Esempio n. 1
class MessageModelTest(ndb.Model):
    string = ndb.StringProperty()
    repeatedString = ndb.StringProperty(repeated=True)
    text = ndb.TextProperty()
    repeatedText = ndb.TextProperty(repeated=True)
    blob = ndb.BlobProperty()
    repeatedBlob = ndb.BlobProperty(repeated=True)
    keyProp = ndb.KeyProperty()
    repeatedKey = ndb.KeyProperty(repeated=True)
    boolean = ndb.BooleanProperty()
    repeatedBoolean = ndb.BooleanProperty(repeated=True)
    integer = ndb.IntegerProperty()
    repeatedInteger = ndb.IntegerProperty(repeated=True)
    float = ndb.FloatProperty()
    repeatedFloat = ndb.FloatProperty(repeated=True)
    datetime = ndb.DateTimeProperty()
    repeatedDatetime = ndb.DateTimeProperty(repeated=True)
    time = ndb.TimeProperty()
    date = ndb.DateProperty()
    geopt = ndb.GeoPtProperty()
    repeatedGeopt = ndb.GeoPtProperty(repeated=True)
    blobkey = ndb.BlobKeyProperty()
    repeatedBlobkey = ndb.BlobKeyProperty(repeated=True)
    structured = ndb.StructuredProperty(InnerModel)
    repeatedStructured = ndb.StructuredProperty(InnerModel, repeated=True)
Esempio n. 2
class Commune(ndb.Model):
    #record the list of commune in France
    nom = ndb.StringProperty()
    CP = ndb.StringProperty()
    departement = ndb.StringProperty()
    pays = ndb.StringProperty()
    coordonnees = ndb.GeoPtProperty()
    NWcoordonnees = ndb.GeoPtProperty(indexed=False)
    SEcoordonnees = ndb.GeoPtProperty(indexed=False)
    nom_lower = ndb.ComputedProperty(lambda self: self.nom.lower())
    nbr_aire_de_jeux = ndb.IntegerProperty(default=0)

    def urlsafe(self):
        #to get a urlsafe rendering of everything
        data = {
            "urlsafeKey": self.key.urlsafe(),
            "CP": self.CP,
            "departement": self.departement,
            "coordonnees": self.coordonnees,
            "NWcoordonnees": self.NWcoordonnees,
            "SEcoordonnees": self.SEcoordonnees,
            "NW": self.NWcoordonnees,
            "SE": self.SEcoordonnees,
            "nom": self.nom
        return data
Esempio n. 3
class Trip(ndb.Model):
	"""A main model for representing a taxi trip."""
	pickup_datetime = ndb.DateTimeProperty(indexed=True)
	pickup_location = ndb.GeoPtProperty(indexed=False)
	dropoff_datetime = ndb.DateTimeProperty(indexed=True)
	dropoff_location = ndb.GeoPtProperty(indexed=False)
	distance = ndb.FloatProperty(indexed=False)
Esempio n. 4
class Departement(ndb.Model):
    #record the departement of France
    numero = ndb.StringProperty()
    nbr_aire_de_jeux = ndb.IntegerProperty(default=0)
    lettre = ndb.StringProperty()
    NWcoordonnees = ndb.GeoPtProperty()
    SEcoordonnees = ndb.GeoPtProperty()
class UserSession(ndb.Model):
    """Model that represents a single users's data for a single game."""
    user_session_id = ndb.StringProperty()
    base_point = ndb.GeoPtProperty()
    drop_off_point = ndb.GeoPtProperty()
    user_current_gold = ndb.StringProperty()
    route_id = ndb.StringProperty()
Esempio n. 6
class Order(ndb.Model):
    createTime = ndb.DateTimeProperty()
    orderID = ndb.StringProperty()
    ownerEmail = ndb.StringProperty()
    restaurant = ndb.StringProperty()
    restaurant_location = ndb.GeoPtProperty()
    food = ndb.StringProperty()
    destination = ndb.StringProperty()
    destination_location = ndb.GeoPtProperty()
    due_time = ndb.DateTimeProperty()
    note = ndb.StringProperty()
    deliverList = ndb.StringProperty(repeated=True)
    #deliverList_count = ndb.ComputedProperty(lambda e: len(e.deliverList))
    #distance = ndb.FloatProperty()
    price = ndb.FloatProperty()
    chatChannel = ndb.StringProperty()

    # created, pending, confirmed and fulfilled
    status = ndb.StringProperty()

    # rate
    requester_rate = ndb.FloatProperty()
    deliveryperson_rate = ndb.FloatProperty()
Esempio n. 7
class ClockIn(ndb.Model, Entity):
    time = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
    org = ndb.KeyProperty()
    place = ndb.KeyProperty()
    formatted_address = ndb.StringProperty()
    address_lat_long = ndb.GeoPtProperty()
    user_lat_long = ndb.GeoPtProperty()
Esempio n. 8
class Store(ndb.Model):
  place_id = ndb.StringProperty(indexed=False)
  name = ndb.StringProperty(indexed=False)
  vicinity = ndb.StringProperty(indexed=False)
  icon = ndb.StringProperty(indexed=False)
  distance = ndb.IntegerProperty(indexed=True)
  client_latlng = ndb.GeoPtProperty(indexed=True)
  latlng = ndb.GeoPtProperty(indexed=True)
Esempio n. 9
class FilledForm(ndb.Model, Entity):
    data = ndb.JsonProperty()
    creator = ndb.KeyProperty()
    end = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
    place = ndb.KeyProperty()
    start = ndb.DateTimeProperty()
    formatted_address = ndb.StringProperty()
    address_lat_long = ndb.GeoPtProperty()
    start_user_lat_long = ndb.GeoPtProperty()

    def query_by_org(cls, org_key):
        return cls.query(ancestor=org_key).order(-cls.end)
Esempio n. 10
class Station(ndb.Model):
    url = ndb.StringProperty()
    name = ndb.StringProperty()
    station_id = ndb.StringProperty()
    last_update = ndb.DateTimeProperty()
    last_commit = ndb.StringProperty()
    location = ndb.GeoPtProperty()
    frame_range = ndb.IntegerProperty()
    _this_update = datetime.min

    def create_query_for_all(cls):
        parent = get_parent_key()
        return cls.query(ancestor=parent)

    def create_or_update_from_url(cls, url, id_table, put_now=False):
        name = get_name_from_url(url)
        parent = get_parent_key()
        id = id_table.get(name)
        # Possible cases:
        # 1. No data
        # 2. Capital cities of provinces
        if id == None:
        station = cls.get_or_insert(id, parent=parent)
        station.url = url = name
        station.station_id = id
        if put_now:
        return station
Esempio n. 11
class Shout(ndb.Model):
    author = ndb.KeyProperty(kind=models.User, indexed=True)
    userTags = ndb.StructuredProperty(UserTag, repeated=True)
    hashTags = ndb.StringProperty(repeated=True)
    Like = ndb.KeyProperty(repeated=True)
    # prop_count = ndb.ComputedProperty(lambda e: len(e.prop))
    # add followers(id) to shout to notify them and allow them to un-follow the shout to not get notification
    content = ndb.StringProperty()
    isAnon = ndb.BooleanProperty()
    isPrivate = ndb.BooleanProperty()
    location = ndb.GeoPtProperty()
    commentCount = ndb.IntegerProperty(default=0)
    date = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True, indexed=True)

    def query_profile_area(shout, user_id, get_all , sw ,ne):
        profile_qry = shout.query(ndb.OR(shout.userTags.user_id == user_id, == ndb.Key(models.User, int(user_id))))
        if get_all:
            return profile_qry
            return profile_qry.filter(Shout.location >= sw, Shout.location <= ne)

    def query_area(shout,sw,ne):
        return shout.query(Shout.location >= sw, Shout.location <= ne).order()
Esempio n. 12
class Location(ndb.Model):
    Represents a place where the Observador reported coordinates within the platform.

        - loc: Geographic coordinates of a location

    created = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
    observador = ndb.KeyProperty(kind=Observador)
    loc = ndb.GeoPtProperty()

    def create(cls, observador, loc):
        Creates a new location in the datastore.
            - loc: Geographic coordinates of a location

            Key of new entity
            o = Observador.get_from_datastore(email=observador)
            geo_pt = ndb.GeoPt(str(loc))
            l = Location(loc=geo_pt, observador=o.key)
            key = l.put()

        except Exception:
            logging.exception("[location] - Error in create location",
            raise LocationCreationError(
                'Error creating the location in platform')
            return key
Esempio n. 13
class Seller(EndpointsModel):
  '''Franchisor Data Store model '''
  status = ndb.BooleanProperty(default=True) 
  name = ndb.StringProperty(default='')
  person = ndb.StringProperty(default='')
  telephone = ndb.StringProperty(default='')
  mobile = ndb.StringProperty(default='')
  email = ndb.StringProperty(default='')
  geo_code = ndb.StringProperty(default='')
  geo = ndb.GeoPtProperty()
  address = ndb.TextProperty(default='')
  img_url = ndb.StringProperty(default='') 
  bucket_key = ndb.StringProperty(default='')

  def get_by_email(cls, email):
    return cls.query(
  def get_list(cls):
    return cls.query().fetch()

  def get_key_obj_dict(cls):
    d = {}
    for e in cls.query():
      d[e.key] = e
    return d
Esempio n. 14
class Flight(ndb.Model):
    # key = ndb.KeyProperty()
    flight_num = ndb.StringProperty(indexed=False)
    altitude = ndb.FloatProperty(indexed=False)
    speed = ndb.FloatProperty(indexed=False)
    location = ndb.GeoPtProperty(indexed=False)
    temperature = ndb.FloatProperty(indexed=False)
Esempio n. 15
class Venue(ndb.Model):
    Model Representing a Place Where an Event Takes Place

    # class? commercial gallery, university, non-profit, etc
    # open, closed, etc?

    slug = ndb.StringProperty()
    name = ndb.StringProperty()
    address = ndb.StringProperty()
    address2 = ndb.StringProperty()
    city = ndb.StringProperty()
    state = ndb.StringProperty()
    country = ndb.StringProperty()
    geo = ndb.GeoPtProperty(repeated=True)
    website = ndb.StringProperty()
    phone = ndb.StringProperty()
    email = ndb.StringProperty()
    category = ndb.StringProperty()
    hours = ndb.JsonProperty()

    content = ndb.TextProperty()
    summary = ndb.TextProperty()

    created_date = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
    modified_date = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now=True)

    primary_image_resource_id = ndb.StringProperty()
    attachment_resources = ndb.StringProperty(repeated=True)
Esempio n. 16
class LocationAlert(ndb.Model):
    alert_status = ndb.BooleanProperty(default=True)
    alert_name = ndb.StringProperty(required=True, verbose_name="Name your alert") 
    alert_owner = ndb.StringProperty()
    alert_tracked_people = ndb.StringProperty(repeated=True, verbose_name="People to Track")
    alert_location_center = ndb.GeoPtProperty()
    alert_location_radius = ndb.FloatProperty()
    alert_day_sun = ndb.BooleanProperty(default=False)
    alert_day_mon = ndb.BooleanProperty(default=False)
    alert_day_tue = ndb.BooleanProperty(default=False)
    alert_day_wed = ndb.BooleanProperty(default=False)
    alert_day_thu = ndb.BooleanProperty(default=False)
    alert_day_fri = ndb.BooleanProperty(default=False)
    alert_day_sat = ndb.BooleanProperty(default=False)
    alert_time_start = ndb.TimeProperty()
    alert_time_end = ndb.TimeProperty()
    # direction: False = outward, True = inward
    alert_direction = ndb.BooleanProperty(default=False)

    class RESTMeta:
        user_owner_property = 'alert_owner'
# [END LocationAlert]

    def get_by_owner_user(cls, user):
        return cls.query().filter(cls.alert_owner == user.user_id()).get()

    def get_by_member_user(cls, user):
        return cls.query().filter(user.user_id() in cls.alert_tracked_people).get()
Esempio n. 17
class Device(ndb.Model):
    #Stores information about the rain gauge device
    id = ndb.IntegerProperty(required=True)
    name = ndb.StringProperty()
    position = ndb.GeoPtProperty()
    dateRegistered = ndb.DateTimeProperty(required=True)
    lastSeen = ndb.DateTimeProperty()
Esempio n. 18
class Permit(ndb.Model):
    owner = ndb.StructuredProperty(User)
    name = ndb.StringProperty()
    geo_location = ndb.GeoPtProperty()
    city = ndb.StringProperty()
    type = ndb.StringProperty(choices=['Park', 'School', 'Airport'])
    creation_date = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
    start_date = ndb.DateTimeProperty()
    end_date = ndb.DateTimeProperty()
    cost = ndb.StringProperty()
    #form = ndb.StructuredProperty(PermitForm)

    def get_owner(owner):
        permit = Permit.query(Permit.owner == owner)
        if permit.count() > 0:
            for p in permit:
                return p
            return False

    def add_new_permit(owner, name, type): # geo_location
        permit = Permit(owner=owner,
        p = permit.put()
        return p
Esempio n. 19
class Post(BaseModel):
    userKey = ndb.KeyProperty()
    text = ndb.StringProperty()
    geoPt = ndb.GeoPtProperty()
    date = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)

    def __geo_interface__(self):
        return {
            'type': 'Feature',
            'properties': {
                'date': str(,
                'text': self.text
            'geometry': {
                'coordinates': [

Esempio n. 20
class Search(ndb.Model):
    chat_id = ndb.IntegerProperty()
    date = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now=True)
    location = ndb.GeoPtProperty()
    search_type = ndb.StringProperty()
    search_radius = ndb.IntegerProperty()
    found_location = ndb.BooleanProperty()
Esempio n. 21
class GeoCache(ndb.Model):
    address = ndb.StringProperty(required=True)
    geo = ndb.GeoPtProperty(required=True, indexed=False)

    def get_by_address(cls, address):
        return cls.query(cls.address == address).get()
Esempio n. 22
class GameEntity(ndb.Model):
    #     def to_dict(self):
    #         output = {}
    #         for key, prop in self._properties.iteritems():
    #             value = coerce(getattr(self, key))
    #             if value is not None:
    #                 output[key] = value
    #         return output
    # Date
    date = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
    # Location
    location = ndb.GeoPtProperty()
    # Team #1 colour, score
    # Team #2 colour, score
    teams = ndb.StructuredProperty(TeamEntity, repeated=True)
    # Game start time
    start_time = ndb.TimeProperty()
    description = ndb.StringProperty()
    type = ndb.IntegerProperty()
    age_category = ndb.IntegerProperty(default=0)
    gender_category = ndb.IntegerProperty(default=0)

    # MAYBE
    # Unique Observers
    # Unique Contributors
    def to_dict(self):
        ret = ndb.Model.to_dict(self,
                                exclude=['date', 'start_time', 'location'])
        ret['gid'] = str(
        ret['start_time'] = self.start_time.strftime('%H:%M')
        return ret
Esempio n. 23
class Complaint(ndb.Model):
    user_id = ndb.KeyProperty(kind='User', required=True)
    # currently just stores user_id given by frontend, no verification..
    title = ndb.StringProperty(required=True)
    location = ndb.GeoPtProperty()
    subtitle = ndb.TextProperty()
    # desciptive title
    date = ndb.DateProperty(auto_now_add=True)
    votes = ndb.IntegerProperty(default=0)
    content = ndb.TextProperty()
    tags = ndb.StringProperty(repeated=True)
    # the tags eg, Civil, Roadworks, etc. They are strings, user is allowed to add their own
    smallAdd = ndb.StringProperty()
    bigAdd = ndb.StringProperty()
    fb_share = ndb.IntegerProperty(default=0)
    gp_share = ndb.IntegerProperty(default=0)
    tw_share = ndb.IntegerProperty(default=0)
    img_links = ndb.StringProperty(repeated=True)
    status_owner = ndb.StringProperty(default="No Action",
                                          ["No Action", "Ongoing", "Solved"]))
    # whether the problem is solved or not.
    status_other = ndb.StringProperty(default="No Action",
                                          ["No Action", "Ongoing", "Solved"]))
    # status as defined by some non-OP.
    abuse_reports = ndb.IntegerProperty(default=0)
Esempio n. 24
class UserMeetup(ndb.Model):
    email = ndb.StringProperty(required=True)
    name = ndb.StringProperty(required=False)
    meetup = ndb.KeyProperty(Meetup, required=True)
    address = ndb.StringProperty(required=False)
    location = ndb.GeoPtProperty(required=False)
    moods = ndb.StringProperty(repeated=True)
    interests = ndb.StringProperty(repeated=True)
    statuses = ndb.StringProperty(repeated=True)
    vote = ndb.JsonProperty(required=False)
    # auto fields
    created = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
    modified = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now=True)

    def _pre_put_hook(self):
        if 'preferences' not in self.statuses:
            if self.address and self.moods and self.interests:
        if 'vote' not in self.statuses:
        if self.address and not self.location:
            response = GeoCoding.get_location(address=self.address)
            location = response['results'][0]['geometry']['location']
            lat = location['lat']
            lng = location['lng']
            self.location = ndb.GeoPt(lat=lat, lon=lng)  # lat, lon
Esempio n. 25
class Contribution(ndb.Model):
    chat_id = ndb.IntegerProperty()
    date = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now=True)
    location = ndb.GeoPtProperty()
    node_id = ndb.StringProperty()
    search_type = ndb.StringProperty()
    picture_file_id = ndb.StringProperty()
Esempio n. 26
class Game(ndb.Model):
    birthdate = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
    lastHeartbeat = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now=True)
    name = ndb.StringProperty()
    private = ndb.BooleanProperty()
    description = ndb.StringProperty()
    maxPlayers = ndb.IntegerProperty()
    playerIds = ndb.IntegerProperty(repeated=True)
    entityIds = ndb.IntegerProperty(repeated=True)
    gameControllerId = ndb.IntegerProperty()
    adminId = ndb.StringProperty()
    center = ndb.GeoPtProperty()

    def makeStringValuedIds(self):
        self.playerIdStrings = map(str, self.playerIds)
        self.entityIdStrings = map(str, self.entityIds)

    def to_dict(self):
        return {'name':,
                'private': self.private,
                'description': self.description,
                'maxPlayers': self.maxPlayers,
                'currentPlayers': len(self.playerIds)}
Esempio n. 27
class EventUserStatus(BaseModel):

    _serialized_fields = ['modified', 'user', 'last_location', 'status']

    # event = Parent entity and thus not included in the model
    user = ndb.KeyProperty(kind=UserData, required=True)
    last_location = ndb.GeoPtProperty()
    status = ndb.TextProperty()

    def create_or_update(cls, event_key, user_key, status, location):

        current_user_status = cls.query(ancestor=event_key).filter(
            cls.user == user_key).get()

        if current_user_status is None:
            next_user_status = cls(parent=event_key,

            next_user_status = current_user_status
            if status is not None:
                next_user_status.status = status

            if location is not None:
                next_user_status.last_location = location

Esempio n. 28
 class TestEntity(base_model.BaseModel):
   test_string = ndb.StringProperty()
   test_datetime = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
   test_keyproperty = ndb.KeyProperty()
   test_geopt = ndb.GeoPtProperty()
   test_structuredprop = ndb.StructuredProperty(TestSubEntity)
   test_repeatedprop = ndb.StringProperty(repeated=True)
Esempio n. 29
class Address(ndb.Model):
    street = ndb.StringProperty(indexed=True, required=True)
    number = ndb.IntegerProperty(indexed=False)
    zipcode = ndb.StringProperty(indexed=False)
    # The district and region properties can be separate entities
    district = ndb.StringProperty(indexed=False)
    region = ndb.StringProperty(indexed=False)
    latlng = ndb.GeoPtProperty(indexed=False)
Esempio n. 30
class clientLocations(ndb.Model):
  client = ndb.KeyProperty(kind=Clients)
  ClientName = ndb.StringProperty() #normalized
  emailDomains = ndb.StringProperty(repeated=True) #normalized
  streetAddress = ndb.StringProperty()
  city = ndb.StringProperty()
  state = ndb.StringProperty()
  latlong = ndb.GeoPtProperty()