Esempio n. 1
def Fermat(n):
    a = gmpy2.isqrt_rem(n)[0] + 1
    b = a**2 - n
    while 1:
        q = gmpy2.isqrt_rem(b)
        if q[1] == 0:
            return a - q[0]
        a += 1
        b = a**2 - n
Esempio n. 2
def count_fair(a, b, disp=False):
    count = 0
    a2, t = g2.isqrt_rem(a)
    if t != 0:
        a2 += 1
    b2, t = g2.isqrt_rem(b)
    for p in iter_p(a2, b2):
        if is_pali((p * p).digits()):
            if disp:
                print count + 1, (p * p).num_digits(), p, p * p
            count += 1
    return count
Esempio n. 3
def attack1(N):
    A, r = gmpy2.isqrt_rem(N)
    if (r > 0):
        A += 1
    x, r = gmpy2.isqrt_rem(A * A - N)
    if (r > 0):
        x += 1
    if (N % (A - x) == 0 and N % (A + x) == 0):
        print("Factors are ", A - x, A + x)
        return A - x, A + x
Esempio n. 4
def attack3(N):
    N *= 4
    A, r = gmpy2.isqrt_rem(6 * N)
    if (r > 0):
        A += 1
    x, r = gmpy2.isqrt_rem(A * A - 6 * N)
    if (r > 0):
        x += 1

    if (N % div(A - x, 6) == 0 and N % div(A + x, 4) == 0):
        print("Factors are ", div(A - x, 6), div(A + x, 4))
Esempio n. 5
def attack2(N):
    |p-q|<2^11 N^(1/4)
    sqrtN, _ = gmpy2.isqrt_rem(N)
    if _ > 0:
        sqrtN += 1
    for i in range(sqrtN, sqrtN + pow(2, 20) + 10):
        x, r = gmpy2.isqrt_rem(i * i - N)
        if (r > 0):
            x += 1
        if (N % (i - x) == 0 and N % (i + x) == 0):
            print("Factors are ", i - x, i + x)
Esempio n. 6
def counf_fs(a, b):
    ((sa, ta), (sb, tb)) = (gmpy2.isqrt_rem(mpz(a)), gmpy2.isqrt_rem(mpz(b)))
    if (ta == 0):
        min_root = sa
        min_root = sa + 1
    max_root = sb
    root_pals = []
    for i in xrange(min_root, max_root + 1):
        if is_pal(str(i)):
    num_fs = 0
    for root_pal in root_pals:
        if is_pal(str(mpz(root_pal) * mpz(root_pal))):
            num_fs += 1
    return num_fs
Esempio n. 7
def solve(a, b):
    startx = gmpy2.isqrt_rem(a)
    endx = gmpy2.isqrt_rem(b)

    start = startx[0] if startx[1] == 0 else startx[0] + 1
    end = gmpy2.mpz(endx[0])

    tja = 0

    ye = gmpy2.mpz(start)
    while ye <= end:
        if ispalindrome(ye) and ispalindrome(ye * ye):
            tja += 1
        ye += 1

    return tja
Esempio n. 8
def factor_3(N):
    premise: sqrt(6N) is close to (3p + 2q)/2

    M = (3p + 2q)/2 is a midpoint of (3p, 2q).
    Note that since both p and q are odd, A = M + 0.5 is an integer.

    There exits an integer x such that
    min(3p, 2q) = A - x - 1
    max(3p, 2q) = A + x

    It follows;
    N = pq = (A-x-1)(A+x)/6 = (A^2 - x^2 - A - x)/6
    => 6N = A^2 - x^2 - A - x
    => x^2 + x + (-A^2 + A + 6N) = 0

    We can obtain once from A and N via quadratic formula.
    A, remainder = gmpy2.isqrt_rem(6*N)
    if remainder != mpz(0):
        A += 1

    factors = verify_A3(A, N)
    if factors:
        return factors
        assert False, 'Failed'
Esempio n. 9
def factoring_challenge_3():
    Given |3p - 2q| < N^(1/4) and considering A = (3p + 2q) / 2 we can show that
    A - sqrt(6N) < 1 => A = ceil(sqrt(6N)).
    Let x be equal distance from A to 3p and 2q, then x = sqrt(A^2 - 6N)
    => we can calculate p and q based on this.
    modulus = mpz(
    a, rem = gmpy2.isqrt_rem(6 * modulus)
    if rem > 0:
        a += 1
    x = gmpy2.isqrt(a ** 2 - 6 * modulus)
    a_minus_x, a_plus_x = a - x, a + x

    # either p = (A - x) / 3 and q = (A + x) / 2
    p, rem = gmpy2.f_divmod(a_minus_x, 3)
    if rem == 0:
        q, rem = gmpy2.f_divmod(a_plus_x, 2)
        if gmpy2.mul(p, q) == modulus:
            return p if p < q else q

    # or p = (A + x) / 3 and q = (A - x) / 2
    p, rem = gmpy2.f_divmod(a_plus_x, 3)
    if rem == 0:
        q = gmpy2.f_div(a_minus_x, 2)
        if gmpy2.mul(p, q) == modulus:
            return p if p < q else q
Esempio n. 10
 def image_placer(self, directory_real):
     filenames = []
     for i in os.listdir(directory_real):
         filename = os.fsdecode(i)
         if filename.endswith(('.jpeg', '.png', '.jpg', '.gif')):
     square, rem = gmpy2.isqrt_rem(len(filenames))
     fig1, axs = plt.subplots(square + 1,
                              square + 1,
                              figsize=(12, 12))
     axs = axs.flatten()
     for i, ax in zip(filenames, axs):
         img = np.array( + i))
     for i, ax in enumerate(fig1.axes):
     plt.savefig('images/' + folders[count] + '.png', bbox_inches='tight')
Esempio n. 11
def factor_3(N):
    premise: sqrt(6N) is close to (3p + 2q)/2

    M = (3p + 2q)/2 is a midpoint of (3p, 2q).
    Note that since both p and q are odd, A = M + 0.5 is an integer.

    There exits an integer x such that
    min(3p, 2q) = A - x - 1
    max(3p, 2q) = A + x

    It follows;
    N = pq = (A-x-1)(A+x)/6 = (A^2 - x^2 - A - x)/6
    => 6N = A^2 - x^2 - A - x
    => x^2 + x + (-A^2 + A + 6N) = 0

    We can obtain once from A and N via quadratic formula.
    A, remainder = gmpy2.isqrt_rem(6 * N)
    if remainder != mpz(0):
        A += 1

    factors = verify_A3(A, N)
    if factors:
        return factors
        assert False, 'Failed'
Esempio n. 12
def sqrt_test(N):
    n = N
    while True:
        root, remainder = gmpy2.isqrt_rem(n)
        if remainder != 0:
        n = root
    return gmpy2.is_prime(n)
Esempio n. 13
def ceil_sqrt(num):
    # 参考答案写了这么一个函数,觉得挺好用的
    :param num: mpz(num)
    :return: mpz(res)
    num = gmpy2.mpz(num)
    r, i = gmpy2.isqrt_rem(num)
    res = r + (1 if i else 0 )
    return res
def factor(n):
    N = gmpy2.mpz(n)
    A, t = gmpy2.isqrt_rem(N)
    A = A + (1 if t else 0)
    X = gmpy2.isqrt(A * A - N)

    p = A - X
    q = A + X

    return p, q
def rangeFactor(n):
    N = gmpy2.mpz(n)
    A, t = gmpy2.isqrt_rem(N)
    A = A + (1 if t else 0)
    for i in range(2**20):
        A += 1
        X = gmpy2.isqrt(A * A - N)
        p = A - X
        q = A + X
        if (p * q == N):
            return p, q
Esempio n. 16
def factorize(N, ran):
    for i in ran:
        A = gmpy2.add(gmpy2.isqrt(N), i)
        Asq = gmpy2.mul(A, A)
        diff = gmpy2.sub(Asq, N)
        x = gmpy2.isqrt_rem(diff)[0]
        [correct, p, q] = verify(A, x, N)
        if (correct):
            print p
            return [p, q]
    print "Not Found"
Esempio n. 17
def factorize(N,ran):
    for i in ran:
        A = gmpy2.add(gmpy2.isqrt(N),i)
        Asq = gmpy2.mul(A,A)
        diff = gmpy2.sub(Asq, N)
        x = gmpy2.isqrt_rem(diff)[0]
        [correct,p,q] = verify(A,x,N)
            print p
            return [p,q]
    print "Not Found"
Esempio n. 18
def factor_1(N):
    premise: A - sqrt(N) < 1
    A, remainder = gmpy2.isqrt_rem(N)
    if remainder != mpz(0):
        A += 1

    factors = verify_A(A, N)
    if factors:
        return factors
        return False
Esempio n. 19
def factor_1(N):
    premise: A - sqrt(N) < 1
    A, remainder = gmpy2.isqrt_rem(N)
    if remainder != mpz(0):
        A += 1

    factors = verify_A(A, N)
    if factors:
        return factors
        return False
Esempio n. 20
def challenge2(N_string):
    # find p an and q such that a given N = p * q
    # and |3p - 2q| < fourthroot_of(N)
    A = None
    N = mpz(N_string)
    N_times_24 = 24 * N
    # Get the ceiling of sqrt(N)
    A, r = gmpy2.isqrt_rem(N_times_24)
    if r > 0:
        A += 1

    x, r = gmpy2.isqrt_rem(A**2 - N_times_24)

    assert r == 0

    A_minus_x = A - x
    A_plus_x = A + x

    # Case 1
    p, r = gmpy2.f_divmod(A_minus_x, 6)

    if r == 0:
        q, r = gmpy2.f_divmod(A_plus_x, 4)
        if r == 0:
            assert N == p * q
            return p.digits(), q.digits()

    # Case 2
    p, r = gmp2.f_divmod(A_plus_x, 6)

    if r == 0:
        q, r = gmpy2.f_divmod(A_minus_x, 4)
        if r == 0:
            assert N == p * q
            return p.digits(), q.digits()

    return None, None
Esempio n. 21
def break_challenge_3(N3):
    A = gmpy2.isqrt(6 * N3)
    AA = 2 * A + 1

    (res, rem) = gmpy2.isqrt_rem(AA**2 - 24 * N3)

    (p, rem1) = gmpy2.c_divmod(res + AA, 4)
    (q, rem2) = gmpy2.c_divmod(res - AA, 6)

    if rem != 0 or rem2 != 0:
        (p, rem1) = gmpy2.c_divmod(res - AA, 4)
        (q, rem2) = gmpy2.c_divmod(res + AA, 6)

    assert (abs(p * q) == N3)
    return min(abs(p), abs(q))
def factor(N, A_min_sqrt_N_lt):
    sqrt_N, r = gmpy2.isqrt_rem(N)
    if r:  # if the remainder is != 0, the sqrt is not a round number: round it
        sqrt_N += 1

    p = q = None
    # try possible values for A from √N to the bigger value of (A - √N)
    for A in range(sqrt_N, sqrt_N + A_min_sqrt_N_lt):
        x = gmpy2.isqrt(pow(A, 2) - N)
        p = A - x
        q = A + x
        if gmpy2.mul(p, q) == N:  # we found a valid value for A
            return p, q

    raise ValueError('Cannot factor p and q from modulus')
Esempio n. 23
def factor_2(N):
    premise: A - sqrt(N) < 2**20
    root, remainder = gmpy2.isqrt_rem(N)
    if remainder != mpz(0):
        root += 1

    for i in range(2**20):
        if i % 5000 == 0:
            # print('Attempts made to find A: {}'.format(i))
        A = root + i
        factors = verify_A(A, N)
        if factors:
            return factors

    assert False, 'Failed'
Esempio n. 24
def factor_2(N):
    premise: A - sqrt(N) < 2**20
    root, remainder = gmpy2.isqrt_rem(N)
    if remainder != mpz(0):
        root += 1

    for i in range(2**20):
        if i % 5000 == 0:
            # print('Attempts made to find A: {}'.format(i))
        A = root + i
        factors = verify_A(A, N)
        if factors:
            return factors

    assert False, 'Failed'
Esempio n. 25
def fermat_sieve(n, rounds):
    a = gmpy2.isqrt_rem(n)[0]
    valid = n % 20
    Val = [0, 1, 4, 5, 9, 16]
    Cand = set()
    for i in range(10):
        for j in Val:
            if ((a - i)**2 - j) % 20 in Val:
    b = 0
    for i in range(rounds):
        a_2 = a**2
        b_2 = a_2 - n
        if b_2 % 20 in Cand:
            if gmpy2.is_square(b_2):
                b = gmpy2.iroot(b_2, 2)[0]
                return a - b, a + b
        a_min_b = int(a - b)
        a += 1
    return None, None
Esempio n. 26
def challenge3(N_string):
    # find p an and q such that a given N = p * q
    # and |p - q| < 2^11 * fourthroot_of(N)

    N = mpz(N_string)

    start = gmpy2.isqrt(N) + 1
    end = start + mpz(2)**mpz(20)

    for A in range(start, end):
        A_squared_minus_N = A**2 - N
        x, r = gmpy2.isqrt_rem(A_squared_minus_N)
        if r == 0:
            p = A - x
            q = A + x

            if N == gmpy2.mul(p, q):
                return p.digits(), q.digits()

    return None, None
Esempio n. 27
def challenge1(N_string):
    # find p an and q such that a given N = p * q
    # and |p - q| < 2 * fourthroot_of(N)
    A = None
    N = mpz(N_string)

    # Get the ceiling of sqrt(N)
    A, r = gmpy2.isqrt_rem(N)
    if r > 0:
        A += 1

    A_squared_minus_N = A**2 - N
    x = gmpy2.isqrt(A_squared_minus_N)
    p = A - x
    q = A + x

    N_from_pq = gmpy2.mul(p, q)

    assert N == N_from_pq
    return p.digits(), q.digits()
Esempio n. 28
def wiener_attack(N, e):
    """Perform Wiener's attack.

    :param N: RSA public key N.
    :param e: RSA public key e.
    convergents = cf_convergents(cf(e, N))
    for k,d in convergents:
        if k == 0 or (e * d - 1) % k != 0:
        phi = (e * d - 1) / k
        c = N - phi + 1
        # now p,q can be the root of x**2 - s*x + n = 0
        det = c * c - 4 * N
        if not det >= 0:
        s, r = gmpy2.isqrt_rem(det)
        if r == 0 and gmpy2.is_even(c + s):
            return (d, (c + s) / 2,(c - s) / 2)
    # Failed
    return None
def threeFactor(n):
    N = gmpy2.mpz(n)
    A, t = gmpy2.isqrt_rem(6 * N)
    A = A + (1 if t else 0)

    a = gmpy2.mpz(1)
    b = gmpy2.mpz(-1)
    c = -(A**2 - A - 6 * N)

    quadratic = b**2 - 4 * a * c

    roots = (gmpy2.div(-b + gmpy2.isqrt(quadratic),
                       2 * a), gmpy2.div(-b - gmpy2.isqrt(quadratic), 2 * a))

    for root in roots:
        if root >= 0:
            p, q = (gmpy2.div(A + root - 1, 3), gmpy2.div(A - root, 2))
            if (p * q == N):
                return p, q
            p, q = (gmpy2.div(A - root, 3), gmpy2.div(A + root - 1, 2))
            return p, q
Esempio n. 30
def wiener_attack(N, e):
    """Perform Wiener's attack.

    :param N: RSA public key N.
    :param e: RSA public key e.
    convergents = cf_convergents(cf(e, N))
    for k, d in convergents:
        if k == 0 or (e * d - 1) % k != 0:
        phi = (e * d - 1) // k
        c = N - phi + 1
        # now p,q can be the root of x**2 - s*x + n = 0
        det = c * c - 4 * N
        if not det >= 0:
        s, r = gmpy2.isqrt_rem(det)
        if r == 0 and gmpy2.is_even(c + s):
            return (d, (c + s) // 2, (c - s) // 2)
    # Failed
    return None
Esempio n. 31
def factoring_challenge_2():
    |p - q| < 2^11 * N^(1/4)
    in this case: A - sqrt(N) < 2^20
    modulus = mpz(
    a = gmpy2.isqrt(modulus) + 1

    while True:
        x, rem = gmpy2.isqrt_rem(a ** 2 - modulus)
        if rem == 0:
            p, q = a - x, a + x
            if gmpy2.mul(p, q) == modulus:
                return p
        a += 1
Esempio n. 32
def factoring_challenge_1():
    By following assumption that |p - q| < 2N^(1/4), it can be shown that A - sqrt(N) < 1,
    where A = (p + q)/2. A is an integer, hence A = ceil(sqrt(N)). x is an integer
    such that p = A - x and q = A + x. It can be shown that x = sqrt(A^2 - N).
    Now, given x and A we can factor N by computing p and q.
    modulus = mpz(
    a, rem = gmpy2.isqrt_rem(modulus)
    if rem > 0:
        a += 1
    x = gmpy2.isqrt(a ** 2 - modulus)
    p, q = a - x, a + x
    assert gmpy2.mul(p, q) == modulus
    return p
Esempio n. 33
def ceil_sqrt(x):
    s,t = isqrt_rem(x)
    return s + (1 if t else 0)
Esempio n. 34
N: {0}
A: {1}
x: {2}
p: {3}
q: {4}
N - p * q: {5}""".format(N, A, x, p, q, N - p * q)
    print msg

# ========================================
# Factoring challenge 1:

N = mpz(
data = gmpy2.isqrt_rem(N)
A = data[0] + 1
x, r = gmpy2.isqrt_rem(A**2 - N)
assert (r == 0)

print_result("challenge 1", N, A, x)

# ========================================
# no 2:

N = mpz(

isqrtN, _ = gmpy2.isqrt_rem(N)
A = None
Esempio n. 35
File: Progetto: bbyk/cwo
__author__ = "bbyk"

import gmpy2, codecs

from gmpy2 import mpz

N = mpz(
SNr = gmpy2.isqrt_rem(N)
A = SNr[0]
if SNr[1] > 0:
    A += 1
assert gmpy2.mul(A, A) > N

a_n = gmpy2.mul(A, A) - N

Xr = gmpy2.isqrt_rem(a_n)
assert Xr[1] == 0

p = A - Xr[0]
q = A + Xr[0]
assert gmpy2.mul(p, q) == N

ct = mpz(
e = mpz(65537)
fN = N - p - q + 1
d = gmpy2.invert(e, fN)
Esempio n. 36
#!/usr/bin/env python3

from gmpy2 import isqrt, isqrt_rem, mpz, invert, powmod

N = mpz(
ct = mpz(

s, t = isqrt_rem(N)
A = s + (1 if t > 0 else 0)
x = isqrt(A**2 - N)
p = A - x
q = A + x
phi_N = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
d = invert(65537, phi_N)  # divm(phi_N + 1, 65537, phi_N)
pt = hex(powmod(ct, d, N))
print(bytes.fromhex(pt[pt.find('00') + 2:]))
Esempio n. 37
#!/usr/bin/env python3

A = (3p+2q)/2, A is rational number
A²-6N = (3p-2q)²/4 > 0, A > √6N
A-√6N = (A²-6N)/(A+√6N) = (3p-2q)⁴/4(A+√6N) < (3p-2q)⁴/8√6N < √N/8√6N < 1
2A-2√6N = 2A-√24N < 1/4√6 < 1
6p = 2A - x
4q = 2A + x
24N = 24pq = (2A)² - x², x = √((2A)² - 24N)

from gmpy2 import isqrt, mpz, isqrt_rem, div

N = mpz(720062263747350425279564435525583738338084451473999841826653057981916355690188337790423408664187663938485175264994017897083524079135686877441155132015188279331812309091996246361896836573643119174094961348524639707885238799396839230364676670221627018353299443241192173812729276147530748597302192751375739387929)

s, t = isqrt_rem(24 * N)
A2 = s + (1 if t > 0 else 0)
x = isqrt(A2 ** 2 - 24 * N)
print(div(A2 - x, 6))
Esempio n. 38
    return Xdigits == Ydigits


#f = open('', 'r')
f = open('', 'r')
#f = open('', 'r')
fw = open('C.out', 'w')
lines = f.readlines()
T = int(lines.pop(0))

for i in xrange(T):
    print '----------', i + 1
    FandSCount = 0
    A, B = map(lambda x: gmpy2.mpz(x), lines.pop(0).split(' '))
    (Asqrt, rem) = gmpy2.isqrt_rem(A)
    if rem > 0:
        Asqrt += 1
    #Adigits = [x for x in gmpy2.digits(A)]
    Xdigits = NextBiggerPalindrome(gmpy2.digits(Asqrt))
    X2 = gmpy2.mpz(Xdigits)**2
    while X2 <= B:
        #print X2
        FandSCount += IsPalindrome(X2)
        Xdigits = NextPalindrome(Xdigits)
        X2 = gmpy2.mpz(Xdigits)**2

    Output(i + 1, FandSCount)

#print IsPalindrome(1234321