Esempio n. 1
def test_fetch_page(dispose_of):
    page_size = 5
    n_entities = page_size * 2

    class SomeKind(ndb.Model):
        foo = ndb.IntegerProperty()

    def make_entities():
        entities = [SomeKind(foo=i) for i in range(n_entities)]
        keys = yield [entity.put_async() for entity in entities]
        raise ndb.Return(keys)

    for key in make_entities():

    query = SomeKind.query().order(
    eventually(query.fetch, _length_equals(n_entities))

    results, cursor, more = query.fetch_page(page_size)
    assert [ for entity in results] == [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
    assert more

    safe_cursor = cursor.urlsafe()
    next_cursor = ndb.Cursor(urlsafe=safe_cursor)
    results, cursor, more = query.fetch_page(page_size,
    assert [ for entity in results] == [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

    results, cursor, more = query.fetch_page(page_size, start_cursor=cursor)
    assert not results
    assert not more
def get_list(limit: int, cursor: str, sort: str, is_published: bool,
             category_resource_id: Optional[str]) -> ArticleModelPagedResult:
    models: List[ArticleModel] = []

    # Query Options
    opts = {}
    if (cursor):
        opts = {'start_cursor': ndb.Cursor(urlsafe=cursor)}

    # Run Query
    with client.context():
        q = ArticleEntity.query()
        q = q.filter(ArticleEntity.is_published == is_published)

        # If there is a category resource_id, filter by it
        if (category_resource_id):
            category_key = get_key_from_resource_id(category_resource_id)
            q = q.filter(ArticleEntity.categories == category_key)

        # TODO: Support custom sorting... requires some additional indexes...
        q = q.order(-ArticleEntity.published_date)

        [results, nextCursor, more] = q.fetch_page(limit, **opts)

        # Bulk Dereference Entities
        derefenced_entities = bulk_dereference(results)
        # [logging.error(getattr(e, LEGACY_IMAGE_PROP, None)) for e in derefenced_entities]

        # Map Results to Domain Model
        models = [map_entity_to_model(e) for e in derefenced_entities]
    return ArticleModelPagedResult(models=models,
Esempio n. 3
def retrieve_cats(limit: int = 2, cursor: str = None):
    """Retrieves cats from datastore."""'Retrieving all cats')
    with client.context():
        query = models.CatNDB.query()
        res, cursor, _ = query.fetch_page(
            limit=limit, start_cursor=ndb.Cursor(urlsafe=cursor))

    return ([_ndb_to_cat(c)
             for c in res], cursor.urlsafe() if cursor is not None else '')
Esempio n. 4
def get_list(limit: int, cursor: str, sort: str) -> CategoryModelPagedResult:
    models: List[CategoryModel] = []

    # Query Options
    opts = {}
    if (cursor):
        opts = {'start_cursor': ndb.Cursor(urlsafe=cursor)}

    # Run Query
    with client.context():
        q = CategoryEntity.query()
        q = q.order(
        [results, nextCursor, more] = q.fetch_page(limit, **opts)

    # Map Results to Domain Model
    models = [map_entity_to_model(e) for e in results]
    return CategoryModelPagedResult(models=models, cursor=nextCursor.urlsafe(), more=more)
Esempio n. 5
def make_cursor(urlsafe_cursor=None):
    # type: (Optional[Text]) -> datastore_query.Cursor
    """Makes an immutable cursor that points to a relative position in a query.

    The position denoted by a Cursor is relative to the result of a query, even
    if the result is removed later on. Usually, the position points to whatever
    immediately follows the last result of a batch.

    A cursor should only be used on a query with an identical signature to the
    one that produced it, or on a query with its sort order reversed.

    A Cursor constructed with no arguments points to the first result of any
    query. If such a Cursor is used as an end_cursor, no results will be

        urlsafe_cursor: str | None. The base64-encoded serialization of a
            cursor. When None, the cursor returned will point to the first
            result of any query.

        datastore_query.Cursor. A cursor into an arbitrary query.
    return ndb.Cursor(urlsafe=urlsafe_cursor)