Esempio n. 1
	# get the starting point
	start = sys.argv[1]

	# get the files we're interested in
	files = sys.argv[1:]

	# build the pagename -> node mappings
	nodes = {}

	# add nodes
	nodes[start] = G.add_node(name=start)
	for f in files:
		nodes[f] = G.add_node(name=f)

	# get all their links
	for f1 in files:
		links = get_urls(f1)
		# filter them against the files list
		for link in links:
			for f2 in files:
				if link == f2:
					try: G.add_edge(nodes[f1], nodes[f2])
					except: pass

	# get the shortest paths
	shortest_paths = G.get_shortest_paths(nodes[start], lambda e: 1)

	# print the results
	for node, path in shortest_paths.items():
		print("The shortest path from %s to %s is %d clicks" % (start,, path[0]))