def describeItems(self): import grammar if self.items: ent = [] stacked = countItems( self.items ) return capitalizeFirst( grammar.makeCountingList( stacked ) ) return ""
def cast(self, context): from level import makeFloor from traps import TrapDoor, clearTraps context.log( "Dig in which direction?" ) dxdy = DirectionWidget, acceptZ = True ) nodig = [ "stairs up", "stairs down" ] if dxdy == '<': tile = context.player.tile prevLev = tile.level.previousLevel if not prevLev: context.log( "You fail to dig through the ceiling." ) else: tileAbove = prevLev.randomTile( lambda tile : not tile.impassable and not tile.trap and not and not in nodig ) td = TrapDoor( tileAbove, context = context ) td.difficulty = 0 td.setTarget( tile ) context.log( "You dig through the ceiling!" ) items = tileAbove.items tileAbove.items = [] if items: tile.level.scatterItemsAround( items, (tile.x, tile.y) ) msg = [ capitalizeFirst( grammar.makeCountingList( countItems( items ) ) ), "fall" if len(items) > 1 else "falls", "through the hole!" ] context.log( " ".join( msg ) ) elif dxdy == '>': tile = context.player.tile nexLev = tile.level.generateDeeperLevel() if nexLev and not in nodig: clearTraps( tile ) td = TrapDoor( tile, context = context ) td.difficulty = 0 items = tile.items tile.items = [] target = td.getTarget() context.log( "You dig through the floor!" ) if items: tile.level.scatterItemsAround( items, target ) msg = [ capitalizeFirst( grammar.makeCountingList( countItems( items ) ) ), "fall" if len(items) > 1 else "falls", "through the hole!" ] context.log( " ".join( msg ) ) tile.enters( context.player ) # trigger? might not, flying etc. else: context.log( "You fail to dig through the floor." ) else: rayLength = 8 region = (context.player.tile.x,context.player.tile.y), dxdy, rayLength, 'black', 'magenta', lambda (x,y) : not context.player.tile.level.tiles[x,y].diggable() ) for x, y in region: try: tile = context.player.tile.level.tiles[x,y] if tile.diggable() and tile.impassable: makeFloor( tile ) if and except KeyError: # shouldn't happen break