Esempio n. 1
def skip_ignored_dirs(*args, **kwargs):
    """ Replacement for devappserver2.watchter_common.skip_ignored_dirs
    - to be monkeypatched into place.
    # Note that this function modifies the `dirs` list in place, it doesn't return anything.
    # Also note that `dirs` is a list of dir *names* not dir *paths*, which means that we can't
    # differentiate between /foo/bar and /moo/bar because we just get 'bar'. But allowing that
    # would require a whole load more monkey patching.
    from djangae import sandbox
    from import watcher_common

    # since version 1.9.49 (which is incorrectly marked as [0, 0, 0] for now, until
    # will be fixed,
    # skip_ignored_dirs have three arguments instead of one. To preserve
    # backwards compatibilty we check version here and use args to fetch one
    # or three arguments depending on version. We do not do any further error handling
    # here to make sure that this explicitly fail if there is another change in
    # the number of arguments with new SDK versions.
    current_version = _VersionList(GetVersionObject()['release'])
    if current_version == sandbox.TEMP_1_9_49_VERSION_NO:
        current_version = _VersionList('1.9.49')

    if current_version >= _VersionList('1.9.49'):
        dirpath, dirs, skip_files_re = args
        dirs = args[0]
    watcher_common._remove_pred(dirs, lambda d: d.startswith(watcher_common._IGNORED_PREFIX))
        lambda d: any( for regex in DJANGAE_RUNSERVER_IGNORED_DIR_REGEXES)
Esempio n. 2
def skip_ignored_dirs(*args, **kwargs):
    """ Replacement for devappserver2.watchter_common.skip_ignored_dirs
    - to be monkeypatched into place.
    # Note that this function modifies the `dirs` list in place, it doesn't return anything.
    # Also note that `dirs` is a list of dir *names* not dir *paths*, which means that we can't
    # differentiate between /foo/bar and /moo/bar because we just get 'bar'. But allowing that
    # would require a whole load more monkey patching.
    from djangae import sandbox
    from import watcher_common

    # since version 1.9.49 (which is incorrectly marked as [0, 0, 0] for now, until
    # will be fixed,
    # skip_ignored_dirs have three arguments instead of one. To preserve
    # backwards compatibilty we check version here and use args to fetch one
    # or three arguments depending on version. We do not do any further error handling
    # here to make sure that this explicitly fail if there is another change in
    # the number of arguments with new SDK versions.
    current_version = _VersionList(GetVersionObject()['release'])
    if current_version == sandbox.TEMP_1_9_49_VERSION_NO:
        current_version = _VersionList('1.9.49')

    if current_version >= _VersionList('1.9.49'):
        dirpath, dirs, skip_files_re = args
        dirs = args[0]
    watcher_common._remove_pred(dirs, lambda d: d.startswith(watcher_common._IGNORED_PREFIX))
        lambda d: any( for regex in DJANGAE_RUNSERVER_IGNORED_DIR_REGEXES)
Esempio n. 3
def skip_ignored_dirs(dirs):
    """ Replacement for devappserver2.watchter_common.skip_ignored_dirs
    - to be monkeypatched into place.
    # Note that this function modifies the `dirs` list in place, it doesn't return anything.
    # Also note that `dirs` is a list of dir *names* not dir *paths*, which means that we can't
    # differentiate between /foo/bar and /moo/bar because we just get 'bar'. But allowing that
    # would require a whole load more monkey patching.
    from import watcher_common
    watcher_common._remove_pred(dirs, lambda d: d.startswith(watcher_common._IGNORED_PREFIX))
        lambda d: any( for regex in DJANGAE_RUNSERVER_IGNORED_DIR_REGEXES)
Esempio n. 4
def skip_ignored_dirs(dirs):
    """ Replacement for devappserver2.watchter_common.skip_ignored_dirs
    - to be monkeypatched into place.
    # Note that this function modifies the `dirs` list in place, it doesn't return anything.
    # Also note that `dirs` is a list of dir *names* not dir *paths*, which means that we can't
    # differentiate between /foo/bar and /moo/bar because we just get 'bar'. But allowing that
    # would require a whole load more monkey patching.
    from import watcher_common
    watcher_common._remove_pred(dirs, lambda d: d.startswith(watcher_common._IGNORED_PREFIX))
        lambda d: any( for regex in DJANGAE_RUNSERVER_IGNORED_DIR_REGEXES)