Esempio n. 1
    def Run(self, args):
        """List the account for known credentials."""
        accounts = c_store.AvailableAccounts()

        active_account = properties.VALUES.core.account.Get()

        if args.account:
            # TODO(user) Remove error after Sept. 13, 2015.
            raise exceptions.Error(
                'The behavior of ``gcloud auth list --account has changed. '
                'Please use ``--filter-account'
                ' to filter the output of '
                '``auth list'
                '.  Elsewhere in gcloud ``--account'
                ' sets the '
                'currently active account and this behavior will become available '
                'to ``auth list'
                ' in a future gcloud release.')

        if args.filter_account:
            if args.filter_account in accounts:
                accounts = [args.filter_account]
                accounts = []

        auth_info = collections.namedtuple('auth_info',
                                           ['active_account', 'accounts'])
        return auth_info(active_account, accounts)
Esempio n. 2
def AllAccounts():
    """The resource list return value for the auth command Run() method."""
    active_account = properties.VALUES.core.account.Get()
    return [
        _AcctInfo(account, account == active_account)
        for account in c_store.AvailableAccounts()
Esempio n. 3
  def Run(self, args):
    """Revoke credentials and update active account."""
    accounts = args.accounts or []
    if type(accounts) is str:
      accounts = [accounts]
    available_accounts = c_store.AvailableAccounts()
    unknown_accounts = set(accounts) - set(available_accounts)
    if unknown_accounts:
      raise c_exc.UnknownArgumentException(
          'accounts', ' '.join(unknown_accounts))
    if args.all:
      accounts = available_accounts

    active_account = properties.VALUES.core.account.Get()

    if not accounts and active_account:
      accounts = [active_account]

    if not accounts:
      raise c_exc.InvalidArgumentException(
          'accounts', 'No credentials available to revoke.')

    for account in accounts:
      if active_account == account:
        properties.PersistProperty(properties.VALUES.core.account, None)
      if not c_store.Revoke(account):
            '[{}] already inactive (previously revoked?)'.format(account))
    return accounts
Esempio n. 4
    def testStoreLoadDevShellCredentialsGoogleAuth(self):
        creds = c_store.Load(use_google_auth=True)
        self.assertIsInstance(creds, devshell.DevShellCredentialsGoogleAuth)
        self.assertEqual(creds.token, 'sometoken')
        self.assertGreater(creds.expiry, datetime.datetime.utcnow())
            datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=1800))

        accounts = c_store.AvailableAccounts()
        self.assertIn('*****@*****.**', accounts)
Esempio n. 5
    def testStore(self):
        creds = c_store.Load()
        self.assertIsInstance(creds, devshell.DevshellCredentials)
        self.assertEqual(creds.access_token, 'sometoken')
        self.assertGreater(creds.token_expiry, datetime.datetime.utcnow())
            datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=1800))

        accounts = c_store.AvailableAccounts()
        self.assertIn('*****@*****.**', accounts)
Esempio n. 6
    def Run(self, args):
        accounts = c_store.AvailableAccounts()

        active_account = properties.VALUES.core.account.Get()

        if args.filter_account:
            if args.filter_account in accounts:
                accounts = [args.filter_account]
                accounts = []

        return auth_util.AuthResults(accounts, active_account)
Esempio n. 7
    def Run(self, args):
        """List the account for known credentials."""
        accounts = c_store.AvailableAccounts()

        active_account = properties.VALUES.core.account.Get()

        if args.filter_account:
            if args.filter_account in accounts:
                accounts = [args.filter_account]
                accounts = []

        return _AuthInfo(active_account, accounts)
Esempio n. 8
    def Run(self, args):
        """List the account for known credentials."""
        accounts = c_store.AvailableAccounts()

        active_account = c_store.ActiveAccount()

        if args.account:
            if args.account in accounts:
                accounts = [args.account]
                accounts = []

        auth_info = collections.namedtuple('auth_info',
                                           ['active_account', 'accounts'])
        return auth_info(active_account, accounts)
Esempio n. 9
    def Run(self, args):
        """Revoke credentials and update active account."""
        accounts = args.accounts or []
        if isinstance(accounts, str):
            accounts = [accounts]
        available_accounts = c_store.AvailableAccounts()
        unknown_accounts = set(accounts) - set(available_accounts)
        if unknown_accounts:
            raise c_exc.UnknownArgumentException('accounts',
                                                 ' '.join(unknown_accounts))
        if args.all:
            accounts = available_accounts

        active_account = properties.VALUES.core.account.Get()

        if not accounts and active_account:
            accounts = [active_account]

        if not accounts:
            raise c_exc.InvalidArgumentException(
                'accounts', 'No credentials available to revoke.')

        for account in accounts:
            if active_account == account:
            if not c_store.Revoke(account,
                                  use_google_auth=not args.use_oauth2client):
                if account.endswith(''):
                        '[{}] appears to be a service account. Service account tokens '
                        'cannot be revoked, but they will expire automatically. To '
                        'prevent use of the service account token earlier than the '
                        'expiration, revoke the parent service account or service '
                        'account key.'.format(account))
                        '[{}] already inactive (previously revoked?)'.format(
        return accounts
Esempio n. 10
  def _PickAccount(self, console_only, preselected=None):
    """Checks if current credentials are valid, if not runs auth login.

      console_only: bool, True if the auth flow shouldn't use the browser
      preselected: str, disable prompts and use this value if not None

      bool, True if valid credentials are setup.

    new_credentials = False
    accounts = c_store.AvailableAccounts()
    if accounts:
      # There is at least one credentialed account.
      if preselected:
        # Try to use the preselected account. Fail if its not credentialed.
        account = preselected
        if account not in accounts:
          log.status.write('\n[{0}] is not one of your credentialed accounts '
                           '[{1}].\n'.format(account, ','.join(accounts)))
          return False
        # Fall through to the set the account property.
        # Prompt for the account to use.
        idx = console_io.PromptChoice(
            accounts + ['Log in with a new account'],
            message='Choose the account you would like to use to perform '
                    'operations for this configuration:',
        if idx is None:
          return False
        if idx < len(accounts):
          account = accounts[idx]
          new_credentials = True
    elif preselected:
      # Preselected account specified but there are no credentialed accounts.
      log.status.write('\n[{0}] is not a credentialed account.\n'.format(
      return False
      # Must log in with new credentials.
      answer = console_io.PromptContinue(
          prompt_string='You must log in to continue. Would you like to log in')
      if not answer:
        return False
      new_credentials = True
    if new_credentials:
      # Call `gcloud auth login` to get new credentials.
      # `gcloud auth login` may have user interaction, do not suppress it.
      browser_args = ['--no-launch-browser'] if console_only else []
      if not self._RunCmd(['auth', 'login'],
                          ['--force', '--brief'] + browser_args,
        return False
      # `gcloud auth login` already did `gcloud config set account`.
      # Set the config account to the already credentialed account.
      properties.PersistProperty(properties.VALUES.core.account, account)

    log.status.write('You are logged in as: [{0}].\n\n'
    return True
  def Run(self, args):
    """Revoke credentials and update active account."""
    accounts = args.accounts or []
    if isinstance(accounts, str):
      accounts = [accounts]
    available_accounts = c_store.AvailableAccounts()
    unknown_accounts = set(accounts) - set(available_accounts)
    if unknown_accounts:
      raise c_exc.UnknownArgumentException(
          'accounts', ' '.join(unknown_accounts))
    if args.all:
      accounts = available_accounts

    active_account = properties.VALUES.core.account.Get()

    if not accounts and active_account:
      accounts = [active_account]

    if not accounts:
      raise c_exc.InvalidArgumentException(
          'accounts', 'No credentials available to revoke.')

    for account in accounts:
      if active_account == account:
        properties.PersistProperty(properties.VALUES.core.account, None)
      # External account and external account user credentials cannot be
      # revoked.
      # Detect these type of credentials to show a more user friendly message
      # on revocation calls.
      # Note that impersonated external account credentials will appear like
      # service accounts. These will end with and will be
      # handled the same way service account credentials are handled.
        creds = c_store.Load(
            account, prevent_refresh=True, use_google_auth=True)
      except creds_exceptions.Error:
        # Ignore all errors. These will be properly handled in the subsequent
        # Revoke call.
        creds = None
      if not c_store.Revoke(account):
        if account.endswith(''):
              '[{}] appears to be a service account. Service account tokens '
              'cannot be revoked, but they will expire automatically. To '
              'prevent use of the service account token earlier than the '
              'expiration, delete or disable the parent service account.'
        elif c_creds.IsExternalAccountCredentials(creds):
              '[{}] appears to be an external account. External account '
              'tokens cannot be revoked, but they will expire automatically.'
        elif c_creds.IsExternalAccountUserCredentials(creds):
              '[{}] appears to be an external account user. External account '
              'user tokens cannot be revoked, but they will expire '
              '[{}] already inactive (previously revoked?)'.format(account))
    return accounts