def disk_from_image(disk_type: str, disk_size_gb: int, boot: bool,
                    source_image: str) -> compute_v1.AttachedDisk:
    Create an AttachedDisk object to be used in VM instance creation. Uses an image as the
    source for the new disk.

         disk_type: the type of disk you want to create. This value uses the following format:
            For example: "zones/us-west3-b/diskTypes/pd-ssd"
        disk_size_gb: size of the new disk in gigabytes
        boot: boolean flag indicating whether this disk should be used as a boot disk of an instance
        source_image: source image to use when creating this disk. You must have read access to this disk. This can be one
            of the publicly available images or an image from one of your projects.
            This value uses the following format: "projects/{project_name}/global/images/{image_name}"

        AttachedDisk object configured to be created using the specified image.
    boot_disk = compute_v1.AttachedDisk()
    initialize_params = compute_v1.AttachedDiskInitializeParams()
    initialize_params.source_image = source_image
    initialize_params.disk_size_gb = disk_size_gb
    initialize_params.disk_type = disk_type
    boot_disk.initialize_params = initialize_params
    # Remember to set auto_delete to True if you want the disk to be deleted when you delete
    # your VM instance.
    boot_disk.auto_delete = True
    boot_disk.boot = boot
    return boot_disk
def instance_template():
    disk = compute_v1.AttachedDisk()
    initialize_params = compute_v1.AttachedDiskInitializeParams()
    initialize_params.source_image = (
    initialize_params.disk_size_gb = 25
    disk.initialize_params = initialize_params
    disk.auto_delete = True
    disk.boot = True

    network_interface = compute_v1.NetworkInterface() = "global/networks/default"

    template = compute_v1.InstanceTemplate() = "test-template-" + uuid.uuid4().hex[:10] = [disk] = "e2-standard-4" = [network_interface]

    template_client = compute_v1.InstanceTemplatesClient()
    operation_client = compute_v1.GlobalOperationsClient()
    op = template_client.insert_unary(project=PROJECT,

    template = template_client.get(project=PROJECT,

    yield template

    op = template_client.delete_unary(project=PROJECT,
def create_template(project_id: str,
                    template_name: str) -> compute_v1.InstanceTemplate:
    Create a new instance template with the provided name and a specific
    instance configuration.

        project_id: project ID or project number of the Cloud project you use.
        template_name: name of the new template to create.

        InstanceTemplate object that represents the new instance template.
    # The template describes the size and source image of the boot disk
    # to attach to the instance.
    disk = compute_v1.AttachedDisk()
    initialize_params = compute_v1.AttachedDiskInitializeParams()
    initialize_params.source_image = (
    initialize_params.disk_size_gb = 250
    disk.initialize_params = initialize_params
    disk.auto_delete = True
    disk.boot = True

    # The template connects the instance to the `default` network,
    # without specifying a subnetwork.
    network_interface = compute_v1.NetworkInterface() = "global/networks/default"

    # The template lets the instance use an external IP address.
    access_config = compute_v1.AccessConfig() = "External NAT"
    access_config.type_ = "ONE_TO_ONE_NAT"
    access_config.network_tier = "PREMIUM"
    network_interface.access_configs = [access_config]

    template = compute_v1.InstanceTemplate() = template_name = [disk] = "e2-standard-4" = [network_interface]

    template_client = compute_v1.InstanceTemplatesClient()
    operation_client = compute_v1.GlobalOperationsClient()
    op = template_client.insert_unary(project=project_id,

    return template_client.get(project=project_id,
def create_template_with_subnet(
        project_id: str, network: str, subnetwork: str,
        template_name: str) -> compute_v1.InstanceTemplate:
    Create an instance template that uses a provided subnet.

        project_id: project ID or project number of the Cloud project you use.
        network: the network to be used in the new template. This value uses
            the following format: "projects/{project}/global/networks/{network}"
        subnetwork: the subnetwork to be used in the new template. This value
            uses the following format: "projects/{project}/regions/{region}/subnetworks/{subnetwork}"
        template_name: name of the new template to create.

        InstanceTemplate object that represents the new instance template.
    # The template describes the size and source image of the book disk to
    # attach to the instance.
    disk = compute_v1.AttachedDisk()
    initialize_params = compute_v1.AttachedDiskInitializeParams()
    initialize_params.source_image = (
    initialize_params.disk_size_gb = 250
    disk.initialize_params = initialize_params
    disk.auto_delete = True
    disk.boot = True

    template = compute_v1.InstanceTemplate() = template_name = compute_v1.InstanceProperties() = [disk] = "e2-standard-4"

    # The template connects the instance to the specified network and subnetwork.
    network_interface = compute_v1.NetworkInterface() = network
    network_interface.subnetwork = subnetwork = [network_interface]

    template_client = compute_v1.InstanceTemplatesClient()
    operation_client = compute_v1.GlobalOperationsClient()
    op = template_client.insert_unary(project=project_id,

    return template_client.get(project=project_id,
Esempio n. 5
def _make_disk(raw_key: bytes = None):
    disk = compute_v1.AttachedDisk()
    initialize_params = compute_v1.AttachedDiskInitializeParams()
    initialize_params.source_image = (
    initialize_params.disk_size_gb = 10
    disk.initialize_params = initialize_params
    disk.auto_delete = True
    disk.boot = True
    disk.type_ = compute_v1.AttachedDisk.Type.PERSISTENT

    if raw_key:
        disk.disk_encryption_key = compute_v1.CustomerEncryptionKey()
        disk.disk_encryption_key.raw_key = raw_key

    return disk
def empty_disk(disk_type: str, disk_size_gb: int) -> compute_v1.AttachedDisk():
    Create an AttachedDisk object to be used in VM instance creation. The created disk contains
    no data and requires formatting before it can be used.

         disk_type: the type of disk you want to create. This value uses the following format:
            For example: "zones/us-west3-b/diskTypes/pd-ssd"
        disk_size_gb: size of the new disk in gigabytes

        AttachedDisk object configured to be created as an empty disk.
    disk = compute_v1.AttachedDisk()
    initialize_params = compute_v1.AttachedDiskInitializeParams()
    initialize_params.disk_type = disk_type
    initialize_params.disk_size_gb = disk_size_gb
    disk.initialize_params = initialize_params
    # Remember to set auto_delete to True if you want the disk to be deleted when you delete
    # your VM instance.
    disk.auto_delete = True
    disk.boot = False
    return disk
Esempio n. 7
def create_instance(
    project_id: str,
    zone: str,
    instance_name: str,
    machine_type: str = "n1-standard-1",
    source_image: str = "projects/debian-cloud/global/images/family/debian-10",
    network_name: str = "global/networks/default",
) -> compute_v1.Instance:
    Sends an instance creation request to GCP and waits for it to complete.

        project_id: ID or number of the project you want to use.
        zone: Name of the zone you want to use, for example: us-west3-b
        instance_name: Name of the new machine.
        machine_type: Machine type you want to create in following format:
            "zones/{zone}/machineTypes/{type_name}". For example:
            You can find the list of available machine types using:
        source_image: Path the the disk image you want to use for your boot
            disk. This can be one of the public images
            (e.g. "projects/debian-cloud/global/images/family/debian-10")
            or a private image you have access to.
            You can check the list of available public images using:
            $ gcloud compute images list
        network_name: Name of the network you want the new instance to use.
            For example: global/networks/default - if you want to use the
            default network.

        Instance object.
    instance_client = compute_v1.InstancesClient()

    # Every machine requires at least one persistent disk
    disk = compute_v1.AttachedDisk()
    initialize_params = compute_v1.AttachedDiskInitializeParams()
    initialize_params.source_image = (
        source_image  # "projects/debian-cloud/global/images/family/debian-10"
    initialize_params.disk_size_gb = "10"
    disk.initialize_params = initialize_params
    disk.auto_delete = True
    disk.boot = True
    disk.type_ = compute_v1.AttachedDisk.Type.PERSISTENT

    # Every machine needs to be connected to a VPC network.
    # The 'default' network is created automatically in every project.
    network_interface = compute_v1.NetworkInterface() = network_name

    # Collecting all the information into the Instance object
    instance = compute_v1.Instance() = instance_name
    instance.disks = [disk]
    full_machine_type_name = f"zones/{zone}/machineTypes/{machine_type}"
    instance.machine_type = full_machine_type_name
    instance.network_interfaces = [network_interface]

    # Preparing the InsertInstanceRequest
    request = compute_v1.InsertInstanceRequest() = zone
    request.project = project_id
    request.instance_resource = instance

    print(f"Creating the {instance_name} instance in {zone}...")
    operation = instance_client.insert(request=request)
    if operation.status == compute_v1.Operation.Status.RUNNING:
        operation_client = compute_v1.ZoneOperationsClient()
        operation = operation_client.wait(,
    if operation.error:
        print("Error during creation:", operation.error, file=sys.stderr)
    if operation.warnings:
        print("Warning during creation:", operation.warnings, file=sys.stderr)
    print(f"Instance {instance_name} created.")
    return instance
Esempio n. 8
def create_instance(
    project_id: str,
    zone: str,
    instance_name: str,
    machine_type: str = "n1-standard-1",
    source_image: str = "projects/debian-cloud/global/images/family/debian-10",
    network_name: str = "global/networks/default",
) -> compute_v1.Instance:
    Send an instance creation request to the Compute Engine API and wait for it to complete.

        project_id: project ID or project number of the Cloud project you want to use.
        zone: name of the zone you want to use. For example: “us-west3-b”
        instance_name: name of the new virtual machine.
        machine_type: machine type of the VM being created. This value uses the
            following format: "zones/{zone}/machineTypes/{type_name}".
            For example: "zones/europe-west3-c/machineTypes/f1-micro"
        source_image: path to the operating system image to mount on your boot
            disk. This can be one of the public images
            (like "projects/debian-cloud/global/images/family/debian-10")
            or a private image you have access to.
        network_name: name of the network you want the new instance to use.
            For example: "global/networks/default" represents the `default`
            network interface, which is created automatically for each project.
        Instance object.
    instance_client = compute_v1.InstancesClient()
    operation_client = compute_v1.ZoneOperationsClient()

    # Describe the size and source image of the boot disk to attach to the instance.
    disk = compute_v1.AttachedDisk()
    initialize_params = compute_v1.AttachedDiskInitializeParams()
    initialize_params.source_image = (
        source_image  # "projects/debian-cloud/global/images/family/debian-10"
    initialize_params.disk_size_gb = 10
    disk.initialize_params = initialize_params
    disk.auto_delete = True
    disk.boot = True
    disk.type_ = compute_v1.AttachedDisk.Type.PERSISTENT

    # Use the network interface provided in the network_name argument.
    network_interface = compute_v1.NetworkInterface() = network_name

    # Collect information into the Instance object.
    instance = compute_v1.Instance() = instance_name
    instance.disks = [disk]
    full_machine_type_name = f"zones/{zone}/machineTypes/{machine_type}"
    instance.machine_type = full_machine_type_name
    instance.network_interfaces = [network_interface]

    # Prepare the request to insert an instance.
    request = compute_v1.InsertInstanceRequest() = zone
    request.project = project_id
    request.instance_resource = instance

    # Wait for the create operation to complete.
    print(f"Creating the {instance_name} instance in {zone}...")
    operation = instance_client.insert(request=request)
    while operation.status != compute_v1.Operation.Status.DONE:
        operation = operation_client.wait(,
    if operation.error:
        print("Error during creation:", operation.error, file=sys.stderr)
    if operation.warnings:
        print("Warning during creation:", operation.warnings, file=sys.stderr)
    print(f"Instance {instance_name} created.")
    return instance
def create_instance(
    project_id: str, zone: str, instance_name: str, delete_protection: bool,
) -> compute_v1.Instance:
    Send an instance creation request to the Compute Engine API and wait for it to complete.

        project_id: project ID or project number of the Cloud project you want to use.
        zone: name of the zone you want to use. For example: “us-west3-b”
        instance_name: name of the new virtual machine.
        delete_protection: boolean value indicating if the new virtual machine should be
            protected against deletion or not.
        Instance object.
    instance_client = compute_v1.InstancesClient()
    operation_client = compute_v1.ZoneOperationsClient()

    # Describe the size and source image of the boot disk to attach to the instance.
    disk = compute_v1.AttachedDisk()
    initialize_params = compute_v1.AttachedDiskInitializeParams()
    initialize_params.source_image = (
    initialize_params.disk_size_gb = 10
    disk.initialize_params = initialize_params
    disk.auto_delete = True
    disk.boot = True
    disk.type_ = "PERSISTENT"

    # Use the default VPC network.
    network_interface = compute_v1.NetworkInterface() = "default"

    # Collect information into the Instance object.
    instance = compute_v1.Instance() = instance_name
    instance.disks = [disk]
    instance.machine_type = f"zones/{zone}/machineTypes/e2-small"
    instance.network_interfaces = [network_interface]

    # Set the delete protection bit
    instance.deletion_protection = delete_protection

    # Prepare the request to insert an instance.
    request = compute_v1.InsertInstanceRequest() = zone
    request.project = project_id
    request.instance_resource = instance

    # Wait for the create operation to complete.
    print(f"Creating the {instance_name} instance in {zone}...")
    operation = instance_client.insert_unary(request=request)
    while operation.status != compute_v1.Operation.Status.DONE:
        operation = operation_client.wait(
  , zone=zone, project=project_id
    if operation.error:
        print("Error during creation:", operation.error, file=sys.stderr)
    if operation.warnings:
        print("Warning during creation:", operation.warnings, file=sys.stderr)
    print(f"Instance {instance_name} created.")
    return instance
Esempio n. 10
def create_instance(
    project_id: str,
    zone: str,
    instance_name: str,
    machine_type: Union[str, "CustomMachineType"],
    Send an instance creation request to the Compute Engine API and wait for it to complete.

        project_id: project ID or project number of the Cloud project you want to use.
        zone: name of the zone to create the instance in. For example: "us-west3-b"
        instance_name: name of the new virtual machine (VM) instance.
        machine_type: machine type of the VM being created. This value uses the
            following format: "zones/{zone}/machineTypes/{type_name}".
            For example: "zones/europe-west3-c/machineTypes/f1-micro"
            It can be a CustomMachineType object, describing a custom type
            you want to use.

        Instance object.
    instance_client = compute_v1.InstancesClient()
    operation_client = compute_v1.ZoneOperationsClient()

    # Describe the size and source image of the boot disk to attach to the instance.
    disk = compute_v1.AttachedDisk()
    initialize_params = compute_v1.AttachedDiskInitializeParams()
    initialize_params.source_image = (
    initialize_params.disk_size_gb = 10
    disk.initialize_params = initialize_params
    disk.auto_delete = True
    disk.boot = True
    disk.type_ =

    # Use the network interface provided in the network_name argument.
    network_interface = compute_v1.NetworkInterface() = "global/networks/default"

    # Collect information into the Instance object.
    instance = compute_v1.Instance() = instance_name
    instance.disks = [disk]
    instance.machine_type = str(machine_type)
    instance.network_interfaces = [network_interface]

    # Prepare the request to insert an instance.
    request = compute_v1.InsertInstanceRequest() = zone
    request.project = project_id
    request.instance_resource = instance

    # Wait for the create operation to complete.
        f"Creating the {instance_name} instance of type {instance.machine_type} in {zone}..."
    operation = instance_client.insert_unary(request=request)
    while operation.status != compute_v1.Operation.Status.DONE:
        operation = operation_client.wait(,
    if operation.error:
        print("Error during creation:", operation.error, file=sys.stderr)
    if operation.warnings:
        print("Warning during creation:", operation.warnings, file=sys.stderr)
    print(f"Instance {instance_name} created.")
    return instance_client.get(project=project_id,