Esempio n. 1
 def test_sigs_not_allowed_in_cost(self):
     with SignomialsEnabled():
         x = Variable("x")
         y = Variable("y")
         J = 0.01 * ((x - 1)**2 + (y - 1)**2) + (x * y - 1)**2
         m = Model(J)
         with self.assertRaises(InvalidPosynomial):
             m.localsolve(verbosity=0, solver=self.solver)
Esempio n. 2
 def setup(self):
     x = Variable("x")
     y = Variable("y", 2.)
     z = Variable("z")
     with SignomialsEnabled():
         constraints = [z <= x**2 + y, x * z == 2]
     self.cost = 1 / z
     return constraints
Esempio n. 3
 def test_sigs_not_allowed_in_cost(self):
     with SignomialsEnabled():
         x = Variable('x')
         y = Variable('y')
         J = 0.01 * ((x - 1)**2 + (y - 1)**2) + (x * y - 1)**2
         m = Model(J)
         with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
             _ = m.localsolve(verbosity=0)
Esempio n. 4
 def test_posyslt1(self):
     x = Variable("x")
     y = Variable("y")
     with SignomialsEnabled():
         sc = (x + y >= x * y)
     # make sure that the error type doesn't change on our users
     with self.assertRaises(InvalidGPConstraint):
         _ = sc.as_posyslt1()
Esempio n. 5
 def test_init(self):
     "Test initialization and types"
     D = Variable('D', units="N")
     x1, x2, x3 = (Variable("x_%s" % i, units="N") for i in range(3))
     with SignomialsEnabled():
         sc = (D >= x1 + x2 - x3)
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(sc, SignomialConstraint))
     self.assertFalse(isinstance(sc, Posynomial))
Esempio n. 6
 def test_zeroing(self):
     L = Variable("L")
     k = Variable("k", 0)
     with SignomialsEnabled():
         constr = [L - 5 * k <= 10]
     sol = Model(1 / L, constr).solve(self.solver, verbosity=0)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(sol(L), 10, self.ndig)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(sol["cost"], 0.1, self.ndig)
Esempio n. 7
 def test_init(self):
     "Test Signomial construction"
     x = Monomial('x')
     y = Monomial('y')
     with SignomialsEnabled():
         self.assertEqual(str(1 - x - y**2 - 1), "-x + -y**2")
         self.assertEqual((1 - x / y**2).latex(), "-\\frac{x}{y^{2}} + 1")
     self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: x - y)
Esempio n. 8
 def test_partial_sub_signomial(self):
     "Test SP partial x0 initialization"
     x = Variable('x')
     y = Variable('y')
     with SignomialsEnabled():
         m = Model(x, [x + y >= 1, y <= 0.5])
     gp = m.sp().gp(x0={x: 0.5}, verbosity=0)  # pylint: disable=no-member
     first_gp_constr_posy = gp[0][0].as_posyslt1()[0]
     self.assertEqual(first_gp_constr_posy.exp[x.key], -1. / 3)
Esempio n. 9
 def test_partial_sub_signomial(self):
     "Test SP partial x0 initialization"
     x = Variable("x")
     y = Variable("y")
     with SignomialsEnabled():
         m = Model(x, [x + y >= 1, y <= 0.5])
     gp = m.sp().gp(x0={x: 0.5})  # pylint: disable=no-member
     first_gp_constr_posy_exp, = gp.hmaps[1]  # first after cost
     self.assertEqual(first_gp_constr_posy_exp[x.key], -1. / 3)
Esempio n. 10
def example_sp():
    x = Variable('x')
    y = Variable('y')
    a = Variable('a', 1, pr=10)
    b = Variable('b', 1, pr=10)
    constraints = []
    with SignomialsEnabled():
        constraints = constraints + [x >= 1 - a * y, b * y <= 0.1]
    return Model(x, constraints)
Esempio n. 11
    def setup(self, N=5):

        self.wing = WingGP.setup(self, N=N)
        mw = Variable("m_w", "-", "span wise effectiveness")

        with SignomialsEnabled():
            constraints = [mw * (1 + 2 / self.planform["AR"]) >= 2 * np.pi]

        return self.wing, constraints
Esempio n. 12
 def test_partial_sub_signomial(self):
     "Test SP partial x0 initialization"
     x = Variable('x')
     y = Variable('y')
     with SignomialsEnabled():
         m = Model(x, [x + y >= 1, y <= 0.5])
     m.localsolve(x0={x: 0.5}, verbosity=0)
     first_gp_constr_posy = m.program.gps[0].constraints[0].as_posyslt1()[0]
     self.assertEqual(first_gp_constr_posy.exp[x.key], -1./3)
Esempio n. 13
    def test_relaxation(self):
        x = Variable("x")
        y = Variable("y")
        with SignomialsEnabled():
            constraints = [y + x >= 2, y <= x]
        objective = x
        m = Model(objective, constraints)

        # issue #257

        A = VectorVariable(2, "A")
        B = ArrayVariable([2, 2], "B")
        C = VectorVariable(2, "C")
        with SignomialsEnabled():
            constraints = [A <=, B <= 1, C <= 1]
        obj = 1 / A[0] + 1 / A[1]
        m = Model(obj, constraints)
Esempio n. 14
 def test_tautological_spconstraint(self):
     x = Variable('x')
     y = Variable('y')
     z = Variable('z', 0)
     with SignomialsEnabled():
         m = Model(x, [x >= 1 - y, y <= 0.1, y >= z])
     with self.assertRaises(InvalidGPConstraint):
         m.solve(verbosity=0, solver=self.solver)
     sol = m.localsolve(self.solver, verbosity=0)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(sol["variables"]["x"], 0.9, self.ndig)
Esempio n. 15
 def test_init(self):
     "Test Signomial construction"
     x = Variable("x")
     y = Variable("y")
     with SignomialsEnabled():
         if sys.platform[:3] != "win":
             self.assertEqual(str(1 - x - y**2 - 1), "1 - x - y² - 1")
         self.assertEqual((1 - x / y**2).latex(), "-\\frac{x}{y^{2}} + 1")
         _ = hash(1 - x / y**2)
     self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: x - y)
Esempio n. 16
 def test_init(self):
     "Test Signomial construction"
     x = Variable('x')
     y = Variable('y')
     with SignomialsEnabled():
         if sys.version_info <= (3, 0):
             self.assertEqual(str(1 - x - y**2 - 1), "1 - x - y^2 - 1")
         self.assertEqual((1 - x/y**2).latex(), "-\\frac{x}{y^{2}} + 1")
         _ = hash(1 - x/y**2)
     self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: x-y)
Esempio n. 17
    def test_impossible(self):
        x = Variable('x')
        y = Variable('y')
        z = Variable('z')

        with SignomialsEnabled():
            m1 = Model(x, [x + y >= z, x >= y])
        m1.substitutions.update({'x': 0, 'y': 0})
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            _ = m1.localsolve(solver=self.solver)
Esempio n. 18
 def setup(self):
     exec parse_variables(Section.__doc__)
     constraints = [
         # Taking averages,
         A_in * A_out == A_avg**2,
         # Volume of chamber
         V_chamb == A_avg * l,
         # Area ratio
         A_in / A_out == k_A,
         # Mass flow rate
         rho_in * u_in * A_in == mdot_in,
         rho_out * u_out * A_out == mdot_out,
         # Chamber pressure
         P_chamb**2 == P_in * P_out,
         # Product generation rate
         q == rho_p * A_b * r,
         A_b == l_b * l,
         A_p_out + r * l_b * dt <= A_p_in,
         # Stagnation quantities
         P_t_in >= P_in + 0.5 * rho_in * u_in**2,
         T_t_in >= T_in + u_in**2 / (2 * c_p),
         # Ideal gas law
         P_out == rho_out * R * T_out,
         # Pressure increase
         P_out + dP <= P_in,
         # Making sure burn surface length is feasible
         l_b >= 2 * np.pi**0.5 * (A_avg)**0.5,
         l_b <= l_b_max * 2 * np.pi**0.5 * (A_avg)**0.5,
         # Constraining areas
         Tight([A_avg + A_p_in <= np.pi * radius**2]),
     with SignomialsEnabled():
         constraints += [
             # Flow acceleration (conservation of momentum)
             # Note: assumes constant rate of burn through the chamber
             dP + rho_in * u_in**2 >= q * u_out / V_chamb *
             (2. / 3. * l) + rho_in * u_in * u_out,
             # Burn rate (Saint-Robert's Law, coefficients taken for Space Shuttle SRM)
                 r >= r_c * (P_chamb / 1e6 * units('1/Pa'))**0.35 *
                 (1 + 0.5 * r_k * (u_in + u_out))
             # Mass flows
             Tight([mdot_in + q >= mdot_out]),
             mdot_out >= mdot_in,
             # Temperatures
                 T_t_out * mdot_out <=
                 mdot_in * T_t_in + q * T_amb + q * k_comb_p / c_p
             # Stagnation quantities
             Tight([P_t_out <= P_out + 0.5 * rho_out * u_out**2]),
             Tight([T_t_out <= T_out + u_out**2 / (2 * c_p)]),
     return constraints
Esempio n. 19
    def setup(self, aircraft, state, **kwargs):
        self.aircraft = aircraft
        self.aircraftP = AircraftP(aircraft, state)
        self.wingP = self.aircraftP.wingP
        self.fuseP = self.aircraftP.fuseP
        self.engineP = self.aircraftP.engineP
        #variable definitions
        z_bre = Variable('z_{bre}', '-', 'Breguet Parameter')
        Rng = Variable('Rng', 'nautical_miles', 'Cruise Segment Range')
        TotRng = Variable('TotRng', 'nautical_miles', 'Total Cruise Range')

        #new varibales for the TASOPT flight profile
        gammaCruise = Variable('\\gamma_{cruise}', '-', 'Cruise Climb Angle')
        RCCruise = Variable('RC_{cruise}', 'ft/min', 'Cruise Climb Rate')
        excessP = Variable('P_{excess}', 'W', 'Excess Power During Cruise')

        constraints = []

##        constraints.extend([
             #taylor series expansion to get the weight term
##             TCS([self.aircraftP['W_{burn}']/self.aircraftP['W_{end}'] >=
##                  te_exp_minus1(z_bre, nterm=3)]),
##             #breguet range eqn
##             TCS([z_bre >= (self.engineP['TSFC'] * self.aircraftP['thr']*
##                            self.aircraftP['D']) / self.aircraftP['W_{avg}']]),

##             #time
##             self.aircraftP['thr'] * state['V'] == Rng,
##             ])

        #new constarints for the TASOPT flight profile

        with SignomialsEnabled():
                #compute the cruise climb angle
                state['\\rho']*self.aircraftP['V']**2 == gammaCruise * state["P_{atm}"] * self.aircraftP['M']**2,
                #compute the cruise climb rate
                self.aircraftP['V'] * gammaCruise == RCCruise,

                #constraint on drag and thrust
                self.aircraft['numeng']*self.engineP['thrust'] >= self.aircraftP['D'] + self.aircraftP['W_{avg}'] * gammaCruise,

                RCCruise == excessP/self.aircraftP['W_{avg}'],

                #climb rate constraints
                TCS([excessP + state['V'] * self.aircraftP['D'] <=  state['V'] * aircraft['numeng'] * self.engineP['thrust']]),

                TCS([self.aircraftP['thr'] * state['V'] >= Rng + (.5*gammaCruise**2)*self.aircraftP['thr'] * state['V']]),

        return constraints, self.aircraftP
Esempio n. 20
    def setup(self, nt, nx):
        exec parse_variables(Rocket.__doc__)
        self.nt = nt
        self.nx = nx
        self.nozzle = Nozzle()
        with Vectorize(nt):
            self.nozzlePerformance = NozzlePerformance(self.nozzle)
            self.section = SRM(nx)
        constraints = [
            # Limiting nozzle size to cross-sectional area
            # self.nozzle.A_e <= np.pi*r**2,
            # Equal time segments
            self.section.dt == t_T/nt,
            # All fuel is consumed
            self.section.A_p_out[:,-1] == 1e-20*np.ones(nx)*np.pi*r**2,
            A_fuel == self.section.A_p_in[:,0],
            T_target == self.nozzlePerformance.T,
            c_T == self.nozzlePerformance.c_T,
            # Fuel parameters
            self.section.k_comb_p == k_comb_p,
            self.section.rho_p == rho_p,

        for i in range(nt-1):
            constraints += [
                # Decreasing fuel
                self.section.A_p_out[:, i] == self.section.A_p_in[:, i+1],
                # Decreasing sectional area
                self.section.A_in[:,i] <= self.section.A_in[:,i+1],
                self.section.A_out[:,i] <= self.section.A_out[:,i+1],

        for i in range(nt):
            constraints += [
                # Rocket length is section length,
                self.section.radius[i] == r,
                self.section.l[i] == l,
                # Matching nozzle and section conditions
                self.nozzlePerformance.mdot[i] == self.section.mdot_out[i],
                self.nozzlePerformance.T_t[i] == self.section.T_t_out[i],
                # Maximum chamber pressure
                self.section.P_chamb[:, i] <= P_max,
                self.nozzlePerformance.P_star[i] <= P_max,
            with SignomialsEnabled():
                constraints += [
                # Matching nozzle stagnation pressure
                Tight([self.nozzlePerformance.P_t[i] <= s[i]*(self.section.P_out[i] +
                                0.5*self.section.rho_out[i]*self.section.u_out[i]**2)], name='PtNozzle', printwarning=True),
                s[i]*self.nozzlePerformance.P_t[i] >= self.section.P_out[i] +
                s[i] >= 1

        return constraints, self.nozzle, self.nozzlePerformance, self.section
Esempio n. 21
    def setup(self, aircraft, sp=False):

        fs = FlightState()
        A = Variable("A", "m/s**2", "log fit equation helper 1")
        B = Variable("B", "1/m", "log fit equation helper 2")

        g = Variable("g", 9.81, "m/s**2", "gravitational constant")
        mu = Variable("\\mu_b", 0.025, "-", "coefficient of friction")
        T = Variable("T", "lbf", "take off thrust")
        cda = Variable("CDA", 0.024, "-", "parasite drag coefficient")

        CLg = Variable("C_{L_g}", "-", "ground lift coefficient")
        CDg = Variable("C_{D_g}", "-", "grag ground coefficient")
        cdp = Variable("c_{d_{p_{stall}}}", 0.025, "-",
                       "profile drag at Vstallx1.2")
        Kg = Variable("K_g", 0.04, "-", "ground-effect induced drag parameter")
        CLto = Variable("C_{L_{TO}}", 3.5, "-", "max lift coefficient")
        Vstall = Variable("V_{stall}", "knots", "stall velocity")
        e = Variable("e", 0.8, "-", "span efficiency")

        zsto = Variable("z_{S_{TO}}", "-", "take off distance helper variable")
        Sto = Variable("S_{TO}", "ft", "take off distance")
        Sground = Variable("S_{ground}", "ft", "ground roll")
        etaprop = Variable("\\eta_{prop}", 0.8, "-", "propellor efficiency")
        msafety = Variable("m_{fac}", 1.4, "-", "safety margin")

        path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
        df = pd.read_csv(path + os.sep + "logfit.csv")
        fd = df.to_dict(orient="records")[0]

        constraints = [
            T / aircraft.topvar("W") >= A / g + mu,
            T <= aircraft["P_{shaft-max}"] * etaprop / fs["V"],
            CDg >= 0.024 + cdp + CLto**2 / pi / aircraft["AR"] / e,
            Vstall == (2 * aircraft.topvar("W") / fs["\\rho"] /
                       aircraft.wing["S"] / CLto)**0.5,
            fs["V"] == 1.3 * Vstall,
            FitCS(fd, zsto, [A / g, B * fs["V"]**2 / g]),
            Sground >= 1.0 / 2.0 / B * zsto, Sto / msafety >= Sground

        if sp:
            with SignomialsEnabled():
                    (B * aircraft.topvar("W") / g +
                     0.5 * fs["\\rho"] * aircraft.wing["S"] * mu * CLto >=
                     0.5 * fs["\\rho"] * aircraft.wing["S"] * CDg)
                B >= (g / aircraft.topvar("W") * 0.5 * fs["\\rho"] *
                      aircraft.wing["S"] * CDg)

        return constraints, fs
Esempio n. 22
 def test_result_access(self):
     x = Variable("x")
     y = Variable("y")
     with SignomialsEnabled():
         sig = (y + 6*x >= 13 + x**2)
     m = Model(y, [sig])
     sol = m.localsolve(verbosity=0)
     self.assertTrue(all([isinstance(gp.result.table(), Strings)
                          for gp in m.program.gps]))
     self.assertAlmostEqual(sol["cost"]/4.0, 1.0, 5)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(sol("x")/3.0, 1.0, 3)
Esempio n. 23
    def test_values_vs_subs(self):
        # Substitutions update method
        x = Variable("x")
        y = Variable("y")
        z = Variable("z")

        with SignomialsEnabled():
            constraints = [x + y >= z, y >= x - 1]
        m = Model(x + y * z, constraints)
        m.substitutions.update({"z": 5})
        sol = m.localsolve(verbosity=0)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(sol["cost"], 13, self.ndig)

        # Constant variable declaration method
        z = Variable("z", 5)
        with SignomialsEnabled():
            constraints = [x + y >= z, y >= x - 1]
        m = Model(x + y * z, constraints)
        sol = m.localsolve(verbosity=0)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(sol["cost"], 13, self.ndig)
Esempio n. 24
 def test_sigeq(self):
     x = Variable("x")
     y = VectorVariable(1, "y")  # test vector input to sigeq
     c = Variable("c")
     with SignomialsEnabled():
         m = Model(c, [c >= (x + 0.25)**2 + (y - 0.5)**2,
                       SignomialEquality(x**2 + x, y)])
     sol = m.localsolve(verbosity=0)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(sol("x"), 0.1639472, self.ndig)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(sol("y"), 0.1908254, self.ndig)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(sol("c"), 0.2669448, self.ndig)
Esempio n. 25
 def test_reassigned_constant_cost(self):
     # for issue 1131
     x = Variable("x")
     x_min = Variable("x_min", 1)
     y = Variable("y")
     with SignomialsEnabled():
         m = Model(y, [y + 0.5 >= x, x >= x_min, 6 >= y])
     m.localsolve(verbosity=0, solver=self.solver)
     del m.substitutions[x_min]
     m.cost = 1 / x_min
     self.assertNotIn(x_min, m.sp().gp().substitutions)  # pylint: disable=no-member
Esempio n. 26
 def test_reassigned_constant_cost(self):
     # for issue 1131
     x = Variable('x')
     x_min = Variable('x_min', 1)
     y = Variable('y')
     with SignomialsEnabled():
         m = Model(y, [y + 0.5 >= x, x >= x_min, 6 >= y])
     m.localsolve(verbosity=0, solver=self.solver)
     del m.substitutions[x_min]
     m.cost = 1 / x_min
     self.assertNotIn(x_min, m.sp().substitutions)
Esempio n. 27
 def test_becomes_signomial(self):
     "Test that a GP does not become an SP after substitutions"
     x = Variable('x')
     c = Variable('c')
     y = Variable('y')
     m = Model(x, [y >= 1 + c * x, y <= 0.5], {c: -1})
     with self.assertRaises(RuntimeWarning):
         with SignomialsEnabled():
             _ =
     with self.assertRaises(RuntimeWarning):
         _ = m.localsolve(solver=self.solver)
Esempio n. 28
    def test_vector_sub(self):
        x = VectorVariable(3, "x")
        y = VectorVariable(3, "y")
        ymax = VectorVariable(3, "ymax")

        with SignomialsEnabled():
            # issue1077 links to a case that failed for SPs only
            m = Model(, [x + y >= 1, y <= ymax])

        m.substitutions["ymax"] = [0.3, 0.5, 0.8]
Esempio n. 29
 def test_posyconstr_in_sp(self):
     x = Variable('x')
     y = Variable('y')
     with SignomialsEnabled():
         sig_constraint = (x + y >= 0.1)
     m = Model(x*y, [Tight([x >= y], raiseerror=True),
                     x >= 2, y >= 1, sig_constraint])
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
     self.assertAlmostEqual(m.localsolve(verbosity=0)["cost"], 1, 5)
Esempio n. 30
 def test_small_signomial(self):
     x = Variable('x')
     z = Variable('z')
     local_ndig = 4
     nonzero_adder = 0.1  # TODO: support reaching zero, issue #348
     with SignomialsEnabled():
         J = 0.01 * (x - 1)**2 + nonzero_adder
         m = Model(z, [z >= J])
     sol = m.localsolve(verbosity=0)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(sol['cost'], nonzero_adder, local_ndig)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(sol('x'), 0.987, 3)