Esempio n. 1
def process_data(dump_schemas, dump_tables, fdin, fdout, change_schema=None, schema_level_restore_list=None):
    schema, table, schema_wo_escaping = None, None, None
    output = False
    for line in fdin:
        if (line[0] == set_start) and line.startswith(search_path_expr):
            schema = extract_schema(line)
            schema_wo_escaping = removeEscapingDoubleQuoteInSQLString(schema, False)
            if ((dump_schemas and schema_wo_escaping in dump_schemas) or
                (schema_level_restore_list and schema_wo_escaping in schema_level_restore_list)):
                if change_schema:
                    # change schema name can contain special chars including white space, double quote that.
                    # if original schema name is already quoted, replaced it with quoted change schema name
                    quoted_schema = '"' + schema + '"'
                    if quoted_schema in line:
                        line = line.replace(quoted_schema, escapeDoubleQuoteInSQLString(change_schema))
                        line = line.replace(schema, escapeDoubleQuoteInSQLString(change_schema))
                    schema = schema_wo_escaping
        elif (line[0] == copy_start) and line.startswith(copy_expr) and line.endswith(copy_expr_end):
            table = extract_table(line)
            table = removeEscapingDoubleQuoteInSQLString(table, False)
            if (schema_level_restore_list and schema_wo_escaping in schema_level_restore_list) or (dump_tables and (schema_wo_escaping, table) in dump_tables):
                output = True
        elif output and (line[0] == copy_end_start) and line.startswith(copy_end_expr):
            table = None
            output = False

        if output:
Esempio n. 2
def process_data(dump_schemas, dump_tables, fdin, fdout, change_schema=None, schema_level_restore_list=None):
    schema, table, schema_wo_escaping = None, None, None
    output = False
    for line in fdin:
        if (line[0] == set_start) and line.startswith(search_path_expr):
            schema = extract_schema(line)
            schema_wo_escaping = removeEscapingDoubleQuoteInSQLString(schema, False)
            if ((dump_schemas and schema_wo_escaping in dump_schemas) or
                (schema_level_restore_list and schema_wo_escaping in schema_level_restore_list)):
                if change_schema:
                    # change schema name can contain special chars including white space, double quote that.
                    # if original schema name is already quoted, replaced it with quoted change schema name
                    quoted_schema = '"' + schema + '"'
                    if quoted_schema in line:
                        line = line.replace(quoted_schema, escapeDoubleQuoteInSQLString(change_schema))
                        line = line.replace(schema, escapeDoubleQuoteInSQLString(change_schema))
                    schema = schema_wo_escaping
        elif (line[0] == copy_start) and line.startswith(copy_expr) and line.endswith(copy_expr_end):
            table = extract_table(line)
            table = removeEscapingDoubleQuoteInSQLString(table, False)
            if (schema_level_restore_list and schema_wo_escaping in schema_level_restore_list) or (dump_tables and (schema_wo_escaping, table) in dump_tables):
                output = True
        elif output and (line[0] == copy_end_start) and line.startswith(copy_end_expr):
            table = None
            output = False

        if output:
Esempio n. 3
def check_dropped_table(line, dump_tables, schema_level_restore_list, drop_table_expr):
    check if table to drop is valid (can be dropped from schema level restore)
    temp = line[len(drop_table_expr):].strip()[:-1]
    (schema, table) = split_fqn(temp)
    schema = removeEscapingDoubleQuoteInSQLString(checkAndRemoveEnclosingDoubleQuote(schema), False) 
    table = removeEscapingDoubleQuoteInSQLString(checkAndRemoveEnclosingDoubleQuote(table), False) 
    if (schema_level_restore_list and schema in schema_level_restore_list) or ((schema, table) in dump_tables):
        return True
    return False
Esempio n. 4
def check_dropped_table(line, dump_tables, schema_level_restore_list, drop_table_expr):
    check if table to drop is valid (can be dropped from schema level restore)
    temp = line[len(drop_table_expr):].strip()[:-1]
    (schema, table) = split_fqn(temp)
    schema = removeEscapingDoubleQuoteInSQLString(checkAndRemoveEnclosingDoubleQuote(schema), False) 
    table = removeEscapingDoubleQuoteInSQLString(checkAndRemoveEnclosingDoubleQuote(table), False) 
    if (schema_level_restore_list and schema in schema_level_restore_list) or ((schema, table) in dump_tables):
        return True
    return False
Esempio n. 5
def _handle_further_investigation(state, line, arguments):
    tables_in_table_file = arguments.tables
    schemas_in_schema_file = arguments.schemas_in_schema_file

    if state.further_investigation_required:
        if line.startswith(alter_table_expr):
            state.further_investigation_required = False

            # Get the full qualified table name with the correct split
            if line.startswith(alter_table_only_expr):
                tablename = get_table_from_alter_table(line,
                tablename = get_table_from_alter_table(line, alter_table_expr)

            tablename = checkAndRemoveEnclosingDoubleQuote(tablename)
            tablename = removeEscapingDoubleQuoteInSQLString(tablename, False)
            state.output = check_valid_relname(state.schema, tablename,
            if state.output:
                if state.line_buff:
                    line = state.line_buff + line
                    state.line_buff = ''
        return True, state, line
    return False, state, line
Esempio n. 6
def _handle_set_statement(state, line, arguments):
    schemas_in_table_file = arguments.schemas
    change_schema = arguments.change_schema_name
    schemas_in_schema_file = arguments.schemas_in_schema_file

    if (line[0] == set_start) and line.startswith(search_path_expr):

        # NOTE: The goal is to output the correct mapping to the search path
        # for the schema

        state.further_investigation_required = False
        # schema in set state.search_path line is already escaped in dump file
        state.schema = extract_schema(line)
        schema_wo_escaping = removeEscapingDoubleQuoteInSQLString(
            state.schema, False)
        if state.schema == "pg_catalog":
            state.output = True
        elif (schemas_in_table_file
              and schema_wo_escaping in schemas_in_table_file
              or schemas_in_schema_file
              and schema_wo_escaping in schemas_in_schema_file):
            line = _handle_change_schema(state.schema, change_schema, line)
            state.cast_func_schema = state.schema  # Save the schema in case we need to replace a cast's function's schema later
            state.output = True
            state.output = False
        return True, state, line
    return False, state, line
Esempio n. 7
def check_table(schema,
    if schema_level_restore_list and schema in schema_level_restore_list:
        return True

    if dump_tables:
            comp_set = set()
            start = line.index(search_str) + len(search_str)
            if is_rule:
                # cut the line nicely based on extra keyword for create rule statement
                # in case [WHERE condition] clause contains any special chars, cut before WHERE
                end = locate_unquoted_keyword(line, extra_rule_keyword[0])
                if end == -1:
                    end = locate_unquoted_keyword(line, extra_rule_keyword[1])
                line = line[:end]

            dot_separator_idx = line.find('.')
            last_double_quote_idx = line.rfind('"')

            has_schema_table_fmt = True if dot_separator_idx != -1 else False
            has_special_chars = True if last_double_quote_idx != -1 else False

            if not has_schema_table_fmt and not has_special_chars:
                table = line[start:].split()[0]
            elif has_schema_table_fmt and not has_special_chars:
                full_table_name = line[start:].split()[0]
                _, table = split_fqn(full_table_name)
            elif not has_schema_table_fmt and has_special_chars:
                table = line[start:last_double_quote_idx + 1]
                if dot_separator_idx < last_double_quote_idx:
                    # table name is double quoted
                    full_table_name = line[start:last_double_idx + 1]
                    # only schema name double quoted
                    ending_space_idx = line.find(' ', dot_separator_idx)
                    full_table_name = line[start:ending_space_idx]
                _, table = split_fqn(full_table_name)

            table = checkAndRemoveEnclosingDoubleQuote(table)
            table = removeEscapingDoubleQuoteInSQLString(table, False)
            comp_set.add((schema, table))

            if comp_set.issubset(dump_tables):
                return True
            return False
            return False
        return False
def check_table(schema, line, search_str, dump_tables, schema_level_restore_list=None, is_rule=False):
    if schema_level_restore_list and schema in schema_level_restore_list:
        return True

    if dump_tables:
            comp_set = set()
            start = line.index(search_str) + len(search_str)
            if is_rule:
                # cut the line nicely based on extra keyword for create rule statement
                # in case [WHERE condition] clause contains any special chars, cut before WHERE
                end = locate_unquoted_keyword(line, extra_rule_keyword[0])
                if end == -1:
                    end = locate_unquoted_keyword(line, extra_rule_keyword[1])
                line = line[:end]

            dot_separator_idx = line.find(".")
            last_double_quote_idx = line.rfind('"')

            has_schema_table_fmt = True if dot_separator_idx != -1 else False
            has_special_chars = True if last_double_quote_idx != -1 else False

            if not has_schema_table_fmt and not has_special_chars:
                table = line[start:].split()[0]
            elif has_schema_table_fmt and not has_special_chars:
                full_table_name = line[start:].split()[0]
                _, table = split_fqn(full_table_name)
            elif not has_schema_table_fmt and has_special_chars:
                table = line[start : last_double_quote_idx + 1]
                if dot_separator_idx < last_double_quote_idx:
                    # table name is double quoted
                    full_table_name = line[start : last_double_idx + 1]
                    # only schema name double quoted
                    ending_space_idx = line.find(" ", dot_separator_idx)
                    full_table_name = line[start:ending_space_idx]
                _, table = split_fqn(full_table_name)

            table = checkAndRemoveEnclosingDoubleQuote(table)
            table = removeEscapingDoubleQuoteInSQLString(table, False)
            comp_set.add((schema, table))

            if comp_set.issubset(dump_tables):
                return True
            return False
            return False
        return False
Esempio n. 9
def process_schema(dump_schemas, dump_tables, fdin, fdout, change_schema=None, schema_level_restore_list=None):
    Filter the dump file line by line from restore
    dump_schemas: set of schemas to restore
    dump_tables: set of (schema, table) tuple to restore
    fdin: stdin from dump file
    fdout: to write filtered content to stdout
    change_schema_name: different schema name to restore
    schema_level_restore_list: list of schemas to restore all tables under them

    schema, table = None, None
    line_buff = ''

    # to help decide whether or not to filter out
    output = False

    # to help exclude SET clause within a function's ddl statement
    function_ddl = False

    further_investigation_required = False
    search_path = True
    passedDropSchemaSection = False

    for line in fdin:
        if search_path and (line[0] == set_start) and line.startswith(search_path_expr):
            further_investigation_required = False
            # schema in set search_path line is already escaped in dump file
            schema = extract_schema(line)
            schema_wo_escaping = removeEscapingDoubleQuoteInSQLString(schema, False)
            if (dump_schemas and schema_wo_escaping in dump_schemas or
                schema_level_restore_list and schema_wo_escaping in schema_level_restore_list):
                if change_schema and len(change_schema) > 0:
                    # change schema name can contain special chars including white space, double quote that.
                    # if original schema name is already quoted, replaced it with quoted change schema name
                    quoted_schema = '"' + schema + '"'
                    if quoted_schema in line:
                        line = line.replace(quoted_schema, escapeDoubleQuoteInSQLString(change_schema))
                        line = line.replace(schema, escapeDoubleQuoteInSQLString(change_schema))
                output = True
                search_path = False
                output = False
        # set_assignment must be in the line to filter out dump line: SET SUBPARTITION TEMPLATE
        elif (line[0] == set_start) and line.startswith(set_expr) and set_assignment in line and not function_ddl:
            output = True
        elif (line[0] == drop_start) and line.startswith(drop_expr):
            if line.startswith(drop_table_expr) or line.startswith(drop_external_table_expr):
                if passedDropSchemaSection:
                    output = False
                    if line.startswith(drop_table_expr):
                        output = check_dropped_table(line, dump_tables, schema_level_restore_list, drop_table_expr)
                        output = check_dropped_table(line, dump_tables, schema_level_restore_list, drop_external_table_expr)

                output = False
        elif line[:2] == comment_start_expr and line.startswith(comment_expr):
            # Parse the line using get_table_info for SCHEMA relation type as well,
            # if type is SCHEMA, then the value of name returned is schema's name, and returned schema is represented by '-'
            name, type, schema = get_table_info(line, comment_expr)
            output = False
            function_ddl = False
            passedDropSchemaSection = True
            if type in ['TABLE', 'EXTERNAL TABLE']:
                further_investigation_required = False
                output = check_valid_table(schema, name, dump_tables, schema_level_restore_list)
                if output:
                    search_path = True
            elif type in ['CONSTRAINT']:
                further_investigation_required = True
                if (dump_schemas and schema in dump_schemas) or (schema_level_restore_list and schema in schema_level_restore_list):
                    line_buff = line 
            elif type in ['ACL']:
                output = check_valid_table(schema, name, dump_tables, schema_level_restore_list)
                if output:
                    search_path = True
            elif type in ['SCHEMA']:
                output = check_valid_schema(name, dump_schemas, schema_level_restore_list)
                if output:
                    search_path = True
            elif type in ['FUNCTION']:
                function_ddl = True
        elif (line[:2] == comment_start_expr) and (line.startswith(comment_data_expr_a) or line.startswith(comment_data_expr_b)):
            passedDropSchemaSection = True
            further_investigation_required = False
            if line.startswith(comment_data_expr_a):
                name, type, schema = get_table_info(line, comment_data_expr_a)
                name, type, schema = get_table_info(line, comment_data_expr_b)
            if type == 'TABLE DATA':
                output = check_valid_table(schema, name, dump_tables, schema_level_restore_list)
                if output:
                    search_path = True
                output = False  
        elif further_investigation_required:
            if line.startswith(alter_table_only_expr) or line.startswith(alter_table_expr):
                further_investigation_required = False
                # Get the full qualified table name with the correct split
                if line.startswith(alter_table_only_expr):
                    tablename = get_table_from_alter_table(line, alter_table_only_expr)
                    tablename = get_table_from_alter_table(line, alter_table_expr)
                tablename = checkAndRemoveEnclosingDoubleQuote(tablename)
                tablename = removeEscapingDoubleQuoteInSQLString(tablename, False)
                output = check_valid_table(schema, tablename, dump_tables, schema_level_restore_list)
                if output:
                    if line_buff:
                        line_buff = ''
                    search_path = True
            further_investigation_required = False

        if output:
Esempio n. 10
def process_schema(dump_schemas,
    Filter the dump file line by line from restore
    dump_schemas: set of schemas to restore
    dump_tables: set of (schema, table) tuple to restore
    fdin: stdin from dump file
    fdout: to write filtered content to stdout
    change_schema_name: different schema name to restore
    schema_level_restore_list: list of schemas to restore all tables under them

    schema, table = None, None
    line_buff = ''

    # to help decide whether or not to filter out
    output = False

    # to help exclude SET clause within a function's ddl statement
    function_ddl = False

    further_investigation_required = False
    search_path = True
    passedDropSchemaSection = False

    for line in fdin:
        if search_path and (
                line[0] == set_start) and line.startswith(search_path_expr):
            further_investigation_required = False
            # schema in set search_path line is already escaped in dump file
            schema = extract_schema(line)
            schema_wo_escaping = removeEscapingDoubleQuoteInSQLString(
                schema, False)
            if (dump_schemas and schema_wo_escaping in dump_schemas
                    or schema_level_restore_list
                    and schema_wo_escaping in schema_level_restore_list):
                if change_schema and len(change_schema) > 0:
                    # change schema name can contain special chars including white space, double quote that.
                    # if original schema name is already quoted, replaced it with quoted change schema name
                    quoted_schema = '"' + schema + '"'
                    if quoted_schema in line:
                        line = line.replace(
                        line = line.replace(
                output = True
                search_path = False
                output = False
        # set_assignment must be in the line to filter out dump line: SET SUBPARTITION TEMPLATE
        elif (line[0] == set_start) and line.startswith(
                set_expr) and set_assignment in line and not function_ddl:
            output = True
        elif (line[0] == drop_start) and line.startswith(drop_expr):
            if line.startswith(drop_table_expr) or line.startswith(
                if passedDropSchemaSection:
                    output = False
                    if line.startswith(drop_table_expr):
                        output = check_dropped_table(
                            line, dump_tables, schema_level_restore_list,
                        output = check_dropped_table(
                            line, dump_tables, schema_level_restore_list,

                output = False
        elif line[:2] == comment_start_expr and line.startswith(comment_expr):
            # Parse the line using get_table_info for SCHEMA relation type as well,
            # if type is SCHEMA, then the value of name returned is schema's name, and returned schema is represented by '-'
            name, type, schema = get_table_info(line, comment_expr)
            output = False
            function_ddl = False
            passedDropSchemaSection = True
            if type in ['TABLE', 'EXTERNAL TABLE']:
                further_investigation_required = False
                output = check_valid_table(schema, name, dump_tables,
                if output:
                    search_path = True
            elif type in ['CONSTRAINT']:
                further_investigation_required = True
                if (dump_schemas and schema in dump_schemas) or (
                        and schema in schema_level_restore_list):
                    line_buff = line
            elif type in ['ACL']:
                output = check_valid_table(schema, name, dump_tables,
                if output:
                    search_path = True
            elif type in ['SCHEMA']:
                output = check_valid_schema(name, dump_schemas,
                if output:
                    search_path = True
            elif type in ['FUNCTION']:
                function_ddl = True
        elif (line[:2] == comment_start_expr) and (
                or line.startswith(comment_data_expr_b)):
            passedDropSchemaSection = True
            further_investigation_required = False
            if line.startswith(comment_data_expr_a):
                name, type, schema = get_table_info(line, comment_data_expr_a)
                name, type, schema = get_table_info(line, comment_data_expr_b)
            if type == 'TABLE DATA':
                output = check_valid_table(schema, name, dump_tables,
                if output:
                    search_path = True
                output = False
        elif further_investigation_required:
            if line.startswith(alter_table_only_expr) or line.startswith(
                further_investigation_required = False
                # Get the full qualified table name with the correct split
                if line.startswith(alter_table_only_expr):
                    tablename = get_table_from_alter_table(
                        line, alter_table_only_expr)
                    tablename = get_table_from_alter_table(
                        line, alter_table_expr)
                tablename = checkAndRemoveEnclosingDoubleQuote(tablename)
                tablename = removeEscapingDoubleQuoteInSQLString(
                    tablename, False)
                output = check_valid_table(schema, tablename, dump_tables,
                if output:
                    if line_buff:
                        line_buff = ''
                    search_path = True
            further_investigation_required = False

        if output:
Esempio n. 11
def process_schema(dump_schemas, dump_tables, fdin, fdout, change_schema=None, schema_level_restore_list=None):
    Filter the dump file line by line from restore
    dump_schemas: set of schemas to restore
    dump_tables: set of (schema, table) tuple to restore
    fdin: stdin from dump file
    fdout: to write filtered content to stdout
    change_schema_name: different schema name to restore
    schema_level_restore_list: list of schemas to restore all tables under them

    schema, table = None, None
    line_buff = ''

    # to help decide whether or not to filter out
    output = False

    # to help exclude SET clause within a function's ddl statement
    function_ddl = False

    further_investigation_required = False
    # we need to set search_path to true after every ddl change due to the
    # fact that the schema "set search_path" may change on the next ddl command
    search_path = True
    passedDropSchemaSection = False

    cast_func_schema = None
    change_cast_func_schema = False

    in_block = False

    for line in fdin:
        # NOTE: We are checking the first character before actually verifying
        # the line with "startswith" due to the performance gain.
        if in_block:
            output = True
        elif (line[0] == begin_start) and line.startswith(begin_expr):
            in_block = True
            output = True
        elif (line[0] == end_start) and line.startswith(end_expr):
            in_block = False
            output = True
        elif search_path and (line[0] == set_start) and line.startswith(search_path_expr):
            # NOTE: The goal is to output the correct mapping to the search path
            # for the schema

            further_investigation_required = False
            # schema in set search_path line is already escaped in dump file
            schema = extract_schema(line)
            schema_wo_escaping = removeEscapingDoubleQuoteInSQLString(schema, False)
            if schema == "pg_catalog":
                output = True
            elif (dump_schemas and schema_wo_escaping in dump_schemas or
                schema_level_restore_list and schema_wo_escaping in schema_level_restore_list):
                if change_schema and len(change_schema) > 0:
                    # change schema name can contain special chars including white space, double quote that.
                    # if original schema name is already quoted, replaced it with quoted change schema name
                    quoted_schema = '"' + schema + '"'
                    if quoted_schema in line:
                        line = line.replace(quoted_schema, escapeDoubleQuoteInSQLString(change_schema))
                        line = line.replace(schema, escapeDoubleQuoteInSQLString(change_schema))
                cast_func_schema = schema # Save the schema in case we need to replace a cast's function's schema later
                output = True
                search_path = False
                output = False
        # set_assignment must be in the line to filter out dump line: SET SUBPARTITION TEMPLATE
        elif (line[0] == set_start) and line.startswith(set_expr) and set_assignment in line and not function_ddl:
            output = True
        elif (line[0] == drop_start) and line.startswith(drop_expr):
            if line.startswith(drop_table_expr) or line.startswith(drop_external_table_expr):
                if passedDropSchemaSection:
                    output = False
                    if line.startswith(drop_table_expr):
                        output = check_dropped_table(line, dump_tables, schema_level_restore_list, drop_table_expr)
                        output = check_dropped_table(line, dump_tables, schema_level_restore_list,
                output = False
        elif line[:2] == comment_start_expr and line.startswith(comment_expr):
            # Parse the line using get_table_info for SCHEMA relation type as well,
            # if type is SCHEMA, then the value of name returned is schema's name, and returned schema is represented by '-'
            name, type, schema = get_table_info(line, comment_expr)
            output = False
            function_ddl = False
            passedDropSchemaSection = True

            if type in ['SCHEMA']:
                # Make sure that schemas are created before restoring the desired tables.
                output = check_valid_schema(name, dump_schemas, schema_level_restore_list)
            elif type in ['TABLE', 'EXTERNAL TABLE', 'VIEW', 'SEQUENCE']:
                further_investigation_required = False
                output = check_valid_relname(schema, name, dump_tables, schema_level_restore_list)
            elif type in ['CONSTRAINT']:
                further_investigation_required = True
                if check_valid_schema(schema, dump_schemas, schema_level_restore_list):
                    line_buff = line
            elif type in ['ACL']:
                output = check_valid_relname(schema, name, dump_tables, schema_level_restore_list)
            elif type in ['FUNCTION']:
                function_ddl = True
                output = check_valid_schema(schema, dump_schemas, schema_level_restore_list)
            elif type in ['CAST', 'PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE']: # Restored to pg_catalog, so always filtered in
                output = True
                change_cast_func_schema = True # When changing schemas, we need to ensure that functions used in casts reference the new schema

            if output:
                search_path = True

        elif (line[:2] == comment_start_expr) and (line.startswith(comment_data_expr_a) or line.startswith(comment_data_expr_b)):
            passedDropSchemaSection = True
            further_investigation_required = False
            if line.startswith(comment_data_expr_a):
                name, type, schema = get_table_info(line, comment_data_expr_a)
                name, type, schema = get_table_info(line, comment_data_expr_b)
            if type == 'TABLE DATA':
                output = check_valid_relname(schema, name, dump_tables, schema_level_restore_list)
                if output:
                    search_path = True
                output = False
        elif further_investigation_required:
            if line.startswith(alter_table_only_expr) or line.startswith(alter_table_expr):
                further_investigation_required = False

                # Get the full qualified table name with the correct split
                if line.startswith(alter_table_only_expr):
                    tablename = get_table_from_alter_table(line, alter_table_only_expr)
                    tablename = get_table_from_alter_table(line, alter_table_expr)

                tablename = checkAndRemoveEnclosingDoubleQuote(tablename)
                tablename = removeEscapingDoubleQuoteInSQLString(tablename, False)
                output = check_valid_relname(schema, tablename, dump_tables, schema_level_restore_list)

                if output:
                    if line_buff:
                        line_buff = ''
                    search_path = True
        elif change_cast_func_schema:
            if "CREATE CAST" in line and "WITH FUNCTION" in line:
                change_cast_func_schema = False
                if change_schema and len(change_schema) > 0:
                    quoted_schema = '"' + cast_func_schema + '"'
                    if quoted_schema in line:
                        line = line.replace(quoted_schema, escapeDoubleQuoteInSQLString(change_schema))
                        line = line.replace(cast_func_schema, escapeDoubleQuoteInSQLString(change_schema))
                cast_func_schema = None
            further_investigation_required = False

        if output:
Esempio n. 12
def process_schema(dump_schemas, dump_tables, fdin, fdout, change_schema_name=None, schema_level_restore_list=None):
    Filter the dump file line by line from restore
    dump_schemas: set of schemas to restore
    dump_tables: set of (schema, table) tuple to restore
    fdin: stdin from dump file
    fdout: to write filtered content to stdout
    change_schema_name: different schema name to restore
    schema_level_restore_list: list of schemas to restore all tables under them
    schema = None
    schema_wo_escaping = None
    type = None
    schema_buff = ""
    output = False
    further_investigation_required = False
    search_path = False
    line_buf = None
    for line in fdin:
        if (line[0] == set_start) and line.startswith(search_path_expr):
            output = False
            further_investigation_required = False
            # schema in set search_path line is already escaped in dump file
            schema = extract_schema(line)
            schema_wo_escaping = removeEscapingDoubleQuoteInSQLString(schema, False)
            if (dump_schemas and schema_wo_escaping in dump_schemas) or (
                schema_level_restore_list and schema_wo_escaping in schema_level_restore_list
                if change_schema_name and len(change_schema_name) > 0:
                    # change schema name can contain special chars including white space, double quote that.
                    # if original schema name is already quoted, replaced it with quoted change schema name
                    quoted_schema = '"' + schema + '"'
                    if quoted_schema in line:
                        line = line.replace(quoted_schema, escapeDoubleQuoteInSQLString(change_schema_name))
                        line = line.replace(schema, escapeDoubleQuoteInSQLString(change_schema_name))
                search_path = True
                schema_buff = line
        elif (line[0] == set_start) and line.startswith(set_expr):
            output = True
        elif line[:2] == comment_start_expr:
            if line.startswith(comment_expr):
                type = get_type(line)
            output = False
        elif type and (line[:7] == "CREATE " or line[:8] == "REPLACE "):
            if type == "RULE":
                output = check_table(
                    schema_wo_escaping, line, " TO ", dump_tables, schema_level_restore_list, is_rule=True
            elif type == "INDEX":
                output = check_table(schema_wo_escaping, line, " ON ", dump_tables, schema_level_restore_list)
            elif type == "TRIGGER":
                line_buf = line
                further_investigation_required = True
        elif type and type in ["CONSTRAINT", "FK CONSTRAINT"] and line[:12] == "ALTER TABLE ":
            if line.startswith("ALTER TABLE ONLY"):
                output = check_table(schema_wo_escaping, line, " ONLY ", dump_tables, schema_level_restore_list)
                output = check_table(schema_wo_escaping, line, " TABLE ", dump_tables, schema_level_restore_list)
        elif further_investigation_required:
            if type == "TRIGGER":
                output = check_table(schema_wo_escaping, line, " ON ", dump_tables, schema_level_restore_list)
                if not output:
                    line_buf = None
                further_investigation_required = False

        if output:
            if search_path:
                schema_buff = None
                search_path = False
            if line_buf:
                line_buf = None
Esempio n. 13
def process_schema(dump_schemas,
    Filter the dump file line by line from restore
    dump_schemas: set of schemas to restore
    dump_tables: set of (schema, table) tuple to restore
    fdin: stdin from dump file
    fdout: to write filtered content to stdout
    change_schema_name: different schema name to restore
    schema_level_restore_list: list of schemas to restore all tables under them
    schema = None
    schema_wo_escaping = None
    type = None
    schema_buff = ''
    output = False
    further_investigation_required = False
    search_path = False
    line_buf = None
    for line in fdin:
        if (line[0] == set_start) and line.startswith(search_path_expr):
            output = False
            further_investigation_required = False
            # schema in set search_path line is already escaped in dump file
            schema = extract_schema(line)
            schema_wo_escaping = removeEscapingDoubleQuoteInSQLString(
                schema, False)
            if ((dump_schemas and schema_wo_escaping in dump_schemas)
                    or (schema_level_restore_list
                        and schema_wo_escaping in schema_level_restore_list)):
                if change_schema_name and len(change_schema_name) > 0:
                    # change schema name can contain special chars including white space, double quote that.
                    # if original schema name is already quoted, replaced it with quoted change schema name
                    quoted_schema = '"' + schema + '"'
                    if quoted_schema in line:
                        line = line.replace(
                        line = line.replace(
                search_path = True
                schema_buff = line
        elif (line[0] == set_start) and line.startswith(set_expr):
            output = True
        elif line[:2] == comment_start_expr:
            if line.startswith(comment_expr):
                type = get_type(line)
            output = False
        elif type and (line[:7] == 'CREATE ' or line[:8] == 'REPLACE '):
            if type == 'RULE':
                output = check_table(schema_wo_escaping,
                                     ' TO ',
            elif type == 'INDEX':
                output = check_table(schema_wo_escaping, line, ' ON ',
                                     dump_tables, schema_level_restore_list)
            elif type == 'TRIGGER':
                line_buf = line
                further_investigation_required = True
        elif type and type in ['CONSTRAINT', 'FK CONSTRAINT'
                               ] and line[:12] == 'ALTER TABLE ':
            if line.startswith('ALTER TABLE ONLY'):
                output = check_table(schema_wo_escaping, line, ' ONLY ',
                                     dump_tables, schema_level_restore_list)
                output = check_table(schema_wo_escaping, line, ' TABLE ',
                                     dump_tables, schema_level_restore_list)
        elif further_investigation_required:
            if type == 'TRIGGER':
                output = check_table(schema_wo_escaping, line, ' ON ',
                                     dump_tables, schema_level_restore_list)
                if not output:
                    line_buf = None
                further_investigation_required = False

        if output:
            if search_path:
                schema_buff = None
                search_path = False
            if line_buf:
                line_buf = None