class Spider(object): """ Asynchronous scraping framework. """ spider_name = None # You can define here some urls and initial tasks # with name "initial" will be created from these # urls # If the logic of generating initial tasks is complex # then consider to use `task_generator` method instead of # `initial_urls` attribute initial_urls = [] class Meta: # pylint: disable=no-init # # Meta.abstract means that this class will not be # collected to spider registry by `grab crawl` CLI command. # The Meta is inherited by descendant classes BUT # Meta.abstract is reset to False in each descendant abstract = True # ************* # Class Methods # ************* @classmethod def update_spider_config(cls, config): pass @classmethod def get_spider_name(cls): if cls.spider_name: return cls.spider_name else: return camel_case_to_underscore(cls.__name__) # ************** # Public Methods # ************** def __init__( self, thread_number=None, network_try_limit=None, task_try_limit=None, request_pause=NULL, priority_mode='random', meta=None, config=None, args=None, parser_requests_per_process=10000, parser_pool_size=1, http_api_port=None, network_service='threaded', grab_transport='pycurl', # Deprecated transport=None, only_cache=False, ): """ Arguments: * thread-number - Number of concurrent network streams * network_try_limit - How many times try to send request again if network error was occurred, use 0 to disable * task_try_limit - Limit of tries to execute some task this is not the same as network_try_limit network try limit limits the number of tries which are performed automatically in case of network timeout of some other physical error but task_try_limit limits the number of attempts which are scheduled manually in the spider business logic * priority_mode - could be "random" or "const" * meta - arbitrary user data * retry_rebuild_user_agent - generate new random user-agent for each network request which is performed again due to network error * args - command line arguments parsed with `setup_arg_parser` method """ self.fatal_error_queue = Queue() self.task_queue_parameters = None self.http_api_port = http_api_port self._started = None assert grab_transport in ('pycurl', 'urllib3') self.grab_transport_name = grab_transport self.parser_requests_per_process = parser_requests_per_process self.stat = Stat() self.task_queue = None if args is None: self.args = {} else: self.args = args if config is not None: self.config = config else: self.config = {} if meta: self.meta = meta else: self.meta = {} self.thread_number = ( thread_number or int(self.config.get('thread_number', DEFAULT_NETWORK_STREAM_NUMBER))) self.task_try_limit = ( task_try_limit or int(self.config.get('task_try_limit', DEFAULT_TASK_TRY_LIMIT))) self.network_try_limit = ( network_try_limit or int(self.config.get('network_try_limit', DEFAULT_NETWORK_TRY_LIMIT))) self._grab_config = {} if priority_mode not in ['random', 'const']: raise SpiderMisuseError('Value of priority_mode option should be ' '"random" or "const"') else: self.priority_mode = priority_mode if only_cache: raise_feature_is_deprecated('Cache feature') self.work_allowed = True if request_pause is not NULL: warn('Option `request_pause` is deprecated and is not ' 'supported anymore') self.proxylist_enabled = None self.proxylist = None self.proxy = None self.proxy_auto_change = False self.interrupted = False self.parser_pool_size = parser_pool_size self.parser_service = ParserService( spider=self, pool_size=self.parser_pool_size, ) if transport is not None: warn('The "transport" argument of Spider constructor is' ' deprecated. Use "network_service" argument.') network_service = transport assert network_service in ('threaded',) if network_service == 'threaded': # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module, import-error from grab.spider.network_service.threaded import ( NetworkServiceThreaded ) self.network_service = NetworkServiceThreaded( self, self.thread_number ) self.task_dispatcher = TaskDispatcherService(self) if self.http_api_port: self.http_api_service = HttpApiService(self) else: self.http_api_service = None self.task_generator_service = TaskGeneratorService( self.task_generator(), self, ) def setup_cache(self, *args, **kwargs): raise_feature_is_deprecated('Cache feature') def setup_queue(self, backend='memory', **kwargs): """ Setup queue. :param backend: Backend name Should be one of the following: 'memory', 'redis' or 'mongo'. :param kwargs: Additional credentials for backend. """ if backend == 'mongo': warn('Backend name "mongo" is deprecated. Use "mongodb" instead.') backend = 'mongodb' logger.debug('Using %s backend for task queue', backend) mod = __import__('grab.spider.queue_backend.%s' % backend, globals(), locals(), ['foo']) self.task_queue = mod.QueueBackend(spider_name=self.get_spider_name(), **kwargs) def add_task(self, task, queue=None, raise_error=False): """ Add task to the task queue. """ if queue is None: queue = self.task_queue if queue is None: raise SpiderMisuseError('You should configure task queue before ' 'adding tasks. Use `setup_queue` method.') if task.priority is None or not task.priority_set_explicitly: task.priority = self.generate_task_priority() task.priority_set_explicitly = False else: task.priority_set_explicitly = True if not task.url.startswith(('http://', 'https://', 'ftp://', 'file://', 'feed://')): self.stat.collect('task-with-invalid-url', task.url) msg = 'Invalid task URL: %s' % task.url if raise_error: raise SpiderError(msg) else: logger.error( '%s\nTraceback:\n%s', msg, ''.join(format_stack()), ) return False else: # TODO: keep original task priority if it was set explicitly # WTF the previous comment means? queue.put( task, priority=task.priority, schedule_time=task.schedule_time ) return True def stop(self): """ This method set internal flag which signal spider to stop processing new task and shuts down. """ self.work_allowed = False def load_proxylist(self, source, source_type=None, proxy_type='http', auto_init=True, auto_change=True): """ Load proxy list. :param source: Proxy source. Accepts string (file path, url) or ``BaseProxySource`` instance. :param source_type: The type of the specified source. Should be one of the following: 'text_file' or 'url'. :param proxy_type: Should be one of the following: 'socks4', 'socks5' or'http'. :param auto_change: If set to `True` then automatical random proxy rotation will be used. Proxy source format should be one of the following (for each line): - ip:port - ip:port:login:password """ self.proxylist = ProxyList() if isinstance(source, BaseProxySource): self.proxylist.set_source(source) elif isinstance(source, six.string_types): if source_type == 'text_file': self.proxylist.load_file(source, proxy_type=proxy_type) elif source_type == 'url': self.proxylist.load_url(source, proxy_type=proxy_type) else: raise SpiderMisuseError('Method `load_proxylist` received ' 'invalid `source_type` argument: %s' % source_type) else: raise SpiderMisuseError('Method `load_proxylist` received ' 'invalid `source` argument: %s' % source) self.proxylist_enabled = True self.proxy = None if not auto_change and auto_init: self.proxy = self.proxylist.get_random_proxy() self.proxy_auto_change = auto_change def process_next_page(self, grab, task, xpath, resolve_base=False, **kwargs): """ Generate task for next page. :param grab: Grab instance :param task: Task object which should be assigned to next page url :param xpath: xpath expression which calculates list of URLS :param **kwargs: extra settings for new task object Example:: self.follow_links(grab, 'topic', '//div[@class="topic"]/a/@href') """ try: # next_url = grab.xpath_text(xpath) next_url = except IndexError: return False else: url = grab.make_url_absolute(next_url, resolve_base=resolve_base) page = task.get('page', 1) + 1 grab2 = grab.clone() grab2.setup(url=url) task2 = task.clone(task_try_count=1, grab=grab2, page=page, **kwargs) self.add_task(task2) return True def render_stats(self, timing=None): if timing is not None: warn('Option timing of method render_stats is deprecated.' ' There is no more timing feature.') out = ['------------ Stats: ------------'] out.append('Counters:') # Process counters items = sorted(self.stat.counters.items(), key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True) for item in items: out.append(' %s: %s' % item) out.append('') out.append('Lists:') # Process collections sorted by size desc col_sizes = [(x, len(y)) for x, y in self.stat.collections.items()] col_sizes = sorted(col_sizes, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) for col_size in col_sizes: out.append(' %s: %d' % col_size) out.append('') # Process extra metrics if 'download-size' in self.stat.counters: out.append('Network download: %s' % metric.format_traffic_value( self.stat.counters['download-size'])) out.append('Queue size: %d' % self.task_queue.size() if self.task_queue else 'NA') out.append('Network streams: %d' % self.thread_number) if self._started: elapsed = time.time() - self._started else: elapsed = 0 hours, seconds = divmod(elapsed, 3600) minutes, seconds = divmod(seconds, 60) out.append('Time elapsed: %d:%d:%d (H:M:S)' % ( hours, minutes, seconds)) out.append('End time: %s' % datetime.utcnow().strftime('%d %b %Y, %H:%M:%S UTC')) return '\n'.join(out) + '\n' # ******************************** # Methods for spider customization # ******************************** def prepare(self): """ You can do additional spider customization here before it has started working. Simply redefine this method in your Spider class. """ def shutdown(self): """ You can override this method to do some final actions after parsing has been done. """ pass def update_grab_instance(self, grab): """ Use this method to automatically update config of any `Grab` instance created by the spider. """ pass def create_grab_instance(self, **kwargs): # Back-ward compatibility for deprecated `grab_config` attribute # Here I use `_grab_config` to not trigger warning messages kwargs['transport'] = self.grab_transport_name if self._grab_config and kwargs: merged_config = deepcopy(self._grab_config) merged_config.update(kwargs) grab = Grab(**merged_config) elif self._grab_config and not kwargs: grab = Grab(**self._grab_config) else: grab = Grab(**kwargs) return grab def task_generator(self): """ You can override this method to load new tasks smoothly. It will be used each time as number of tasks in task queue is less then number of threads multiplied on 2 This allows you to not overload all free memory if total number of tasks is big. """ if False: # pylint: disable=using-constant-test # Some magic to make this function empty generator yield ':-)' return # *************** # Private Methods # *************** def check_task_limits(self, task): """ Check that task's network & try counters do not exceed limits. Returns: * if success: (True, None) * if error: (False, reason) """ if task.task_try_count > self.task_try_limit: return False, 'task-try-count' if task.network_try_count > self.network_try_limit: return False, 'network-try-count' return True, None def generate_task_priority(self): if self.priority_mode == 'const': return DEFAULT_TASK_PRIORITY else: return randint(*RANDOM_TASK_PRIORITY_RANGE) def process_initial_urls(self): if self.initial_urls: for url in self.initial_urls: self.add_task(Task('initial', url=url)) def get_task_from_queue(self): try: return self.task_queue.get() except Empty: size = self.task_queue.size() if size: return True else: return None def setup_grab_for_task(self, task): grab = self.create_grab_instance() if task.grab_config: grab.load_config(task.grab_config) else: grab.setup(url=task.url) # Generate new common headers grab.config['common_headers'] = grab.common_headers() self.update_grab_instance(grab) grab.setup_transport(self.grab_transport_name) return grab def is_valid_network_response_code(self, code, task): """ Answer the question: if the response could be handled via usual task handler or the task failed and should be processed as error. """ return (code < 400 or code == 404 or code in task.valid_status) def process_parser_error(self, func_name, task, exc_info): _, ex, _ = exc_info'spider:error-%s' % ex.__class__.__name__.lower()) logger.error( 'Task handler [%s] error\n%s', func_name, ''.join(format_exception(*exc_info)), ) # Looks strange but I really have some problems with # serializing exception into string try: ex_str = six.text_type(ex) except TypeError: try: ex_str = ex.decode('utf-8', 'ignore') except TypeError: ex_str = str(ex) task_url = task.url if task else None self.stat.collect('fatal', '%s|%s|%s|%s' % ( func_name, ex.__class__.__name__, ex_str, task_url )) def find_task_handler(self, task): callback = task.get('callback') if callback: return callback else: try: handler = getattr(self, 'task_%s' % except AttributeError: raise NoTaskHandler('No handler or callback defined for ' 'task %s' % else: return handler def log_network_result_stats(self, res, task): # Increase stat counters'spider:request-processed')'spider:task')'spider:task-%s' % if (task.network_try_count == 1 and task.task_try_count == 1):'spider:task-%s-initial' % # Update traffic statistics if res['grab'] and res['grab'].doc: doc = res['grab'].doc'spider:download-size', doc.download_size)'spider:upload-size', doc.upload_size) def process_grab_proxy(self, task, grab): """Assign new proxy from proxylist to the task""" if task.use_proxylist: if self.proxylist_enabled: if self.proxy_auto_change: self.change_active_proxy(task, grab) if self.proxy: grab.setup(proxy=self.proxy.get_address(), proxy_userpwd=self.proxy.get_userpwd(), proxy_type=self.proxy.proxy_type) # pylint: disable=unused-argument def change_active_proxy(self, task, grab): self.proxy = self.proxylist.get_random_proxy() # pylint: enable=unused-argument def submit_task_to_transport(self, task, grab): grab_config_backup = grab.dump_config() self.process_grab_proxy(task, grab)'spider:request-network')'spider:task-%s-network' % try: # pylint: disable=no-member self.network_service.start_task_processing( task, grab, grab_config_backup) # pylint: enable=no-member except GrabInvalidUrl: # TODO: log error # TODO: show traceback logger.debug('Task %s has invalid URL: %s',, task.url) self.stat.collect('invalid-url', task.url) def run(self): self._started = time.time() services = [] try: self.prepare() if self.task_queue is None: self.setup_queue() self.process_initial_urls() services = [ self.task_dispatcher, self.task_generator_service, self.parser_service, self.network_service, ] if self.http_api_service: self.http_api_service.start() for srv in services: srv.start() while self.work_allowed: try: exc_info = self.fatal_error_queue.get(True, 0.5) except Empty: pass else: # The trackeback of fatal error MUST BE # rendered by the sender raise exc_info[1] if self.is_idle(): for srv in services: srv.pause() if self.is_idle(): break for srv in services: srv.resume() except KeyboardInterrupt: self.interrupted = True raise finally: # TODO: if self.task_queue: self.task_queue.close() #print('Start stopping services') for srv in services: # Resume service if it has been paused # to allow service to process stop signal srv.resume() srv.stop() #print('Called .stop() for all services') start = time.time() while any(x.is_alive() for x in services): time.sleep(0.1) if time.time() - start > 10: break for srv in services: if srv.is_alive(): print('The %s has not stopped :(' % srv) self.stat.print_progress_line() self.shutdown() if self.task_queue: self.task_queue.clear() logger.debug('Work done') def is_idle(self): return ( not self.task_generator_service.is_alive() and not self.task_queue.size() and not self.task_dispatcher.input_queue.qsize() and not self.parser_service.input_queue.qsize() and not self.parser_service.is_busy() and not self.network_service.get_active_threads_number() and not self.network_service.is_busy() ) def log_failed_network_result(self, res): if res['ok']: msg = 'http-%s' % res['grab'].doc.code else: msg = res['error_abbr']'error:%s' % msg) def log_rejected_task(self, task, reason): if reason == 'task-try-count': self.stat.collect('task-count-rejected', task.url) elif reason == 'network-try-count': self.stat.collect('network-count-rejected', task.url) else: raise SpiderError('Unknown response from ' 'check_task_limits: %s' % reason) # ################ # Deprecated Things # ################# @property def cache_reader_service(self): raise_feature_is_deprecated('Cache feature') @cache_reader_service.setter def cache_reader_service(self, val): raise_feature_is_deprecated('Cache feature') @property def cache_writer_service(self): raise_feature_is_deprecated('Cache feature') @cache_writer_service.setter def cache_writer_service(self, val): raise_feature_is_deprecated('Cache feature')
class Spider(object): """ Asynchronous scraping framework. """ # You can define here some urls and initial tasks # with name "initial" will be created from these # urls # If the logic of generating initial tasks is complex # then consider to use `task_generator` method instead of # `initial_urls` attribute initial_urls = None class Meta: # Meta.abstract means that this class will not be # collected to spider registry by `grab crawl` CLI command. # The Meta is inherited by descendant classes BUT # Meta.abstract is reset to False in each descendant abstract = True # ************* # Class Methods # ************* @classmethod def update_spider_config(cls, config): pass @classmethod def get_spider_name(cls): if hasattr(cls, 'spider_name'): return cls.spider_name else: return camel_case_to_underscore(cls.__name__) # ************** # Public Methods # ************** def __init__(self, thread_number=None, network_try_limit=None, task_try_limit=None, request_pause=NULL, priority_mode='random', meta=None, only_cache=False, config=None, slave=None, args=None, # New options start here taskq=None, # MP: network_result_queue=None, parser_result_queue=None, is_parser_idle=None, shutdown_event=None, mp_mode=False, parser_pool_size=None, parser_mode=False, parser_requests_per_process=10000, # http api http_api_port=None, transport='multicurl', grab_transport='pycurl', ): """ Arguments: * thread-number - Number of concurrent network streams * network_try_limit - How many times try to send request again if network error was occurred, use 0 to disable * network_try_limit - Limit of tries to execute some task this is not the same as network_try_limit network try limit limits the number of tries which are performed automatically in case of network timeout of some other physical error but task_try_limit limits the number of attempts which are scheduled manually in the spider business logic * priority_mode - could be "random" or "const" * meta - arbitrary user data * retry_rebuild_user_agent - generate new random user-agent for each network request which is performed again due to network error * args - command line arguments parsed with `setup_arg_parser` method New options: * taskq=None, * newtork_response_queue=None, """ if slave is not None: raise SpiderConfigurtionError( 'Slave mode is not supported anymore. ' 'Use `mp_mode=True` option to run multiple HTML' ' parser processes.') # API: self.http_api_port = http_api_port assert transport in ('multicurl', 'threaded') self.transport_name = transport assert grab_transport in ('pycurl', 'urllib3') self.grab_transport_name = grab_transport # MP: self.mp_mode = mp_mode if self.mp_mode: from multiprocessing import Process, Event, Queue else: from multiprocessing.dummy import Process, Event, Queue if network_result_queue is not None: self.network_result_queue = network_result_queue else: self.network_result_queue = Queue() self.parser_result_queue = parser_result_queue self.is_parser_idle = is_parser_idle if shutdown_event is not None: self.shutdown_event = shutdown_event else: self.shutdown_event = Event() if not self.mp_mode and parser_pool_size and parser_pool_size > 1: raise SpiderConfigurationError( 'Parser pool size could be only 1 in ' 'non-multiprocess mode') self.parser_pool_size = parser_pool_size self.parser_mode = parser_mode self.parser_requests_per_process = parser_requests_per_process self.stat = Stat() self.timer = Timer() self.task_queue = taskq if args is None: self.args = {} else: self.args = args if config is not None: self.config = config else: self.config = {} if meta: self.meta = meta else: self.meta = {} self.thread_number = ( thread_number or int(self.config.get('thread_number', DEFAULT_NETWORK_STREAM_NUMBER))) self.task_try_limit = ( task_try_limit or int(self.config.get('task_try_limit', DEFAULT_TASK_TRY_LIMIT))) self.network_try_limit = ( network_try_limit or int(self.config.get('network_try_limit', DEFAULT_NETWORK_TRY_LIMIT))) self._grab_config = {} if priority_mode not in ['random', 'const']: raise SpiderMisuseError('Value of priority_mode option should be ' '"random" or "const"') else: self.priority_mode = priority_mode self.only_cache = only_cache self.cache_pipeline = None self.work_allowed = True if request_pause is not NULL: warn('Option `request_pause` is deprecated and is not ' 'supported anymore') self.proxylist_enabled = None self.proxylist = None self.proxy = None self.proxy_auto_change = False self.interrupted = False def setup_cache(self, backend='mongo', database=None, use_compression=True, **kwargs): if database is None: raise SpiderMisuseError('setup_cache method requires database ' 'option') self.cache_enabled = True mod = __import__('grab.spider.cache_backend.%s' % backend, globals(), locals(), ['foo']) cache = mod.CacheBackend(database=database, use_compression=use_compression, spider=self, **kwargs) self.cache_pipeline = CachePipeline(self, cache) def setup_queue(self, backend='memory', **kwargs): logger.debug('Using %s backend for task queue' % backend) mod = __import__('grab.spider.queue_backend.%s' % backend, globals(), locals(), ['foo']) self.task_queue = mod.QueueBackend(spider_name=self.get_spider_name(), **kwargs) def add_task(self, task, raise_error=False): """ Add task to the task queue. """ # MP: # *** if self.parser_mode: self.parser_result_queue.put((task, None)) return if self.task_queue is None: raise SpiderMisuseError('You should configure task queue before ' 'adding tasks. Use `setup_queue` method.') if task.priority is None or not task.priority_set_explicitly: task.priority = self.generate_task_priority() task.priority_set_explicitly = False else: task.priority_set_explicitly = True if not task.url.startswith(('http://', 'https://', 'ftp://', 'file://', 'feed://')): self.stat.collect('task-with-invalid-url', task.url) msg = ('It is not allowed to build Task object with ' 'relative URL: %s' % task.url) ex = SpiderError(msg) if raise_error: raise ex else: logger.error('', exc_info=ex) return False # TODO: keep original task priority if it was set explicitly # WTF the previous comment means? self.task_queue.put(task, task.priority, schedule_time=task.schedule_time) return True def stop(self): """ This method set internal flag which signal spider to stop processing new task and shuts down. """ logger_verbose.debug('Method `stop` was called') self.work_allowed = False def load_proxylist(self, source, source_type=None, proxy_type='http', auto_init=True, auto_change=True, **kwargs): self.proxylist = ProxyList() if isinstance(source, BaseProxySource): self.proxylist.set_source(source) elif isinstance(source, six.string_types): if source_type == 'text_file': self.proxylist.load_file(source, proxy_type=proxy_type) elif source_type == 'url': self.proxylist.load_url(source, proxy_type=proxy_type) else: raise SpiderMisuseError('Method `load_proxylist` received ' 'invalid `source_type` argument: %s' % source_type) else: raise SpiderMisuseError('Method `load_proxylist` received ' 'invalid `source` argument: %s' % source) self.proxylist_enabled = True self.proxy = None if not auto_change and auto_init: self.proxy = self.proxylist.get_random_proxy() self.proxy_auto_change = auto_change def process_next_page(self, grab, task, xpath, resolve_base=False, **kwargs): """ Generate task for next page. :param grab: Grab instance :param task: Task object which should be assigned to next page url :param xpath: xpath expression which calculates list of URLS :param **kwargs: extra settings for new task object Example:: self.follow_links(grab, 'topic', '//div[@class="topic"]/a/@href') """ try: # next_url = grab.xpath_text(xpath) next_url = except IndexError: return False else: url = grab.make_url_absolute(next_url, resolve_base=resolve_base) page = task.get('page', 1) + 1 grab2 = grab.clone() grab2.setup(url=url) task2 = task.clone(task_try_count=1, grab=grab2, page=page, **kwargs) self.add_task(task2) return True def render_stats(self, timing=True): out = ['------------ Stats: ------------'] out.append('Counters:') # Process counters items = sorted(self.stat.counters.items(), key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True) for item in items: out.append(' %s: %s' % item) out.append('') out.append('Lists:') # Process collections sorted by size desc col_sizes = [(x, len(y)) for x, y in self.stat.collections.items()] col_sizes = sorted(col_sizes, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) for col_size in col_sizes: out.append(' %s: %d' % col_size) out.append('') # Process extra metrics if 'download-size' in self.stat.counters: out.append('Network download: %s' % metric.format_traffic_value( self.stat.counters['download-size'])) out.append('Queue size: %d' % self.task_queue.size() if self.task_queue else 'NA') out.append('Network streams: %d' % self.thread_number) elapsed = self.timer.timers['total'] hours, seconds = divmod(elapsed, 3600) minutes, seconds = divmod(seconds, 60) out.append('Time elapsed: %d:%d:%d (H:M:S)' % ( hours, minutes, seconds)) out.append('End time: %s' % datetime.utcnow().strftime('%d %b %Y, %H:%M:%S UTC')) if timing: out.append('') out.append(self.render_timing()) return '\n'.join(out) + '\n' def render_timing(self): out = ['Timers:'] out.append(' DOM: %.3f' % GLOBAL_STATE['dom_build_time']) time_items = [(x, y) for x, y in self.timer.timers.items()] time_items = sorted(time_items, key=lambda x: x[1]) for time_item in time_items: out.append(' %s: %.03f' % time_item) return '\n'.join(out) + '\n' # ******************************** # Methods for spider customization # ******************************** def prepare(self): """ You can do additional spider customization here before it has started working. Simply redefine this method in your Spider class. """ def prepare_parser(self): """ You can do additional spider customization here before it has started working. Simply redefine this method in your Spider class. This method is called only from Spider working in parser mode that, in turn, is spawned automatically by main spider proces working in multiprocess mode. """ def shutdown(self): """ You can override this method to do some final actions after parsing has been done. """ pass def update_grab_instance(self, grab): """ Use this method to automatically update config of any `Grab` instance created by the spider. """ pass def create_grab_instance(self, **kwargs): # Back-ward compatibility for deprecated `grab_config` attribute # Here I use `_grab_config` to not trigger warning messages kwargs['transport'] = self.grab_transport_name if self._grab_config and kwargs: merged_config = deepcopy(self._grab_config) merged_config.update(kwargs) grab = Grab(**merged_config) elif self._grab_config and not kwargs: grab = Grab(**self._grab_config) else: grab = Grab(**kwargs) return grab def task_generator(self): """ You can override this method to load new tasks smoothly. It will be used each time as number of tasks in task queue is less then number of threads multiplied on 2 This allows you to not overload all free memory if total number of tasks is big. """ if False: # Some magic to make this function empty generator yield ':-)' return # *************** # Private Methods # *************** def check_task_limits(self, task): """ Check that task's network & try counters do not exceed limits. Returns: * if success: (True, None) * if error: (False, reason) """ if task.task_try_count > self.task_try_limit: return False, 'task-try-count' if task.network_try_count > self.network_try_limit: return False, 'network-try-count' return True, None def generate_task_priority(self): if self.priority_mode == 'const': return DEFAULT_TASK_PRIORITY else: return randint(*RANDOM_TASK_PRIORITY_RANGE) def task_generator_thread_wrapper(self, task_generator): """ Load new tasks from `self.task_generator_object` Create new tasks. If task queue size is less than some value then load new tasks from tasks file. """ while True: with self.timer.log_time('task_generator'): queue_size = self.task_queue.size() min_limit = self.thread_number * 10 if queue_size < min_limit: with self.timer.log_time('task_generator'): logger_verbose.debug( 'Task queue contains less tasks (%d) than ' 'allowed limit (%d). Trying to add ' 'new tasks.' % (queue_size, min_limit)) try: for x in six.moves.range(min_limit - queue_size): item = next(task_generator) logger_verbose.debug('Got new item from generator. ' 'Processing it.') self.process_handler_result(item, None) except StopIteration: # If generator have no values to yield # then disable it logger_verbose.debug('Task generator has no more tasks. ' 'Disabling it') break else: time.sleep(0.1) def start_task_generators(self): """ Process `self.initial_urls` list and `self.task_generator` method. """ logger_verbose.debug('Processing initial urls') if self.initial_urls: for url in self.initial_urls: self.add_task(Task('initial', url=url)) self._task_generator_list = [] th = Thread(target=self.task_generator_thread_wrapper, args=[self.task_generator()]) th.daemon = True th.start() self._task_generator_list.append(th) def get_task_from_queue(self): start = time.time() try: with self.timer.log_time('task_queue'): return self.task_queue.get() except queue.Empty: size = self.task_queue.size() if size: logger_verbose.debug( 'No ready-to-go tasks, Waiting for ' 'scheduled tasks (%d)' % size) return True else: logger_verbose.debug('Task queue is empty.') return None def setup_grab_for_task(self, task): grab = self.create_grab_instance() if task.grab_config: grab.load_config(task.grab_config) else: grab.setup(url=task.url) # Generate new common headers grab.config['common_headers'] = grab.common_headers() self.update_grab_instance(grab) return grab def is_valid_network_response_code(self, code, task): """ Answer the question: if the response could be handled via usual task handler or the task faield and should be processed as error. """ return (code < 400 or code == 404 or code in task.valid_status) def process_handler_error(self, func_name, ex, task):'spider:error-%s' % ex.__class__.__name__.lower()) if hasattr(ex, 'tb'): logger.error('Error in %s function' % func_name) logger.error(ex.tb) else: logger.error('Error in %s function' % func_name, exc_info=ex) # Looks strange but I really have some problems with # serializing exception into string try: ex_str = six.text_type(ex) except TypeError: try: ex_str = ex.decode('utf-8', 'ignore') except TypeError: ex_str = str(ex) task_url = task.url if task is not None else None self.stat.collect('fatal', '%s|%s|%s|%s' % ( func_name, ex.__class__.__name__, ex_str, task_url)) if isinstance(ex, FatalError): #raise FatalError() #six.reraise(FatalError, ex) #logger.error(ex.tb) raise ex def find_data_handler(self, data): try: return getattr(data, 'handler') except AttributeError: try: handler = getattr(self, 'data_%s' % data.handler_key) except AttributeError: raise NoDataHandler('No handler defined for Data %s' % data.handler_key) else: return handler def run_parser(self): """ Main work cycle of spider process working in parser-mode. """ self.is_parser_idle.clear() # Use Stat instance that does not print any logging messages if self.parser_mode: self.stat = Stat(logging_period=None) self.prepare_parser() process_request_count = 0 try: recent_task_time = time.time() while True: try: result = self.network_result_queue.get(block=False) except queue.Empty: self.is_parser_idle.set() time.sleep(0.1) self.is_parser_idle.clear() logger_verbose.debug('Network result queue is empty') # Set `waiting_shutdown_event` only after 1 seconds # of waiting for tasks to avoid # race-condition issues #if time.time() - recent_task_time > 1: # self.waiting_shutdown_event.set() if self.shutdown_event.is_set(): logger_verbose.debug('Got shutdown event') return else: process_request_count += 1 recent_task_time = time.time() if self.parser_mode: self.stat.reset() #if self.waiting_shutdown_event.is_set(): # self.waiting_shutdown_event.clear() try: handler = self.find_task_handler(result['task']) except NoTaskHandler as ex: ex.tb = format_exc() self.parser_result_queue.put((ex, result['task']))'parser:handler-not-found') else: self.process_network_result_with_handler( result, handler)'parser:handler-processed') finally: if self.parser_mode: data = { 'type': 'stat', 'counters': self.stat.counters, 'collections': self.stat.collections, } self.parser_result_queue.put((data, result['task'])) if self.parser_mode: if self.parser_requests_per_process: if (process_request_count >= self.parser_requests_per_process): break except Exception as ex: logging.error('', exc_info=ex) raise #finally: # self.waiting_shutdown_event.set() def process_network_result_with_handler(self, result, handler): handler_name = getattr(handler, '__name__', 'NONE') try: with self.timer.log_time('response_handler'): with self.timer.log_time('response_handler.%s' % handler_name): handler_result = handler(result['grab'], result['task']) if handler_result is None: pass else: for something in handler_result: self.parser_result_queue.put((something, result['task'])) except NoDataHandler as ex: ex.tb = format_exc() self.parser_result_queue.put((ex, result['task'])) except Exception as ex: ex.tb = format_exc() self.parser_result_queue.put((ex, result['task'])) def find_task_handler(self, task): callback = task.get('callback') if callback: return callback else: try: handler = getattr(self, 'task_%s' % except AttributeError: raise NoTaskHandler('No handler or callback defined for ' 'task %s' % else: return handler def log_network_result_stats(self, res, from_cache=False): # Increase stat counters'spider:request-processed')'spider:task')'spider:task-%s' % res['task'].name) if (res['task'].network_try_count == 1 and res['task'].task_try_count == 1):'spider:task-%s-initial' % res['task'].name) # Update traffic statistics if res['grab'] and res['grab'].response: resp = res['grab'].response self.timer.inc_timer('network-name-lookup', resp.name_lookup_time) self.timer.inc_timer('network-connect', resp.connect_time) self.timer.inc_timer('network-total', resp.total_time) if from_cache:'spider:download-size-with-cache', resp.download_size)'spider:upload-size-with-cache', resp.upload_size) else:'spider:download-size', resp.download_size)'spider:upload-size', resp.upload_size) def process_grab_proxy(self, task, grab): "Assign new proxy from proxylist to the task" if task.use_proxylist: if self.proxylist_enabled: # Need this to work around # pycurl feature/bug: # pycurl instance uses previously connected proxy server # even if `proxy` options is set with another proxy server grab.setup(connection_reuse=False) if self.proxy_auto_change: self.change_active_proxy(task, grab) if self.proxy: grab.setup(proxy=self.proxy.get_address(), proxy_userpwd=self.proxy.get_userpwd(), proxy_type=self.proxy.proxy_type) def change_active_proxy(self, task, grab): self.proxy = self.proxylist.get_random_proxy() def submit_task_to_transport(self, task, grab): if self.only_cache:'spider:request-network-disabled-only-cache') else: grab_config_backup = grab.dump_config() self.process_grab_proxy(task, grab)'spider:request-network')'spider:task-%s-network' % with self.timer.log_time('network_transport'): logger_verbose.debug('Submitting task to the transport ' 'layer') try: self.transport.start_task_processing( task, grab, grab_config_backup) except GrabInvalidUrl: logger.debug('Task %s has invalid URL: %s' % (, task.url)) self.stat.collect('invalid-url', task.url) def start_api_thread(self): from grab.spider.http_api import HttpApiThread proc = HttpApiThread(self) proc.start() return proc def is_ready_to_shutdown(self): # Things should be true to shutdown spider # 1) No active task handlers (task_* functions) # 2) All task generators has completed work # 3) No active network threads # 4) Task queue is empty # 5) Network result queue is empty # 6) Cache is disabled or is in idle mode #print('parser result queue', self.parser_result_queue.qsize()) #print('all parsers are idle', all(x['is_parser_idle'].is_set() # for x in self.parser_pipeline.parser_pool)) #print('alive task generators', any(x.isAlive() for x in self._task_generator_list)) #print('active network threads', self.transport.get_active_threads_number()) return ( not self.parser_result_queue.qsize() and all(x['is_parser_idle'].is_set() for x in self.parser_pipeline.parser_pool) and not any(x.isAlive() for x in self._task_generator_list) # (2) and not self.transport.get_active_threads_number() # (3) and not self.task_queue.size() # (4) and not self.network_result_queue.qsize() # (5) and (self.cache_pipeline is None or (self.cache_pipeline.is_idle() and self.cache_pipeline.input_queue.qsize() == 0 and self.cache_pipeline.result_queue.qsize() == 0)) ) def run(self): """ Main method. All work is done here. """ if self.mp_mode: from multiprocessing import Process, Event, Queue else: from multiprocessing.dummy import Process, Event, Queue self.timer.start('total') if self.transport_name == 'multicurl': self.transport = MulticurlTransport(self, self.thread_number) elif self.transport_name == 'threaded': self.transport = ThreadedTransport(self, self.thread_number) if self.http_api_port: http_api_proc = self.start_api_thread() else: http_api_proc = None self.parser_result_queue = Queue() self.parser_pipeline = ParserPipeline( bot=self, mp_mode=self.mp_mode, pool_size=self.parser_pool_size, shutdown_event=self.shutdown_event, network_result_queue=self.network_result_queue, parser_result_queue=self.parser_result_queue, requests_per_process=self.parser_requests_per_process, ) network_result_queue_limit = max(10, self.thread_number * 2) try: # Run custom things defined by this specific spider # By defaut it does nothing self.prepare() # Setup task queue if it has not been configured yet if self.task_queue is None: self.setup_queue() # Initiate task generator. Only in main process! with self.timer.log_time('task_generator'): self.start_task_generators() # Work in infinite cycle untill # `self.work_allowed` flag is True #shutdown_countdown = 0 # !!! pending_tasks = deque() while self.work_allowed: free_threads = self.transport.get_free_threads_number() # Load new task only if: # 1) network transport has free threads # 2) network result queue is not full # 3) cache is disabled OR cache has free resources if (self.transport.get_free_threads_number() and (self.network_result_queue.qsize() < network_result_queue_limit) and (self.cache_pipeline is None or self.cache_pipeline.has_free_resources())): if pending_tasks: task = pending_tasks.popleft() else: task = self.get_task_from_queue() if task is None: # If received task is None then # check if spider is ready to be shut down if not pending_tasks and self.is_ready_to_shutdown(): # I am afraid there is a bug in `is_ready_to_shutdown` # because it tries to evaluate too many things # includig things that are being set from other threads, # so to ensure we are really ready to shutdown I call # is_ready_to_shutdown a few more times. # Without this hack some times really rarely times # the Grab fails to do its job # A good way to see this bug is to disable this hack # and run: # while ./ -t test.spider_data; do echo "ok"; done; # And wait a few minutes really_ready = True for x in range(10): if not self.is_ready_to_shutdown(): really_ready = False break time.sleep(0.001) if really_ready: self.shutdown_event.set() self.stop() break # Break from `while self.work_allowed` cycle elif isinstance(task, bool) and (task is True): # If received task is True # and there is no active network threads then # take some sleep if not self.transport.get_active_threads_number(): time.sleep(0.01) else: logger_verbose.debug('Got new task from task queue: %s' % task) task.network_try_count += 1 is_valid, reason = self.check_task_limits(task) if is_valid: task_grab = self.setup_grab_for_task(task) if self.cache_pipeline: self.cache_pipeline.input_queue.put( ('load', (task, task_grab)), ) else: self.submit_task_to_transport(task, task_grab) else: self.log_rejected_task(task, reason) handler = task.get_fallback_handler(self) if handler: handler(task) with self.timer.log_time('network_transport'): logger_verbose.debug('Asking transport layer to do ' 'something') self.transport.process_handlers() logger_verbose.debug('Processing network results (if any).') # Collect completed network results # Each result could be valid or failed # Result is dict {ok, grab, grab_config_backup, task, emsg} results = [(x, False) for x in self.transport.iterate_results()] if self.cache_pipeline: while True: try: action, result = self.cache_pipeline\ .result_queue.get(False) except queue.Empty: break else: assert action in ('network_result', 'task') if action == 'network_result': results.append((result, True)) elif action == 'task': task = result task_grab = self.setup_grab_for_task(task) if (self.transport.get_free_threads_number() and (self.network_result_queue.qsize() < network_result_queue_limit)): self.submit_task_to_transport(task, task_grab) else: pending_tasks.append(task) # Take sleep to avoid millions of iterations per second. # 1) If no results from network transport # 2) If task queue is empty (or if there are only delayed tasks) # 3) If no network activity # 4) If parser result queue is empty if (not results and (task is None or bool(task) == True) and not self.transport.get_active_threads_number() and not self.parser_result_queue.qsize() and (self.cache_pipeline is None or (self.cache_pipeline.input_queue.qsize() == 0 and self.cache_pipeline.is_idle() and self.cache_pipeline.result_queue.qsize() == 0)) ): time.sleep(0.001) for result, from_cache in results: if self.cache_pipeline and not from_cache: if result['ok']: self.cache_pipeline.input_queue.put( ('save', (result['task'], result['grab'])) ) self.log_network_result_stats( result, from_cache=from_cache) is_valid = False if result['task'].get('raw'): is_valid = True elif result['ok']: res_code = result['grab'].response.code if self.is_valid_network_response_code(res_code, result['task']): is_valid = True if is_valid: self.network_result_queue.put(result) else: self.log_failed_network_result(result) # Try to do network request one more time # TODO: # Implement valid_try_limit # Use it if request failed not because of network error # But because of content integrity check if self.network_try_limit > 0: result['task'].refresh_cache = True result['task'].setup_grab_config( result['grab_config_backup']) self.add_task(result['task']) if from_cache:'spider:task-%s-cache' % result['task'].name)'spider:request') while True: try: p_res, p_task = self.parser_result_queue.get(block=False) except queue.Empty: break else:'spider:parser-result') self.process_handler_result(p_res, p_task) if not self.shutdown_event.is_set(): self.parser_pipeline.check_pool_health() logger_verbose.debug('Work done') except KeyboardInterrupt:'\nGot ^C signal in process %d. Stopping.' % os.getpid()) self.interrupted = True raise finally: # This code is executed when main cycles is breaked self.timer.stop('total') self.stat.print_progress_line() self.shutdown() # Stop HTTP API process if http_api_proc: http_api_proc.server.shutdown() http_api_proc.join() if self.task_queue: self.task_queue.clear() # Stop parser processes self.shutdown_event.set() self.parser_pipeline.shutdown() logger.debug('Main process [pid=%s]: work done' % os.getpid()) def log_failed_network_result(self, res): # Log the error if res['ok']: msg = 'http-%s' % res['grab'].response.code else: msg = res['error_abbr']'error:%s' % msg) #logger.error(u'Network error: %s' % msg)#% #make_unicode(msg, errors='ignore')) def log_rejected_task(self, task, reason): logger_verbose.debug('Task %s is rejected due to ' '%s limit' % (, reason)) if reason == 'task-try-count': self.stat.collect('task-count-rejected', task.url) elif reason == 'network-try-count': self.stat.collect('network-count-rejected', task.url) else: raise SpiderError('Unknown response from ' 'check_task_limits: %s' % reason) def process_handler_result(self, result, task): """ Process result received from the task handler. Result could be: * None * Task instance * Data instance. * dict: * {type: "stat", counters: [], collections: []} * ResponseNotValid-based exception * Arbitrary exception """ if isinstance(result, Task): self.add_task(result) elif isinstance(result, Data): handler = self.find_data_handler(result) try: data_result = handler(** if data_result is None: pass else: for something in data_result: self.process_handler_result(something, task) except Exception as ex: self.process_handler_error('data_%s' % result.handler_key, ex, task) elif result is None: pass elif isinstance(result, ResponseNotValid): self.add_task(task.clone(refresh_cache=True)) error_code = result.__class__.__name__.replace('_', '-')'integrity:%s' % error_code) elif isinstance(result, Exception): handler = self.find_task_handler(task) handler_name = getattr(handler, '__name__', 'NONE') self.process_handler_error(handler_name, result, task) elif isinstance(result, dict): if result.get('type') == 'stat': for name, count in result['counters'].items():, count) for name, items in result['collections'].items(): for item in items: self.stat.collect(name, item) else: raise SpiderError('Unknown result type: %s' % result) else: raise SpiderError('Unknown result type: %s' % result)
class Spider(DeprecatedThingsSpiderMixin): """ Asynchronous scraping framework. """ # You can define here some urls and initial tasks # with name "initial" will be created from these # urls # If the logic of generating initial tasks is complex # then consider to use `task_generator` method instead of # `initial_urls` attribute initial_urls = None class Meta: # Meta.abstract means that this class will not be # collected to spider registry by `grab crawl` CLI command. # The Meta is inherited by descendant classes BUT # Meta.abstract is reset to False in each descendant abstract = True # ************* # Class Methods # ************* @classmethod def update_spider_config(cls, config): pass @classmethod def get_spider_name(cls): if hasattr(cls, 'spider_name'): return cls.spider_name else: return camel_case_to_underscore(cls.__name__) # ************** # Public Methods # ************** def __init__(self, thread_number=None, network_try_limit=None, task_try_limit=None, request_pause=NULL, priority_mode='random', meta=None, only_cache=False, config=None, slave=None, args=None, # New options start here taskq=None, # MP: network_result_queue=None, parser_result_queue=None, is_parser_idle=None, shutdown_event=None, mp_mode=False, parser_pool_size=None, parser_mode=False, parser_requests_per_process=10000, # http api http_api_port=None, ): """ Arguments: * thread-number - Number of concurrent network streams * network_try_limit - How many times try to send request again if network error was occurred, use 0 to disable * network_try_limit - Limit of tries to execute some task this is not the same as network_try_limit network try limit limits the number of tries which are performed automatically in case of network timeout of some other physical error but task_try_limit limits the number of attempts which are scheduled manually in the spider business logic * priority_mode - could be "random" or "const" * meta - arbitrary user data * retry_rebuild_user_agent - generate new random user-agent for each network request which is performed again due to network error * args - command line arguments parsed with `setup_arg_parser` method New options: * taskq=None, * newtork_response_queue=None, """ if slave is not None: raise SpiderConfigurtionError( 'Slave mode is not supported anymore. ' 'Use `mp_mode=True` option to run multiple HTML' ' parser processes.') # API: self.http_api_port = http_api_port # MP: self.mp_mode = mp_mode if self.mp_mode: from multiprocessing import Process, Event, Queue else: from multiprocessing.dummy import Process, Event, Queue if network_result_queue is not None: self.network_result_queue = network_result_queue else: self.network_result_queue = Queue() self.parser_result_queue = parser_result_queue self.is_parser_idle = is_parser_idle if shutdown_event is not None: self.shutdown_event = shutdown_event else: self.shutdown_event = Event() if not self.mp_mode and parser_pool_size and parser_pool_size > 1: raise SpiderConfigurationError( 'Parser pool size could be only 1 in ' 'non-multiprocess mode') self.parser_pool_size = parser_pool_size self.parser_mode = parser_mode self.parser_requests_per_process = parser_requests_per_process self.stat = Stat() self.timer = Timer() self.task_queue = taskq if args is None: self.args = {} else: self.args = args if config is not None: self.config = config else: self.config = {} if meta: self.meta = meta else: self.meta = {} self.thread_number = ( thread_number or int(self.config.get('thread_number', DEFAULT_NETWORK_STREAM_NUMBER))) self.task_try_limit = ( task_try_limit or int(self.config.get('task_try_limit', DEFAULT_TASK_TRY_LIMIT))) self.network_try_limit = ( network_try_limit or int(self.config.get('network_try_limit', DEFAULT_NETWORK_TRY_LIMIT))) self._grab_config = {} if priority_mode not in ['random', 'const']: raise SpiderMisuseError('Value of priority_mode option should be ' '"random" or "const"') else: self.priority_mode = priority_mode self.only_cache = only_cache self.cache_pipeline = None self.work_allowed = True if request_pause is not NULL: warn('Option `request_pause` is deprecated and is not ' 'supported anymore') self.proxylist_enabled = None self.proxylist = None self.proxy = None self.proxy_auto_change = False self.interrupted = False def setup_cache(self, backend='mongo', database=None, use_compression=True, **kwargs): if database is None: raise SpiderMisuseError('setup_cache method requires database ' 'option') self.cache_enabled = True mod = __import__('grab.spider.cache_backend.%s' % backend, globals(), locals(), ['foo']) cache = mod.CacheBackend(database=database, use_compression=use_compression, spider=self, **kwargs) self.cache_pipeline = CachePipeline(self, cache) def setup_queue(self, backend='memory', **kwargs): logger.debug('Using %s backend for task queue' % backend) mod = __import__('grab.spider.queue_backend.%s' % backend, globals(), locals(), ['foo']) self.task_queue = mod.QueueBackend(spider_name=self.get_spider_name(), **kwargs) def add_task(self, task, raise_error=False): """ Add task to the task queue. """ # MP: # *** if self.parser_mode: self.parser_result_queue.put((task, None)) return if self.task_queue is None: raise SpiderMisuseError('You should configure task queue before ' 'adding tasks. Use `setup_queue` method.') if task.priority is None or not task.priority_is_custom: task.priority = self.generate_task_priority() task.priority_is_custom = False else: task.priority_is_custom = True try: if not task.url.startswith(('http://', 'https://', 'ftp://', 'file://', 'feed://')): if self.base_url is None: msg = 'Could not resolve relative URL because base_url ' \ 'is not specified. Task: %s, URL: %s'\ % (, task.url) raise SpiderError(msg) else: warn('Class attribute `Spider::base_url` is deprecated. ' 'Use Task objects with absolute URLs') task.url = urljoin(self.base_url, task.url) # If task has grab_config object then update it too if task.grab_config: task.grab_config['url'] = task.url except Exception as ex: self.stat.collect('task-with-invalid-url', task.url) if raise_error: raise else: logger.error('', exc_info=ex) return False # TODO: keep original task priority if it was set explicitly self.task_queue.put(task, task.priority, schedule_time=task.schedule_time) return True def stop(self): """ This method set internal flag which signal spider to stop processing new task and shuts down. """ logger_verbose.debug('Method `stop` was called') self.work_allowed = False def load_proxylist(self, source, source_type=None, proxy_type='http', auto_init=True, auto_change=True, **kwargs): self.proxylist = ProxyList() if isinstance(source, BaseProxySource): self.proxylist.set_source(source) elif isinstance(source, six.string_types): if source_type == 'text_file': self.proxylist.load_file(source, proxy_type=proxy_type) elif source_type == 'url': self.proxylist.load_url(source, proxy_type=proxy_type) else: raise SpiderMisuseError('Method `load_proxylist` received ' 'invalid `source_type` argument: %s' % source_type) else: raise SpiderMisuseError('Method `load_proxylist` received ' 'invalid `source` argument: %s' % source) self.proxylist_enabled = True self.proxy = None if not auto_change and auto_init: self.proxy = self.proxylist.get_random_proxy() self.proxy_auto_change = auto_change def process_next_page(self, grab, task, xpath, resolve_base=False, **kwargs): """ Generate task for next page. :param grab: Grab instance :param task: Task object which should be assigned to next page url :param xpath: xpath expression which calculates list of URLS :param **kwargs: extra settings for new task object Example:: self.follow_links(grab, 'topic', '//div[@class="topic"]/a/@href') """ try: # next_url = grab.xpath_text(xpath) next_url = except IndexError: return False else: url = grab.make_url_absolute(next_url, resolve_base=resolve_base) page = task.get('page', 1) + 1 grab2 = grab.clone() grab2.setup(url=url) task2 = task.clone(task_try_count=1, grab=grab2, page=page, **kwargs) self.add_task(task2) return True def render_stats(self, timing=True): out = ['------------ Stats: ------------'] out.append('Counters:') # Process counters items = sorted(self.stat.counters.items(), key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True) for item in items: out.append(' %s: %s' % item) out.append('') out.append('Lists:') # Process collections sorted by size desc col_sizes = [(x, len(y)) for x, y in self.stat.collections.items()] col_sizes = sorted(col_sizes, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) for col_size in col_sizes: out.append(' %s: %d' % col_size) out.append('') # Process extra metrics if 'download-size' in self.stat.counters: out.append('Network download: %s' % metric.format_traffic_value( self.stat.counters['download-size'])) out.append('Queue size: %d' % self.task_queue.size() if self.task_queue else 'NA') out.append('Network streams: %d' % self.thread_number) elapsed = self.timer.timers['total'] hours, seconds = divmod(elapsed, 3600) minutes, seconds = divmod(seconds, 60) out.append('Time elapsed: %d:%d:%d (H:M:S)' % ( hours, minutes, seconds)) out.append('End time: %s' % datetime.utcnow().strftime('%d %b %Y, %H:%M:%S UTC')) if timing: out.append('') out.append(self.render_timing()) return '\n'.join(out) + '\n' def render_timing(self): out = ['Timers:'] out.append(' DOM: %.3f' % GLOBAL_STATE['dom_build_time']) time_items = [(x, y) for x, y in self.timer.timers.items()] time_items = sorted(time_items, key=lambda x: x[1]) for time_item in time_items: out.append(' %s: %.03f' % time_item) return '\n'.join(out) + '\n' # ******************************** # Methods for spider customization # ******************************** def prepare(self): """ You can do additional spider customization here before it has started working. Simply redefine this method in your Spider class. """ def prepare_parser(self): """ You can do additional spider customization here before it has started working. Simply redefine this method in your Spider class. This method is called only from Spider working in parser mode that, in turn, is spawned automatically by main spider proces working in multiprocess mode. """ def shutdown(self): """ You can override this method to do some final actions after parsing has been done. """ pass def update_grab_instance(self, grab): """ Use this method to automatically update config of any `Grab` instance created by the spider. """ pass def create_grab_instance(self, **kwargs): # Back-ward compatibility for deprecated `grab_config` attribute # Here I use `_grab_config` to not trigger warning messages if self._grab_config and kwargs: merged_config = deepcopy(self._grab_config) merged_config.update(kwargs) grab = Grab(**merged_config) elif self._grab_config and not kwargs: grab = Grab(**self._grab_config) else: grab = Grab(**kwargs) return grab def task_generator(self): """ You can override this method to load new tasks smoothly. It will be used each time as number of tasks in task queue is less then number of threads multiplied on 2 This allows you to not overload all free memory if total number of tasks is big. """ if False: # Some magic to make this function empty generator yield ':-)' return # *************** # Private Methods # *************** def check_task_limits(self, task): """ Check that task's network & try counters do not exceed limits. Returns: * if success: (True, None) * if error: (False, reason) """ if task.task_try_count > self.task_try_limit: return False, 'task-try-count' if task.network_try_count > self.network_try_limit: return False, 'network-try-count' return True, None def generate_task_priority(self): if self.priority_mode == 'const': return DEFAULT_TASK_PRIORITY else: return randint(*RANDOM_TASK_PRIORITY_RANGE) def task_generator_thread_wrapper(self, task_generator): """ Load new tasks from `self.task_generator_object` Create new tasks. If task queue size is less than some value then load new tasks from tasks file. """ while True: with self.timer.log_time('task_generator'): queue_size = self.task_queue.size() min_limit = self.thread_number * 10 if queue_size < min_limit: with self.timer.log_time('task_generator'): logger_verbose.debug( 'Task queue contains less tasks (%d) than ' 'allowed limit (%d). Trying to add ' 'new tasks.' % (queue_size, min_limit)) try: for x in six.moves.range(min_limit - queue_size): item = next(task_generator) logger_verbose.debug('Got new item from generator. ' 'Processing it.') self.process_handler_result(item) except StopIteration: # If generator have no values to yield # then disable it logger_verbose.debug('Task generator has no more tasks. ' 'Disabling it') break else: time.sleep(0.1) def start_task_generators(self): """ Process `self.initial_urls` list and `self.task_generator` method. """ logger_verbose.debug('Processing initial urls') if self.initial_urls: for url in self.initial_urls: self.add_task(Task('initial', url=url)) self._task_generator_list = [] th = Thread(target=self.task_generator_thread_wrapper, args=[self.task_generator()]) th.daemon = True th.start() self._task_generator_list.append(th) def get_task_from_queue(self): start = time.time() try: with self.timer.log_time('task_queue'): return self.task_queue.get() except queue.Empty: size = self.task_queue.size() if size: logger_verbose.debug( 'No ready-to-go tasks, Waiting for ' 'scheduled tasks (%d)' % size) return True else: logger_verbose.debug('Task queue is empty.') return None def setup_grab_for_task(self, task): grab = self.create_grab_instance() if task.grab_config: grab.load_config(task.grab_config) else: grab.setup(url=task.url) # Generate new common headers grab.config['common_headers'] = grab.common_headers() self.update_grab_instance(grab) return grab def is_valid_network_response_code(self, code, task): """ Answer the question: if the response could be handled via usual task handler or the task faield and should be processed as error. """ return (code < 400 or code == 404 or code in task.valid_status) def process_handler_error(self, func_name, ex, task):'spider:error-%s' % ex.__class__.__name__.lower()) if hasattr(ex, 'tb'): logger.error('Error in %s function' % func_name) logger.error(ex.tb) else: logger.error('Error in %s function' % func_name, exc_info=ex) # Looks strange but I really have some problems with # serializing exception into string try: ex_str = six.text_type(ex) except TypeError: try: ex_str = ex.decode('utf-8', 'ignore') except TypeError: ex_str = str(ex) task_url = task.url if task is not None else None self.stat.collect('fatal', '%s|%s|%s|%s' % ( func_name, ex.__class__.__name__, ex_str, task_url)) if isinstance(ex, FatalError): #raise FatalError() #six.reraise(FatalError, ex) #logger.error(ex.tb) raise ex def find_data_handler(self, data): try: return getattr(data, 'handler') except AttributeError: try: handler = getattr(self, 'data_%s' % data.handler_key) except AttributeError: raise NoDataHandler('No handler defined for Data %s' % data.handler_key) else: return handler def is_valid_network_result(self, res): if res['task'].get('raw'): return True if res['ok']: res_code = res['grab'].response.code if self.is_valid_network_response_code(res_code, res['task']): return True return False def run_parser(self): """ Main work cycle of spider process working in parser-mode. """ self.is_parser_idle.clear() # Use Stat instance that does not print any logging messages if self.parser_mode: self.stat = Stat(logging_period=None) self.prepare_parser() process_request_count = 0 try: recent_task_time = time.time() while True: try: result = self.network_result_queue.get(block=False) except queue.Empty: self.is_parser_idle.set() time.sleep(0.1) self.is_parser_idle.clear() logger_verbose.debug('Network result queue is empty') # Set `waiting_shutdown_event` only after 1 seconds # of waiting for tasks to avoid # race-condition issues #if time.time() - recent_task_time > 1: # self.waiting_shutdown_event.set() if self.shutdown_event.is_set(): logger_verbose.debug('Got shutdown event') return else: process_request_count += 1 recent_task_time = time.time() if self.parser_mode: self.stat.reset() #if self.waiting_shutdown_event.is_set(): # self.waiting_shutdown_event.clear() try: handler = self.find_task_handler(result['task']) except NoTaskHandler as ex: ex.tb = format_exc() self.parser_result_queue.put((ex, result['task']))'parser:handler-not-found') else: self.process_network_result_with_handler( result, handler)'parser:handler-processed') finally: if self.parser_mode: data = { 'type': 'stat', 'counters': self.stat.counters, 'collections': self.stat.collections, } self.parser_result_queue.put((data, result['task'])) if self.parser_mode: if self.parser_requests_per_process: if (process_request_count >= self.parser_requests_per_process): break except Exception as ex: logging.error('', exc_info=ex) raise #finally: # self.waiting_shutdown_event.set() def process_network_result_with_handler(self, result, handler): handler_name = getattr(handler, '__name__', 'NONE') try: with self.timer.log_time('response_handler'): with self.timer.log_time('response_handler.%s' % handler_name): handler_result = handler(result['grab'], result['task']) if handler_result is None: pass else: for something in handler_result: self.parser_result_queue.put((something, result['task'])) except NoDataHandler as ex: ex.tb = format_exc() self.parser_result_queue.put((ex, result['task'])) except Exception as ex: ex.tb = format_exc() self.parser_result_queue.put((ex, result['task'])) def find_task_handler(self, task): if task.origin_task_generator is not None: return self.handler_for_inline_task callback = task.get('callback') if callback: return callback else: try: handler = getattr(self, 'task_%s' % except AttributeError: raise NoTaskHandler('No handler or callback defined for ' 'task %s' % else: return handler def handler_for_inline_task(self, grab, task): # It can be subroutine for the first call, # So we should check it if isinstance(task, types.GeneratorType): coroutines_stack = [] sendval = None origin_task_generator = task target = origin_task_generator else: coroutines_stack = task.coroutines_stack sendval = grab origin_task_generator = task.origin_task_generator target = origin_task_generator while True: try: result = target.send(sendval) # If it is subroutine we have to initialize it and # save coroutine in the coroutines stack if isinstance(result, types.GeneratorType): coroutines_stack.append(target) sendval = None target = result origin_task_generator = target else: new_task = result new_task.origin_task_generator = origin_task_generator new_task.coroutines_stack = coroutines_stack self.add_task(new_task) return except StopIteration: # If coroutine is over we should check coroutines stack, # may be it is subroutine if coroutines_stack: target = coroutines_stack.pop() origin_task_generator = target else: return def log_network_result_stats(self, res, from_cache=False): # Increase stat counters'spider:request-processed')'spider:task')'spider:task-%s' % res['task'].name) if (res['task'].network_try_count == 1 and res['task'].task_try_count == 1):'spider:task-%s-initial' % res['task'].name) # Update traffic statistics if res['grab'] and res['grab'].response: resp = res['grab'].response self.timer.inc_timer('network-name-lookup', resp.name_lookup_time) self.timer.inc_timer('network-connect', resp.connect_time) self.timer.inc_timer('network-total', resp.total_time) if from_cache:'spider:download-size-with-cache', resp.download_size)'spider:upload-size-with-cache', resp.upload_size) else:'spider:download-size', resp.download_size)'spider:upload-size', resp.upload_size) def process_grab_proxy(self, task, grab): "Assign new proxy from proxylist to the task" if task.use_proxylist: if self.proxylist_enabled: # Need this to work around # pycurl feature/bug: # pycurl instance uses previously connected proxy server # even if `proxy` options is set with another proxy server grab.setup(connection_reuse=False) if self.proxy_auto_change: self.proxy = self.change_proxy(task, grab) def change_proxy(self, task, grab): proxy = self.proxylist.get_random_proxy() grab.setup(proxy=proxy.get_address(), proxy_userpwd=proxy.get_userpwd(), proxy_type=proxy.proxy_type) return proxy def submit_task_to_transport(self, task, grab): if self.only_cache:'spider:request-network-disabled-only-cache') else: grab_config_backup = grab.dump_config() self.process_grab_proxy(task, grab)'spider:request-network')'spider:task-%s-network' % with self.timer.log_time('network_transport'): logger_verbose.debug('Submitting task to the transport ' 'layer') try: self.transport.start_task_processing( task, grab, grab_config_backup) except GrabInvalidUrl: logger.debug('Task %s has invalid URL: %s' % (, task.url)) self.stat.collect('invalid-url', task.url) def start_api_thread(self): from grab.spider.http_api import HttpApiThread proc = HttpApiThread(self) proc.start() return proc def is_ready_to_shutdown(self): # Things should be true to shutdown spider # 1) No active task handlers (task_* functions) # 2) All task generators has completed work # 3) No active network threads # 4) Task queue is empty # 5) Network result queue is empty # 6) Cache is disabled or is in idle mode return ( not self.parser_result_queue.qsize() and all(x['is_parser_idle'].is_set() for x in self.parser_pipeline.parser_pool) and not any(x.isAlive() for x in self._task_generator_list) # (2) and not self.transport.get_active_threads_number() # (3) and not self.task_queue.size() # (4) and not self.network_result_queue.qsize() # (5) and (self.cache_pipeline is None or (self.cache_pipeline.is_idle() and self.cache_pipeline.input_queue.qsize() == 0 and self.cache_pipeline.result_queue.qsize() == 0)) ) def run(self): """ Main method. All work is done here. """ if self.mp_mode: from multiprocessing import Process, Event, Queue else: from multiprocessing.dummy import Process, Event, Queue self.timer.start('total') self.transport = MulticurlTransport(self.thread_number) if self.http_api_port: http_api_proc = self.start_api_thread() else: http_api_proc = None self.parser_result_queue = Queue() self.parser_pipeline = ParserPipeline( bot=self, mp_mode=self.mp_mode, pool_size=self.parser_pool_size, shutdown_event=self.shutdown_event, network_result_queue=self.network_result_queue, parser_result_queue=self.parser_result_queue, requests_per_process=self.parser_requests_per_process, ) network_result_queue_limit = max(10, self.thread_number * 2) try: # Run custom things defined by this specific spider # By defaut it does nothing self.prepare() # Setup task queue if it has not been configured yet if self.task_queue is None: self.setup_queue() # Initiate task generator. Only in main process! with self.timer.log_time('task_generator'): self.start_task_generators() # Work in infinite cycle untill # `self.work_allowed` flag is True #shutdown_countdown = 0 # !!! pending_tasks = deque() while self.work_allowed: free_threads = self.transport.get_free_threads_number() # Load new task only if: # 1) network transport has free threads # 2) network result queue is not full # 3) cache is disabled OR cache has free resources if (self.transport.get_free_threads_number() and (self.network_result_queue.qsize() < network_result_queue_limit) and (self.cache_pipeline is None or self.cache_pipeline.has_free_resources())): if pending_tasks: task = pending_tasks.popleft() else: task = self.get_task_from_queue() if task is None: # If received task is None then # check if spider is ready to be shut down if not pending_tasks and self.is_ready_to_shutdown(): #shutdown_countdown -= 1 #time.sleep(0.02) #if shutdown_countdown <= 0: self.shutdown_event.set() #print('STOP!!!!!!!!!') self.stop() break # Break from `while self.work_allowed` cycle elif isinstance(task, bool) and (task is True): # If received task is True # and there is no active network threads then # take some sleep if not self.transport.get_active_threads_number(): time.sleep(0.01) else: logger_verbose.debug('Got new task from task queue: %s' % task) task.network_try_count += 1 is_valid, reason = self.check_task_limits(task) if is_valid: task_grab = self.setup_grab_for_task(task) if self.cache_pipeline: self.cache_pipeline.input_queue.put( ('load', (task, task_grab)), ) else: self.submit_task_to_transport(task, task_grab) else: self.log_rejected_task(task, reason) handler = task.get_fallback_handler(self) if handler: handler(task) with self.timer.log_time('network_transport'): logger_verbose.debug('Asking transport layer to do ' 'something') self.transport.process_handlers() logger_verbose.debug('Processing network results (if any).') # Collect completed network results # Each result could be valid or failed # Result is dict {ok, grab, grab_config_backup, task, emsg} results = [(x, False) for x in self.transport.iterate_results()] if self.cache_pipeline: while True: try: action, result = self.cache_pipeline\ .result_queue.get(False) except queue.Empty: break else: assert action in ('network_result', 'task') if action == 'network_result': results.append((result, True)) elif action == 'task': task = result task_grab = self.setup_grab_for_task(task) if (self.transport.get_free_threads_number() and (self.network_result_queue.qsize() < network_result_queue_limit)): self.submit_task_to_transport(task, task_grab) else: pending_tasks.append(task) # Take sleep to avoid millions of iterations per second. # 1) If no results from network transport # 2) If task queue is empty (or if there are only delayed tasks) # 3) If no network activity # 4) If parser result queue is empty if (not results and (task is None or bool(task) == True) and not self.transport.get_active_threads_number() and not self.parser_result_queue.qsize() and (self.cache_pipeline is None or (self.cache_pipeline.input_queue.qsize() == 0 and self.cache_pipeline.is_idle() and self.cache_pipeline.result_queue.qsize() == 0)) ): time.sleep(0.001) for result, from_cache in results: if self.cache_pipeline and not from_cache: if result['ok']: self.cache_pipeline.input_queue.put( ('save', (result['task'], result['grab'])) ) self.log_network_result_stats( result, from_cache=from_cache) if self.is_valid_network_result(result): #print('!! PUT NETWORK RESULT INTO QUEUE (') self.network_result_queue.put(result) else: self.log_failed_network_result(result) # Try to do network request one more time if self.network_try_limit > 0: result['task'].refresh_cache = True result['task'].setup_grab_config( result['grab_config_backup']) self.add_task(result['task']) if from_cache:'spider:task-%s-cache' % result['task'].name)'spider:request') while True: try: p_res, p_task = self.parser_result_queue.get(block=False) except queue.Empty: break else:'spider:parser-result') self.process_handler_result(p_res, p_task) if not self.shutdown_event.is_set(): self.parser_pipeline.check_pool_health() logger_verbose.debug('Work done') except KeyboardInterrupt:'\nGot ^C signal in process %d. Stopping.' % os.getpid()) self.interrupted = True raise finally: # This code is executed when main cycles is breaked self.timer.stop('total') self.stat.print_progress_line() self.shutdown() # Stop HTTP API process if http_api_proc: http_api_proc.server.shutdown() http_api_proc.join() if self.task_queue: self.task_queue.clear() # Stop parser processes self.shutdown_event.set() self.parser_pipeline.shutdown() logger.debug('Main process [pid=%s]: work done' % os.getpid()) def log_failed_network_result(self, res): # Log the error if res['ok']: msg = 'http-%s' % res['grab'].response.code else: msg = res['error_abbr']'error:%s' % msg) #logger.error(u'Network error: %s' % msg)#% #make_unicode(msg, errors='ignore')) def log_rejected_task(self, task, reason): logger_verbose.debug('Task %s is rejected due to ' '%s limit' % (, reason)) if reason == 'task-try-count': self.stat.collect('task-count-rejected', task.url) elif reason == 'network-try-count': self.stat.collect('network-count-rejected', task.url) else: raise SpiderError('Unknown response from ' 'check_task_limits: %s' % reason) def process_handler_result(self, result, task=None): """ Process result received from the task handler. Result could be: * None * Task instance * Data instance. """ if isinstance(result, Task): self.add_task(result) elif isinstance(result, Data): handler = self.find_data_handler(result) try: data_result = handler(** if data_result is None: pass else: for something in data_result: self.process_handler_result(something, task) except Exception as ex: self.process_handler_error('data_%s' % result.handler_key, ex, task) elif result is None: pass elif isinstance(result, Exception): handler = self.find_task_handler(task) handler_name = getattr(handler, '__name__', 'NONE') self.process_handler_error(handler_name, result, task) elif isinstance(result, dict): if result.get('type') == 'stat': for name, count in result['counters'].items():, count) for name, items in result['collections'].items(): for item in items: self.stat.collect(name, item) else: raise SpiderError('Unknown result type: %s' % result) else: raise SpiderError('Unknown result type: %s' % result)
class Spider(object): """ Asynchronous scraping framework. """ # You can define here some urls and initial tasks # with name "initial" will be created from these # urls # If the logic of generating initial tasks is complex # then consider to use `task_generator` method instead of # `initial_urls` attribute initial_urls = None # The base url which is used to resolve all relative urls # The resolving takes place in `add_task` method base_url = None class Meta: # Meta.abstract means that this class will not be # collected to spider registry by `grab crawl` CLI command. # The Meta is inherited by descendant classes BUT # Meta.abstract is reset to False in each descendant abstract = True # ************* # Class Methods # ************* @classmethod def setup_spider_config(cls, config): pass @classmethod def get_spider_name(cls): if hasattr(cls, "spider_name"): return cls.spider_name else: return camel_case_to_underscore(cls.__name__) # ************** # Public Methods # ************** def __init__( self, thread_number=None, network_try_limit=None, task_try_limit=None, request_pause=NULL, priority_mode="random", meta=None, only_cache=False, config=None, slave=None, max_task_generator_chunk=None, args=None, # New options start here taskq=None, # MP: network_result_queue=None, parser_result_queue=None, waiting_shutdown_event=None, shutdown_event=None, mp_mode=False, parser_pool_size=None, parser_mode=False, parser_requests_per_process=10000, # http api http_api_port=None, ): """ Arguments: * thread-number - Number of concurrent network streams * network_try_limit - How many times try to send request again if network error was occurred, use 0 to disable * network_try_limit - Limit of tries to execute some task this is not the same as network_try_limit network try limit limits the number of tries which are performed automatically in case of network timeout of some other physical error but task_try_limit limits the number of attempts which are scheduled manually in the spider business logic * priority_mode - could be "random" or "const" * meta - arbitrary user data * retry_rebuild_user_agent - generate new random user-agent for each network request which is performed again due to network error * args - command line arguments parsed with `setup_arg_parser` method New options: * taskq=None, * newtork_response_queue=None, """ if slave is not None: raise SpiderConfigurtionError( "Slave mode is not supported anymore. " "Use `mp_mode=True` option to run multiple HTML" " parser processes." ) # API: self.http_api_port = http_api_port # MP: self.mp_mode = mp_mode if self.mp_mode: from multiprocessing import Process, Event, Queue else: from multiprocessing.dummy import Process, Event, Queue if network_result_queue is not None: self.network_result_queue = network_result_queue else: self.network_result_queue = Queue() self.parser_result_queue = parser_result_queue self.waiting_shutdown_event = waiting_shutdown_event if shutdown_event is not None: self.shutdown_event = shutdown_event else: self.shutdown_event = Event() if not self.mp_mode and parser_pool_size and parser_pool_size > 1: raise SpiderConfigurationError("Parser pool size could be only 1 in " "non-multiprocess mode") self.parser_pool_size = parser_pool_size self.parser_mode = parser_mode self.parser_requests_per_process = parser_requests_per_process self.stat = Stat() self.timer = Timer() self.task_queue = taskq if args is None: self.args = {} else: self.args = args self.max_task_generator_chunk = max_task_generator_chunk self.timer.start("total") if config is not None: self.config = config else: self.config = {} if meta: self.meta = meta else: self.meta = {} self.task_generator_enabled = False self.only_cache = only_cache self.thread_number = thread_number or int(self.config.get("thread_number", DEFAULT_NETWORK_STREAM_NUMBER)) self.task_try_limit = task_try_limit or int(self.config.get("task_try_limit", DEFAULT_TASK_TRY_LIMIT)) self.network_try_limit = network_try_limit or int( self.config.get("network_try_limit", DEFAULT_NETWORK_TRY_LIMIT) ) self._grab_config = {} if priority_mode not in ["random", "const"]: raise SpiderMisuseError("Value of priority_mode option should be " '"random" or "const"') else: self.priority_mode = priority_mode # Initial cache-subsystem values self.cache_enabled = False self.cache = None self.work_allowed = True if request_pause is not NULL: logger.error("Option `request_pause` is deprecated and is not " "supported anymore") self.proxylist_enabled = None self.proxylist = None self.proxy = None self.proxy_auto_change = False self.interrupted = False def setup_cache(self, backend="mongo", database=None, use_compression=True, **kwargs): if database is None: raise SpiderMisuseError("setup_cache method requires database " "option") self.cache_enabled = True mod = __import__("grab.spider.cache_backend.%s" % backend, globals(), locals(), ["foo"]) self.cache = mod.CacheBackend(database=database, use_compression=use_compression, spider=self, **kwargs) def setup_queue(self, backend="memory", **kwargs): logger.debug("Using %s backend for task queue" % backend) mod = __import__("grab.spider.queue_backend.%s" % backend, globals(), locals(), ["foo"]) self.task_queue = mod.QueueBackend(spider_name=self.get_spider_name(), **kwargs) def add_task(self, task, raise_error=False): """ Add task to the task queue. """ # MP: # *** if self.parser_mode: self.parser_result_queue.put((task, None)) return if self.task_queue is None: raise SpiderMisuseError("You should configure task queue before " "adding tasks. Use `setup_queue` method.") if task.priority is None or not task.priority_is_custom: task.priority = self.generate_task_priority() task.priority_is_custom = False else: task.priority_is_custom = True try: if not task.url.startswith(("http://", "https://", "ftp://", "file://", "feed://")): if self.base_url is None: msg = "Could not resolve relative URL because base_url " "is not specified. Task: %s, URL: %s" % (, task.url, ) raise SpiderError(msg) else: task.url = urljoin(self.base_url, task.url) # If task has grab_config object then update it too if task.grab_config: task.grab_config["url"] = task.url except Exception as ex: self.stat.collect("task-with-invalid-url", task.url) if raise_error: raise else: logger.error("", exc_info=ex) return False # TODO: keep original task priority if it was set explicitly self.task_queue.put(task, task.priority, schedule_time=task.schedule_time) return True def stop(self): """ This method set internal flag which signal spider to stop processing new task and shuts down. """ logger_verbose.debug("Method `stop` was called") self.work_allowed = False def load_proxylist(self, source, source_type=None, proxy_type="http", auto_init=True, auto_change=True, **kwargs): self.proxylist = ProxyList() if isinstance(source, BaseProxySource): self.proxylist.set_source(source) elif isinstance(source, six.string_types): if source_type == "text_file": self.proxylist.load_file(source, proxy_type=proxy_type) elif source_type == "url": self.proxylist.load_url(source, proxy_type=proxy_type) else: raise SpiderMisuseError( "Method `load_proxylist` received " "invalid `source_type` argument: %s" % source_type ) else: raise SpiderMisuseError("Method `load_proxylist` received " "invalid `source` argument: %s" % source) self.proxylist_enabled = True self.proxy = None if not auto_change and auto_init: self.proxy = self.proxylist.get_random_proxy() self.proxy_auto_change = auto_change def process_next_page(self, grab, task, xpath, resolve_base=False, **kwargs): """ Generate task for next page. :param grab: Grab instance :param task: Task object which should be assigned to next page url :param xpath: xpath expression which calculates list of URLS :param **kwargs: extra settings for new task object Example:: self.follow_links(grab, 'topic', '//div[@class="topic"]/a/@href') """ try: # next_url = grab.xpath_text(xpath) next_url = except IndexError: return False else: url = grab.make_url_absolute(next_url, resolve_base=resolve_base) page = task.get("page", 1) + 1 grab2 = grab.clone() grab2.setup(url=url) task2 = task.clone(task_try_count=1, grab=grab2, page=page, **kwargs) self.add_task(task2) return True def render_stats(self, timing=True): out = ["------------ Stats: ------------"] out.append("Counters:") # Process counters items = sorted(self.stat.counters.items(), key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True) for item in items: out.append(" %s: %s" % item) out.append("") out.append("Lists:") # Process collections sorted by size desc col_sizes = [(x, len(y)) for x, y in self.stat.collections.items()] col_sizes = sorted(col_sizes, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) for col_size in col_sizes: out.append(" %s: %d" % col_size) out.append("") # Process extra metrics if "download-size" in self.stat.counters: out.append("Network download: %s" % metric.format_traffic_value(self.stat.counters["download-size"])) out.append("Queue size: %d" % self.task_queue.size() if self.task_queue else "NA") out.append("Network streams: %d" % self.thread_number) if timing: out.append("") out.append(self.render_timing()) return "\n".join(out) + "\n" def render_timing(self): out = ["Timers:"] out.append(" DOM: %.3f" % GLOBAL_STATE["dom_build_time"]) time_items = [(x, y) for x, y in self.timer.timers.items()] time_items = sorted(time_items, key=lambda x: x[1]) for time_item in time_items: out.append(" %s: %.03f" % time_item) return "\n".join(out) + "\n" # ******************************** # Methods for spider customization # ******************************** def prepare(self): """ You can do additional spider customization here before it has started working. Simply redefine this method in your Spider class. """ def prepare_parser(self): """ You can do additional spider customization here before it has started working. Simply redefine this method in your Spider class. This method is called only from Spider working in parser mode that, in turn, is spawned automatically by main spider proces working in multiprocess mode. """ def shutdown(self): """ You can override this method to do some final actions after parsing has been done. """ pass def update_grab_instance(self, grab): """ Use this method to automatically update config of any `Grab` instance created by the spider. """ pass def create_grab_instance(self, **kwargs): # Back-ward compatibility for deprecated `grab_config` attribute # Here I use `_grab_config` to not trigger warning messages if self._grab_config and kwargs: merged_config = deepcopy(self._grab_config) merged_config.update(kwargs) grab = Grab(**merged_config) elif self._grab_config and not kwargs: grab = Grab(**self._grab_config) else: grab = Grab(**kwargs) return grab def task_generator(self): """ You can override this method to load new tasks smoothly. It will be used each time as number of tasks in task queue is less then number of threads multiplied on 2 This allows you to not overload all free memory if total number of tasks is big. """ if False: # Some magic to make this function empty generator yield ":-)" return # *************** # Private Methods # *************** def check_task_limits(self, task): """ Check that task's network & try counters do not exceed limits. Returns: * if success: (True, None) * if error: (False, reason) """ if task.task_try_count > self.task_try_limit: logger.debug("Task tries (%d) ended: %s / %s" % (self.task_try_limit,, task.url)) return False, "task-try-count" if task.network_try_count > self.network_try_limit: logger.debug("Network tries (%d) ended: %s / %s" % (self.network_try_limit,, task.url)) return False, "network-try-count" return True, None def generate_task_priority(self): if self.priority_mode == "const": return DEFAULT_TASK_PRIORITY else: return randint(*RANDOM_TASK_PRIORITY_RANGE) def process_task_generator(self): """ Load new tasks from `self.task_generator_object` Create new tasks. If task queue size is less than some value then load new tasks from tasks file. """ if self.task_generator_enabled: queue_size = self.task_queue.size() if self.max_task_generator_chunk is not None: min_limit = min(self.max_task_generator_chunk, self.thread_number * 10) else: min_limit = self.thread_number * 10 if queue_size < min_limit: logger_verbose.debug( "Task queue contains less tasks (%d) than " "allowed limit (%d). Trying to add " "new tasks." % (queue_size, min_limit) ) try: for x in six.moves.range(min_limit - queue_size): item = next(self.task_generator_object) logger_verbose.debug("Got new item from generator. " "Processing it.") self.process_handler_result(item) except StopIteration: # If generator have no values to yield # then disable it logger_verbose.debug("Task generator has no more tasks. " "Disabling it") self.task_generator_enabled = False def start_task_generator(self): """ Process `self.initial_urls` list and `self.task_generator` method. Generate first portion of tasks. """ logger_verbose.debug("Processing initial urls") if self.initial_urls: for url in self.initial_urls: self.add_task(Task("initial", url=url)) self.task_generator_object = self.task_generator() self.task_generator_enabled = True # Initial call to task generator before spider has started working self.process_task_generator() def get_task_from_queue(self): start = time.time() try: with self.timer.log_time("task_queue"): return self.task_queue.get() except queue.Empty: size = self.task_queue.size() if size: logger_verbose.debug("No ready-to-go tasks, Waiting for " "scheduled tasks (%d)" % size) return True else: logger_verbose.debug("Task queue is empty.") return None def setup_grab_for_task(self, task): grab = self.create_grab_instance() if task.grab_config: grab.load_config(task.grab_config) else: grab.setup(url=task.url) # Generate new common headers grab.config["common_headers"] = grab.common_headers() self.update_grab_instance(grab) return grab def is_task_cacheable(self, task, grab): if ( # cache is disabled for all tasks not self.cache_enabled # cache data should be refreshed or task.get("refresh_cache", False) # cache could not be used or task.get("disable_cache", False) # request type is not cacheable or grab.detect_request_method() != "GET" ): return False else: return True def load_task_from_cache(self, task, grab, grab_config_backup): with self.timer.log_time("cache"): with self.timer.log_time(""): cache_item = self.cache.get_item(grab.config["url"], timeout=task.cache_timeout) if cache_item is None: return None else: with self.timer.log_time(""): grab.prepare_request() with self.timer.log_time(""): self.cache.load_response(grab, cache_item) grab.log_request("CACHED")"spider:request-cache") return { "ok": True, "grab": grab, "grab_config_backup": grab_config_backup, "task": task, "emsg": None, } def is_valid_network_response_code(self, code, task): """ Answer the question: if the response could be handled via usual task handler or the task faield and should be processed as error. """ return code < 400 or code == 404 or code in task.valid_status def process_handler_error(self, func_name, ex, task):"spider:error-%s" % ex.__class__.__name__.lower()) if hasattr(ex, "tb"): logger.error("Error in %s function" % func_name) logger.error(ex.tb) else: logger.error("Error in %s function" % func_name, exc_info=ex) # Looks strange but I really have some problems with # serializing exception into string try: ex_str = six.text_type(ex) except TypeError: try: ex_str = ex.decode("utf-8", "ignore") except TypeError: ex_str = str(ex) task_url = task.url if task is not None else None self.stat.collect("fatal", "%s|%s|%s|%s" % (func_name, ex.__class__.__name__, ex_str, task_url)) if isinstance(ex, FatalError): # raise FatalError() # six.reraise(FatalError, ex) # logger.error(ex.tb) raise ex def find_data_handler(self, data): try: return getattr(data, "handler") except AttributeError: try: handler = getattr(self, "data_%s" % data.handler_key) except AttributeError: raise NoDataHandler("No handler defined for Data %s" % data.handler_key) else: return handler def is_valid_network_result(self, res): if res["task"].get("raw"): return True if res["ok"]: res_code = res["grab"].response.code if self.is_valid_network_response_code(res_code, res["task"]): return True return False def run_parser(self): """ Main work cycle of spider process working in parser-mode. """ # Use Stat instance that does not print any logging messages if self.parser_mode: self.stat = Stat(logging_period=None) self.prepare_parser() process_request_count = 0 try: recent_task_time = time.time() while True: try: result = self.network_result_queue.get(True, 0.1) except queue.Empty: logger_verbose.debug("Network result queue is empty") # Set `waiting_shutdown_event` only after 1 seconds # of waiting for tasks to avoid # race-condition issues if time.time() - recent_task_time > 1: self.waiting_shutdown_event.set() if self.shutdown_event.is_set(): logger_verbose.debug("Got shutdown event") return else: process_request_count += 1 recent_task_time = time.time() if self.parser_mode: self.stat.reset() if self.waiting_shutdown_event.is_set(): self.waiting_shutdown_event.clear() try: handler = self.find_task_handler(result["task"]) except NoTaskHandler as ex: ex.tb = format_exc() self.parser_result_queue.put((ex, result["task"]))"parser:handler-not-found") else: self.process_network_result_with_handler_mp(result, handler)"parser:handler-processed") finally: if self.parser_mode: data = { "type": "stat", "counters": self.stat.counters, "collections": self.stat.collections, } self.parser_result_queue.put((data, result["task"])) if self.parser_mode: if self.parser_requests_per_process: if process_request_count >= self.parser_requests_per_process: break except Exception as ex: logging.error("", exc_info=ex) raise finally: self.waiting_shutdown_event.set() def process_network_result_with_handler_mp(self, result, handler): """ This is like `process_network_result_with_handler` but for multiprocessing version """ handler_name = getattr(handler, "__name__", "NONE") try: with self.timer.log_time("response_handler"): with self.timer.log_time("response_handler.%s" % handler_name): handler_result = handler(result["grab"], result["task"]) if handler_result is None: pass else: for something in handler_result: self.parser_result_queue.put((something, result["task"])) except NoDataHandler as ex: ex.tb = format_exc() self.parser_result_queue.put((ex, result["task"])) except Exception as ex: ex.tb = format_exc() self.parser_result_queue.put((ex, result["task"])) def find_task_handler(self, task): if task.origin_task_generator is not None: return self.handler_for_inline_task callback = task.get("callback") if callback: return callback else: try: handler = getattr(self, "task_%s" % except AttributeError: raise NoTaskHandler("No handler or callback defined for " "task %s" % else: return handler def handler_for_inline_task(self, grab, task): # It can be subroutine for the first call, # So we should check it if isinstance(task, types.GeneratorType): coroutines_stack = [] sendval = None origin_task_generator = task target = origin_task_generator else: coroutines_stack = task.coroutines_stack sendval = grab origin_task_generator = task.origin_task_generator target = origin_task_generator while True: try: result = target.send(sendval) # If it is subroutine we have to initialize it and # save coroutine in the coroutines stack if isinstance(result, types.GeneratorType): coroutines_stack.append(target) sendval = None target = result origin_task_generator = target else: new_task = result new_task.origin_task_generator = origin_task_generator new_task.coroutines_stack = coroutines_stack self.add_task(new_task) return except StopIteration: # If coroutine is over we should check coroutines stack, # may be it is subroutine if coroutines_stack: target = coroutines_stack.pop() origin_task_generator = target else: return def log_network_result_stats(self, res, from_cache=False): # Increase stat counters"spider:request-processed")"spider:task")"spider:task-%s" % res["task"].name) if res["task"].network_try_count == 1 and res["task"].task_try_count == 1:"spider:task-%s-initial" % res["task"].name) # Update traffic statistics if res["grab"] and res["grab"].response: resp = res["grab"].response self.timer.inc_timer("network-name-lookup", resp.name_lookup_time) self.timer.inc_timer("network-connect", resp.connect_time) self.timer.inc_timer("network-total", resp.total_time) if from_cache:"spider:download-size-with-cache", resp.download_size)"spider:upload-size-with-cache", resp.upload_size) else:"spider:download-size", resp.download_size)"spider:upload-size", resp.upload_size) def process_grab_proxy(self, task, grab): "Assign new proxy from proxylist to the task" if task.use_proxylist: if self.proxylist_enabled: # Need this to work around # pycurl feature/bug: # pycurl instance uses previously connected proxy server # even if `proxy` options is set with another proxy server grab.setup(connection_reuse=False) if self.proxy_auto_change: self.proxy = self.change_proxy(task, grab) def change_proxy(self, task, grab): proxy = self.proxylist.get_random_proxy() grab.setup(proxy=proxy.get_address(), proxy_userpwd=proxy.get_userpwd(), proxy_type=proxy.proxy_type) return proxy def submit_task_to_transport(self, task, grab, grab_config_backup):"spider:request-network")"spider:task-%s-network" % with self.timer.log_time("network_transport"): logger_verbose.debug("Submitting task to the transport " "layer") try: self.transport.start_task_processing(task, grab, grab_config_backup) except GrabInvalidUrl: logger.debug("Task %s has invalid URL: %s" % (, task.url)) self.stat.collect("invalid-url", task.url) def is_valid_for_cache(self, res): """ Check if network transport result could be saved to cache layer. res: {ok, grab, grab_config_backup, task, emsg} """ if res["ok"]: if self.cache_enabled: if res["grab"].request_method == "GET": if not res["task"].get("disable_cache"): if self.is_valid_network_response_code(res["grab"].response.code, res["task"]): return True return False def start_api_thread(self): from grab.spider.http_api import HttpApiThread proc = HttpApiThread(self) proc.start() return proc def is_ready_to_shutdown(self): # Things should be true to shutdown spider # 1) No active network connections # 2) Network result queue is empty # 3) Task queue is empty # 4) Parser pipeline is ready to shutdown # 5) Task generator has completed return ( self.parser_pipeline.is_waiting_shutdown() and not self.task_generator_enabled and not self.transport.get_active_threads_number() and not self.task_queue.size() and not self.network_result_queue.qsize() ) def run(self): """ Main method. All work is done here. """ if self.mp_mode: from multiprocessing import Process, Event, Queue else: from multiprocessing.dummy import Process, Event, Queue self.timer.start("total") self.transport = MulticurlTransport(self.thread_number) if self.http_api_port: http_api_proc = self.start_api_thread() else: http_api_proc = None self.parser_pipeline = ParserPipeline( bot=self, mp_mode=self.mp_mode, pool_size=self.parser_pool_size, shutdown_event=self.shutdown_event, network_result_queue=self.network_result_queue, requests_per_process=self.parser_requests_per_process, ) network_result_queue_limit = max(10, self.thread_number * 2) try: # Run custom things defined by this specific spider # By defaut it does nothing self.prepare() # Setup task queue if it has not been configured yet if self.task_queue is None: self.setup_queue() # Initiate task generator. Only in main process! with self.timer.log_time("task_generator"): self.start_task_generator() while self.work_allowed: with self.timer.log_time("task_generator"): if self.task_generator_enabled: self.process_task_generator() result_from_cache = None free_threads = self.transport.get_free_threads_number() # Load new task only if self.network_result_queue is not full if self.transport.get_free_threads_number() and ( self.network_result_queue.qsize() < network_result_queue_limit ): logger_verbose.debug( "Transport and parser have free resources. " "Trying to load new task from task queue." ) task = self.get_task_from_queue() # If no task received from task queue # try to query task generator # and then check if spider could be shuted down if task is None: if not self.transport.get_active_threads_number(): self.process_task_generator() if task is None: # If no task received from task queue # check if spider could be shut down if self.is_ready_to_shutdown(): self.shutdown_event.set() self.stop() break # Break `if self.work_allowed` cycle elif isinstance(task, bool) and (task is True): # Take some sleep to not load CPU if not self.transport.get_active_threads_number(): time.sleep(0.1) else: logger_verbose.debug("Got new task from task queue: %s" % task) task.network_try_count += 1 is_valid, reason = self.check_task_limits(task) if is_valid: grab = self.setup_grab_for_task(task) grab_config_backup = grab.dump_config() result_from_cache = None if self.is_task_cacheable(task, grab): result_from_cache = self.load_task_from_cache(task, grab, grab_config_backup) if result_from_cache: logger_verbose.debug("Task data is loaded from the cache. ") else: if self.only_cache: logger.debug("Skipping network request to " "%s" % grab.config["url"]) else: self.process_grab_proxy(task, grab) self.submit_task_to_transport(task, grab, grab_config_backup) else: self.log_rejected_task(task, reason) handler = task.get_fallback_handler(self) if handler: handler(task) with self.timer.log_time("network_transport"): logger_verbose.debug("Asking transport layer to do " "something") self.transport.process_handlers() logger_verbose.debug("Processing network results (if any).") # Collect completed network results # Each result could be valid or failed # Result is dict {ok, grab, grab_config_backup, task, emsg} results = [(x, False) for x in self.transport.iterate_results()] if result_from_cache: results.append((result_from_cache, True)) # Some sleep to avoid thousands of iterations per second. # If no results from network transport if not results: # If task queue is empty (or if there are only # delayed tasks) if task is None or bool(task) == True: # If no network activity if not self.transport.get_active_threads_number(): # If parser result queue is empty if not self.parser_pipeline.has_results(): # Just sleep some time, do not kill CPU time.sleep(0.1) for result, from_cache in results: if not from_cache: if self.is_valid_for_cache(result): with self.timer.log_time("cache"): with self.timer.log_time("cache.write"): self.cache.save_response(result["task"].url, result["grab"]) self.log_network_result_stats(result, from_cache=from_cache) if self.is_valid_network_result(result): # handler = self.find_task_handler(result['task']) # self.process_network_result_with_handler( # result, handler) # MP: # *** self.network_result_queue.put(result) else: self.log_failed_network_result(result) # Try to do network request one more time if self.network_try_limit > 0: result["task"].refresh_cache = True result["task"].setup_grab_config(result["grab_config_backup"]) self.add_task(result["task"]) if from_cache:"spider:task-%s-cache" %"spider:request") # MP: # *** while True: try: p_res, p_task = self.parser_pipeline.get_result() except queue.Empty: break else:"spider:parser-result") self.process_handler_result(p_res, p_task) if not self.shutdown_event.is_set(): self.parser_pipeline.check_pool_health() logger_verbose.debug("Work done") except KeyboardInterrupt:"\nGot ^C signal in process %d. Stopping." % os.getpid()) self.interrupted = True raise finally: # This code is executed when main cycles is breaked self.timer.stop("total") self.stat.print_progress_line() self.shutdown() # Stop HTTP API process if http_api_proc: http_api_proc.server.shutdown() http_api_proc.join() self.task_queue.clear() # Stop parser processes self.shutdown_event.set() self.parser_pipeline.shutdown() logger.debug("Main process [pid=%s]: work done" % os.getpid()) def log_failed_network_result(self, res): # Log the error if res["ok"]: msg = "http-%s" % res["grab"].response.code else: msg = res["error_abbr"]"error:%s" % msg) # logger.error(u'Network error: %s' % msg)#% # make_unicode(msg, errors='ignore')) def log_rejected_task(self, task, reason): logger_verbose.debug("Task %s is rejected due to " "%s limit" % (, reason)) if reason == "task-try-count": self.stat.collect("task-count-rejected", task.url) elif reason == "network-try-count": self.stat.collect("network-count-rejected", task.url) else: raise SpiderError("Unknown response from " "check_task_limits: %s" % reason) def process_handler_result(self, result, task=None): """ Process result received from the task handler. Result could be: * None * Task instance * Data instance. """ if isinstance(result, Task): self.add_task(result) elif isinstance(result, Data): handler = self.find_data_handler(result) try: data_result = handler(** if data_result is None: pass else: for something in data_result: self.process_handler_result(something, task) except Exception as ex: self.process_handler_error("data_%s" % result.handler_key, ex, task) elif result is None: pass elif isinstance(result, Exception): handler = self.find_task_handler(task) handler_name = getattr(handler, "__name__", "NONE") self.process_handler_error(handler_name, result, task) elif isinstance(result, dict): if result.get("type") == "stat": for name, count in result["counters"].items():, count) for name, items in result["collections"].items(): for item in items: self.stat.collect(name, item) else: raise SpiderError("Unknown result type: %s" % result) else: raise SpiderError("Unknown result type: %s" % result) # ****************** # Deprecated Methods # ****************** def add_item(self, list_name, item): logger.debug("Method `Spider::add_item` is deprecated. " "Use `Spider::stat.collect` method instead.") self.stat.collect(list_name, item) def inc_count(self, key, count=1): logger.debug("Method `Spider::inc_count` is deprecated. " "Use `` method instead."), count) def start_timer(self, key): logger.debug("Method `Spider::start_timer` is deprecated. " "Use `Spider::timer.start` method instead.") self.timer.start(key) def stop_timer(self, key): logger.debug("Method `Spider::stop_timer` is deprecated. " "Use `Spider::timer.stop` method instead.") self.timer.stop(key) @property def items(self): logger.debug("Attribute `Spider::items` is deprecated. " "Use `Spider::stat.collections` attribute instead.") return self.stat.collections @property def counters(self): logger.debug("Attribute `Spider::counters` is deprecated. " "Use `Spider::stat.counters` attribute instead.") return self.stat.counters @contextmanager def save_timer(self, key): logger.debug("Method `Spider::save_timer` is deprecated. " "Use `Spider::timer.log_time` method instead.") self.timer.start(key) try: yield finally: self.timer.stop(key) def get_grab_config(self): logger.error("Using `grab_config` attribute is deprecated. Override " "`create_grab_instance method instead.") return self._grab_config def set_grab_config(self, val): logger.error("Using `grab_config` attribute is deprecated. Override " "`create_grab_instance method instead.") self._grab_config = val grab_config = property(get_grab_config, set_grab_config) def setup_grab(self, **kwargs): logger.error( "Method `Spider::setup_grab` is deprecated. " "Define `Spider::create_grab_instance` or " "Spider::update_grab_instance` methods in your " "Spider sub-class." ) self.grab_config.update(**kwargs) def valid_response_code(self, code, task): logger.error( "Method `Spider::valid_response_code` is deprecated. " "Use `Spider::is_valid_network_response_code` method or " "`Spider::is_valid_network_result` method." ) return self.is_valid_network_response_code(code, task) @property def taskq(self): logger.error("Attribute `Spider::taskq` is deprecated. " "Use `Spider::task_queue` attribute.") return self.task_queue
class Spider(object): """ Asynchronous scraping framework. """ spider_name = None # You can define here some urls and initial tasks # with name "initial" will be created from these # urls # If the logic of generating initial tasks is complex # then consider to use `task_generator` method instead of # `initial_urls` attribute initial_urls = [] class Meta: # pylint: disable=no-init # # Meta.abstract means that this class will not be # collected to spider registry by `grab crawl` CLI command. # The Meta is inherited by descendant classes BUT # Meta.abstract is reset to False in each descendant abstract = True # ************* # Class Methods # ************* @classmethod def update_spider_config(cls, config): pass @classmethod def get_spider_name(cls): if cls.spider_name: return cls.spider_name else: return camel_case_to_underscore(cls.__name__) # ************** # Public Methods # ************** def __init__( self, thread_number=None, network_try_limit=None, task_try_limit=None, request_pause=NULL, priority_mode='random', meta=None, only_cache=False, config=None, args=None, parser_requests_per_process=10000, parser_pool_size=1, http_api_port=None, network_service='threaded', grab_transport='pycurl', # Deprecated transport=None): """ Arguments: * thread-number - Number of concurrent network streams * network_try_limit - How many times try to send request again if network error was occurred, use 0 to disable * task_try_limit - Limit of tries to execute some task this is not the same as network_try_limit network try limit limits the number of tries which are performed automatically in case of network timeout of some other physical error but task_try_limit limits the number of attempts which are scheduled manually in the spider business logic * priority_mode - could be "random" or "const" * meta - arbitrary user data * retry_rebuild_user_agent - generate new random user-agent for each network request which is performed again due to network error * args - command line arguments parsed with `setup_arg_parser` method """ self.fatal_error_queue = Queue() self.task_queue_parameters = None self.http_api_port = http_api_port self._started = None assert grab_transport in ('pycurl', 'urllib3') self.grab_transport_name = grab_transport self.parser_requests_per_process = parser_requests_per_process self.stat = Stat() self.task_queue = None if args is None: self.args = {} else: self.args = args if config is not None: self.config = config else: self.config = {} if meta: self.meta = meta else: self.meta = {} self.thread_number = ( thread_number or int(self.config.get('thread_number', DEFAULT_NETWORK_STREAM_NUMBER))) self.task_try_limit = ( task_try_limit or int(self.config.get('task_try_limit', DEFAULT_TASK_TRY_LIMIT))) self.network_try_limit = ( network_try_limit or int(self.config.get('network_try_limit', DEFAULT_NETWORK_TRY_LIMIT))) self._grab_config = {} if priority_mode not in ['random', 'const']: raise SpiderMisuseError('Value of priority_mode option should be ' '"random" or "const"') else: self.priority_mode = priority_mode self.only_cache = only_cache self.work_allowed = True if request_pause is not NULL: warn('Option `request_pause` is deprecated and is not ' 'supported anymore') self.proxylist_enabled = None self.proxylist = None self.proxy = None self.proxy_auto_change = False self.interrupted = False self.cache_reader_service = None self.cache_writer_service = None self.parser_pool_size = parser_pool_size self.parser_service = ParserService( spider=self, pool_size=self.parser_pool_size, ) if transport is not None: warn('The "transport" argument of Spider constructor is' ' deprecated. Use "network_service" argument.') network_service = transport assert network_service in ('threaded',) if network_service == 'threaded': # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module, import-error from grab.spider.network_service.threaded import ( NetworkServiceThreaded ) self.network_service = NetworkServiceThreaded( self, self.thread_number ) self.task_dispatcher = TaskDispatcherService(self) if self.http_api_port: self.http_api_service = HttpApiService(self) else: self.http_api_service = None self.task_generator_service = TaskGeneratorService( self.task_generator(), self, ) def setup_cache(self, backend='mongodb', database=None, **kwargs): """ Setup cache. :param backend: Backend name Should be one of the following: 'mongo', 'mysql' or 'postgresql'. :param database: Database name. :param kwargs: Additional credentials for backend. """ if database is None: raise SpiderMisuseError('setup_cache method requires database ' 'option') if backend == 'mongo': warn('Backend name "mongo" is deprecated. Use "mongodb" instead.') backend = 'mongodb' mod = __import__('grab.spider.cache_backend.%s' % backend, globals(), locals(), ['foo']) backend = mod.CacheBackend( database=database, spider=self, **kwargs ) self.cache_reader_service = CacheReaderService(self, backend) backend = mod.CacheBackend( database=database, spider=self, **kwargs ) self.cache_writer_service = CacheWriterService(self, backend) def setup_queue(self, backend='memory', **kwargs): """ Setup queue. :param backend: Backend name Should be one of the following: 'memory', 'redis' or 'mongo'. :param kwargs: Additional credentials for backend. """ if backend == 'mongo': warn('Backend name "mongo" is deprecated. Use "mongodb" instead.') backend = 'mongodb' logger.debug('Using %s backend for task queue', backend) mod = __import__('grab.spider.queue_backend.%s' % backend, globals(), locals(), ['foo']) self.task_queue = mod.QueueBackend(spider_name=self.get_spider_name(), **kwargs) def add_task(self, task, queue=None, raise_error=False): """ Add task to the task queue. """ if queue is None: if self.cache_reader_service: queue = self.cache_reader_service.input_queue else: queue = self.task_queue if queue is None: raise SpiderMisuseError('You should configure task queue before ' 'adding tasks. Use `setup_queue` method.') if task.priority is None or not task.priority_set_explicitly: task.priority = self.generate_task_priority() task.priority_set_explicitly = False else: task.priority_set_explicitly = True if not task.url.startswith(('http://', 'https://', 'ftp://', 'file://', 'feed://')): self.stat.collect('task-with-invalid-url', task.url) msg = 'Invalid task URL: %s' % task.url if raise_error: raise SpiderError(msg) else: logger.error( '%s\nTraceback:\n%s', msg, ''.join(format_stack()), ) return False else: # TODO: keep original task priority if it was set explicitly # WTF the previous comment means? queue.put( task, priority=task.priority, schedule_time=task.schedule_time ) return True def stop(self): """ This method set internal flag which signal spider to stop processing new task and shuts down. """ self.work_allowed = False def load_proxylist(self, source, source_type=None, proxy_type='http', auto_init=True, auto_change=True): """ Load proxy list. :param source: Proxy source. Accepts string (file path, url) or ``BaseProxySource`` instance. :param source_type: The type of the specified source. Should be one of the following: 'text_file' or 'url'. :param proxy_type: Should be one of the following: 'socks4', 'socks5' or'http'. :param auto_change: If set to `True` then automatical random proxy rotation will be used. Proxy source format should be one of the following (for each line): - ip:port - ip:port:login:password """ self.proxylist = ProxyList() if isinstance(source, BaseProxySource): self.proxylist.set_source(source) elif isinstance(source, six.string_types): if source_type == 'text_file': self.proxylist.load_file(source, proxy_type=proxy_type) elif source_type == 'url': self.proxylist.load_url(source, proxy_type=proxy_type) else: raise SpiderMisuseError('Method `load_proxylist` received ' 'invalid `source_type` argument: %s' % source_type) else: raise SpiderMisuseError('Method `load_proxylist` received ' 'invalid `source` argument: %s' % source) self.proxylist_enabled = True self.proxy = None if not auto_change and auto_init: self.proxy = self.proxylist.get_random_proxy() self.proxy_auto_change = auto_change def process_next_page(self, grab, task, xpath, resolve_base=False, **kwargs): """ Generate task for next page. :param grab: Grab instance :param task: Task object which should be assigned to next page url :param xpath: xpath expression which calculates list of URLS :param **kwargs: extra settings for new task object Example:: self.follow_links(grab, 'topic', '//div[@class="topic"]/a/@href') """ try: # next_url = grab.xpath_text(xpath) next_url = except IndexError: return False else: url = grab.make_url_absolute(next_url, resolve_base=resolve_base) page = task.get('page', 1) + 1 grab2 = grab.clone() grab2.setup(url=url) task2 = task.clone(task_try_count=1, grab=grab2, page=page, **kwargs) self.add_task(task2) return True def render_stats(self, timing=None): if timing is not None: warn('Option timing of method render_stats is deprecated.' ' There is no more timing feature.') out = ['------------ Stats: ------------'] out.append('Counters:') # Process counters items = sorted(self.stat.counters.items(), key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True) for item in items: out.append(' %s: %s' % item) out.append('') out.append('Lists:') # Process collections sorted by size desc col_sizes = [(x, len(y)) for x, y in self.stat.collections.items()] col_sizes = sorted(col_sizes, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) for col_size in col_sizes: out.append(' %s: %d' % col_size) out.append('') # Process extra metrics if 'download-size' in self.stat.counters: out.append('Network download: %s' % metric.format_traffic_value( self.stat.counters['download-size'])) out.append('Queue size: %d' % self.task_queue.size() if self.task_queue else 'NA') out.append('Network streams: %d' % self.thread_number) if self._started: elapsed = time.time() - self._started else: elapsed = 0 hours, seconds = divmod(elapsed, 3600) minutes, seconds = divmod(seconds, 60) out.append('Time elapsed: %d:%d:%d (H:M:S)' % ( hours, minutes, seconds)) out.append('End time: %s' % datetime.utcnow().strftime('%d %b %Y, %H:%M:%S UTC')) return '\n'.join(out) + '\n' # ******************************** # Methods for spider customization # ******************************** def prepare(self): """ You can do additional spider customization here before it has started working. Simply redefine this method in your Spider class. """ def shutdown(self): """ You can override this method to do some final actions after parsing has been done. """ pass def update_grab_instance(self, grab): """ Use this method to automatically update config of any `Grab` instance created by the spider. """ pass def create_grab_instance(self, **kwargs): # Back-ward compatibility for deprecated `grab_config` attribute # Here I use `_grab_config` to not trigger warning messages kwargs['transport'] = self.grab_transport_name if self._grab_config and kwargs: merged_config = deepcopy(self._grab_config) merged_config.update(kwargs) grab = Grab(**merged_config) elif self._grab_config and not kwargs: grab = Grab(**self._grab_config) else: grab = Grab(**kwargs) return grab def task_generator(self): """ You can override this method to load new tasks smoothly. It will be used each time as number of tasks in task queue is less then number of threads multiplied on 2 This allows you to not overload all free memory if total number of tasks is big. """ if False: # pylint: disable=using-constant-test # Some magic to make this function empty generator yield ':-)' return # *************** # Private Methods # *************** def check_task_limits(self, task): """ Check that task's network & try counters do not exceed limits. Returns: * if success: (True, None) * if error: (False, reason) """ if task.task_try_count > self.task_try_limit: return False, 'task-try-count' if task.network_try_count > self.network_try_limit: return False, 'network-try-count' return True, None def generate_task_priority(self): if self.priority_mode == 'const': return DEFAULT_TASK_PRIORITY else: return randint(*RANDOM_TASK_PRIORITY_RANGE) def process_initial_urls(self): if self.initial_urls: for url in self.initial_urls: self.add_task(Task('initial', url=url)) def get_task_from_queue(self): try: return self.task_queue.get() except Empty: size = self.task_queue.size() if size: return True else: return None def setup_grab_for_task(self, task): grab = self.create_grab_instance() if task.grab_config: grab.load_config(task.grab_config) else: grab.setup(url=task.url) # Generate new common headers grab.config['common_headers'] = grab.common_headers() self.update_grab_instance(grab) grab.setup_transport(self.grab_transport_name) return grab def is_valid_network_response_code(self, code, task): """ Answer the question: if the response could be handled via usual task handler or the task failed and should be processed as error. """ return (code < 400 or code == 404 or code in task.valid_status) def process_parser_error(self, func_name, task, exc_info): _, ex, _ = exc_info'spider:error-%s' % ex.__class__.__name__.lower()) logger.error( 'Task handler [%s] error\n%s', func_name, ''.join(format_exception(*exc_info)), ) # Looks strange but I really have some problems with # serializing exception into string try: ex_str = six.text_type(ex) except TypeError: try: ex_str = ex.decode('utf-8', 'ignore') except TypeError: ex_str = str(ex) task_url = task.url if task else None self.stat.collect('fatal', '%s|%s|%s|%s' % ( func_name, ex.__class__.__name__, ex_str, task_url )) def find_task_handler(self, task): callback = task.get('callback') if callback: return callback else: try: handler = getattr(self, 'task_%s' % except AttributeError: raise NoTaskHandler('No handler or callback defined for ' 'task %s' % else: return handler def log_network_result_stats(self, res, task): # Increase stat counters'spider:request-processed')'spider:task')'spider:task-%s' % if (task.network_try_count == 1 and task.task_try_count == 1):'spider:task-%s-initial' % # Update traffic statistics if res['grab'] and res['grab'].doc: doc = res['grab'].doc if res.get('from_cache'):'spider:download-size-with-cache', doc.download_size)'spider:upload-size-with-cache', doc.upload_size) else:'spider:download-size', doc.download_size)'spider:upload-size', doc.upload_size) def process_grab_proxy(self, task, grab): """Assign new proxy from proxylist to the task""" if task.use_proxylist: if self.proxylist_enabled: if self.proxy_auto_change: self.change_active_proxy(task, grab) if self.proxy: grab.setup(proxy=self.proxy.get_address(), proxy_userpwd=self.proxy.get_userpwd(), proxy_type=self.proxy.proxy_type) # pylint: disable=unused-argument def change_active_proxy(self, task, grab): self.proxy = self.proxylist.get_random_proxy() # pylint: enable=unused-argument def submit_task_to_transport(self, task, grab): if self.only_cache:'spider:request-network-disabled-only-cache') else: grab_config_backup = grab.dump_config() self.process_grab_proxy(task, grab)'spider:request-network')'spider:task-%s-network' % try: # pylint: disable=no-member self.network_service.start_task_processing( task, grab, grab_config_backup) # pylint: enable=no-member except GrabInvalidUrl: # TODO: log error # TODO: show traceback logger.debug('Task %s has invalid URL: %s',, task.url) self.stat.collect('invalid-url', task.url) def run(self): self._started = time.time() services = [] try: self.prepare() if self.task_queue is None: self.setup_queue() self.process_initial_urls() services = [ self.task_dispatcher, self.task_generator_service, self.parser_service, self.network_service, ] if self.http_api_service: self.http_api_service.start() if self.cache_reader_service: services.insert(0, self.cache_reader_service) if self.cache_writer_service: services.insert(0, self.cache_writer_service) for srv in services: srv.start() while self.work_allowed: try: exc_info = self.fatal_error_queue.get(True, 0.5) except Empty: pass else: # The trackeback of fatal error MUST BE # rendered by the sender raise exc_info[1] if self.is_idle(): for srv in services: srv.pause() if self.is_idle(): break for srv in services: srv.resume() except KeyboardInterrupt: self.interrupted = True raise finally: # TODO: if self.task_queue: self.task_queue.close() #print('Start stopping services') for srv in services: # Resume service if it has been paused # to allow service to process stop signal srv.resume() srv.stop() #print('Called .stop() for all services') start = time.time() while any(x.is_alive() for x in services): time.sleep(0.1) if time.time() - start > 10: break for srv in services: if srv.is_alive(): print('The %s has not stopped :(' % srv) self.stat.print_progress_line() self.shutdown() if self.task_queue: self.task_queue.clear() logger.debug('Work done') def is_idle(self): result = ( not self.task_generator_service.is_alive() and not self.task_queue.size() and not self.task_dispatcher.input_queue.qsize() and not self.parser_service.input_queue.qsize() and not self.parser_service.is_busy() and not self.network_service.get_active_threads_number() and not self.network_service.is_busy() ) if result and self.cache_reader_service: result = result and ( not self.cache_reader_service.input_queue.size() and not self.cache_writer_service.input_queue.qsize() ) return result def log_failed_network_result(self, res): if res['ok']: msg = 'http-%s' % res['grab'].doc.code else: msg = res['error_abbr']'error:%s' % msg) def log_rejected_task(self, task, reason): if reason == 'task-try-count': self.stat.collect('task-count-rejected', task.url) elif reason == 'network-try-count': self.stat.collect('network-count-rejected', task.url) else: raise SpiderError('Unknown response from ' 'check_task_limits: %s' % reason)