def reset_arm_rnd(self, arm, mode, data): """ Issues a position command to an arm. Args: arm: Either TRIAL_ARM or AUXILIARY_ARM. mode: An integer code (defined in gps_pb2). data: An array of floats. """ reset_command = PositionCommand() reset_command.mode = mode # Reset to uniform random state # Joints 1, 4, 5 and 6 have a range of -10,000 to +10,000 degrees. Joint 2 has a range of +42 to +318 degrees. Joint 3 has a range of +17 to +343 degrees. (see = [ (random() * 2 - 1) * pi, pi + (random() * 2 - 1) * pi / 2, # Limit elbow joints to 180 +/-90 degrees to prevent getting stuck in the ground pi + (random() * 2 - 1) * pi / 2, (random() * 2 - 1) * pi, (random() * 2 - 1) * pi, (random() * 2 - 1) * pi ] reset_command.pd_gains = self._hyperparams['pid_params'] reset_command.arm = arm timeout = self._hyperparams['trial_timeout'] = self._get_next_seq_id() try: self._reset_service.publish_and_wait(reset_command, timeout=timeout) except TimeoutException: self.relax_arm(arm) wait = raw_input( 'The robot arm seems to be stuck. Unstuck it and press <ENTER> to continue.' ) self.reset_arm(arm, mode, data)
def main(): rospy.init_node('issue_com') pub = rospy.Publisher(POS_COM_TOPIC, PositionCommand, queue_size=10) test_pub = rospy.Publisher(TEST_TOPIC, Empty, queue_size=10) sub = rospy.Subscriber(POS_COM_TOPIC, PositionCommand, listen) #sub = rospy.Subscriber('/joint_states', JointState, listen) pc = PositionCommand() pc.mode = JOINT_SPACE #pc.arm = PositionCommand.LEFT_ARM pc.arm = 1#PositionCommand.RIGHT_ARM = np.zeros(7) r = rospy.Rate(1) #while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # pub.publish(pc) # r.sleep() # print 'published!' r.sleep() test_pub.publish(Empty()) pub.publish(pc)
def reset_arm(self, arm, mode, data): """ Issues a position command to an arm. Args: arm: Either TRIAL_ARM or AUXILIARY_ARM. mode: An integer code (defined in gps_pb2). data: An array of floats. """ reset_command = PositionCommand() reset_command.mode = mode = data reset_command.pd_gains = self._hyperparams['pid_params'] reset_command.arm = arm timeout = self._hyperparams['trial_timeout'] = self._get_next_seq_id() self._reset_service.publish_and_wait(reset_command, timeout=timeout)
def reset_arm(self, arm, mode, data): """ Issues a position command to an arm. Args: arm: Either TRIAL_ARM or AUXILIARY_ARM. mode: An integer code (defined in gps_pb2). data: An array of floats. """ reset_command = PositionCommand() reset_command.mode = mode = data reset_command.pd_gains = self._hyperparams['pid_params'] reset_command.arm = arm timeout = self._hyperparams['trial_timeout'] = self._get_next_seq_id() try: self._reset_service.publish_and_wait(reset_command, timeout=timeout) except TimeoutException: self.relax_arm(arm) wait = raw_input( 'The robot arm seems to be stuck. Unstuck it and press <ENTER> to continue.' ) self.reset_arm(arm, mode, data)
#!/usr/bin/env python import rospy import roslib roslib.load_manifest('gps_agent_pkg') from gps_agent_pkg.msg import PositionCommand from gps_agent_pkg.msg import RelaxCommand pos_pub = rospy.Publisher('/gps_controller_position_command', PositionCommand) relax_pub = rospy.Publisher('/gps_controller_relax_command', RelaxCommand) rospy.init_node('controller_pub_node') r = rospy.Rate(10) # 10hz count = 0 while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if (count % 1000 < 250): new_msg = PositionCommand(mode=1, arm=1, data=[-0.75, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5]) pos_pub.publish(new_msg) elif (count % 1000 < 500): new_msg = PositionCommand(mode=1, arm=1, data=[0.75, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5]) pos_pub.publish(new_msg) else: new_msg_relax = RelaxCommand(arm=0) relax_pub.publish(new_msg_relax) new_msg_relax = RelaxCommand(arm=1) relax_pub.publish(new_msg_relax) count += 1 r.sleep()