Esempio n. 1
def get_parents_desc(database, person):
    Return text describing person's parents
    sa = SimpleAccess(database)
    narrator = Narrator(database,
    family_handle = person.get_main_parents_family_handle()
    if family_handle:
        family = database.get_family_from_handle(family_handle)
        mother_handle = family.get_mother_handle()
        father_handle = family.get_father_handle()
        if mother_handle:
            mother = database.get_person_from_handle(mother_handle)
            mother_name =
            mother_name = ""
        if father_handle:
            father = database.get_person_from_handle(father_handle)
            father_name =
            father_name = ""
        return narrator.get_child_string(father_name, mother_name)
Esempio n. 2
def run(database, document, person):
    Output a text biography of active person
    sa = SimpleAccess(database)
    sd = SimpleDoc(document)
    sd.title(_("Biography for %s") %

    narrator = Narrator(database,

    # Birth Details
    text = narrator.get_born_string()
    if text:

    text = narrator.get_baptised_string()
    if text:

    text = narrator.get_christened_string()
    if text:

    text = get_parents_desc(database, person)
    if text:

    # Family Details
    for family in sa.parent_in(person):
        text = narrator.get_married_string(family)
        if text:

    # Death Details
    text = narrator.get_died_string(True)
    if text:

    text = narrator.get_buried_string()
    if text:

    # Sources
    for source in get_sources(database, person):
Esempio n. 3
    def __init__(self, database, options, user):
        Create the AncestorReport object that produces the Ahnentafel report.

        The arguments are:

        database        - the Gramps database instance
        options         - instance of the Options class for this report
        user            - a gen.user.User() instance

        This report needs the following parameters (class variables)
        that come in the options class.

        gen       - Maximum number of generations to include.
        pagebbg   - Whether to include page breaks between generations.
        name_format   - Preferred format to display names
        incl_private  - Whether to include private data
        namebrk       - Whether a line break should follow the name
        inc_id        - Whether to include Gramps IDs
        living_people - How to handle living people
        years_past_death - Consider as living this many years after death
        Report.__init__(self, database, options, user) = {}
        menu =


        stdoptions.run_date_format_option(self, menu)

        stdoptions.run_private_data_option(self, menu)
        stdoptions.run_living_people_option(self, menu, self._locale)
        self.database = CacheProxyDb(self.database)

        self.max_generations = menu.get_option_by_name('maxgen').get_value()
        self.pgbrk = menu.get_option_by_name('pagebbg').get_value()
        self.opt_namebrk = menu.get_option_by_name('namebrk').get_value()
        self.want_ids = menu.get_option_by_name('inc_id').get_value()

        pid = menu.get_option_by_name('pid').get_value()
        self.center_person = self.database.get_person_from_gramps_id(pid)
        if self.center_person is None:
            raise ReportError(_("Person %s is not in the Database") % pid)

        stdoptions.run_name_format_option(self, menu)

        self.__narrator = Narrator(self.database,
Esempio n. 4
    def __init__(self, database, options, user):
        Create the AncestorReport object that produces the Ahnentafel report.
        The arguments are:

        database        - the GRAMPS database instance
        options         - instance of the Options class for this report
        user            - a gen.user.User() instance

        This report needs the following parameters (class variables)
        that come in the options class.
        gen       - Maximum number of generations to include.
        pagebbg   - Whether to include page breaks between generations.
        name_format   - Preferred format to display names
        incl_private  - Whether to include private data

        Report.__init__(self, database, options, user) = {}
        menu =

        stdoptions.run_private_data_option(self, menu)

        self.max_generations = menu.get_option_by_name('maxgen').get_value()
        self.pgbrk = menu.get_option_by_name('pagebbg').get_value()
        self.opt_namebrk = menu.get_option_by_name('namebrk').get_value()
        pid = menu.get_option_by_name('pid').get_value()
        self.center_person = database.get_person_from_gramps_id(pid)
        if (self.center_person == None):
            raise ReportError(_("Person %s is not in the Database") % pid)

        lang = menu.get_option_by_name('trans').get_value()
        rlocale = self.set_locale(lang)

        stdoptions.run_name_format_option(self, menu)

        self.__narrator = Narrator(self.database,
Esempio n. 5
    def __init__(self, database, options, user):
        Create the DetAncestorReport object that produces the report.
        The arguments are:

        database        - the GRAMPS database instance
        options         - instance of the Options class for this report
        user            - a gen.user.User() instance

        This report needs the following parameters (class variables)
        that come in the options class.
        gen           - Maximum number of generations to include.
        pagebgg       - Whether to include page breaks between generations.
        pageben       - Whether to include page break before End Notes.
        firstName     - Whether to use first names instead of pronouns.
        fulldate      - Whether to use full dates instead of just year.
        listchildren  - Whether to list children.
        includenotes  - Whether to include notes.
        incattrs      - Whether to include attributes
        blankplace    - Whether to replace missing Places with ___________.
        blankDate     - Whether to replace missing Dates with ___________.
        calcageflag   - Whether to compute age.
        dupperson     - Whether to omit duplicate ancestors
                            (e.g. when distant cousins marry).
        verbose       - Whether to use complete sentences
        childref      - Whether to add descendant references in child list.
        addimages     - Whether to include images.
        pid           - The Gramps ID of the center person for the report.
        name_format   - Preferred format to display names
        incl_private  - Whether to include private data
        Report.__init__(self, database, options, user) = {}
        self._user = user

        menu =
        get_option_by_name = menu.get_option_by_name
        get_value = lambda name: get_option_by_name(name).get_value()

        stdoptions.run_private_data_option(self, menu)
        self.db = self.database

        self.max_generations = get_value('gen')
        self.pgbrk         = get_value('pagebbg')
        self.pgbrkenotes   = get_value('pageben')
        self.fulldate      = get_value('fulldates')
        use_fulldate     = self.fulldate
        self.listchildren  = get_value('listc')
        self.includenotes  = get_value('incnotes')
        use_call           = get_value('usecall')
        blankplace         = get_value('repplace')
        blankdate          = get_value('repdate')
        self.calcageflag   = get_value('computeage')
        self.dupperson     = get_value('omitda')
        self.verbose       = get_value('verbose')
        self.childref      = get_value('desref')
        self.addimages     = get_value('incphotos')
        self.inc_names     = get_value('incnames')
        self.inc_events    = get_value('incevents')
        self.inc_addr      = get_value('incaddresses')
        self.inc_sources   = get_value('incsources')
        self.inc_srcnotes  = get_value('incsrcnotes')
        self.inc_attrs     = get_value('incattrs')
        self.initial_sosa  = get_value('initial_sosa')
        pid                = get_value('pid')
        self.center_person = self.db.get_person_from_gramps_id(pid)
        if (self.center_person == None) :
            raise ReportError(_("Person %s is not in the Database") % pid )

        lang = menu.get_option_by_name('trans').get_value()
        self._locale = self.set_locale(lang)

        stdoptions.run_name_format_option(self, menu)

        self.gen_handles = {}
        self.prev_gen_handles = {}
        if blankdate:
            empty_date = EMPTY_ENTRY
            empty_date = ""

        if blankplace:
            empty_place = EMPTY_ENTRY
            empty_place = ""

        self.__narrator = Narrator(self.db, self.verbose, use_call,
                                   use_fulldate, empty_date, empty_place,

        self.bibli = Bibliography(Bibliography.MODE_DATE|Bibliography.MODE_PAGE)
Esempio n. 6
    def __init__(self, database, options, user):
        Create the DetDescendantReport object that produces the report.

        The arguments are:

        database        - the Gramps database instance
        options         - instance of the Options class for this report
        user            - a gen.user.User() instance

        This report needs the following parameters (class variables)
        that come in the options class.

        gen           - Maximum number of generations to include.
        inc_id        - Whether to include Gramps IDs
        pagebgg       - Whether to include page breaks between generations.
        pageben       - Whether to include page break before End Notes.
        fulldates     - Whether to use full dates instead of just year.
        listc         - Whether to list children.
        list_children_spouses - Whether to list the spouses of the children
        incnotes      - Whether to include notes.
        usecall       - Whether to use the call name as the first name.
        repplace      - Whether to replace missing Places with ___________.
        repdate       - Whether to replace missing Dates with ___________.
        computeage    - Whether to compute age.
        verbose       - Whether to use complete sentences.
        numbering     - The descendancy numbering system to be utilized.
        desref        - Whether to add descendant references in child list.
        incphotos     - Whether to include images.
        incnames      - Whether to include other names.
        incevents     - Whether to include events.
        incaddresses  - Whether to include addresses.
        incsrcnotes   - Whether to include source notes in the Endnotes
                            section. Only works if Include sources is selected.
        incmates      - Whether to include information about spouses
        incattrs      - Whether to include attributes
        incpaths      - Whether to include the path of descendancy
                            from the start-person to each descendant.
        incssign      - Whether to include a sign ('+') before the
                            descendant number in the child-list
                            to indicate a child has succession.
        pid           - The Gramps ID of the center person for the report.
        name_format   - Preferred format to display names
        incmateref    - Whether to print mate information or reference
        incl_private  - Whether to include private data
        living_people - How to handle living people
        years_past_death - Consider as living this many years after death
        structure     - How to structure the report
        Report.__init__(self, database, options, user) = {}
        self._user = user

        menu =
        get_option_by_name = menu.get_option_by_name
        get_value = lambda name: get_option_by_name(name).get_value()


        stdoptions.run_date_format_option(self, menu)

        stdoptions.run_private_data_option(self, menu)
        stdoptions.run_living_people_option(self, menu, self._locale)
        self.database = CacheProxyDb(self.database)
        self._db = self.database

        self.max_generations = get_value('gen')
        self.pgbrk = get_value('pagebbg')
        self.pgbrkenotes = get_value('pageben')
        self.fulldate = get_value('fulldates')
        use_fulldate = self.fulldate
        self.listchildren = get_value('listc')
        self.list_children_spouses = get_value('listc_spouses')
        self.inc_notes = get_value('incnotes')
        use_call = get_value('usecall')
        blankplace = get_value('repplace')
        blankdate = get_value('repdate')
        self.calcageflag = get_value('computeage')
        self.verbose = get_value('verbose')
        self.numbering = get_value('numbering')
        self.childref = get_value('desref')
        self.addimages = get_value('incphotos')
        self.structure = get_value('structure')
        self.inc_names = get_value('incnames')
        self.inc_events = get_value('incevents')
        self.inc_addr = get_value('incaddresses')
        self.inc_sources = get_value('incsources')
        self.inc_srcnotes = get_value('incsrcnotes')
        self.inc_mates = get_value('incmates')
        self.inc_attrs = get_value('incattrs')
        self.inc_paths = get_value('incpaths')
        self.inc_ssign = get_value('incssign')
        self.inc_materef = get_value('incmateref')
        self.want_ids = get_value('inc_id')

        pid = get_value('pid')
        self.center_person = self._db.get_person_from_gramps_id(pid)
        if self.center_person is None:
            raise ReportError(_("Person %s is not in the Database") % pid)

        self.gen_handles = {}
        self.prev_gen_handles = {}
        self.gen_keys = []
        self.dnumber = {}
        self.dmates = {}
        self.numbers_printed = list()

        if blankdate:
            empty_date = EMPTY_ENTRY
            empty_date = ""

        if blankplace:
            empty_place = EMPTY_ENTRY
            empty_place = ""

        stdoptions.run_name_format_option(self, menu)

        self.__narrator = Narrator(self._db, self.verbose,
                                   use_call, use_fulldate,
                                   empty_date, empty_place,

        self.bibli = Bibliography(Bibliography.MODE_DATE|Bibliography.MODE_PAGE)