Esempio n. 1
def logLikelihood(x, y, t_1, t_2):
    psigmoid = [sigmoid(i, t_1, t_2) for i in x]
    u = [
        q * gmpy2.log(p) + (1 - q) * gmpy2.log(1 - p)
        for (p, q) in zip(psigmoid, y)
    return gmpy2.fsum(u)
Esempio n. 2
def fast_etienne_likelihood(mod, params, kda=None, kda_x=None):
    same as Abundance inner function, but takes advantage of constant
    m value when varying only theta.

    :argument abd: Abundance object
    :argument params: list containing theta and m
    :argument kda_x: precomputed list of exp(kda + ind*immig)
    theta     = params[0]
    immig     = float (params[1]) / (1 - params[1]) * ( - 1)
    log_immig = log (immig)
    theta_s   = theta +
    if not kda_x:
        kda_x = [exp(mod._kda[val] + val * log_immig) for val in \
                 xrange ( -]
    poch1 = exp (mod._factor + log (theta) * - \
                 lpoch (immig, + \
                 log_immig * + lngamma(theta))
    gam_theta_s = gamma (theta_s)
    lik = mpfr(0.0)
    for val in xrange ( -
        lik += poch1 * kda_x[val] / gam_theta_s
        gam_theta_s *= theta_s + val
    return ((-log (lik)), kda_x)
Esempio n. 3
 def likelihood(self, params):
     log-likelihood function
     :argument params: a list of 2 parameters:
       * theta = params[0]
       * m     = params[1]
     :returns: log likelihood of given theta and I
     kda       = self._kda
     theta     = params[0]
     immig     = float(params[1]) / (1 - params[1]) * ( - 1)
     log_immig = log(immig)
     theta_s   = theta +
     poch1 = exp(self._factor + log(theta) * - \
                 lpoch(immig, + \
                 log_immig * + lngamma(theta))
     gam_theta_s = gamma(theta_s)
     lik = mpfr(0.0)
     for abd in xrange(int( -
         lik += poch1 * exp(kda[abd] + abd * log_immig) / gam_theta_s
         gam_theta_s *= theta_s + abd
     return -log(lik)
Esempio n. 4
def shannon_entropy(abund, inds):
    computes Shannon entropy (H) for a given abundance table
    and number of individuals.

    :argument abund: distribution of abundances as list
    :returns: Shannon entropy
    return (sum ([-spe * log(spe) for spe in abund]) + inds * log (inds)) / inds
Esempio n. 5
def N(value, prec=6):
    pre_prec = gmp.get_context().precision
    adj_prec = int((prec * (gmp.log(2) + gmp.log(5))) / gmp.log(2))
    gmp.get_context().precision = adj_prec
        x, y = getattr(value, 'numerator'), getattr(value, 'denominator')
        return x / y
    except AttributeError:
        return value
Esempio n. 6
def cregulator(x, fullnetsize,
               synapsec):  #the limit of setbase limits this output
    global cbase
    if x < synapsec:
        p = x / ((fullnetsize - 1) * fullnetsize)
        p = (((x - synapsec)**2) + synapsec) / (
            (fullnetsize - 1) * fullnetsize)
    out = mp.log(p) / mp.log(cbase)
    return out
Esempio n. 7
def logn(x: int, n: int) -> float:

    Base n logarithm of x

        x (int): antilogarithm
        n (int): base

    return gmpy2.log(x) / gmpy2.log(n)
Esempio n. 8
def process_r(N):
    if N < 2**threshold_bits:
        x = gmpy2.mpz_random(random_state, (N + 1) // 2) + N // 2 + 1
        return x, factor_N(x)
    while True:
        p, alpha = process_f(N)
        q = p**alpha
        Nprime = int(N // q)
        y, yf = process_r(Nprime)
        x = y * q
        l = gmpy2.mpfr_random(random_state)
        if l < gmpy2.log(N // 2) / gmpy2.log(x):
            return x, [p] * alpha + yf
Esempio n. 9
 def __init__(self, processId, primeNumber):
     super(Process, self).__init__()
     self.processId = processId
     self.primeNumber = mpfr(primeNumber)
     self.logicalTime = 0
     self.vectorClock = [0 for index in range(1, number_of_processes + 1)]
     self.primeClock = mpfr(1)
     self.logClock = gmpy2.log(1)
     self.logPrime = gmpy2.log(primeNumber)
     self.queue = deque()
     self.receiver_queue = deque()
     self.receivedPrimes = list()
Esempio n. 10
    def lslmsr(q_, i, a):
        assert q_[i] + a >= 0
        q = q_[:]
        alpha = 1 / 16.
        scale = 12
        Bq1 = alpha * scale * sum(q)
        C1 = Bq1 * gmpy2.log(sum(gmpy2.exp(q_i / Bq1) for q_i in q))
        q[i] += a
        Bq2 = alpha * scale * sum(q)
        C2 = Bq2 * gmpy2.log(sum(gmpy2.exp(q_i / Bq2) for q_i in q))

        if a > 0:
            return (C2 - C1) * 1.015625
            return (C1 - C2) * 0.984375
Esempio n. 11
    def lslmsr(q_, i, a):
        assert q_[i] + a >= 0
        q = q_[:]
        alpha = 1/16.
        scale = 12
        Bq1 = alpha*scale*sum(q)
        C1 = Bq1*gmpy2.log(sum(gmpy2.exp(q_i/Bq1) for q_i in q))
        q[i] += a
        Bq2 = alpha*scale*sum(q)
        C2 = Bq2*gmpy2.log(sum(gmpy2.exp(q_i/Bq2) for q_i in q))

        if a > 0:
            return (C2 - C1)*1.015625
            return (C1 - C2)*0.984375
Esempio n. 12
def computeLaplaceMatrix(sqdist, t, logeps=mp.mpfr("-10")):
    Compute heat approximation to Laplacian matrix using logarithms and gmpy2.

    Use mpfr to gain more precision.

    This is slow, but more accurate.

    Cutoff for really small values, and row/column elimination if degenerate.
    # cutoff ufunc
    cutoff = np.frompyfunc((lambda x: mp.inf(-1) if x < logeps else x), 1, 1)

    t2 = mp.mpfr(t)
    lt = mp.log(2 / t2)
    d = to_mpfr(sqdist)
    L = d * d
    L /= -2 * t2
    cutoff(L, out=L)
    logdensity = logsumexp(L)
    L = exp(L - logdensity[:, None] + lt)
    L[np.diag_indices(len(L))] -= 2 / t2
    L = np.array(to_double(L), dtype=float)
    # if just one nonzero element, then erase row and column
    degenerate = np.sum(L != 0.0, axis=1) <= 1
    L[:, degenerate] = 0
    L[degenerate, :] = 0
    return L
Esempio n. 13
 def _get_kda (self, verbose=True):
     compute K(D,A) according to etienne formula
     specabund = [sorted(list(set(,
     sdiff     = len(specabund[1])
     polyn     = []
     # compute all stirling numbers taking advantage of recurrence function
     needed = {0: True}
     for i in xrange(sdiff):
         for k in xrange(1, int(specabund[0][i] + 1)):
             needed[int(specabund[0][i])] = True
     if verbose:
         stdout.write('  Getting some stirling numbers...\n')
     pre_get_stirlings(int(max(specabund[0])), needed, verbose=verbose)
     for i in xrange(sdiff):
         if verbose:
             stdout.write("\r  Computing K(D,A) at species %s out of %s" \
                          % (i+1, sdiff))
             stdout.flush ()
         sai = int(specabund[0][i])
         polyn1 = [stirling(sai, k) * factorial_div(k, sai) \
                   for k in xrange(1, sai+1)]
         polyn1 = power_polyn(polyn1, specabund[1][i]) \
                  if polyn1 else [mpfr(1.)]
         polyn = mul_polyn(polyn, polyn1)
     self._kda = [log(i) for i in polyn]
     if verbose:
Esempio n. 14
def metric_griffiths_2004(logliks):
    Calculate metric as in [GriffithsSteyvers2004]_.

    Calculates the harmonic mean of the log-likelihood values `logliks`. Burn-in values
    should already be removed from `logliks`.

    .. [GriffithsSteyvers2004] Thomas L. Griffiths and Mark Steyvers. 2004. Finding scientific topics. Proceedings of
                               the National Academy of Sciences 101, suppl 1: 5228–5235.

    .. note:: Requires `gmpy2 <>`_ package for multiple-precision arithmetic to avoid
              numerical underflow.

    :param logliks: array with log-likelihood values
    :return: calculated metric

    import gmpy2

    # using median trick as in Martin Ponweiser's Diploma Thesis 2012, p.36
    ll_med = np.median(logliks)
    ps = [gmpy2.exp(ll_med - x) for x in logliks]
    ps_mean = gmpy2.mpfr(0)
    for p in ps:
        ps_mean += p / len(ps)
    return float(ll_med - gmpy2.log(ps_mean)
                 )  # after taking the log() we can use a Python float() again
Esempio n. 15
def process_r_with_multiplicative_group(N):
    if N < 2**threshold_bits:
        x = gmpy2.mpz_random(random_state, (N + 1) // 2) + N // 2 + 1
        xf = factor_N(x)
        # No factorisation hints for small factors, we can easily generate them later
        return x, xf, {}
    while True:
        p, alpha, phi_hint = process_f_with_multiplicative_group(N)
        q = p**alpha
        Nprime = int(N // q)
        y, yf, phi_hint2 = process_r_with_multiplicative_group(Nprime)
        x = y * q
        l = gmpy2.mpfr_random(random_state)
        if l < gmpy2.log(N // 2) / gmpy2.log(x):
            return x, [p] * alpha + yf, phi_hint
Esempio n. 16
def avg_error(coeffs, trials, max):
    gmpy2.get_context().precision = 256
    total_error = 0
    for i in range(trials):
        x = random.random()*max
        expected = gmpy2.log(x) * 2**64
        result = fxp_ln(int(x*2**64), coeffs)
        total_error += abs(result - expected)/expected
    return total_error/trials
Esempio n. 17
def binary_attack(encrypt, key1, key2):
    S = gmpy2.powmod(2, key1[0], key1[1])
    encrypt = encrypt * S % key1[1];
    lo = D(0)
    up = D(int(key1[1]))
    bound = int(gmpy2.log(key1[1])/gmpy2.log(2)) + 1
    getcontext().prec = bound
    for x in range(bound):
        # each time determine the most significant digit.
        middle = (lo+up)/2
        # oracle function
        if gmpy2.powmod(encrypt, key2[0], key2[1]) % 2 == 0:
            up = middle
            lo = middle
        encrypt = encrypt * S % key1[1]
    print "The original message is: "
    # print the upper_bound
    print i2a(int(up)).encode('utf-8')
def export_divisor_sums(divisorDb: DivisorDb, output_file: TextIO) -> None:
    # for now, use only 115 primes for columns
    # prime_subset = list(primes[:115])
    # prime_columns = ','.join(['%d' % p for p in prime_subset])
    output_file.write('log_n,witness_value\n')  # ,' + prime_columns + '\n')
    for rds in divisorDb.load():
        log_n = log(rds.n)
        # factorization = factorize(rds.n, prime_subset)
        # factor_columns = ','.join(['%d' % d for (p, d) in factorization])
                          )  # ,{factor_columns}\n')
def graph_rb(graph,label):
    eigen_vals = nx.linalg.spectrum.adjacency_spectrum(graph, weight='weight')
    max_val = 0
    ret_val = mpfr('0')

    for vals in eigen_vals:
        if vals > max_val:
            max_val = vals
    eigen_vals = np.array(eigen_vals, dtype=np.float128)
    for i in range(len(eigen_vals)):
        ret_val += gmpy2.exp(mpfr(str(eigen_vals[i])))
    ret_val /= 500
    ret_val = gmpy2.log(ret_val)

    return np.real(ret_val)
 def ln(self):
     return Numeric(gmpy2.log(self.val))
Esempio n. 21
def max_bits_in_digits(d):
    Returns maximum number of bits fitting in given number of digits eg. 2 digits (99) fits in 7 bits
    :param d: number of digits
    return gmpy2.mpz(gmpy2.ceil(d * (gmpy2.log(10) / gmpy2.log(2))))
Esempio n. 22
def metric_held_out_documents_wallach09(dtm_test,
    Estimation of the probability of held-out documents according to [Wallach2009]_ using a
    document-topic estimation `theta_test` that was estimated via held-out documents `dtm_test` on a trained model with
    a topic-word distribution `phi_train` and a document-topic prior `alpha`. Draw `n_samples` according to `theta_test`
    for each document in `dtm_test` (memory consumption and run time can be very high for larger `n_samples` and
    a large amount of big documents in `dtm_test`).

    A document-topic estimation `theta_test` can be obtained from a trained model from the "lda" package or scikit-learn
    package with the `transform()` method.

    Adopted MATLAB code `originally from Ian Murray, 2009 <>`_ and
    downloaded from ` <>`_.

    .. note:: Requires `gmpy2 <>`_ package for multiple-precision arithmetic to avoid
              numerical underflow.

    .. [Wallach2009] Wallach, H.M., Murray, I., Salakhutdinov, R. and Mimno, D., 2009. Evaluation methods for
                     topic models.

    :param dtm_test: held-out documents of shape NxM with N documents and vocabulary size M
    :param theta_test: document-topic estimation of `dtm_test`; shape NxK with K topics
    :param phi_train: topic-word distribution of a trained topic model that should be evaluated; shape KxM
    :param alpha: document-topic prior of the trained topic model that should be evaluated; either a scalar or an array
                  of length K
    :return: estimated probability of held-out documents
    import gmpy2

    n_test_docs, n_vocab = dtm_test.shape

    if n_test_docs != theta_test.shape[0]:
        raise ValueError(
            'shapes of `dtm_test` and `theta_test` do not match (unequal number of documents)'

    _, n_topics = theta_test.shape

    if n_topics != phi_train.shape[0]:
        raise ValueError(
            'shapes of `theta_test` and `phi_train` do not match (unequal number of topics)'

    if n_vocab != phi_train.shape[1]:
        raise ValueError(
            'shapes of `dtm_test` and `phi_train` do not match (unequal size of vocabulary)'

    if isinstance(alpha, np.ndarray):
        alpha_sum = np.sum(alpha)
        alpha_sum = alpha * n_topics
        alpha = np.repeat(alpha, n_topics)

    if alpha.shape != (n_topics, ):
        raise ValueError(
            '`alpha` has invalid shape (should be vector of length n_topics)')

    # samples: random topic assignments for each document
    #          shape: n_test_docs x n_samples
    #          values in [0, n_topics) ~ theta_test
    samples = np.array([
        np.random.choice(n_topics, n_samples, p=theta_test[d, :])
        for d in range(n_test_docs)
    assert samples.shape == (n_test_docs, n_samples)
    assert 0 <= samples.min() < n_topics
    assert 0 <= samples.max() < n_topics

    # n_k: number of documents per topic and sample
    #      shape: n_topics x n_samples
    #      values in [0, n_test_docs]
    n_k = np.array([np.sum(samples == t, axis=0) for t in range(n_topics)])
    assert n_k.shape == (n_topics, n_samples)
    assert 0 <= n_k.min() <= n_test_docs
    assert 0 <= n_k.max() <= n_test_docs

    # calculate log p(z) for each sample
    # shape: 1 x n_samples
    log_p_z = np.sum(gammaln(n_k + alpha[:, np.newaxis]), axis=0) + gammaln(alpha_sum) \
              - np.sum(gammaln(alpha)) - gammaln(n_test_docs + alpha_sum)

    assert log_p_z.shape == (n_samples, )

    # calculate log p(w|z) for each sample
    # shape: 1 x n_samples

    log_p_w_given_z = np.zeros(n_samples)

    dtm_is_sparse = issparse(dtm_test)
    for d in range(n_test_docs):
        if dtm_is_sparse:
            word_counts_d = dtm_test[d].toarray().flatten()
            word_counts_d = dtm_test[d]
        words = np.repeat(np.arange(n_vocab), word_counts_d)
        assert words.shape == (word_counts_d.sum(), )

        phi_topics_d = phi_train[
            samples[d]]  # phi for topics in samples for document d
        log_p_w_given_z += np.sum(np.log(phi_topics_d[:, words]), axis=1)

    log_joint = log_p_z + log_p_w_given_z

    # calculate log theta_test
    # shape: 1 x n_samples

    log_theta_test = np.zeros(n_samples)

    for d in range(n_test_docs):
        log_theta_test += np.log(theta_test[d, samples[d]])

    # compare
    log_weights = log_joint - log_theta_test

    # calculate final log evidence
    # requires using gmpy2 to avoid numerical underflow
    exp_sum = gmpy2.mpfr(0)
    for exp in (gmpy2.exp(x) for x in log_weights):
        exp_sum += exp

    return float(gmpy2.log(exp_sum)) - np.log(n_samples)
 def ln(self):
     return Numeric(gmpy2.log(self.val))
Esempio n. 24
def log(a):
    return gmpy2.log(a)
Esempio n. 25
s = t.state()
s.block.number = 5555555

# gmpy2 precision initialization
BITS = (1 << 10)
gmpy2.get_context().precision = BITS # a whole lotta bits

def random():
    seed = int(os.urandom(BYTES).encode('hex'), 16)
    return gmpy2.mpfr_random(gmpy2.random_state(seed))

# Useful constants as mpfr
PI = gmpy2.acos(-1)
LOG2E = gmpy2.log2(gmpy2.exp(1))
LN2 = gmpy2.log(2)
# Same, as 192.64 fixedpoint
FX_BASE = 10
MAX_POWER = int(255 - FX_POWER*gmpy2.log(FX_BASE)/LN2)
FX_PI = int(PI * FX_ONE)
FX_LOG2E = int(LOG2E * FX_ONE)
FX_LN2 = int(LN2 * FX_ONE)
## The index of a poly is the power of x,
## the val at the index is the coefficient.
## An nth degree poly is a list of len n + 1.
Esempio n. 26
def log_likelihood(x,y, t_1, t_2): 
	sigmoidP = [sigmoid(i, t_1, t_2) for i in x] 
	u = [q*gmpy2.log(p) + (1 - q)*gmpy2.log(1 - p) for p,q in zip(sigmoidP,y)]
	return gmpy2.fsum(u)
Esempio n. 27
class AugurTest(ContractTest):
    def __init__(self):
    def test_faucet

with timer():
    print title('Starting Tests', dim=False)
    print title('Compiling %s ...' % FILE)
    with timer():
        augur = Contract(FILE, gas=10**7)

    with timer():
        print title('Testing Faucet and Balance')
        for addr, key in addr2key.items():
            print yellow(
                    "Results of calls with address ",
            result = augur.faucet(sender=key, profiling=True)
            print yellow("\taugur.faucet: ", cyan("Success"))
            print yellow("\t\tgas used: ", cyan(result['gas']))
            result = augur.balance(addr, profiling=True)
            print yellow("\taugur.balance: ",cyan(result['output']/float(1<<64)))
            print yellow("\t\tgas used: ", cyan(result['gas']))

    with timer():
        print title('Testing Send')
        for i, (addr, key) in enumerate(addr2key.items()):
            to = addresses[i-1]
            augur.send(to, 1 << 64, sender=key)
            print yellow(
                    "Sent 1 cashcoin from ",
                    " to ",

    with timer():
        print title('Testing CreateSubBranch')
        addr = addresses[1]
        key = addr2key[addr]
        subbranch = augur.createSubbranch('test branch', 100, 1010101, 2**57, sender=key)
        print yellow(
                'Created subbranch ',
                ' with creator ',

    with timer():
        print title('Testing CreateEvent')
        addr = addresses[2]
        key = addr2key[addr]
        event1 = augur.createEvent(
            subbranch,                                           #branch 
            '"Will Jack grow at least an inch in March 2015?"',  #description
            5*5*1000,                                            #expiration block
            0,                                                   #min value (binary)
            1,                                                   #max value
            2,                                                   #number of outcomes
        event2 = augur.createEvent(
"What will Jack's height be, from 60 to 72 inches, 
at noon PST on April 1st, 2015?"''',
            60,                                                  #scalar event!
        print yellow(
                'Created events ',
                ' and ',
                ' with creator ',

    with timer():
        print title('Testing CreateMarket')
        addr = addresses[3]
        key = addr2key[addr]
        market = augur.createMarket(
            subbranch,                                       #branch
            '"Market on events %d & %d"' % (event1, event2), #events
            1 << 60,                                         #alpha
            10 << 70,                                        #fixedpoint initial liquidity
            1 << 58,                                         #trading fee
            [event1, event2],                                #array of events
        print yellow(
                'Created market ',
                ' with creator ',

    def lslmsr(q_, i, a):
        assert q_[i] + a >= 0
        q = q_[:]
        alpha = 1/16.
        scale = 12
        Bq1 = alpha*scale*sum(q)
        C1 = Bq1*gmpy2.log(sum(gmpy2.exp(q_i/Bq1) for q_i in q))
        q[i] += a
        Bq2 = alpha*scale*sum(q)
        C2 = Bq2*gmpy2.log(sum(gmpy2.exp(q_i/Bq2) for q_i in q))

        if a > 0:
            return (C2 - C1)*1.015625
            return (C1 - C2)*0.984375

    bought = defaultdict(lambda : [0]*4)
    shares = [640/(1+12/16.*gmpy2.log(4))]*4
    transaction_nonce = defaultdict(int)
    with timer():
        print title('Testing BuyShares')
        for i in range(50):
            addr = random.choice(addresses)
            key = addr2key[addr]
            outcome = random.randrange(4)
            amt = random.randrange(1, 3)
            expected1 = lslmsr(shares, outcome, amt)
            nonce = trade_pow(subbranch, market, addr, transaction_nonce[addr])
            transaction_nonce[addr] += 1
            expected2 = augur.price(market, outcome + 1)
            cost = augur.buyShares(subbranch, market, outcome + 1, amt << 64, nonce, sender=key)
            shares[outcome] += amt
            print yellow(
                " bought ",
                " shares of outcome ",
                cyan(outcome + 1),
                " for ",
                dim_red(cost/float(1 << 64)))
            print yellow("expected cost: ", cyan(float(expected1)))
            print yellow(
                "approximate expected cost per share: ",
                cyan(expected2/float(1 << 64)))
            bought[addr][outcome] += amt

    with timer():
        print title('Testing SellShares')
        while bought:
            addr = random.choice(bought.keys())
            key = addr2key[addr]
            outcome = random.choice([i for i, v in enumerate(bought[addr]) if v])
            amt = random.randrange(1, bought[addr][outcome]+1)
            expected1 = lslmsr(shares, outcome, -amt)
            expected2 = augur.price(market, outcome + 1)
            nonce = trade_pow(subbranch, market, addr, transaction_nonce[addr])
            transaction_nonce[addr] += 1
            paid = augur.sellShares(subbranch, market, outcome + 1, amt << 64, nonce, sender=key)
            shares[outcome] -= amt
            print yellow(
                " sold ",
                " shares of outcome ",
                cyan(outcome + 1),
                " for ",
                dim_red(paid/float(1 << 64)))
            print yellow("expected payment: ", cyan(float(expected1)))
            print yellow(
                "approximate expected cost per share: ",
                cyan(expected2/float(1 << 64)))
            bought[addr][outcome] -= amt
            if not any(bought[addr]):
Esempio n. 28
 def term(x, y):
     dot = ß.dot(x)
     if y:
         return dot - log(1 + exp(dot))
         return -log(1 + exp(dot))
Esempio n. 29
        q = q_[:]
        alpha = 1 / 16.
        scale = 12
        Bq1 = alpha * scale * sum(q)
        C1 = Bq1 * gmpy2.log(sum(gmpy2.exp(q_i / Bq1) for q_i in q))
        q[i] += a
        Bq2 = alpha * scale * sum(q)
        C2 = Bq2 * gmpy2.log(sum(gmpy2.exp(q_i / Bq2) for q_i in q))

        if a > 0:
            return (C2 - C1) * 1.015625
            return (C1 - C2) * 0.984375

    bought = defaultdict(lambda: [0] * 4)
    shares = [640 / (1 + 12 / 16. * gmpy2.log(4))] * 4
    transaction_nonce = defaultdict(int)
    with timer():
        print title('Testing BuyShares')
        for i in range(50):
            addr = random.choice(addresses)
            key = addr2key[addr]
            outcome = random.randrange(4)
            amt = random.randrange(1, 3)
            expected1 = lslmsr(shares, outcome, amt)
            nonce = trade_pow(subbranch, market, addr, transaction_nonce[addr])
            transaction_nonce[addr] += 1
            expected2 = augur.price(market, outcome + 1)
            cost = augur.buyShares(subbranch,
                                   outcome + 1,
Esempio n. 30
def check():
    with open(ALLGAPS_SQL) as f:
        lines = f.readlines()

    LINE_RE = re.compile(
        r"INSERT INTO gaps VALUES.(\d+),[01],'C','[F?]','[CP?]','[\w.&]*',"

    checked = 0
    checked_ends = 0
    parse_error = 0
    bad_merit = 0
    bad_digits = 0
    merit_fmt = 0

    from tqdm import tqdm
    for i, line in enumerate(tqdm(lines)):
        if i < 10 and not line.startswith('INSERT'):

        match = LINE_RE.match(line)
        if not match and i > 94000:

        assert match, (i, line)
        gap, year, merit, primedigits, start = match.groups()

        num = parse_num(start)
        if not num:
            print("Can't Process: '{}'".format(start))
            parse_error += 1

        checked += 1

        gen_digits = len(str(num))
        if gen_digits != int(primedigits):
            print(f"Prime digits {gen_digits} vs {primedigits} @{i}: {line}")
            bad_digits += 1

        end_num = num + int(gap)
        if gen_digits < 400:
            # test and verify
            assert gmpy2.is_prime(num), (i, line)
            assert gmpy2.is_prime(end_num), (i, line)
            checked_ends += 1
            for p in SMALL_PRIMES:
                assert num % p > 0, (num, p)
                assert end_num % p > 0, (end_num, p)

        gen_merit = int(gap) / gmpy2.log(num)

        # General merit is >10 so .4 is 6 sig figs.
        fmt_merit = "{:.4f}".format(gen_merit)

        fmerit = float(merit)
        if abs(fmerit - gen_merit) / gen_merit > 0.003:
            print(f"Merit {gen_merit} vs {merit} @{i}: {line}")
            assert False, ("Bad Merit", line, fmerit, gen_merit)

        if fmt_merit != merit:
            #print(f"Merit {fmt_merit} vs {merit} @{i}: {line}")
            merit_fmt += 1
            if UPDATE_MERIT_FMT:
                lines[i] = line.replace(merit, fmt_merit)

    print(f"Checked {checked} lines, {checked_ends} pairs of endpoints")
    print(f"Prime Digits disagreed on {bad_digits} lines")
    print(f"Merit format disagreed on {merit_fmt} lines")
    print(f"Failed to parse {parse_error} numbers (41 known parse failures)")

    if UPDATE_MERIT_FMT and merit_fmt:
        print(f"Updating merit format for {merit_fmt} lines in {GAPS_SQL!r}")
        with open(ALLGAPS_SQL, "w") as f:
            for line in lines:
                assert line.endswith('\n'), line
Esempio n. 31
def _ilog_gmpy(n):
    return int(gmpy.log(n))
def get_b_smooth():
    t = gmpy2.sqrt(gmpy2.mul(gmpy2.log(N), gmpy2.log(gmpy2.log(N))))
    b= gmpy2.exp(gmpy2.mul(0.5, t))
    print("bsmooth advice: " + str(b))
Esempio n. 33
def delta_n(N, p, alpha):
    return gmpy2.log(p) / gmpy2.log(N) * hash(N // p**alpha) / N
Esempio n. 34
 def term(x, y):
     dot = ß.dot(x)
     if y:
         return dot - log(1 + exp(dot))
         return -log(1 + exp(dot))
Esempio n. 35
[apr1_t , apr1_y] = [listf(l) for l in edo1(dy_dt, t_0, y_0, dt, interv)]

# for the 1st order Euler EDO method

d2y_dt2 = lambda t, y, dy_dt: -2*dy_dt/t + t**-2 + t**-3
t_0 = mp(1)
y_0 = mp(2)
dy_dt_0 = mp(2)
dt = 5*mp(10)**-3
interv = [mp(0.2), mp(1.8)]

sol2_t = arange( *interv, dt)
sol2_y = list(map(lambda t: (1-1/t)*log(t)-2/t+4, sol2_t))

[apr2_t , apr2_y] = [listf(l) for l in edo2(d2y_dt2, t_0, y_0, dy_dt_0, dt, interv)]

# ------------------------------------------------
### PLOTS ###

mpl.rcParams['text.usetex'] = True

(fig, axes) = plt.subplots(1, 2, facecolor='w', figsize=( 16, 9 ))
fig.suptitle(r'$\textup{Approximations \& Analytic Solutions for Diff. Eq. using Euler`s Method (singe precision)}$')
Esempio n. 36
def search_next_prime(x, num_workers=31):
	# search range split
	step =  2*log(x)//num_workers
	jobs = [search_range.remote(x + step*i, mpz(x + step*i + step)) for i in range(num_workers)]
	return [i for e in ray.get(jobs) for i in e]
Esempio n. 37
def lg(x):
    return gmpy2.log(x) / gmpy2.log(2)
Esempio n. 38
 def log(x, b=None):
     if not b: return gm.log(x)
     else: return gm.log(x) / gm.log(b)
Esempio n. 39
        q = q_[:]
        alpha = 1/16.
        scale = 12
        Bq1 = alpha*scale*sum(q)
        C1 = Bq1*gmpy2.log(sum(gmpy2.exp(q_i/Bq1) for q_i in q))
        q[i] += a
        Bq2 = alpha*scale*sum(q)
        C2 = Bq2*gmpy2.log(sum(gmpy2.exp(q_i/Bq2) for q_i in q))

        if a > 0:
            return (C2 - C1)*1.015625
            return (C1 - C2)*0.984375

    bought = defaultdict(lambda : [0]*4)
    shares = [640/(1+12/16.*gmpy2.log(4))]*4
    transaction_nonce = defaultdict(int)
    with timer():
        print title('Testing BuyShares')
        for i in range(50):
            addr = random.choice(addresses)
            key = addr2key[addr]
            outcome = random.randrange(4)
            amt = random.randrange(1, 3)
            expected1 = lslmsr(shares, outcome, amt)
            nonce = trade_pow(subbranch, market, addr, transaction_nonce[addr])
            transaction_nonce[addr] += 1
            expected2 = augur.price(market, outcome + 1)
            cost = augur.buyShares(subbranch, market, outcome + 1, amt << 64, nonce, sender=key)
            shares[outcome] += amt
            print yellow(
Esempio n. 40
import os
import bisect
from numpy import linspace
# gmpy2 precision initialization
BITS = (1 << 10)
gmpy2.get_context().precision = BITS # a whole lotta bits

def random():
    seed = int(os.urandom(BYTES).encode('hex'), 16)
    return gmpy2.mpfr_random(gmpy2.random_state(seed))

# Useful constants as mpfr
PI = gmpy2.acos(-1)
LOG2E = gmpy2.log2(gmpy2.exp(1))
LN2 = gmpy2.log(2)
# Same, as 192.64 fixedpoint
FX_PI = int(PI * 2**64)
FX_LOG2E = int(LOG2E * 2**64)
FX_LN2 = int(LN2 * 2**64)
FX_ONE = 1 << 64
## The index of a poly is the power of x,
## the val at the index is the coefficient.
## An nth degree poly is a list of len n + 1.
## The vals in a poly must all be floating point
## numbers.

def poly_add(p1, p2):
    if p1 == []:
Esempio n. 41
import os
import bisect
from numpy import linspace
# gmpy2 precision initialization
BITS = (1 << 10)
gmpy2.get_context().precision = BITS # a whole lotta bits

def random():
    seed = int(os.urandom(BYTES).encode('hex'), 16)
    return gmpy2.mpfr_random(gmpy2.random_state(seed))

# Useful constants as mpfr
PI = gmpy2.acos(-1)
LOG2E = gmpy2.log2(gmpy2.exp(1))
LN2 = gmpy2.log(2)
# Same, as 192.64 fixedpoint
FX_PI = int(PI * 2**64)
FX_LOG2E = int(LOG2E * 2**64)
FX_LN2 = int(LN2 * 2**64)
FX_ONE = 1 << 64
## The index of a poly is the power of x,
## the val at the index is the coefficient.
## An nth degree poly is a list of len n + 1.
## The vals in a poly must all be floating point
## numbers.

def poly_add(p1, p2):
    if p1 == []:
Esempio n. 42
# gmpy2 precision initialization
BITS = (1 << 10)
gmpy2.get_context().precision = BITS  # a whole lotta bits

def random():
    seed = int(os.urandom(BYTES).encode('hex'), 16)
    return gmpy2.mpfr_random(gmpy2.random_state(seed))

# Useful constants as mpfr
PI = gmpy2.acos(-1)
LOG2E = gmpy2.log2(gmpy2.exp(1))
LN2 = gmpy2.log(2)
# Same, as 192.64 fixedpoint
FX_BASE = 10
MAX_POWER = int(255 - FX_POWER * gmpy2.log(FX_BASE) / LN2)
FX_PI = int(PI * FX_ONE)
FX_LOG2E = int(LOG2E * FX_ONE)
FX_LN2 = int(LN2 * FX_ONE)
## The index of a poly is the power of x,
## the val at the index is the coefficient.
## An nth degree poly is a list of len n + 1.