Esempio n. 1
def ParseMessageBody(message_body):
  """Parse "--message-body" flag as an argparse type.

  The flag is given as a string:

      --message-body 'some data'

    message_body: str, the value of the --message-body flag.

    AdditionalProperty, a cloudscheduler additional property object with
        'data' as a key, and a JSON object (with a base64-encoded string value)
        as the value.
  pubsub_messages = _GetPubsubMessages()
  scheduler_messages = _GetSchedulerMessages()

  # First, put into a PubsubMessage to make sure we've got the general format
  # right.
  pubsub_message = pubsub_messages.PubsubMessage(

  pubsub_message_type = scheduler_messages.PubsubTarget.PubsubMessageValue
  encoded_data = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(
  # Apitools will convert these messages to JSON values before issuing the
  # request. Since extra_types is used here, apitools does not handle converting
  # string_value to unicode before converting to JSON using json.dumps. That
  # means we have to convert to unicode here before the request goes into
  # apitools. Since the data is base64 encoded (which is all ascii), encoding it
  # here will not change it's value.
  encoded_data = http_encoding.Decode(encoded_data)
  return pubsub_message_type.AdditionalProperty(
Esempio n. 2
def ParseMessageBody(message_body):
    """Parse "--message-body" flag as an argparse type.

  The flag is given as a string:

      --message-body 'some data'

    message_body: str, the value of the --message-body flag.

    AdditionalProperty, a cloudscheduler additional property object with
        'data' as a key, and a JSON object (with a base64-encoded string value)
        as the value.
    pubsub_messages = _GetPubsubMessages()

    # First, put into a PubsubMessage to make sure we've got the general format
    # right.
    pubsub_message = pubsub_messages.PubsubMessage(

    encoded_data = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(
    encoded_data = http_encoding.Decode(encoded_data)
    return encoded_data
Esempio n. 3
def ReadNoProxy(uri):
    """Opens a URI with metadata headers, without a proxy, and reads all data.."""
    request = urllib.request.Request(uri, headers=GOOGLE_GCE_METADATA_HEADERS)  # pytype: disable=wrong-arg-types
    timeout_property = (
    result = urllib.request.build_opener(urllib.request.ProxyHandler({})).open(
        request, timeout=timeout_property).read()
    return http_encoding.Decode(result)
Esempio n. 4
def ReadNoProxy(uri, timeout):
    """Opens a URI with metadata headers, without a proxy, and reads all data.."""
    request = urllib.request.Request(uri, headers=GOOGLE_GCE_METADATA_HEADERS)
    result = urllib.request.build_opener(urllib.request.ProxyHandler({})).open(
        request, timeout=timeout).read()
    return http_encoding.Decode(result)
Esempio n. 5
def _Decode(value):
  return (http_encoding.Decode(value)
          if isinstance(value, six.binary_type) else value)
Esempio n. 6
 def Default(value):
   if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
     return {'_datetime': value.strftime(_BOTOCORE_DATE_FORMAT)}
   if isinstance(value, botocore.response.StreamingBody):
     return {'_streamingbody': http_encoding.Decode(}
   return json.JSONEncoder.default(json.JSONEncoder, value)