Esempio n. 1
    def Meooe(self, src, dst):
        assert (dst != src)
        dst[:] = 0
        for mu in range(4):
            src_plus = self.U[mu] * g.cshift(src, mu, +1)
            dst += 1. / 2. * g.gamma[mu] * src_plus - 1. / 2. * src_plus

            src_minus = g.cshift(self.Udag[mu] * src, mu, -1)
            dst += -1. / 2. * g.gamma[mu] * src_minus - 1. / 2. * src_minus
Esempio n. 2
def staple(U, mu, nu):
    assert mu != nu
    U_nu_x_plus_mu = g.cshift(U[nu], mu, 1)
    U_mu_x_plus_nu = g.cshift(U[mu], nu, 1)
    U_nu_x_minus_nu = g.cshift(U[nu], nu, -1)
    return g(
        U[nu] * U_mu_x_plus_nu * g.adj(U_nu_x_plus_mu)
        + g.adj(U_nu_x_minus_nu) * g.cshift(U[mu] * U_nu_x_plus_mu, nu, -1)
Esempio n. 3
def field_strength(U, mu, nu):
    assert mu != nu
    # v = staple_up - staple_down
    v = g.eval(
        g.cshift(U[nu], mu, 1) * g.adj(g.cshift(U[mu], nu, 1)) * g.adj(U[nu]) -
        g.cshift(g.adj(g.cshift(U[nu], mu, 1)) * g.adj(U[mu]) * U[nu], nu, -1))

    F = g.eval(U[mu] * v + g.cshift(v * U[mu], mu, -1))
    F @= 0.125 * (F - g.adj(F))
    return F
Esempio n. 4
def plaquette(U):
    # U[mu](x)*U[nu](x+mu)*adj(U[mu](x+nu))*adj(U[nu](x))
    tr = 0.0
    vol = float(U[0].grid.gsites)
    for mu in range(4):
        for nu in range(mu):
            tr += g.sum(
                g.trace(U[mu] * g.cshift(U[nu], mu, 1) *
                        g.adj(g.cshift(U[mu], nu, 1)) * g.adj(U[nu])))
    return 2. * tr.real / vol / 4. / 3. / 3.
Esempio n. 5
def Udelta_average(U):
    compute < tr Udelta * Udelta^\dagger >
    Volume = float(U[0].grid.fsites)
    Udelta = g.lattice(U[0].grid, U[0].otype)
    Udelta[:] = 0.0
    for [i, j, k] in permutations([0, 1, 2]):
        Udelta += U[i] * g.cshift(U[j], i, 1) * g.cshift(
            g.cshift(U[k], i, 1), j, 1)
    return g.sum(g.trace(Udelta * g.adj(Udelta))).real / Volume / 36.0
Esempio n. 6
def plaquette(U):
    # U[mu](x)*U[nu](x+mu)*adj(U[mu](x+nu))*adj(U[nu](x))
    tr = 0.0
    vol = float(U[0].grid.fsites)
    Nd = len(U)
    ndim = U[0].otype.shape[0]
    for mu in range(Nd):
        for nu in range(mu):
            tr += g.sum(
                g.trace(U[mu] * g.cshift(U[nu], mu, 1) *
                        g.adj(g.cshift(U[mu], nu, 1)) * g.adj(U[nu])))
    return 2.0 * tr.real / vol / Nd / (Nd - 1) / ndim
Esempio n. 7
 def _Meooe(self, dst, src):
     assert dst != src
     cb = src.checkerboard()
     scb = self.checkerboard[cb]
     scbi = self.checkerboard[cb.inv()]
     phases_cb = self.phases[cb.inv()]
     dst[:] = 0
     if self.chiral:
         theta_cb = self.theta[cb]
         theta_cbi = self.theta[cb.inv()]
     if self.mu5:
         s_cbi = self.s[cb.inv()]
     for mu in range(4):
         # eval() does numerical evaluation and may give higher performance
         src_plus = g.eval(scbi.forward[mu] * src)
         src_minus = g.eval(scb.backward[mu] * src)
         if self.chiral:
             src_plus = g.eval(theta_cbi[mu] * src_plus)
             src_minus = g.eval(g.cshift(theta_cb[mu], mu, -1) * src_minus)
         dst += phases_cb[mu] * (src_plus - src_minus) / 2.0
     if self.mu5:
         for [i, j, k] in permutations([0, 1, 2]):
             src_plus = g.eval(
                 scbi.forward[i] * scb.forward[j] * scbi.forward[k] * src
             src_minus = g.eval(
                 scb.backward[k] * scbi.backward[j] * scb.backward[i] * src
             dst += s_cbi * (src_plus + src_minus) * self.mu5 / (-12.0)
Esempio n. 8
    def gradient(self, phi):
        J = g.lattice(phi)
        frc = g.lattice(phi)

        J[:] = 0
        for mu in range(phi.grid.nd):
            J += g.cshift(phi, mu, +1)
            J += g.cshift(phi, mu, -1)

        frc @= -2.0 * self.kappa * J
        frc += 2.0 * phi
        if self.l != 0.0:
            frc += 4.0 * self.l * phi * g.adj(phi) * phi
            frc -= 4.0 * self.l * phi

        return frc
Esempio n. 9
    def ishift(self, x, i):
        if i == 0:
            return self.ones
        elif i == 1:
            return x

        d, s = self.shifts[i - 2]
        return g.cshift(x, d, -s)
Esempio n. 10
File: Progetto: waterret/gpt
def correlate_test_4d(a, b, x):
    # c[x] = (1/vol) sum_y a[y]*b[y+x]
    bprime = b
    L = a.grid.gdimensions
    vol = L[0] * L[1] * L[2] * L[3]
    for i in range(4):
        # see core test: dst = g.cshift(src, 0, 1) -> dst[x] = src[x+1]
        bprime = g.cshift(bprime, i, x[i])  # bprime[y] = b[y+x]
    return g.sum(a * bprime) / vol
Esempio n. 11
File: Progetto: spieseba/gpt
def correlate_test_3d(a, b, x):
    # c[x] = (1/vol) sum_y a[y]*adj(b[y+x])
    bprime = g(g.adj(b))
    L = a.grid.gdimensions
    vol = L[0] * L[1] * L[2]
    for i in range(3):
        # see core test: dst = g.cshift(src, 0, 1) -> dst[x] = src[x+1]
        bprime = g.cshift(bprime, i, x[i])  # bprime[y] = b[y+x]
    return g.slice(a * bprime, 3)[x[3]] / vol
Esempio n. 12
def divergence(f, current):
    resN = g.lattice(f)
    resN[:] = 0

    for mu in range(4):
        c_mu = current(f, f, mu)
        resN += c_mu - g.cshift(c_mu, mu, -1)

    return g.norm2(resN)
Esempio n. 13
def divergence(f, current):
    resN = g.lattice(f)
    resN[:] = 0

    b = g(g.gamma[5] * g.adj(f) * g.gamma[5])
    for mu in range(4):
        c_mu = current(f, b, mu)
        resN += c_mu - g.cshift(c_mu, mu, -1)

    return g.norm2(resN)
Esempio n. 14
 def gradient(self, V):
     A = [
         g(g.qcd.gauge.project.traceless_anti_hermitian(u) / 1j)
         for u in g.qcd.gauge.transformed(self.U, V)
     dmuAmu = g.lattice(V.grid, V.otype.cartesian())
     dmuAmu[:] = 0
     for mu, Amu in enumerate(A):
         dmuAmu += Amu - g.cshift(Amu, mu, -1)
     return dmuAmu
Esempio n. 15
def polyakov_loop(U, mu):
    # tr[ prod_j U_{\mu}(m, j) ]
    vol = float(U[0].grid.fsites)
    Nc = U[0].otype.Nc
    tmp_polyakov_loop = g.copy(U[mu])
    for n in range(1, U[0].grid.fdimensions[mu]):
        tmp = g.cshift(tmp_polyakov_loop, mu, 1)
        tmp_polyakov_loop = g.eval(U[mu] * tmp)

    return g.sum(g.trace(tmp_polyakov_loop)) / Nc / vol
Esempio n. 16
def communicate_links(A, dirdisps_forward, make_hermitian):
    assert type(A) == list
    assert len(A) == 2 * len(dirdisps_forward) + 1
    for p, (mu, fb) in enumerate(dirdisps_forward):
        p_other = p + 4
        shift_fb = fb * -1
        Atmp = gpt.copy(A[p])
        if not make_hermitian:
            nbasis = A[0].otype.shape[0]
            assert nbasis % 2 == 0
            nb = nbasis // 2
            Atmp[:, :, :, :, 0:nb, nb:nbasis] *= -1.0  # upper right block
            Atmp[:, :, :, :, nb:nbasis, 0:nb] *= -1.0  # lower left block
        A[p_other] @= gpt.adj(gpt.cshift(Atmp, mu, shift_fb))
Esempio n. 17
def transformed(obj, V):
    if isinstance(obj, g.matrix_operator):

        M = obj

        def _mat(dst, src):
            dst @= V * M * g.adj(V) * src

        return g.matrix_operator(_mat, vector_space=M.vector_space)


        U = obj

        return [g(V * U[mu] * g.cshift(g.adj(V), mu, 1)) for mu in range(len(U))]
Esempio n. 18
    def __call__(self, phi):
        J = None
        act = 0.0
        for p in g.core.util.to_list(phi):
            if J is None:
                J = g.lattice(p)

            J[:] = 0
            for mu in range(p.grid.nd):
                J += g.cshift(p, mu, 1)
            act += -2.0 * self.kappa * g.inner_product(J, g.adj(p)).real

            p2 = g.norm2(p)
            act += p2

            if self.l != 0.0:
                p4 = g.norm2(p * g.adj(p))
                act += self.l * (p4 - 2.0 * p2 + p.grid.fsites)

        return act
Esempio n. 19
def transformed(obj, V):
    if isinstance(obj, g.matrix_operator):

        M = obj

        def _mat(dst, src):
            src_prime = [g(g.adj(V) * s) for s in src]
            M(dst, src_prime)
            for d in dst:
                d @= V * d

        return g.matrix_operator(_mat,


        U = obj

        return [
            g(V * U[mu] * g.cshift(g.adj(V), mu, 1)) for mu in range(len(U))
Esempio n. 20

eps = np.linalg.norm(np.array(J5q) - np.array(J5q_ref))
g.message(f"J5q test: {eps}")
assert eps < 1e-5

# compute conserved current divergence
div = g.mspin(grid)
div[:] = 0

for mu in range(4):
    tmp = qm.conserved_vector_current(dst_qm_bulk, src, dst_qm_bulk, src, mu)
    tmp -= g.cshift(tmp, mu, -1)
    div += g.color_trace(tmp)

div = g(g.trace(g.adj(div) * div))

g.message("div(conserved_current) contact term", div[0, 1, 0, 0].real)

div[0, 1, 0, 0] = 0

eps = g.sum(div).real
g.message(f"div(conserved_current) = {eps} without contact term")
assert eps < 1e-11

# compute partially conserved axial current divergence (zero momentum projected)
AP = g.slice(
Esempio n. 21
assert nodes == grid_sp.Nprocessors
a = np.array([[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [4, 5, 6j]], dtype=np.complex64)
b = np.copy(a)
eps = a / nodes - b
assert np.linalg.norm(eps) < 1e-7

# Test Cshifts
# create a complex lattice on the grid
src = g.complex(grid_sp)

# zero out all points and set the value at global position 0,0,0,0 to 2
src[:] = 0
src[0, 0, 0, 0] = complex(2, 1)

# create a new lattice that is compatible with another
new = g.lattice(src)

# create a new lattice that is a copy of another
original = g.copy(src)

# or copy the contents from one lattice to another
g.copy(new, src)

# cshift into a new lattice dst
dst = g.cshift(src, 0, 1)
# dst[x] = src[x+1] -> src[0] == dst[15]
assert abs(dst[15, 0, 0, 0] - complex(2, 1)) < 1e-6
Esempio n. 22
    def jacobian(self, fields, fields_prime, src):

        nd = fields[0].grid.nd
        U = fields[0:nd]
        U_prime = fields_prime[0:nd]

        rho = get_rho(U, self.params)
        C = g.qcd.gauge.staple_sum(U, rho=rho)

        assert len(src) == nd

        dst = [g.lattice(s) for s in src]
        exp_iQ = [None] * nd
        Lambda = [None] * nd
        Sigma_prime = [None] * nd

        # (75) of
        for mu in range(nd):

            # Sigma == g.adj(U) * gradient * 1j
            Sigma_prime[mu] = g(g.adj(U_prime[mu]) * src[mu] * 1j)
            U_Sigma_prime_mu = g(U[mu] * Sigma_prime[mu])

            iQ_mu = g.qcd.gauge.project.traceless_anti_hermitian(C[mu] *
            exp_iQ[mu], Lambda[mu] = g.matrix.exp.function_and_gradient(
                iQ_mu, U_Sigma_prime_mu)

            dst[mu] @= Sigma_prime[mu] * exp_iQ[mu] + g.adj(
                C[mu]) * 1j * Lambda[mu]

        for mu in range(nd):
            for nu in range(nd):

                if mu == nu:

                rho_mu_nu = rho[mu, nu]
                rho_nu_mu = rho[nu, mu]

                if abs(rho_nu_mu) != 0.0 or abs(rho_mu_nu) != 0.0:
                    U_nu_x_plus_mu = g.cshift(U[nu], mu, 1)
                    U_mu_x_plus_nu = g.cshift(U[mu], nu, 1)
                    Lambda_nu_x_plus_mu = g.cshift(Lambda[nu], mu, 1)
                    Lambda_mu_x_plus_nu = g.cshift(Lambda[mu], nu, 1)

                    dst[mu] -= (1j * rho_nu_mu * U_nu_x_plus_mu *
                                g.adj(U_mu_x_plus_nu) * g.adj(U[nu]) *

                    dst[mu] += (1j * rho_nu_mu * Lambda_nu_x_plus_mu *
                                U_nu_x_plus_mu * g.adj(U_mu_x_plus_nu) *

                    dst[mu] -= (1j * rho_mu_nu * U_nu_x_plus_mu *
                                g.adj(U_mu_x_plus_nu) * Lambda_mu_x_plus_nu *

                    dst[mu] += g.cshift(
                        1j * rho_nu_mu * g.adj(U_nu_x_plus_mu) * g.adj(U[mu]) *
                        Lambda[nu] * U[nu] -
                        1j * rho_mu_nu * g.adj(U_nu_x_plus_mu) * g.adj(U[mu]) *
                        Lambda[mu] * U[nu] -
                        1j * rho_nu_mu * g.adj(U_nu_x_plus_mu) *
                        Lambda_nu_x_plus_mu * g.adj(U[mu]) * U[nu],

        for mu in range(nd):
            dst[mu] @= U[mu] * dst[mu] * (-1j)
            dst[mu] @= g.qcd.gauge.project.traceless_hermitian(dst[mu])

        return dst
Esempio n. 23
 def wrap(dst, src):
     dst @= ref_U[mu] * gpt.cshift(src, mu, +1)
Esempio n. 24
 def wrap(dst, src):
     dst @= gpt.cshift(ref_Udag[mu] * src, mu, -1)
Esempio n. 25
 def wrap(dst, src):
     dst @= gpt.cshift(self.Udag[mu] * src, mu, -1)
Esempio n. 26
 def wrap(dst, src):
     dst @= self.U[mu] * gpt.cshift(src, mu, +1)
Esempio n. 27
# zero out all points and set the value at global position 0,0,0,0 to 2
src[:] = 0
src[0, 0, 0, 0] = complex(2, 1)

# create a new lattice that is compatible with another
new = g.lattice(src)

# create a new lattice that is a copy of another
original = g.copy(src)

# or copy the contents from one lattice to another
g.copy(new, src)

# cshift into a new lattice dst
dst = g.cshift(src, 0, 1)

# show current memory usage
del original  # free lattice and remove from scope

# or re-use an existing lattice object as target
g.cshift(dst, src, 0, 1)

# create a lattice expression
expr = g.trace(-(dst * dst) + 2 * dst) + 0.5 * (
    g.cshift(src, 0, 1) * dst + g.cshift(src, 0, -1)) / 3 - g.adj(dst +
                                                                  dst / 2)

# and convert the expression to a new lattice or an existing one,
Esempio n. 28
File: Progetto: wettig/gpt
def A(dst, src, mass):
    assert dst != src
    dst @= (mass ** 2.0) * src
    for i in range(4):
        dst += g.cshift(src, i, 1) + g.cshift(src, i, -1) - 2 * src