Esempio n. 1
class DHTCollector(AbcCollector):
    def __init__(self, multipl_address):
        self.multipl_address = multipl_address
        self.gpio_functions = GF()

    def get_time(self):
        return get_rfc_time()

    def get_offsetT_H(self, serial):
        with open("/home/pi/ESpy/ESpy/calibration/offset.txt", "r") as o:
            lines = o.readlines()
        for line in lines:
            l = line.split()
            if l[0] == serial:
                return float(l[1]), float(l[2])
        return 0.0, 0.0

    def read_sensors(self):
        self.s_id = "DHTmulti{}".format(str(self.multipl_address).zfill(2))

        attempts = 8
        for i in range(attempts):
            humidity, temperature =, self.gpio_functions.data_pin)
            if (humidity and temperature) and humidity < 100.0 and humidity > 0.0:
                return self._format_output(humidity, temperature)
                print time.ctime() + ": reading {} sensors failed at attempt {}".format(self.s_id, i)
        return self._get_db_dict({"error": 1.0})

    def _format_output(self, humidity, temperature):
        offset_T, offset_H = self.get_offsetT_H(self.s_id)
        fields = {
            "temperature": float("%.5f" % (temperature - offset_T)),
            "humidity": float("%.5f" % (humidity - offset_H)),
        return self._get_db_dict(fields)

    def _get_db_dict(self, fields):
        return [{"measurement": self.s_id, "time": self.get_time(), "fields": fields}]
Esempio n. 2
 def __init__(self, multipl_address):
     self.multipl_address = multipl_address
     self.gpio_functions = GF()
     self.fit_param = [] #fit_param: serial, fitA, fitB, air_value, pulse_ampl, pulse_width
     with open('/home/pi/ESpy/ESpy/calibration/fitparam.txt', 'r') as o:
         lines = o.readlines()
     for line in lines:
         k = line.split()
         if not k[0][0] == '#':
             a = k[0][5]
             print "The ESpy/calibration/fitparam.txt does not" \
                 + "have enough parameters for {}".format(k[0])
     base_dir = '/sys/bus/w1/devices/'
     self.w1_dirs = [ os.path.join(base_dir, self.fit_param[i][0]) for i in range(len(self.fit_param)) ]
     self.serial_list = [ self.fit_param[i][0] for i in range(len(self.fit_param)) ]
Esempio n. 3
 def __init__(self, multipl_address):
     self.multipl_address = multipl_address
     self.gpio_functions = GF()
     self.crc_lookup_table = [
             0, 94, 188, 226, 97, 63, 221, 131, 194, 156, 126, 32, 163, 253, 31, 65,
             157, 195, 33, 127, 252, 162, 64, 30, 95, 1, 227, 189, 62, 96, 130, 220,
             35, 125, 159, 193, 66, 28, 254, 160, 225, 191, 93, 3, 128, 222, 60, 98,
             190, 224, 2, 92, 223, 129, 99, 61, 124, 34, 192, 158, 29, 67, 161, 255,
             70, 24, 250, 164, 39, 121, 155, 197, 132, 218, 56, 102, 229, 187, 89, 7,
             219, 133, 103, 57, 186, 228, 6, 88, 25, 71, 165, 251, 120, 38, 196, 154,
             101, 59, 217, 135, 4, 90, 184, 230, 167, 249, 27, 69, 198, 152, 122, 36,
             248, 166, 68, 26, 153, 199, 37, 123, 58, 100, 134, 216, 91, 5, 231, 185,
             140, 210, 48, 110, 237, 179, 81, 15, 78, 16, 242, 172, 47, 113, 147, 205,
             17, 79, 173, 243, 112, 46, 204, 146, 211, 141, 111, 49, 178, 236, 14, 80,
             175, 241, 19, 77, 206, 144, 114, 44, 109, 51, 209, 143, 12, 82, 176, 238,
             50, 108, 142, 208, 83, 13, 239, 177, 240, 174, 76, 18, 145, 207, 45, 115,
             202, 148, 118, 40, 171, 245, 23, 73, 8, 86, 180, 234, 105, 55, 213, 139,
             87, 9, 235, 181, 54, 104, 138, 212, 149, 203, 41, 119, 244, 170, 72, 22,
             233, 183, 85, 11, 136, 214, 52, 106, 43, 117, 151, 201, 74, 20, 246, 168,
             116, 42, 200, 150, 21, 75, 169, 247, 182, 232, 10, 84, 215, 137, 107, 53
Esempio n. 4
 def __init__(self, multipl_address):
     self.multipl_address = multipl_address
     self.gpio_functions = GF()
Esempio n. 5
class ds18b20Collector(AbcCollector):
    def __init__(self, multipl_address):
        self.multipl_address = multipl_address
        self.gpio_functions = GF()

    def get_time(self):
        return get_rfc_time()

    def _get_w1_tree_and_serials(self):
        base_dir = '/sys/bus/w1/devices/'
        device_files = glob.glob(base_dir + '28*')
        device_files.extend(glob.glob(base_dir + '10-*'))
        device_files = [x+'/w1_slave' for x in device_files]
        serials_list = [y[len(base_dir):-len('/w1_slave')] for y in device_files]
        if len(serials_list) <= 0:
            print 'Didn\'t find ds18b20 on port ' + str(self.multipl_address)
            return None, None
            return device_files, serials_list

    def _read_temp(self,filename):
        with open(filename, 'r') as f:
            lines = f.readlines()
        if lines[0].strip()[-3:] != 'YES':
            temp = None
            equals_pos = lines[1].find('t=')
            if equals_pos != -1:
                temp_string = lines[1][equals_pos+2:]
                temp = float(temp_string) / 1000.0
                temp = None
        return temp
    def get_offset(self,serial):
        with open('/home/pi/ESpy/ESpy/calibration/offset.txt', 'r') as o:
            lines = o.readlines()
        for line in lines:
            l = line.split()
            if l[0] == serial:
                return float(l[1])
        return 0.0

    def read_sensors(self):
        os.system('modprobe w1-gpio')
        os.system('modprobe w1-therm')
        attempts = 0
        while attempts < 7:
                self.w1_devices, self.serials_list = self._get_w1_tree_and_serials()
                if self.w1_devices is not None and self.serials_list is not None:
                    read_success = True
                    read_success = False
                    attempts += 1
            except (IOError):
                print time.ctime() + ": reading temperature sensors failed at attempt " + str(attempts)
                read_success = False
                attempts += 1

        temp_meas = []
        if read_success:
            for item,sensor in enumerate(self.w1_devices):
                # raw-reading takes 0.89 seconds for each sensor.
                # This is also usual when done in the terminal. Dunno why.
                temp = self._read_temp(sensor)
                if temp is not None:
                    fields = {'temperature' : temp - self.get_offset(self.serials_list[item])}
                    fields = {'error' : 1.}
                temp_meas.append({'measurement' : self.serials_list[item],
                                'time'        : self.get_time(),
                                'fields'      : fields})
            print time.ctime() + ": reading temperature sensors failed at all attempts :-("
            fields = {'error' : 1.}
            temp_meas.append({'measurement' : 'ds18b20_read_errors_port_' + str(self.multipl_address),
                                'time'        : self.get_time(),
                                'fields'      : fields})
        return temp_meas
Esempio n. 6
class ppp2016Collector(AbcCollector):
    def __init__(self, multipl_address):
        self.multipl_address = multipl_address
        self.gpio_functions = GF()
        self.fit_param = [] #fit_param: serial, fitA, fitB, air_value, pulse_ampl, pulse_width
        with open('/home/pi/ESpy/ESpy/calibration/fitparam.txt', 'r') as o:
            lines = o.readlines()
        for line in lines:
            k = line.split()
            if not k[0][0] == '#':
                a = k[0][5]
                print "The ESpy/calibration/fitparam.txt does not" \
                    + "have enough parameters for {}".format(k[0])
        base_dir = '/sys/bus/w1/devices/'
        self.w1_dirs = [ os.path.join(base_dir, self.fit_param[i][0]) for i in range(len(self.fit_param)) ]
        self.serial_list = [ self.fit_param[i][0] for i in range(len(self.fit_param)) ]

    def get_time(self):
        return get_rfc_time()

    def _read_raw_moisture(self,filename,serial_index):
        #fit_param: serial, fitA, fitB, air_value, pulse_ampl, pulse_width
        j = serial_index
        with open(filename, 'r') as f:
            lines = f.readlines()
        if lines[0].strip()[-3:] != 'YES':
            moisture = None
            equals_pos = lines[1].find('t=')
            if equals_pos != -1:
                moisture_string = lines[1][equals_pos+2:]
                #print "{}: {} moisture: ".format(j,self.fit_param[j][0]) + moisture_string
                moisture = float(moisture_string) / float(self.fit_param[j][3]) \
                         * float(self.fit_param[j][4]) * float(self.fit_param[j][5])
                moisture = None
        return (moisture if not moisture == 0. else None)
    def _get_moisture(self,integrated,serial_index):
        j = serial_index
        #print "integrated: " + str(integrated) + "  moisture: " + str(moisture)
        return moisture if moisture > 0. else 0.

    def read_sensors(self):
        os.system('modprobe w1-gpio')
        os.system('modprobe w1-therm')
        amount_of_read_sensors = 0
        moisture_meas = []
        for index,sensor_dir in enumerate(self.w1_dirs):
            if os.path.isdir(sensor_dir):
                sensor_file = os.path.join(sensor_dir,'w1_slave')
                raw_moisture = self._read_raw_moisture(sensor_file,index)
                if raw_moisture is not None:
                    fields = {'Moisture' : self._get_moisture(raw_moisture,index)}
                    fields = {'error' : 1.}
                moisture_meas.append({'measurement' : self.serial_list[index],
                                    'time'        : self.get_time(),
                                    'fields'      : fields})
                amount_of_read_sensors += 1
                print "omitting {}".format(sensor_dir)
        if amount_of_read_sensors == 0:
            print time.ctime() + ": no ppp2016 sensors read!"
            fields = {'error' : 1.}
            moisture_meas.append({'measurement' : 'ppp2016_read_errors_port_' + str(self.multipl_address),
                                  'time'        : self.get_time(),
                                  'fields'      : fields})
        return moisture_meas
Esempio n. 7
class ds2438Collector(AbcCollector):
    def __init__(self, multipl_address):
        self.multipl_address = multipl_address
        self.gpio_functions = GF()
        self.crc_lookup_table = [
                0, 94, 188, 226, 97, 63, 221, 131, 194, 156, 126, 32, 163, 253, 31, 65,
                157, 195, 33, 127, 252, 162, 64, 30, 95, 1, 227, 189, 62, 96, 130, 220,
                35, 125, 159, 193, 66, 28, 254, 160, 225, 191, 93, 3, 128, 222, 60, 98,
                190, 224, 2, 92, 223, 129, 99, 61, 124, 34, 192, 158, 29, 67, 161, 255,
                70, 24, 250, 164, 39, 121, 155, 197, 132, 218, 56, 102, 229, 187, 89, 7,
                219, 133, 103, 57, 186, 228, 6, 88, 25, 71, 165, 251, 120, 38, 196, 154,
                101, 59, 217, 135, 4, 90, 184, 230, 167, 249, 27, 69, 198, 152, 122, 36,
                248, 166, 68, 26, 153, 199, 37, 123, 58, 100, 134, 216, 91, 5, 231, 185,
                140, 210, 48, 110, 237, 179, 81, 15, 78, 16, 242, 172, 47, 113, 147, 205,
                17, 79, 173, 243, 112, 46, 204, 146, 211, 141, 111, 49, 178, 236, 14, 80,
                175, 241, 19, 77, 206, 144, 114, 44, 109, 51, 209, 143, 12, 82, 176, 238,
                50, 108, 142, 208, 83, 13, 239, 177, 240, 174, 76, 18, 145, 207, 45, 115,
                202, 148, 118, 40, 171, 245, 23, 73, 8, 86, 180, 234, 105, 55, 213, 139,
                87, 9, 235, 181, 54, 104, 138, 212, 149, 203, 41, 119, 244, 170, 72, 22,
                233, 183, 85, 11, 136, 214, 52, 106, 43, 117, 151, 201, 74, 20, 246, 168,
                116, 42, 200, 150, 21, 75, 169, 247, 182, 232, 10, 84, 215, 137, 107, 53

    def get_time(self):
        return get_rfc_time()

    def _get_w1_tree_and_serials(self):
        base_dir = '/sys/bus/w1/devices/'
        device_file = glob.glob(base_dir + '26*')
        device_file = [x+'/rw' for x in device_file]
        serial_list = [y[len(base_dir):-len('/rw')] for y in device_file]
        if len(serial_list) <= 0:
            print 'Didnt find ds2438 on port ' + str(self.multipl_address)
            return None
            return device_file, serial_list

    def _get_measurements(self,device):
        buff = self.read_dev(device, 0x00)
        if buff is None:
            return None
        if len(buff) > 8:
            return [self.convert_T_bytes(buff[1], buff[2])/8*0.03125, # temperature
                    self.convert_V_bytes(buff[3], buff[4])/100. , # voltage
                    self.convert_A_bytes(buff[5], buff[6])/(4096.*0.050), # current for a 0.050 Ohm Rsens
                    bin(buff[0])] #status byte
            return None
    def get_offsetT_param(self,serial):
        with open('/home/pi/ESpy/ESpy/calibration/offset.txt', 'r') as o:
            lines = o.readlines()
        for line in lines:
            l = line.split()
            if l[0] == serial and len(l)==4:
                offset_T = float(l[1])
                slope    = float(l[2])
                yhit     = float(l[3])
                return offset_T, slope, yhit
            elif l[0] == serial and len(l)==2:
                return float([1]), -38.0, 114.6
        return 0.0, -38.0, 114.6

    def read_sensors(self):
        os.system('modprobe w1-gpio')
        attempts = 0
        while attempts < 9:
                self.w1_devices, self.serial_list = self._get_w1_tree_and_serials()
                read_success = True
                print time.ctime() + ": reading ds2438 chips failed at attempt " + str(attempts)
                read_success = False
                attempts += 1

        T_M_meas = []
        if read_success:
            for item,sensor in enumerate(self.w1_devices):
                #if self.serial_list[item] == "26-00000014f416": # this is the light sensor
                device =, os.O_RDWR)
                meas = self._get_measurements(device)
                if meas is not None:
                    T_offset,slope,yhit = self.get_offsetT_param(self.serial_list[item])
                    moisture = meas[2] #slope*meas[2]+yhit
                    moisture = 0.0 if moisture < 0.0 else moisture
                    moisture = 100.0 if moisture > 100.0 else moisture
                    voltage  = 0.0 if meas[2] < 0.0 else meas[2]
                    voltage  = 0.0 if meas[2] > 3.3 else meas[2]
                    fields = {'temperature' : meas[0] - T_offset,
                              'voltage'    : voltage} #float('%f' % moisture)}
                    fields = {'error' : 1.}
                T_M_meas.append({'measurement' : self.serial_list[item],
                                'time'        : self.get_time(),
                                'fields'      : fields})
            print time.ctime() + ": reading ds2438 chips failed at all attempts :-("
            fields = {'error' : 1.}
            T_M_meas.append({'measurement' : 'ds2438_read_errors_port_' + str(self.multipl_address),
                                'time'        : self.get_time(),
                                'fields'      : fields})
        return T_M_meas

    def read_dev(self, device, page):
        attempts = 1
        buff = pack('BBB', 0x4E, page, 0x07)  # 4E: write from scratchpad (SP) to eeprom: the 07 -> set IAD, CA, EE flags to 1 and AD to 0 -> use VAD input
        os.write(device, buff)
        buff = pack('BB', 0x44, page)  # initiate temperature conversion
        os.write(device, buff)
        buff = pack('BB', 0xB4, page)  # initiate voltage conversion
        os.write(device, buff)
        buff = pack('BB', 0xB8, page)  # recall memory: copy content of eeprom to scratchpad
        os.write(device, buff)
        buff = pack('BB', 0xBE, page)  # command to read and tell me scratchpad

        for idx in range(0, attempts):
            os.write(device, buff)
            out =, 9) # read 9 chars (first one is the status byte?)
            out = unpack('BBBBBBBBB', out)
            #print str(out)
            if self.check_crc(out, 8) is True:
                return out
        return None

    def convert_V_bytes(self, lsb, msb):
        result = (msb << 8) | lsb   # binary operator "<<" shifts left by one position, the "|" adds the lsb without considering overflow (I think... consider 2|1 and 2|2)

        if result >= 1024:
            #print "Result: " + str(~result)
            return -999.
            #print "Less than 32768"
            return result
    def convert_A_bytes(self, lsb, msb):
        result = (msb << 8) | lsb   # binary operator "<<" shifts left by one position, the "|" adds the lsb without considering overflow (I think... consider 2|1 and 2|2)

        if result >= 1024:
            #print "Result: " + str(~result)
            return -(( (~result) & 0b1111111111 ) + 1)
            #print "Less than 32768"
            return result
    def convert_T_bytes(self, lsb, msb):
        result = (msb << 8) | lsb   # binary operator "<<" shifts left by one position, the "|" adds the lsb without considering overflow (I think... consider 2|1 and 2|2)
        if result >= 32768:
            #print "Result: " + str(~result)
            return -(( (~result) & 0xFFFF ) + 1)
            #print "Less than 32768"
            return result;

    def check_crc(self, buff, length):
        crc = 0
        for b in buff[:-1]:
            crc = self.crc_lookup_table[crc ^ int(b)]
        if crc == buff[length]:
            return True
            return False
Esempio n. 8
class ppp40Collector(AbcCollector):
    def __init__(self, multipl_address):
        self.multipl_address = multipl_address
        self.gpio_functions = GF()
        self.crc_lookup_table = [
                0, 94, 188, 226, 97, 63, 221, 131, 194, 156, 126, 32, 163, 253, 31, 65,
                157, 195, 33, 127, 252, 162, 64, 30, 95, 1, 227, 189, 62, 96, 130, 220,
                35, 125, 159, 193, 66, 28, 254, 160, 225, 191, 93, 3, 128, 222, 60, 98,
                190, 224, 2, 92, 223, 129, 99, 61, 124, 34, 192, 158, 29, 67, 161, 255,
                70, 24, 250, 164, 39, 121, 155, 197, 132, 218, 56, 102, 229, 187, 89, 7,
                219, 133, 103, 57, 186, 228, 6, 88, 25, 71, 165, 251, 120, 38, 196, 154,
                101, 59, 217, 135, 4, 90, 184, 230, 167, 249, 27, 69, 198, 152, 122, 36,
                248, 166, 68, 26, 153, 199, 37, 123, 58, 100, 134, 216, 91, 5, 231, 185,
                140, 210, 48, 110, 237, 179, 81, 15, 78, 16, 242, 172, 47, 113, 147, 205,
                17, 79, 173, 243, 112, 46, 204, 146, 211, 141, 111, 49, 178, 236, 14, 80,
                175, 241, 19, 77, 206, 144, 114, 44, 109, 51, 209, 143, 12, 82, 176, 238,
                50, 108, 142, 208, 83, 13, 239, 177, 240, 174, 76, 18, 145, 207, 45, 115,
                202, 148, 118, 40, 171, 245, 23, 73, 8, 86, 180, 234, 105, 55, 213, 139,
                87, 9, 235, 181, 54, 104, 138, 212, 149, 203, 41, 119, 244, 170, 72, 22,
                233, 183, 85, 11, 136, 214, 52, 106, 43, 117, 151, 201, 74, 20, 246, 168,
                116, 42, 200, 150, 21, 75, 169, 247, 182, 232, 10, 84, 215, 137, 107, 53

    def get_time(self):
        return get_rfc_time()

    def _get_w1_tree_and_serials(self):
        base_dir = '/sys/bus/w1/devices/'
        device_file = glob.glob(base_dir + '40*')
        device_file = [x+'/rw' for x in device_file]
        serial_list = [y[len(base_dir):-len('/rw')] for y in device_file]
        if len(serial_list) <= 0:
            print 'Didnt find moisture sensor on port ' + str(self.multipl_address)
            return None
            return device_file, serial_list

    def _get_measurements(self,device):
        buff = self.read_dev(device)
        if buff is None:
            print "buff is none in _get_measurements"
            return None
        if len(buff) > 8:
            return self.convert_Vs_bytes(buff[0], buff[1])
            print "buff is <= 8 bytes long"
            return None

    def read_sensors(self):
        os.system('modprobe w1-gpio')
        attempts = 0
        while attempts < 9:
            print "attempts: " + str(attempts)
                self.w1_devices, self.serial_list = self._get_w1_tree_and_serials()
                read_success = True
                print time.ctime() + ": reading moisture chips failed at attempt " + str(attempts)
                read_success = False
                attempts += 1

        T_M_meas = []
        if read_success:
            for item,sensor in enumerate(self.w1_devices):
                #if self.serial_list[item] == "26-00000014f416": # this is the light sensor
                device =, os.O_RDWR)
                ml = self._get_measurements(device)
                if ml is not None:
                    ml = 0.0 if ml < 0.0 else ml
                    fields = {'mlPerKg'    : ml} #float('%f' % moisture)}
                    fields = {'error' : 1.}
                T_M_meas.append({'measurement' : self.serial_list[item],
                                'time'        : self.get_time(),
                                'fields'      : fields})
            print time.ctime() + ": reading moisture failed at all attempts :-("
            fields = {'error' : 1.}
            T_M_meas.append({'measurement' : 'moisture_read_errors_port_' + str(self.multipl_address),
                                'time'        : self.get_time(),
                                'fields'      : fields})
        return T_M_meas

    def read_dev(self, device):
        attempts = 3
        buff = pack('B', 0x44)  # initiate temperature conversion
        os.write(device, buff)
        buff = pack('B', 0xBE)  # read scratchpad
        os.write(device, buff)

        for idx in range(0, attempts):
            print "attemps idx: " + str(idx)
            os.write(device, buff)
            out =, 9) # read 9 chars (first one is the status byte?)
            out = unpack('BBBBBBBBB', out)
            #print str(out)
            if self.check_crc(out, 8) is True:
                return out
                print "crc not true"
        return None

    def convert_Vs_bytes(self, lsb, msb):
        print "msb: " + str(bin(msb)) + " lsb: " + str(bin(lsb))
        result = (msb << 8) | lsb   # binary operator "<<" shifts left by one position, the "|" adds the lsb without considering overflow (I think... consider 2|1 and 2|2)
        print result
        result = 5.*(1.89221e-16*result**4. - 2.27935e-11*result**3. + 5.64079e-07*result**2. - 0.00571806*result + 27.0329)
        #if result >= 1024:
            ##print "Result: " + str(~result)
            #return -999.
            ##print "Less than 32768"
            #return result
        return result
    #def convert_T_bytes(self, lsb, msb):
        #result = (msb << 8) | lsb   # binary operator "<<" shifts left by one position, the "|" adds the lsb without considering overflow (I think... consider 2|1 and 2|2)
        #if result >= 32768:
            ##print "Result: " + str(~result)
            #return -(( (~result) & 0xFFFF ) + 1)
            ##print "Less than 32768"
            #return result;

    def check_crc(self, buff, length):
        crc = 0
        for b in buff[:-1]:
            crc = self.crc_lookup_table[crc ^ int(b)]
        if crc == buff[length]:
            return True
            return False