def __main__(): op_system_name = op_user = getpass.getuser() print(op_user) if op_system_name == 'posix': print("This operating System is a Mac") if op_system_name == 'nt': print("this operating System is a Windows") if op_system_name == "java": print("this operating System is Java") total, used, free = shutil.disk_usage("/") print("Total Storage: %d GB" % (total // (2**30))) print("Used Storage: %d GB" % (used // (2**30))) print("Free Storage: %d GB" % (free // (2**30))) print("cpu percentage = {}\nVirtual Storage = {}".format( psutil.cpu_percent(), psutil.virtual_memory())) for each in psutil.virtual_memory(): print(each) print('memory % used:', psutil.virtual_memory()[2]) print(GPUInfo.check_empty()) print(GPUInfo.get_info()) print(GPUInfo.gpu_usage()) mem = psutil.virtual_memory() print( print("Ram = {}".format( / 1024.**3)) op_check = OpSysChecker() print("-----------------\n{}".format(op_check.return_info()))
def handler(event, context): if isinstance(event['data'], dict) and "num_image" in event['data']: global NUM_IMAGE NUM_IMAGE = int(event['data']['num_image']) # Get GPU counts NUM_GPU = 0 available_devices = GPUInfo.check_empty() if available_devices != None: NUM_GPU = len(available_devices) print("Current GPU num is {0}".format(NUM_GPU)) counter = 0 image_list = list() for img in os.listdir(INF_DIR): image_list.append(os.path.join(INF_DIR, img)) counter += 1 if counter == NUM_IMAGE: break start = time.time() if NUM_GPU == 0: run_sequential(image_list) else: # initialize Scheduler scheduler = Scheduler(NUM_GPU) # start multiprocessing scheduler.start(image_list) end = time.time() # print ("Time with model loading {0} for {1} images.".format(end - start, NUM_IMAGE)) return ("Time with model loading {0} for {1} images.".format( end - start, NUM_IMAGE))
def gpu_usage(): total_memory = 32000 available_device = GPUInfo.check_empty() percent, memory = GPUInfo.gpu_usage() for i in range(len(memory)): memory[i] = float(memory[i]) / total_memory print(memory) return memory
def get_gpu_id(num_gpu=1): """get ID of GPUS :param num_gpu: num of GPUs to use :return: gpu_id: ID of allocated GPUs """ available_device = GPUInfo.check_empty() if len(available_device) >= num_gpu: gpu_id = available_device[:num_gpu] else: raise Exception('Only {} GPUs to use!'.format(len(available_device))) if num_gpu == 1: gpu_id = gpu_id[0] return gpu_id
def load_model(): # exceed quota so need to load data from GCS. Will download data to local from GCS # bucket_name = 'license_plate_detector_jonathan' # file_id = ['yolov3_custom_train_1800.weights', 'crnn_kurapan.h5', 'craft_mlt_25k.h5'] # storage_client = storage.Client.from_service_account_json('auth_key.json') # bucket = storage_client.bucket(bucket_name) # for source_blob_name in file_id: # if source_blob_name not in os.listdir(): # blob = bucket.blob(source_blob_name) # blob.download_to_filename(source_blob_name) # YOLO CONFIGURATIONS net = cv2.dnn.readNetFromDarknet('yolov3_custom_train.cfg', 'yolov3_custom_train_1800.weights') net.setPreferableBackend(cv2.dnn.DNN_BACKEND_OPENCV) # check if GPU is available else use CPU gpus = GPUInfo.check_empty() print('gpus: ', gpus) if gpus is not None: net.setPreferableTarget(cv2.dnn.DNN_TARGET_OPENCL) else: net.setPreferableTarget(cv2.dnn.DNN_TARGET_CPU) # keras-ocr will load from local file detector = keras_ocr.detection.Detector( weights='clovaai_general', load_from_torch=False, optimizer='adam', backbone_name='vgg', weights_path_local='craft_mlt_25k.h5') recognizer = keras_ocr.recognition.Recognizer( alphabet=None, weights='kurapan', build_params=None, weights_path='crnn_kurapan.h5') pipeline = keras_ocr.pipeline.Pipeline(detector=detector, recognizer=recognizer) # return YOLOv3 model, KerasOCR model return [net, pipeline]
async def process_video(self): total_time = sum([video.video_length_flv for video in self.videos]) max_size = 8000_000 * 8 # Kb audio_bitrate = 320 video_bitrate = (max_size / total_time - audio_bitrate) - 500 # just to be safe max_video_bitrate = float( 8000) # BiliBili now re-encode every video anyways video_bitrate = int(min(max_video_bitrate, video_bitrate)) ffmpeg_command = f'''ffmpeg -y -loop 1 -t {total_time} \ -i "{self.output_path()['he_graph']}" \ -f concat \ -safe 0 \ -i "{self.output_path()['concat_file']}" \ -t {total_time} \ -filter_complex " [0:v][1:v]scale2ref=iw:iw*(main_h/main_w)[color][ref]; [color]split[color1][color2]; [color1]hue=s=0[gray]; [color2]negate=negate_alpha=1[color_neg]; [gray]negate=negate_alpha=1[gray_neg]; color=black:d={total_time}[black]; [black][ref]scale2ref[blackref][ref2]; [blackref]split[blackref1][blackref2]; [color_neg][blackref1]overlay=x=t/{total_time}*W-W[color_crop_neg]; [gray_neg][blackref2]overlay=x=t/{total_time}*W[gray_crop_neg]; [color_crop_neg]negate=negate_alpha=1[color_crop]; [gray_crop_neg]negate=negate_alpha=1[gray_crop]; [ref2][color_crop]overlay=y=main_h-overlay_h[out_color]; [out_color][gray_crop]overlay=y=main_h-overlay_h[out]; [out]ass='{self.output_path()['ass']}'[out_sub]" \ -map "[out_sub]" -map 1:a ''' + \ (" -c:v h264_nvenc -preset slow " if GPUInfo.check_empty() is not None else " -c:v libx264 -preset medium ") + \ f'-b:v {video_bitrate}K' + f''' -b:a 320K -ar 44100 "{self.output_path()['danmaku_video']}" \ ''' + f'>> "{self.output_path()["video_log"]}" 2>&1' await async_wait_output(ffmpeg_command)
from gpuinfo import GPUInfo available_device=GPUInfo.check_empty() #available_device就是一个含有所有没有任务的gpu编号的列表 print(available_device) percent,memory=GPUInfo.gpu_usage() #获得所有gpu的使用百分比和显存占用量 print(percent, memory) min_percent=percent.index(min([percent[i] for i in available_device])) #未被使用的gpu里percent最小的 print(min_percent) min_memory=memory.index(min([memory[i] for i in available_device])) #未被使用的gpu里显存占用量最少的 print(min_memory)
def video_processor(): while True: request_json = video_request_queue.get() try: flv_file_path = request_json['RelativePath'] he_time = request_json['he_time'] base_file_path = flv_file_path.rpartition('.')[0] video_file_path = base_file_path + ".bar.mp4" png_file_path = base_file_path + ".png" video_log_path = base_file_path + ".video.log" total_seconds_str = subprocess.check_output( f'ffprobe -v error -show_entries format=duration ' f'-of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 "{flv_file_path}"', shell=True) total_seconds = float(total_seconds_str) max_size = 8000_000 * 8 # Kb audio_bitrate = 320 video_bitrate = (max_size / total_seconds - audio_bitrate) - 500 # just to be safe max_video_bitrate = float(4500) video_bitrate = int(min(max_video_bitrate, video_bitrate)) he_time = int(min(float(he_time), total_seconds - 5)) # prevent preview image generation error ffmpeg_command_img = f"ffmpeg -ss {he_time} -i \"{flv_file_path}\" -vframes 1 \"{png_file_path}\"" \ f" >> \"{video_log_path}\" 2>&1" print(ffmpeg_command_img, file=sys.stderr) return_value = os.system(ffmpeg_command_img) return_text = "Processing completed" if return_value == 0 else "Processing error" print( f"Room {request_json['RoomId']} at {request_json['StartRecordTime']}: image {return_text}", file=sys.stderr) if not os.path.isfile(png_file_path): print("Video preview file cannot be found", file=sys.stderr) else: print("uploading quick video", file=sys.stderr) request_json['is_update'] = False upload_no_danmaku_video(request_json) ffmpeg_command = f'FILE=\"{base_file_path}\" ' + ''' \ && TIME=`ffprobe -v error -show_entries format=duration -of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 "${FILE}.flv"`\ && ffmpeg -loop 1 -t ${TIME} \ -i "${FILE}.he.png" \ -i "${FILE}.flv" \ -filter_complex " [0:v][1:v]scale2ref=iw:iw*(main_h/main_w)[color][ref]; [color]split[color1][color2]; [color1]hue=s=0[gray]; [color2]negate=negate_alpha=1[color_neg]; [gray]negate=negate_alpha=1[gray_neg]; color=black:d=${TIME}[black]; [black][ref]scale2ref[blackref][ref2]; [blackref]split[blackref1][blackref2]; [color_neg][blackref1]overlay=x=t/${TIME}*W-W[color_crop_neg]; [gray_neg][blackref2]overlay=x=t/${TIME}*W[gray_crop_neg]; [color_crop_neg]negate=negate_alpha=1[color_crop]; [gray_crop_neg]negate=negate_alpha=1[gray_crop]; [ref2][color_crop]overlay=y=main_h-overlay_h[out_color]; [out_color][gray_crop]overlay=y=main_h-overlay_h[out]; [out]ass='${FILE}.ass'[out_sub]" \ -map "[out_sub]" -map 1:a ''' + \ (" -c:v h264_nvenc -preset slow " if GPUInfo.check_empty() is not None else " -c:v libx264 -preset medium ") + \ f'-b:v {video_bitrate}K' + ''' -b:a 320K -ar 44100 "${FILE}.bar.mp4" \ ''' + f'>> "{video_log_path}" 2>&1' print(ffmpeg_command, file=sys.stderr) return_value = os.system(ffmpeg_command) return_text = "Processing completed" if return_value == 0 else "Processing error" print( f"Room {request_json['RoomId']} at {request_json['StartRecordTime']}: video {return_text}", file=sys.stderr) if not os.path.isfile(video_file_path): print("Video file cannot be found", file=sys.stderr) else: print("Updating full video", file=sys.stderr) request_json['is_update'] = True upload_no_danmaku_video(request_json) except Exception as err: # noinspection PyBroadException try: print( f"Room {request_json['RoomId']} at {request_json['StartRecordTime']}: {err}", file=sys.stderr) print(traceback.format_exc(), file=sys.stderr) except Exception: print(f"Unknown video exception", file=sys.stderr) print(traceback.format_exc(), file=sys.stderr) finally: print(f"Video queue length: {danmaku_request_queue.qsize()}", file=sys.stderr) sys.stderr.flush()
else: # command = ['nohup', 'python -u', d['command']+' --gpu %s'%(str(gpu_id)), '&disown'] command = ['nohup', d['command']+' --gpu %s'%(str(gpu_id)), '&disown'] command = 'nohup '+d['command']+' --gpu %s'%(str(gpu_id))#+' &disown' # * Call it from terminal print(command), shell=True) # * Delete the execute file Path(execute_file).unlink() if __name__ == '__main__': # * Keep script running in background indefinitely while True: # * Check available GPUs gpus_available = GPUInfo.check_empty() if gpus_available: # * For each available GPU, attempt to run an experiment on it. for gpu_id in gpus_available: exp_file = find_oldest_experiment() # * An experiment is only launched if it exists if exp_file: launch_and_remove_experiment(exp_file, gpu_id=gpu_id) # * Check for new experiments every N seconds time.sleep(5)