Esempio n. 1
        u = min(non_visited_distance, key=non_visited_distance.get)
        visited[u] = True
        for vertex in neighbours(u):
            v = vertex[0]
            if visited[v] == False:
                if distance[v] > distance[u] + weight(u, v):
                    distance[v] = distance[u] + weight(u, v)
                    ancestor[v] = u
    return distance, ancestor

if __name__ == "__main__":
    if len(sys.argv) != 2:
        print(f"Usage: python {sys.argv[0]} <graph-path>")

    n_vertices = Graph.n_vertices
    print(f"Total vertices: {n_vertices}")
    # distance, ancestors =dijkstra(Graph,(1,'A'))
    distance, ancestors = dijkstra(Graph, (1))
    # distance, ancestors =dijkstra(Graph,('A'))
    print(f"Distance: {distance}\nAncestors: {ancestors}")

    # Create output
    frontiers = {}
    for vertex in Graph.vertices:
        label = vertex[0]
        # check if distance key existis in output
        dist = distance[label]
        if not dist in frontiers:
Esempio n. 2
            dfs(neighbour, visited, sorted_vertices)

    sorted_vertices.insert(0, current)

def topsort():
    vertices = Graph.vertices
    visited: dict = {v: False for v in vertices}
    sorted_vertices = []

    # first defined node is the first one to be visited
    for current in vertices:
        if not visited[current]:
            dfs(current, visited, sorted_vertices)
    return sorted_vertices

if __name__ == "__main__":
    if len(sys.argv) != 2:
        print(f"Usage: python {sys.argv[0]} <graph-path>")
    read(sys.argv[1], directed=True)

    sorted_arr = topsort()
    for index, v in enumerate(sorted_arr):
        print(v[1], end='')
        if index < len(sorted_arr) - 1:
            print(' -> ', end='')