def __init__(self, vals=True, strands=True, anchor=None, valDType='float64'):
    assert(vals!=True or anchor!=None)
    if anchor==None:
        numElements = len(vals)
        anchor = [10, 10 + numElements]
        numElements = anchor[1] - anchor[0]
    vals = self._createList(vals, getRandValList(numElements), valDType)
    strands = self._createList(strands, getRandStrandList(numElements), 'bool8')
    #print (vals, strands, anchor)
    TrackView.__init__(self, GenomeRegion('TestGenome', 'chr21', anchor[0], anchor[1]), None, None,
                       vals, strands, None, None, None, 'crop', False)
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self,
        assert (vals != True or anchor is not None)

        if anchor is None:
            numElements = len(vals)
            anchor = [10, 10 + numElements]
            numElements = anchor[1] - anchor[0]

        vals = self._createList(vals, getRandValList(numElements), valDType)
        strands = self._createList(strands, getRandStrandList(numElements),

        #print (vals, strands, anchor)
            self, GenomeRegion('TestGenome', 'chr21', anchor[0], anchor[1]),
            None, None, vals, strands, None, None, None, 'crop', False)
   def __init__(self, segments=None, starts=True, ends=True, vals=True, strands=False, ids=False, edges=False, weights=False, \
                extras=False, anchor=None, numElements=None, valDType='float64', borderHandling='crop', allowOverlaps=False):
      if type(starts) != bool and ends == True:
        ends = False
      if type(ends) != bool and starts == True:
        starts = False
      assert not (starts==False and ends==False)
      assert segments!=False and segments!=True
      assert starts!=None and ends!=None and vals!=None and strands!=None
      assert segments==None or (starts==True and ends==True)
      assert not (isIter(weights) and not isIter(edges))
      assert (any( type(x) not in [bool,type(None)] for x in [segments,starts,ends,vals,strands,ids,edges,weights,extras]) and numElements==None) \
             or numElements!=None
      #assert(( (type(segments)!=bool or type(starts)!=bool or type(ends)!=bool or \
      #       type(vals)!=bool or type(strands)!=bool) and numElements==None )\
      #       or numElements!=None)
      if anchor==None:
          anchor = [10,1000]
      if segments != None:
          starts = []
          ends = []        
          for seg in segments:
      if isIter(edges):
         maxNumEdges = self._findMaxNumEls(edges)
         edges = self._appendEmptyToEnd(edges, '', maxNumEdges)
         if isIter(weights):
            weights = self._appendEmptyToEnd(weights, numpy.nan, maxNumEdges)
      [starts, ends, vals, strands, ids, edges, weights] + ([x for x in extras.values()] if isinstance(extras, dict) else [])
      for list in [starts, ends, vals, strands, ids, edges, weights] + ([x for x in extras.values()] if isinstance(extras, dict) else []):
          if type(list) != bool  and numElements == None:
              numElements = len(list)
          assert(type(list) == bool or len(list) == numElements)
      for coordList in [starts, ends]:
          if type(coordList) != bool:
              for j in range(len(coordList)):
                  coordList[j] += anchor[0]
      randSegmentLists = getRandSegments(numElements, anchor[0], anchor[1])
      starts = self._createList(starts, randSegmentLists[0], 'int32')
      ends = self._createList(ends, randSegmentLists[1], 'int32')
      vals = self._createList(vals, getRandValList(numElements, valDType), valDType)
      strands = self._createList(strands, getRandStrandList(numElements), 'bool8')
      randIds, randEdges, randWeights = getRandGraphLists(numElements)
      ids = self._createList(ids, randIds, randIds.dtype)
      edges = self._createList(edges, randEdges, randEdges.dtype)
      weights = self._createList(weights, randWeights, 'float64')
      if weights is not None and len(weights.shape) == 1:
         weights = weights.reshape(weights.shape + (0,))
      extras = self._createExtraLists(extras, 'S', numElements)

      if starts == None:
          if ends[0] != 0:
             ends = numpy.append([anchor[0]], ends)
             if vals != None:
                vals = numpy.append([nan], vals)
             if strands != None:
                strands = numpy.append([True], strands)
          if ends[-1] != anchor[1]:
              ends[-1] = anchor[1]
#        print (starts, ends, vals, strands, anchor)
      TrackView.__init__(self, GenomeRegion('TestGenome', 'chr21', anchor[0], anchor[1]), starts, ends, vals, \
                         strands, ids, edges, weights, borderHandling, allowOverlaps, extraLists=extras)
Esempio n. 4
    def __init__(self,
        if type(starts) != bool and ends == True:
            ends = False
        if type(ends) != bool and starts == True:
            starts = False

        assert not (starts == False and ends == False)
        assert segments != False and segments != True
        assert starts is not None and ends is not None and vals is not None and strands is not None
        assert segments is None or (starts == True and ends == True)
        assert not (isIter(weights) and not isIter(edges))

        assert (any( type(x) not in [bool,type(None)] for x in [segments,starts,ends,vals,strands,ids,edges,weights,extras]) and numElements==None) \
            or numElements is not None
        #assert(( (type(segments)!=bool or type(starts)!=bool or type(ends)!=bool or \
        #        type(vals)!=bool or type(strands)!=bool) and numElements==None )\
        #        or numElements!=None)
        if anchor is None:
            anchor = [10, 1000]

        if segments is not None:
            starts = []
            ends = []
            for seg in segments:

        if isIter(edges):
            maxNumEdges = self._findMaxNumEls(edges)
            edges = self._appendEmptyToEnd(edges, '', maxNumEdges)
            if isIter(weights):
                weights = self._appendEmptyToEnd(weights, numpy.nan,

        [starts, ends, vals, strands, ids, edges, weights
         ] + ([x for x in extras.values()] if isinstance(extras, dict) else [])
        for list in [starts, ends, vals, strands, ids, edges, weights] + (
            [x for x in extras.values()] if isinstance(extras, dict) else []):
            if type(list) != bool and numElements is None:
                numElements = len(list)
            assert (type(list) == bool or len(list) == numElements)

        for coordList in [starts, ends]:
            if type(coordList) != bool:
                for j in range(len(coordList)):
                    coordList[j] += anchor[0]

        randSegmentLists = getRandSegments(numElements, anchor[0], anchor[1])
        starts = self._createList(starts, randSegmentLists[0], 'int32')
        ends = self._createList(ends, randSegmentLists[1], 'int32')

        vals = self._createList(vals, getRandValList(numElements, valDType),
        strands = self._createList(strands, getRandStrandList(numElements),

        randIds, randEdges, randWeights = getRandGraphLists(numElements)
        ids = self._createList(ids, randIds, randIds.dtype)
        edges = self._createList(edges, randEdges, randEdges.dtype)
        weights = self._createList(weights, randWeights, 'float64')

        if weights is not None and len(weights.shape) == 1:
            weights = weights.reshape(weights.shape + (0, ))

        extras = self._createExtraLists(extras, 'S', numElements)

        if starts is None:
            if ends[0] != 0:
                ends = numpy.append([anchor[0]], ends)
                if vals is not None:
                    vals = numpy.append([nan], vals)
                if strands is not None:
                    strands = numpy.append([True], strands)
            if ends[-1] != anchor[1]:
                ends[-1] = anchor[1]

#        print (starts, ends, vals, strands, anchor)
        TrackView.__init__(self, GenomeRegion('TestGenome', 'chr21', anchor[0], anchor[1]), starts, ends, vals, \
                           strands, ids, edges, weights, borderHandling, allowOverlaps, extraLists=extras)