Esempio n. 1
def test_psy_init(kernel_outputdir):
    ''' Check that we create a psy_init() routine that sets-up the
    OpenCL environment. '''
    psy, _ = get_invoke("single_invoke.f90", API, idx=0)
    sched = psy.invokes.invoke_list[0].schedule
    otrans = OCLTrans()
    generated_code = str(psy.gen)
    expected = (
        "    SUBROUTINE psy_init()\n"
        "      USE fortcl, ONLY: ocl_env_init, add_kernels\n"
        "      CHARACTER(LEN=30) kernel_names(1)\n"
        "      LOGICAL, save :: initialised=.False.\n"
        "      ! Check to make sure we only execute this routine once\n"
        "      IF (.not. initialised) THEN\n"
        "        initialised = .True.\n"
        "        ! Initialise the OpenCL environment/device\n"
        "        CALL ocl_env_init\n"
        "        ! The kernels this PSy layer module requires\n"
        "        kernel_names(1) = \"compute_cu_code\"\n"
        "        ! Create the OpenCL kernel objects. Expects to find all of "
        "the compiled\n"
        "        ! kernels in PSYCLONE_KERNELS_FILE.\n"
        "        CALL add_kernels(1, kernel_names)\n"
        "      END IF \n"
        "    END SUBROUTINE psy_init\n")

    assert expected in generated_code
    assert GOcean1p0OpenCLBuild(kernel_outputdir).code_compiles(psy)
Esempio n. 2
def test_use_stmts(kernel_outputdir):
    ''' Test that generating code for OpenCL results in the correct
    module use statements. '''
    psy, _ = get_invoke("single_invoke.f90", API, idx=0)
    sched = psy.invokes.invoke_list[0].schedule
    otrans = OCLTrans()
    generated_code = str(psy.gen).lower()
    expected = '''\
    subroutine invoke_0_compute_cu(cu_fld, p_fld, u_fld)
      use fortcl, only: create_rw_buffer
      use fortcl, only: get_num_cmd_queues, get_cmd_queues, get_kernel_by_name
      use clfortran
      use iso_c_binding'''
    assert expected in generated_code
    assert "if (first_time) then" in generated_code
    assert GOcean1p0OpenCLBuild(kernel_outputdir).code_compiles(psy)
Esempio n. 3
def test_opencl_compiler_works(kernel_outputdir):
    ''' Check that the specified compiler works for a hello-world
    opencl example. This is done in this file to alert the user
    that all compiles tests are skipped if only the '--compile'
    command line option is used (instead of --compileopencl)
    example_ocl_code = '''
program hello
  USE fortcl
  write (*,*) "Hello"
end program hello
    old_pwd = kernel_outputdir.chdir()
        with open("hello_world_opencl.f90", "w") as ffile:
Esempio n. 4
def test_set_kern_args(kernel_outputdir):
    ''' Check that we generate the necessary code to set kernel arguments. '''
    psy, _ = get_invoke("single_invoke_two_kernels.f90", API, idx=0)
    sched = psy.invokes.invoke_list[0].schedule
    otrans = OCLTrans()
    generated_code = str(psy.gen)
    # Check we've only generated one set-args routine
    assert generated_code.count("SUBROUTINE compute_cu_code_set_args("
                                "kernel_obj, nx, cu_fld, p_fld, u_fld)") == 1
    # Declarations
    expected = '''\
    SUBROUTINE compute_cu_code_set_args(kernel_obj, nx, cu_fld, p_fld, u_fld)
      USE clfortran, ONLY: clSetKernelArg
      USE iso_c_binding, ONLY: c_sizeof, c_loc, c_intptr_t
      USE ocl_utils_mod, ONLY: check_status
      INTEGER ierr
      INTEGER(KIND=c_intptr_t), target :: cu_fld, p_fld, u_fld
      INTEGER(KIND=c_intptr_t), target :: kernel_obj'''
    assert expected in generated_code
    expected = '''\
      ! Set the arguments for the compute_cu_code OpenCL Kernel
      ierr = clSetKernelArg(kernel_obj, 0, C_SIZEOF(nx), C_LOC(nx))
      ierr = clSetKernelArg(kernel_obj, 1, C_SIZEOF(cu_fld), C_LOC(cu_fld))
      CALL check_status('clSetKernelArg: arg 1 of compute_cu_code', ierr)
      ierr = clSetKernelArg(kernel_obj, 2, C_SIZEOF(p_fld), C_LOC(p_fld))
      CALL check_status('clSetKernelArg: arg 2 of compute_cu_code', ierr)
      ierr = clSetKernelArg(kernel_obj, 3, C_SIZEOF(u_fld), C_LOC(u_fld))
      CALL check_status('clSetKernelArg: arg 3 of compute_cu_code', ierr)
    END SUBROUTINE compute_cu_code_set_args'''
    assert expected in generated_code
    assert generated_code.count("SUBROUTINE time_smooth_code_set_args("
                                "kernel_obj, nx, u_fld, "
                                "unew_fld, uold_fld)") == 1
    assert ("CALL compute_cu_code_set_args(kernel_compute_cu_code, "
            "p_fld%grid%nx, cu_fld%device_ptr, p_fld%device_ptr, "
            "u_fld%device_ptr)" in generated_code)
    assert GOcean1p0OpenCLBuild(kernel_outputdir).code_compiles(psy)