Esempio n. 1
 def test_getPipe(self):
     You can get the Pipe itself using the src endpoint as a key.
     listen = 'unix:'+self.mktemp()
     connect = 'unix:path='+self.mktemp()
     p = Plumber()
     p.addPipe(listen, connect)
     pipe = p.getPipe(listen)
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(pipe, Pipe))
     self.assertEqual(pipe, list(p.pipe_services)[0].factory)
Esempio n. 2
 def test_pipeCommand(self):
     You can execute things on the Pipe with a key
     listen = 'unix:'+self.mktemp()
     connect = 'unix:path='+self.mktemp()
     p = Plumber()
     p.addPipe(listen, connect)
     pipe = p.getPipe(listen)
     called = []
     def fake(*a, **kw):
         called.append((a, kw))
         return 'result' = fake
     r = p.pipeCommand(listen, 'foo', 'arg1', 'arg2', kw1='foo', kw2='bar')
     self.assertEqual(r, 'result', "Should return whatever the Pipe's "
                      "method returned")
     self.assertEqual(called, [
         (('arg1', 'arg2'), {'kw1':'foo', 'kw2':'bar'}),
     ], "Should have passed all the appropriate args through")