Esempio n. 1
def get_table_from_alter_table(line, alter_expr):
    Parse the content and return full qualified schema.table from the line if
    schema provided, else return the table name.
    Fact: if schema name or table name contains any special chars, each should be
    double quoted already in dump file.

    dot_separator_idx = line.find('.')
    last_double_quote_idx = line.rfind('"')

    has_schema_table_fmt = True if dot_separator_idx != -1 else False
    has_special_chars = True if last_double_quote_idx != -1 else False

    if not has_schema_table_fmt and not has_special_chars:
    elif has_schema_table_fmt and not has_special_chars:
        full_table_name = line[len(alter_expr):].split()[0]
        _, table = split_fqn(full_table_name)
        return table
    elif not has_schema_table_fmt and has_special_chars:
        return line[len(alter_expr) : last_double_quote_idx + 1]
        if dot_separator_idx < last_double_quote_idx:
            # table name is double quoted
            full_table_name = line[len(alter_expr) : last_double_idx + 1]
            # only schema name double quoted
            ending_space_idx = line.find(' ', dot_separator_idx)
            full_table_name = line[len(alter_expr) : ending_space_idx]
        _, table = split_fqn(full_table_name)
        return table
Esempio n. 2
def get_table_from_alter_table(line, alter_expr):
    Parse the content and return full qualified schema.table from the line if
    schema provided, else return the table name.
    Fact: if schema name or table name contains any special chars, each should be
    double quoted already in dump file.

    dot_separator_idx = line.find('.')
    last_double_quote_idx = line.rfind('"')

    has_schema_table_fmt = True if dot_separator_idx != -1 else False
    has_special_chars = True if last_double_quote_idx != -1 else False

    if not has_schema_table_fmt and not has_special_chars:
    elif has_schema_table_fmt and not has_special_chars:
        full_table_name = line[len(alter_expr):].split()[0]
        _, table = split_fqn(full_table_name)
        return table
    elif not has_schema_table_fmt and has_special_chars:
        return line[len(alter_expr):last_double_quote_idx + 1]
        if dot_separator_idx < last_double_quote_idx:
            # table name is double quoted
            full_table_name = line[len(alter_expr):last_double_idx + 1]
            # only schema name double quoted
            ending_space_idx = line.find(' ', dot_separator_idx)
            full_table_name = line[len(alter_expr):ending_space_idx]
        _, table = split_fqn(full_table_name)
        return table
Esempio n. 3
def check_table(schema,
    if schema_level_restore_list and schema in schema_level_restore_list:
        return True

    if dump_tables:
            comp_set = set()
            start = line.index(search_str) + len(search_str)
            if is_rule:
                # cut the line nicely based on extra keyword for create rule statement
                # in case [WHERE condition] clause contains any special chars, cut before WHERE
                end = locate_unquoted_keyword(line, extra_rule_keyword[0])
                if end == -1:
                    end = locate_unquoted_keyword(line, extra_rule_keyword[1])
                line = line[:end]

            dot_separator_idx = line.find('.')
            last_double_quote_idx = line.rfind('"')

            has_schema_table_fmt = True if dot_separator_idx != -1 else False
            has_special_chars = True if last_double_quote_idx != -1 else False

            if not has_schema_table_fmt and not has_special_chars:
                table = line[start:].split()[0]
            elif has_schema_table_fmt and not has_special_chars:
                full_table_name = line[start:].split()[0]
                _, table = split_fqn(full_table_name)
            elif not has_schema_table_fmt and has_special_chars:
                table = line[start:last_double_quote_idx + 1]
                if dot_separator_idx < last_double_quote_idx:
                    # table name is double quoted
                    full_table_name = line[start:last_double_idx + 1]
                    # only schema name double quoted
                    ending_space_idx = line.find(' ', dot_separator_idx)
                    full_table_name = line[start:ending_space_idx]
                _, table = split_fqn(full_table_name)

            table = checkAndRemoveEnclosingDoubleQuote(table)
            table = removeEscapingDoubleQuoteInSQLString(table, False)
            comp_set.add((schema, table))

            if comp_set.issubset(dump_tables):
                return True
            return False
            return False
        return False
def check_table(schema, line, search_str, dump_tables, schema_level_restore_list=None, is_rule=False):
    if schema_level_restore_list and schema in schema_level_restore_list:
        return True

    if dump_tables:
            comp_set = set()
            start = line.index(search_str) + len(search_str)
            if is_rule:
                # cut the line nicely based on extra keyword for create rule statement
                # in case [WHERE condition] clause contains any special chars, cut before WHERE
                end = locate_unquoted_keyword(line, extra_rule_keyword[0])
                if end == -1:
                    end = locate_unquoted_keyword(line, extra_rule_keyword[1])
                line = line[:end]

            dot_separator_idx = line.find(".")
            last_double_quote_idx = line.rfind('"')

            has_schema_table_fmt = True if dot_separator_idx != -1 else False
            has_special_chars = True if last_double_quote_idx != -1 else False

            if not has_schema_table_fmt and not has_special_chars:
                table = line[start:].split()[0]
            elif has_schema_table_fmt and not has_special_chars:
                full_table_name = line[start:].split()[0]
                _, table = split_fqn(full_table_name)
            elif not has_schema_table_fmt and has_special_chars:
                table = line[start : last_double_quote_idx + 1]
                if dot_separator_idx < last_double_quote_idx:
                    # table name is double quoted
                    full_table_name = line[start : last_double_idx + 1]
                    # only schema name double quoted
                    ending_space_idx = line.find(" ", dot_separator_idx)
                    full_table_name = line[start:ending_space_idx]
                _, table = split_fqn(full_table_name)

            table = checkAndRemoveEnclosingDoubleQuote(table)
            table = removeEscapingDoubleQuoteInSQLString(table, False)
            comp_set.add((schema, table))

            if comp_set.issubset(dump_tables):
                return True
            return False
            return False
        return False
Esempio n. 5
def check_dropped_table(line, dump_tables, schema_level_restore_list, drop_table_expr):
    check if table to drop is valid (can be dropped from schema level restore)
    temp = line[len(drop_table_expr):].strip()[:-1]
    (schema, table) = split_fqn(temp)
    schema = removeEscapingDoubleQuoteInSQLString(checkAndRemoveEnclosingDoubleQuote(schema), False) 
    table = removeEscapingDoubleQuoteInSQLString(checkAndRemoveEnclosingDoubleQuote(table), False) 
    if (schema_level_restore_list and schema in schema_level_restore_list) or ((schema, table) in dump_tables):
        return True
    return False
Esempio n. 6
def check_dropped_table(line, dump_tables, schema_level_restore_list, drop_table_expr):
    check if table to drop is valid (can be dropped from schema level restore)
    temp = line[len(drop_table_expr):].strip()[:-1]
    (schema, table) = split_fqn(temp)
    schema = removeEscapingDoubleQuoteInSQLString(checkAndRemoveEnclosingDoubleQuote(schema), False) 
    table = removeEscapingDoubleQuoteInSQLString(checkAndRemoveEnclosingDoubleQuote(table), False) 
    if (schema_level_restore_list and schema in schema_level_restore_list) or ((schema, table) in dump_tables):
        return True
    return False
Esempio n. 7
def get_table_schema_set(filename):
    filename: file with true schema and table name (none escaped), don't strip white space
    on schema and table name in case it's part of the name
    dump_schemas = set()
    dump_tables = set()

    with open(filename) as fd:
        contents =
        tables = contents.splitlines()
        for t in tables:
            schema, table = split_fqn(t)
            dump_tables.add((schema, table))
    return (dump_schemas, dump_tables)
Esempio n. 8
def get_table_schema_set(filename):
    filename: file with true schema and table name (none escaped), don't strip white space
    on schema and table name in case it's part of the name
    dump_schemas = set()
    dump_tables = set()

    with open(filename) as fd:
        contents =
        tables = contents.splitlines()
        for t in tables:
            schema, table = split_fqn(t)
            dump_tables.add((schema, table))
    return (dump_schemas, dump_tables)