Esempio n. 1
def test_configuration():
    app = Application()
    config = """
    debug: False

    site_url: http://localhost
    tempdir = tempfile.gettempdir()
    config_filename = join(tempdir, "tempconfig.yaml")
    with open(config_filename, "w") as f:

    assert app.config.site_url == "http://localhost"
Esempio n. 2
def test_content_type():
    app = Application()
    testapp = webtest.TestApp(app)

    def get():
        return "The Root"

    def get():
        return "The User"

    def post():
        return dict(id="bla")

    resp = testapp.get("/")
    assert resp.text == "The Root"
    assert resp.headers["content-type"] == "text/plain; charset=utf-8"

    resp = testapp.get("/user")
    assert resp.text == "The User"
    assert resp.headers["content-type"] == "text/plain; charset=utf-8"

    resp ="/user")
    assert resp.json == dict(id="bla")
    assert resp.headers["content-type"] == "application/json; charset=utf-8"
Esempio n. 3
def test_racing():
    app = Application()

    def get():
        return f"Hello {app.request.query['username']}"

    def get():
        return f"Hello lazy {app.request.query['username']}"

    testapp = webtest.TestApp(app)
    lazy_resp = dict(text=None)

    def do_lazyrequest():
        lazy_resp["text"] = testapp.get("/lazy-route?username=bohlul").text

    t = threading.Thread(target=do_lazyrequest)

    resp = testapp.get("/?username=javid")
    assert resp.text == "Hello javid"

    assert lazy_resp["text"] == "Hello lazy bohlul"
Esempio n. 4
def test_exception_on_production():

    app = Application()
    app.config.debug = False

    def get():
        raise HTTPNotFound("im not here")

    def get():
        raise HTTPNoContent("im empty")

    testapp = webtest.TestApp(app)

    resp = testapp.get("/", status=HTTPNotFound.code)
    assert resp.status == "404 im not here"
    assert resp.body == b"404 im not here"

    resp = testapp.get("/empty", status=HTTPNoContent.code)
    assert resp.status == "204 im empty"
    assert resp.body == b""
    assert "content-type" not in resp.headers

    app.config.debug = True

    resp = testapp.get("/", status=HTTPNotFound.code)
    assert resp.status == "404 im not here"
    assert resp.body.decode().startswith("Traceback (")

    resp = testapp.get("/empty", status=HTTPNoContent.code)
    assert resp.status == "204 im empty"
    assert resp.body == b""
    assert "content-type" not in resp.headers
Esempio n. 5
def test_simple_route():

    app = Application()

    def get():
        cookies = app.request.cookies
        counter = cookies["counter"]
        cookies["counter"] = str(int(counter.value) + 1)
        cookies["counter"]["max-age"] = 1
        cookies["counter"]["path"] = "/a"
        cookies["counter"]["domain"] = ""
        return "Cookies"

    testapp = webtest.TestApp(app)

    resp = testapp.get("/cookies", headers={"cookie": "counter=1;"})
    assert resp.text == "Cookies"
    assert "Set-cookie" in resp.headers

    cookie = cookies.SimpleCookie(resp.headers["Set-cookie"])
    counter = cookie["counter"]
    assert counter.value == "2"
    assert counter["path"] == "/a"
    assert counter["domain"] == ""
    assert counter["max-age"] == "1"
Esempio n. 6
def test_http_status():

    app = Application()

    def get():
        app.response.headers["custom-one"] = "yes"
        raise HTTPNoContent

    def get():
        raise HTTPFound("https://localhost/new_page")

    def get():  # noqa: F811
        raise HTTPMovedPermanently("https://localhost/new_user")

    def get():
        app.response.headers["custom-one"] = "false"
        return 12 / 0

    testapp = webtest.TestApp(app)

    resp = testapp.get("/no_content", status=HTTPNoContent.code)
    assert resp.headers["custom-one"] == "yes"
    assert "content-type" not in resp.headers

    resp = testapp.get("/old_page", status=HTTPFound.code)
    assert resp.headers["location"] == "https://localhost/new_page"
    assert "content-type" not in resp.headers

    resp = testapp.get("/old_user", status=HTTPMovedPermanently.code)
    assert resp.headers["location"] == "https://localhost/new_user"
    assert "content-type" not in resp.headers

    resp = testapp.get("/oops", status=HTTPInternalServerError.code)
    assert resp.status == HTTPInternalServerError().status
    assert resp.headers["content-type"] == "text/plain; charset=utf-8"
    assert "custom-one" not in resp.headers

    # Custom exception
    class InvalidEmail(HTTPKnownStatus):
        code, text = (700, "Invalid Email")

    def post():
        raise InvalidEmail

    resp ="/user", status=InvalidEmail.code)
    assert resp.status == "700 Invalid Email"
Esempio n. 7
def test_multiple_verbs():
    app = Application()

    @app.route("/", verbs=("get", "post", "delete"))
    def resource():
        return f"The Root {app.request.verb}"

    testapp = webtest.TestApp(app)
    resp = testapp.get("/")
    assert resp.text == "The Root get"
    assert resp.status == "200 OK"

    resp ="/")
    assert resp.text == "The Root post"
    assert resp.status == "200 OK"

    testapp.put("/", status=404)
Esempio n. 8
def test_static(stuff_dir):
    app = Application()
    app.add_static("/public", stuff_dir)
    app.add_static("/lost", join(stuff_dir, "lost"))

    os.utime(join(stuff_dir, "index.html"), (1602179630, 1602179635))
    os.utime(join(stuff_dir, "img1.png"), (1602179640, 1602179645))

    def get():
        return "The Root"

    testapp = webtest.TestApp(app)

    resp = testapp.get("/")
    assert resp.text == "The Root"
    assert resp.status == "200 OK"

    resp = testapp.get("/public")
    assert resp.text == "<h1>Hi!</h1>"
    assert resp.headers["content-type"] == "text/html"
    assert resp.status == "200 OK"

    resp = testapp.get("/public/index.html")
    assert resp.text == "<h1>Hi!</h1>"
    assert resp.headers["content-type"] == "text/html"
    assert resp.headers["last-modified"] == "Thu, 08 Oct 2020 17:53:55 GMT"

    resp = testapp.get("/public/img1.png")
    assert len(resp.body) == 72332
    assert resp.headers["content-type"] == "image/png"
    assert resp.headers["last-modified"] == "Thu, 08 Oct 2020 17:54:05 GMT"

    testapp.get("/lost", status=404)
    testapp.get("/public/img1.jpg", status=404)
    testapp.get("/public/subdir", status=404)
    testapp.get("/public/../", status=403)
    testapp.get("/public/../../", status=403)
Esempio n. 9
def test_forms():

    app = Application()

    def post():
        return {"headers": dict(app.request.headers), "form": app.request.form}

    def put():
        return {
            "headers": dict(app.request.headers),
            "avatar": app.request.form.avatar.filename,

    testapp = webtest.TestApp(app)

    # URL Encoded form data
    resp ="/user", params={"firstname": "John", "age": 18})
    assert (resp.json["headers"]["content-type"] ==
    assert resp.json["form"] == {"firstname": "John", "age": "18"}

    # JSON form data
    resp = testapp.post_json("/user", params={"firstname": "John", "age": 18})
    assert resp.json["headers"]["content-type"] == "application/json"
    assert resp.json["form"] == {"firstname": "John", "age": 18}

    # Multipart form data
    resp = testapp.put("/user/avatar",
                       upload_files=[("avatar", "avatar.png", b"BlaBla!")])
    assert resp.json["headers"]["content-type"].startswith(
    assert resp.json["avatar"] == "avatar.png"

    # Bad wsgi.input
    with pytest.raises(HTTPBadRequest):
                "REQUEST_METHOD": "POST",
                "wsgi.input": []

    # No content-length
    with pytest.raises(HTTPBadRequest):
                "REQUEST_METHOD": "GET",
                "wsgi.input": ""

    # Invalid JSON
    with pytest.raises(HTTPBadRequest):
                "REQUEST_METHOD": "GET",
                "wsgi.input": b"{"

    # Absent query string
            "REQUEST_METHOD": "GET",
            "wsgi.input": ""

    # Array field
    assert (RequestForm(
            "REQUEST_METHOD": "GET",
            "QUERY_STRING": "foo=bar&foo=baz",
            "wsgi.input": "",
    ).foo == ["bar", "baz"])

    # Form attribute existence
    assert (RequestForm(
            "REQUEST_METHOD": "GET",
            "QUERY_STRING": "foo=bar&foo=baz",
            "wsgi.input": "",
    ).bar is None)
Esempio n. 10
def test_simple_route():

    app = Application()

    def get():
        return "The Root"

    def GET():
        return "User Route"

    def get():
        return "Its me"

    def POST():
        return "User Route Post"

    def delete(userid: int):
        return f"Delete User {userid}"

    def get(email: str):
        return f"Get user {email} books"

    def get(userid: str):
        return f"Get user {userid} books"

    def get(userid: str, year: int):
        return f"Get user {userid} books for year {year}"

    def get():
        return {
            "fullpath": app.request.fullpath,
            "contenttype": app.request.contenttype,
            "query": app.request.query,
            "cookies": app.request.cookies,
            "scheme": app.request.scheme,
            "response_type": app.response.type,
            "response_charset": app.response.charset,

    def get():
        return b"TheMachine!"

    def get(name):
        return name

    def get(*args):
        return args

    def post(*args):
        return args

    def get(*args):
        return args

    def get(*args):
        return args

    testapp = webtest.TestApp(app)
    resp = testapp.get("/")
    assert resp.text == "The Root"
    assert resp.status == "200 OK"

    resp = testapp.get("/user")
    assert resp.text == "User Route"
    assert resp.status == "200 OK"

    resp ="/user")
    assert resp.text == "User Route Post"
    assert resp.status == "200 OK"

    resp = testapp.delete("/user/4")
    assert resp.text == "Delete User 4"
    assert resp.status == "200 OK"

    resp = testapp.delete("/user/me", status=400)
    assert resp.status == "400 Invalid Parameter `userid`"

    resp = testapp.delete("/user/13")
    assert resp.text == "Delete User 13"
    assert resp.status == "200 OK"

    resp = testapp.get("/user/me")
    assert resp.text == "Its me"
    assert resp.status == "200 OK"

    resp = testapp.get("/user/email/[email protected]/book")
    assert resp.text == "Get user [email protected] books"
    assert resp.status == "200 OK"

    resp = testapp.get("/user/5/book/year/2001")
    assert resp.text == "Get user 5 books for year 2001"
    assert resp.status == "200 OK"

    resp = testapp.get("/request")
    assert resp.json == {
        "fullpath": "http://localhost:80/request",
        "contenttype": None,
        "query": {},
        "cookies": {},
        "scheme": "http",
        "response_type": None,
        "response_charset": None,

    resp = testapp.get("/binary")
    assert resp.body == b"TheMachine!"

    resp = testapp.get("/no_annotation/john")
    assert resp.text == "john"

    resp = testapp.get("/wildcard1/first")
    assert resp.json == ["first"]

    resp = testapp.get("/wildcard2/wildcardinner/first")
    assert resp.json == ["first"]

    resp = testapp.get("/wildcard1/wildcardinner/a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h")
    assert resp.json == "a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h".split("/")

    resp = testapp.get("/wildcard2/wildcardinner/a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h")
    assert resp.json == "a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h".split("/")

    resp = testapp.get("/wildcard1/a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h")
    assert resp.json == "a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h".split("/")

    resp = testapp.post_json("/wildcard1/first")
    assert resp.json == ["first"]

    resp = testapp.post_json("/wildcard1/a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h")
    assert resp.json == "a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h".split("/")

    # Query string not existed
    assert Request({"REQUEST_METHOD": "GET"}).query == {}
Esempio n. 11
def test_stream():
    app = Application()
    testapp = webtest.TestApp(app)

    def get():
        yield "Foo"
        yield "Bar"

    def get():
        app.response.length = 6
        yield "Foo"
        yield "Bar"

    def get():
        yield b"Foo"
        yield b"Bar"

    def get():
        yield "Foo"
        raise ValueError("something wrong")

    def get():
        yield "first"
        yield "second"

    @app.chunked("trailer1", "end")
    def get():
        yield "first"
        yield "second"

    def get():
        yield "first"
        raise Exception("error in streaming")

    resp = testapp.get("/")
    assert resp.text == "FooBar"
    assert resp.headers["content-type"] == "text/plain; charset=utf-8"

    resp = testapp.get("/haslength")
    assert resp.text == "FooBar"
    assert resp.headers["content-type"] == "text/plain; charset=utf-8"
    assert resp.headers["content-length"] == "6"

    resp = testapp.get("/binary")
    assert resp.body == b"FooBar"
    assert resp.headers["content-type"] == "application/octet-stream"

    # Headers already sent and cannot handle exception in HTTP
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    resp = testapp.get("/chunked")
    assert resp.headers["transfer-encoding"] == "chunked"
    assert "trailer" not in resp.headers
    assert resp.text == "5\r\nfirst\r\n6\r\nsecond\r\n0\r\n\r\n"

    resp = testapp.get("/chunked_trailer")
    assert resp.headers["transfer-encoding"] == "chunked"
    assert resp.headers["trailer"] == "trailer1"
    assert (
        resp.text == "5\r\nfirst\r\n6\r\nsecond\r\n0\r\ntrailer1: end\r\n\r\n"

    resp = testapp.get("/bad_chunked")
    assert resp.headers["transfer-encoding"] == "chunked"
    assert "trailer" not in resp.headers
    assert resp.text == "5\r\nfirst\r\n18\r\nerror in streaming0\r\n\r\n"