Esempio n. 1
 def init_samples(self, num):
     """Generate exact samples from the model assuming the weights are all zero, i.e.
     all units are independent."""
     assert np.allclose(self.weights.as_numpy_array(), 0.)
     vis = rbm_utils.sample_units(gnp.outer(gnp.ones(num), self.vbias))
     hid = rbm_utils.sample_units(gnp.outer(gnp.ones(num), self.hbias))
     return RBMState(vis, hid)
Esempio n. 2
 def init_samples(self, num):
     """Generate exact samples from the model assuming the weights are all zero, i.e.
     all units are independent."""
     assert np.allclose(self.weights.as_numpy_array(), 0.)
     vis = rbm_utils.sample_units(gnp.outer(gnp.ones(num), self.vbias))
     hid = rbm_utils.sample_units(gnp.outer(gnp.ones(num), self.hbias))
     return RBMState(vis, hid)
Esempio n. 3
def correlation_fraction(g, s, nvis, nhid):
    with misc.gnumpy_conversion_check('allow'):
        expect_vis = s[:nvis]
        expect_hid = s[nvis:nvis+nhid]
        da = g[:nvis]
        db = g[nvis:nvis+nhid]
        dW = g[nvis+nhid:].reshape((nvis, nhid))

        first_order_expl = gnp.outer(da, expect_hid) + gnp.outer(expect_vis, db)
        first_order_norm = gnp.sum(da**2) + gnp.sum(db**2) + gnp.sum(first_order_expl**2)

        dcorr = dW - first_order_expl
        dcorr_norm = gnp.sum(dcorr**2)
        g_norm = gnp.sum(g**2)
        #return first_order_norm, dcorr_norm, g_norm
        return dcorr_norm / (dcorr_norm + first_order_norm)
Esempio n. 4
 def glog_l_grad_stoch(self, Wmat, coin, st):
     grad = np.zeros((self.dim1, self.dim2), dtype=np.float)
     ggrad = gnp.garray(grad)
     gWmat = gnp.garray(Wmat)
     for s in range(st):
         n = coin[s]
         dif = gnp.outer(gnp.garray(self.Xi[n][0].T), gnp.garray(self.Xi[n][2])) - gnp.outer(gnp.garray(self.Xi[n][1].T), gnp.garray(self.Xi[n][2]))
         ggrad = ggrad +  self.Y[n] * dif * logistic(-self.Y[n] * ([n][0]),, gnp.garray(self.Xi[n][2].T))) -[n][1]),, gnp.garray(self.Xi[n][2].T)))).as_numpy_array())[0,0]
     return ggrad.as_numpy_array()
Esempio n. 5
def correlation_fraction(g, s, nvis, nhid):
    with misc.gnumpy_conversion_check('allow'):
        expect_vis = s[:nvis]
        expect_hid = s[nvis:nvis + nhid]
        da = g[:nvis]
        db = g[nvis:nvis + nhid]
        dW = g[nvis + nhid:].reshape((nvis, nhid))

        first_order_expl = gnp.outer(da, expect_hid) + gnp.outer(
            expect_vis, db)
        first_order_norm = gnp.sum(da**2) + gnp.sum(db**2) + gnp.sum(

        dcorr = dW - first_order_expl
        dcorr_norm = gnp.sum(dcorr**2)
        g_norm = gnp.sum(g**2)
        #return first_order_norm, dcorr_norm, g_norm
        return dcorr_norm / (dcorr_norm + first_order_norm)
Esempio n. 6
    def from_moments(moments, weights_std=0.):
        """Initialize an RBM so the visible and hidden biases match the given moments and the weights are
        set to small random values."""
        assert isinstance(moments, Moments)
        assert np.allclose(moments.expect_prod.as_numpy_array(),
                           gnp.outer(moments.expect_vis, moments.expect_hid).as_numpy_array())
        vbias = gnp.log(moments.expect_vis) - gnp.log(1. - moments.expect_vis)
        hbias = gnp.log(moments.expect_hid) - gnp.log(1. - moments.expect_hid)
        assert np.all(np.isfinite(vbias.as_numpy_array())) and np.all(np.isfinite(hbias.as_numpy_array()))
        if weights_std > 0.:
            weights = gnp.garray(np.random.normal(0., weights_std, size=(vbias.size, hbias.size)))
            weights = gnp.zeros((vbias.size, hbias.size))

        return RBM(vbias, hbias, weights)
    def glog_l_grad_stoch(self, Wmat, coin, st):
        grad = np.zeros((self.dim1, self.dim2), dtype=np.float)
        ggrad = gnp.garray(grad)
        gWmat = gnp.garray(Wmat)
        for s in range(st):
            n = coin[s]
            # scores
            #expS = np.exp(([n][0],, self.Xi[n][1].T))).T[0].as_numpy_array()) 
            expS = np.exp(([n][0],, self.Xi[n][1].T))).as_numpy_array()) 
            # normalizer
            z = np.sum(expS)
            # probability distribution
            P = expS / z

            num_heads = self.Xi[n][0].shape[0]
            for j in xrange(num_heads):
                coeff = 1 if j==self.Y[n] else 0
                ggrad = ggrad + (coeff-P[j])*(gnp.outer(gnp.garray(self.Xi[n][0][j].T), gnp.garray(self.Xi[n][1]))).as_numpy_array()
        return ggrad.as_numpy_array()
Esempio n. 8
    def from_moments(moments, weights_std=0.):
        """Initialize an RBM so the visible and hidden biases match the given moments and the weights are
        set to small random values."""
        assert isinstance(moments, Moments)
        assert np.allclose(
            gnp.outer(moments.expect_vis, moments.expect_hid).as_numpy_array())
        vbias = gnp.log(moments.expect_vis) - gnp.log(1. - moments.expect_vis)
        hbias = gnp.log(moments.expect_hid) - gnp.log(1. - moments.expect_hid)
        assert np.all(np.isfinite(vbias.as_numpy_array())) and np.all(

        if weights_std > 0.:
            weights = gnp.garray(
                                 size=(vbias.size, hbias.size)))
            weights = gnp.zeros((vbias.size, hbias.size))

        return RBM(vbias, hbias, weights)
Esempio n. 9
def check_moments():
    with misc.gnumpy_conversion_check('allow'):
        rbm = random_rbm()
        pfn = tractable.exact_partition_function(rbm, batch_units=BATCH_UNITS)

        expect_vis = gnp.zeros(rbm.nvis)
        expect_hid = gnp.zeros(rbm.nhid)
        expect_prod = gnp.zeros((rbm.nvis, rbm.nhid))

        for hid_ in itertools.product(*[[0, 1]] * NHID):
            hid = gnp.garray(hid_)
            cond_vis = rbm.vis_expectations(hid)
            p = np.exp(rbm.free_energy_hid(hid[nax, :])[0] - pfn)

            expect_vis += p * cond_vis
            expect_hid += p * hid
            expect_prod += p * gnp.outer(cond_vis, hid)

        moments = tractable.exact_moments(rbm, batch_units=BATCH_UNITS)
        assert np.allclose(expect_vis, moments.expect_vis)
        assert np.allclose(expect_hid, moments.expect_hid)
        assert np.allclose(expect_prod, moments.expect_prod)
Esempio n. 10
def check_moments():
    with misc.gnumpy_conversion_check('allow'):
        rbm = random_rbm()
        pfn = tractable.exact_partition_function(rbm, batch_units=BATCH_UNITS)
        expect_vis = gnp.zeros(rbm.nvis)
        expect_hid = gnp.zeros(rbm.nhid)
        expect_prod = gnp.zeros((rbm.nvis, rbm.nhid))

        for hid_ in itertools.product(*[[0, 1]] * NHID):
            hid = gnp.garray(hid_)
            cond_vis = rbm.vis_expectations(hid)
            p = np.exp(rbm.free_energy_hid(hid[nax, :])[0] - pfn)

            expect_vis += p * cond_vis
            expect_hid += p * hid
            expect_prod += p * gnp.outer(cond_vis, hid)

        moments = tractable.exact_moments(rbm, batch_units=BATCH_UNITS)
        assert np.allclose(expect_vis, moments.expect_vis)
        assert np.allclose(expect_hid, moments.expect_hid)
        assert np.allclose(expect_prod, moments.expect_prod)
Esempio n. 11
    def apply_update(self, pos_moments, neg_moments, rbm, weight_decay, lrates):
        pos_prods = pos_moments.expect_prod + \
                    -gnp.outer(pos_moments.expect_vis, self.expect_hid) + \
                    -gnp.outer(self.expect_vis, pos_moments.expect_hid) + \
                    gnp.outer(self.expect_vis, self.expect_hid)
        neg_prods = neg_moments.expect_prod + \
                    -gnp.outer(neg_moments.expect_vis, self.expect_hid) + \
                    -gnp.outer(self.expect_vis, neg_moments.expect_hid) + \
                    gnp.outer(self.expect_vis, self.expect_hid)

        weights_update = lrates.weights * (pos_prods - neg_prods) + \
                         -lrates.weights * weight_decay * rbm.weights
        vbias_update = lrates.vbias * (pos_moments.expect_vis - neg_moments.expect_vis) + \
             , neg_moments.expect_hid)
        hbias_update = lrates.hbias * (pos_moments.expect_hid - neg_moments.expect_hid) + \
             , weights_update)

        rbm.vbias += vbias_update
        rbm.hbias += hbias_update
        rbm.weights += weights_update
Esempio n. 12
 def from_independent(cls, expect_vis, expect_hid):
     return cls(expect_vis, expect_hid, gnp.outer(expect_vis, expect_hid))
Esempio n. 13
 def from_independent(cls, expect_vis, expect_hid):
     return cls(expect_vis, expect_hid, gnp.outer(expect_vis, expect_hid))