Esempio n. 1
def deserialize_properties(props_struct: struct_pb2.Struct) -> Any:
    Deserializes a protobuf `struct_pb2.Struct` into a Python dictionary containing normal
    Python types.
    # Check out this link for details on what sort of types Protobuf is going to generate:
    # We assume that we are deserializing properties that we got from a Resource RPC endpoint,
    # which has type `Struct` in our gRPC proto definition.
    if _special_sig_key in props_struct:
        if props_struct[_special_sig_key] == _special_asset_sig:
            # This is an asset. Re-hydrate this object into an Asset.
            if "path" in props_struct:
                return known_types.new_file_asset(props_struct["path"])
            if "text" in props_struct:
                return known_types.new_string_asset(props_struct["text"])
            if "uri" in props_struct:
                return known_types.new_remote_asset(props_struct["uri"])
            raise AssertionError("Invalid asset encountered when unmarshaling resource property")
        if props_struct[_special_sig_key] == _special_archive_sig:
            # This is an archive. Re-hydrate this object into an Archive.
            if "assets" in props_struct:
                return known_types.new_asset_archive(deserialize_property(props_struct["assets"]))
            if "path" in props_struct:
                return known_types.new_file_archive(props_struct["path"])
            if "uri" in props_struct:
                return known_types.new_remote_archive(props_struct["uri"])
            raise AssertionError("Invalid archive encountered when unmarshaling resource property")
        if props_struct[_special_sig_key] == _special_secret_sig:
            return {
                _special_sig_key: _special_secret_sig,
                "value": deserialize_property(props_struct["value"])

        raise AssertionError("Unrecognized signature when unmarshaling resource property")

    # Struct is duck-typed like a dictionary, so we can iterate over it in the normal ways. Note
    # that if the struct had any secret properties, we push the secretness of the object up to us
    # since we can only set secret outputs on top level properties.
    output = {}
    for k, v in list(props_struct.items()):
        value = deserialize_property(v)
        # We treat values that deserialize to "None" as if they don't exist.
        if value is not None:
            output[k] = value

    return output
Esempio n. 2
def resolve_outputs(res: 'Resource',
                    serialized_props: struct_pb2.Struct,
                    outputs: struct_pb2.Struct,
                    deps: Mapping[str, Set['Resource']],
                    resolvers: Dict[str, Resolver],
                    transform_using_type_metadata: bool = False):

    # Produce a combined set of property states, starting with inputs and then applying
    # outputs.  If the same property exists in the inputs and outputs states, the output wins.
    all_properties = {}
    # Get the resource's output types, so we can convert dicts from the engine into actual
    # instantiated output types or primitive types into enums as needed.
    resource_cls = type(res)
    types = _types.resource_types(resource_cls)
    translate, translate_to_pass = res.translate_output_property, res.translate_output_property
    if transform_using_type_metadata:
        pulumi_to_py_names = _types.resource_pulumi_to_py_names(resource_cls)
        translate = lambda k: pulumi_to_py_names.get(k) or k
        translate_to_pass = lambda k: k

    for key, value in deserialize_properties(outputs).items():
        # Outputs coming from the provider are NOT translated. Do so here.
        translated_key = translate(key)
        translated_value = translate_output_properties(
            value, translate_to_pass, types.get(key),
            f"incoming output property translated: {key} -> {translated_key}")
            f"incoming output value translated: {value} -> {translated_value}")
        all_properties[translated_key] = translated_value

    if not settings.is_dry_run() or settings.is_legacy_apply_enabled():
        for key, value in list(serialized_props.items()):
            translated_key = translate(key)
            if translated_key not in all_properties:
                # input prop the engine didn't give us a final value for.Just use the value passed into the resource by
                # the user.
                all_properties[translated_key] = translate_output_properties(
                    deserialize_property(value), translate_to_pass,
                    types.get(key), transform_using_type_metadata)

    resolve_properties(resolvers, all_properties, deps)
Esempio n. 3
def deserialize_properties(props_struct: struct_pb2.Struct,
                           keep_unknowns: Optional[bool] = None) -> Any:
    Deserializes a protobuf `struct_pb2.Struct` into a Python dictionary containing normal
    Python types.
    # Check out this link for details on what sort of types Protobuf is going to generate:
    # We assume that we are deserializing properties that we got from a Resource RPC endpoint,
    # which has type `Struct` in our gRPC proto definition.
    if _special_sig_key in props_struct:
        from .. import FileAsset, StringAsset, RemoteAsset, AssetArchive, FileArchive, RemoteArchive  # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
        if props_struct[_special_sig_key] == _special_asset_sig:
            # This is an asset. Re-hydrate this object into an Asset.
            if "path" in props_struct:
                return FileAsset(props_struct["path"])
            if "text" in props_struct:
                return StringAsset(props_struct["text"])
            if "uri" in props_struct:
                return RemoteAsset(props_struct["uri"])
            raise AssertionError(
                "Invalid asset encountered when unmarshalling resource property"
        if props_struct[_special_sig_key] == _special_archive_sig:
            # This is an archive. Re-hydrate this object into an Archive.
            if "assets" in props_struct:
                return AssetArchive(
            if "path" in props_struct:
                return FileArchive(props_struct["path"])
            if "uri" in props_struct:
                return RemoteArchive(props_struct["uri"])
            raise AssertionError(
                "Invalid archive encountered when unmarshalling resource property"
        if props_struct[_special_sig_key] == _special_secret_sig:
            return wrap_rpc_secret(deserialize_property(props_struct["value"]))
        if props_struct[_special_sig_key] == _special_resource_sig:
            return deserialize_resource(props_struct, keep_unknowns)
        raise AssertionError(
            "Unrecognized signature when unmarshalling resource property")

    # Struct is duck-typed like a dictionary, so we can iterate over it in the normal ways. Note
    # that if the struct had any secret properties, we push the secretness of the object up to us
    # since we can only set secret outputs on top level properties.
    output = {}
    for k, v in list(props_struct.items()):
        # Unilaterally skip properties considered internal by the Pulumi engine.
        # These don't actually contribute to the exposed shape of the object, do
        # not need to be passed back to the engine, and often will not match the
        # expected type we are deserializing into.
        # Keep "__provider" as it's the property name used by Python dynamic providers.
        if k.startswith("__") and k != "__provider":

        value = deserialize_property(v, keep_unknowns)
        # We treat values that deserialize to "None" as if they don't exist.
        if value is not None:
            output[k] = value

    return output
Esempio n. 4
async def resolve_outputs(res: 'Resource',
                          serialized_props: struct_pb2.Struct,
                          outputs: struct_pb2.Struct,
                          resolvers: Dict[str, Resolver]):

    # Produce a combined set of property states, starting with inputs and then applying
    # outputs.  If the same property exists in the inputs and outputs states, the output wins.
    all_properties = {}
    for key, value in deserialize_properties(outputs).items():
        # Outputs coming from the provider are NOT translated. Do so here.
        translated_key = res.translate_output_property(key)
        translated_value = translate_output_properties(res, value)
        log.debug(f"incoming output property translated: {key} -> {translated_key}")
        log.debug(f"incoming output value translated: {value} -> {translated_value}")
        all_properties[translated_key] = translated_value

    if not settings.is_dry_run() or settings.is_legacy_apply_enabled():
        for key, value in list(serialized_props.items()):
            translated_key = res.translate_output_property(key)
            if translated_key not in all_properties:
                # input prop the engine didn't give us a final value for.Just use the value passed into the resource by
                # the user.
                all_properties[translated_key] = translate_output_properties(res, deserialize_property(value))

    for key, value in all_properties.items():
        # Skip "id" and "urn", since we handle those specially.
        if key in ["id", "urn"]:

        # Otherwise, unmarshal the value, and store it on the resource object.
        log.debug(f"looking for resolver using translated name {key}")
        resolve = resolvers.get(key)
        if resolve is None:
            # engine returned a property that was not in our initial property-map.  This can happen
            # for outputs that were registered through direct calls to 'registerOutputs'. We do
            # *not* want to do anything with these returned properties.  First, the component
            # resources that were calling 'registerOutputs' will have already assigned these fields
            # directly on them themselves.  Second, if we were to try to assign here we would have
            # an incredibly bad race condition for two reasons:
            #  1. This call to 'resolveProperties' happens asynchronously at some point far after
            #     the resource was constructed.  So the user will have been able to observe the
            #     initial value up until we get to this point.
            #  2. The component resource will have often assigned a value of some arbitrary type
            #     (say, a 'string').  If we overwrite this with an `Output<string>` we'll be changing
            #     the type at some non-deterministic point in the future.

        # Secrets are passed back as object with our special signiture key set to _special_secret_sig, in this case
        # we have to unwrap the object to get the actual underlying value.
        is_secret = False
        if isinstance(value, dict) and _special_sig_key in value and value[_special_sig_key] == _special_secret_sig:
            is_secret = True
            value = value["value"]

        # If either we are performing a real deployment, or this is a stable property value, we
        # can propagate its final value.  Otherwise, it must be undefined, since we don't know
        # if it's final.
        if not settings.is_dry_run():
            # normal 'pulumi up'.  resolve the output with the value we got back
            # from the engine.  That output can always run its .apply calls.
            resolve(value, True, is_secret, None)
            # We're previewing. If the engine was able to give us a reasonable value back,
            # then use it. Otherwise, inform the Output that the value isn't known.
            resolve(value, value is not None and not contains_unknowns(value), is_secret, None)

    # `allProps` may not have contained a value for every resolver: for example, optional outputs may not be present.
    # We will resolve all of these values as `None`, and will mark the value as known if we are not running a
    # preview.
    for key, resolve in resolvers.items():
        if key not in all_properties:
            resolve(None, not settings.is_dry_run(), False, None)
Esempio n. 5
def deserialize_properties(props_struct: struct_pb2.Struct,
                           keep_unknowns: Optional[bool] = None) -> Any:
    Deserializes a protobuf `struct_pb2.Struct` into a Python dictionary containing normal
    Python types.
    # Check out this link for details on what sort of types Protobuf is going to generate:
    # We assume that we are deserializing properties that we got from a Resource RPC endpoint,
    # which has type `Struct` in our gRPC proto definition.
    if _special_sig_key in props_struct:
        from .. import FileAsset, StringAsset, RemoteAsset, AssetArchive, FileArchive, RemoteArchive  # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
        if props_struct[_special_sig_key] == _special_asset_sig:
            # This is an asset. Re-hydrate this object into an Asset.
            if "path" in props_struct:
                return FileAsset(props_struct["path"])
            if "text" in props_struct:
                return StringAsset(props_struct["text"])
            if "uri" in props_struct:
                return RemoteAsset(props_struct["uri"])
            raise AssertionError(
                "Invalid asset encountered when unmarshalling resource property"
        if props_struct[_special_sig_key] == _special_archive_sig:
            # This is an archive. Re-hydrate this object into an Archive.
            if "assets" in props_struct:
                return AssetArchive(
            if "path" in props_struct:
                return FileArchive(props_struct["path"])
            if "uri" in props_struct:
                return RemoteArchive(props_struct["uri"])
            raise AssertionError(
                "Invalid archive encountered when unmarshalling resource property"
        if props_struct[_special_sig_key] == _special_secret_sig:
            return wrap_rpc_secret(deserialize_property(props_struct["value"]))
        if props_struct[_special_sig_key] == _special_resource_sig:
            urn = props_struct["urn"]
            version = props_struct["version"]

            urn_parts = urn.split("::")
            urn_name = urn_parts[3]
            qualified_type = urn_parts[2]
            typ = qualified_type.split("$")[-1]

            typ_parts = typ.split(":")
            pkg_name = typ_parts[0]
            mod_name = typ_parts[1] if len(typ_parts) > 1 else ""
            typ_name = typ_parts[2] if len(typ_parts) > 2 else ""

            resource = None
            is_provider = pkg_name == "pulumi" and mod_name == "providers"
            if is_provider:
                resource_package = _RESOURCE_PACKAGES.get(
                    _package_key(typ_name, version))
                if resource_package is None:
                    raise Exception(
                        f"Unable to deserialize provider {urn}, no resource package is registered for {typ_name}."
                resource = resource_package.construct_provider(
                    urn_name, typ, {}, urn)
                resource_module = _RESOURCE_MODULES.get(
                    _module_key(typ_name, version))
                if resource_module is None:
                    raise Exception(
                        f"Unable to deserialize resource {urn}, no resource module is registered for {mod_name}."
                resource_module.construct(urn_name, typ, {}, urn)

            return cast('Resource', resource)

        raise AssertionError(
            "Unrecognized signature when unmarshalling resource property")

    # Struct is duck-typed like a dictionary, so we can iterate over it in the normal ways. Note
    # that if the struct had any secret properties, we push the secretness of the object up to us
    # since we can only set secret outputs on top level properties.
    output = {}
    for k, v in list(props_struct.items()):
        # Unilaterally skip properties considered internal by the Pulumi engine.
        # These don't actually contribute to the exposed shape of the object, do
        # not need to be passed back to the engine, and often will not match the
        # expected type we are deserializing into.
        # Keep "__provider" as it's the property name used by Python dynamic providers.
        if k.startswith("__") and k != "__provider":

        value = deserialize_property(v, keep_unknowns)
        # We treat values that deserialize to "None" as if they don't exist.
        if value is not None:
            output[k] = value

    return output