Esempio n. 1
class QuestionAnswerer(db.Model):

    answerer = db.UserProperty()
    question = db.ReferenceProperty(Question)
    correct_count = db.IntegerProperty()
    total_count = db.IntegerProperty()
    last_done = db.DateTimeProperty()
    importance_rating = db.RatingProperty()
    importance_width = db.IntegerProperty()  # used for the pixel width of the actual stars
    difficulty_rating = db.RatingProperty()
    difficulty_width = db.IntegerProperty()  # used for the pixel width of the actual stars
    quality_rating = db.RatingProperty()
    quality_width = db.IntegerProperty()  # used for the pixel width of the actual stars
    flag = ChoiceProperty(enumerate(['inappropriate', 'spam', 'miscategorized']))
Esempio n. 2
class ItemRating(db.Model):
    contents = db.TextProperty()
    item = db.ReferenceProperty(Item)
    rating = db.RatingProperty()
    time = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)

    def apply(self):
        if self.rating == 0:
            return  #assume zero rating is no numerical rating associated
        self.item.avg_rating = (
            self.item.avg_rating * float(self.item.rating_count) +
            float(self.rating)) / (float(self.item.rating_count + 1))
        self.item.rating_count += 1

    def unapply(self):
        if self.rating == 0: return
        item = self.item
        item.avg_rating = (float(item.rating_count) *
                           float(item.avg_rating)) - float(self.rating)
        item.rating_count -= 1
        item.avg_rating /= float(item.rating_count)

    def deletion_memcache_key(self):
        return "rating-deleted-%s" % str(self.key())
Esempio n. 3
class Course(db.Model):
    name = db.StringProperty(required=True)
    description = db.TextProperty(required=True)
    importance = db.RatingProperty(required=False)

    def render(self):
        return render_str("course.html", courseToDisplay=self)
Esempio n. 4
class Article(db.Model):
    title = db.StringProperty(required=True, default="no title")
    content = db.TextProperty(required=True)
    tags = db.ListProperty(db.Category)
    author_mail = db.EmailProperty()
    link = db.LinkProperty(required=True)
    rating = db.RatingProperty()
Esempio n. 5
class Responder(db.Model):
  """Represents a particular RDM product / device."""
  manufacturer = db.ReferenceProperty(Manufacturer, required=True)
  # The Device Model ID field from DEVICE_INFO
  device_model_id = db.IntegerProperty()
  # Description can't be required, as DEVICE_MODEL_DESCRIPTION is not a
  # mandatory PID.
  model_description = db.StringProperty(default=None)
  # The product category
  product_category = db.ReferenceProperty(ProductCategory,
  # link to the responder product page
  link = db.LinkProperty()
  # url of the source image
  image_url = db.LinkProperty()
  # the blob for the image data
  image_data = blobstore.BlobReferenceProperty()
  # the url we're serving the image on
  image_serving_url = db.LinkProperty()
  # the scoring rank
  score = db.IntegerProperty()
  # the score penalty, used to demote responders
  score_penalty = db.IntegerProperty()
  # test score, this is updated with the latest score
  rdm_responder_rating = db.RatingProperty()
Esempio n. 6
class Site(db.Model):
  # RPC private/protected properties: read-only for ALL
  _deleted = db.BooleanProperty(default=False)
  _dateCreated = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
  _dateModified = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now=True)
  _dateAccessed = db.DateTimeProperty()
  _userLastAccessed = db.UserProperty()
  _rating = db.RatingProperty()
  # RPC public properties: writable by creator/admin
  userCreator = db.UserProperty(required=True) # creator or admin may change creator
  name = db.StringProperty(required=True)
  latlng = db.GeoPtProperty(required=True)
  address = db.PostalAddressProperty()
  description = db.TextProperty()
  pay = db.BooleanProperty() # pay access only?
  restricted = db.BooleanProperty() # authorized access only?
  # List of Service entries in the DB 
  services = db.ListProperty(db.Key) # List of keys to Service entities

  #db.BlobProperty() # images, etc
  #db.ListProperty() # images, history, ...
  # ReferenceProperty?
  # Related sites?
  contactName = db.StringProperty()
  contactAddress = db.PostalAddressProperty()
  contactPhone = db.PhoneNumberProperty()
  contactEmail = db.EmailProperty()
  contactURL = db.LinkProperty()
  contactIM = db.IMProperty()

  evcmid = db.StringProperty() # ID, if imported from
Esempio n. 7
class Post(db.Model):
    subject = db.StringProperty(required=True)
    content = db.TextProperty(required=True)
    user = db.StringProperty()
    likes = db.RatingProperty()
    created = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
    last_modified = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now=True)

    def render(self):
        self._render_text = self.content.replace('\n', '<br>')
        return render_str("post.html", p=self)

    def upvote(self, currentUser):
        p = self
        u = currentUser
        # count number of likes in db on this post and with current logged in
        # user
        all_likes = db.GqlQuery("select * from Like where user= :user \
                                and post_reference= :post_ref",
        # update likes attribute on post
        if all_likes.count() < 1:
            l = Like(post_reference=p.subject, user=u)
            p.likes = p.likes + 1
Esempio n. 8
class AllPropertiesModel(db.Model):
    """Property names are ugly, yes."""
    prop_string = db.StringProperty()
    prop_byte_string = db.ByteStringProperty()
    prop_boolean = db.BooleanProperty()
    prop_integer = db.IntegerProperty()
    prop_float = db.FloatProperty()
    prop_date_time = db.DateTimeProperty()
    prop_date = db.DateProperty()
    prop_time = db.TimeProperty()
    prop_list = db.ListProperty(int)
    prop_string_list = db.StringListProperty()
    prop_reference = db.ReferenceProperty()
    prop_self_refeference = db.SelfReferenceProperty()
    prop_user = db.UserProperty()
    prop_blob = db.BlobProperty()
    prop_text = db.TextProperty()
    prop_category = db.CategoryProperty()
    prop_link = db.LinkProperty()
    prop_email = db.EmailProperty()
    prop_geo_pt = db.GeoPtProperty()
    prop_im = db.IMProperty()
    prop_phone_number = db.PhoneNumberProperty()
    prop_postal_address = db.PostalAddressProperty()
    prop_rating = db.RatingProperty()
Esempio n. 9
class SiteReport( db.Model ):
	creationDate = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add = True)
	name = db.StringProperty()
	description = db.StringProperty()
	url = db.StringProperty()
	score = db.RatingProperty()

	def __str__( self ):
		return '<SiteReport url=%s>' % self.url

        def get_recent_report_urls(cls):
	    reports = db.Query(cls, projection = ('url',)).order('-creationDate').run(limit = 20)
	    urls = (report.url for report in reports)
	    unique_urls = remove_duplicates(urls)
	    return unique_urls 

	def get_best_scored_report_urls(cls):
            all_reports = db.Query(cls, projection = ('url', 'score')).order('-score').run(limit = 20)
            reports = OrderedDict()
            for report in all_reports:
                if report.url not in reports:
                    reports[ report.url ] = report.score

	    return reports 
Esempio n. 10
class service(db.Model):
    """All the data we store for a service"""
    Title = db.StringProperty()
    Description = db.StringProperty()
    Requester = db.ReferenceProperty(user,
    TimeNeeded = db.IntegerProperty()
    Skill = db.ReferenceProperty(skill, collection_name="linked_services")
    Geoloc = db.BooleanProperty()
    StartDate = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
    EndDate = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
    Grade = db.RatingProperty()
    Feedback = db.StringProperty()
    Responder = db.ReferenceProperty(user, collection_name="responded_service")
    Attachments = db.StringListProperty()
    Comments = db.ListProperty(int)
    CreatedTime = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
    ModifiedTime = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)

    #Category =

    def get_category(self):
        return self.Skill.Category.get()

    def to_dict(self):
        tempdict1 = {
            "Id": self.key().id(),
            "Title": self.Title,
            "Description": self.Description,
            "Category": self.Skill.Category.Name,
            "Skill": self.Skill.Name,
            "StartDate": self.StartDate.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
            "EndDate": self.EndDate.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
            "Requester": {
                "Type": "Small",
                "User": self.Requester.to_small_dict()
            "Grade": self.Grade,
            "TimeNeeded": self.TimeNeeded,
            "Done": "false",
            "Feedback": self.Feedback,
            "CreatedTime": self.CreatedTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
            "ModifiedTime": self.ModifiedTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
            "Address": self.Requester.Address,
            "Icons": {
                "True" if self.Requester.Address else "False",
                "True" if
                (self.EndDate - self.StartDate) < datetime.timedelta(days=7)
                else "False",
            "Applied": False
        return tempdict1
Esempio n. 11
class UserTechnology(db.Model):
    """La UserTechnology serve per poter associare un rating ad una determinata
	tecnologia per un determinato utente, il calcolo viene fatto in modalita'
	batch leggendo i referrer.
	Periodicamente un cron aggiorna i rating per tecnologia sugli utenti che 
	hanno referrer da parte di altri utenti"""
    technology = db.ReferenceProperty(Technology)
    rating = db.RatingProperty()
Esempio n. 12
class Invitation(db.Model):
    """ An Invitation happens when a user is invited as a guest to a meal cooked by another user. """

    date = db.DateTimeProperty(
    )  # the meal referent already has a date, however, the date field of Invitation is not redundant. We need a quick way of querying invitations for one day, and since GAE does not support JOIN queries, this is way one to do this.
    meal = db.ReferenceProperty(Meal, collection_name="invitations")
    guest = db.ReferenceProperty(User)
    attending = db.StringProperty(choices=set(["yes", "no", "maybe"]))
    food_rating = db.RatingProperty()
Esempio n. 13
class QuestionAnswer(db.Model):
    """Risposta ad una risposta da parte di un altro utente, il rating e' una 
	sorta di "like" alla facebook """
    body = db.TextProperty()
    rating = db.RatingProperty()
    dateTime = db.DateTimeProperty()
    # Risposta a cui il commento fa riferimento
    relatedTo = db.SelfReference()
    who = db.ReferenceProperty(User)
Esempio n. 14
class Refer(db.Model):
    """Permette agli utenti di dare referenze ad altri utenti su determinate 
    user = db.ReferenceProperty(User)
    technology = db.ReferenceProperty(Technology,
    stars = db.RatingProperty()
    who = db.ReferenceProperty(User, collection_name="rUser")
    description = db.StringProperty()
Esempio n. 15
class Winery(db.Model):
    """Models a winery"""
    name = db.StringProperty()
    description = db.TextProperty()
    rating = db.RatingProperty()
    email = db.EmailProperty()
    phone = db.PhoneNumberProperty()
    hours = db.ReferenceProperty(WeeklyHours)
    address = db.PostalAddressProperty()
    location = db.GeoPtProperty()
    image = db.BlobProperty()
Esempio n. 16
class Book(db.Model):
    title = db.StringProperty(required=True)
    authors = db.StringProperty()
    isbn = db.IntegerProperty(required=True)
    publishers = db.StringProperty()
    #date = db.DateTimeProperty()
    pages = db.StringProperty()
    language = db.StringProperty()
    rating = db.RatingProperty()
    cover = db.StringProperty()
    description = db.TextProperty()
Esempio n. 17
class Picograph(db.Model):
    searchEntry = db.ReferenceProperty(SearchEntry,
    srcUrl = db.LinkProperty()
    funcName = db.StringProperty()

    title = db.StringProperty()
    content = db.TextProperty()

    rating = db.RatingProperty()
    date = db.DateTimeProperty()
class FlashCard(search.SearchableModel):
    question = db.TextProperty(required=True)
    answer = db.TextProperty(required=True)
    tags = db.StringProperty(required=True)
    importance = db.RatingProperty()
    url = db.LinkProperty()
    reference = db.ReferenceProperty(Reference)
    # hidden
    user = db.UserProperty()
    mtime = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
    display = db.ReferenceProperty(DisplayCard)
Esempio n. 19
class RaterRating(db.Model):
    created_at   = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
    modified_at  = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now=True)
    rater_id     = db.StringProperty(required=True)
    rating       = db.RatingProperty(required=True)
    comment      = db.TextProperty(required=False)
    tags         = db.StringListProperty(default=[])
    activated    = db.BooleanProperty(default=False)
    def create_rater_id(cls):
        return sha.sha("DT%s R%s" % (, random.random())).hexdigest()

    def create(cls, tags):
        rater_id = cls.create_rater_id()
        Unique.check("rater_id", rater_id)
        rater_rating = cls(rater_id=rater_id, rating=0, comment="", tags=tags)
        rater_rating.activated = False;
        return rater_rating
    def rating_for_rater(cls, rater_id):
        return cls.all().filter('rater_id =', rater_id).get()
    def update(cls, rater_id, rating, comment):
        rater_rating = cls.rating_for_rater(rater_id)
        if rater_rating is not None:
            rater_rating.rating = rating
            rater_rating.comment = comment
            rater_rating.activated = True
            logging.warning("Rater id not found: %s")
        return rater_rating
    def ratings_for_tags(cls, days=7, tags=[]):
        ratings_query = cls.all().filter('activated =', True).filter('modified_at >', - datetime.timedelta(days=days))
        for tag in tags:
            ratings_query.filter('tags =', tag)
        return [rating.rating for rating in ratings_query]
    def average_rating_for_tags(cls, tags, days=7):
        ratings = cls.ratings_for_tags(int(days), tags)
        average = 0
        if ratings:
            average = float(sum(ratings)) / len(ratings)
        return average
Esempio n. 20
class Question(db.Model):

    author = db.UserProperty()
    subject = db.ReferenceProperty(Subject)
    question_text = db.TextProperty()
    correct_choice_text = db.TextProperty()
    incorrect_1 = db.TextProperty()
    incorrect_2 = db.TextProperty()
    incorrect_3 = db.TextProperty()
    incorrect_4 = db.TextProperty()
    incorrect_5 = db.TextProperty()
    answer_text = db.TextProperty()
    date_created = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
    published = db.BooleanProperty()
    not_completed = db.BooleanProperty()  # Test's if the user actually didn't completed the creation process
    answer_count = db.IntegerProperty()
    correct_count = db.IntegerProperty()
    avg_importance = db.RatingProperty()
    avg_difficulty = db.RatingProperty()
    avg_quality = db.RatingProperty()
    hint_text = db.TextProperty()
Esempio n. 21
class Rating(db.Model):
    #eid= db.IntegerProperty()
    tech = db.ReferenceProperty(Technology)
    rating = db.RatingProperty()

    def newFromDictionary(dct):
        # si deve recuperare l'id della tecnologia che poi deve essere caricata
        return Rating(tech=str(dct['tech']), rating=int(dct['rating']))

    def serializeToJSON(self):
        pyData = {'tech':, 'rating': self.rating, '_key': self.key()}

        return json.dumps(pyData)
Esempio n. 22
class SocialReview(db.Model):
    user = db.ReferenceProperty(SocialUser)
    social_account = db.ReferenceProperty(SocialAccount)
    social_account_item_id = db.StringProperty()

    full_business_name = db.StringProperty()
    social_account_business_id = db.StringProperty()
    business_category_list = db.StringListProperty()
    business_address = db.PostalAddressProperty()

    review_rating = db.RatingProperty(
    )  #every rating is normalized to 1 out of 100
    review_date = db.DateTimeProperty()
    review_text = db.TextProperty()

    checkin_count = db.IntegerProperty()
Esempio n. 23
class Park(db.Model):
    """ Park model for the App Engine data store. """

    guid = db.StringProperty(required=True)
    name = db.StringProperty(required=True)
    address = db.PostalAddressProperty(required=True)
    neighbourhood = db.StringProperty(required=True)
    geolocation = db.GeoPtProperty(required=True)

    dogs = db.BooleanProperty(default=False)
    leashed = db.BooleanProperty(default=False)
    restrictions = db.BooleanProperty(default=False)
    notes = db.StringProperty(multiline=True)

    overallRating = db.RatingProperty(default=0)
    amountVotes = db.IntegerProperty(default=0)
    overallBayesian = db.RatingProperty(default=0)

    facilityVotes = db.IntegerProperty(default=0)
    facilityVotesTotal = db.IntegerProperty(default=0)
    facilityRating = db.RatingProperty(default=0)
    facilityBayesian = db.RatingProperty(default=0)

    cleanlinessVotes = db.IntegerProperty(default=0)
    cleanlinessVotesTotal = db.IntegerProperty(default=0)
    cleanlinessRating = db.RatingProperty(default=0)
    cleanlinessBayesian = db.RatingProperty(default=0)

    friendlinessVotes = db.IntegerProperty(default=0)
    friendlinessVotesTotal = db.IntegerProperty(default=0)
    friendlinessRating = db.RatingProperty(default=0)
    friendlinessBayesian = db.RatingProperty(default=0)

    def getmarker(self):
        if not self.dogs:
            return app.config.markerbase + 'dogs-no.png'
            if not self.restrictions:
                if not self.leashed:
                    return app.configmarkerbase + 'dogs-free.png'
                    return app.configmarkerbase + 'dogs-leashed.png'
                return app.configmarkerbase + 'dogs-restrictions.png'
Esempio n. 24
class Dialogue(db.Model):
    title = db.StringProperty()
    short = db.StringProperty()
    alias = db.StringProperty()
    tweet_id_list = db.StringListProperty()
    authors = db.StringProperty()
    author_list = db.StringListProperty()
    author_id_list = db.StringListProperty()
    quoted_by = db.UserProperty()
    quoter_ip = db.StringProperty()
    quoter_user_agent = db.StringProperty()
    tags = db.ListProperty(db.Category)
    created_date = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
    updated_date = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now=True)
    json = db.TextProperty()
    rating = db.RatingProperty()  # not real time
    latest_rating_update = db.DateTimeProperty()
Esempio n. 25
class Meal(db.Model):
    """ A Meal represents one instance where a User prepares and devours a Meal. """

    date = db.DateTimeProperty()
    recipe = db.ReferenceProperty(Recipe)
    user = db.ReferenceProperty(User, collection_name="meals")
    rating = db.RatingProperty()
    preparation_time = db.IntegerProperty()
    cooking_time = db.IntegerProperty()

    def guests(self):
        return [i.guest for i in self.invitations]

    def to_dict(self):
        return dict([(p, unicode(getattr(self, p)))
                     for p in])
Esempio n. 26
class WhitListItem(db.Model):
    whitList        = db.ReferenceProperty(WhitList, collection_name='whitListItems')
    name            = db.StringProperty()
    added           = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
    sortOrder       = db.IntegerProperty()
    desc            = db.TextProperty()
    tag             = db.StringListProperty(default=[])#unicode,default=['Adventure','Career','Community','Culture and Arts','Education','Entertainment','Family','Fitness','Health and Wellness','Hobbies','Home Improvement','Issues and Causes','Literature','Music','Outdoor Recreation','Relationships','Spiritual','Sports','Travel','Wealth and Finance'])
    accomplishBy    = db.DateProperty()
    rank            = db.RatingProperty()
    cost            = db.FloatProperty()
    status          = db.StringProperty(choices=('open', 'completed'))
    accomplishDate  = db.DateProperty()
    private         = db.BooleanProperty(default=False)
    flickrImage     = db.TextProperty(default="")
    location        = db.StringProperty(default="")
    referringItem   = db.StringProperty(default=None)
    addedTotal      = db.IntegerProperty(default=1)
    completedTotal  = db.IntegerProperty(default=0)
Esempio n. 27
class Everything(db.Model):
    str = db.StringProperty()
    bool = db.BooleanProperty()
    int = db.IntegerProperty()
    float = db.FloatProperty()
    datetime = db.DateTimeProperty()
    date = db.DateProperty()
    time = db.TimeProperty()
    list = db.ListProperty(types.IntType)
    strlist = db.StringListProperty()
    user = db.UserProperty()
    blob = db.BlobProperty()
    text = db.TextProperty()
    category = db.CategoryProperty()
    link = db.LinkProperty()
    email = db.EmailProperty()
    geopt = db.GeoPtProperty()
    im = db.IMProperty()
    phonenumber = db.PhoneNumberProperty()
    postaladdress = db.PostalAddressProperty()
    rating = db.RatingProperty()
Esempio n. 28
class QuoteURLUser(db.Model):
    name = db.StringProperty()
    description = db.StringProperty()
    screen_name = db.StringProperty()
    profile_image_url = db.LinkProperty()
    url = db.LinkProperty()
    twitter_screen_name = db.LinkProperty()
    github_screen_name = db.LinkProperty()
    email = db.EmailProperty()
    secondary_emails = db.ListProperty(unicode)
    location = db.StringProperty()
    geo_point = db.GeoPtProperty()
    quotes_created = db.IntegerProperty(default=0)
    birthday = db.DateTimeProperty()
    created_date = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
    updated_date = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now=True)
    membership_type = db.StringProperty()
    google_user = db.UserProperty()
    twitter_user = db.ReferenceProperty(TwitterUser)  #requires claim
    github_user = db.ReferenceProperty(GitHubUser)  #requires claim
    rating = db.RatingProperty()  # not real time
    latest_rating_update = db.DateTimeProperty()
Esempio n. 29
class Comment(db.Model):
    created_at = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
    comment = db.TextProperty(required=True)
    rating = db.RatingProperty(required=True)
    tags = db.StringListProperty(default=[])

    def create(cls, comment, rating, tags):
        new_comment = cls(comment=comment, rating=rating, tags=tags)
        return new_comment

    def comments_for_tags(cls, tags=[], limit=20):
        comments = cls.all()
        for tag in tags:
            comments.filter('tags =', tag)
        return [{
            'comment': comment.comment,
            'rating': comment.rating,
            'subtag': comment.tags[-1]
        } for comment in comments.fetch(limit)]
Esempio n. 30
class SurveyResponse(db.Model):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        kwargs['key_name'] = "%s-%s" % (kwargs['candidacy'].name(),
        super(SurveyResponse, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    candidacy = db.ReferenceProperty(Candidacy, required=True)
    refined_issue = db.ReferenceProperty(RefinedIssue, required=True)
    national = db.BooleanProperty()

    # 100 = strongly agree, 0 = strongly disagree
    agreement = db.RatingProperty(required=True)

    more_explanation = db.StringProperty(
        multiline=True)  # maximum 500 characters, indexed

    def deleted(self):
        return self.refined_issue.deleted or self.candidacy.deleted

    def verb(self):
        return agreement_verb[self.agreement]

    def verb_you(self):
        return agreement_verb_you[self.agreement]