def plot_heatmap(graph, pos, hubs, data, save_as): dataframe = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['value']) dataframe.apply(lambda x: ((x - np.mean(x)) / (np.max(x) - np.min(x))) * 225) dataframe = dataframe.reindex(graph.nodes()) # Providing a continuous color scale with cmap node_size = [] for i in (graph.nodes()): if i not in hubs: node_size.append(0.6) else: # enlarge hub size node_size.append(5) opts = { "node_color": dataframe['value'], 'node_size': node_size, #0.6, 'with_labels': False, "pos": pos, "cmap": } nodes = nx.draw_networkx_nodes(graph, **opts) nodes.set_norm(mcolors.SymLogNorm(linthresh=0.01, linscale=1)) edges = nx.draw_networkx_edges(graph, pos, width=0.05) plt.colorbar(nodes) plt.axis('off') plt.savefig(save_as)
def local_efficiency(graph): total = 0 for node in graph.nodes(): podgraf = graph.subgraph_from_nodes(graph.network_size(node, 1)) podgraf.del_node(node) total += average_efficiency(podgraf) return total / len(graph.nodes())
def average_efficiency(graph): total = 0 for start in graph.nodes(): partial = 0 for end in graph.nodes(): if start != end: partial += 1 / graph.shortest_path(start, end)[0] total += partial if len(graph.nodes()) <= 1: return 0 return total / (len(graph.nodes()) * (len(graph.nodes()) - 1))
def run_clustering(output, clustering_method, graph, graph_id, oslom2_dir, infomap_dir, cluster_seed, infomap_calls): clusters_per_node = {} if graph.number_of_edges( ) == 0: # oslom2 and infomap do not support graphs with 0 edges clusters_per_node = {} cluster_index = 1 for node in graph.nodes(): clusters_per_node[node] = [cluster_index ] # put each node in its own cluster cluster_index += 1 elif clustering_method == 'oslom2': oslom_edge_file = file_io.write_oslom_edge_file( output, "oslom_edge_file_{}".format(graph_id), graph) cluster.run_oslom2(output, oslom_edge_file, oslom2_dir, cluster_seed, infomap_calls) output_tp_file = os.path.join( oslom_edge_file + "_oslo_files", "tp") # or tp1 or tp2 (to be exposed as parameter) clusters_per_node = file_io.read_oslom2_tp_file(output_tp_file) elif clustering_method == 'infomap': pajek_file = file_io.write_pajek_file(output, "pajek_file_{}".format(graph_id), graph) cluster.run_infomap(output, pajek_file, infomap_dir, cluster_seed) output_tree_file = os.path.splitext(pajek_file)[0] + '.tree' level = 1 # lowest hierarchy level clusters_per_node = file_io.read_infomap_tree_file( output_tree_file, level) # get cluster(s) from Infomap .tree file return clusters_per_node
def init_graph(graph, particle_density=0, max_node_particles=1, particle_f=particle.random_target, gossip_initiators=0, initial_data_f=None): """Initialize each node's attributes based on the given parameters.""" for node, node_data in graph.nodes(data=True): # Incoming queue of particles. node_data["particles"] = [] # The maximum capacity of particles at this node. node_data["max_particles"] = max_node_particles # Particles that arrived to a node at full capacity. node_data["overflow_particles"] = [] # Particles that reached their target. node_data["old_particles"] = [] # An empty routing table, tagged at time-step -1 (pre-simulation). node_data["routing_tables"] = {-1: {node: (0, node)}} # The initial data that this node may have. node_data["data"] = initial_data_f() if initial_data_f else None # Generate initial particles based on 'particle_density'. for _ in range(max_node_particles): if random.uniform(0, 1) < particle_density: node_data["particles"].append(particle_f(graph, node))
def all_particles(graph): """Collect all particles after a simulation.""" return list( itertools.chain.from_iterable([ node_data["old_particles"] + node_data["particles"] + node_data["overflow_particles"] for _, node_data in graph.nodes(data=True) ]))
def run_simulation(graph, update_f, order=SimOrder.Random, timesteps=10, additional_update_fs=[], collect=None): """Run the update function on each node at each time-step. Additional update functions can also be passed, each to be run every N time-steps. These additional functions f need to be passed as a list additional_update_fs=[(f, N)]. """ # Setup data collection and run once before simulation. collected_data = {} if collect: collected_data[-1] = collect(graph) # Apply update dynamics and data collection at each time-step. for timestep in range(timesteps): print("Timestep: {}".format(timestep)) # Determine the order that particle updates are applied. all_nodes = list(graph.nodes(data=True)) if order == SimOrder.Random: random.shuffle(all_nodes) # For each node apply the update function. for node, node_data in all_nodes: update_f(graph, node, timestep) # Run any additional update functions if given. for (additional_update_f, update_interval) in additional_update_fs: if timestep % update_interval == 0: for node in graph.nodes(): additional_update_f(graph, node, timestep) # Run data collection if requested. if collect: collected_data[timestep] = collect(graph) return collected_data
def construct_random_network(doc, p=0.2): """Construct random network for use as baseline. Create a random network based on *doc*, with words used for nodes. Edges are created between any given pair of nodes (a,b) with probability *p*. All edges will have weight = 1.0 """ doc = preprocess.preprocess_text(doc) words = list(set(doc)) # list of unique words # create graph graph = nx.DiGraph() graph.add_nodes_from(words) # add edges for word_a in graph.nodes(): for word_b in graph.nodes(): if word_a != word_b and rand() < p: _update_edge_weight(graph, word_a, word_b) return graph
def testGenerate2Nodes(self): G = nx.Graph() G.add_node(0) index = 0 expected = [{'nodes':[0, 1], 'edges':[]}, {'nodes':[0, 1], 'edges':[(0, 1)]}] self.gen = Generator(G, 1, []) for graph in self.gen.iterate(): self.assertEqual(graph.nodes(), expected[index]['nodes']) self.assertEqual(graph.edges(), expected[index]['edges']) index += 1 self.assertEqual(index, 2)
def precompute_dist_data(edge_index, num_nodes, approximate=0): ''' Here dist is 1/real_dist, higher actually means closer, 0 means disconnected :return: ''' graph = nx.Graph() edge_list = edge_index.transpose(1, 0).tolist() graph.add_edges_from(edge_list) n = num_nodes dists_array = np.zeros((n, n)) # dists_dict = nx.all_pairs_shortest_path_length(graph,cutoff=approximate if approximate>0 else None) # dists_dict = {c[0]: c[1] for c in dists_dict} dists_dict = all_pairs_shortest_path_length_parallel(graph, cutoff=approximate if approximate > 0 else None) for i, node_i in enumerate(graph.nodes()): shortest_dist = dists_dict[node_i] for j, node_j in enumerate(graph.nodes()): dist = shortest_dist.get(node_j, -1) if dist != -1: # dists_array[i, j] = 1 / (dist + 1) dists_array[node_i, node_j] = 1 / (dist + 1) return dists_array
def remove_centered(graph, percent, start=None): resitev = graph total_edges = len(graph.edges()) if start == None: start = random.choice(graph.nodes()) queue = [start] done = [] while len(resitev.edges()) > (1 - percent) * total_edges and queue != []: node = queue[0] queue.remove(node) for el in graph.nodes(from_node=node): if len(resitev.edges()) <= (1 - percent) * total_edges: break if el not in done: queue.append(el) try: resitev.del_edge(node, el) resitev.del_edge(el, node) except: continue done.append(node) return resitev
def testTwoNode(self): g = nx.Graph() g.add_node(0) gen = Generator2(g, 1, []) expected = [{'nodes':[0, 1], 'edges':[]}, {'nodes':[0, 1], 'edges':[(0, 1)]}, ] number = 0 for graph in gen.iterate(): self.assertEqual(expected[number]['nodes'], graph.nodes()) self.assertEqual(expected[number]['edges'], graph.edges()) number += 1 self.assertEqual(number, 2)
def alpha_node(graph): for node in graph.nodes(): set = [] value_list = graph.node[node] for i in range(0,len(value_list)): if isinstance(value_list[i], tuple): alpha = sols.recursivealpha(value_list[i]) for j in alpha: if isinstance(j, tuple): if j not in set: set.append(j) else: for prop in alpha: set.append(prop) elif isinstance(value_list[i], str): set.append(value_list[i]) graph.node[node] = remove_duplicates(set)
def global_sim(graph, percent): pairs = set() all_pairs = set() for first in graph.nodes(): for second in graph.nodes(): if first != second: all_pairs.add((first, second)) lay = False if percent > 0.5: percent = 1 - percent lay = True while len(pairs) < min( len(graph.nodes()) * (len(graph.nodes()) - 1) * percent, len(graph.nodes()) * (len(graph.nodes()) - 1) * (1 - percent)): first = random.choice(graph.nodes()) second = random.choice(graph.nodes()) if first != second: pairs.add((first, second)) if lay: pairs = all_pairs - pairs # Might change also: return average_sim(graph, percent) / average_sim( generate_ideal(len(graph.nodes())))
def average_sim(graph, percent): pairs = set() all_pairs = set() for first in graph.nodes(): for second in graph.nodes(): if first != second: all_pairs.add((first, second)) lay = False if percent > 0.5: percent = 1 - percent lay = True while len(pairs) < min( len(graph.nodes()) * (len(graph.nodes()) - 1) * percent, len(graph.nodes()) * (len(graph.nodes()) - 1) * (1 - percent)): first = random.choice(graph.nodes()) second = random.choice(graph.nodes()) if first != second: pairs.add((first, second)) if lay: pairs = all_pairs - pairs total = 0 for pair in pairs: total += 1 / graph.shortest_path(pair[0], pair[1])[0] return total / len(pairs)
def textrank_keyword(text): txt = u' '.join([ su.text for su in text ]) # Gets a dict of word -> lemma tokens = textcleaner.clean_text_by_word(text, 'english') split_text = list(textcleaner.tokenize_by_word(txt)) # Creates the graph and adds the edges graph = commons.build_graph(keywords._get_words_for_graph(tokens)) keywords._set_graph_edges(graph, tokens, split_text) del split_text # It's no longer used commons.remove_unreachable_nodes(graph) # # Ranks the tokens using the PageRank algorithm. Returns dict of lemma -> score pagerank_scores = keywords._pagerank_word(graph) extracted_lemmas = keywords._extract_tokens(graph.nodes(), pagerank_scores, 0.2, None) lemmas_to_word = keywords._lemmas_to_words(tokens) keyWords = keywords._get_keywords_with_score(extracted_lemmas, lemmas_to_word) # # text.split() to keep numbers and punctuation marks, so separeted concepts are not combined combined_keywords = keywords._get_combined_keywords(keyWords, txt.split()) kw_scores = keywords._format_results(keyWords, combined_keywords, False, True) results = [ Counter({ 'TEXTRANK_KEYWORD_SCORE': keyword_mean_score(su.basic, kw_scores) }) for su in text ] return results
def add_excluded_nodes_to_assignments(graph, assignments): for node in graph.nodes(): if not node in assignments: assignments[node] = -1
def remove_dups_graph(graph): for node in graph.nodes(): value_list = graph.node[node] unique_list = remove_duplicates(value_list) graph.node[node] = unique_list
def main(): num_graph = 0 for graph in Graphs: formulas_in = graph_formulas[num_graph] status = 1; index = 1; alpha_node(graph) while status == 1: for node in range(index,len(graph.nodes())+1): start_length = len(graph.nodes()) alpha_node_solve(graph,node) beta_node_solve(graph, node, formulas_in) delta_node_solve(graph, node, formulas_in) symmetric_gamma_node(graph, node, formulas_in) delta_node_solve(graph, node, formulas_in) alpha_node_solve(graph,node) beta_node_solve(graph, node, formulas_in) delta_node_solve(graph, node, formulas_in) symmetric_gamma_node(graph, node, formulas_in) end_length = len(graph.nodes()) if start_length < end_length: diff = end_length - start_length index = index+1 elif index < len(graph.nodes()): index = index+1 else: status = 0; num_graph += 1 ''' :finding inconsistencies in the model ''' index_inconsistent =[] for i in range(0,len(Graphs)): graph = Graphs[i] for node in graph.nodes(): consistent_list = graph.node[node] status = sols.inconsistent(consistent_list) if status == True: index_inconsistent.append(i) else: status == False index_inconsistent = list(set(index_inconsistent)) # removing inconsistent graphs- models if index_inconsistent is not []: for num in reversed(index_inconsistent): del Graphs[num]; ''' :display and save as pictures all the exiting graphs in the list ''' if Graphs == []: print "There are no models for the input formula: ", (syntax.formula_to_string(psi)) print "So the the negation of it : ", "~(",(syntax.formula_to_string(psi)), ") is valid." else: for i in range(0,len(Graphs)): graph = Graphs[i] custom_labels={} node_colours=['y'] for node in graph.nodes(): custom_labels[node] = graph.node[node] node_colours.append('c') nx.draw(Graphs[i], nx.spring_layout(Graphs[i]), node_size=1500, with_labels=True, labels = custom_labels, node_color=node_colours) #show with custom labels fig_name = "graph" + str(i) + ".png" plt.savefig(fig_name) print "Satisfiable models have been displayed." if len(Graphs) == 1: print "You have ",len(Graphs), " valid model." else: print "You have ",len(Graphs), " valid models." print "Your provided formula is: ", (syntax.formula_to_string(psi)) print "Pictures of the graphs have been saves as: graph0.png, graph1.png etc."