Esempio n. 1
def cluster(csv2read, outFileName):
    print "generating culster information"
    ptscsv = pd.read_csv(csv2read, index_col=0)
    unqSegIDs = ptscsv.sid.unique()
    result = pd.DataFrame()
    oldgrp = None
    for unqSID in unqSegIDs:
        meanCol = []
        grp = ptscsv[ptscsv['sid'] == unqSID]
        grp.is_copy = False  # supress copy warning while assignment
        mean = grp.mean().lat, grp.mean().lon
        grp['mlat'] = mean[0]
        grp['mlon'] = mean[1]
        if oldgrp is not None:
            grp['dir'] = mod_geo.get_bearing(
                mod_geo.Location(oldgrp[0], oldgrp[1]),
                mod_geo.Location(mean[0], mean[1]))
            grp['dir'] = None
        result = result.append(grp, ignore_index=True)
        oldgrp = mean[0], mean[1]
    devList = []
    distList = []
    oldID = None
    oldRow = None
    for i, r in result.iterrows():
        if not pd.isnull(r.dir):
            dist = mod_geo.distance(r.mlat, r.mlon, None,, r.lon, None)
            dirTgt = mod_geo.get_bearing(
                mod_geo.Location(oldID.mlat, oldID.mlon),
                mod_geo.Location(, r.lon))
            dir90 = mod_geo.get_bearing(mod_geo.Location(r.mlat, r.mlon),
                                        mod_geo.Location(, r.lon))
            if (r.dir > dirTgt):
                dist = dist * (-1)
            devList.append(cartDist(, r.lon, r.mlat, r.mlon))
                mod_geo.distance(r.mlat, r.mlon, None,, r.lon, None))
            devList.append(cartDist(, r.lon, r.mlat, r.mlon))

        if oldID is None:
            oldID = r
            if (oldRow.dir != r.dir) and (not pd.isnull(r.dir)):
                oldID = oldRow
        oldRow = r

    result['dev'] = devList
    result['dist'] = distList
    print "written : " + outFileName
    return outFileName
Esempio n. 2
def estCenters(c):
    # c is an array of points on the sampling segment.
    mc = c.mean(axis=0)
    percentToMove = 1.5
    for i in range(len(c)):
        dir = mod_geo.get_bearing(mod_geo.Location(c[i][0], c[i][1]),
                                  mod_geo.Location(mc[0], mc[1]))
        distBet = mod_geo.distance(c[i][0], c[i][1], None, mc[0], mc[1], None)
        if (distBet >= c[i][2]):
            mDist = c[i][2] * percentToMove
            updatedPoint = mod_geo.point_from_distance_bearing(
                mod_geo.Location(c[i][0], c[i][1]), mDist, dir)
            updatedPoint = mod_geo.Location(mc[0], mc[1])
        c[i][0], c[i][1] = updatedPoint.latitude, updatedPoint.longitude
    return c.mean(axis=0)
Esempio n. 3
def crossSection():
    performs a cross section along a given track
    at minimum distance of every cxInt meters
    width of section is cxWidth
    points output are in right to left direction
    gpx_file = open('..\..\samples\A67lt.gpx', "r")
    gpx = gpxpy.parse(gpx_file)
    gpxOpTmp = gpxpy.gpx.GPX()
    for tracks in gpx.tracks:
        gpx_track = gpxpy.gpx.GPXTrack()
        for segment in tracks.segments:
            oldPoint = []
            for point in segment.points:
                currPt = [point.latitude, point.longitude]
                if (oldPoint == []):
                    oldPoint = currPt
                    dist = mod_geo.distance(oldPoint[0], oldPoint[1], None,
                                            currPt[0], currPt[1], None, True)
                    direction = mod_geo.get_bearing(
                        mod_geo.Location(oldPoint[0], oldPoint[1]),
                        mod_geo.Location(currPt[0], currPt[1]))
                    # code to take cross section at regular distance [global]
                    if (dist < cxInt):
                        midpt = mod_geo.midpoint_cartesian(oldPoint, currPt)
                        addCx(midpt, direction, gpx_track)
                        ctr = 1
                        while True:
                            if (ctr * cxInt > dist):
                                break  # breaks the while loop
                                tgtPt = mod_geo.point_from_distance_bearing(
                                    mod_geo.Location(oldPoint[0], oldPoint[1]),
                                    ctr * cxInt, direction)
                                addCx(tgtPt, direction, gpx_track)
                                ctr = ctr + 1
                oldPoint = currPt
    outfile = open('crossSection.gpx', 'w')
Esempio n. 4
def addRandDev(inFile, outFileName):
    inFile = pd.read_csv(inFile, index_col=0)
    cx = pd.DataFrame()
    res = []
    mpt = []
    d = [2, 5, -1, -3, 4, -2]
    for i, r in inFile.iterrows():
        mp = ((r.llat + r.rlat) / 2), ((r.llon + r.rlon) / 2)
        dir = mod_geo.get_bearing(mod_geo.Location(r.llat, r.llon),
                                  mod_geo.Location(r.rlat, r.rlon))
        pt = mod_geo.point_from_distance_bearing(
            mod_geo.Location(mp[0], mp[1]), random.choice(d), dir)
        res.append({'lat': pt.latitude, 'lon': pt.longitude})
        mpt.append({'lat': mp[0], 'lon': mp[1]})
    inFile['nlat'] = [i['lat'] for i in res]
    inFile['nlon'] = [i['lon'] for i in res]
    inFile['lat'] = [i['lat'] for i in mpt]
    inFile['lon'] = [i['lon'] for i in mpt]
    print "Written : " + outFileName
    return outFileName
Esempio n. 5
    gpxOpTmp = gpxpy.gpx.GPX()

    print "cleaning traces..."
    for track in gpx.tracks:
        gpx_track = gpxpy.gpx.GPXTrack()
        for segment in track.segments:
            gpx_segment = gpxpy.gpx.GPXTrackSegment()
            prev = [segment.points[0].latitude, segment.points[0].longitude]
            bearingOld = None
            bearingDelta = None
            for point in segment.points:
                neighCond = dist(prev[0], prev[1], point.latitude,
                                 point.longitude) < nextPtDist
                bearing = mod_geo.get_bearing(
                    mod_geo.Location(prev[0], prev[1]), point)
                bearingCond = False
                if (bearingDelta == None): bearingCond = True
                else: bearingCond = bearingDelta < direction
                if (neighCond and bearingCond):
                    gpx_track = gpxpy.gpx.GPXTrack()
                    gpx_segment = gpxpy.gpx.GPXTrackSegment()

                prev = [point.latitude, point.longitude]
                if (bearingOld != None and bearing != None):
Esempio n. 6
def dgpsInt(inFile, traceFile, outFileName):
    cx = pd.read_csv(inFile)
    f = pd.read_csv(traceFile)
    C = None, None
    dirList = []
    dir = None
    cxInter = pd.DataFrame()
    thDir = 30  #degrees
    startTime = time.time()
    for i, r in f.iterrows():
        D = Point(, r.lon)
        if (C != (None, None)):
            dir = mod_geo.get_bearing(mod_geo.Location(C.x, C.y),
                                      mod_geo.Location(D.x, D.y))
        C = D
    f['dir'] = dirList
    #f.to_csv(outFileName.split('.')[0] + "__r2_IntBefore.csv")

    ### fast but risky options
    ### angular rounding check required
    f = f.ix[(f['dir'] < cx.dir.max()) & (f['dir'] > cx.dir.min())]
    print 'frames filtered by direction\t: ', len(f)
    if len(f) == 0:
        print "Nothing to process.. Exiting..."
    f = f.reset_index(drop=True)
    print 'finding segment intersection points'
    for i, r in cx.iterrows():
        A = Point(r.llat, r.llon)
        B = Point(r.rlat, r.rlon)
        midPt = Point((A.x + B.x) / 2, (A.y + B.y) / 2)
        C = None, None
        sys.stdout.write("\rcxSeg # %s%s%s ==> %d%%" %
                         (i + 1, '/', len(cx), (100 * (i + 1) / len(cx))))
        for vi, v in f.iterrows():
            D = Point(, v.lon)
            if (C != (None, None)):
                #traceDir = mod_geo.get_bearing(mod_geo.Location(C.x, C.y), mod_geo.Location(D.x, D.y))
                traceDir = v.dir
                timediff = v.ts - prev.ts
                if (timediff < timeThreshold):
                    sameTrace = True
                    sameTrace = False
                if (traceDir != None and sameTrace):
                    deltaDir = abs(angleDiff(traceDir, r.dir))
                    if (deltaDir < thDir):
                        poi = intersectionPoint(A, B, C, D)
                        if (poi != (None, None)):
                            cxInter = cxInter.append(
                                    'sid': r.sid,
                                    'lat': poi[0],
                                    'lon': poi[1],
                                    'lanes': 2
                            C = None, None
            C = D
            prev = v

    print "\nIntersection segments saved in " + outFileName
    endTime = time.time()
    print "Completed in : " + str(endTime - startTime) + " seconds"
    return outFileName
Esempio n. 7
def clusterTypes(inFile, outFile, clusteringMethod):
    clusteringMethod : in (kmeans, mbKMeans, meanshift, wkmeans)
    f = pd.read_csv(inFile)
    # custom filter
    #f = f[f['sid']==108]
    f = f.dropna()
    sids = f.sid.unique()
    laneCenters = []
    nlanes = 2

    for sid in sids:
        sel = f[f['sid'] == sid]
        # change paramters for weighting...
        #        dt = np.column_stack((, sel.lon, sel.accuracy))
        dt = np.column_stack((, sel.lon, sel.accuracy**2))
        #        dt = np.column_stack((, sel.lon))
        # perform mandatory check to avoid unnecessary errors
        if len(dt) >= nlanes:
            if clusteringMethod.lower() == "kmeans":
                c = s.KMeans(n_clusters=nlanes)
            if clusteringMethod.lower() == "mbkmeans":
                c = s.MiniBatchKMeans(n_clusters=nlanes)
                with warnings.catch_warnings():
            if clusteringMethod.lower() == "meanshift":
                c = s.MeanShift()
            if clusteringMethod.lower() == "wkmeans":
                c = ck.Kmeans(dt, nlanes, metric=ck.weightedK, iterno=sid)
            centroids = c.cluster_centers_[:, [0, 1]]
            laneCenters.append([centroids, sid])
            print "Not enough data yet across all sections!!!"

    oldCenterRd =, f.lon.mean()
    tmp = []

    offsetList = []

    for i in laneCenters:
        sel = f[f['sid'] == i[1]]  # since its a pair centroids, sid
        currCenter =, sel.lon.mean()
        dir = mod_geo.get_bearing(
            mod_geo.Location(oldCenterRd[0], oldCenterRd[1]),
            mod_geo.Location(currCenter[0], currCenter[1]))
        dt = i[0].ravel()

        for indx, irow in sel.iterrows():
            offset = 0
            if oldCenterRd is not None:
                ndir = mod_geo.get_bearing(
                    mod_geo.Location(oldCenterRd[0], oldCenterRd[1]),
                    mod_geo.Location(, irow.lon))
                offset = mod_geo.distance(currCenter[0], currCenter[1], None,
                                , irow.lon, None)
                if ndir < dir:
                    offset = offset * (-1)

        for j in range(0, nlanes):
            ll = dt[j * 2], dt[(j * 2) + 1]
            dirPt = mod_geo.get_bearing(
                mod_geo.Location(oldCenterRd[0], oldCenterRd[1]),
                mod_geo.Location(ll[0], ll[1]))
            dist = mod_geo.distance(ll[0], ll[1], None, currCenter[0],
                                    currCenter[1], None)
            direction = dirPt - dir
                'lat': ll[0],
                'lon': ll[1],
                'lane': direction,
                'sid': sel.sid.unique()[0]

        oldCenterRd = currCenter

    f['offset'] = offsetList

    k = pd.DataFrame(tmp)
    k = k.sort_values(['sid'])
    sids = k.sid.unique()
    result = pd.DataFrame()

    tmpDict = {}
    for sid in sids:
        sel = k[k['sid'] == sid]
        sel = sel.sort_values(['lane'])
        sel = sel.reset_index(drop=True)
        prevLane = None
        for i, r in sel.iterrows():
            tmpDict['c' + str(i) + '_lat'] =
            tmpDict['c' + str(i) + '_lon'] = r.lon
            if prevLane is not None:
                delta = mod_geo.distance(, prevLane.lon, None,
                               , r.lon, None)
                tmpDict['del_' + str(i - 1) + str(i)] = delta
            prevLane = r
        selDet = f[f['sid'] == sid]
        tmpDict['_sid'] = sid
        tmpDict['var'] = selDet.offset.var()
        tmpDict['std'] = selDet.offset.std()
        tmpDict['mean'] = np.abs(selDet).offset.mean()

        result = result.append(tmpDict, ignore_index=True)

    result.to_csv(outFile, index=False)
    print "Written : " + outFile
    return outFile
Esempio n. 8
def compareCenter(baseCL, inpCL, outFileName):
    base = pd.read_csv(baseCL)
    inpd = pd.read_csv(inpCL)
    op = pd.DataFrame()
    cxWidthBaseLine = [30, 30]
    oldR = None

    for ii, ir in inpd.iterrows():
        if oldR is not None:
            midPt = mod_geo.Location((oldR.clat + ir.clat) / 2,
                                     (oldR.clon + ir.clon) / 2)
            direction = mod_geo.get_bearing(
                mod_geo.Location(oldR.clat, oldR.clon),
                mod_geo.Location(ir.clat, ir.clon))
            lp, rp = mod_geo.point_from_distance_bearing(
                midPt, cxWidthBaseLine[0],
                direction - 90), mod_geo.point_from_distance_bearing(
                    midPt, cxWidthBaseLine[1], direction + 90)
            A, B = Point(lp.latitude,
                         lp.longitude), Point(rp.latitude, rp.longitude)
            C = None, None
            for bi, br in base.iterrows():
                D = Point(br.clat, br.clon)
                if (C != (None, None)):
                    poi = intersectionPoint(A, B, C, D)
                    if poi != (None, None):
                        dirMid = mod_geo.get_bearing(
                            mod_geo.Location(oldR.clat, oldR.clon),
                            mod_geo.Location(midPt.latitude, midPt.longitude))
                        dirTgt = mod_geo.get_bearing(
                            mod_geo.Location(oldR.clat, oldR.clon),
                            mod_geo.Location(poi[0], poi[1]))
                        deltaDist = mod_geo.distance(midPt.latitude,
                                                     midPt.longitude, None,
                                                     poi[0], poi[1], None)
                        if ((dirMid < dirTgt) or (abs(dirMid - dirTgt) > 180)):
                            deltaDist = (-1) * deltaDist
                        rowData = {
                            'sid': ir.sid,
                            'deltaDist': deltaDist,
                            'blat': br.clat,
                            'blon': br.clon,
                            'tlat': ir.clat,
                            'tlon': ir.clon,
                            'llat': lp.latitude,
                            'llon': lp.longitude,
                            'rlat': rp.latitude,
                            'rlon': rp.longitude,
                            'mlat': midPt.latitude,
                            'mlon': midPt.longitude,
                            'plat': poi[0],
                            'plon': poi[1]

                        op = op.append(rowData, ignore_index=True)
                C = D
        oldR = ir
    print "Written : " + outFileName
    plt.hist(op.deltaDist, bins=20)
    plt.savefig("__" + outFileName.replace("csv", "jpg"))
    return outFileName
Esempio n. 9
def segTraceInt(segFile, traceFile, outFileName):
    segFile: segment file generated from segments
    traceFile: input csv trace file from simulation
    outFile: output file

    generates points of intersection using segments from segFile and traces from traceFile
    print "segment and trace intersection"
    cxInter = pd.DataFrame()
    cxSeg2skip = 0  # data filtering
    # thDist = 55  # 55m/s = 198 km/hr
    thDir = 30  #degrees
    startTime = time.time()
    cx = pd.read_csv(segFile)
    # geofence
    #fence = [cx.llat.min(), cx.llon.min(), cx.rlat.max(), cx.rlon.max()]

    # add fence
    f = pd.read_csv(traceFile)
    f = f[f['lat'] > fence[0]]
    f = f[f['lat'] < fence[2]]
    f = f[f['lon'] > fence[1]]
    f = f[f['lon'] < fence[3]]
    f = f[f['accuracy'] <= accThreashold]
    f = f.reset_index(drop=True)

    # careful to drop, might not required in case annotations are being used.
    #f['annotation'] = f['annotation'].fillna('-')
    #f = f.dropna()

    print 'frames found\t: ', len(f)

    # date filter
    f['sts'] = pd.to_datetime(f['date'] + " " + f['hour'],
                              format="%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S:%f")
    startDate = datetime.strptime('2016-08-01',
                                  '%Y-%m-%d')  # YYYY-MM-DD format

    if outFileName[-5] == 'a':
        endDate = datetime.strptime('2016-08-04', '%Y-%m-%d')
    elif outFileName[-5] == 'b':
        endDate = datetime.strptime('2016-08-08', '%Y-%m-%d')
    elif outFileName[-5] == 'c':
        endDate = datetime.strptime('2016-09-01', '%Y-%m-%d')
    else:  # default setting
        endDate = datetime.strptime('2016-09-01', '%Y-%m-%d')

    #endDate   = datetime.strptime('2016-08-02', '%Y-%m-%d')    # YYYY-MM-DD format
    f = f.ix[(f['sts'] >= startDate) & (f['sts'] <= endDate)]
    print 'frames filtered by date\t: ', len(f)
    print 'Day(s) of data\t: ', len(
    f = f.sort_values(['vid', 'sts'])
    f = f.reset_index(drop=True)

    #f.to_csv(outFileName.split('.')[0] + "__r2_IntDropped.csv")
    C = None, None
    dirList = []
    dir = None
    for i, r in f.iterrows():
        D = Point(, r.lon)
        if (C != (None, None)):
            dir = mod_geo.get_bearing(mod_geo.Location(C.x, C.y),
                                      mod_geo.Location(D.x, D.y))
        C = D
    f['dir'] = dirList
    #f.to_csv(outFileName.split('.')[0] + "__r2_IntBefore.csv")

    ### fast but risky options
    ### angular rounding check required
    f = f.ix[(f['dir'] < cx.dir.max()) & (f['dir'] > cx.dir.min())]
    print 'frames filtered by direction\t: ', len(f)
    if len(f) == 0:
        print "Nothing to process.. Exiting..."
    f = f.reset_index(drop=True)
    ### reduces the number of rows to process
    ### ends here

    #f.to_csv(outFileName.split('.')[0] + "__r2_Int.csv")

    print 'finding segment intersection points'
    for i, r in cx.iterrows():
        if i > cxSeg2skip:
            A = Point(r.llat, r.llon)
            B = Point(r.rlat, r.rlon)
            midPt = Point((A.x + B.x) / 2, (A.y + B.y) / 2)
            C = None, None
            sys.stdout.write("\rcxSeg # %s%s%s ==> %d%%" %
                             (i + 1, '/', len(cx), (100 * (i + 1) / len(cx))))
            for vi, v in f.iterrows():
                D = Point(, v.lon)
                if (C != (None, None)):
                    #traceDir = mod_geo.get_bearing(mod_geo.Location(C.x, C.y), mod_geo.Location(D.x, D.y))
                    traceDir = v.dir
                    timediff = v.sts - prev.sts
                    if (timediff.days == 0 and timediff.seconds < timeThreshold
                            and v.vid == prev.vid):
                        sameTrace = True
                        sameTrace = False
                    if (traceDir != None and sameTrace):
                        deltaDir = abs(angleDiff(traceDir, r.dir))
                        if (deltaDir < thDir):
                            poi = intersectionPoint(A, B, C, D)
                            if (poi != (None, None)):
                                cxInter = cxInter.append(
                                        'sid': r.sid,
                                        'vid': v.vid,
                                        'lat': poi[0],
                                        'lon': poi[1],
                                        'lanes': 2,
                                        (prev.accuracy + v.accuracy) / 2,
                                        'nos': (prev.nos + v.nos) / 2
                                C = None, None
                C = D
                prev = v

    # custom outfilenames
    #outFileName = outFileName.split('.')[0] + '_' + str(startDate.month) + str( + "-" + str(endDate.month) + str( + ".csv"

    print "\nIntersection segments saved in " + outFileName
    endTime = time.time()
    print "Completed in : " + str(endTime - startTime) + " seconds"
    return outFileName
Esempio n. 10
def segments(pathToCSV, outFileName):
    takes simulation converted csv
    finds and writes crossSections into csv
    print "generating segments"
    maxDist = 50  # meters
    f = pd.read_csv(pathToCSV)
    f['sts'] = pd.to_datetime(f.sts)
    f = f.sort_values(['vid', 'sts'])
    f = f.reset_index(drop=True)  # to reindex the sorted values]
    f = f[f['lat'] > fence[0]]
    f = f[f['lat'] < fence[2]]
    f = f[f['lon'] > fence[1]]
    f = f[f['lon'] < fence[3]]
    # fence attached
    f = f.reset_index(drop=True)

    flen = len(f)
    traces = []
    traceVal = 0
    prevRow = None
    print "\nassigning trip ids\n"

    for i, r in f.iterrows():
        sys.stdout.write("\r%d of %d %d%%" % (i, flen, ((i + 1) * 100 / flen)))
        if prevRow is not None:
            if (prevRow.vid == r.vid and not np.isnan(r.vid)):
                diff = r.sts - prevRow.sts
                if (diff.days != 0 or diff.seconds > timeThreshold):
                    traceVal = traceVal + 1
            elif (np.isnan(r.vid)):
                traceVal = traceVal + 1
            if (not np.isnan(r.vid)):
        prevRow = r
    print '\n'
    f['tripID'] = traces
    #f = f.dropna()
    f.to_csv("int.csv", index=False)
    tr = (f.tripID.unique()).tolist()
    except ValueError:
        "All valid traces"

    # use 0 for RU to DA
    # use 5 for DA to RU
    initVidTrace = f[f['tripID'] == 0]  #random.choice(tr)]
    oldPt = None
    cx = pd.DataFrame()

    for i, r in initVidTrace.iterrows():
        if oldPt is not None:
            direction = mod_geo.get_bearing(
                mod_geo.Location(, oldPt.lon),
                mod_geo.Location(, r.lon))
            if (direction != None):
                if (( > fence[0]) and ( < fence[2])
                        and (r.lon > fence[1]) and (r.lon < fence[3])):
                    dist = mod_geo.distance(, oldPt.lon, None,,
                                            r.lon, None)
                    if dist > maxDist:
                        for t in range(0, int(dist / maxDist) + 1):
                            midPt = mod_geo.point_from_distance_bearing(
                                mod_geo.Location(, oldPt.lon),
                                maxDist * t, direction)
                            lp, rp = mod_geo.point_from_distance_bearing(
                                midPt, cxWidthBaseLine[0], direction +
                                90), mod_geo.point_from_distance_bearing(
                                    midPt, cxWidthBaseLine[1], direction - 90)
                            cx = cx.append(
                                    'llat': lp.latitude,
                                    'llon': lp.longitude,
                                    'rlat': rp.latitude,
                                    'rlon': rp.longitude,
                                    'dir': direction,
                                    'sid': len(cx)
                        midPt = [
                            ( + / 2, (oldPt.lon + r.lon) / 2
                        ]  #simple cartesian midpoint
                        lp, rp = mod_geo.point_from_distance_bearing(
                            mod_geo.Location(midPt[0], midPt[1]),
                            cxWidthBaseLine[0], direction +
                            90), mod_geo.point_from_distance_bearing(
                                mod_geo.Location(midPt[0], midPt[1]),
                                cxWidthBaseLine[1], direction - 90)
                        cx = cx.append(
                                'llat': lp.latitude,
                                'llon': lp.longitude,
                                'rlat': rp.latitude,
                                'rlon': rp.longitude,
                                'dir': direction,
                                'sid': len(cx)
        oldPt = r
    print "written : " + outFileName
    return outFileName
Esempio n. 11
def samplingCX():
    uses crossSection.gpx to find intersection with traces
    writes to WP.gpx
    and gpxwpt.csv
    # prepare crossSection file
    gpx_file = open('crossSection.gpx', "r")
    gpx = gpxpy.parse(gpx_file)
    # prepare cxList for cross sections
    cxSegTuple = []
    for track in gpx.tracks:
        for seg in track.segments:
            cxList = []
            for pt in seg.points:
                cxList.append(gpxPtDS(pt.latitude, pt.longitude))
            cxSegTuple.append(cxList)  # set of two gpxPtDS

    # prepare datastructure
    txTraces = []
    gpx_file = open('..\..\samples\A67.gpx', "r")
    gpx = gpxpy.parse(gpx_file)
    for track in gpx.tracks:
        for seg in track.segments:
            txPt = []
            prev = None
            for pt in seg.points:
                if (prev == None):
                    txPt.append(gpxPtDS(pt.latitude, pt.longitude))
                        gpxPtDS(pt.latitude, pt.longitude,
                                mod_geo.get_bearing(prev, pt)))
                prev = pt
            tmp = gpxTraceDS(txPt)

    # find points and write
    gpxOpTmp = gpxpy.gpx.GPX()

    # prepare the gpx wpt
    # and a csv for the same
    wptcsv = open('gpxwpt.csv', 'w')
    print >> wptcsv, "segID,lat,lon"
    for i, cxp in enumerate(cxSegTuple):
        # below are 2 points of cx line segment
        A = Point(cxp[0].lat, cxp[0].lon)
        B = Point(cxp[1].lat, cxp[1].lon)
        for gpxTrace in txTraces:
            C = None
            for gpxSegment in gpxTrace.trace:
                D = Point(, gpxSegment.lon)
                if (C != None):
                    x, y = intersectionPoint(A, B, C, D)
                    if ((x != None) and (y != None)):
                        print >> wptcsv, str(i) + ',' + str(x) + ',' + str(y)
                        gpxwp = gpxpy.gpx.GPXWaypoint(x,
                                                      description="cxSeg_" +
                C = D

    outfile = open('WP.gpx', 'w')