in enumerate(exp_spacing[:-1]):
        if value==exp_spacing[index+1]:
            print("Problem with digits in powers of 2")
    return exp_spacing
    def check_precision(self):
        """ Performs test computations at the current precision intended to capture the
        workload of the exponential mechanism and catch if the current precision is
        sufficient. """
        # 1. Compute base = 2^(-eta)
        self.base = mpfr(pow(self.eta_x, self.eta_z))
        self.base *= mpfr(gmpy2.exp2(-gmpy2.mul(self.eta_y, self.eta_z)))

        # 2. Compute (base)^u_min and (base)^u_max
        min_weight = pow(self.base, self.u_min)
        max_weight = pow(self.base, self.u_max)
        mm = max_weight + min_weight

        # 3. Compute maximum total utility and minimum total utility
        max_total = max_weight * self.max_outcomes
        min_total = min_weight * self.max_outcomes

        # 4. Add max and min total utilities
        max_min_total = max_total + min_weight
        min_max_total = min_total + max_weight
Esempio n. 9
def dgk_keygen(modulusbits, lbits):
    pub = dgk_pubkey(0,0,0,0,0,0)
    prv = dgk_prvkey(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)

    lbits = lbits * 2 + 2

    pub.bits = modulusbits
    pub.lbits = lbits

    # vp and vq are primes
    prv.vp = aby_prng(160)
    prv.vp = gmpy2.next_prime(prv.vp)

    prv.vq = aby_prng(160)
    prv.vq = gmpy2.next_prime(prv.vq)

    while prv.vp == prv.vq:
        prv.vq = gmpy2.next_prime(prv.vq)

    # u = 2 ^ lbits
    pub.u = mpz(gmpy2.exp2(lbits))
    # p
    found = False
    while not found:
        f1 = aby_prng(modulusbits // 2 - 160 - lbits)
        f1 = gmpy2.next_prime(f1)

        prv.p = mpz(pub.u * prv.vp)
        prv.p *= f1
        prv.p += 1
        found = gmpy2.is_prime(prv.p, 50)

    # q
    found = False
    while not found:
        f2 = aby_prng(modulusbits // 2 - 159 - lbits)
        f2 = gmpy2.next_prime(f2)

        prv.q = mpz(pub.u * prv.vq)
        prv.q *= f2
        prv.q += 1
        found = gmpy2.is_prime(prv.q, 50)

    # p-1, q-1
    prv.p_minusone = prv.p - 1
    prv.q_minusone = prv.q - 1

    # n = pq
    pub.n = mpz(prv.p * prv.q)

    # xp
    exp1 = mpz(gmpy2.exp2(lbits - 1))

    exp1 *= prv.vp
    exp1 *= f1
    exp2 = mpz(prv.vp * pub.u)
    exp3 = mpz(f1 * pub.u)

    found = False
    while not found:
        xp = mpz(aby_prng(prv.p.bit_length() + 128))
        xp %= prv.p

        tmp = gmpy2.powmod(xp, exp1, prv.p)
        if tmp != 1:
            tmp = gmpy2.powmod(xp, exp2, prv.p)
            if tmp != 1:
                tmp = gmpy2.powmod(xp, exp3, prv.p)
                if tmp != 1:
                    found = True
    # xq
    exp1 = mpz(gmpy2.exp2(lbits - 1))

    exp1 *= prv.vq
    exp1 *= f2
    exp2 = mpz(prv.vq * pub.u)
    exp3 = mpz(f2 * pub.u)

    found = False
    while not found:
        xq = aby_prng(prv.q.bit_length() + 128)
        xq %= prv.q

        tmp = gmpy2.powmod(xq, exp1, prv.q)
        if tmp != 1:
            tmp = gmpy2.powmod(xq, exp2, prv.q)
            if tmp != 1:
                tmp = gmpy2.powmod(xq, exp3, prv.q)
                if tmp != 1:
                    found = True
    # compute CRT: g = xp*q*(q^{-1} mod p) + xq*p*(p^{-1} mod q) mod n
    prv.qinv = gmpy2.invert(prv.q, prv.p)
    prv.pinv = gmpy2.invert(prv.p, prv.q)
    pub.g = (xp * prv.q * prv.qinv + xq * prv.p * prv.pinv) % pub.n

    # line 206
    tmp = mpz(f1 * f2)
    pub.g = gmpy2.powmod(pub.g, tmp, pub.n)

    pub.h = mpz(aby_prng(mpz(pub.n).bit_length() + 128))
    pub.h %= pub.n

    tmp *= pub.u
    pub.h = gmpy2.powmod(pub.h, tmp, pub.n)

    # array holding powers of two
    for i in range(lbits):

    f1 = gmpy2.powmod(pub.g, prv.vp, prv.p)

    tmp2 = pub.u - 1

    for i in range(lbits):
        gvpvqptmp = mpz(gmpy2.powmod(f1, powtwo[i], prv.p))
        gvpvqptmp = mpz(gmpy2.powmod(gvpvqptmp, tmp2, prv.p))

    return pub, prv
Esempio n. 10
                new_energy = newer_energy
        optimal_step_size = (step_size / 4) * (
            new_energy - 4 * newer_energy + 3 * initial_energy) / (
                new_energy - 2 * newer_energy + initial_energy)
        if 0 < optimal_step_size < step_size:
            return optimal_step_size
            return step_size / 2


if __name__ == '__main__':
    gmpy2.get_context().precision = 100
    epsilon = gmpy2.exp2(-gmpy2.get_context().precision + 20)

    num_points = 100
    num_dims = 3

    point_indices = range(num_points)
    dim_indices = range(num_dims)
    all_indices = range(num_points * num_dims)

    points = [[gmpy2.mpfr(random.gauss(0, 1)) for _ in dim_indices]
              for _ in point_indices]

    energy = riesz_energy(points, 1)
    force = riesz_force(points, 1)
    constrain_force_in_place(points, force)