Esempio n. 1
# To help us fund GROMACS development, we humbly ask that you cite
# the research papers on the package. Check out

"""Test gmxapi functionality described in roadmap.rst."""

import os
import shutil
import stat
import tempfile

import gmxapi as gmx
import pytest
from gmxapi.version import has_feature

@pytest.mark.skipif(not has_feature('fr3'),
                    reason="Feature level not met.")
def test_fr3():
    """FR3: Output proxy can be used as input."""
    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as directory:
        file1 = os.path.join(directory, 'input')
        file2 = os.path.join(directory, 'output')

        # Make a shell script that acts like the type of tool we are wrapping.
        scriptname = os.path.join(directory, '')
        with open(scriptname, 'w') as fh:
            fh.write('\n'.join(['#!' + shutil.which('bash'),
                                '# Concatenate an input file and a string argument to an output file.',
                                '# Mock a utility with the tested syntax.',
                                '# "some words" -i inputfile -o outputfile',
                                'echo $1 | cat $3 - > $5\n']))
Esempio n. 2
# consider code for inclusion in the official distribution, but
# derived work must not be called official GROMACS. Details are found
# in the README & COPYING files - if they are missing, get the
# official version at
# To help us fund GROMACS development, we humbly ask that you cite
# the research papers on the package. Check out
"""Test gmxapi functionality described in roadmap.rst."""

import pytest

import gmxapi as gmx
from gmxapi.version import has_feature

@pytest.mark.skipif(not has_feature('fr15'), reason="Feature level not met.")
def test_fr15():
    """FR15: Simulation input modification.

    * *gmx.modify_input produces new (tpr) simulation input in data flow operation*
      (requires interaction with library development)
    * gmx.make_input dispatches appropriate preprocessing for file or in-memory simulation input.
    initial_input = gmx.read_tpr([tpr_filename for _ in range(10)])
    tau_t = list([i / 10. for i in range(10)])
    param_sweep = gmx.modify_input(input=initial_input,
                                   parameters={'tau_t': tau_t})
    md = gmx.mdrun(param_sweep)
    for tau_expected, tau_actual in zip(tau_t,
        assert tau_expected == tau_actual
Esempio n. 3
# If you want to redistribute modifications to GROMACS, please
# consider that scientific software is very special. Version
# control is crucial - bugs must be traceable. We will be happy to
# consider code for inclusion in the official distribution, but
# derived work must not be called official GROMACS. Details are found
# in the README & COPYING files - if they are missing, get the
# official version at
# To help us fund GROMACS development, we humbly ask that you cite
# the research papers on the package. Check out

"""Test gmxapi functionality described in roadmap.rst."""

import pytest

import gmxapi as gmx
from gmxapi.version import has_feature

@pytest.mark.skipif(not has_feature('fr20'),
                   reason="Feature level not met.")
def test_fr20():
    """FR20: Python bindings use C++ API for expressing user interface

    gmx.tool operations are migrated to updated Options infrastructure
    (requires interaction with library development)
    analysis = gmx.rmsf(trajectory=md.output.trajectory,
    file_list = gmx.fileio.write_xvg(analysis.output).result()